Questions of Difficulty

Answers to difficult questions
  1. Did seed time and harvest ever cease?
  2. Is the Apocrypha part of the Bible?
  3. Should the Book of Thomas be part of the Bible?
  4. Were the people in the Bible really as old as it states?
  5. Who purchased the potter's field?
  6. Why does the Bible quote another book? Is this book inspired too?
Both vs Only
  1. Did all the cattle and horses die in Egypt?
  2. Is God warlike or peaceful?
  3. Is wisdom a source of grief and sorrow or enjoyment?
  4. Should we pray the same things repeatedly?
  5. Was Keturah Abrahams' wife or concubine?
  6. What was written on the sign on the cross?
  7. When did Satan enter Judas?
  8. Who hardened Pharoah's heart?
  9. Who was King Abijah's mother, Maacah or Micaiah?
Context Understanding
  1. Can we call someone a fool or not?
  2. From where did Jesus asend?
  3. How many kinds of did Noah bring into the ark, two or seven?
  4. How many sons did Abraham have?
  5. Should a fool be answered according to his folly?
  6. Should we fear being killed?
  7. Was Christ's testimony of himself is true or false?
  8. Was Jesus the only one to ascend into heaven?
  9. What was the number of fighting in Israel and of Judah?
  10. Where was Abraham going?
  1. Did Adam and Eve really Exist?
  1. Can God be found by those who seek Him or not?
  2. Did God put all rulers in power?
  3. Does God change or not?
  4. Does God dwell in darkness or light?
  5. Does God dwell in temples or not?
  6. Does God get tired and need rest?
  7. Does God give freely?
  8. Does God know the hearts of men or not?
  9. Does God Lie?
  10. Does God tempt men or not?
  11. Does God's attributes revealed in his works?
  12. Is God all powerful or not?
  13. Is God different in OT and NT?
  14. Is God merciful and good or not?
  15. Is God satisfied with his works or not?
  16. Is there one God or more than one God?
  17. What does God think about human sacrifices?
  18. When did we start to receive the Holy Spirit?
  19. Will God destroy man or not?
Historical Context
  1. Does the blood-shedder need to die?
  2. How many nights was Jesus in the grave?
  3. Is it right to marry a sibling?
  1. Did both or only one of the thieves insult Jesus?
  2. How many angels were seen at the tomb?
  3. How many kings visited Jesus?
  4. Was Christ crucified at the third or sixth hour?
  5. Was there one or two men seeking Jesus?
  6. What was the nationality of the woman who was seeking Jesus?
Misunderstood Text
  1. Is the making of images forbidden or commanded?
  1. Are tattoos a matter of right and wrong?
  2. Are we allowed to eat all food?
  3. Did Judas die from hanging or from falling?
  4. Do miracles prove a divine mission or not?
  5. Do we bear one another's burdens or not?
  6. How many died in the plague?
  7. Is all scripture inspired?
  8. Is killing commanded or forbidden?
  9. Is man's life to be 70 or 120 years?
  10. Is the "devoting themselves to the breaking of the bread" in Acts 2:42 talking about eating meals or communion?
  11. Is the Christian yoke easy or difficult?
  12. Should our good works be seen or unseen?
  13. Was Christ's mission peace or not?
  14. Was John the Baptist Elijah?
  15. Was the apostle's name Levi or Matthew?
  16. Where did Cain get his wife?
  17. Why is the diameter of a bowl is mathematically incorrect?
  18. Why was the Sabbath observed?
Partial Account
  1. How many women came to the tomb?
  2. Where did Jesus preach his first sermon?
Right and Wrong
  1. Does God command or forbid robbery?
  2. Is it biblical to gamble?
  3. Is marriage approved or dissaproving?
  4. Is there an unpardonable sin?
  5. Should we drink alcohol or not?
  6. Should we pray in public or in private?
  7. Should we take oaths?
  8. Should work be done or not on the Sabbath?
  9. What does the Bible say about smoking?