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2008-08-11 - 30 Days at the Cross - Seeing It Through
It is not hard to start something but it takes character to finish

What did it take for Jesus to reach his goal? Nothing less than a relationship with the Father and death

With dull disciples - could have become impatient
Exhausted after a long journey - could have become selfish
He never gave in

How did he stay so determined to overcome?
Offered prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears - Hebrews 5:7

Jesus shed tears for:
  • the lost
  • the people he met and healed
  • his disciples to stay faithful
  • his family who thought he was crazy
  • the children
Knowing that God heard his cries, he found victory over discouragement, anxiety, doubt, and loneliness
We are aware of our ineffectiveness, we focus on what we should be doing but neglect our relationship with God

2008-08-13 - 30 Days at the Cross - Lasting Impact
We learn that we should pursue: fame, fortune, and material possessions from the world

Jesus refutes all that we have learned - service, sacrifice, and spiritual power
  • Connection to the highest places - John 1:11
  • His ability to move the masses was unparalleled - Matthew 7:28
  • His understanding of what it takes to succeed was clear and unwavering - John 12:23-24
  • He stayed on task until it was done - John 19:30

Many of us spend more time at work than any other single place
If we aren't living the cross here, how can we be living it at all

Honest is required - may mean less money or advancement

Time commitment - it is easy to get caught up at work
Every disciple needs to work hard - but what is the reason?
  • Working for a promotion
  • Earn more money
  • Gain material possessions
  • Working for the Lord - Colossians 3:23
Is it to please your boos, yourself, or God? - Rich young ruler - Matthew 19:16-30

How could a temporary ob on earth be more important than Jesus and his work?
If we compromise at work, how will we ever overcome the world?

2008-08-15 - 30 Days at the Cross - Nothing but the Best
Do what comes naturally. Get in touch with who you are. Do what feels right. Be true to yourself. - These are the ideas the world tells us.
Do they really change our lives?

Jesus' blood shed challenges us to reconsider our empty way of life

What a person is willing to give reveals a lot about the person
Jesus was the perfect Son and an exact representation of God - Hebrews 1:3

God's precious and costly sacrifice seeks and demands a response.

Make every effort is the only appropriate response - 2 Peter 1:5-7
Motivated by God's grace and example, we can increase our faith

Sin weakens our character, steals our energy, and undermines our determination

2008-08-17 - 30 Days at the Cross - Do not Come Down!
Jesus was tempted with the words, "save yourself, come down from the cross
If they understood the eternal significance of the moment, they would have cried "No, Jesus! Do not come down!"

Jesus was tempted:
  • Simply save himself and let everyone fend for themselves
  • Come down in hope that they would believe
  • Settle on improving their lives but not saving them
What kept him up there?
  • Jesus also loved the world that he gave his only life - Love
  • He cared deeply for others
  • He knew he could bring salvation to many

Our mission is the same (Luke 9:23) - must deny self and lose our life for others
We must quit looking for some new,easy approach and decide to love

The world is screaming out: "Save yourself! Come down from the cross!"
Jesus cries: "Do not come down!"

2008-08-20 - 30 Days at the Cross - I Am Not Alone
Stress, word for the modern world, everyone has too much of it
Synonymical cousins: worry, frustration, and impatience
Vacation sometimes causes it
Sociologists and Psychologist make a lot of money because of it
Jesus never was described as stressed
Jesus was tempted in every way as we are - Hebrews 4:15

How did he conquer stress? He was not alone - John 16:31-32

Allowing stress to overwhelm us is sin - focus on ourselves
It tempts us to let our emotions lead over our convictions

Worry - always be thousands of reasons to worry - still sin
Frustration - thing don't go the way we think it should - we need faith

We too can overcome stress - we too are not alone

2008-08-25 - Teach Us To Pray - God Almighty
There is no other rock - Isaiah 44:6-8

God is the Almighty God
  • Nothing he cannot do
  • No victory he cannot win
  • No tragedy he cannot overcome
  • No mountain he cannot move
When we see God work in other's lives we ask:
  • How did you do that?
  • Give us the recipe
  • Whisper the secret
Simply decided to pray more, God did more
More we pray, more God can answer
He is not confined to small boxes and humanistic limitations

2008-08-31 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 1)

True prayer is a yearning for God
Most people in the developed world have never been really hungry and do not know what it is like

In the Bible a hunger for God always ends in prayer
My soul yearns for the courts of the Lord - Psalms 84:1-2
My soul thrists for you like a parched land - Psalms 143:6

God invites us to find satisfaction in Him
Come all you are thristy, come to the waters - Isaiah 55:1
He will satisfy your needs - Isaiah 58:11
Are you trying to find satisfaction some other place?


2008-09-18 - Teach Us To Pray - Courage and Boldness
Prayer reminds us God is in control
It is his battle, I belong to God, and God will make me successful
God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13

To pray for boldness and courage:
  1. Trust - We are exactly the way God wants us to be; he will make up what we are not - 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. Righteousness - Righteous are as bold as a lion; god can not hear us if we cherish sin - Psalms 66:18
  3. Action - do what the word says; Keep praying until you act
Does our faith come from our results or our results come from our faith

God's work cannot be done in this world without courage

2008-09-24 - Teach Us To Pray - Plans to Prosper Us

God has plans to prosper you - Jeremiah 29:10-13

Quiet time about things that happened in Flavio and Renee Uribe's life as they trusted in God. The found out that their plans and prayers didn't come about on their timing.

2008-09-29 - Man of Prayer - Pattern

Lord's prayer in Matthew 6 and Luke 11

  1. Our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:9) - Getting Started
  2. Hallowed be your name (Matthew 6:9) - Getting Focused
  3. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10) - Experiencing Divine Intervention
  4. Give us today our daily bread (Matthew 6:11) - Praying for Provisions
  5. Forgive our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us (Matthew 6:13) - Experiencing Forgiveness
  6. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one (Matthew 6:13) - Developing Spiritual Protection
  7. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glry forever. Amen.  (later manuscripts of Matthew) - Final Issues

Each will be addressed in detail in later chapters


2008-10-01 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 2)

Addressing God as the Father seems pretty normal - not the case in Jesus' day

Sometimes David prayed:

  • O God
  • O Lord
  • O my God
  • O my Lord

...but nowhere will you find David addressing the living god as "Father"
Gabriel was sent to respond personally to Daniel's great prayer in Daniel 9 - yet he did not address God as Father

Patriarchs, the prophets, and the priests of Israel were all men of prayer - never addressed their prayers to God as "Father"
Jesus gave believers the right to become children of God

We begin our time in prayer with a father-child relationship

2008-10-02 - Man of Prayer - Empowerment

Paul tells us that we don't know how to pray like we should - Romans 8
Part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to help us in this area - Romans 8:26-27

God will answer this prayer
We have a tendency to become distracted - help me to be focused

Do not have because we have not asked - James 4:2
Don't forget to pray about praying

2008-10-03 - Man of Prayer - Relationship

After asking for help from the Holy Spirit, then focus on the relationship with
Prayer is primarily a vehicle of relationship

Pater (greek) = father
Abba (aramaic) = intimacy and endearment = daddy

Holy Spirit in our lives is a spirit of adoption by which God give us our spiritual birthright (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)

He delights when we come to Him as our Father, Abaa, Daddy:

  • Mr. Bentson - wrong
  • Mr. Benson - contact
  • Benson - co-worker
  • Chad - friend
  • Dad - daughter
  • Honey - wife

The closer you are, the better responce you will get
He delights in your desire to spend time with Him

This relationship is critical to a healthy and vitaul prayer life
His fatherhood becomes real in my life
Bridge the gap between what I know in my head and what I experience in my life

2008-10-04 - Man of Prayer - Authentic Encounter
Must be an authentic encounter, not just a religious experience
Imagine a small Aramaic child calling for his daddy
Imagine Jesus holding you

We live in a noisy culture
Noise becomes background noise and without it, we can feel lost or anxious
No wonder we do not allow God to speak to us

When the disciples prayed, Hallowed be your name, it was to focus on God above all else

Second section of prayer taught by Jesus in Luke 11, starts tomorrow

2008-10-08 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shamma

God is "the Lord who is present"
Shekinah is the Hebrew word meaning 'residence'

He has a great desire to dwell in the lives of believers:

  • Bodies have become the temple of the living God - 1 Corinthians 3:16
  • Jesus is our Immanuel - God with us
  • He promises that He is always with us - Matthew 28:20
  • He will never forsake us - Hebrews 13:5


2008-10-10 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-jireh
YHWH-jireh means "the Lord will provide"

Our God is a provider
God saw Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram

"My God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19

He is a good provider
Every good and perfect gift comes from His hand - James 1:17
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly - Psalms 84:11

2008-10-13 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shalom
Means "the Lord is peace"

Gideon had a powerful encounter with the angel of the Lord - Gave the name at the alter - Judges 6:24

Hebrew word shalom = welling being, contentment, harmony, fulfillment, and wholeness.
It communicates a total state of well-being which comes from a proper relationship with God

The blessing of God brings the peace of God
He is the source of your peace - Ephesians 2:14
Peace is the result of God's Spirit working in your life - Galatians 5:22

2008-10-16 - Man of Prayer - Then and Now
People of the OT knew there was going to be a incredible upheaval - know as the Day of the Lord

Jesus changed our understanding of the Kingdom of God

Some religious leader rejected Jesus and his message
They said Jesus was from Satan when he was casting out demons - Matthew 12:26-28
  • Satan would be destroying himself
  • Or He was telling the truth
OT understanding

 Day of the Lord
 This Age
 The Age to Come
 Kingdoms of Man
 Kingdom of God

NT understanding

 Kingdom of God
 After the Resurrection
Jesus returns

2008-10-17 - Man of Prayer - Kingdom and Prayer
Thy kingdom come and your will be done - their is a nowness (call of God to intervene in our lives)

Our intercessions remain focused on His kingdom and his will - His kingdom first

God influences situation - we should expect that will happen:

Act 12
  • Peter was arrested and thrown into jail
  • Church's response was to pray for divine intervention
    • Not comfort
    • Not for Peter to accept his circumstances
  • The church prayed earnestly
  • God answered - a direct response to their prayers
  • They did not believe Peter was at the door - we are like this
Peter get jailed, they prayed, God brings him back to life

2008-10-18 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our personal lives
Jesus has given us permissions to seek divine intervention
He delights in our desire to experience His intervention

Part our our prayer time should be devoted to our needs:
What do you want?
Sometimes we do not have because we do not ask - James 4:2
OR because our motivation is not proper

Asking for God's favor can not be self-centered because God is infinite:
David asked to be the apple of God's eye - Psalms 17:8
He was a man after his own heart - Acts 13:22

Spiritual needs may include:
  • To submit to the will of God
  • To please the Father
  • To affirm my powerlessness
  • To experience His presence
  • To know his will
  • To be transform (character)
  • To become spiritually mature
  • To be humble
  • To be fruitful
  • To walk in the Spirit
  • To obey willingly and joyfully
  • To receive blessing
  • To be protected
  • To be useful

2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-10-23 - Man of Prayer - Praying for the world

The is an infinite number of needs in the world we can pray for

Decide on a series of issues and people you will pray for

Three things to pray for:

  1. World hunger
  2. World peace
  3. World Evangelism
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Power
    3. Effectiveness

Jesus told the disciples that the would be preachedd in all the world and then the end would come - Matthew 24:14


2008-10-24 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 1)

By nature, fathers are designed to be providers

Jesus instructed the disciples to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"

Father knows our needs already - Matthew 6:32
Preoccupation with our needs reveas a lack of trust in God as provider - Matthew 6:25-32
Our priority is God's kingdom - Matthew 6:33

First phrases of the prayer all point to God:

  • Hallowed be your name
  • Your kingdom come
  • Your will be done

Then topics having to do with us:

  • Give us this day
  • Forgive us
  • Lead us


2008-10-25 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 2)

God provided manha day after day for 40 years to the Israelites
They could not take more than a day's portion - otherwise it would rot
Manha means "it is what it is"

It was to teach them that man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord - Deuteronomy 8:2-3

It is NOT inapproprate to ask God to provide for our needs
He is YHWH - jireh - the Lord will provide

God delights in our dependence on Him as the source of our provision
We often do not have because we have not asked - James 4:2


2008-10-26 - Man of Prayer - Principles of Provision

It is important to understand certain principles apply to receiving our daily bread
If we meet God's conditions, we can have confidence that He will provide

  1. Need  to have a proper relationship with God - Become a Christian
  2. Fellowship with Christ - authentic spiritual communion with Christ
  3. Obedience and faithfulness to God's commands

Haggai 1 - we need to consider our ways

  • Planted much, but harvested little
  • Eat, but never have enough
  • Drink, but still thirsty
  • Put clothes on, but never warn
  • Earn wages only to put them in a purse with holes in it

Because of there repentance, they were rewarded:

  • I am with you - Haggai 1:13
  • I will bless you - Haggai 2:19
  • I will provide for you - Haggai 2:15-19


2008-10-28 - Man of Prayer - Experiencing Forgiveness
Being a Christian is a no-lose proposition

Athlete - performance dictated opportunity to participate
Student - achievement is based off of grades and advanced degrees
Every area in which we perform we are eventually bound to fail

We become a Christian on the basis of my failure and Jesus' performance
By grace we have been saved - Ephesians 2:8

Much more than just an initial experience of grace but a transformation of justification - we need daily bread (grace)
Jesus taught his disciples to confess their sins - Luke 11:4

2008-10-30 - Man of Prayer - Futile Solutions
God has the solution to sin, but man tries to come up with other ones

Eastern philosophy - experiencing the oneness of god by escaping the world of material illusion
Modern pharisee - do more good
Every system has a solution

But guilt will ultimately destroy you
Some seek to atone by becoming religous or working at humanitarian causes
Other punish themselves through drugs to self-hatred, depression, or low-self-esteem

These don't work...

2008-11-05 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 2)

Sinning is easy; it comes naturally
When we turn our lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit creates a new nature - the two battle within us

Fruits of that new nature - Galatians 5:22-23

Jesus fought the battle with scripture - He said "It is written" many times while responding to others
David hid the God's word in his heart so he would not sin - Psalms 119:11

God promises that we will not be tempted more than we can bear - 1 Corinthains 10:13


2008-11-06 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 3)

Three other ways to fight the battle aginst our flesh (nature)

Resist temptation - 1 Peter 5:9
Turn and flee from temptation - 2 Timothy 2:22

Most effective - avoidance - Lead us not into temptation
He guides me in paths of righteousness for hos name's sake - Psalms 23:3

Prayer becomes our spiritual "dressing room" for the battle of the day - Ephesians 6:13-17


2008-11-08 - Man of Prayer - Spiritual Protection (part 1)
When we move out from God's umbrella, through sin or negligence, the evil one can gain easy access to you

We pray the "umbrella" into place
When we pray , "deliver us" = "preserve from" = "protect from"

He is our refuge and fortress for those who come to him - Psalmx 27:1-6, 46:1, 91:1-2
As mother bird protects her children - Psalms 91:4

2008-11-10 - Man of Prayer - Final Issues
If there was a medicine that could:
  • change your life for the better
  • put you in a state of relaxed serenity
  • help you overcome the nagging undercurrent of guilt
  • give you new insight
  • let you meet life's challenges with confidence and courage
Of course our answer would be yes - that is prayer
It still takes work and self-discipline - Pain = Gain

We must translate our desire into action

Exercise 3 days a week = too easy to make excuses
Exercise 5 days a week = develop a habit
5 days can then become 7 days more easily because it is so ingrained

Prayer needs to be everyday

2008-11-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Husband and Father
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her - Ephesians 5:25-6:4

Our relationship with our father is, in many ways, the defining relationship in all of our lives
Our response to authority and our self-confidence comes from our father

Responsibility of training children squarely upon the father
Fathers...bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

2008-11-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Provision and Protection
If anyone does not provide for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever - 1 Timothy 5:8

Our families should never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from
Our Heavenly Father provides for all our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-34
We should not imitate him in caring for my children?

He works his land , will have abundant food - Proverbs 28:19
Get adequate medical insurance - so you do not burden your family will major costs

Takes care of things around the house
Do the repair jobs and maintenance work
Husbands who are lazy - kids will see this and either disrespect us or gladly imitate us in it

Fathers are protectors
If any family member is in a situation where they are being beaten down, overwhelmed - this is the time to act
Should not shield them from the realities of life, but from the forces from which they become helpless

2008-11-29 - Raising Awesome Kids - Humility and Approachability
Clothe yourself with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Our families know how imperfect we are

Most responsibility = most mistakes

Powerful and enduring leaders are those without pretension
Paul said he was the chief of sinners

Apologize bluntly
Apologize quickly
Ask "Is everything all right? Is anything else bothering you?"

Wallowing in guilt or losing self-confidence over your mistakes is not true humility - it is selfishness and lack of faith
People in our family should feel free to come to us and tell us whatever is on their mind
Our responsibility is to create a feeling of freedom and openness in our households
If we do not, we are headed for a day of bitter reckoning

2008-12-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Love Your Children
For some, children are a burden
Some, kill the unborn
Withholding your love is killing them from the inside

Many children their parents problems simply because they do not feel loved

To those who are failing to love their children - now is the time to repent
Otherwise you will ruin your children, wreck your life, and lose your chance of going to heaven

Whoever welcomes a little child welcome me (Jesus)
Whoever causes one of them to them to sin - better to a large millstone around your neck and drown in the sea - Matthew 18:5-6

2008-12-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach them to love others

Kids who are showered with love must be taught to give it away
Otherwise they will become selfish, aloof, and arrogant
God commands us to love hime in return

Love and concern for others should be talked about often
Children learn to love by helping - capable of so much more than we think

We can do far too much for them - creates self-centeredness
They way we treat others is the way we treat Jesus - Matthew 25:34-40

The whole family is an instrument of God - God will use in us is a dark and lost world

2008-12-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Respect (part 2)

How can we tell if our oldrer chidlren are disrepectful?

  • Slamming doors
  • Rolling eyes
  • Muttering
  • List is endless

Our children honoring us is to show honor to God and his plan
As our children come to respect our authority, they learn to respect God himself

Claim your authority! Expect to respected!
If you not expect it, you will not get it

Children really want deep down inside - the confidence from knowing their limits
They want to know how far they can go

2008-12-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Winning Obedience from Children (part 2)

First principle = first time obedience

Second principle = Parents never lose
They want to see their limits
Apologize when warrented but never give up in the battle of wills

Sometimes the whole issues comes down to the "mother of all battles"
Compromise is one the most devastating mistakes parent can make
When we do this, we sow the seeds of rebellion - Ephesians 6:4

If you have failed in this area:

  1. Read about passages about obeying
  2. Talk to them about obeying the first time
  3. Explain this has not been the way but will be now
  4. Pray together
  5. From that time on be different


2008-12-20 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 2)
  1. Temporary loss of possions or privileges

Talk about it with your spouse and come up with a deprivation of activity or possession plan
Most important aspect of this is thinking clearly through it and talking to your spouse before opening your mouth
Don't take away item on every offense - this diminishes the impact

  1. Extra work or jobs to do

Clean up their mess, doing extra work to pay off something - creates a deeper sense of responsibility
Punishment is actually a form of restitution

2009-01-01 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 2)
Help them improve in areas of weakness
Encourage your children to be well-rounded
Academics are too important to neglect just because it does not come easy

  • Women of Proverbs 31 - skills ranged from homemaking to business and management
  • David - shepherd, soldier, political leader, songwriter, and musician

Help them form upbuilding friendships
All young people need to belong to a group
If they are generally outsiders:
  • Teach your children to act differently - to not turn people off
  • Or steer them to toward another group
Don't be afraid to monitor your children's friendships
If you can't help someone be better or if either one of you makes the other a worse person, then you can not be friends

2009-01-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 3)
Teach them to appreciate and applaud the efforts and achievements of others

  • Children who learn to admire and encourage other will be confident
  • They will be strong enough to give credit where credit is due
  • Teach your kids to give their best and never blame anyone when they lose
  • Teach them to be like Jonathan - could have been jealous of David but became his best friend - 1 Samuel 18
  • John the Baptist became lesser so Jesus could become greater - John 3:30

Be basically encouraging
Be your children's biggest fan
If you are fundamentally positive - when you give correction it will be received with thankfulness rather than discouragement
Some say - 5 compliments to overcome one criticism
Human nature flourishes on a diet of praise

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-05 - Raising Awesome Kids - Discipling Times
These are times set to spend alone time with your child to talk with them, teach them the Bible, and pray with them
Can begin as soon as your child can communicate fairly well

Never let discipling times become boring and burdensome duty
Try to go somewhere out of the house if possible
Try to have set hours

Select a topic and verse to share
Realize that there may be a different topic that need to be discuss depending on the situation
Compare notes with your spouse

Read verses together > Talk about them > Take action > Share with the rest of the family

These are incredible times to draw your children closer to God and you

2009-01-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Family Devotionals

Family worship is an abolute must if we are to build a spiritual household
It is a time for the entire family gathers to sing, pray, study the Bible, draw near to one another and worship God

Two or three come together in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:19-20

Shouldn't be anything but a boring or irrelevant hour
Should be dynamic, fun, down-to-earth, and creative

Plan devotionals with your spouse - select relevant to the current needs
Time to confront sometimes but mainly to teach, train, and inspire

Last about 45 mins
10-20 of singing - various selections
The lesson with plenty of discussion
Acting out the Bible and role-playing
Close out with prayer

2009-01-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Evangelistic Lifestyle
Something the whole family should think about constantly
Each child has a role in reaching another family

Too many of us separate our families from our outreach to others
Our families are the brightest light that God can use to illuminate a dark world

  • Have people into your home
  • Draw people into your family life
  • When they see what there is - teach them where it comes from

2009-01-11 - Raising Awesome Kids - Repect: Eliminate Critical, Harsh Talk
Reckless words pierce like a sword - Proverbs 12:18
A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor - Proverbs 11:12
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your months - Ephesians 4:29-32

So thing we just plain need to get rid of:

Harsh words
Men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken - Matthew 12:36-37

Name calling
Would you use the same words if Jesus was in the room? Let that be the test.

Love is not rude - 1 Corinthians 13:5

Get rid of all actions, looks, and expression related
God hate haughty eyes - Proverbs 6:16-17
These are signs of disrespect

Recognize > Confront > Eliminate from their behavior

2009-01-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Genuine Appreciation

Appreciation for one another does not come about by accident

Must teach it, talk about it, show it and confront the ways the kids are not expressing it - only way

Cultivate appreciation by creating as many situations as possible where it expressed in words
Build up one another sessions - each person encouragees every other person specifically
Thank you nights - give thanks for different things other family members have said and done

Encourage your family to begin expressing respect, appreciation, and encouragement - whole atmosphere will change

Pleasant words are sweet to the soul - Proverbs 16:24

Teach your older children how to lead and teach your younger ones how to follow
Children's weaknesses tend to come out more with each other than with us


2009-01-15 - Raising Awesome Kids - Atmosphere (part 1)

Overall tone of a home
For a family to be close, the atmosphere must be great

What do we need to do to make the atomsphere great?

Basic attitude of being positive and joyful
God is with us, life is great, and no matter what happens, we're going to come out ahead

As leaders of the family, parents must set the tine
Don't let a sour, negative child ruin the atmosphere

2009-01-17 - Jesus with People - Humility in Action
Jesus and John the Baptizer were very different - ie one preached in the desert and one in the cities and villages

John called the people not to focus on him but the one who was coming
Jesus came to be baptized by John - Matthew 3:11
John responds - I need to be baptized by you
John submits to Jesus' submission and baptizes Jesus

Satan hated it - they kept humbling themselves before one another - the bond of unity grew tighter and tighter
This humility continued through out their lives  - John: He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:27-30
Jesus did not grasp his equality with God - Philippians 2:6

Humility kept them bonded together, even when Satan was working to divide
Pride: Keeps people from being united
Humility: Bring people together

When unity does not exist among believers: People are not willing to pay the price
Pride means too much to them

What relationship do you have that would be greatly changed if you show humility and not pride?

2009-01-22 - Jesus with People - Finding Faith

Jesus was in ahuge crowd and suddenly a Roman centurion walks up to Jesus - Matthew 8:5-10

NT centurions are often mentioned with honor:

  • Cornelius was the first Gentile to become a Christian - Acts 10:22
  • A centurion rescued Paul from the Mob - Acts 23:27
  • A centurion saved Paul's life in the shipwreck - Acts 27:43

Lord, my servant lays paralyzed and in terrible suffering - Matthew 8:5-6
To many Romans, a slave was defined as nothing more than a tool

Jesus was moved by the man's heart - I will go and heal him
When Jesus saw a need, he met it
He lived to serve and meet needs directly and continuously
He loved a man many hated

Lord, I don't deserve to have you under my roof - Matthew 8:8
He was a Gentile, Jewish law - a Jew could not enter the house of a Gentile - Acts 10:28
In spite of his desperate need, he respected Jewish law

Say the word and he will be healed - Matthew 8:8
His authority produced results, how much more would the authority of Jesus do?

Jesus did not find anyone in Israel with such faith

2009-01-27 - Jesus with People - Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:22-24
Wouldn't all Christians love to meet someone who comes across as this man does initially?

Most of us would say, "can we study the Bible?"
Jesus had a very different responce because he knew his heart

Sell everything and follow him = It's not what you do but who you are
For him to have a heart set fully on following Jesus - it meant a willingness to seel all
Following the exchange, it became clear - the man was out of touch with himself and God

Jesus did challenge him but he also loved him
He pointed the man to the narrow way
At the same time he drew him close want to give him strength, faith, and hope

Jesus does not get into a lengthy theological debate
He saw weaknesses the man had to deal with if he was going to enter the kingdom of God

Each of us lacks that "one thing" deep down that we must give up and following Jesus
Something we don't know what it is but God will reveal it - Hebrews 4:12-13

2009-01-29 - Jesus with People - God Come Looking
John 9:25 - One thing I do know, I was blind and now I see
  • Many people would have not stopped to chat
  • Most would have averted eye contact
  • Jews saw blindness as punishment for some sin - John 9:2
  • Jesus saw an opportunity to heal and teach - so God might be displayed in his life - John 9:3
  • Jesus acted but not predictably - felt something moist and hear go wash
  • Blind man simply went - true blind obedience
Man's responses:
  • Simple honest - I was blind but now I see - John 9:25
  • Childlike innocence - Do you want to become his disciples too? - John 9:27
  • Boldness - John 9:27
Jesus did more than just open the blind man's eyes that day; he open his heart as well

2009-01-30 - Jesus with People - Greatest in th Kingdom
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom  of heaven - Matthew 18:1-4

Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost - Matthew 18:12-14

We need to become like children in a very specific way
Our human nature wants to be first and to have control
Matthew 18 were driven by the same desire - they asked Jesus "Who is the greatest?"
When become like little children, we become like Jesus

Paraphrase - Because of your power-hungry pride you guys are not even in the kingdom of God, and nothing will change this fact unless you start imitating this child

After Jesus' sacrifice, all his teachings made sense
Having a child's humility is impossible until we understand the cross
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

Must see other brothers and sisters in Christ as God's little spiritual children who must be cared for
God's heart is that not a single person be lost
Do we feel the personal responsibility for others?

Who do you know who is struggling spiritually? What can you do to help them?

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-05 - Jesus with People - Realness

When it comes to friendship, Jesus again sets the standard

Jesus knew John:

  • Jesus saw his weaknesses - yet accepted him - Mark 3:17
  • Jesus did not hesitate to call him to be a follower - spite of his temperament - Mark 1:19-20
  • He expect John to change - Luke 9:51-56
  • Jesus questioned his commitment when John sought power - Mark 10:35-37

Incredible thing about John is that it would seem that he never doubted Jesus' love

He refered to himself 5 times as the "disciple that Jesus loved"

2009-02-14 - Jesus with People - Jesus Won

When Jesus first heard the news about Lazarus, Jesus declared that his illness was not going to be fatal - John 11:4

When Lazarus died, the disciples probably thought that he really blew it this time

Good thing Jesus called lazarus by nameotherwise every corpse in cemetery may have come out

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead foreshadows Jesus' own resurrection after three days in the tomb

Jesus is a victor over death
The phrase goes: Two things are certain - death and taxes

While some could not pay taxes for a while; no one but Jesus can conquer death

Do you fear death? How does your relationship with Jesus change the way you once thought?

2009-02-15 - Jesus with People - Widows Financial Sacrifice
Mark 12:41-44

Without ever speaking to her, he made her gift he biblical standard for financial sacrifice

She gave all she had to live on - Luke 21:4
Being a widow at that time, she likely had no income
Probably hungry and surely without financial hope
He faith in God was evident in her action

Bible does not tell us what happened to her - we can know that GOd took care of her needs - Matthew 6:25-26

2009-03-01 - Promises of God - Practical and Powerful Promises

Since the promises of God can relied on, it can have powerful affect on how we view life and how we live it

Psalms 119 - Shows us the relationship of God to spiritual life

Psalms 119:50 - God's promises enable him to press on and not give into dispair
Pain may be great - but the promise of God looms larger.

Psalms 119:140 - Again and again he has relied on God's promises and has come to value them

Psalms 119:148 - Deep conviction about focusing on the promises, keep him up
Will do whatever it takes to fill his mind with the promises

Psalms 119:154 - When he is threatened and in danger, remind the Lord of his promises

Psalms 119:162 - Promises of God is a treasure to him

2009-03-04 - Promises of God - Forgiving Others

By the time we are old enough to understand, we have hurt and been hurt so many times - we need forgiveness and so do others
We can become resentful and bitter - only way out the vicious cycle is to learn how to forgive

The definition of a dysfunctional relationship: the inability to solve conflict and forgive

Hugh obstacle: We can not truely forgive until we have experienced forgiveness
Once we are forgiven by God can we forgive as God does

Once we are forgiven, we are obligated to forgive others - Matthew 18
Forgving others as in Christ God forgave you - Ephesians 4:32

Our sins against each other pale in comparison to our sins against God

2009-03-07 - Promises of God - Lord of the Unexpected

One of our greatest test of faith comes when we face the unexpected

We forget Psalms 91 - His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

We often rely on our own understanding of situations and then ask God what we think we need

It is important to let God give us the answer since he knows what is best for us
Like children, we do not always know what we need

This trouble you're in is not punishment, it's training, the normal experience of children - Hebrews 12:17


2009-03-08 - Promises of God - Lord of Physical Challenges
Psalms 91:9-11 - God will protect us and guard you in all your ways

We do not see the refuge that God is or the trouble from which he has saved us - we can become bitter

He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us

In what areas of your life are you most thankful for this promise?

2009-03-09 - Promises of God - The Problem is Me
Deuteronomy 4:29 - Find God when we seek him with all of our heart

Repentance must be proven by our deeds - Acts 26:20
Praise God for his faithful correction - Proverbs 3:11-12

God hates sin, takes sin of idolatry, personally - Deuteronomy 6:15

Sin comes when we lower the standard of commitment in our lives and allow ourselves to become lazy, selfish and self-indulgent

Being idolatrous and lukewarm is a serious sin against God - Revelation 3:16
Against God, his church, and the souls that are not saved as a result

2009-03-13 - Promises of God - Faith vs Doubt
Doubt: God has forgotten about you and does not care

Faith: He knows the way you have served - Hebrews 6:10. He knows notices and cares when a sparrow falls - Matthew 10:29

Doubt: He remembers but he remembers others more than you; Doubt fills in the blanks and customizes to your hopes and desires.

Faith: God shows no favoritism; He moves at different time for different people; He has given everything we need for life and godliness

Doubt calls into question the faithfulness of God
Faith tells us it is impossible for God to lie

When Doubt comes calling, we must turn away

Faith says yes to God's promises

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-03-17 - Promises of God - Encouragement From Disciples

Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture, prayer, and he called others for encouragement from others

He deliberately sought out support and encouragement from his 3 closest friends
He also expressed his disappointment at their failure to help

We desperately need relationships for encouragement EVERY day - Hebrews 3:12-13
Tempatation comes every day

There is no excuse in an age of modern technology for getting in touch

2009-03-20 - Promises of God - Lord Delivers
May have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all - Psalms 34:19

Three types of trouble:

  1. Caused by our own bad behavior - the wicked have their fill - Proverbs 12:21
  2. Comes from doing what is right - Persecution because of the Word - Matthew 13:21
  3. Trouble that we all face because we live in this world
    • Each day will be trouble - Matthew 6:34
    • In this world you will have trouble - John 16:33
It is not about taking trouble away but overcoming trouble

Our job is to trust God - John 14:1, 27
He may deliver us from trouble or he may deliver us by using the trouble to teach us important lessons

Our eternal glory far out weights our momentary troubles - 2 Corinthians 4:17

2009-03-21 - Promises of God - Formidable Foe
We have a common enemy that must be overcome

Described as:
  • the accuser
  • the adversary
  • the enemy
  • an evil spirit
  • the father of lies
  • a murderer
  • the power of darkness
  • the prince of this world
  • the ruler of darkness
  • the spirit that in the children of disobedience
  • the temper
  • the god of this work
  • the wicked one
He snatches away the planted Word from people's hearts - Matthew 13:19
He blinds the minds of individuals - 2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan takes people captive - 2 Timothy 2:26

But there is one greater...

2009-04-10 - Promises of God - How We Are to Give?
Do not give as the world gives - John 14:27

Give to :
  • Whomever asks
  • Whenever we are asked
  • Freely and from the heart
  • Expect nothing in return
  • Anonymously
How does one give graciously? Death to world passions and desires; Cannot freely give that you are convinced is essential for your personal goals and ambitions

Fear may cause questions:
  • What if someone takes advantage of me?
  • Will there be anything left for me?
  • What if I do not get anything in return?
  • What possible difference can I make?
Comes back to our faith in the providence of God

2009-04-14 - Promises of God - Come to Repentance
The current "promise/prosperity theology" lacks three things:

  1. A sound concept of repentance - God's kindness leads to repentance - Romans 2:4
  2. Understanding of the purposes of God's gifts - point of the blessing is the blessing themselves but the ultimate outcome of our lives
  3. Understanding of God's timetable - God's goal is always our repentance - 2 Peter 3:9

2009-04-15 - Promises of God - Importance of Repentance
God's goodness and God's blessing are designed to lead us to repentance - Romans 2:4

God's will is for us to hear about God's faithfulness and his promises and to decide:
  • To please him
  • To change
  • To serve him better
Dynamic relationship between promises of God and our repentance:
  1. God's promises and faithfulness should inspire repentance
  2. We need to rely on the promises even as we commit to repentance
  3. Truly become repentant
  4. We refrain from taking personal credit because we understand we are being recused

2009-04-18 - Why We Need God - He is Our Creator
  1. Knows us better than we ourselves
  2. Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else
  3. Knows our weaknesses and our strengths
  4. Is the best source to find the answers to such questions as:
a.  Where did I come from?
b.  Why am I here?
c.  Where am I going?
d.  How should I live?

2009-04-26 - Why We Need Jesus - He Intercededs For Us to God
  1. Now at God's right hand, Jesus makes intercession for us - Romans 8:34
  2. He serves as our "Advocate" with the Father - 1 John 2:1
  3. He is our perfect High Priest - Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:14-15
  4. He enables us to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and help - Hebrews 4:16
  5. He now "always lives" to intercede on our behalf - Hebrews 7:25

2009-04-29 - No one like him - Who did he think he was?
Christianity built on the identification of Jesus
Not like any other prophet, priest, or preacher
Adolf Hitler – consider one of the worst tyrant in history
There were others that were close to him (Stalin…)
Jesus – there are no one comes close
Most scholars can not deny that Jesus lived
First Century movement that was started by those who saw him first hand

How Jesus viewed himself:
  • Not only one to be called to preach - ...“so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” - Mark 1:38
  • “Only in his hometown…is a prophet without honor” - Mark 6:1-5

2009-04-30 - No one like him - Differences from Jesus and the prophets (part 1)
1. His words were from the Father
Prophets – “This is what the Lord says…”
Jesus – “I tell you the truth…”
2. Where to get help
Prophets - “Come to the Lord.”
Jesus – “Come to me” (Matthew 11:28-30)
3. Fulfillment of scripture
Prophets – Prophetic messages
Jesus –
  • “I have come to fulfill the scripture (Luke 4:18-19,21)
  • “I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17)
  • “everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled” (Luke 18:31)
  • “These are the Scriptures that testify about me” (John 5:39)

2009-05-01 - No one like him - Differences from Jesus and the prophets (part 2)
4. Forgiving sins
Prophets – God can forgive your sins
Jesus – He said their sins were given by him
To the paralytic - “…may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10)
To the sinful women – “her many sins have been forgiven” (Luke 7:47)
5. Called himself “Son of Man” / Savior
Prophets – God saves
Jesus knew he was the one to save the world from sin
“…Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)
“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28)
6. He is a judge
Prophets – God judges
Jesus - “…my judgment is just” (John 5:30))
On the last day - “Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord…” (Matthew 7:22)
No genuine prophet ever preached like this
  1. How to live
  2. Be committed to him
  3. Should love him

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