
Matthew 22:29 (RSV)

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29 But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God.

This passage relates to the following topic(s):
(v. 29) Word of God / Teaching / Knowledge - Error because you do not know the Scriptures
(v. 29) Strength / Sovereignty / Power - Error because you do not know the power of God

This passage is referenced in the following quiet time(s):
(v. 29) One Another - They Will Know You (2009-06-08)
(v. 29) One Another - They Will Know You (2009-06-08)

This passage is referenced in the following study note(s):
(v. 29) Devotional: Bible Study (2008-12-12)

Jesus (Jeez-us): savior; deliverer