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2010-10-15 - Giving (Part I)
  1. The Old Testament Precedent - Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 1:13-14
    1. The Israelites were commanded to give a tenth (tithe) of all their income to the Lord
    2. The Israelites had many other kinds of sacrifices (e.g. burnt, sin, grain, fellowship offerings) in addition to the tithe. The Israelites actually gave up to 33% of their income to God.
    3. The sacrifices were to be the best available. God will not accept a second rate sacrifice.
  2. New Testament Examples
    1. The Widow - Mark 12:41-44
      She was commended not for what she gave, but her giving heart. She was totally dependent on God.
    2. Barnabas - Acts 4:36-37
      He sold his property and gave all the proceeds from the sale to meet the needs of the church.
    3. The Macedonians - 2 Corinthians 8:1-3
      They gave beyond their ability even though they were extremely poor
  3. True Sacrifice Costs Something - 2 Samuel 24:21-25
    1. David refused to sacrifice to God something that cost him nothing.


  1. Am I giving my best to God in my weekly giving? Do I give to God first out of my pay or out of what is left over?
  2. What percentage of my income am I giving in my weekly contribution?
  3. What am I willing to sell or sacrifice for the special contribution?

2010-12-07 - Mission - Cannot Help Proclaiming (part I)
We can help speaking about what we have seen and heard - Acts 4:20
Have you ever been so committed to something that you were unable to stop?
What would it take to stop you from sharing your faith?
What does it take to motivate you to share your faith?
Does it take accountability it invite people?

What compelled Peter and John?

1. We are overflowing with Jesus
The authorities took note that the disciples had been with Jesus - Acts 4:13
His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in - Jeremiah 20:9
Do we feel that we will burst if we don't open our moths

2. We need to be filled with gratitude
We so easily forget what God's grace has done for us
David says over and over again to tell and celebrate God's glory
Are we overflowing with gratitude for the wonders of God?

2010-12-25 - Saved by Grace through Faith (part I)
Psalms 103:1-18
  • David talks about the heart of the Lord toward weak and sinful people: he is a compassionate, gracious, loving father.
  • How deeply does God love those who fear him?
  • What is he willing to do with their sins (transgressions)?
  • Is this the way you see God?
Luke 15:11-31
  • Jesus taught many things in parables, short stories created to teach spiritual truths.
  • What does this story tell you about God’s attitude toward us when we repent and turn back to Him?
  • Why did the older brother have such a hard time with his father’s attitude?
  • In what way did he fail to understand the father and his grace?

Luke 18:9-14
  • In this story, we see two very different ways of viewing ourselves and God.
  • How did the Pharisee approach God? How did he view himself?
  • On what basis did he presume to be righteous? (His goodness, religious activities, his own efforts).
  • By contrast, how did the tax collector see himself?
  • What was his appeal to God based on? (God’s mercy).
  • Who went home justified (pronounced and considered “not guilty”)?
  • Jesus taught that a person can never be good enough to be saved through his own efforts.
  • The only basis of our salvation is the mercy and grace of God.

2011-02-01 - Gender Controversy - Intro
We are told that the opposition is a recent phenomenon

  • Bible does not condemn homosexuality
  • Committed homosexual relationships is compatible with Biblical unity

They use examples: Jon/David, Ruth, Naomi

Clear passages are "reinterpreted" so the "modern reader" can understand

  • In the past, people were ashamed to go public
  • People did not have to address it because it was understood
  • Francis Turretin  (17th century) said that homosexuality was  - "sin against nature"

Both sides claim the Bible supports their view - It is one way or the other

Bible disapproves but offers hope
Satan wants to call evil good and good evil

Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 13:13 - MEN were exceedingly wicked; rebelled against God

2011-03-28 - Old Testament - Seeking God
Old Testament Seeking God study
  • Isaiah 1:2 - God created us and cared for us but we rebelled agianst him
  • Jeremiah 29:11-14 - Will find God if you seek me with all your heart and soul
  • Proverbs 4:7 - Wisdom is supreme but it will cost you all you have
  • Psalms 10:4 - The arrogent say 'God won't hold me accountable'
  • Psalms 42:1-2 - David thirst for God
  • Psalms 62:1 - David waited patiently for God
  • Psalms 63:1 - He longed, thristed, yearned for God
  • Psalms 61:2 - He called out to God in despair

2011-04-10 - Names of Jesus (part IV)
Reading scriptures will Jesus' different names"
  • Counselor - Isaiah 9:6
  • David - Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23
  • Day-spring - Luke 1:78
  • Deliverer - Romans 11:26
  • Desire of all nations - Haggai 2:7
  • Door - John 10:7
  • Elect of God - Isaiah 42:1

2011-04-18 - Names of Jesus (part XII)
Jesus' names through out the Bible:
  • Mighty God - Isaiah 9:6
  • Mighty One of Jacob - Isaiah 60:16
  • Morning-star - Revelation 22:16
  • Nazarene - Matthew 2:23
  • Offspring of David - Revelation 22:16
  • Only Begotten of the Father - John 1:14
  • Our Passover - 1 Corinthians 5:7

2011-04-20 - Names of Jesus (part XIV)
This day of Jesus' name scriptures:
  • Resurrection and life - John 11:25
  • Rock - 1 Corinthians 10:4
  • Root of David - Revelation 22:16
  • Root of Jesse - Isaiah11: 10
  • Ruler of Israel - Micah 5:2
  • Savior - 2 Peter 2:20; 3:18; Luke 1:47

2011-04-21 - Names of Jesus (part XV)
Jesus' name referenced in the Bible:
  • Second Adam - 1 Corinthians 15:45
  • Servant - Isaiah 42:1; 52:13
  • Shepherd and Bishop of souls - 1 Peter 2:25
  • Shiloh - Genesis 49:10
  • Son of David - Matthew 9:27
  • Son of God - Luke 1:35; John 1:49

2011-05-28 - Fearing God - Determines how we live (part II)
Is the fear of God a mix of various emotions or an attitude? Both

Pslam 47

David's Emotion:
  • Clap your hands and cries for joy - vs1
  • Shouts of joy and sounding of trumpets - vs5
  • Sing praises - v6-7
David's Attitude:
  • Recognition of God's awesomeness - v2
  • Confidence in Him being King of all - v2,7,8,9
Fear of God must be a settled state of mind
If we practice to think great thoughts about God, we will develop a sustained attitude of the fear of God

Without this proper fear, our obedience becomes reluctant and driven more by the fear of consequences

2011-09-21 - Proverbs on Pride (part I)
Proverbs 16:18 - First pride, then the crash

This is one saying that always been apart of history:
  1. Cain’s pride led to him killing his brother Abel
  2. King Saul’s pride led to him attempting to kill David
  3. David lost his son Absalom to pride as Absalom attempted to overthrow David
  4. Hitler, Sadam, on and on (even to the extent of pride leading to the shake up in God’s modern day kingdom)
NT Greek word for pride = “puffed up with pride”
  • This is a very descriptive word (like a peacock strutting his feathers)
  • The proud person puts on the mistaken belief that he is better than he is
Pride/arrogance begins in the heart (so often we say I’m prideful but take it to lightly)

Mark 7:20-22 - (arrogance/pride) is a reflection of the heart = don’t take it so lightly

Luke 1:50-52 - God scatters the thoughts of the proud (busy covering themselves & looks)

James 4:6 - Every time you say, “Ha-Ha, I know I’m prideful” realize “God’s apposing me”
  • Not so funny then
  • The proud man does not submit to God thus becomes God’s enemy

2011-12-22 - Day 19 - Powerful Prayers
1 Chronicles 17:15-22
  1. What was David feeling as he prayed to God? Why?
  2. How has the Lord treated you with undeserved honor and blessings?
  3. How did God bless Israel?
  4. How has he done even greater things for his people today?
  5. What attitude toward God does this prayer express?
Genesis 24:10-27
  1. Why do you think the Lord answers this prayer so quickly?
  2. The servant's prayer was simple, but he had great faith. How can you tell?
  3. What was the servant's first response to the answered prayer?
  4. Are you remembering to thank God for every answered prayer?
James 5:15-18
  1. What makes prayer powerful and effective?
  2. Do you pray eagerly and earnestly?
  3. Do you pray with great faith? Have you been righteous this week?
Application: Make your prayer very special today. Pray with faith and gratitude!

2012-02-16 - Fear of Failure - God Will Give Us the Grace We Need to Succeed
by Sean Kiluk, San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Corinthians 9:8

God will give us all the grace we need to be successful in whatever role he has put us in. He did not put us where we are to fail, but to rely on him for success. Our problems come when we value success and praise more than knowing God. God forgives us, and he loves us even though we fail or sin. His love is unconditional. We need to have confidence in God's grace in everything. We will fail at times, but God has enough grace to ensure a victory in the end.

  • Pray for an understanding of God's forgiveness: study the psalms and see David's trust in God.
  • Believe that God has a plan for your life: be confident in his love.
  • Build great relationships with other Christians who can bolster your faith.

2012-11-07 - Message of the Arrows (part I)
There are two things that pierce the human heart: beauty and affliction
David describes the enemies ways as arrows - Psalms 91:3-5

We have many arrows that fly in during our life:
  • Being picked on in school
  • A breakup
  • Being fired
  • Abandonment
  • Disappointment

What will we do with the Arrows we have known?

The message of the Arrows is always the same: Kill your heart
Divorce it, neglect it, run from it, or indulge it with some addiction

How did the Arrows come to you?
Where did they land? Are they still there?
What have you done as a result?

Deciding not to be affected can not done - the heart can not be managed though a x number step process
We form can convictions with a conscious effort

2013-01-06 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is a Consuming Fire (part II)

We must totally aware of our own unworthiness

It took a while, but Job finally understood this: "My ears heard you but now my eyes...and repent in dust and ashes" - Job 42:5-6

This is the reaction we should have when sinful selfs meets a pure, holy and prefect God

David understood our unworthiness: "But who I am... Everything comes from you" - 1 Chonicles 29:14-15

Solomon aware of his own afflicions, asked God to hear men's prayers - 1 Kings 8:38

Jesus warned that we need to be careful to not be proud based off anything we have or done - Revelations 3:17
But to have the attitude of the tax collect who prayed "Have mercy on me, a sinner " - Luke 18:13

Our good deeds or possessions in no way make worthly of coming in the presence of the holy one

2013-01-25 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is a Consuming Fire (part III)

When we pray, let us give God the respect he deserves

A holy God requires us to be righteous

  • David cried out to God and praised him but he cherished sin in his heart and God did not listen - Psalms 66:16-20
  • Israelites tried to attack Ai, but they failed because God did not bless because Achan took some devoted things - Joshua 7:1-5
    • Joshua fell face down before God
    • God explained why they were not being blessed and that they need to destory the devoted things
  • People prayed during the three year famine - 2 Samuel
    • God responded that the Israelites had violated their pledge of putting the Gibeonites to death
    • God expected them to keep their word even through it was made hundreds of years eariler in Joshua 9
    • David made admens and God did ended the famine - 2 Samuel 21:4

All the prayer in the world will not get through to God if it is not uttered from a pure heart


2013-06-27 - Why we need men of resolution (part IV)

Our generation desperately needs courageous men to step up.

  • Men who will forgive their dads, break the chains of the past, and set new standards.
  • Stick up for our marriages during difficult times
  • Refuse to let entertainment eat up our time
  • Refuse to sacrifice family for the sake of a promotion

When strong men work together, they can accomplish amazing things.

David armies came together to face enemies amid seemingly impossible odds.
Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people - 2 Samuel 10:11-12

Remember one immovable, unconditional truth: we have a Father in heaven who is for us.

We must lock shields with other men around us and refuse to allow one another to fail
If my battle gets too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if your battle is too strong for you, then I will come to help you!

2013-09-09 - A Man Accepts His Masculinity

THe key ingredient masculinity is actually strength
Like Jesus, every man also needs to be developing moral, mental, social, and spiritual strength.
If men do not develop a sense of their own fortitude, they will never attempt hard things.
Opposite of masculinity is to be feminine, which means soft, pretty, and delicate.

Culture has spent decades telling women to “Rise up and be strong!” and telling men to “Sit down and be quiet!”

King David charged his son Solomon, “Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man” - 1 Kings 2:2
If you are going to obey Him and be faithful to Him until the end, you must act like a man, embrace your masculinity, and hear His command to “Be strong!” - Joshua 1:9
When the enemy is attacking, you must keep up your resistance — “and having done everything, to stand firm” - Ephesians 6:13
“Act like men, be strong!” - 1 Corinthians 16:13

This is our responsibility as men. This is required of us to be faithful.

2014-05-15 - Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah


Sarah died in Kiriath-arba and Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave at full price from Ephron and buried Sarah there.


Genesis 23:6 - Listen, my lord, you are an honored prince
Abraham's reputation was above reproach. Those who invest their time and money in serving God often earn a good return on their investment - a good reputation and the respect of others. He was in front of the elders of the land to witness this as a legit transaction (v16). No one could say Abraham stole and cheated someone in this first recorded real estate transaction. He simply waited on God to fulfill his promise in his own timing. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Abraham did not have a battle plan on how He would take the land. [Matthew 26:52]

Genesis 23:15 - Land is worth 400 pieces of silver, but what is that between friends?
Abraham paid the initial price even after refusing the land as a gift time and time again. He was not trying to take anything he didn’t deserve. Even though God had promised the land to Abraham, he was did come with a attitude that he owned the place. Instead, he waited for God's timing and will to fulfill his promise. Like David, he did not want to take what was someone else's and give it the Lord. [1 Chronicles 21:24]


What kind of reputation do I have at work, at home, and at church? What do others say about me? How has that helped or hindered me?

Do I become impatient in waiting for God's promises? Do I try to fulfill God's promises for him?

Do we avoid giving when it really costs us something?


Lord, help me to have the faith to wait on your promises and to always be ambassador of yours no matter where I am.

2015-02-04 - No Contest

I come to you in the name of the Lord - 1 Samuel 17:45

David spoke words of confidence

He knew that God had sent him and He never sends a man to fight without equipping and guilding him

Goliath had size, armor, weapons and a hard heart on his side
David had a slingshot, some stones, and an abolute faith in God (delights in enabling the impossible)

It was a hopeless situation - for the Giant

The moment David accepted God's call to fight, Goliath was as good as dead.

This is the Lords battle! - 1 Samuel 17:47

What "giants" in your life make you feel like the underdog? In Christ, can not only win over the giants but have an abolute rout.

2015-02-07 - Costly Revenge

Then he stabbed Abner in the stomach and killed him in revenge - 2 Samuel 3:27

Revenge cost both parties dearly

Joab enjoyed success in the military - becoming the top general
He failed because he used his position to settle old scores

Joah lured Abner to the gate of Hebron and murdered him

His revenge came at a steep price, David praise Abner and cursed Joab and his family - 2 Samuel 3:28-29

Joab lost an important part of himself, he planted seeds of his own destruction - 1 Kings 2:5-6

When someone does you wrong, make it your business to forgive and move on so you don't miss out on good things God has placed before you.

2015-02-24 - Unwavering Faithful

How could I go home to wine and dine while my master's men are camping in the open field? - 2 Samuel 11:11

It is admireable when a friend remains loyal and faithful even when treated shamefully

Uriah had no knowledge that David wronged him by sleeping with his wife

David's take-it-easy comment was just a attempt to cover David's sin; he later killed Uriah in battle

Uriah did his duty and demonstrated the godly trait of faithfulness

His faithfulness and loyalty cost him his life on earth

God never fails to reward those honor him

2015-03-10 - All Good Things

You rule over everything - 1 Chronicles 29:12

David understood that although he had worked hard, God was the source of all his accomplishments

King David realized no one, whatever his station in life, ever receieves anything good apart from God

David died at a ripe old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor - 1 Chronicles 29:28

God loves hearing you declare him as your source of all good things

Allow others to see God at work in your life and open yourself to additional blessings

2015-03-16 - Going Golden


Nabal was a crude and mean in all his dealings; his wife, Abigail, was a sensible and beatiful - 1 Samuel 25:3

Life will present you with countless opportunties to extend kindness

David sent some men to ask for a few much-needed provisions

Nabal: Who is this fellow David? Who does this son of Jesse think he is? - 1 Samuel 25:10

He proceeded to instul David's servants and sent them away.

A few days after he refused to assist the Lord's servant David, Nabal died of an apparent heart attack

2015-03-28 - Crying Out

Bartimaeus: He only shouted louder. "Son of David, have mercy on me!" - Mark 10:47-48

Babies cry, that is what they do to get their needs meet

Bartimaeus heard stories of Jesus' miraculous healing and he knew he had one shot to get Jesus' attention

He commited a breach of etiqutte by crying out so loudly to Jesus that it annoyed the crowd

Bartimaeus did care what others thought, he simply wanted Jesus to meet his need

Because of his loud persistence, Jesus turned his attention and with command, he could see

Never let etiqutte stand in the way of crying out to Jesus Christ

2015-04-01 - Request That Honors God

King Solomon: Who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours? - 1 Kings 3:9

As Solomon was preparing to succeed his father, King David, he knew he couldn't handle the task

He didn't think twice when God asked him what he mosted wanted for himself

Solomon could have asked for anything (long life, riches) but he foucsed on his most immediate need - wisdom and understanding

God liked what he heard and gave Solomon exactly what he had asked for and more

Solomon receieved wisdom and understanding beyond any other man - 1 Kings 3:11-12

2015-04-03 - God's Intervention

Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands - 1 Samuel 25:33

David found himself on the verge of comming a terrible sin because of human anger:

  • He sent 10 of his men to ask Nabal for help
  • Nabal refused to help and insulted him and his men
  • He reacted in vage by ordering 400 of his men to kill Nabal and all his people

Nabal's wife, Abigail, kept David from commiting a terrible sin

She did not defend her terrible husband but reminded David that killing Nabal would be a grave sin against God - 1 Samuel 25

God has given you ears to hear what your loved ones have to say to you

2015-04-13 - True Friend

Jonathan loved David as he loved himself - 1 Samuel 20:17

God appointed David as Saul's successor 

This made King Saul jealous and he made serveral attempts on David's life

Jonathon stood up for his friend David - warning and encourging him whenever his father sought to harm David

Jonathan would normally had ascended to the throne after his father's death

How was it possible that Jonathan, who should have been the most mad about the appointment of David, was the one who helped his replacement?

Jonathan loved David as he loved himself - he sacrificed himself for his friend

Do you have a friend like Jonathan? Are you a friend like Jonathan?

Who is a good candidate for a Jonathan-David friendship? What would it take for you to develop such a relationship?

2015-04-19 - Loyalty

Ittai: I will go wherever my lord the goes, no matter what happens - 2 Samuel 15:21

He was one of 600 Gittites who were natives of Gath

They accompanied KIng David out of Jeruslem as they fled Absalom

Ittai vowed that he, his men, and their familes would follow the depoed king wherever he went even if it meant death

Following King David meant trading the safety and comfort of Jerusalem for the dangers of the dessert

Ittai followed and remain loyal to David and he richlly rewarded Ittai for it

David made Ittai command of 1/3 of Israel's army - 2 Samuel 18

God blesses your loyality to Jesus Christ

In what ways can you demonstracte that loyalty this week?

2015-04-22 - A Friend Indeed

Take that if you want it, for there is nothing else here - 1 Samuel 21:9

A true friend gives of himself, and even sacrifices himself, for the good of another

Ahimelech was this king of friend to David

When David was on the run from King Saul, Ahimelech help him with food and a weapon for battle

All Ahimelech knew was his friend was in need of help - his act of kindness came at a heavy price

When KIng Saul heard Ahimelech assisted David, he ordered his execution - 1 Samuel 22

Being a true friend mean making personal sacrifices. Do you have a true friend? Are you a true friend? 

2015-05-08 - Passionate Life

David danced before the Lord will all his might - 2 Samuel 6:14

Though a man can hide some things deep within his soul, passion isn't one of them

David was a man who expressed his passion though at times his passion got the better of him

Soon after David ascended to the throne, he immediately worked to reunite the kingdom of Israel

Through his efforts. the Ark was returned to its rightful place

David could not contain his enthusiasm, he danced for the Lord with all his might

Some questioned his motives, but David knew he acted out of deep love for the Lord

David had not reservations about appearing to acting foolish - he worshiped God with everything he had


2015-06-07 - Learn to Listen

Fools think their own way is right - Proverbs 12:15

David advised Solomon to observe the requirements of the Lord and follow all his ways - 1 Kings 2:3-4

Solomon may have spoken words of wisdom but his life ended in foolishness:

  • Took 700 wives
  • 300 mistresses
  • Some of the woman were from outside his nationality and religon

Solomon's failure to practice what he preached led to his downfall

His wives turned his heart away from God and toward idol worship

You will save yourself a lot of trouble by knowing the Word of God and doing what is says


2015-06-10 - Repecting the Office

The Lord will strike down some day - he will die of old age or in battle - 1 Samuel 26:10-11

Even if you disagree with the person, you should still repect the office they hold

God chose David to succeed Saul as Israel's king

Saul's jealously and anger at David's popularity made him a target

David might have been justified to defend himself by killing Saul but twice he refused

He knew God alone had the authority to remove Saul

David respected God's office as the One whose sovereign  will works everything out in his own good time

When you understand that remains at the helm of the universe, you can relax

Wait on God to move on your behalf

2015-06-17 - Words of Correction

Take a cenus of all the tribes of Israel - so I may know how may people there are - 2 Samuel 24:2

It is apporopriate and even necessary to speak words of correction, even when those words are not warmly received

Joab spoke up to King David, "Why do you want to do this?" - 2 Samuel 24:3
Why must you cause Israel to sin - 1 Chronicles 21:3

Joab apparently understood that David's orders came out of his reliance on superior military strength rather than the might of heaven

Though Joab warned King David not to go through with the cenus, the king did it anyway and paid a terrible price

2015-07-06 - Effects of Jealous

Saul had a spear in his hand and suddenly hurled it at David intending to pin him to the wall - 1 Samuel 18:11

Jealousy is the emotion we feel toward someone who has something we believe we should have

KIng Saul jealous toward David, who did nothing but serve the king faithfully

Saul grow angry with him because of his growing popularity

Saul promoted David to army commander where he excelled, defeating the Philistines

Jealousy took over and and Saul went insane and it his life's goal to kill David

Being jealous steals the joy and contentment the Lord wants us to experience

Who is most likely to make you feel jealous?

Rest content in the knowledge of God - He has mapped out a life of blessing specifically for you

2015-07-10 - Man after God's own Heart

I have sinned against the Lord - 2 Samuel 12:!3

King David in a space of a few weeks - lusted, commited adultery, lied, and murdered his lyal servant Uriah

God called David a man after his own heart, not because he was perfect - 1 Samuel 13:14

God call him this because David humbly and brokenheartedly recongnized his own sin and knew what to do

When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sin, the king acknowledged he had sinned against the Lord

2015-07-21 - Promoting Who?

I will make myself king - 1 Kings 1:5

As his father David days were coming to an end, Adonijah tried to boast himself as kings instead of the oppointed successor, Solomon.

Adonijah didn't hide his self ambition or shameless self-promotion

He setup an event to perform animal sacrifices with royal officals but did not invite Solomon or Nathan

Solomon quickly became king and then pardoned Adonijah as long as he was loyal to Solomon - 1 Kings 1:52-53

Adonijah couldn't let it go, he made a second attempt at the throne because of his stubbornness and self-protion, it cost him his life - 1 Kings 2:25


2015-07-22 - Consistancy

Zadok the priest refused to support Adonijah - 1 Kings 1:8

The high priest Zadok did not weaver in his faithfulness and affection to God and the men He had choosen:

  • He joined David at Hebron as a brave young warrior - 1 Chronicles 12
  • Took his place as ruler over the Aaronites - 1 Chronicles 27
  • Remained loyal to David when his son Absalom attempted to take the throne
  • Refused to support Adonijah
  • Unwavering allegiance to Solomon as the next king

Zadok's godilness and loyalty were rewarded as the high priest in both David and Solomon's rule

2015-08-13 - He Got It

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west - Psalm 103:12

Men who follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly often see more clearly how they have been forgiven

David had plenty in his life for which he needed forgiveness

He knew when he failed God, God's love would never fail him

David did not choose his words randomly

If get in a plane and head east and unlimited fuel you never stop heading east - endless love

2015-09-10 - Take the Lead

When King David heard what had happened, he was very angry - 2 Samuel 13:21

David was often a brilliant leader on the battlefield but he defaulted on his leadership at home

His family became dysfunctional:

  • Amnon raped his sister
  • David did not repond
  • Absalom, David's oldest son, killed Amnon and fled Jerusalem
  • Amnon's murder and Absalom's absense broke David's heart
  • David restored Absalom but later became embitteed against his father
  • Absaloom led a rebellion against David

Don't default on your responsibility  - as a father, you have the privilege of leading others toward godliness

2015-09-15 - Redemption

Ruth told her mother-in-law about the man in whose field she had worked - Ruth 2:19

Ruth must have wondered why the wealthy influential Boaz would show her such kindness

Boaz was what Old Testament called a family redeemer - Leviticus 25:25-28

When Ruth's husband died, she traveled with Naomi to Bethlehem where she met Boaz

They eventually married and brought her into the lineage of King David

When Boaz extented his kindness, at first it was not from romantic love, but from obedience to God 

2015-09-19 - Risky

He was one who had provided food for the king - 2 Samuel 19:32

Barzillai was a fine example of courage in the face of risk and contrary public opinion

David's popularity had waned and the king's son, Absalom, had staged a coup.

Barzillai gave David and his men food, water, and lodging - 2 Samuel 17:27-29

He knew the risks involved with aiding David but he stood up for what was right

When David had regained his throne, he told of Barzillai's kindness and courage to his son Solomon - 1 KIngs 2:7

Gold character means doing and saying what you know is right even when no one seems to be watching

2015-10-05 - Part of the Story

"He stayed in Jerusalem", Ziba replied - 2 Samuel 16:3

When you spread gossip or listen to it, you probably tell or hear only part of the story

Ziba's gossip about treason damaged Mephibosheth's reputation and his standing in David's kigdom

When David listened to Ziba's hearsay, he stripped Mephibosheth of what belonged to him and gave it to Ziba instead - 2 Samuel 16:4

Mephibosheth eventually restored his name but it stands as a reminded of the damage gossip can cause even with partial information

2015-10-06 - Trust God

The king has sent me on a private matter - 1 Samuel 21:2

We can overcome our fear of what men do to us by clinging to our faith and remembering God superintends everything that comes our way

David was on the run from King Saul because he was trying to kill him when he met Ahimelech

David lied to Ahimelech - The king has sent me on a private matter 

It's not hard to figure out why David lied, he feared Saul more than he trusted God

When you fear men, do you focus on the fear or trust in God who already has your future mapped out

2015-10-14 - Finish Strong

Amaziah did not destroy the pagan shrines - 2 Kings 14:3-4

Amaziah rejected King David's godly example and followed his father example, Joash, instead

Joash started out strongly but fell flat later in life

He faithfully served God early in his reign but defaulted on his spiritual responsibilites

Amaziah led reactively instead of proactively

  • He defeated the Edomites early his life - 2 Chronciles 25:11-12
  • He then allowed his people to offer sacrifices and burning incense at pagan shrines
  • He even worshiped idol he took from the Edomites

Follow godly examples rather than ones like Amaziah - they startedout well but finished poorly


2015-11-07 - Right Now

So he stole the hearts of all the people of Israel - 2 Samuel 15:6

David forgave and reinstated Absalom after murdering his brother

In his desire to have what he wanted right now, he lost everything

After David welcomed him back, Absalom began to plotting to kill his father so he could take the throne of Israel

He beagan his treason by first winning the people's hearts and minds

Absalom temporarly succeeded but in the end David's troops defeated him and he died a painful death

Despite of Absalom's talents, leadership skills, and potential, his impatience messed up his chance at greatness

  • No sons
  • No legacy of godly leadership
  • A stone memorial he built for himself - 2 Samuel 18:18


2015-11-09 - Clean the Air

Give him all of it, I am content just to have you safely back again - 2 Samuel 19:30

Mephibosheth and David had a great relationship until Ziba, Mephibosheth's servant, lied about Mephibosheth helping Absalom to take this throne

Mephibosheth found out about Ziba's deception and traveled to Jeresalum to reconcile with his old friend

When David heard Mephibosheth's account, he offered half of what he offered Ziba

Mephibosheth cared little about the offering and was satisfied with know David had returned to his rightful place

Has a relationship you onced enjoyed soured? Take a risk by taking the first step

2015-11-10 - Stressed Out?

David was afraid of what King Achish of Gath might do to him. He pretented to be insane - 1 Samuel 21:12-13

Nothing reveals what's inside you quie like a stressfull situation

David fled to Gath become incognito from the murderous King Saul

King Achish's officers were aware of his true identity and David feared for his life and acted insane

Hardly the kind of behavior you would expect from Israel's next king

David allowed his stress rather than his God-inspired courage to rule the day

You may not be able to avoid stressful situations but you can decide for yourself how you'll respond to them

2015-11-16 - Self-Discipline

These are the sins of David... Amnin whose mother was Ahinoam from Jezreel - 1 Chronicles 3:1

Many gifted people fail to achieve all they could because they lack self-discipline like Amnon, King David's first son

Amnon sealed his fate when he looked lustfully at his beautiful half-sister Tamar

The Law of God specifically forbade such behavior

Amnon forced himself on Tamar which led to Amnon's murder by his outraged brother Absalom

All this happened within the family of Israel's greatest king

His life was cut shore before he could do anything of note for God or his people

2015-12-10 - Guard Your Heart

He noticed a woman of unusual beauty - 2 Samuel 11:2

Our enemy knows our weakness and it often comes to us through what we see

David fell because he allowed himself to stare lustfully and sinful thought quickly turned into a sinful action

He apparently learned from his blunder, he later wrote: "I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar - Psalms 101:3

Have you learned to safeguard your heart by safeguarding your eyes?

Can a man walk on hot coals and not blister his feet? - Proverbs 6:28

2015-12-15 - Temper

As long as that son of Jesse is alive, you'll never be king. Now fo and get him so I can kill him! - 1 Samuel 20:31

Few emotions can harm our hearts and relationships like uncontrolled anger

Anger led to:

  • Cain slaying Abel
  • Samson's downfall
  • King Saul's attempts to young and faithful servant David

Saul's anger erupted out of jealousy of David's popularity and treat of becoming king

His anger was so fierce and overwhelming that he attempted to kill David at least three times

Saul's anger made it to his son Jonathan because he was tried to protect David

Saul showed his true colors when he allowed anger to control his every motivation, decision, and action

2015-12-18 - Sidekick

Jonathon made a solemn pact with David because he loved him as he loved himself - 1 Samuel 18:3

Sometimes God wants you to step back and allow someone else to take the lead and credit

Jonathan was content to play the role of sidekick in David's rise to power

His dad was King Saul but he wasn't called be suceed his father as king

A different man might have become angry and indignant for being overlooked but not Jonathan

In Jonathan, David had everything he could possibly want in a comrade, Jonathan was:

  1. Selfless - 1 Samuel 9:1-2
  2. Couragous warrior - 1 Samuel 14
  3. A man of unshakable faith - 1 Samuel 14:6

Jonathan humbly stood back and rejoiced as his friend as David rose to the place God had call him

How willing are you to stand back and let others shine where they have been called by God?

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