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Searching for "authority" in the Quiet Time Archive
Displaying results from "50" to "53". (53 found)

2015-12-22 - Frame of Reference

This happened so the power of God could be seen in him - John 9:3

Jesus' disciples believed bad things happen to bad people

Jesus quickly corrected their faulty thinking by denying the man's blindness had anything to do with anyone's sin

This blindness was to be one day used to bring the people's attention to Jesus' devine power and authority

When blind man obeyed Jesus, he was able to see for the first time in his life

Jesus' miracle changed the disciples' notions about God and how he works through human circumstances

2018-02-07 - The Strength of Jesus

John the Baptist was a mighty man but he said there was one coming who is mighter than he

He baptized great and small but when Jesus arrives, John falters and draws back at thought of baptizing Jesus

Fisherman left all and followed him - such was the impression he made upon them

Jesus goes into the synagogue and begins to teach, they are amazed how he teaches with such authority

He heals and the people are surprised because God given such power to a man

Jesus drew men to him:

  • Seashore: crowd so great, he pushed into the water
  • Hilltop: hillside is alive with people
  • Desert: great crowd surrounds him
  • City: he sometimes dares not go into a city because the turmoil he would cause

In each place Jesus arrived, he turned it upside down by his presence

Only a man of strength draws to him great masses of men 

2018-03-30 - The Orginality of Jesus

No one in Jesus' day raise the question of whether he was original or not

No personality like that of Jesus had ever been encased in flesh before

Jesus began by reading a scripture in Isaiah that others had read but they did not understand it meaning
Jesus understood it fully and read it and the scripture became new

Religion is partly ceremony and partly ethics

Jesus emphased mercy instead of sacrifice

Accent in his teaching was full of assurance, certainty and authority

He never hesitated, speculated, or showed any indication of a wavering mind - I tell you the truth

Jesus was the complete man

He was differernt from all other men that had ever been and he said so