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2009-09-13 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 4)
A masculine journey always takes a man away from the women, come back to with his question answered
A man does not go to a woman to get his strength; he goes to her to offer it.
Addiction comes when we have taken our soul to her for validation.

What else are we looking for? God
Adam had God
God gave Adam Eve out of His humility
Eve eventually took the place of God

Adam was not deceived
Time where Eve had fallen but Adam had not
Adam choose Eve over God
Men without his true love, God, will try to find another

Why do you remain thirsty after you have had a drink… it is the wrong well
In God will only find the true healing of the wound

2009-10-14 - Wild at Heart - Eve's Wound
Question for her is: Am I lovely?
She needs to know that she is exquisite and exotic and chosen.
This is core to her identity, the way she bears the image of God
Will you purse me? Do you delight in me? Will you fight for me?
Wound says - No, you are not beautiful and no one will really fight for you
Wound usually always comes from the hand of her father

He has the power to cripple or to bless is just as powerful to her as to the son
Her heart is violated and the message is driven father in – you are not desired, you will not be protected, no one will fight for you.

If the father is passive, a little girl will suffer a silent abandonment – not noticed or pursued
Like so many unloved young women, they will to turn to boys to hear what she never heard from her father
When a woman never hears she’s worth fighting for, she comes to believe that is the sort of treatment she deserves

A hesitant man is the last thing in the world a woman needs.
She needs a lover and a warrior, not a nice guy

Number one problem between men and women is that we men, when asked to truly fight for her, hesitate
We are still seeking to save ourselves, we have forgotten the deep pleasure of spilling our life for another

2009-11-17 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 1)
There is no church without repentance
There is no repentance without the church.

How did the early church help seeker to repent?
Aligning themselves to the new community
The church, by definition, is counter-culture
World says, “Conform, get back in line”
Church says, “Repent, come out be different”

What do we think of when we think of counter-culture? Skinheads, etc
Not rebellion for the sake of rebellion but for selfless-love, sexual purity, generosity, purposeful living, revolutionary zeal,
humility, joy beyond understanding

The world hate holiness – hates holy saints

Practice largely disappeared during the second half of the century
We live in the customer’s always right culture
Not expelling members but the church meets my needs, what feels right, sin/repentance not your business

2009-12-08 - Master Plan - Demonstration (part 2)
  • There were many situations and many types of people
    • Rich and poor
    • Healthy and sick
    • Friend and Foe
  • No chalk board outline or “Do It Yourself” Manual
  • Jesus made sure they didn’t miss in understanding
    • Ask what the parables meant – Luke 8:9
    • Seem to spend more time explaining than the initial interaction lesson
    • Applied lesson to their lives – Mark 10:24-31
  • Jesus did not ask anything that He was not doing Himself
  • Class was always in session – every waking moment of everyday
    • People are looking for demonstration not explanation
    • Only way to train men is to live by example
    • Not shrinking back or evading our personal responsibility
    • Mere knowledge is not enough
    • Knowledge unapplied to living can become a stumbling stone for further truth
    • Jesus saw to it that they applied the truth in their life

2009-12-17 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 4)
  • Are those who have followed us to Christ now leading others to Him?
  • Not enough to rescue the perishing but to build them in the faith of Christ.
  • Converts go out and make leaders out of the converts not just simply more followers.
  • Church should be measured on how many Christians are actively winning souls.
  • Lord added to the Church, those who were being saved
  • Within a few centuries, the world would have known the hand of the Master
  • Shortcuts have failed
    • Adaptations of the principle are always necessary in the light of changing circumstances.
    • Costly principles of leadership development can not undercut
    • We try ceremonies, programs, organizations, and crusades of human ingenuity.
    • We must understand that evangelism is not done by something but by someone
    • God's nature is to get personal. Men reaching other men for Christ.
  • Need men who:
    • See His vision
    • Feel His passion
    • Willing to be nothing so that He may be everything

2009-12-24 - First the Kingdom - Key to everything else
The first beatitude is the key to whole sermon on the mount

By ourselves we can not live out the sermon - we need help from God
  • We can not be convicted enough
  • Can not be committed enough
  • Can not be determined enough
Lessons always lead back to this beatitude again and again
  • You will fail to have a pure heart and not forgive
  • Struggle to love your enemy
  • You will lash back because you can not turn the other cheek
  • You will be self-righteous and judge others
  • You will get anxious
God does nothing less but give the entire kingdom to a bunch of beggars - just have to admit you are one

Does this describe you?
Would God describe you this way?

2010-01-02 - First the Kingdom - Healthy Heart
What is your spiritual diet?

The Word is what purifies us
It discerns the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
It will diagnose and sanctify us

Keep our hearts pure by living according to God's word - Psalms 119:9
David had a steady diet of the Word

To keep a healthy heart:

1. Maintain a healthy diet - David "set before his eyes no vile thing" - Psalms 101:3
  What do we need to cut out of our lives?

2. Need exercise to make our heart strong
  • Be honest; Be vulnerable when it is not easy
  • Server when it is not convenient
  • Forgive when treated unfarily
A strong heart is a heart that is always being put to the test for God

2010-02-03 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 4)
How do we grow in our confession?

a. Be open even at the temptation level
We will get used to talking what we are thinking and going through
We will nip many things in the bud before they progress to sin

b. Start over-correcting
Start confessing everything
You can always tone it down so it does not become annoying :)

c. Ask some else what they think of your confession:

Do you find me to be a confessing person?
What is my confession level?
  • Seldom confess
  • Confess only when there is a "big" sin
  • Consistently confess sin
  • Am open even about temptations

2010-02-04 - First the Kingdom - Building with Gold (part 1)
Known as the golden rule - Matthew 7:12

Jesus' standard for treating others was not how they treated him

He demonstrated his incredible compassion:
  • Touched the leper - Matthew 8:3
  • Healed many - Matthew 8:14-17
  • Broke social and racial barriers - John 4
  • Compassion for a woman caught in adultery - John 8:3-11
  • Noticed a woman's suffering in a crowd - Luke 8:47
  • Called little children to him - Luke 18:16
He always asked  - How would I want to be treated?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit - Philippians 2:3-5

Jesus walked with his disciples teaching them to put others first not theology

2010-02-09 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 2)

Bad Trees

Bad trees always produce bad fruit

  • Shallow hearts produce shallow disciples
  • Hypocrisy multiplies hypocrites
  • Impure hearts produced doomed disciples
  • Criticaless spreads like a virus
  • Faithlessness topples cold heart after cold heart

Until someone sits down and studies the Bible with someone it is impossible to know what kind of heart they have

2010-02-22 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 2)

Biblical Principles of Reconcilation:

  1. Realize the urgency and importance of being reconciled - Matthew 5:23-24
    • God would rather you patch up things with your brother than worship him
    • Have you called someone on a Saturday night to talk so you can worship God acceptably  the next day?
  2. Accept the obligation and possibility of reconciliation
  3. Know that we cannot always have our way
    • Reconciliation does not mean that everone will agree; power of the gospel is diversity working together in harmony
  4. Make every effort to work things out - Ephesians 4:3
  5. Forgive as the Lord forgave you - Colossians 3:13
  6. Pray for your enemies (against human nature - Matthew 5:44

2010-02-24 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 4)

Some things that depend on us

We can always have a gracious attitude

Paul choose to focus on the result - Christ is being proclaimed - Philippians 1:15-19

We can always be humble

Consider others better than ourselves - Philippians 2:3-4
Walk worthy of the calling - with all humility and gentleness - Ephesians 4:1-2

We can always be positive - Philippians 2:14-15

We can always listen - James 1:19-20

We can always control our anger - James 1:20

Some things are our of control when to comes to reconciliation but they are many things within our control to build a relationship

2010-02-26 - One Another - Forgiving One Another (part 2)
Other matters related to forgiveness:

Forgiveness is the ultimate 'one another' trump card

Love, which always forgives, can cover a multitude of sins - 1 Peter 4:8

Forgiveness must come from a grateful heart

If forgiveness comes from anything other than a grateful heart, we lack the purity of heart
Rid yourself of all bitterness, rage, and anger - forgiving each other as Christ forgave you - Ephesians 4:31-32

We must help one another forgive

When a person is not forgiving, they grow bitter
The sin of lack of forgiveness of someone may be greater than the actual offense
See that no one misses the grace of God and no bitter root grows - Hebrews 12:14-15

Pain and anger are not resolved in a moment, but let us never doubt where we must end up

2010-02-27 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 1)
Small groups were in the center of Jesus' ministry - spent much of his time with the 12

Principles of small groups

Focus on belonging and being devoted - Romans 12:5

All belong to one another - members of one another
These who have been united with Christ - this is your spiritual family

Be a giver, not just a taker
Always need great listeners (not just being quite) - ask questions, draw people out
Do your part to make the group warm, loving, supportive, open, etc
"I'm not getting much out from this group" - check your heart and actions

Appreciate, affirm, and encourage the different gifts - 1 Corinthians 12

God has given our brothers and sisters for our enjoyment
Give special focus to those who may feel marginalized by illness/disability

2010-02-28 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 2)
Look for the Spirit's work in all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:6-19

The Spirit is always at work - John 5:17
Guard against the tendency to look at your group through unspiritual eyes
God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Don't just hang those you click with, God wants to teach us through people who are different from us

Support spiritual leadership - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Ask your leader(s) if he/she feels your support and encouragement - how you can more fully show it

2010-03-22 - To Live is Christ - Rejoice Always

It would be one thing to hear "rejoice always" from someone living with plenty but quite another from someone in a challenging situation - Philippians 4:4-5

There is something about being "in the Lord"
If someone is "in the Lord", there is always something bigger than our trials

Paul also had a deep conviction that whatever is one: The Lord Is Near
This is how men and women of God can be joyful and gentle in the most stressful times

God is monitoring their pain not allow more than we can bear and giving his strength
The Lord is near to all who call on him - Psalms 145:18
He is near in every situation we encounter

He is calling on them and us to rejoice always and to have a great attitude


2010-03-23 - To Live is Christ - Anxious About Nothing

Paul urges them to be anxious and worried about nothing and to pray about everything because God is in control - Philippians 4:6-7

Peace never comes without surrender
Surrender never comes without a decision to trust

Something instead of dealing with our emotions, we try an avoidance pattern
Adam and Eve hid from God and themselves

We must be in touch with happens to others and ourselves
It is why we must consistently and unashamedly pray about all aspects of our lives
It is not just for some - it is normal experience - just people deciding to trust God in every situation

Guard (a garrison of angel are available to help) our hearts - Satan wants us to trust ourselves and to doubt our God
Our own thoughts are not always the truth

How challenging to turn everything over to God. Yet, how foolish not to!


2010-03-28 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 2)
Poor and rich people need to watch their step - James 1:9-11
Proverbs teach us that the middle way between poor and rich is best - Proverbs 30:7-9

The crown of life is not received quickly nor cheaply - James 1:12
There are too many rationals to go the easy way:
  • My upbringing is less than perfect
  • I'm different
  • I need lots of sleep
  • I am a young Christian
  • I am an old Christian
  • I used to be worse
We can not become more dependent on explanations than on God
You always find a reason why you can not persevere

We are not victims, by God's power we can be victors

2010-04-08 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 2)
Teaching is one of the few gifts mentioned in both in the lists of Ephesian 4 and 1 Corinthians 12

What exactly is a teacher?
  • Primary job is to teach the scriptures
  • They need to teach the truth
  • False teachers are always out there
    • OT = Jeremiah 8:7-8
    • NT = 2 Peter 2:1
  • Are need to arrange biblical themes - Ecclesiastes 12:9-10
  • Teacher are primary instructional while preachers are more inspirational
  • Teachers must have deep convictions - allow those without is dangerous
  • Teachers must be on the cutting edge - teacher not at their best -> teaching becomes effected

2010-04-16 - Life to the Full - Personal Life of Peter (part 1)
Before calling him, Peter's character was more rash than rational

The Bad
He gave into bad habits, swearing - Matthew 26:74
He lacked a mission in his life - Luke 5:10

The Good
He spoke his mind plainly - Matthew 16:22
Responded quickly - Galatians 2:11
Always ready to learn from his mistakes - Luke 22:23

Peter was totally transformed by the Lord; he became bold and confident - Acts 4:12-13

2010-05-23 - Desire's Journey - Disowned Desire

Examples of desires used for bad then good

King David - passions got him in trouble, then gave us our book of worship

Peter - was hotheaded disciple always quick with a reply
First to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah and became a key apostle

Paul - extremely zealous for the traditions of his fathers, killed Christians
Jesus captured his zeal for good - he worked harder than all the other apostles - 1 Corinthians 15:10

Those who killed their passion altogether would murder the very essence that makes heros of the faith
Killing our desire is like the thinking of curing our sickness by bleeding out the bad

2010-06-01 - Desire's Journey - Futility and Failure

Men's punishment and curse hits man where it hurts most - in the field - Genesis 3:17-19

We drawn our sense of worth from work
Men generally don't talk about relationship as they do achievements

Man's deepest desire always relates to his strength
No matter how much a man achieves, it is never enough

Man's worst fear is not meaursing up
In some cases failure can be debilitating for life

2010-06-15 - I need to pray (part 2)

God overcomes our weaknesses

Romans 8:26 - God knows what we need

2 Corinthians 11:30 - FF - We must admit that where we are weak

Show me where I am weak, Lord!?!

God overhears our prayers

Psalms 4:1-8 - God listens to our prayers

Psalms 5:1-3 - Wait in expectation

Psalms 10:15-18 - God is always there

Psalms 65:1-4 - When are overwhelmed by sin

Psalms 102:17 - God responds to prayer

Psalms 109:3-4 - We must men and women of prayer

2010-06-23 - God does not change (part 1)
Preached on 2003-01-12

Hebrews 13:8 - Same always; it is his nature

Hebrews 6:13-20
- God's purpose is unchanging
- Wanted to make it clear

Numbers 23:19-20
- God's Integrity never changes
- God keeps his promises and oaths
- Who else do I know is like this?

Malachi 3:6 - God does not change
James 1:16-18 - God does not change

But our lives change

God allows our lives to change so we hold on to his unchanging hand

2010-07-10 - Desire's Journey - The Adventure Begins (part 2)
The first thing in the Bible is God working
The morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy - Job 38:7

Jesus said his Father is always at work to this very day and he too is working - John 5:17

  • Thunderclouds gather over the prairies
  • Plant grow or start to grow and lift heavenward
  • Maple leaves are woven
  • New stars are born every day
  • There is always a sunset and sunrise somewhere on the Earth

God loves his work
God delights in doing tall these things

2010-07-12 - Desire's Journey - The Adventure Begins (part 4)
Some love what they do
They have found a way to link what they are truly gifted at with the means of paying the bills
We've come to think of work as a result of the Fall

Dilbert is a icon our working days
  • Hopeless life of futility
  • Anonymity in the bowels of a large corporation
  • We don't even know what he really does
We yearn to be fruitful - to do something of meaning that flows naturally out of our gifts

Work is not a thing ones does to live, but the thing one lives to do

What if you even the freedom and power to do exactly what you were always meant to do?

2010-07-23 - Desire's Journey - The Heart's Healer
Worship is the act of the abandoned heart adoring its God
It is the union we crave and what we need

Worship occurs when we say to God from our hearts, "You are my One whom I desire"

In Psalms - no matter where the poet begins, he always ends in worship
It is no coincidence, where our journey must lead

Our only hope for rest from our craving of our desire is in God and us united with him

2010-07-24 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 1)
The more comfortable we are with mystrery in our journey, the more rest we will know along the way

Paul's quests - 2 Corinthians 6:10
  • Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
  • Poor, yet making many rich
  • Having nothing, yet possessing everything
If we remain open to sorrow, we can know joy

Somehow being empty allows us to make others rich

Some believe in the church that being a Christian somehow satisfies our every desire
Augustine: "The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing"

Being content is not the same as being full

2010-07-26 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 3)
Pleasure is often more about drugging ourselves that it is about enjoying ourselves
Avoiding the ache is always worse in the end than the ache itself
We want to predict what the Lord is going to do so that it does not hurt so bad when it happens

Whole creation has been groaning right up til the present time yet if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently - Romans 8:22-25

We live in hope and he says hoping is waiting and groaning

Ask yourself: What am I waiting for? Is there anything I desire that I am doing nothing to secure?

To wait is to learn the spiritual grace of detachment - the freedom of desire
Not the absence of desire but desire at rest

I have still and quieted my soul - Psalms 131:2

2010-08-01 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 2)
The NT scriptures do not differ from the old testament about forgetfulness
Bread and the cup was give to us in rememberence of him

Paul was shock that the Galatians were turning away so soon from God - Galatians 1:6
He sent Timothy to the Corinthians to remind them to share the eternal life he gives through Christ - 1 Corinthians 4:17
Peter, who knew firsthand the grief that comes with forgetting writes to keep firm the grip on faith - 1 Peter 5:10

Life is a journey of the heart that requires the mind
The heart is the center of life
Desire is always where the action is
We must bring the truth into our hearts to guard and to guide our desires - this is the other half of the mission

Popular phrases that do not work: Follow your heart, Trust your soul

We must cling to the truth for dear life - both heart and mind together

2010-09-17 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 5)
The worldview has simply removed warfare as a practical category
We shouldn't be surprised - we can not see spiritual strongholds after we say they really don't exist

If you deny the battle raging against your heart, then the theif can just come and go as he pleases
Satan says there is not war

Lord Almighty = he who is sovereign over all the powers in heaven and on earth, especially over the armies of Israel
The God of angel armies
God is powerful and and in control but don't always think of of him taking up a sword and shield, breaking down gates to rescue us
Big difference: Joe the good man who is in control vs Joe the Naval Seal

2010-09-18 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 6)
We must be careful that the religious does not turn discipleship into a soul-killing exercise
Counseling "medicine" for the sick patients can cause an endless cycle of always relying on the meds instead of focusing on a solution
Hope deferred makes the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12
So the wounds of the heart are never healed

A religious spirit makes it next to impossible foe a person to break free by spreading the belief there is no war
  • What group did Jesus tangle with the most?
  • Who start the rumors about Jesus to discredit him?
  • Where did the open opposition to Christ come from?
  • Who paid the 30 pieces of silver for Jesus' capture
  • Who got the crowd to start yelling Barabbas when Pilot was ready to let Jesus go?
If it does not bring freedom and life, then it is not Christianity
If it does not restore the image of God and rejoice in the heart, it is not Christianity

2010-09-24 - Waking Dead - It Will Be Messy
Going to a church service with hundreds of people will never expose you
That is what most prefer - because community will

It will bring you close and you will be seen and you will be known
Therein lies the power and the danger

The enemy hates this: he knows it can be powerful and God and his kingdom
Remember divide and conquer? This is his way

Most have settled for safety in numbers - a comfortable, anonymous distance
An army that keeps meeting for briefings, but never breaks into platoons and goes to war

Community is like camping together
Stuff is scattered out there for everyone to see

During fellowship there are two important things to remember

1. Know the heart is good - so much easier to trust and to forgive
We are for one another

2. Know that we are at war
The enemy is always trying to pull everyone away

2010-10-14 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part III)
  1. The Obstacle of Worry - Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:4-9
    1. As disciples, we sin when we worry about finances.
    2. Worry is a result of a lack of faith.
    3. Ways to overcome worry:
      1. Prayer
      2. Rejoice always
      3. Be thankful in all situations
  2. The Obstacle of Laziness - Signs of Laziness According to Solomon
    1. The Sluggard
      1. Proverbs 6:9-11, 19:15, 20:13, 26:14
        Oversleeping and eating too much
      2. Proverbs 13:4, 15:19
        Not accomplishing goals, something always getting in the way
      3. Proverbs 19:24, 26:13
        Making excuses
      4. Proverbs 20:4
        Unwilling to work hard
    2. Results of Laziness: Poverty - Proverbs 10:4, 12:24
    3. Overcome laziness by hard work - Proverbs 14:23


  1. What do I worry about? How will I overcome it?
  2. How does worry affect my relationship with God?
  3. What signs of laziness do I need to overcome? Be Specific.

2010-10-16 - Giving (Part II)
  1. It Takes Faith to Give - Malachi 3:8-11
    1. God wants us to test him in our giving (v. 10). All we need is the faith.
    2. God is waiting to pour out blessing when we trust Him. It is easy to say 'I'll give when God blesses me." God says, "Give and I win bless you."
  2. God's Promises - Malachi 3:10-11, Mark 10:29-31, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
    1. We will not have enough room for God's blessings.
    2. We can never outgive God.
    3. God always gives back 100 times as much to us.
    4. God will continue to give to us so we in turn can give to others and meet their needs.
    5. Ultimate blessing: treasure in heaven.
  3. Depend on God - Philippians 4:14-19
    1. Our giving is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
    2. When we give, God will meet all our needs.


  1. Do I hold back on my contribution because I am worried about the future?
  2. Does my giving cause me to rely on God?
  3. What amount of money should I be giving weekly that is both responsible and still requires faith?
  4. When have I relied on the promise of God in my giving? What did God do in response?

2010-10-18 - Sacrificial Living
  1. Jesus' Example - 2 Corinthians 8:9, Luke 9:57-58
    1. Jesus chose to live sacrificially. He gave up heaven itself.
    2. He became poor so the world could be saved.
  2. The Need for Sacrificial Living
    1. To meet the physical needs of others. (2 Corinthians 8:13-15; Acts 4:34-37)
      1. Paul wanted those who had plenty to sacrifice for those who were in need.
      2. The first century Christians sacrificed so there would be no needy people among them.
    2. To support full-time workers so the world would be evangelized. (Philippians 4:10-19)
      1. Paul commended the Philippians for the aid they had sent him.
      2. He considered their gifts to him as a sacrifice to God.
    3. There was always a purpose in the Bible for living sacrificially. It was never to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice alone.


  1. In what ways can I choose to live more sacrificially in order to have money to give to meet needs?
    • Cut food budget
    • Limit or eliminate eating out for a time to save for a special contribution
    • Use creativity during dates in order to save money
    • Stop impulse spending (vending machines, fast food, etc.)
  2. Am I willing to "become poor" so that others can have the opportunity to become Christians?

2010-10-27 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part II)
Second major way to sacrifice is money
The person on the receiving end of help always knows better what effect giving on other's lives

Sometimes the lack of things we need shows us the way to Christ
  • Humbles us because we have receive from others
  • Shows us the true disciples of Christ
It is truly more blessed to give then receive
What might happen if you loosened your grip on your material possessions?

  • Whose heart might open?
  • Whose attitude might soften
  • Who might get curious and start asking spiritual questions?
Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth - 1 John 3:18

2010-11-01 - Contagious Christian - A Matthew Party
Like today, many of the religious and non-religious of Matthew's day did not have intersecting social circles

Some he planned a party for the religious and non-religious to come to - Luke 5:29
  • Matthew recently became a Christian
  • In those days, being a tax collector was a license to extort
  • He had not learned yet how to teach the gospel to people
  • Jesus was always moving a round, spontaneous
  • Solution throw a big party and invite Jesus and everyone else
  • Pharisees found out about it and were not happy with it
  • Did Matthew have second thoughts when he saw the interactions between the Pharisees and Jesus?
  • Jesus defended Matthew's party idea with explaining the sick need a doctor
  • Mixed groups are not only acceptable but essentials to God's redemptive plan
Learning from Matthew:
  • Be innovative and creative
  • Come up with a plan to be with more people
  • Pray hard and be willing to go out on a limb
  • Learn from mistakes and adjust accordingly

2010-11-10 - Contagious Christian - Dorcas' Service Approach
Dorcas was "always doing good and helping the poor" - Acts 9:36
She well-known for her loving acts of service
She made robes and articles of clothing for widows and other needy people in her town

It was very difficult to see her activity without seeing the love of Christ that inspired
Her work was so important that when she died a premature death, God sent Peter to raise her from the dead

People who take on this approach find it relatively easy to servers others
Often those who are quite and enjoy expressing compassion through action

No one fits perfectly into just one approach and you probably use all of them one way or another
God has designed diversity on His team and each member is stronger in some styles than others

A team of Christians who are made up of different styles will strong because they can reach virtually every type of seeker

2010-11-17 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part II)
Christ - Common questions
Why couldn't God just forgive and forget, as we can?
Like in car accident, God is willing to forgive but someone still has to pay for the damage

What kind of justice is there in having Jesus suffer instead of me?
God was not a reluctant bystander
The difference is that God is will and he is taking his own punishment for you

Many people are left with the impression that if they go to church or they born into a church they are saved
Not everyone that calls Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom - Matthew 7:21-23
We have got to be crystal clear that a personal response is essential

Do vs Done
The difference between religion and Christianity is Do vs Done

Religion spells DO - as in we try to do something for God's salvation
It is like a salesman that needs to meet a quota but does not know what it is
But we can never do enough and will always fall short - Romans 3:23

Christianity spells DONE
Means that what we could never do for ourselves, Christ has already done
He lived a perfect life we could never live
He willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty we owed

2010-11-27 - Mission - All Nations
The only event in history where all mankind gathers together is Judgment Day

An expert in the law asked "What I do to inherit eternal life?" and "Who is my neighbor?"
This expert had given his life to study of the scriptures

Jesus illustrates the greatest commandment - one man helping another
Does not talk about:
  • Some daring act of evangelism - although He did this almost daily
  • Being baptized  - although it is commanded and can never be omitted
Who are you helping? Do see those in need?

James 2:14-16 - Do you claim to have faith? It is never alone
Food, clothing, a blanket shows that you have saving faith

Christian who "share their faith" don't always "share their food"

Sometimes we resemble the expert in the law who did not love their neighbor
By focusing on helping the poor, many people seem to become more evangelistic
Physical and spiritual needs are inseparable

Jesus said, I was hungry, of need of clothes, sick. Did you help him? - Matthew 25:35-36

He takes it personally - Jesus grew up poor
Doves were the sacrifice of the poor - Luke 2:24

2010-12-10 - Mission - With You Always
One of the last things Jesus said to assure his disciples, I am with you always - Matthew 28:20

Same message given to those who were:
  • "Too young"
  • "Not good speakers"
  • "Claimed weakness"
  • "Claimed faithlessness"
God's response is always the same: I will be with you
  • Peter: Do I know enough?
  • John: Will I be loved?
Jesus is on the front lines of salvation - we need to be where He is
Do you want to share because you will asked about it or because He will be with you?
If we could truely grasp the significance of Jesus being with you - radically change the face of evangelism

We are commanded to preach whether we want to or not - 1 Corinthians 9:17

Jesus reminded Paul that He was with him and that is all Paul needed
When we find ourselves timid, we need to remind ourselves who is with us 

2011-01-03 - Discipleship (part III)

John 13:34-35

  • What will disciples of Jesus will be known for? Their love.
  • “As I have loved you”: What kind of love did Jesus demonstrate for us?

Matthew 28:18-20

  • The Great Commission: God’s plan to save the world.
  • Disciples make disciples by baptizing people from all nations in his name and teaching them to become mature, obedient
    followers of Jesus.
  • Efforts to reach the world with the gospel are multiplied when every disciple embraces Jesus’ final charge.
  • Are you willing to answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus?

Mark 10:28-31

  • What did Peter and the others give up in order to follow Jesus? Is it possible to “outgive” God?
  • What does Jesus promise to those who have committed their lives to following him?
  • Being a Christian is not always easy, but it is the life we were created for.
  • It is the best life now, and the best life for eternity!

2011-01-22 - Followup - Laziness (part I)

1 Timothy 4:7-8 - We must train ourselves to be godly; it does not come naturally; rather the whole Christian life is a process of training in righteousness.


Hebrews 6:1
  1. Do not become lazy; this is a constant treat to the Christian life, to every Christian, young or old
  2. Rather than imitate those who exhibit true faith and patience; there will always be good examples to imitate.
Proverbs 6:6-11 - Self motivation; sleeping
Proverbs 24:30-24 - Disorganization of sluggard
Proverbs 26:13-16 - Laziness of sluggard

2011-01-31 - Followup - Servant (part II)
Humble Servant - Luke 17:7-10

Question: What should our attitude be while serving?
  1. Grumbling servant - “I’ll serve, but I’m not going to like it.”
  2. Complaining servant - “Why do they always ask me to serve”
  3. Proud servant - “I serve more than anyone and deserve recognition”
We must be humble servants and serve daily
When we serve, we’ve done nothing special except our duty

Excellent Servant - Mark 7:37

Jesus did all things well
When we serve, we must do so with excellence
Ephesians 6:7-8 - When we serve, we must serve as though Jesus himself had asked us to do it!

2011-02-10 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part III)
Wisdom is commonly defined as good judgment
In the Bible, it also has a strong ethical content

The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delights - Proverbs 11:1
Honest is the best policy in business
Biblical wisdom always factors God into the equation
  • Society might cut corners just enough so it won't hurt business
  • The person who fears the Lord strives to be honest all the time
  • God-fearing more concerned about pleasing God than what is good for business
Honesty is the best policy but its wisdom has the wrong foundation.
It is essentially self-serving

Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil - Proverbs 15:16-17
This kind of wisdom can only come from the Lord
All levels of our society base their supposed happiness on their ability to acquire the possession they want

2011-02-11 - Fearing God - Parable of Awe

Marine Corp example

Solider learned to respect autority promptly and correctly by carrying out commands / seeing pure fear and humilation as punishment
Some actually learn to enjoy the challenge of the tough, disciplined life

Solider grows a personal relationship with the general but always conscious of the vast difference in rank between them
It was a different kind of awe - a greater sense of respect and admiration

Later he realizes how much the general cares for him by putting his life on the line for the solider

Jesus often spoke in parables, fictional stories that as if they really happened
Helps express more abstract spiritual concepts

Awe is defined as:

  • An emotion in which dread, veneration, and wonder are vairously mingled
  • Submissive and admiring fear inspired by authority
  • A fearful reverence inspired by deity


2011-03-08 - NT Commands (part I)

Commands found in the New Testament:

  • Abstain from sinful desires - 1 Peter 2:11
  • Always be prepared to preach the Word - 2 Timothy 4:2
  • Avoid foolish arguments about the law - Titus 3:9
  • Avoid evil - 1 Thessalonians 5:22
  • Avoid godless chatter - Timothy 2:15
  • Avoid false and opposing ideas - 1 Timothy 6:20
  • Avoid troublemakers - Romans 16:17-18
  • Be able to teach - 2 Timothy 2:24

2011-03-09 - NT Commands (part II)
Commands from the New Testament
  • Be alert and self controlled - 1 Thessalonians 5:6
  • Be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
  • Be anxious for nothing - Philippians 4:6
  • Be content with what you have - Hebrews 13:5
  • Be willing to associate with those in low position - Romans 12:2
  • Be joyful always - 1 Thessalonians 5:16
  • Be kind to everyone - 2 Timothy 2:24
  • Be patient with everyone - 1 Thessalonians 5:14

2011-05-22 - Righteousness not easy but valuable
Righteousness not easy but valuable

2 Timothy 4:16-17
  1. How closely are you looking at how you live?
  2. Why should you always watch what you are doing?
  3. How would your life change if you were always watchful?
Proverbs 21:3

God values righteousness over the sacrifice of
  1. Your time
  2. Your money
  3. Your feelings
  4. Anything else of yours that you value
But he delights in us being righteous even more

2011-05-24 - Righteousness that comes from faith
Righteousness that comes from faith

Romans 4:13-25

Abraham believed God when it looked like he and Sarah could not have children
He did not waver in his faith - vs. 20
He was fully persuaded that God had the power to do anything - vs 21

Where does your righteousness come from?
  1. Personal experiences?
  2. Tradition (“we always do it this way”)?
  3. Goals that are easy to achieve?
What situations in your life could "credited as righteousness” because of your faith that it would happen?

2011-06-14 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VII)
He is worth following:
  • Peter and his brother Andrew left their jobs - Matthew 4:18
  • Must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me - Matthew 16:24
  • I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you - John 13:15
  • God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:14
  • You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord - 1 Peter 2:21
  • Follow others as they follow Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • Follow His example in both in both negative and positive area
    • He never did a wrong thing.
    • He always did the right thing.

2011-06-24 - Mind of Christ - Obedience (part IV)
He obeyed God because he wanted to please God more than he wanted to please himself (continued)
  • Luke 3:22 - The Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove
  • John 8:29 - I always do what pleases him
  • 2 Peter 1:17 - This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased
  • Hebrews 10:7 - I have come to do your will, O God
The highest motivation for our obedience to God is also in our relationship with God.
  • John 14:15, 21, 23 - If you love me, you will obey what I command; He who loves me will be loved by my Father
  • 1 John 5:3 - This is love for God: to obey his commands
  • Matthew 22:37 - Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind

2011-07-13 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part VIII)
We must employ at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. We must give ourselves totally to this fulfillment
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58 - Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord
  • 1 John 3:16 - We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers
  • 2 Corinthians 8:5- Would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord
2. We must earnestly long for the salvation of sinners
  • Jeremiah 9:1 - I would weep day and night for the slain of my people
  • Luke 13:34 - How often I have longed to gather your children together

2011-08-05 - Daughter Needs - Father Knows Best
Father Knows Best dad = insists on always being right
Only accepts his daughter when she performs to his standard

Everyone needs to learn how to live and work under authority and need to command a certain level of respect, but sometimes we are wrong
We need to own up to our own shortcomings

If we ignore or deny our mistakes - it will create bitterness
A father who refuses to admit their mistakes has a daughter that does not trust him
How can can she rely on your advice
Your reliability is increased when you admit your mistakes

A strong man admits and corrects his mistakes

If you want your daughter to believe in her father, show her you know best and own your behavior

2011-08-13 - Daughter Needs - Laughter
If dads are always working, disciplining, serious, they will have a hard time believing love is sometimes light hearted
Older  daughters may think silliness is not cool, the key is to have fun
Games and siliiness are simply mechanisms to achieve fun and laughter

Teach your daughters to take their work and calling seriously - but not themselves

Being fun and silly requires a degree of vulnerability that many men and women struggle with
Tell jokes but do not poke fun of each other - this is forbidden

If you make your daughter cry, you have gone over the line
Apologize - don't tell her to stop being too sensitive

2011-08-20 - Fearing God - Holy Justice, Holy Mercy
But God does not leave Isiah devastated

We tend to think of justice in a positive sense - child murdered and the community wants to see justice
The murder does not want to see justice

The wages of sin is death - in this sense we don't want to see justice done
God's justice is both holy and perfect
God always wants to give mercy
He can not be lenient and can not violate His own justice

The solution is Christ - he reconciled God's justice and mercy
The Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all - Isaiah 53:6

2011-08-31 - Fearing God - Growing in Fear

There is no point to a spiritual retreat if it does not affect our lives back home

We need to be consistly in awe,reverence, honor, and worship on a high level
We can not live on mountaintops

How do we grow in fearing God?
If you are a believer, God has already inplanted at least a spark in your heart

Jeremiah 32:38-41

  • He will give us a sigleness of heart and action - so we will always fear him
  • He will never stop doing good to us and he will inspire us to fear him

We need to fan it into flames - 2 Timoty 1:6

The Holy Spirit helps -  it is our responsiblity to grow


2011-09-21 - Proverbs on Pride (part I)
Proverbs 16:18 - First pride, then the crash

This is one saying that always been apart of history:
  1. Cain’s pride led to him killing his brother Abel
  2. King Saul’s pride led to him attempting to kill David
  3. David lost his son Absalom to pride as Absalom attempted to overthrow David
  4. Hitler, Sadam, on and on (even to the extent of pride leading to the shake up in God’s modern day kingdom)
NT Greek word for pride = “puffed up with pride”
  • This is a very descriptive word (like a peacock strutting his feathers)
  • The proud person puts on the mistaken belief that he is better than he is
Pride/arrogance begins in the heart (so often we say I’m prideful but take it to lightly)

Mark 7:20-22 - (arrogance/pride) is a reflection of the heart = don’t take it so lightly

Luke 1:50-52 - God scatters the thoughts of the proud (busy covering themselves & looks)

James 4:6 - Every time you say, “Ha-Ha, I know I’m prideful” realize “God’s apposing me”
  • Not so funny then
  • The proud man does not submit to God thus becomes God’s enemy

2011-10-03 - Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man


The serpent deceived the woman; she and Adam ate from the tree. Man blamed woman, woman blamed the serpent. The earth became cursed, and God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden.


Genesis 3:1 - Did God really say
The first way Satan tries to get Eve to disobey God is to create doubt to what God said. Many times Satan does not even try to tell us to do a 180 turn (you might notice what is going on then) - just a slight detour to the right or to the left [Deuteronomy 5:32]. It does not take much to get us off course from the narrow road [Matthew 7:14].

Genesis 3:4 - You will not surely die
Another temptation Satan throws our way is doubt in his punishment or promises. He would love for us to believe we will be judged at the end of our lives [John 12:48].  "Live your life the way you want to" - Satan. He does not want you to remember the promises God has spoken to encourage us in our walk with him.

Genesis 3:6 - desirable for gaining wisdom
When struggling with sin, we often come up with "good" reasons why we need to sin. In this case, Eve comes up with a "spiritual" reason. She wanted to gain "wisdom" - we need to have wisdom in our daily lives, right? God does not always reveal everything to us and for good reason. We should start with fear of the Lord since it is the beginning of wisdom [Psalms 111:10].

Genesis 3:9 - Where are you?
Good question to ask ourselves all the time. Where am I in relation to God? We often "disappear" when we sin either physically or more likely mentally. When we look in a mirror [James 1:23-24], we are blinded and do not see our true selves. We don't want to deal with the underlying problems in our character - it will be paining and requires effort but in the end it is worth it.

Genesis 3:19 - dust you are and to dust you will return
If you need a reminder on humility, this scripture will help. We come from the dirt of the ground and we will return there someday. We need to seize the days we have - stop worrying about tomorrow [Matthew 6:34].

Personal Application

I need to be aware of Satan's tricks continuously. He does not want to be noticed. I need to pray and reflect on how I am living my life and find where Satan is getting me to deviate even a fraction of a degree. I need also examine my thought and find out they are out of line with God's Word. I will ask others what they see where I have taken a devour on God's narrow road.

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-08 - Genesis 8 - The Flood (part III)


The flood abated. Noah sent out a raven and two doves. When the earth was dry God called them all out of the ark. Noah built an altar.


Genesis 8:1 - But God remembered Noah
God does not forget us. No matter how much He has going on, we are in the forefront of his mind. Noah may have been felt like he was all alone in an endless sea of water but this was not the case. We may also feel this way sometimes but God is always right there with us [Joshua 1:5].

Genesis 8:20 - Then Noah built an altar to the LORD
What is the first thing Noah does when Noah gets off an ark he has been on for about a year? Build an alter for the Lord. Would we do the same thing? DO we do the same thing. When we have face a prolonged trial and it finally ends, we go out and celebrate and forget the Lord? Or do take time to truly thank him for helping us through? Like God remembered Noah, Noah also remembered the Lord.

Genesis 8:21 - never again will I destroy all living creatures
God's promised that He will never destroy all living creatures again. Many worry about this through scientific studies or other ideas come up with ways the earth will be destroyed because of what man does. Whether that is true or not is not the point but we do know that God will not be the one doing it. When God promises something it happens.

Personal Application

I seem to forget the lessons of difficult times as soon as the pain has lifted. We go through tough times so our character can mature and grow but will I have to go through the same lessons again to learn the same lessons. I want to be grateful for God's discipline (does not come naturally) and change my character accordingly. God discipline the ones he loves, I need to remember why He is doing it [Hebrews 12:6].

2011-10-12 - Genesis 12 - The Call of Abraham


God told Abram, "Go. I will make you a great nation. You will be a blessing." In Egypt Abram lied about Sarai and Pharaoh was cursed.


Genesis 12:1 - Leave your country, your people
We take comfort when things do not change. True comfort comes from God. He directs us where we should go to ultimately have comfort in him. To told Abram to leave the country and people he know and go somewhere completely different. When we made big changes it forces us to to stop relying on the things around us and solely on Him.

Genesis 12:13 - Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well
The root of a lie always has its orgins in a selfish reason. It is Satan's native language [John 8:44]. The reasons for lying my even sound spiritual but it is sin. What "harmless" lies are you telling? Who are you telling them to? Are you believing your own lies?

Personal Application

I value comfort but it is not the same comfort that comes from God. When I look at my heart, I am slower to change then I used to be as a younger Christian. This should not be. What is stopping me from changing? Would I being willing to move again for God?

2011-10-17 - Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham


God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.


Genesis 17:9 - As for you, you must keep my covenant
First, God came to Abram and Abram fell facedown. God told him what His part of the covenant - the promises that Abram would be a father of many nations. But there are two sides to covenant - we have commitment too. Sometimes we just love to look at God's promises but ignore our side of the covenant. God freely gives and will always out give us but we must do our part as well. What parts of our relationship with God are one sided?

Genesis 17:17 - Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?
Sometimes what He says to us are hard to believe or understand. But His ways are much higher than our ways [Isaiah 55:9]. Despite our understanding at the time, we need to trust what God says. What promises of promise of God are we not trusting? Why?

Personal Application

I know I can one-sided and stubborn in my thoughts and sometimes in my relationships. When I get my mind set to do something, that is the way it is. This can be a strength in some situations but a very big weakness if I am contrary to God's thinking. I need to be humble and allow God to change my thoughts and my ways.

2011-10-20 - Mind Change - Every Situation
In every situation there is a right spiritual way to think.

It may take some time to find it.

It may take some discipline to embrace it.

But it is always there, and it is always best.

It is always the key to overcoming any challenge.

Philippians 1:27 - Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ
Ephesians 5:10 - find out what pleases the Lord
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - give thanks in all circumstances

2011-11-12 - Mind Change - Patience
Whoever gives up on God always gives up too soon.

He doesn’t wear your watch.

He doesn’t use you datebook.

He doesn’t always follow your script.

But he always comes through.

2 Corinthians 1:18-20 - Every one of God's promises are "Yes" in him

2011-11-14 - Mind Change - God can handle it
With God, there is no straw that breaks the camel's back.

You may think, “I can’t take one more thing.”

But with God you always can.

You can take whatever he allows life to bring.

He will always be enough.

Psalms 34:17-19 - LORD delivers him from them all
1 Peter 5:10-11 - He will himself restore you and make you strong

2011-11-16 - Mind Change - Grace
God always gives the next grace for the next step.

It may look bigger than any you have taken before, but if he calls you to take it, his grace will be sufficient.

The challenges that are coming up may be greater than any you have faced, but God will always be enough.

Judges 6:14 - Go in the strength you have
2 Corinthians 1:10 - We have set our hope on him that he will deliver us yet again

2011-11-17 - Mind Change - Never Quit
Never quit!

You may feel like quitting.

You may think there is no other option.

But there always is.

Decide now, and again and again, that you will never quit.

1 Corinthians 15:58 - Your labor is not in vain in the Lord
Galatians 6:9 - We must not grow weary in doing good
2 Corinthians 4:1,16 - We do not despair

2011-11-18 - Thankfulness

Colossians 1:3,10-12, 2:6-7, 3:15, 17, 4:2
 - In one letter we are instructed SEVEN times to be thankful people. Pretty important


Philippians 4:10-13 ~ Paul did not start out this way
  • Paul learned thankfulness no matter what your circumstances
  • Without doubt the most valuable secret in life.
  • How can we learn to be thankful?
3 Keys:

1. Remember the past.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 ~ Remember how you used to live. 
  • Remember that you were an object of wrath and on the path to hell.
  • Think how fortunate you are to be in God's grace and on the road to heaven.
  • Were would you be today without God's grace?
2. New thinking in the present

    Serve with a grateful heart
    Matthew 6:1-4 ~ Remember it is more blessed to give than receive.
  • Learn to enjoy serving God and His people.
  • Don't look for recognition.
  • Old life hide sin, new life hide good
    Trust God in everything
    Romans 8:28  ~ God works out EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him.
    Do you believe this ?

3. Think toward the future.

    Philippians 4:2-8 ~ You name is written in the book of life.
  • What do you see?
    • Do not be anxious about anything - the Lord is near.
    • Constantly think about GOOD, NOBLE, HONOURABLE and PURE things. (Don't allow the devil to pollute your mind).
    • Rejoice in the Lord always.

2011-11-21 - Getting Advise (part I)
One of the greatest advantages you have as a disciple is the wealth of knowledge, insight and experience available from all the other disciples in the church. These individuals have experienced a lot personally or have helped many people through tough or challenging situations in life and want to be there to offer help (or advise) to you. We came to God by letting Him use others to help us see the truth, and we will grow stronger and closer to God by letting others continue to help us. Getting advise will be of tremendous help to you in your Christian walk. This study will help you see how God uses advise to help you grow and your best for Him.

Our feelings and emotions can often mislead us and hurt us
  • Proverbs 16:25 - What seem or feels right is not always right; others can help you see that
  • Proverbs 19:2 - Be zealous, but make sure you have the correct information
We need to realize our weaknesses and limitations
  • Proverbs 12:15 - Wise people let others in their lives and listen to input
  • Proverbs 12:1 - Getting advise and being corrected in your thinking is very wise

2011-11-22 - Getting Advise (part II)
Advise will bring about only what is good
  • Proverbs 11:14 - Many advisers bring victory in your daily life
  • Proverbs 15:22 - Allow others to be a part of your planning; they will help you succeed
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Advise will make you wiser than ever
Before big decisions, you should seek advise
  • Proverbs 20:18 - Get advise before the challenging battles you will be facing
  • Proverbs 24:5-6 - Young disciples need older soldier’s guidance on waging spiritual battles
Only pride will keep you from seeking advise
  • Proverbs 15:12 - Be open to the possibility that your plans may be wrong or not the best
  • Proverbs 16:18 - You may fall simply because you refused to get input in your life
  • Proverbs 18:12 - Humility leads to advise, advise leads to victory, victory leads to honor
Do your best to make it a regular practice to get a lot of advise in your life – the more the better. God has always used other godly people to guide His people to a better life. Don’t wait for someone to ask you the right questions about your plans. Instead, go to them and seek their help and guidance. You’ll be amazed how much trouble you can avoid and how much good can come your way if you stay open to getting advise.

2011-11-28 - Gratitude (part I)
The topic of gratitude is extremely important and one that we probably don’t stress enough. As a new disciple you want to get into some good habits of gratitude. Being thankful to God for your salvation is really just the beginning. Being grateful for every situation you find yourself in is the goal. In the study, we will look at God’s call be thankful.

Gratitude is a commandment of God
  • Hebrews 12:28-29 - Be grateful you are a part of such an awesome Kingdom
  • Colossians 2:6-7 - Our thankfulness should be an obvious part of our life (overflowing)
Gratitude has always been an important part of worship
  • Nehemiah 12:31 - God assigned two choirs, solely for the purpose of giving thanks
  • Psalms 28:7 - Gratitude must be seen in our singing to God (Colossians 3:15-16)
  • Psalms 100:1-5 - All parts of worship should be entered into with thanksgiving

2011-11-29 - Gratitude (part II)
Gratitude must be seen in our prayer life
  • Philippians 4:6 - Start your prayer times every day with your thankful list
  • 1 Timothy 4:4 - Be grateful for everything God has provided you with – even the basics
Lack of gratitude is both sinful and dangerous
  • Romans 1:21 - Not thanking God can lead to involvement in other sinful areas
  • Luke 17:11-19 - Not thanking God for the blessings you receive is selfish
Gratitude should be felt and spoken on a continual basis
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Be thankful in all circumstances, whether great or challenging
  • Ephesians 5:19-20 - Always be thankful-for all things (make a list of 200 thing to be grateful)
As you can see, gratitude is a very important part of your Christian life. Being grateful for all things and at all times will not be easy. You will need to be constantly remind yourself and be reminded by others just how awesome God is and how good He has been to you. The devil wants you to be negative-a whiner and complainer. God wants and expects you to be a grateful disciple. Make some decisions today about how thankful you will be from this day forward.

2011-12-01 - Growing (part II)
Take it upon yourself; don’t only rely on others
  • Hebrews 5:11-14 - Train yourself; be disciplined to read and pray and get help from others
  • Hebrews 6:1-3 - We must learn the elementary truths so we can move on to maturity
Keep you focus on Jesus
  • 1 John 2:5-6 - Always compare yourself to Jesus and look to imitate Him in everything
  • Colossians 1:28-29 - Let others help you to be formed more into the image of Jesus
Never stop growing
  • 2 Peter 1:3-11 - Growth is an absolute; it solidifies your place in heaven
  • 2 Peter 3:17-18 - Growth will keep you from falling from your secure position
God is a fair God!! He knows our every sin and weakness and is willing to forgive. But through it all, He expects all of us to grow and strive to be our best for Him. Decide on a few areas you need to grow the most in and develop a plan to attack those areas and turn them into strengths.

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