
Numbers 25:6 (NIRV)

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6 Then a man of Israel brought a woman of Midian to his family. He did it right in front of the eyes of Moses and the whole community of Israel. They were sobbing at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

This passage relates to the following topic(s):
(v. 6) Zeal / Boldness / Radicalness - Phiehas - Zealous for God's honor

This passage is referenced in the following quiet time(s):
(v. 6) Ministry - Driven By Zeal for God (2012-01-14)

Israel (Iz-rehl): who prevails with God
Israel (Is-ra-el): who prevails with God
Midian (Mid-ee-an): judgment; covering; habit
Moses (Moh-ziz): taken out; drawn forth