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2012-10-13 - Prayer of the Righeous - Arms Wide Open (part III)
The older son a problem with his brother's return and his father's warm welcome
The father pleaded with him - Luke 15:28
He refused to call him brother but instead "this son of yours" - Luke 15:30

It is difficult to pray when you are angry with God and you feel like he owes you something
May feel God has not brought justice but Jesus promises to bring it but we need to persevere - Luke 18:7-8
Justice will come but not on our timetable
When God's arms are wide open to us, we should not fold ours
We can draw close to God with bitterness in our heart

Reconcile with our brother BEFORE offering gifts to God - Matthew 5:23-24
Husbands treat your wives with respect so nothing will hinder your prayers - 1 Peter 3:7

If we can not throw our arms wide open for others around us, we are not being like God
If we do not forgive, he can not forgive us - Matthew 6:15

2013-06-27 - Why we need men of resolution (part IV)

Our generation desperately needs courageous men to step up.

  • Men who will forgive their dads, break the chains of the past, and set new standards.
  • Stick up for our marriages during difficult times
  • Refuse to let entertainment eat up our time
  • Refuse to sacrifice family for the sake of a promotion

When strong men work together, they can accomplish amazing things.

David armies came together to face enemies amid seemingly impossible odds.
Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people - 2 Samuel 10:11-12

Remember one immovable, unconditional truth: we have a Father in heaven who is for us.

We must lock shields with other men around us and refuse to allow one another to fail
If my battle gets too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if your battle is too strong for you, then I will come to help you!

2014-12-11 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part III)


Rebebekah went back with Eliezer and she married Isaac.


Genesis 24:49 - Tell me yes or no, then I know what to do next
After sharing his faith in verses 34 to 48 about how God blessed his faithfulness, Abramham's servers did not want to waste any time - he wanted a straight answer on which direction they would choose. Sometimes it is difficult to get a straight answer but he did not want them to waiver in this very important decision. Sometimes we guard our hearts to share because we do not want to sound "too religous" but Eliezer just shared his heart and was not concerned about their opinons.

Genesis 24:50 - The Lord has obviously brought you here, there is nothing we can say
There is no reason to fight the Lord. When they saw what had happen before them, they were conveicted that the Lord was speaking to them that day. Eliezer was full of faith and excitement for what the Lord had done and he could not help but to share it with them that day.


The God should be obvious in our lives. Do people see God in us and if so is it obvious or is there doubt in their mind? In order for me to reach out to others, my life needs to show Jesus. When I speak and invite others to church/Bible study does it come as a surpise or an invitation or extention of what I am already doing?


Pray to be real with people and to share my faith without reservation. 

2015-02-15 - Our Source of Joy

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation - Habakkuk 3:17-18

What we think about and focus on really does affect our attiutde - The Power of Positive Thinking

Habakkuk fortold:

  • The coming destruction of Jerusalem 
  • The Babylonian captivity that would follow

Habakkuk grieved over the coming destruction but he did sink into despair

Joy in God was a choice, Babylonians or no Babylonians

To maintain his joy, he counted two truths

  • His difficult times would not last forever
  • His source of joy lay in the God he loved

His loving God was the one constant in his life


2015-02-16 - Right Man for the Job

He reprimand them strenly to make them strong in the faith - Titus 1:12-13

God often calls men of character and commitment to handle more difficult assignments

Among this group was a young man name Titus

Paul send him to Crete, known for its:

  • Lack of discipline
  • Untruthfulness
  • Excessive gluttony
  • Cruelty

Only a man of strong character who came solve problems, confront, and love God and His word can qualify for such a charge

How would you respond in Crete? How can you be God's man in a tough situation?

2015-02-28 - Contentment

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have - Philippians 4:11-12

Paul didn't learn the value of contentment in a vacuum but through his own difficulties

There is nothing like sitting naked, in pain in a bare jail cell to focus your attention on what really matters

How does a man of God learn contentment? By being satisfied with whatever provisions God make for him.

Paul did not say "I will be content once" but in every situation

When we live like this, we will defeat the spiritual enemies of envy, pride, and greed. We will also enjoy what God has already so generously given you

Contentment mean living with an attitude of gratitude for all that God has given you

2015-03-25 - Hope

Jeremiah: Great is his faithfullness and his mercies begin afresh each morning - Lamentations 3:22-24

He surveyed th ruins of the once great city of Jerusalem

Jeremiah saw death and destruction all around and felt a pain we can only imagine

He found it within himslef to speak to his one Source of hope

Jeremaih recognized God had granted him life and could hope for better things from the hand of his heavenly Father

Where do you place your hope when you or loved ones encounter pain and difficulty?

2015-04-21 - A Choice

I will not test the Lord like that - Isaiah 7:12

Ahaz, the ungodly king of Judah, found himself in a dilemma of equally difficult alternatives

Assyria, a dominate power of the day, was a growing treat to Judah, Israel, and Syria

His choice was to side with his enemies - Israel and Syria or Assyria and trust God would work things out or side with Assyria

Ahaz made an unwise chose to side with Assyriaw which had disastous consequences for Judah - 2 Kings 16:7-9


2015-04-23 - Use Your Gifts

You gave me five bags of silver to invest and I have earned five more - Matthew 25:30

The Bible explains the importance of good strewardship

Faithful handling of a small amount leads to more responsibility - Matthew 25:21

The wise and faithful servant understood the wealth he was using belonged to his master

One reason God entrusts you with spiritual gifts is so you can produce fruit for him

What make it difficult for you to see yourself as a steward? 

2015-04-29 - Suffering

Yet I want your will to be done, not mine - Mark 14:36

We sometime have a difficult time with the idea of a loving God when we go through difficult times

A life of without suffering is prefered and you will would probably do anything you could to avoid it

Even as Jesus prayed for relief, he remained completely and single-mindedly submitted to his Father's will

At the moment of truth, he was willing to go through with the appointment God had made for him

Nothing tests your submission to God's will and plans like adversity

2015-05-21 - Opportunities to Speak

You have abandoned me, so I am abandoning you to Shishak - 2 Chronicles 12:5

The Bible includes many examples of God sending men to free his people from their sin and rebellion

Shemaiah to a message of freedom to his people - All that was required was for them to turn to God

It was difficult message for Shemaiah to give such a message to his home country of Judah

Shemaiah's willingness to speak God's message made a difference:

  • The leaders listened
  • Judah humbled themselves
  • God relented on his plan to destroy Judah - 2 Chronicles 12:6-8

When you have the courage to give a difficult message to hear, you can make a difference in your world

2015-07-29 - Unexpected Blessings

The Lord fulfilled the prophecy he had given Jeremiah - Ezra 1:1

What tools has God used to mold you?

  • Intolerant Boos
  • Family member that want nothing to do with God
  • Phyiscal difficulties

Cyrus issued a decree to free the people of Judah and have all the gold and silver returned

At first, it might appear acted out of compassion and love of God

He did not serve God but God stirred his heart

Cyrus was an instrument in God's hands as he worked out his will in his people's lives

When you submit to his will and purpose, he can even use thing you consider "secular".

2015-08-06 - Hearing God

What are you doing here, Elijah? - 1 Kings 19:13

With all the noise life makes, it can be difficult to hear God

Although he had preached and performed miracles, the people refused to listen Elijah

Elijah had death threats and was hiding in a cave in fear and despair - desperately needing to hear from God

God wanted to speak to Elijah:

  1. Told Elijah to come out the cave
  2. A windstorm arose
  3. A earthquake
  4. A fire

All were forerunners of the rela deal was to follow - then Elijah heard God's voice and poured out his broken heart and then just listened

Can you hear God above life' everyday noise?


2015-10-25 - Whose Voice?

Make us some gods who can lead us - Exodus 32:1

With Moses away, Aaron heard many insistent voices wanting him to do wrong

Aaron knew the commandments about idol worship very well, but one moment he caved - Exodus 20:4

He agreed what they demanded

Aaron had a golden opportunity to make a bold statement but instead he made a golden idol

When leadership get difficult and you feel tempted to cave, can you stand strong?


2015-11-01 - Secure in Love

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love - Romans 8:38

Through difficult times we are tempted to think God must really hate me

Some have the misguided idea of the relationship between difficulties and God's love

Paul opposed such thinking through his suffering that most of us can not imagine

He never saw his suffering as an occasion to doubt God's love for him

Can anything ever separate us?

  • Trouble
  • Calamity
  • Persecution
  • Hunger
  • Danger
  • Threatened with death

No! Despite these things overwhelming victory is ours through Christ - Romans 8:37

2015-11-12 - In Spite of

My salvation come from the Lord alone - Jonah 2:9

Can you praise God for your times of difficulty, weakness, burdens?

Jonah did some time in the belly of the sea creature - a dark and foulplace that defies human imagination

He didn't ask why, he already knew why

God knew that Jonah had come full circle from his words of thanksgiving and his promise to fulfill his vows

It meant he was ready and willing to obey God

God immediately arranged for his freedom - Jonahv2:10

2016-01-29 - Genesis 25 - Esau and Jacob (part II)


Isaac and Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a meal.


Genesis 25:22 - the two children struggled with each other in the womb
Sibiling rivaly starts early - even before they born in this case. Our thoughts and personalities are formed before we leave the womb. Sure, we can learn and further be formed afterwards but in some sense their parents did not help smooth the relationship. Their parents practiced favoritsm: Issac's love for Esau was conditional based off performance and Rebekah's love for Jacob was consistant and uncondtional [Genesis 25:28].

Genesis 25:32 - I'm dying of starvation... what good is my birthright to me now?
Short term pleasure can lead to long term consequences and lose of sight of the future. Was Esau really going to die of starvation? It does not seem so from his actions after he ate as he just got up and left quickly [Genesis 25:34]. Esau resorted to exaggeration to prove his point. The issue was nothing else mattered at the time except for food and Esau lost perpective of what was most important. Jacob, ironically, was the hunter in this case by patiently laying a trap for his brother's arrival. 


Getting through the short-term pressure-filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming tempation. I need to have God's long term perpective when confronted with a short sided want.


Praying for God's strength in my weaknesses