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2010-04-01 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 1)
When we show favoritism, we are unlike God - James 2:1-4

You probably has heard that we should not judge
Judging is a merely drawing a conclusion on evidence

There are certain kinds of judging that are prohibited or discouraged:
  • Hypocritical judging - Romans 2:1
  • Superficial judging - John 7:24
  • Judgment in disputable matters - Romans 14:1
  • Analyzing another's motives - 1 Corinthians 4:3-5
  • Judging someone to be inferior to you - James 2:3-4
  • Grumbling against a brother - James 5:9

2010-04-04 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 4)
People are searching for a cause
The perfect law forbids us to act out of anger or slander
  • Feminist movement - made some good points - fueled by resentment
  • Environmental movement - humans are responsible for our "dominion" - Genesis 1:26; but it is there are more important causes
  • Gay rights movement - all humans should not desciminated against - primary a defensive , negative movement ; finding self-justification instead of justification that comes from Jesus
  • Political movements - good to voice opinions; but when political allegiances eclipes our Christian allegiance, we are in sin
  • Anti-abortion movement - fight to save babies is a great fight - but killing others to do so? does not that make you a murder too?

2010-04-13 - Life to the Full - Got to Pray (part 1)
James addressed the rich who exploited the poor and those who failed to stand up to the sin - James 5:1-6

Withholding wages, even overnight - was considered cheating a labor by underpaying him - Deuteronomy 24:14-15

v5 - the "day of slaughter" was the day an animal was slaughtered and mostly all eaten since there was no refrigeration

v6 - they were "condemning and murdering" innocent men
Actively - cast their vote against the lower castes
Passively - failed to defend them

Am I passionate about advocating for the poor?

2010-05-12 - Desire's Journey - Our Heart's Deepest Secret
But I still haven't found what I am looking for - U2

We have a secret desire for life as it was meant to be
Again and again the yearning of our heart cries for this life

Life  comes to all of us as a mystery
We long to live a life we are not sure where to find

The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search for life.
Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart
To lose heart is to lose everything - Proverbs 4:23

Who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart's desire

Our heart yearns for things to be right is so strong that it overrides the logic and hopes against hope every time
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Proverbs 20:5

There are two things that pierce the human heart:
  • Beauty
  • Affliction

2010-05-18 - Desire's Journey - Dare We Desire?

Although the voice was kind, the question felt harsh
Do you want to get well? - John 5:6
He thought: why else would I have spent every day for the past 38 seasons lying here?

How long can we sustain desire against continual disappointment?
The man at the well began to lose any virtal heart-connection to what he want - he had abandoned desire

By asking him what he wanted, Jesus took him back into desire
Why? It is where we must go if we are to meet God



2010-05-30 - Desire's Journey - Assault on Desire

Battle of desire is not something that just takes place with us or even between us - but against us

Advirtisers play on our desire of creating an image that everyone who is anyone has the object for sale

The evil one has two ploys:

  • Kill our hearts and bury our desires
  • Seduce our desire into a trap

Our addictions are our own worst enemies

Like the rich, young ruler - we find we can not give up our treasures even though God has something much better

2010-06-13 - Why Jesus Came (part 2)

Validate the Way

John 14:6

  • Only one way
  • Doing good thing is not enough
  • Make every effort

Luke 13:22-25

  • Are you making effort?

Matthew 7:13-23

  • Not an easy life, but the right one.

Explote the false teachers

Matthew 23:1-38

  • Not Rabbit, not Reveron
  • Jesus was against self-righteousness:
    • Snakes! hypocrites! blind men! 
  • False teachings:
    • Pray Jesus into your heart.
    • Just believe
    • Work for your salvation

Jesus came to S A V E  us from satan, others, and ourselves.

2010-06-29 - Our worst, His best

Preached on 2003-03-16

Bad day? Being at your worse, need someone at their best

What is your reaction to these people?

Romans 5:6-8
Ephesians 2:1-5

God was at His best

John 13:1-38- Apostles betraying

Matthew 26:36-46- Apostles sleeping

Luke 22:47-53 - His own turned against him

Mark 14:53-65 - False witnesses, no answer

Luke 22:54-62 - Peter not standing up for Jesus

Luke 23:26-43 - Killing him, our savation

1 Peter 2:18-25 - Are you have been hurt more than Jesus?

2010-07-19 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 6)
From the section about Jesus' trial in the dessert

2. Trail comes after we determine not to take matters into our own hands

By refusing to turn stones into bread, Jesus choose to trust God
Satan tries to attack our sense of God's heart toward us
If our thoughts are: "Do I really have to wait that long? Do you care me, God?" - Satan will jump all over this

Jesus came to answer once and for all our question: "Do you love me?"
We can stand firm on the ground of the cross against the doubt
We don't need for God to prove his love for us - he has at the cross

2010-07-31 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 1)
We have similar path we follow
  1. God shows up
  2. The lights turn on for those who respond
  3. Their heart is lifted; grateful tears flow
  4. Faith, hope, and love seem like the only way to live
  5. The next week, it is though nothing happened
Forgetting is not a small problem
Forgetfulness does not come against us like an enemy in battle formation
It comes unnoticed

We are warned about forgetfulness in the scriptures

The pattern so predictable, we have come to expect it:
  1. God delivers his people from the Egyptians by his display of power - plagues, passover, red sea
  2. Israelites celebrate with singing and dancing
  3. Israelites complain about the water supply
  4. God provides sweet water
  5. They complain about the food
  6. God drops breakfast from the sky
  7. They complain about the water again
  8. God provides water from a rock
And on and on for 40 years

Be careful and watch yourself closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen - Deuteronomy 4:9

2010-08-08 - Waking Dead - At War (part 3)
Until we come to terms with war, we will not understand life
We will misinterpret most of what is happening around us:
  • Difficult to believe God's intentions are eternal life
  • Hard to not feel that we are blowing it
  • We will accept some awful things as God's will
  • God is ignoring our problem or just does not care
Most people get stuck at some point because God appears to have abandoned them
We have to realize we are part of a story and the situation we are in right now will change

We won't understand our life until we see it as a battle - warring against your heart

The issue is: we can not see things as clearly as we ought to - but we need to
The attack on our hearts weighs down our lives and glory is being held back
We don't see clearly because we don't see with the eyes of our heart

2010-08-28 - Waking Dead - Wisdom and Heart
Our heart has been made good by work of Christ but we haven't learned how to live from it
Launching out with an untrained heart can bring disaster
We can easily be shamed into sin management and think our heart is bad

The church choose those who had both wisdom and the Spirit - Acts 6:3
We need both

Wisdom is crying out
  • Do not rush the field - Luke 14:31
  • Train yourself to discern good from evil - Hebrews 5:14
  • Live as through your life is at stake - Matthew 10:16
Wisdom is not cramming our heads with principles but developing a discerning heart
Solomon was so sharp because he had a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

But wisdom is not enough
  • Against "wisdom", the disciples were asked to go Saul, the one who used to murder Christians, and lay his hands on him - Acts 9:13-14
  • Would you counsel a father to sacrifice his only child?
  • Take on a fortified city by slashing your ranks from 32,000 to 300?
  • Jesus to give himself up to the authorities and let himself get killed
Wisdom is not enough, it may even hold us back
The common sense life can be the enemy of the supernatural life

2010-08-30 - Waking Dead - Pay Attention to our Heart
Most of us have not been trained to pay attention to our heart
It will take a little practice to tune in to it

Many understand how to play the beautiful instrument of the heart
  • Advertisers work on you to get you to buy their product
  • Your boss knows how to keep you moving
  • Devil is the master at manipulating the heart
The hairs of our head are easier to count than to understand the movement of the heart

The enemy to distress you by throwing all sorts of thoughts your way and blaming you for it
We must proceed with the assumption that your heart is good - Romans 7
Over time you will grow familiar with the movements of your heart

Just like if any counsel or word that presents itself as being from God - must be checked against his word

The flesh will try to use your freedom to get you to do things you shouldn't do
Any discouragement, condemnation (Romans 8:1), accusation, confusion is not from God

His conviction brings desire for repentance - 2 Corinthians 7:10

2010-09-08 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 5)
Our sin give the enemy a certain claim to our lives - Romans 6:16

As we renounce any sin, we also renounce any claim we've given to Satan in our lives
This often comes in the form of  "agreements" - Satan has suggested something to us and we have said yes.
  • "Don't ever trust anyone"
  • "Your heart is bad, never show it to anyone"
  • "You are dirty and will never get free"
We command our enemy to flee - James 4:7

As long as we have unhealed places in our hearts, it is next to impossible to live in freedom and victory
No matter how much discipline we apply to it

Our enemy knows them well and trying undermine us and uses it against us with a disabling effect

2010-09-10 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 2)
The question is not are we oppressed but where and how we are

Why does every story have an enemy?
  • Little Red Riding Hood - wolf
  • Dorthy - Wicked Witch of the West
  • Neo - powerful agents
Every story has a villain because yours does

Satan lost the battle against Michael and his angels - was hurled to earth - Revelation 12:9
Satan's mood? He is filled with fury because he knows his time is short - Revelation 12:12

He is trying to steal your freedom, kill your heart, destroy your life
We can go throughout our day and not even once wonder how the enemy might be attacking us
All we know is that we aren't enjoying that abundant life Christ talked about

Ignorance of spiritual warfare is the most native and dangerous thing a person can do
You don't escape spiritual warfare by choosing not to believe it exists or refuse to fight

The thief is trying to steal the life God wants to give - John 10:10

2010-09-17 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 5)
The worldview has simply removed warfare as a practical category
We shouldn't be surprised - we can not see spiritual strongholds after we say they really don't exist

If you deny the battle raging against your heart, then the theif can just come and go as he pleases
Satan says there is not war

Lord Almighty = he who is sovereign over all the powers in heaven and on earth, especially over the armies of Israel
The God of angel armies
God is powerful and and in control but don't always think of of him taking up a sword and shield, breaking down gates to rescue us
Big difference: Joe the good man who is in control vs Joe the Naval Seal

2010-09-19 - Waking Dead - Setting the Heart Free
All spiritual warfare follows a simple pattern - James 4:7

Submit and resist
Submit ourselves to Christ and resist whatever has come against us or those we love
Their needs to "dailyness" to our walk

1. We have to choose to abide in Christ
Consecrate our whole body:
  • Body - Romans 12:1
  • Soul - Luke 10:27
  • Spirit - 1 Corinthians 6:17
2. Then we need to cleanse our lives with the blood of Christ
Take our place under the headship of Christ
The faith of centurion, he understood authority - Matthew 8:10

Most sins fall under:
  • Pride - independence from God
  • Idolatry - Giving our devotion, fear, or any part of our heart to something other than God
We need to ask God to search our hearts so we might confess sin and agreements we have made

2010-09-28 - Waking Dead - Devotion and War
Caring for your heart is also how you protect your relationship with God

Your heart is where life flows
Whoever believes in me - streams of living water will flow from within him - John 7:27-38

God's friends care for their heart because they matter to Him
What does your heart need?

Some needs are common to all hearts like silence and solitude
Very early Jesus went away to a solitary place - Mark 1:35
We need to make time to get away - our entire lives are ruled by the expectation of others and the heart is the first to go

The enemy will tell you this is foolish
"You have many more important things to do with your time"
Caring for your heart is an act of obedience, faith and an act of war

The first wave of any strike against us is to rob us of the heart to fight it
Hyenas cannot bring down a lion in its prime - they run it, taunt it, and wear it down to the point of exhaustion

The strategy of our Enemy in the age we live is busyness and drivenness
Most will say when asked how they are doing is "really busy"
That we way we are going to get burned out and lose touch with our hearts
The empty heart is more vulnerable to temptation

2010-10-13 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part II)
  1. The Obstacle of Greed - Luke 12:13-21 (Parable of the rich fool); Luke 16:19-31 (Rich man and Lazarus)
    1. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. The value of a person's life has nothing to do with his financial worth.
    2. The rich fool's goal was financial independence and being independent of God. This is the 'American Dream."
    3. The rich man in Luke 16 went to hell because of his greed and unconcern about the needs of others.
  2. The Obstacle of Discontentment - Philippians 4:10-13
    1. Paul rejoiced while he was in prison.
    2. He was grateful and content even in need.
    3. Paul did not focus on what he lacked, but rather on what he had (Christ).
    4. Also note 1 Timothy 6:6-10.


  1. How am I storing up treasures for myself but not being rich toward God?
  2. How am I showing concern for the poor/needy?
  3. Am I grateful and content with what I have right now?
  4. What griefs do I have in my life because of greed and discontentment?
    • Debt
    • High monthly payments
    • Bad credit record

2010-10-22 - God and Your Job
  1. God's Plan for Your Life - Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 3:13, 22; 2 Thessalonians 3:10
    1. It is God's will for us to work hard in order to earn the bread we eat.
    2. God wants us to find satisfaction in our work.
    3. If a person will not work, he cannot eat.
  2. Responsibility of the Employee - Colossians 3:22-25; Ephesians 4:28; Acts 5:29
    1. Obedience: We are to be a disciple to our boss on the job. God expects us to obey our boss not just to win his favor, but out of reverence for Christ.
    2. Wholeheartedness: God expects us to put our whole heart into our work. As Christians, we should be the most sincere and hard-working employees on the job.
    3. Do not steal from your employer (e.g. receiving pay for work you did not do, taking supplies, submitting false or exaggerated expense reports).
    4. Obey God first. If asked to do something that is illegal, unethical, or sinful - obey God over men.


  1. What do I need to repent of in relation to my job? Be specific.
  2. Am I doing anything as a part of my job that is sinful or goes against my conscience?

2010-10-31 - Contagious Christian - Barriers to Relationships (part II)
1 Corinthians 15:33 - Bad company corrupts good character
  • In context, Paul was specifically warning against those who deny the resurrection of Jesus
  • In other situations, we need to make sure we are the one whose influence is prevailing
  • Should be on the offense rather than defense
  • Take captive of every thought and make it obedient to Christ - 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
If I spend time with non-Christians in public places, will my reputation be at risk?

Jesus not only risked his reputation but ruined it
He was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard - Luke 7:34
Tells you want kind of people He was around

Jesus said that He associated with sinners because they are sick people that need a doctor - Matthew 9:12-13
The danger was that the doctor may be mistaken as one of His patients

The religious people mutter how inappropriate it was for Him to associate with such disreputable people
Jesus cared much about the lost than his reputation

2010-11-16 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part I)
Before you can bring the message to others, need to make sure we clearly understand we understand the message ourselves
Making the message clear will need us to be able to illustrate it for those we talk to

Three aspects of God we need to look at:
  1. God is loving - Out of compassion He made us and still desires to have a relationship despite our sin against him
  2. God is holy - He is absolutely pure and is separate from everything impure
  3. God is just - He is a perfect judge who will dispense justice to everyone fairly
God made us without sin but we abused our freedom and became evil
Sin requires God to pronounce upon us the death penalty - both physical and spiritual
This is separation from God via hell
We are helpless to change this

God had the power and authority to devise a plan for our salvation
Christ died and suffered the death penalty debt for us and
  • Expressed the love of God
  • Upheld the holiness of God
  • Satisfied the justice of God
He offered us His forgiveness and friendship
You don't deserve it, we didn't pay for it, we can not earn it

He paid a debt He did not owe
I owned a debt I could not pay

2010-11-18 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part III)
The Bridge Illustration

  • He made us
  • We matter to God
  • He wants to have a relationship with us
  • We rebelled against God
  • Our sins separate us from Him
  • Attempts to reach Him fall short - Romans 3:23
  • Our sins desire death - Romans 6:23
  • There is much trouble apart from God - people need to understand their lostness
  • Christ died so we have relationship restored - 1 Peter 3:18
A common response is to go back and think about it for a while
Other times God has prepared their hearts through someone else
We need to give them this freedom

2011-02-01 - Gender Controversy - Intro
We are told that the opposition is a recent phenomenon

  • Bible does not condemn homosexuality
  • Committed homosexual relationships is compatible with Biblical unity

They use examples: Jon/David, Ruth, Naomi

Clear passages are "reinterpreted" so the "modern reader" can understand

  • In the past, people were ashamed to go public
  • People did not have to address it because it was understood
  • Francis Turretin  (17th century) said that homosexuality was  - "sin against nature"

Both sides claim the Bible supports their view - It is one way or the other

Bible disapproves but offers hope
Satan wants to call evil good and good evil

Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 13:13 - MEN were exceedingly wicked; rebelled against God

2011-02-24 - The Church - Kansas City (part IV)
Correction in the Body
Matthew 18:15-18
  • If a person sins against you (go and talk to them one on one), if it does not go well get help.
  • If they refuse to stop sinning it's better that they leave the body than for the whole body to be hurt.
  • Question: How do you feel about what Jesus is telling his disciples to do with someone who refuses to repent?
  • This won't happen to someone if they continue to seek advice and imitate Jesus.
Joy of being in the body
Matthew 13:44-46
  • Question: When these people found the kingdom of God what was their response?
  • They were willing to give up any and everything to possess the kingdom of God
  • God wants you to experience this same joy, are you willing to give up anything for the kingdom?
Do you have any question? I would like to get together for one for study.

2011-03-16 - One Another (part II)
Some more scriptures about relationships:
  • Confess your sins to each other - James 5:16
  • Do not lie to each other - Colossians 3:9
  • Do not slander one another - James 4:11
  • Don’t grumble against each other - James 5:9
  • Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others - 1 Peter 4:10
  • Encourage each other - 1 Thessalonians 4:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  • Encourage one another - Hebrews 10:25
  • Encourage one another daily - Hebrews 3:13

2011-03-17 - One Another (part III)
One another scriptures continued:
  • Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another - Colossians 3:13
  • Forgiving each other - Ephesians 4:32
  • Greet one another with a holy kiss - Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20;2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Peter 5:14
  • Have equal concern for each other - 1 Corinthians 12:25
  • Honor one another above yourselves. - Romans 12:10

2011-06-07 - Fearing God - Beyond Compare (part I)

Imagine the Red Sea waters divided - Exodus 14

Only a few hours you've experienced the highest degrees of fear, excitement, and relief.
When the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and put their trust in him - Exodus 14:31

To fear him is to trust him
The Israelites both feared the Lord and put their trust in him
Fearing God and trusting Him are not mutually exclusive
The Israelties were able to trust God because they experienced firsthand His awesome power to deliver them

God worked on their behave - power without love is terrifying, love without power is pitiable

The events of Exodus was not only to gain to glory Himself but to stimulate and increase the faith of the Israelites
They were in the situation they were in so they could only be saved by His mighty power

2011-08-11 - Daughter Needs - Loving Kindness
A daughter needs a father's gentleness, protective favor to intercede for her against those who would do her wrong

Two tendencies to limit their kindness:
  • Being macho, to prove we are unfailingly strong
    • They think strong is the opposite of gentleness and kindness instead of being the opposite of weak
    • Daughters needs to see your strength and kindness
  • The belief that men/boys needs are the same as woman/girls needs
    • Both need gentleness but woman generally place a higher priority on it
    • If you gentle to your wife and you would want someone to be gentle toward you, it is too little
    • Your daughter is a woman in the making - he needs are going to much closer to your wife than your own
It is important what you say and much as how you say it

Do you give your daughter far more positive comments then negative?
Say something positive, then say "do better" next time?

2011-09-11 - Followup: Humility II (part II)
What’s in store for the humble person?
  1. Grace
  2. “Lifted up” – growing and being blessed
  3. Relief because his burdens and anxieties will be carried by God
  4. Better relationships (God opposes the proud, so do other people)
When is it the hardest for you to be humble? Why?
Who is it hardest for you to be humble towards? Why?
Are you willing to change these things so you can please God? How can I help?

Isaiah 66:2 - God is excited about the humble person.

How to be humble when you sin:
  1. Accept full responsibility (don’t blame others for your actions)
  2. Make no excuses (don’t be defensive)
  3. Apologize humbly and go on your way rejoicing.
What to do when others sin against you:
  1. Tell them in a respectful way (don’t give in to faithlessness or fear)
  2. Focus on your love for them and not on what they have done to you.
  3. Forgive them (like Jesus did you) and move on being better friends.
Humility is a characteristic of a true follower of Jesus
To clothe yourself with Christ is to clothe yourself with humility.

2011-09-19 - Proverbs on Integrity (part II)
Examples of great integrity.
  1. Joseph - Genesis 39:8-10
    • Joseph did not give into the impure temptations that were put before him.
    • He honored God with his purity and he honored his master
  2. Jesus - Matthew 26:57-60
    • They couldn’t find anything against Jesus (false witnesses came forward “people started lying” but they didn’t make sense either)
    • Mark 7:36-37 - Jesus did everything well (integrity)
Today we need to be examples of men/women of integrity. -  Proverbs gives us a lot lessons on integrity

#1. Integrity last forever

Proverbs 12:19 - Truthful lips endure forever

Integrity last forever (people lie to escape something) but no one can run from the truth
  • People lie to appear better than they are
  • When we lie we feel clever and in control but one lie leads to other lies (then were like a dog chasing its tail)
  • Many times people lie and may not ever be discovered but remember no one can fool God
Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.

Whenever we lie we ruin a part of our character.
  • The more we lie the easier it becomes thus it eventually becomes our nature.
  • You may escape the lie but you can not escape how it changes your character
Proverbs 28:13 - He who conceals his sins does not prosper

Men and take many things away from us but no one can take our integrity (its our choice).

2011-09-20 - Proverbs on Integrity (part III)
#2. Integrity pleases God

Proverbs 12:22 - The Lord delights in men who are truthful

God hates lies and loves the truth. God has never lied.
  • Lying is against God’s nature (character)
  • His enemy (Satan) is the Father of lies (John 8:44)
Lies are apart of Satan’s character (its his weapon)
  • When we lie we are using Satan’s weapons
  • When we decide to tell the truth over lies we are choosing God over Satan
Choose to please God (tell the truth)

#3. Deception (lies) end in destruction

Proverbs 17:20 - A man of perverse heart does not prosper

Proverbs 19:5 - A false witness will not go unpunished

At some point our lies will find us out, it might not happen in this life but it will happen. - 1 Timothy 5:24-25

Acts 5 - Ananias and Sapphira lied not only to God but to the people (church)

  1. We should never make pack (agreement) to conceal the truth
  2. We should strive to please God (speak the truth) not Satan (lie)
  3. If you tell the truth you don’t have to have a good memory (lies create more lies)

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-09-26 - Proverbs on Advice - Seek Help
Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Gettysburg was the turning point of the Civil War.
  • It was the Union’s first decisive victory over the Army of Virginia led by General Robert E. Lee.
  • He had led his forces into the northern states taking an offensive posture in the war.
  • When the Union army followed him into Pennsylvania, he found a spot on the map where several roads joined at an intersection called Gettysburg.
  • General Lee did not know the number of Union soldiers he was facing.
  • These numbers should have been discovered and reported by his cavalry leader Jeb Stuart, but he was nowhere to be found.
  • Stuart, without orders from General Lee, had decided to go on a raiding expedition.
  • The cavalry was the eyes of the army. Without the counsel of his cavalry leader Lee was blind.
  • Unprepared, Lee went on to lose the battle at Gettysburg. It was just the victory Lincoln had been looking for

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls but many advisers make victory sure.

In the life of a disciple we need eyes all around us (we are in a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood but against the dark forces of this world).
  1. We need our cavalry “brothers & sisters” giving us advice and counsel
  2. They tell us where the enemy is and how strong his forces are.
  3. They help equip us to do battle with the enemy.
  4. They fortify us when we’re lacking in zeal
  5. We need these people in our lives.

Five lessons to learn about advice...

1. Seek Advice

Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death

Proverbs 18:15  - The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, the ears of the wise seek it out

If we were going to buy a car for the 1st time, most of us would seek a lot of advice.
  • We would ask others what kind of interest rate we should look for, how many miles per gallon, the resale value, look at consumer reports, etc…
  • We go to counselors for help (family & career), therapist, on and on
Question: Why do we seek out spiritual help in our lives like we do in so many other areas?

If we need help in other areas (that’s good) surely our spiritual life is more important because it has an eternal destination (good or bad)
  • We need to find people who are spiritually mature and gone through such experiences in life
  • These men and women can give us godly advice that will help us mature spiritually
Discipling relationship isn’t just a good idea it’s one key to our spiritual victory

2011-11-20 - Getting Started (part II)

Remember the battle you entered

  • Ephesians 6:10-18 - Satan is after you; don’t be surprised if he attacks you
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-5 - God will allow you to be tested
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Any test from God will not be beyond what you can handle

Remember what you promised

  • Colossians 3:1-10 - That you would die to your sins and fight against them
  • Acts 9:17-22 - That you would make an effort to reach out to others (make a list of who)
  • Matthew 22:34-40 - That you would love God and strive to get close to Him (make a prayer list)
  • Hebrews 10:19-25 - That you would be a part of the church and come to encourage (calendar)

The key to successful first few weeks as a disciple is relationships. Make some specific decisions about how you will stay close to God and the other disciples in your life. Decide as well to get to know some other disciples and start sharing your new-found love for God with those you know and love. You will find that you will have good days, but remember – you’re just getting started.

2011-11-26 - Grace (part II)
Grace continues to be yours after your baptism
  • Romans 5:9-11 - If God showed us patience while enemies, how much more now as friends?
  • 2 Peter 3:17-18 - You are now in a secure position; enjoy it immensely
Grace should inspire you to say no to temptation and sin
  • Romans 6:5-11 - God’s grace gave us a new life – why would we want to return to the old
  • Titus 2:11-14 - God’s grace teaches us t say no to sin (Cruise ship example)
  • Jude 3-5 - God’s grace is not license to sin, rather a license against sin

2011-12-05 - Day 2 - Tested and Tempted
Matthew 3:16-4:11
  1. What happened to Jesus after his baptism? What should you expect after your baptism?
  2. How was Jesus tempted to question his relationship with God? God's plan for him?
  3. How has Satan tempted you with doubts/insecurity/fears since your baptism?
  4. How did Jesus use the Bible to fight temptation? How does the Bible expose Satan's lies?
Ephesians 6:10-18
  1. How might the devil scheme against you?
  2. What armor has God provided to keep you strong?
  3. What is our only "weapon" against Satan (vs. 17)?
Application: Expect to be tempted and decide to be open about your struggles. Talk with another Christian today about your temptations and pray together.

2011-12-18 - Day 15 - The Hope of Heaven
Revelation 20:11-15
  1. Imagine what the day of judgement will be like. Who will be there?
  2. How will everyone be feeling?
Revelation 21:1-8
  1. Who is the bride of Christ?
  2. Describe heaven.
  3. Check yourself against verse 8. Are any of these sins in your life?
Revelation 22:1-6
  1. What other eternal joys will be in heaven?
  2. Why does God want us to know these words are trustworthy and true?
Revelation 22:14-15 - Are any of these sins in your life?

Application: Pray about what God promises in heaven! If there are any sins you need to confess and change, do it TODAY!

2012-01-14 - Ministry - Driven By Zeal for God
John 2:12-17; Romans 12:11; Numbers 25:6-13

Jesus faced many challenging situations in the ministry. He faced the overwhelming needs of the sick, the poor, the faithless and the empty but antagonizing religious leaders. He also faced an overwhelming sinful scene at the temple one day. Seeing that the temple worship had become simply a place to make money from others as they were sacrificing animals, Jesus decided to take action! After making a whip, he drove everyone from the temple area, overturning tables and scattering money everywhere! With many rebukes and challenges laid out to the religious
crowd, the disciples thought of one word, "zeal." God blesses us when we take action against sin with our hearts full of zeal! Jesus was not afraid to be driven by zeal! Jesus was not holding back when challenged by sinful situations! He did not ignore, forget, and walk away thinking "tomorrow" or cowardly crumble with fear!

  • What sinful situations are you holding back on?
  • Have you decided to get so close to God that you would be that disciple making great impact?
  • Do people think of zeal when they think of you?
Decide to be like Jesus and imitate his zealous heart for God!! Have zeal in your prayer, your evangelism and in your attitude today.

2012-01-16 - Ministry - Faith: The Generator of Miracles
Mark 6:1-6; Mark 9:14-25; II Kings 20:1-11

Sometimes we think that miracles ended when the Bible was finished. Or if they do occur today, they happen to other people. Our faith becomes limited to what we can accomplish instead of what God can do through us. The call of the disciple is to believe the unbelievable. To live on the edge. To dream where there are no dreamers left. God is unlimited in what he can do. Often times he does do miracles but because we are not looking through the eyes of faith, we cannot see them occur. We learn from the Scriptures above that miracles will only occur where faith is present. We have to confront the unbelief in our lives and battle against past faithlessness. We cannot let past sin or discouragement set low expectations or low beliefs in our lives. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

  • What will you ask or imagine?
  • What will you allow God to do in your life?
  • What "impossibility" do you have in your life that you want to see God change?
  • What person's life do you want to see changed?
God can absolutely do it. We need to get the faith to ask boldly and constantly until it occurs.

What miracles do you choose to believe God will do in your life or others lives? Dream big!
Write down something you will pray to see God do this year.

2012-01-21 - Ministry - Faith in God Moves Mountains
Mark 11:22-24

Jesus makes a very simple short powerful statement; "Have faith in God."

Believe in ME and you will be able to move mountains. Jesus had the faith to move mountains. Jesus calls each of us to have a faith that can move mountains.Each of us has mountains or obstacles in our lives. These obstacles take on many different forms. They may be character sins that never seem to change, family situations that seem to continue month after month, and financial debt that never seems to go away. These obstacles sometimes seem as large and permanent as mountains. But Jesus tells us to "Have faith in God", to believe in our hearts, and the mountains can be thrown into the sea. It is a very simple, but powerful statement, "Have faith in God."

What mountain is secretly holding back your faith? How much have you put it before God?

Decide today to lay it out before God and really believe that He can change it. Fight against cynicism and unbelief.

2012-03-03 - Fear of Failure - Failure to speak the truth
by Adesha Johnson - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 59

Failure to speak the truth does not have to be fatal

A character sin in my life is deceitfulness. I'm insecure and will often turn to something other than God to find security. Ironically, when I'm in this state, I really feel like I'm doing the right thing! Isaiah 59:1-21 opened up my eyes to the inner workings of deceit. Verse 13 shows how deceit begins and ends. First, I rebel against the Lord by having shorter prayer and bible study and not turning to him as soon as I've sinned. Second, I
start lying about how I'm doing and feeling. It's at those times that I find myself easily embittered at people around me. My bitterness is a direct result of the guilt I feel because of my deceit. Here's the bottom line: The Lord loves the truth!

Decision: To be truthful daily in regards to sin, guilt and how I am feeling and to continue studying out Truth in the scriptures.

2012-10-29 - The Lost Life of the Heart
Our years can be consumed with service and business
But somewhere out there someone is saying, "There is something more"
We just assume it is our imagination
Then it speaks again, "Aren't you thirsty? There is something missing"
This feeling might feel disloyal to our routine and against the program we are following
We try to silence the voice with outward activity and redoubling our Christian service

You long to be in a love affair, an adventure with God. You were made for something more.

Samuel heard the voice of God calling to him in the night - 1 Samuel 3:4
It took him three time before he realized it was God
Rather than ignoring  the voice, Samuel finally listed

In our lives, we can become frustrated by our heart's continuing sabotage of a dutiful Christian life
But sometime at night, when our defenses are down, we still hear him calling us
In the morning, activities scream for our attention and think we have won the battle of the "flesh"
Satan loves to turn the truth upside down

We try to lose ourselves in:
  • Hobbies
  • Other short-lived romances
  • Addictions

We create distance between ourselves and others; even distance between ourselves and our own heart...

2013-03-21 - Prayer of the Righeous - Knowing God through His Word (part II)

Bible Study Disciplines

Mark up your Bible in to different themes:

Example subjects:

  • Blue = God's qualities
  • Yellow = Love
  • Green = Sin and righteousness
  • Pink = prayer and faith
  • Purple = Joy
  • Orange = evangelism and discipling
  • Megenta = the spiritual world

Might circle references to God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit

Read the whole Bible every year

Foucused study on indivdual books and passages are good but it also important to have the broad picture of God's revelation ingrained in our hearts

Read the Bible everyday

Jesus lived on every word that came from the mouth of God - Matthew 4:4
The law required the kings of Israel to recopy and read out loud all the days of their lives - Deuteronomy 17:18-20
Bereans examined the scriptures every day - Acts 17:10-12

Memorize key verses

Memorizing scripture helps us to talk to God using quoted scripture (God's language) and keeps us pursuing righteousness
I have hideen tyour word in my heart so I might not sin against you - Psalms 119:11
Proverbs 22 advises to have the Proverbs ready on our lips


2013-06-25 - Why we need men of resolution (part II)

Our relationship with our father is very telling as to why we are and who we are.

“What does my dad really think about me?” Lots of fathers don’t realize their vital role.

Many issues come from fathers having lost their sense of purpose.

Society is guiding boys to remain boys as long as possible— extending childhood into their thirties—while forcing girls to become women long before they are ready.

Millions of young men are staying single. They want the privileges and rewards of manhood but only the responsibilities and moral requirements of boys.

God has a special place in His heart for two specific groups of people: fatherless children and widows.
have in common? The most important man in the leadership role of their lives is gone.

Dad have good intention but there many things working against them:

  • Divorce - best thing for kids is to see their parents humble themselves, repent of their selfishness, forgive one another, and recommit to their marriage
  • Work - Before the industrial revolution, fathers primarily worked at home. When dad finally did get home, he was too tired to engage, and his family got the leftovers. Men need to set boundaries and learn to say “no,” his work priorities will constantly pull him away.
  • Entertainment - the television becomes their influence instead which is a terrible father.
  • Anti-father bias in media - dads on TV today are incompetent and constantly outwitted by their wives and disrespectful kids.
  • The church - many church programs separate families to the point that kids never see their fathers

Devil will never stop attacking what God prioritizes.

2013-07-01 - Becoming a Chain Breaker (part I)

Men need to realize how much is at stake
It is important to resolve which man you will become.
Live for yourself and lose so many of the incredible rewards or the one who breaks the chain and creates a new legacy for your family

We need to ask God to break the chains in our lives and from our past
Chain breakers - men who break away from anything holding us back
Chain breakers are the ones God uses to end the legacy of rebellion against God

Children are not punished for the sins of their parents, they are definitely affected and negatively influenced by them.
Unless we break free from our family weaknesses by the power of God—by seeking Him, trusting Him, and following Him instead.
God is the One who established your family of origin - Psalms 139:13–16
For that a reason—so that you would seek Him and ultimately find Him.

You matter the circumstances of your birth, you were not an accident - Acts 17:24-27
Though you may not have understood your path, God has been guiding your steps.
If you were to know everything God knows, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
You could be the very one God has strategically placed in your family to turn things around.

Chains present in all of our lives:

  • from nature—our inbred sinful nature
  • from choices—sins we commit ourselves
  • from nurture—hurtful examples, lies, and worldly traditions we follow

God is the ultimate Chain Breaker
Jesus was sent “to proclaim release to the captives” and “to set free those who are oppressed” - Luke 4:18


2013-08-27 - Hurtful Examples and Lies

For some, hurtful things your father did and said to you over the years
Others were wounded more by your father’s absence

The question is whether or not you will allow it to hinder you or help you.
Unresolved anger becomes a bitter cancer that poisons hearts.

We are to forgive like God forgives, completely - Ephesians 4:32
Unresolved bitterness is sin and it will distort your own fathering.

If you believe the same lies your father believed, you will also be bound by them.
For every lie that says you need to sin, lust, or feed an addiction to survive or be happy,
God says, "I will take care of you, will never leave you, and will meet all your needs" - 1 Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:19

Truth doesn’t set you free if you only hear it and mentally understand it.
Ask God to reveal the lies you have believed in the past and help you replace each one with His truth.

Consider memorizing verses that stand against any lies you have believed.

2014-02-11 - Loss of Heart

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger - Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so that they will not lose heart - Colossians 3:21

If we lose their hearts, we lose everything.
Intimacy is tied to feeling emotionally safe around someone.
Devil will begin to fill their minds with accusations against you.
When your children get angry with you, you need to stop what you are doing, get engaged, and help them deal with their anger

2014-03-21 - Train Them to Honor Authority (part I)

 Honor is attractive

  • It doesn’t demand respect; it quickly earns it.
  • Fear grounds us.
  • Honor inspires us.

The whole concept of authority comes from God.

Earthly authority is His design and tool for creating order and for keeping us accountable and responsible, for honoring good and for punishing evil - Romans 13:1-4

Authorities on earth help keep us mindful of His superior, eternal authority

God can turn the heart of anyone in a leadership position in any direction - Proverbs 21:1

We should be like Jesus and submit to our imperfect, human authorities knowing that God uses them to carry out His purposes - John 19:11

The only time we should not submit to them is when they are asking us to disobey God and sin - Acts 5:29

Notice that Scripture does not tell us to obey them only if we agree with their judgment - Hebrews 13:17-18

When dishonoring authority, you are not rebelling against an individual but against God Himself.

Handling and responding to authority is serious business.

2014-04-04 - Disciplining Your Children (part I)

A major part of your role as a father is to disciple your kids

Discipling your kids requires discipline on our part

Discipline doesn’t feel good, nor should it - Hebrews 12:11

Discipline should be more on the father’s shoulders than the mother’s because of who we represent.

Loving discipline prepares our kids to respect and obey their heavenly Father

We had earthly fathers to discipline us, for they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good - Hebrews 12:9-10

It is the father’s job is to take the long view, not the short one.

Withheld discipline may seem momentarily pleasant to the child and the parent but it takes no skill or courage to be a passive father

Not disciplining guarantees that uncorrected sin will follow his child into adulthood and follow his family into the coming generations

Its momentary discomfort - knowing that sin will harm a child in far worse ways than even the painful discipline of a loving father.

He who loves him disciplines him promptly - Proverbs 13:24

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it - Proverbs 22:6

IT is a lie from the Enemy to believe that rebelling against and dishonoring authority brings more freedom and peace

Bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4



2015-02-03 - Suffering with Benefits

Take pleasure in my weakness; when I am weak, I am strong - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Paul did much of his writting in prison and enduring arrests, beatings, threats against his life because of Jesus

People who take pleasure in suffering are usually the ones who need mental help.

Paul knew his suffering wouldn't last forever and that God had something better

He remembered his suffering would last a moment, while the glory to come would last forever

Suffering can:

  • build endurance
  • mature your faith
  • remind you of your own weakness
  • bring you to the point of complete dependance of him


2015-02-26 - God enables us

You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you - Jeremiah 1:7-8

Lord called Jeremiah to prophesy against the rebellious nation of Isreal - God chose him to be God's mouthpiece

He lacked confidence because Jeremiah hadn't grasped the truth that God never calls us to do something without first equipping that person first

God wants us to see our own weakness and his need for God's empowerment

Jeremiah was the right person for the call because he was God called and God enabled

The Lord has you where he wants you - in a place of humility and dependence on Him for the power you need to succeed.

2015-03-05 - Negative Example

Diotresphes refuses to have anything to do with us and has evil accusation against us - 3 John 1:9-10

Diotresphes was a gifted man interested in moving himself up the church's pecking order

Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant - Matthew 20:26

John did not beat around the bush: don't let this bad example influence you, only follow what is good - 3 John 1:11

Diotresphes' me-first mentality put him last in God's scheme of things

2015-03-30 - Women in Jesus' Life

But go find my brothers and tell them, "I am ascending to my Father" - John 20:17

Jesus treated women with a tehn unheard-of respect:

  • Woman at the well accounted the Messiah to the Samaritans - John 4
  • Mary and MArtha enjoyed a close personal relationship with Jesus - John 11:5
  • Mary, Martha's sister, anointed Jesus prior to his cruscifixion - Mark 14
  • Mary Magdalene discovered Jesus' empty tomb - Matthew 28
  • Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Jesus - John 20

Jesus swam strongly against the tide of popular culture of the day and treated woman with respect


2015-04-03 - God's Intervention

Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands - 1 Samuel 25:33

David found himself on the verge of comming a terrible sin because of human anger:

  • He sent 10 of his men to ask Nabal for help
  • Nabal refused to help and insulted him and his men
  • He reacted in vage by ordering 400 of his men to kill Nabal and all his people

Nabal's wife, Abigail, kept David from commiting a terrible sin

She did not defend her terrible husband but reminded David that killing Nabal would be a grave sin against God - 1 Samuel 25

God has given you ears to hear what your loved ones have to say to you

2015-05-09 - Watch and Pray

Jesus returned and found the disciples sleeping - Mark 14:37

He knew their weaknesses

Jesus told his disciples eariler that evening that they would all abadon him

As Jesus prayed in the garden that night, Peter fell fast asleep leaving him defenseless against the coming temptation

The big fisherman failed Jesus miserably because he relied on his own strength and courage

When you remain prayerfully on alert for those temptations, God can give you the strength and wisdom you need

2015-05-28 - Contrary to Popular Opinion

Leaders plotted to kill Zechariah and King Joash order that they stone him to death - 2 Chronicles 24:21

Sometimes we must stand against even the strongest public opinion

Zechariah encourages Joash and the people to return to the LOrd and warned them of the consequences of their idolity

You have abandoned the Lord, and now he has abandoned you! - 2 Chronicles 24:21

That wasn't what the king or his subjects wanted to hear

Zechariah paid with his life for his willingness to buck public opinion

2015-06-29 - Great for the Soul

I have sinned against both heaven and you, I am no longer worth of being called your son - Luke 15:18-19

Bible repeatedly teaches the importance of confession and tells us that God is faithful and just - 1 John 1:9

Jesus illustrates this point by telling the story of a father/son and then son coming to his senses

He returns home, confesses his sins and humbly asks his father if he could be one of his hired hands

The father wouldn't hear of it and welcomed his boy back into his home for a celebration - Luke 15:22-24

Confession to God and to others hurt by your actions is good for the soul


2015-07-10 - Man after God's own Heart

I have sinned against the Lord - 2 Samuel 12:!3

King David in a space of a few weeks - lusted, commited adultery, lied, and murdered his lyal servant Uriah

God called David a man after his own heart, not because he was perfect - 1 Samuel 13:14

God call him this because David humbly and brokenheartedly recongnized his own sin and knew what to do

When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sin, the king acknowledged he had sinned against the Lord

2015-07-12 - Avoid Distractions

Demas has deserted me bcause he loves the things of this life - 2 Timothy 4:10

One of the devil's most powerful weapons is distraction

He uses that weapon against a once-faithful believer named Demas

Demas was a dependable partner Paul's ministry - "a coworker" - Philemon 1:24

Whatever Demas' reason for deserting Paul, he was distracted from his important work faithfully following Jesus

What distractions keep you from fully and freely serving Jesus?

2015-07-13 - God Won't Give You Up

With his love, he will calm all your fears - Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah understood that God never "cuts his losses" with those who belong to him

He approved of reforms but also wanted them to understand they needed changes within themselves 

In the book of Zephaniah, he:

  • Railed against the immoraltuy, idolatry and injustice of his times
  • Decried Judah's sin
  • Proclaimed their need  for repentance
  • Foretold God's wrath against those who refused to stop sinning

God still loved his people and wanted more than anything for them to turn back to him

God takes sin very seriously and will never look the other way when you fail him. He still will not give up on you

2015-07-15 - Don't Rock the Boat

They incited a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 other leaders - Numbers 16:2

Korah was a strong man who organized a corp of leaders with the intention of usurping Moses' authority and installing his own very of the preisthood

He forgot what happened to Aaron and Miiam when they challenged Moses' leadership - Numbers 12

Korah was a special leader but he wanted more than what God had given him

God removed them from their positions and removed them from the earth altogether

Some of God's greatest leaders have been willing to rock the boat but they also have a strong grasp of respecting authority

When we submit to those in authority, we demonstrate a key condition for God's blessing: humility!

2015-07-26 - Obey and Wait

This only a simple thing for the Lord - 2 Kings 3:18

"You first, God" approach to obedience often means missing out on his blessings and maybe a miracle or two

Israel march against Moab but the soliders had run out of water 

Eliaha spoke to God and would provide water under one condition: they were to dig ditches in the valley and wait for God to act

Their choice was to laugh and ignore the command or obey and wait for a miracle

Jehoshaphat and Joram acted in faith and obedience - received more water than they knew what to do with

When God commands you to do something that seems humanly unreasonable, do you act immediately or wait for him to act first?

2015-08-11 - The Spin

Amos is hatching a plot against you right - Amos 7:10

In an attempt to quiet Amos and his message, Amaziah accused him of treason against Israel

Amzaiah had put his own spin on Amos' words about the death of Jeroboam and Zechariah

Some will always attempt to spin the words and actions of godly people and their unpopular message

Amos knew he was preaching an unpopular message and Amaziah would go to great lengths to stop him

2015-08-20 - Balanced Approach

You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing youe unfailing love - Micah 7:18

The Bible is largely a book about finding balance - between God's hattred for sin and his desire to completely forgive the sinner

Micah understood this balance


  • Called for repentance
  • Against false prophets, political corruption, and spiritual apostasy
  • Preached against greed, selfishness, and explitation


  • God's promises of blessing and forgiveness
  • God longs to do good to those who forsake their sin and return to him

Repentant hearers had hope for better things ahead

Are there people in your life who need to see both sides of God's nature?

2015-09-05 - Sound Judgement

We alone will build the Temple for the Lord just as KIng Cyrus of Persia commanded us - Ezra 4:3

It is important to guard against those who try to lead you away from a strong, biblical faith

Zerubbabel had good judgement overseeing the building of an alter to the Lord and the rebuild of the holy Temple

This got the attention of some traditional adversaries who offered to help with highly suspect motives

It was tempting to get the work done faster but Zerubbabel said thanks but no thanks

We need to have sound judgement in who spends time with your family and what images you and your kids should view and the activities you choose

2015-09-10 - Take the Lead

When King David heard what had happened, he was very angry - 2 Samuel 13:21

David was often a brilliant leader on the battlefield but he defaulted on his leadership at home

His family became dysfunctional:

  • Amnon raped his sister
  • David did not repond
  • Absalom, David's oldest son, killed Amnon and fled Jerusalem
  • Amnon's murder and Absalom's absense broke David's heart
  • David restored Absalom but later became embitteed against his father
  • Absaloom led a rebellion against David

Don't default on your responsibility  - as a father, you have the privilege of leading others toward godliness

2015-09-13 - Alert and Ready

Take this young man to the commander. He has something important to tell him - Acts 23:17

Bible counsels us to alert and ready to move when God gives us a message of blessing, teching, or warning

Paul's nephew saved his life because he remained alert and ready to act on what he knew

Paul was chosen to speak his message of salvation to "the Gentiles and to kings" - Acts 9:!5

As Paul waited in jail for his opportunity to speak to Caesar, his nephew alerted him and his guards of a plot against his life

When you remain alert and step out in faith at the opportune time, the Lord can use you to alter the course of history

2015-10-03 - When a Brother Sins

I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you - 1 Samuel 12:23

Sometimes we feel thempted to write off a brother in Christ who made a mess of their faith

Bible teach us to pray for such a man and do everthing we can to restore him

Israel made a foolish and ungodly choice - insisted on an earthly king

Samuel felt disappointed but he did not write off the people

Instead Samuel took these steps:

  1. He spoke the truth about their sins
  2. Encourged them to continue growing spiritually
  3. Warned them to not sink further into sin
  4. Reaffirmed God's love and commitment toward them
  5. Pledged to continue to pray for them and encourage them 


2015-10-16 - Courage to Act

Bring out your son . He must die... - Judges 6:30

The Old Testament hero Gideon had the courage needed to champion his principles and God's name

This was true even when risking his skin

Tearing down the alter of Baal was no small offense to those in Gideon's home town

When he did they were ready to inact revenge in the name of their god

Joash kept the mob from killing Gideon

Gideon looked beyond the surface of things and saw accommodating Baal amounted to treason against God

2015-11-18 - Rise to the Occasion

He went to Pilate and asked for Jesus's body - Luke 23:52

Joseph rose to the occasion as a member of the Jewish council

He was a "good and rigteous man" who kept his discipleship a secret our of fear of his fellow council members

Somehow he had the courage to approach Pilate and get permission to remove Jesus' body from the cross so that he could be buried

Joseph rolled a large stone against the tomb to protect Jesus' body from vandals and grave robbers

The newly emboldened Joseph extended to Christ the honor due to him in death

2015-12-09 - Don't Miss Your Chance

You missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram - 2 Chronicles 16:7

Like so many kings of Judah, Asa started out doing good things for his kingdom

Prophet Azariah: The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! - 2 Chronicles 15:2

Asa trusted and obey God at first but later he failed by relying on humans instead of God

He showed his true colors when he entered into an agreement with Syria to stand against Israel

Asa refusal to rely solely on God contributed to his death

He developed a foot disease - he went to his doctors rather than first seeking God's help - 2 Chronicles 16:12

Where do you turn in yout times of need?

2015-12-24 - Greed is not Good

My master should not have let this Aramean get aways without accepting any gifts - 2 Kings 5:20

Bible encourages hard work but warns against greed

God had miraculously healed Naaman who gratefully offered Elisha a gift of gratitude

Elisha refused the gift but his servant, Gehazi, chased after him to collect the gift without consulting Elisha first:

Gehazi's greed ruined his life:

  • Took for himself what he had no right to have
  • Lied to Naaman to obtain it - 2 Kings 5:22
  • Lied to Elisha when confronted - 2 Kings 5:25
  • Leprosy that Naaman had was then attached to Gehazi

Gehazi only had to look at his hands and feet to see the serious consequences of greed

2018-02-15 - Plain Truth

The people were shocked at the plainness of Jesus' words

Had he been silent or pretended to ignore matters he was fully aware of - he would have been a liar like the men with whom he was struggling

Was it not the duty of Jesus to inform them of their condition? What else could a sincere friend do?

There was no bitterness in Jesus' language? It was calm statements of a horrible fact

Jesus' unquestion loyalty to truth gives his words a value which no other person's words possess

Jesus holds nothing back - what is thinks, he says - what he feels, he declares

He declares all things as they are

This is the man we want. A man like this can be a refuge in the time of a storm

What he assers concerning the principles of a victorious life, we can act upon, never doubting

When he tells us to do something, we can do it knowing it is the best thing

When he warns us against a course of action, we can shun it, knowning that in that direction lies death

2020-03-06 - Friendliness

Common taunt of Scribes and Pharises that Jesus was a friend of sinners

He was friendly to the lowest and the best of society, a trait which created great scandal

These three statements about Jesus spoke a lot about how Jesus' heart toward others:

  • He saved himself; he cannot save himself - Mark 15:13
  • He went about doing good
  • Friend of sinners

They tried to use his friendiness against him

Example: Tax collectors - ones who gathered taxes by any means nessary including by extortion or other dishonest measures

  • Considered traitors to their country
  • Objects of hatred and scron
  • Their money was considered tained and not accepted in the synagogue
  • Their oath was worthless
  • Could not be a witness in a court of law
  • Pelted with sneers by passers by
  • Looked as wild beasts

Jesus made friends with them despite these truths

It was one thing to talk down to a bad man and give good advise, it is another to eat with them

Jesus cross the chasm over which no man was willing to do in that day and lost his reputation for the sake of being brotherly/friendly

Made himself nothing because he was determined on being firendly to all - Philippians 2:17

Everyone is part of the human race, children of God, despite what they have done


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