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2009-07-17 - A Life of Impact - Second effort

Second effort

Mark 8:22-26

  • Jesus was not afraid to show affection to people in public.
  • Jesus is the kind of friend who would take us by the hand.
  • Jesus didn’t allow unsuccessful first try to discourage him from trying again.
  • He did not doubt himself but figure that the problem lied in the blind man’s lack of faith

2009-07-22 - A Life of Impact - Retreats


Mark 9:30-32

  • Sometimes the only way we can truly give ourselves to the few is by making ourselves unavailable to the many.
  • Retreats are a change in routine to ponder perspective to help in our personal growth.


  • Jesus was very open with his disciples about difficult challenges and troubles that lay ahead for him.
  • Through his openness, Jesus led the way for his disciples to be open with each other.
  • Hiding produces shallow relationships and weak bonding – leads to dissolution of the group
  • Few are open with troubles to someone who has never been open to them.

2009-07-28 - A Life of Impact - Tough love

Tough love

Mark 10:17-31

  • This young man was secure in his own material goods.
  • Are we willing to lay such tough, “make or break” challenges before people? Even when it puts your relationship on the line?
  • Are you willing to let people walk away? · Allow people to make their own decisions?
  • If we compromise our standards, our standards are meaningless.

Reassurance - Leaders need to first overcome his own negative thoughts and feelings in order to help his followers avoid becoming discouraged.

2009-09-02 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 2)
Adam receives his name from God
Abraham names Issac
Jesus needed to hear those words

God renames Jacob and Paul

Racheal names son “son of my sorrow”. Jacob renames him “son of my right hand”
It took intervention by the man, it always does

A boy is brought into the world by his mother
There comes a time for the shift when he begins to seek out his father’s affection – Hard for a mother

Dad coming home is biggest event in a boy’s day
Women try to fill void that an absent father has left
Father calls his son “tiger”

Turns to mom for comfort and dad for adventure
If a mother will not allow her son to become dangerous, if she does not let the father take him away, she will emasculate him.

2009-09-17 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 3)
Wound unfelt is wound unhealed
Door may be your anger – perhaps from a girl, failure
The way to God is stopping the false self
It may a simple prayer – Jesus, take me into my wound

Jesus never seems to heal the same way twice
There are no formulas with God
Insists on working personally
Masculinity is bestowed by masculinity
Healing never happens outside of intimacy with Christ

It begins with surrender; until you have given yourself to him you will not have a real self
…to set you free – What? Your heart
So take him at his word – ask him in to heal all the broken places within you
But you can’t do this at a distance

I simply allow myself to say that the loss of my father mattered
Important for us to grieve our wound
Grieving we admit the truth, we hurt by someone we loved
Few men are ever so vulnerable as to simply let themselves be loved by God
Why don’t you just let God love you?
The imitate union with Jesus and with his Father is the source of all healing and all our strength
Unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others – Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15
Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you.

2009-10-07 - One Another - Admonish Questions
Who can best admonish or coach someone?
  • someone in close relationship
  • someone with credibility in the area of concern
  • someone who is a person of humility
  • some who is allowing the word of Christ richly dwell in them
What is the goal of admonishing?

To help another person grow and change and be transformed more fully into the image of Christ
  1. not making the person receiving look bad
  2. not making the person giving look good
  3. not to give someone authority or superiority
  4. not to force someone to do something they do not want to do
  5. not to embarrass someone
  6. not to keep people in line

2009-10-09 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 2)
Satan uses propaganda

He is the “accuser” - Revelation 12:10
Christ was attacked - “If you are the son of God” - prove it - Luke 4:1-13

So long as a man remains no real treat to the Enemy – You are fine
After you take sides - Your heart is bad and you know it

He looks for weaknesses
Throws a thought or temptation that he hopes we will swallow
If I thought this was just me, my heart, I’d be very discouraged.
Knowing that my heart is good allowed me to block it, right then and there
Think of how lust starts .. “I am not here it is all you.”

Any hand to hand combat, there are blows, dodges, blocks, and counterattacks
How did Christ handle Satan? - he did not get into an argument with him
He simply stood on the truth
Satan doesn’t just throw a thought but feelings as well
Guard your heart

2010-01-21 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 3)
Lord's Prayer: A brief overview:
  1. Our Father in heaven - Set our minds on personal and intimate relationship we have with our God
  2. Hallowed be your name  - Praise and honor him
  3. Your Kingdom come  - Pray for his church, disciples, leaders, people whom the gospel has not reached
  4. Your will be done - Pray for a submissive heart toward will of God in our lives
  5. Give us this day our daily bread - Pray through today's schedule, needs, relying on God
  6. Forgive us our debts - Confess specific sin
  7. As we also have forgiven our debtors - Commit before God to resolve conflict, hurts, concerns in all relationships
  8. Lead us not into temptation - Wrestle with God to be submissive and repentant in areas of weakness
  9. Deliver us from the evil one - Pray that God to stop Satan and than God for victories in him

2010-02-09 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 2)

Bad Trees

Bad trees always produce bad fruit

  • Shallow hearts produce shallow disciples
  • Hypocrisy multiplies hypocrites
  • Impure hearts produced doomed disciples
  • Criticaless spreads like a virus
  • Faithlessness topples cold heart after cold heart

Until someone sits down and studies the Bible with someone it is impossible to know what kind of heart they have

2010-03-22 - To Live is Christ - Rejoice Always

It would be one thing to hear "rejoice always" from someone living with plenty but quite another from someone in a challenging situation - Philippians 4:4-5

There is something about being "in the Lord"
If someone is "in the Lord", there is always something bigger than our trials

Paul also had a deep conviction that whatever is one: The Lord Is Near
This is how men and women of God can be joyful and gentle in the most stressful times

God is monitoring their pain not allow more than we can bear and giving his strength
The Lord is near to all who call on him - Psalms 145:18
He is near in every situation we encounter

He is calling on them and us to rejoice always and to have a great attitude


2010-04-08 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 2)
Teaching is one of the few gifts mentioned in both in the lists of Ephesian 4 and 1 Corinthians 12

What exactly is a teacher?
  • Primary job is to teach the scriptures
  • They need to teach the truth
  • False teachers are always out there
    • OT = Jeremiah 8:7-8
    • NT = 2 Peter 2:1
  • Are need to arrange biblical themes - Ecclesiastes 12:9-10
  • Teacher are primary instructional while preachers are more inspirational
  • Teachers must have deep convictions - allow those without is dangerous
  • Teachers must be on the cutting edge - teacher not at their best -> teaching becomes effected

2010-05-15 - Desire's Journey - The Dilemma of Desire
We can not live without yearning, yet the yearning sets us up for disappointment
Because of its vulnerable nature, desire begins to feel like our worst enemy

Despair is the fate of the desiring soul - Sam Houston
Hope deferred make the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12

How awful it feels to open our hearts to joy, only to have grief come in
How do we live in a world with desire so deep in us and disappointment lurking behind every corner?
Are a few arrows, dare we even desire?
Do we refuse to love because we may hurt? possibility of pain?

Shutting down our hearts is to die altogether
Hope deferred make the heart sick... but when dreams come true, there is life and joy

Most of us have chosen to reduce our desire to a more manageable size
We allow it only in small doses:
  • Dinner out
  • Vacation
  • A new ______

2010-05-27 - Desire's Journey - Language of Desire

Jesus offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry to the one who could deliever him - Hebrews 5:7

Strong desires make strong prayers

Children are often not embarrassed by desire
We hide our true desires and call it maturity - Jesus is not impressed

Why are we embarrassed by our desire? Why do we pretend?

  • Persistent widow wasn't embarrassed
  • "Sinful" woman wasn't embarrassed

We don't pray like Jesus because we don't allow ourselves to nearly alive
We don't allow ourselves to feel how desparate our situation truely is

Pretending seems a much more reliable road to Christian maturity
Only the price is we pay for the loss of soul, communication with God, loss of direction and loss of hope

Without a deep and buring desire of our own, we will be ruled by the desires of others

2010-06-12 - Why Jesus Came (part 1)

Preached 1998-07-05
    Most of us have lost something:
    • Losing wallet - not a good thing
      • Feels good to find it.
    God's desire is to "find" what is lost - YOU!
    • Problem: We are separated from God by sin

    Jesus came to...

    Save the lost

    Luke 19:10

    • Uses people to save others
    • Many people to save some:
      • Do not know they are lost
      • Are confused
      • Misguided
      • Are not interested
      • Are looking
    • Despite the what phase we are in we are still lost.
    • No excuses 
      • Those who have issues are not really searching
        • "What about those hypocrites?"
        • "I am too busy"
        • "I will but...."

    Acknowledge the Father

     John 14:9

    • To relate
    • Some think God doesn't care
      • How can God allow all these shootings?
        • Isrealites were saying the same thing in the dessert
    • Jesus = God with us
    • If Jesus was standing next to you how would you act differently?

2010-06-23 - God does not change (part 1)
Preached on 2003-01-12

Hebrews 13:8 - Same always; it is his nature

Hebrews 6:13-20
- God's purpose is unchanging
- Wanted to make it clear

Numbers 23:19-20
- God's Integrity never changes
- God keeps his promises and oaths
- Who else do I know is like this?

Malachi 3:6 - God does not change
James 1:16-18 - God does not change

But our lives change

God allows our lives to change so we hold on to his unchanging hand

2010-06-24 - God does not change (part 2)

v1:1 - Not much of the world

v2:1 - What a change in a few weeks

v2:20-25 - God created companionship - Adam's life changed

v3:23-24 - Punished, banished, and moved out of the garden

  • God moves people around
  • Noah's life changed because of his righteousness
  • Would start the whole human race over again
v12:1-5 - Abraham is called to leave even though he did not know much about God

  •  Joesph life changed
  • Often did not know what God was doing but we must have faith to change

Genesis 45:4-8
  • Results of brother's action lead to the coming of Jesus
  • God allowed Joesph brother's to throw him into slavery for me
  • God is all about change because he wants us to have have faith

God will never change

2010-07-05 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 2)

As a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert - Jeremiah 2:2-3

If you're writing a romanc, love is the goal - you must allow for the possiblity of betrayal
This is what God call us our turning away from him

Hebrews thought God would be satisfied with some religious rituals and rule keeping

You said, "I will not serve you!" - Jeremiah 2:20
You have forgotten me and trusted in false gods - Jeremiah 13:25-27

True love never fails
God will fight for his beloved

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her - Hosea 2:14


2010-07-16 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 3)
The first step in the journey of desire is to stop pretending that we would be happy with less
Recovering our heart involves facing our deepest disappointments
We do not need to fear what we find because our heart is our biggest ally

The father of lies takes many people out of the journey for life by keeping them in shallow desire
He threatens us from going to the deep waters of desire by telling us that are core desires are evil
Makes us thing that every thought and desire is our own

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; remove your heart of stone - Ezekiel 36:26
Our core desires are good: I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts - Jeremiah 31:33

We still struggle with sin with our tendency to kill desire or give our hearts over to false desires

2010-07-20 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 7)
From the section about Jesus' trial in the dessert

3. Satan reveals his true self - Matthew 4:8-11

Satan: "You don't have to take the route of suffering"
"There are shortcuts, just give your heart away"

Jesus: "There are no shortcuts, my heart belongs to God alone"

Once we realize what a precious that heart's desire is, we must see that and guard it with all of our might
  • To neglect it is foolishness
  • To kill it is suicide
  • To allow it to wander aimlessly is disaster

We must be serious about our happiness

2010-07-24 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 1)
The more comfortable we are with mystrery in our journey, the more rest we will know along the way

Paul's quests - 2 Corinthians 6:10
  • Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
  • Poor, yet making many rich
  • Having nothing, yet possessing everything
If we remain open to sorrow, we can know joy

Somehow being empty allows us to make others rich

Some believe in the church that being a Christian somehow satisfies our every desire
Augustine: "The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing"

Being content is not the same as being full

2010-07-28 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 5)

Grief is the antidote to the incessant possessive demand within

Sow in tear = song of joy - Psalms 126:5

Two spiritual discipline we need

  1. Worship - must adore God deliberately and regularly
  2. Grief - must allow a time for sorrow to do own personal sowing

Making time to grieve may sound strange
Just because we do not feel it does not mean it is not there
There are thousands of distractions these days
Sometimes it comes out in a song or movie
Sometimes small disappointments can be a door into the room of grief

Beauty and affliction are the only two things that can pierce our hearts
We must have a measure of beauty in our lives proportionate to our afflication


2010-10-05 - Contagious Christian - Impacting Your World (part 1)

There are expectations everywhere, to have:

  • Strong marriages
  • Obedient children
  • Balanced budgets
  • Ethical business
  • Effective prayer lives
  • Meaningful relationships

Many times the "ought to" comes through louder than the "how to"
Especially true in the challenge of having an evangelist impact
God did not leave us in a state of confusion - What God expects, He enables

We need to focus on the important steps to have maximum impact
HP (High Potency) + CP (Close Proximity) + CC (Clear Communication)  = Maximum Impact (MI)

We are the salt of the world - Matthew 5:13

  • Salt makes us thristy
  • It spices things us
  • It preserves - holds back decay

Which did Jesus have in mind? We don't know
HP (High Potency) = means we need to have a strong concentration of Christ's influnce in our lives
CP (Close Proximity) = means we need to get close to people we're hoping to reach in order to allow His power to have its intended effect

2010-10-08 - Contagious Christian - Attractiveness of Authenticity (part 2)
Authentic Emotional life
Expressing sadness or hurt or grief are not signs of low faith or shallow character

There are two negative consequences when a person outlaws certain feelings
  • He loses the ability to experience feeling altogether and is left with apathy and disorientation
  • Have emotional inauthenticity because they have been lying to themselves for so long
Seeker just shake their heads
Remember what Jesus did when His friend Lazarus died? He wept

Authentic Confession
How Christian deal with their foul-ups and failures
The thinking here is that our moral missteps will drive people away

But actually, It is a powerful witness to the transforming power of Christ
Zacchaeus' household was converted because he was very open with what he did wrong

Today authentic confession cause a seeker in today's non-fault society to realize that only the living God would prompt a person to say "it is my fault and I am sorry"

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-23 - Cross of Christ (part I)
Romans 3:22-26, 5:6-8
  • The cross is a demonstration of God’s justice in the face of sin.
  • God would not be righteous if he simply looked the other way in the face of sin and evil.
  • The cross is the greatest demonstration of God’s love. Because God loves us, Jesus Christ died for our sins.
Mark 10:42-45
  • Jesus understood God’s plan for him to give himself as a ransom for us - to die for our sins.
  • He could do this only because of his sinless life.
Mark 14:26-15:41
  • One account of the crucifixion. As you read and discuss each section, ask the question: “Why did God allow this to happen to Jesus?” Because He loves us! (To better describe the physical torments of the crucifixion, you may also wish to read “The Passion of the Christ from a Medical Point of View” by C. Truman Davis, M.D.)

2011-02-16 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part III)

Romans 6:23

  • We deserve death because of our sins but God is willing to forgive us in spite of who we are (God's gift to us)
  • Question: After studying these scriptures, would you say the Bible describes your heart in response to your sin more like the Pharisee or the Sinful woman?

John 3:1-7

  • Question: What did Jesus say MUST happen in order for someone to be born again?
  • Question: We should born of what? Spirtual birth not a physical birth - not being religous but living a righteous life
  • Question: What do we need to have convictions on in order to be born again?

Acts 2:22-24

  • Jesus is God's son (miracles prove it)
  • Jesus died for our (YOUR) sins
  • God raise Jesus on the 3rd day
  • Question: So how should we respond to the fact that our (YOUR) is why Jesus died on the cross?

Acts 2:36-41

  • Repent and be Baptized (wall is removed)
  • Then we can have a relationship with God (what happens at baptism)

Romans 6:1-4

  • Question: What are you baptized into? If you were baptized into Jesus' death, what else does that allow us to have? New Life
  • You can go from the heart of the Pharisee to the heart of the Sinful Woman by understanding the forgiveness through Jesus
  • Encouraged to write a letter to God thanking him for forgiving you of your sins (write the sins out)


2011-06-06 - Fearing God - John feared
Man is never sufficiently affected by the awareness of his lowly state until he has compared himself with God's majesty

When John was in the presence of God, he fell at his feet as though dead - Revelation 1:17
Not the first time this happened to John - Matthew 17:6

We can encounter Him in His Word as the Holy Spirit opens it to our minds and hearts

  1. Do I experience the fear of God as it has been described so far?
  2. Does my fear of God tend to slavish - trying to please a taskmaster that can not be pleased?
  3. Is my fear of God so shallow that I tend to be overly familiar with and fail to show the reverential awe that is due him?

2011-06-27 - Mind of Christ - Helping People (part II)
The following attitudes can help bring about a heart of compassion:
  1. You must sympathize with people out of a tender heart.
  2. You must believe that every person is precious to God
  3. You must be aware of your own humanness
  • You are made of the same stuff as every other person.
  • Potentially, the situation that exists with other people in desparate struggles.
  1. You must desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives. There must be a desire to count in this world.
  2. You must deny self that allows you to place the interest of others ahead of your own.
The heart of Jesus should be compared with the uncompassionate hearts of others.

  • ~John 8:1-11 - Pharisees vs Jesus (Woman caught in adultery)
  • ~Mark 5:1-20 - Man with an evil spirit vs Jesus
  • ~Luke 7:36-50 - Pharisees vs Jesus (Sinful Woman)
  • ~Matthew 19:13-15 - Disciples vs Jesus

2011-07-18 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part IV)
B. Fruits of self centered life (continued):

5. It hinders people from feeling genuine compassion ~ Luke 16:19-31

6. It allows people to be heartless - Matthew 27:3-4

7. It causes people to become unfruitful - Luke 8:14

8. It does not provide real happiness - Ecclesiastes 2:1,24

9. It causes some to reject Christ
  • Young, rich man - Matthew 19:16-22
  • John 12:43 - Some love praise from men more than praise from God

2011-07-28 - Fearing God - Infinitely Greater Than Nature
Isaiah 40:12

v40:12a - God measures the water in the hallow of his hand
We can probably hold about a tablespoon and not for very long
2/3 of the earth is covered in water and in places 6 miles deep
Yet God says He holds all that water in his hand

v40:12b - God marked off heaven with his breadth of his hand
Breadth = the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger, spread apart
Ours is somewhere eight inches
We can not even calculate the distance across the universe
Nearest star beside the sun is 26 trillion miles away

v40:12c - Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket? Weighted the mountains and hills?
Baskets measurement is around 1/4 of a gallon
He holds the dust in such a container and weighs the mountains on a set of scales

As we think about these truths we will more and more appreciate God's greatness

2011-08-23 - Fearing God - Splendor on Display
DNA is estimated to contain instructions that would fill 1,000 600-page books yet it all would fit inside an ice cube

Human brain consists of 10 billion nerve cells

The best possible end of all God's actions is His own glory
Everything God does or allows in all His creation must ultimately serve His glory - there is no end higher

How many are your works? the earth is full of your creatures - Psalms 104:24
All creation is an art gallery for which God displays His splendor of His wisdom

Intricate designs are endless in their variety

In USA and Canada:
  • 700 varieties of butterflies
  • 8,000 varieties of moths
He simply spoke and all the works of nature came into being
God did not have to rely on trial and error

2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-06 - Genesis 6 - The Flood (part I)


Humankind corrupted the earth with evil. God decided to destroy them. He told Noah to build an ark to be saved from the flood.


Genesis 6:5 - every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time
At this point, in a relatively small amount of time, man no longer called out for God. It was just Genesis chapter 4 when men just began to call out for God and at this time

Genesis 6:13 - God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people"
God shared his plans with Noah even though they were very troubling. A deep relationship is where you share you plans and dreams (not in this case). God trusted Noah. Noah trusted God even more (as he should). That mutual trust helped save mankind and allow us to live today.

Genesis 6:22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him
After being 500 years old or so, Noah still did everything God commanded him to do. We can not imagine the pressure and persecution Noah must have gone through to build a boat in the middle of the dessert. Still he did not waiver. His complete faith was with God and trusted every word God spoke to him. We have trouble with just a small amount of faith that required to live our lives.

Personal Application

Increase my faith, Lord! I see Noah's faith to build an ark and I struggle to have faith today.The struggles I face today are not even a speck compared to Noah's troubles.  Noah had great faith because he trusted God and what he said. That is what I need to do.

2011-10-17 - Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham


God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.


Genesis 17:9 - As for you, you must keep my covenant
First, God came to Abram and Abram fell facedown. God told him what His part of the covenant - the promises that Abram would be a father of many nations. But there are two sides to covenant - we have commitment too. Sometimes we just love to look at God's promises but ignore our side of the covenant. God freely gives and will always out give us but we must do our part as well. What parts of our relationship with God are one sided?

Genesis 17:17 - Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?
Sometimes what He says to us are hard to believe or understand. But His ways are much higher than our ways [Isaiah 55:9]. Despite our understanding at the time, we need to trust what God says. What promises of promise of God are we not trusting? Why?

Personal Application

I know I can one-sided and stubborn in my thoughts and sometimes in my relationships. When I get my mind set to do something, that is the way it is. This can be a strength in some situations but a very big weakness if I am contrary to God's thinking. I need to be humble and allow God to change my thoughts and my ways.

2011-10-22 - Mind Change - God will provide
God will provide

No matter what the need. He cares.
He allows us to have needs.

He sees our needs.
He meets them all.

Isaiah 58:11 - He will give you renewed strength
Matthew 6:31-32 - Father knows that you need them
Philippians 4:19 - God will supply your every need

2011-11-04 - Mind Change - Challenge
Decide to enjoy the challenge.

If it is going to be there, you might as well enjoy it.

God is allowing it for some good purpose.

Like Jacob, don’t let go it until it blesses you.

James 1:2-4 - Consider trials a pure joy

2011-11-05 - Mind Change - Mood
Choose you mood.

If the one you have right now is not right, you can exchange it.

Don’t allow the “wrong side of the bed” to control your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 - Choose life over pride
Joshua 24:15 - Choose today whom you will worship
Psalms 119:30 - I have chosen the way of truth

2011-11-14 - Mind Change - God can handle it
With God, there is no straw that breaks the camel's back.

You may think, “I can’t take one more thing.”

But with God you always can.

You can take whatever he allows life to bring.

He will always be enough.

Psalms 34:17-19 - LORD delivers him from them all
1 Peter 5:10-11 - He will himself restore you and make you strong

2011-11-18 - Thankfulness

Colossians 1:3,10-12, 2:6-7, 3:15, 17, 4:2
 - In one letter we are instructed SEVEN times to be thankful people. Pretty important


Philippians 4:10-13 ~ Paul did not start out this way
  • Paul learned thankfulness no matter what your circumstances
  • Without doubt the most valuable secret in life.
  • How can we learn to be thankful?
3 Keys:

1. Remember the past.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 ~ Remember how you used to live. 
  • Remember that you were an object of wrath and on the path to hell.
  • Think how fortunate you are to be in God's grace and on the road to heaven.
  • Were would you be today without God's grace?
2. New thinking in the present

    Serve with a grateful heart
    Matthew 6:1-4 ~ Remember it is more blessed to give than receive.
  • Learn to enjoy serving God and His people.
  • Don't look for recognition.
  • Old life hide sin, new life hide good
    Trust God in everything
    Romans 8:28  ~ God works out EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him.
    Do you believe this ?

3. Think toward the future.

    Philippians 4:2-8 ~ You name is written in the book of life.
  • What do you see?
    • Do not be anxious about anything - the Lord is near.
    • Constantly think about GOOD, NOBLE, HONOURABLE and PURE things. (Don't allow the devil to pollute your mind).
    • Rejoice in the Lord always.

2011-11-20 - Getting Started (part II)

Remember the battle you entered

  • Ephesians 6:10-18 - Satan is after you; don’t be surprised if he attacks you
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-5 - God will allow you to be tested
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Any test from God will not be beyond what you can handle

Remember what you promised

  • Colossians 3:1-10 - That you would die to your sins and fight against them
  • Acts 9:17-22 - That you would make an effort to reach out to others (make a list of who)
  • Matthew 22:34-40 - That you would love God and strive to get close to Him (make a prayer list)
  • Hebrews 10:19-25 - That you would be a part of the church and come to encourage (calendar)

The key to successful first few weeks as a disciple is relationships. Make some specific decisions about how you will stay close to God and the other disciples in your life. Decide as well to get to know some other disciples and start sharing your new-found love for God with those you know and love. You will find that you will have good days, but remember – you’re just getting started.

2011-11-22 - Getting Advise (part II)
Advise will bring about only what is good
  • Proverbs 11:14 - Many advisers bring victory in your daily life
  • Proverbs 15:22 - Allow others to be a part of your planning; they will help you succeed
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Advise will make you wiser than ever
Before big decisions, you should seek advise
  • Proverbs 20:18 - Get advise before the challenging battles you will be facing
  • Proverbs 24:5-6 - Young disciples need older soldier’s guidance on waging spiritual battles
Only pride will keep you from seeking advise
  • Proverbs 15:12 - Be open to the possibility that your plans may be wrong or not the best
  • Proverbs 16:18 - You may fall simply because you refused to get input in your life
  • Proverbs 18:12 - Humility leads to advise, advise leads to victory, victory leads to honor
Do your best to make it a regular practice to get a lot of advise in your life – the more the better. God has always used other godly people to guide His people to a better life. Don’t wait for someone to ask you the right questions about your plans. Instead, go to them and seek their help and guidance. You’ll be amazed how much trouble you can avoid and how much good can come your way if you stay open to getting advise.

2011-11-25 - Grace (part I)
Sometimes, one of the most difficult truths to understand as a young disciple is grace. So much confusion exist in the religious world on this topic so it is critical that you have a correct, Biblical understanding of the this powerful truth. Obviously, God wants us to thoroughly enjoy the grace He has given us and will continue to give us as disciples. However, we must feel a responsibility to live for Him in response to His grace.

Grace allowed you to be spared when you weren’t pursuing God
  • Romans 5:6-8 - God was patient and loved us while we were enemies of His
  • Ephesians 2:1-5 - We were objects of wrath; deserving to be squished (cockroach example)
  • 1 Timothy 1:12-17 - We were shown unlimited patience, making it possible to have a chance
Grace was given to you at your baptism
  • Titus 3:3-7 - You were justified by grace at your baptism; nothing you did earned it
  • Hebrews 10:19-22 - Your baptism gave you full assurance of God’s grace
  • Acts 2:38-41 - You were forgiven, got the Holy Spirit, added to God’s kingdom – by grace

2011-11-27 - Grace (part III)
Grace should motivate you to work hard for God
  • 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 - Paul felt more grace so he worked even harder
  • Ephesians 2:8-10 - God has given us good works to do in response to His grace
Grace can be forfeited or lost
  • Hebrews 10:26-31 - When we deliberately keep on sinning and insult the amazing gift of grace
  • Jonah 2:1-8 - Our lack of repentance can keep God’s grace from our lives
Don’t let Satan lie to you. God has a lot of grace and loves giving it out to you on a regular basis. You receive grace when you sin after baptism as you did during your baptism. So enjoy the grace, but don’t let Satan lie to you in another way by telling you to relax and do what ever you want because God is a God of grace. Allow the grace of God to call you higher than ever before and further away from old, sinful ways.

2011-12-12 - Day 9 - Trials of Many Kinds
James 1:2-8
  1. Why does God allow us to go through trials?
  2. What should your attitude be about going through trials?
  3. What are the trials in your life right now?
James 1:12-15
  1. How can you persevere through trials and stand the test?
  2. Where do temptations come from? What things tempt you? Have you talked about your temptations with God and with another disciple?
1 Peter 1:3-9
  1. Why should we rejoice in trials?
  2. How can you know if your faith is genuine or not?
  3. Write a list of some of the tests that could come your way (financially, relationships, persecution, etc.)
  4. How can you prepare today for trials you may face later?
Application: Talk with another disciple today about the trials and temptations you face. Discuss your attitude about trials. Be happy!

2012-01-16 - Ministry - Faith: The Generator of Miracles
Mark 6:1-6; Mark 9:14-25; II Kings 20:1-11

Sometimes we think that miracles ended when the Bible was finished. Or if they do occur today, they happen to other people. Our faith becomes limited to what we can accomplish instead of what God can do through us. The call of the disciple is to believe the unbelievable. To live on the edge. To dream where there are no dreamers left. God is unlimited in what he can do. Often times he does do miracles but because we are not looking through the eyes of faith, we cannot see them occur. We learn from the Scriptures above that miracles will only occur where faith is present. We have to confront the unbelief in our lives and battle against past faithlessness. We cannot let past sin or discouragement set low expectations or low beliefs in our lives. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

  • What will you ask or imagine?
  • What will you allow God to do in your life?
  • What "impossibility" do you have in your life that you want to see God change?
  • What person's life do you want to see changed?
God can absolutely do it. We need to get the faith to ask boldly and constantly until it occurs.

What miracles do you choose to believe God will do in your life or others lives? Dream big!
Write down something you will pray to see God do this year.

2012-01-20 - Ministry - Even Greater Things
John 14:12-14

Ordinary men do great things. James 5:17-18 - Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

Heb 11:8-end of the chapter. Great men in the bible are noted for their faith. God recognizes, rewards, and replenishes faith. Life begins at today. Everyday is a new day. New goals, new dreams, new horizons, new victories, new life. Faith in God allows us to do greater things than we have ever done.

  • What are some of the greatest things that you have ever done in your life?
  • What great things do you dream about doing now?
  • What "greater things" are you going to do this year?
Write a short list of "greater things" that you want to see God achieve in your life or through your life this year.

2012-01-22 - Ministry - With Jesus, You Will Not Stand Alone
John 8: 1-11

Compromising circumstances were not sufficient evidence, as the Jewish law required witnesses who had seen the act. Imagine what this woman felt in the midst of an angry crowd eager to trap Jesus, she was caught in the act of adultery! She was humiliated and alone. The incident was staged to trap Jesus since the Romans did not allow the Jews to carry out death sentences. So if Jesus had said to stone her, he could have been in conflict with the Romans. If he had said no to stone her, he could have been accused of not being supportive of the law.

So Jesus started to write on the ground, we could only imagine what he wrote, it could have been the list of sins. Then without disagreeing with the law he gave them a qualification to cast the first stone, it was whoever was without sin instead of whoever is without the sin of adultery. As Christians, even though we know that God sees all sins the same, we categorize sin and fall in to Satan's trap of self-righteousness. We forget that deceit, bitterness, envy and anger are just as bad as sexual immorality or murder.

Jesus showed the woman compassion, mercy and also commanded her to leave her life of sin. We can only imagine the woman's sense of relief and gratitude. Her life will never be the same again. At the worst point of your life Jesus stood up for you, instead of letting you be condemned.

  • What are three areas of your life that you need to be shown compassion and mercy in?
  • Do you extend compassion and mercy to others who struggle in the same areas?

2012-02-06 - Ministry - Compassion: The Heart of Jesus
John 11:33-35
In a world so full of pain, hardship and suffering the compassion of Jesus lights the world. It is a comfort to know that "our God is full of compassion".

Psalms 116:5
Jesus was deeply moved by people's suffering. Jesus sincerely cared and invested his heart in others. Does the hardship of others cause us to invest our hearts or harden them? Do we imitate Jesus' heart? We can learn to be compassionate only when we have allowed Jesus to comfort us.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Compassion causes us to act. Mark 1:40 - 42
  • Compassion compels us to invest emotionally. John 11: 33 - 35
  • Compassion inspires hope. Mark 5:25 - 34
  • Do we have compassion on all people? - Psalms 145:9
  • Do we restore people with compassion? - Zechariah 10:16
  • Do we show compassion to the weak? - Isaiah 42:3 & 4
  • Do we stifle compassion in our ministries? - Amos 1:11
  • Do you see the spiritual suffering of people?
Share with someone today about your faith, the church or the relationships you have that ease your suffering and give you hope

2012-02-26 - Fear of Failure - God is in Control
by Amy Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Hebrews 3:7-19

Failure is just a time of testing. We harden our hearts, rebel and give up or we can have faith, be humble and move on. When I fail the first thing that happens is my pride gets hurt because I always think that I am in control or that I can do it. But God allows me to experience failure to remind me that I can't do it all. God is the only one who can. The question is whether I am as happy and excited about life when I fail as when I am successful. The only way I can do that is trust that God is in control. All I need is to do is trust him to do it, be willing to humble out and be surrendered, acknowledging that I can't do it at all.

  1. Always know that God is in control and I am not
  2. If I just being humble, God will lift me up again
  3. Use my failure to help people to remind them God is the one

2012-02-28 - Fear of Failure - No Discipline Seems Pleasant
by Mandy Mazik - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Hebrews 12:11-13

God understands the pain that we go through, and the depth that it hurts us. He understands and expects the discipline we go through to train us and make us better. The discipline and the pain will be in vain if we don't allow ourselves to endure. In order to produce peace and righteousness in your life, it is important to embrace the trials that we go through. God expects us to "strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees." We need to do our part and put some work in to strengthen ourselves and not always wait for victories to drop in our lap. In this way, the areas in our life that are disabled (our spirituality, our finances, physical fitness, etc) will no longer be lame, "but rather healed."

  1. Go to God with my pain and not blame him for it or question why I have it
  2. Allow myself to be trained, go after discipling, working out everyday, confessing my sin, all on a daily basis (to be effective, training has to be a daily thing)
  3. Take the opportunities that God gives me to be disciplined, get strong spiritually, in school, in fitness, so that my life can get closer and closer to being healed.

2012-02-29 - Fear of Failure - Mistakes Build Character
by Kristi Henry - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Matt. 16:21-23, Matt. 26:31-35

Peter loved Jesus, he received some stinging rebukes from him. Imagine a firend saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." I would probably start crying or get prideful and mad. I don't like to look bad. Peter was always getting exposed! I know I have made many mistakes as a disciple: I have given bad advice, hurt people, lied to look good, not been open about sin, and destroyed relationships. I have had a lot of failures, challenges and struggles. I need to follow Peter. He grew and learned from the sin and mistakes he made. Peter never gave up. Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, not on himself and because of that was able to change and grow by accepting the teaching. When I look at Peter I see a man that Jesus loved, believed in, and knew would be a powerful leader in his church. I can decide to be like Peter and persevere through challenges, discipling, and rebukes. I can decide to fix my eyes on
Jesus and not on myself. I can believe that God has plans for me to do great things for his church and never give up.

Decide today to:
  1. Persevere through challenges, correction, and struggles.
  2. Allow failures to expose your character so that you can become all God wants you to be.
  3. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, not on yourself and how you feel.

2013-06-27 - Why we need men of resolution (part IV)

Our generation desperately needs courageous men to step up.

  • Men who will forgive their dads, break the chains of the past, and set new standards.
  • Stick up for our marriages during difficult times
  • Refuse to let entertainment eat up our time
  • Refuse to sacrifice family for the sake of a promotion

When strong men work together, they can accomplish amazing things.

David armies came together to face enemies amid seemingly impossible odds.
Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people - 2 Samuel 10:11-12

Remember one immovable, unconditional truth: we have a Father in heaven who is for us.

We must lock shields with other men around us and refuse to allow one another to fail
If my battle gets too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if your battle is too strong for you, then I will come to help you!

2013-08-27 - Hurtful Examples and Lies

For some, hurtful things your father did and said to you over the years
Others were wounded more by your father’s absence

The question is whether or not you will allow it to hinder you or help you.
Unresolved anger becomes a bitter cancer that poisons hearts.

We are to forgive like God forgives, completely - Ephesians 4:32
Unresolved bitterness is sin and it will distort your own fathering.

If you believe the same lies your father believed, you will also be bound by them.
For every lie that says you need to sin, lust, or feed an addiction to survive or be happy,
God says, "I will take care of you, will never leave you, and will meet all your needs" - 1 Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:19

Truth doesn’t set you free if you only hear it and mentally understand it.
Ask God to reveal the lies you have believed in the past and help you replace each one with His truth.

Consider memorizing verses that stand against any lies you have believed.

2014-05-30 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part I)


Abraham's servant went to Nahor to find a wife for Isaac.


Genesis 24:1 - The Lord blessed him every way
God blessed Abraham, as he promised [Genesis 12:2], more than he could have asked or imagined [Ephesians 3:20] because of his belief that He would be faithful in his promises. In the investment world, it is about making a return on managed risk. Sometimes in Wall Street you can yield a good return with analysis. Other times, no matter what, you can lose large amounts of captial.  But with God, you can bank on his promises through faithfulness. There is no guessing and changing out mind, we just need to be faithful.

Genesis 24:4 - Go instead to my homeland
His son was nearing 40 years old and Abraham was old himself. He was looked to pass the torch on the next generation. Abraham again was faced with the challege of age-related life changes [Genesis 21:2]. The easy way to find Isaac a spouse would be to just look around the local area. The rational here might be "well, they do not follow God now but we can convert them later". This idea rarely works out and can cause much harm spiritually. Abraham chose again to be faithfully and to take the path less traveled. That path for his servant was 450 miles away to Nahor.

Genesis 24:8 - But under no circumstances are you to take my son there
Abraham nor his son were going to leave Cannon. There must have been some faithful prayer involved to find a way out of this situation [1 Corinthians 10:13]. How was Abraham going to find a wife for his son in a different land without standing in the way of God's promise? For both of them to go would have been an express of their lack of faith in God's promise. Also, if Isaac went a alone, he may have not returned. If Abrham went a alone, Isaac may have found a wife among the Canaanites while he was gone. The solution was a highly improbable plan (without God) for Abraham was to send his servant to find his wife. This way would be at a high cost to old man Abraham because of amount of work extra work he would need to do to cover while the servant was gone.


I am convicted by the way Abraham chose to approach challenging situations. He did not chose the easy way or the first way that sounded right. He chose to be faithful and had a conviction to allow God's promises to fulfilled in his life. I did not mediate and pray through the challenges set before very often. Many times I just say or do the first things that comes to my mind. Those are often thoughts of the easy way or only way to go about things. I need to think about the bigger picture when making  decisions.


Praying for heart of disernment and faithfulness in life's challenging situations.

2015-02-13 - Tap into Your Power Source

Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray - Mark 1:35

Jesus understood better than anyone else the importantce of tapping into the heavenly power source

Jesus didn't allow anything to get in the way of his prayer times

Busy men often complain of burnout, Jesus never did

Jesus had a packed schedule without losing his focus or his energy

He considered regular prayer time virtal to his personal well-being and effectiveness

How much more should we spend time daily with the One who empowers us?

2015-03-10 - All Good Things

You rule over everything - 1 Chronicles 29:12

David understood that although he had worked hard, God was the source of all his accomplishments

King David realized no one, whatever his station in life, ever receieves anything good apart from God

David died at a ripe old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor - 1 Chronicles 29:28

God loves hearing you declare him as your source of all good things

Allow others to see God at work in your life and open yourself to additional blessings

2015-03-27 - Help

Lord to Moses: Gather 70 men and they will bear the burden of the people along with you - Numbers 11:16-17

Moses had reached the point of burnout and no more to give

So much so, Moses said: "Just go ahead and kill me" - Numbers 11:15

God sent help his way

When you allow others to help you bear your burdens, you receive great blessings for yourself and for those who help you

Allow your brothers to share your burdens so that you can keep moving forward

2015-04-10 - Reporting

We can not stop telling about what we have seen and heard - Acts 4:20

Peter and John at this point did not have fear about sharing about Jesus

  • Heard exceptional preaching
  • Had seen impressive miracles
    • Demons casted out
    • Sick healed
    • Dead raised
    • Storms calmed
    • Empty tomb
    • Resurrected Jesus

Peter and John spoke respectfully even humbly to the religous authorities who had thrown them into prision

They were on a mission to share Jesus and would not allow anything to stop them

2015-05-19 - Believe and Receive

How can I be sure this will happen? - Luke 1:18

Faith is based on the fact that God keeps his promises - especially the promises that seem impossible

God had not forgetten Zechariah's prayers

He send Gabriel to tell to tell them they would have a son and their son would be the appointed to introduce the Messiah

Instead of thanking Gabriel, Zechariah spoke words of unbelief - Luke 1:18

God wasn't about to allow Zechariah's unbelief to get in the way

Who you respond when God make you a wonderful promise?

2015-05-22 - Infectious Enthusiasm

Phinehas has turned my anger away from the Isrealites by being as zealous among them as I was - Numbers 25:10

Phinehas had seen the immorality going on around him and could not stand idly by and allow his people tp defile themselves

Neither could he allow God judgement to continue without trying to bring it to an end

His last straw momenet was when he witnessed his Hebrew brother shamelessly taking a Midianite into his tent

Phinehas' zeal kicked in and passionately executed the man

From then on, he showed his willingness to take a stand and the people of Israel were spared and decendants received God's blessings - Numbers 25:12-13

When you are enthusiastic about your relationship with God, you are bound to affect the people around you 

2015-06-23 - Procrastination

Go away for now; When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again - Acts 24:25

Procrastination is a great enemy of accomplishment

It prevents you from being all that God wants you to be

Felix had an opportunity to repsond to the message of salvation but he allowed his fears to drive him away from Christ instead of toward him

Tragically, the "more convenient" time never came

2015-07-04 - Infectious Faith

Don't be afraid! Go ahead and do what you've said - 1 Kings 17:13

When you speak and demonstrate your faith openly, it is bound to infect others

It seemed Elijah was the only man with faith in Israel but he didn't let that stop him speaking God's Word who desparately needed to hear it

Drought had led to famine, God sent a woman with little money to feed

Elijah didn't allow the lack of wealth affect his faith and persuaded the woman to share what little she had

She never again lacked food for herself or her son

Faith isn't real unless you put it to work, don't worry about running out - God will give you what you need

2015-07-18 - Don't Panic

Paul urged everyone to eat; you have not touched food for two weeks - Acts 27:33

When problems arise and overwhlm us, are we tempted to "fly off the handle" or panic?

A vicious storm slammed Paul's boat and conviced even seanoned sailors they were going to die

Paul had been through enough in his life of faith to know God would allow him to complete his appoined mission without dying.

God promised not a hair on their head will perish during the trip

We can find peace knowing nothing happens to us unless our heavenly Father allows it

Our situations may not be easy or fun but God still remains in control

2015-07-30 - Assurance

Are you the Messiah we've been expecting? - Matthew 11:3

John the Baptist was courageous man of faith who saw Jesus up close

  • He preclaimed him as the Lamb of God - John 1:29
  • He baptized him and heard God's voice - Matthew 3:17

John sat in a prison cell and began to doubt Jesus' identity

Jesus sent back a message of reassurance

John did not wallow in doubt, he went to the source to find assurance

Where do you turn when you suffer moments of doubt?

2015-08-04 - Appearance

Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife - Matthew 1:20

It's hard to imagine Joseph not making some assumptions when his fiancee told him she was pregnant

Joseph onlyknew two things:

  1. Mary was pregnant
  2. He wasn't the father

What would his family think? Would they buy the story? Would he buy his own story?

God saw his heart and knew that he was the right man for the job

As Joseph slept, God confirmed Mary's story and told Joseph to not be afraid to marry her

God allowed Joseph the privilege of caring for the most important child ever born

2015-08-12 - Access

Only Moses is allowed to come near to the Lord - Exodus 24:2

At one time, only a few select people had direct access to God

Moses was the servant God had choosen to lead his people out of Egyptian captivity

Only Moses was permitted to:

  1. Hear God's voice
  2. Talk to God directly
  3. Plead with God on the people's behalf
  4. Receive God's commandments
  5. Obtain God's direction

In granting Moses such close access to him, God gave him a great responsibility and a great privilege

Today the Bible promises with our faith in Jesus, we can boldly come to the throne of our gracious God - Hebrews 4:16

2015-09-08 - Conflict Resolution

Let's not allow this conflict to come between us - Genesis 13:8

The ability to resolve conflict is an important people skill for any man to have

A conflict arose when Abram's and Lot's herdsmen began to argue among themselves

Abram took the first step by recongnizing the problem and talking to Lot about it

The second step was to offer Lot the choice of whatever portion of land he wanted

Abram gave Lot the first choice of land because he was more concerned with maintaining a good relationship than his wealth

Abram knew God would continue to bless him no matter where he settled

2015-10-14 - Finish Strong

Amaziah did not destroy the pagan shrines - 2 Kings 14:3-4

Amaziah rejected King David's godly example and followed his father example, Joash, instead

Joash started out strongly but fell flat later in life

He faithfully served God early in his reign but defaulted on his spiritual responsibilites

Amaziah led reactively instead of proactively

  • He defeated the Edomites early his life - 2 Chronciles 25:11-12
  • He then allowed his people to offer sacrifices and burning incense at pagan shrines
  • He even worshiped idol he took from the Edomites

Follow godly examples rather than ones like Amaziah - they startedout well but finished poorly


2015-10-21 - Grappling with God

I will not let you go unless you bless me - Genesis 32:26

When did you last wrestle with God?

For most men, the idea of wrestling with God seems a little out there

God could have ended the struggle with a single word

He dislocated Jacob's hip with a single touch

God allowed the wrestling match to go on for one reason: He wanted something from Jacob and for Jacob

When you wrestle with God over the important issues of your life, he has you right where he wants you

Wrestling is when you are most ready to receive a blessing

Are you willing to struggle persistently for answers and blessing from God?

2015-11-03 - Couldn't Help It

Then he went with Elijah as his assistant - 1 Kings 19:21

Elisha couldn't help becoming a prophet of the Lord

Elijah approached him and silently threw his cloak over his shoulder, Elisha knew what he meant

The Holy Spirit had touched his heart and he felt ready to leave everything to follow Elijah

First let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye - 1 Kings 1:19

Elisha had no choice in the matter, for it was God who had called him to leave everything and follow hi,

When the Holy Spirit is allowed to have free reign in your life, you can do nothing but say yes when God calls you to serve Him

2015-11-08 - Humbled

You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's - Mark 8:33

Peter must have felt great when Jesus publicly blessed him from understanding Jesus' true identity

Then it was shown that he needed to be knocked down a peg

Jesus stunned his disciples about him going to Jersulem and Peter scolded Jesus because of it

Peter was out of line and Jesus would not allow him or any other disciple to act as roadblocks to the path God set for him

Jesus knew Peter had failed to see things from an eternal perspective

Jesus was the conquering Kig but he was also the suffering Servant

Peter was to play a big part in Jesus' mission but he first needed to humbly trust in the Lord's plan

2015-11-10 - Stressed Out?

David was afraid of what King Achish of Gath might do to him. He pretented to be insane - 1 Samuel 21:12-13

Nothing reveals what's inside you quie like a stressfull situation

David fled to Gath become incognito from the murderous King Saul

King Achish's officers were aware of his true identity and David feared for his life and acted insane

Hardly the kind of behavior you would expect from Israel's next king

David allowed his stress rather than his God-inspired courage to rule the day

You may not be able to avoid stressful situations but you can decide for yourself how you'll respond to them

2015-11-30 - Rejected but Undaunted

No prophet is accepted in his own hometown - Luke 4:24

The people of Nazareth welcomed Jesus home to their Sabbath service

The things Jesus said amazed the people first but then he ruffed some feathers

Jesus' friends and family becamse irate and intented to throw him off a nearby cliff

Jesus escaped but grieved at what had happened

Jesus did not allow his hometown's rejection to discourage him

2015-12-10 - Guard Your Heart

He noticed a woman of unusual beauty - 2 Samuel 11:2

Our enemy knows our weakness and it often comes to us through what we see

David fell because he allowed himself to stare lustfully and sinful thought quickly turned into a sinful action

He apparently learned from his blunder, he later wrote: "I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar - Psalms 101:3

Have you learned to safeguard your heart by safeguarding your eyes?

Can a man walk on hot coals and not blister his feet? - Proverbs 6:28

2015-12-15 - Temper

As long as that son of Jesse is alive, you'll never be king. Now fo and get him so I can kill him! - 1 Samuel 20:31

Few emotions can harm our hearts and relationships like uncontrolled anger

Anger led to:

  • Cain slaying Abel
  • Samson's downfall
  • King Saul's attempts to young and faithful servant David

Saul's anger erupted out of jealousy of David's popularity and treat of becoming king

His anger was so fierce and overwhelming that he attempted to kill David at least three times

Saul's anger made it to his son Jonathan because he was tried to protect David

Saul showed his true colors when he allowed anger to control his every motivation, decision, and action

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