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2010-01-30 - One Another - Confession Lessons
Sin is still a reality - even in Christ
God uses relationships to transform us
Everyone who seek these relationship will find themselves either being the one sinning or the one being sinned against

Christ has freed us to be real
We no longer have to prove anything
No longer have to pretend or conceal
Love of Christ compels us and reminds us and reassures us

We should not be shocked or disillusioned when someone confesses
Will we look down on others like the Pharisee did in Jesus' parable - Luke 18?
Or will we see we all are capable of bad things in need of grace?

Sooner we can walk in the light, the better
Longer something stays concealed, the more demons of darkness have time to work

2010-02-02 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 3)
Can confession be turned the wrong way?

a. If we react with condemnation
b. If we gossip and don't keep confidence - Golden rule applies with handling confession
c. If we label people to control them - confession can used to help them but not beat them down
d. If we think it is our role to fix them - main role of responsibility is on the one confessing - we are here to help
e. If leaders do not do it - but expect others to confess - One-way confesses will become dysfunctional and unhealthy

2010-02-03 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 4)
How do we grow in our confession?

a. Be open even at the temptation level
We will get used to talking what we are thinking and going through
We will nip many things in the bud before they progress to sin

b. Start over-correcting
Start confessing everything
You can always tone it down so it does not become annoying :)

c. Ask some else what they think of your confession:

Do you find me to be a confessing person?
What is my confession level?
  • Seldom confess
  • Confess only when there is a "big" sin
  • Consistently confess sin
  • Am open even about temptations

2010-02-09 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 2)

Bad Trees

Bad trees always produce bad fruit

  • Shallow hearts produce shallow disciples
  • Hypocrisy multiplies hypocrites
  • Impure hearts produced doomed disciples
  • Criticaless spreads like a virus
  • Faithlessness topples cold heart after cold heart

Until someone sits down and studies the Bible with someone it is impossible to know what kind of heart they have

2010-02-10 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 3)

No fruit means a bad tree too

A fruitless tree in a useless tree - Matthew 3:10, Matthew 13:22, Luke 13:6-9, Luke 19:11-27, John 15:2, 6, Hebrews 6:8

Jesus warned the Pharisees the kingdom of God would be taken away from people who will not produce - Matthew 21:43

In the Christian life there is no neutrality of example
Either we bear good fruit OR not bearing fruit which shows the condition of our heart - sterile and barren
Bearing no fruit = faithless Christianity

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire - Matthew 7:19


2010-02-21 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 1)
Bible is clear - Jesus came to break down divisions - Ephesians 2:14

Worldly divisions
  • Race
  • Money
  • Gender
  • Culture
  • Distance
  • Too busy
Common barriers in the church:
  • Past hurts
  • Bitterness
  • Sin - yours, mine or others
Jesus broke down walls through the cross - Ephesians 2:16
Can ONLY be done at the foot of the cross

Only way a holy and righteous God can be reunited with his unrighteous enemy (us) - Romans 5:6-11

Reconcile = to become friends again
Not to politely tolerate one another or a ceasefire

The goal of Jesus is to be one - John 17:20-21
Only way Jews and non-Jews could form the church of God

What Paul had is mind when writing - Ephesians 3:20
"...him who by the power that is working within us is able to do far beyond all that we ask or think"

2010-03-03 - To Live is Christ - In My Heart
Philippians 1:7-8

During Paul's 3 days of blindness:
  • His Pharisaic crust was broken
  • His independence had melted
  • He recognized and braced the true Lord
One of the most touching paragraphs written by Paul in the NT
Instead of seeing cell walls - he saw the Philippian disciples needs, struggles, and victories
Paul had to have come to know them all
He did not just start the church there, he began a family

He was committed to all of them - he was a true shepherd:
  • He called his own sheep by name - John 10:3
  • He laid down his life for them - John 10:11
  • He knew his sheep - John 10:14
Paul turned from persecutor to nurturer
We too can long for people with the affection of Christ but we must have people in our hearts

2010-03-27 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 1)
James address Christians under pressure
Without pressure, the human body soon slows down and dies
Pressure keeps the blood flowing

James chooses to call himself servant rather than brother - James 1:1
He was a prominent leader in the early church but he kept a down-to-earth perspective
Anyone in a leadership role needs to have the same attitude

How are trials to be met? With pure joy - James 1:2-8
There are two options: continue in the process of becoming mature or walk away and do it our own way
Maturity is not just spiritual longevity - it is how you react under pressure

What do we do it we lack wisdom? Ask for it
Not IQ but for knowing what to do in tricky situations
It's a promise of God that he will enable you to live more intelligently

What is last big trial you faced? How did you react?

2010-05-15 - Desire's Journey - The Dilemma of Desire
We can not live without yearning, yet the yearning sets us up for disappointment
Because of its vulnerable nature, desire begins to feel like our worst enemy

Despair is the fate of the desiring soul - Sam Houston
Hope deferred make the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12

How awful it feels to open our hearts to joy, only to have grief come in
How do we live in a world with desire so deep in us and disappointment lurking behind every corner?
Are a few arrows, dare we even desire?
Do we refuse to love because we may hurt? possibility of pain?

Shutting down our hearts is to die altogether
Hope deferred make the heart sick... but when dreams come true, there is life and joy

Most of us have chosen to reduce our desire to a more manageable size
We allow it only in small doses:
  • Dinner out
  • Vacation
  • A new ______

2010-06-10 - Jesus - the Zealot (part 1)

By Richard Dixon in 1999-09-26
    Zealot = a man who aims at overthrows
    Jesus mission was to overthrow Satan's ruling government over the earth
    1 John 3:7-8
    • Jesus came to destroy Satan
    • A zealot has a cause
    • What was Jesus' cause?
      • Save man from hell
      • Save man from himself
      • Save man from Satan
    Matthew 26:50-55
    • They saw Jesus as a renigade

    Cause worth living for

    Luke 9:25
    • What good is it?
    • What would you write down as things that you are trying to gain?
    • Living for Jesus is living life to the full
    Luke 10:10
    • Sometimes life is not fair
      • Through salvation (Judgement) comes fairness
    • We hurt ourselves with the question "WHY?"
      • Like we can demand an answer from God
    2 Corinthians 5:14
    • Love compels us not out of duty

2010-06-17 - Jesus - The Healer (part 2)

Causes of Sickness:

Break Down of System

Our spiritual immune system can break down:

  1. Time with God isn't exciting...less time spent
  2. Dynamic prayer becomes nonexistant
  3. Desire to go to Church decreases
  4. Becomes critical toward the church, people, even God
James 1:13-15
  • I didn't become a disciple to be here and then fall away
  • Sin gives birth to death...maybe slow maybe fast.
Some are accidential injuries

You must be prepared:

1 Peter 4:1-11

  • Because we are not prepared
  • Wolves are all around us.
Some are self-afflicted injuries

Ephesians 5:10-18

  • Comes when we make excuses.
  • Like shotting ourselves in the foot.
Jesus can heal your weaknesses and injuries

Will you let him?

2010-06-27 - Jesus - The Lord (part 1)
Preached by Richard Dixon on 1999-10-10

We have many bosses:
  • Landlord
  • Boss at work
  • Teacher
Jesus isn't like any of them...AMEN!

Matthew 9:27-34

  • When ever you do something right
    • Some is telling you you are doing it wrong
    • You need to feel good about what you are doing
      • The religous did the taring down
      • They were afraid of losing their members

Jesus is Lord of our Faith

Do you believe that you will receive everything that you ask for in prayer?
Do you doubt more than you believe?

5 Faith Killers:

  1. Hesitation - when accidents happen
  2. Doubting syndrome - not expecting anything to happen
  3. Pessimistic attitude - everything will go bad (from childhood)
  4. Ingraditude - not being grateful
  5. Fear - can be overcome by love

2010-07-21 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 8)
Losing all sensitivity - the dullness that most people accept as normal - Ephesians 4:17-19

A deadened soul requires a greater and greater level of stimulation to arouse it
This is known as the downward spiral of any addiction

TV today would be consider shocking thirty years ago
This is why holiness is not numbness - it is sensitivity

God wants to be our perfect lover but instead we seek perfection in human relationships and are disappointed when our lovers cannot love us perfectly

The Law (Music sheet, if you will) is our help for guiding us
Our instrument is out of tune from years of misuse
We're not clear all the time on what it is we really want

2010-08-08 - Waking Dead - At War (part 3)
Until we come to terms with war, we will not understand life
We will misinterpret most of what is happening around us:
  • Difficult to believe God's intentions are eternal life
  • Hard to not feel that we are blowing it
  • We will accept some awful things as God's will
  • God is ignoring our problem or just does not care
Most people get stuck at some point because God appears to have abandoned them
We have to realize we are part of a story and the situation we are in right now will change

We won't understand our life until we see it as a battle - warring against your heart

The issue is: we can not see things as clearly as we ought to - but we need to
The attack on our hearts weighs down our lives and glory is being held back
We don't see clearly because we don't see with the eyes of our heart

2010-08-09 - Waking Dead - The Heart's Eyes

Do not lose heart, fix our eyes on what is unseen - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

We are losing heart, all of us, daily

Someone was trying to shutdown Paul during his ministry - 2 Corinthians 11:23-27
He was looking at what he could not see

Life is an illustion - there is a way of looking at life and be able to live from the heart no matter what
How? By seeing with the eyes of the heart - Ephesians 1:18

Jesus spoke in parables to our hearts:

  • A sower went out to sow some seed
  • A man fell into the hands of robbers
  • Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one
  • There were ten virgins with ten lamps

Jesus spoke in a way that will get past all intellectual defenses
Civil War: Fought between 1861 to 1865 vs stories of the lives lost during that time

When you tell a story, you speak to the heart

2010-08-18 - Waking Dead - Point of all Living
Everything you love is what makes a life worth living

Action: Set down the book and make a list of all the things you love
  • People in your life
  • Things that bring you joy
  • Places that are dear to you
A life filled with loving is a life most like the one that God live - Ephesians 5:1-2

Jesus was asked what was most important
He boiled it down to loving God and loving others - everything else will fall into place

The heart is the connecting point; can not love without it
If we can truly love, be loved, and never lose love - we would be finally truly happy

If we worship efficiency, we can not grow in our love
Some try to master all sort of principles and and never know God intimately, heart to heart.
If do all sorts of Christian things without knowing God, he will say "I never knew you" - Matthew 7:22-23
The point is not the activity but intimacy with God

Taking a course on anatomy won't help you love you spouse
Taking a religion class will not help you love God
You will find God when you seek him with all of your heart - Jeremiah 29:13

2010-08-21 - Waking Dead - Last Adam
Paul refers to Jesus as the Last Adam and the Second Man - 1 Corinthians 15:45-47

Adam and Eve were rulers over all creation and glorious image bearers of God
Their choices would forever shape our lives - chose to disobey the one command they were given
Fruit does not fall far from the tree
Parents often wonder where their toddler learn how to be disobedient
It was taught to them - it is inherent to human nature
Through one man disobedience - many were made sinners - Romans 5:12

A man comes down from heaven, slips into the world unnoticed as:
  • Neo does in Matrix
  • Maximus does in Gladiator
  • Wallance does in Braveheart
Just as Adams' trespass had far reaching effects, Jesus, the Last Adam,  effects were much greater - Romans 5:17

2010-08-26 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 3)
You are going to the need your whole heart - so you will need every ounce of courage and faith as well

James and John, sons of Zebedee did hide what they thought
  • Wanted choice seat to the right and left of Jesus
  • Wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy a village
Their buddies called the idiots, but Jesus called them Sons of Thunder - Mark 3:17
He can see clearly who they really are

We many times spend our time hiding through false selfs
Like Adam and Eve did with fig leaves
We make up a glory because we are convinced we have none of our own

Must ask: God, who am I? What do you think of me? What is my real name?

The deeper reason we fear our own glory is that once we let others see the truest us - aka nakedness
It is awkward when everyone else is veiled

Living from your glory is the only way to live
You cannot love another person from a false self
You can not help others if you are in captivity yourself

Our deepest fear of all - we will have to live from our hearts
Means we do not know the next thing God will ask of us

2010-09-02 - Waking Dead - Ask God
  • Peter was one of Jesus' best friends
  • Went to see the Transfiguration (with James and John)
  • He came along to see Christ raise Jarorus' daughter from the dead
  • Jesus went to Peter in the garden of Gethsemane for strength (but failed)
Peter had a special place in Jesus' heart
When Christ arose, he did not let Peter sweep the whole matter under the rug - John 21:15-17
It would have haunted the old fisherman for the rest of his life

Most of us try to "put things behind us"
  • Guilt would have made it had to pray
  • Made it more difficult to tell others about Jesus
He want truth in our inter most being - so he has to take us to our inter most being

Jesus was asked would he feed his sheep times - for each betrayal
Lessons that have been laid down in pain can be accessed only by pain
Christ must open the wound not just bandage it over

Instead of burying the pain, ask God what he is wanting to speak to you

2010-09-09 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 1)

The heart of our enemy: determined to hinder and harm and ruin God's image bearers

God is serious about life - Isaiah 45:2-3

  • He will level the mountains
  • Break down the gates of bronze
  • Cut through the bars of darkness
  • Give us hidden treasures
May seem overblown or metaphoric
What if we looked at the passage through the eyes of the heart?
We are in an epic battle - things are not what they seem

This is God personal mission - Isaiah 61:1
  • Bind up the brokenhearted
  • Proclaim freedom for the captives
  • Release from darkness for the prisoners

What is the hidden treasure? Our hearts
Our hearts are not darkness but hidden by darkness

2010-09-12 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 4)
Heads up. Satan can give us actions and words to say:
  • Satan incited David to take a census of Israel - 1 Chronicles 21:1
  • To Peter: "Get behind me Satan" - Matthew 16:21-23

Some trying to "work through" things are simply have agreements with the Enemy
Do you really think the source of that is just you? or God?

Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry - Ephesians 4:26-27
Not just anger  - it happens through all sorts of issues

Satan uses your wounds and unresolved emotional issues to pin your heart down under a spiritual stronghold
Wounds we take are not accidential

We must be careful not to make agreements with Satan to increase his dominion

2010-09-16 - Why can't we be friends?
Preached on 2003-01-26

Conflicts -Who are having problems? 1 John 4:20

- To love God, is to love our brothers

Three reason why we can not

1. Lack of spiritually (half-hearted)

Genesis 4:1
- God wants us to give your best
- First reaction: Anger and downcast
- Relationships - best to God, best to others

How could being close to God change things for you?

2. Selfish

Jacob and Esua

Genesis 25:27-35
- Only do things you like to do
- Waiting for them to come to you
- You make the first moved

3. Jealous/Anger

Genesis 37:1

- How is jealousy effecting you relationship?
- Focus on all the blessing you DO have
- Pray for them

2010-09-17 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 5)
The worldview has simply removed warfare as a practical category
We shouldn't be surprised - we can not see spiritual strongholds after we say they really don't exist

If you deny the battle raging against your heart, then the theif can just come and go as he pleases
Satan says there is not war

Lord Almighty = he who is sovereign over all the powers in heaven and on earth, especially over the armies of Israel
The God of angel armies
God is powerful and and in control but don't always think of of him taking up a sword and shield, breaking down gates to rescue us
Big difference: Joe the good man who is in control vs Joe the Naval Seal

2010-09-22 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Small
Jesus did not march around backed by hundreds of followers
He had a band of brothers - the Twelve
Through we are part of a great company, we are meant to live a little platoons
Groups small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies
Who's heart will you fight for? Who will fight for your heart?

He spoke to the masses but lived with his closest twelve

His followers took his example and lived this way too
  • Broke bread in their homes and ate together - Acts 2:46
  • The church meet in houses - 1 Corinthians 16:19
  • House church at Nymph's house - Colossians 4:15
The little fellowships of the heart are outpost of the kingdom
Anytime an army goes to war or expedition, they break down into platoons and squads

You can not be devoted to a mass of people
Devotion takes place in small units like a family

2010-09-23 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Intimate
Most churches offer small group activities but they are usually short lived for two reasons:

1. Can't just throw a random group together and then it instantly become allies
Closeness takes time - playing, working, helping, living together develops relationships
All the believers were one in heart - Acts 4:32
  • They all love the same thing
  • They all wanted the same thing
  • They were bound together to find it come hell or high water
2. Small groups are anything but redemptive powerhouses

You can study til you are blue in the face but it will not heal a broken heart
A small fellowship needs to be a redemptive community and one that protects

Idea: In a group - write down 5 words or phrases that captures your life right now
Then find what stories or scenes or characters help you interpret those words

2010-09-25 - Waking Dead - Fight For Each Other
True community is something you'll have to fight for
Fight to get one and fight to keep it afloat

You want this to work and you''ll need this thing to work
This is the church - this all you have
Without it, you'll go down

Small house fellowships thrive in other countries - they need each other

Suddenly one another scriptures make sense
Knowing full well that we all are facing battles of our own

Check regularly with one another, not out of paranoia but out of a desire to watch over one another's heart
If you bring your every need to it, it will collapse
Community is no substitute for God
Community can not live without solitude
Even monasteries have remote cells for alone time with God

We first go to God, alone, so that we have something to bring back to the community

2010-09-28 - Waking Dead - Devotion and War
Caring for your heart is also how you protect your relationship with God

Your heart is where life flows
Whoever believes in me - streams of living water will flow from within him - John 7:27-38

God's friends care for their heart because they matter to Him
What does your heart need?

Some needs are common to all hearts like silence and solitude
Very early Jesus went away to a solitary place - Mark 1:35
We need to make time to get away - our entire lives are ruled by the expectation of others and the heart is the first to go

The enemy will tell you this is foolish
"You have many more important things to do with your time"
Caring for your heart is an act of obedience, faith and an act of war

The first wave of any strike against us is to rob us of the heart to fight it
Hyenas cannot bring down a lion in its prime - they run it, taunt it, and wear it down to the point of exhaustion

The strategy of our Enemy in the age we live is busyness and drivenness
Most will say when asked how they are doing is "really busy"
That we way we are going to get burned out and lose touch with our hearts
The empty heart is more vulnerable to temptation

2010-09-29 - Contagious Christian - People Matter (part 1)
We might like the idea of having a spiritual impact on others, we won't take decisive action unless we raise our motivation level
The best way to do this is to have God's perspective on the matter

1. The way things are - Science
Anthropic principle - when we look at the world around us, the universe was somehow designed to support and nourish human life
  • Raise or lower the universe's rate of expansion by one part in a million, - it rules out the possibility of life
  • If the average distance between star was any greater, the planets would not have formed; any smaller, the planets orbits for life would not have occurred
  • The ratio of carbon and oxygen was different, we could not breath the air
  • Change the tilt of the earth's axis slightly, we would freeze and burn up
  • Any change in the distance from the sun or speed of rotation of the earth would result in unlivable temperature changes
Someone must have gone to a lot of effort to make things just right
We matter to God

2. The way things ought to be - Business
Business is turning to the "upside-down" approached
They refocus on they are there - to server their customers

Focus must be outside the church as well
It is easy to get entangled and ensnared in internal issues in our church that it is hard to remember the primary reason we remain on this planet - to reach out to other people

If we matter to God, then they'd better matter to us too

2010-10-09 - Contagious Christian - Attractiveness of Authenticity (part 3)
Living by Genuine Conviction

There is something about someone who stands up for what they believe in
People take notice
  • Tienanmen square
  • East Germans slamming their picks axes into the Berlin Wall
It strikes a cord deep inside us even if you don't agree with the cause they represent
Seekers are not impressed with spinelessness

Seekers are trying to make up their own minds about what to do with the claims of Christ
When a believer speaks up, they are forces to deal with the implication for their lives

A Roman centurion watched as Jesus
  • Continued to claim to be God's Son
  • Take care of his mother's needs
  • Extend grace to the repentant thief

The soldier's heart was eventually moved and said - "Surely this man was the Son of God!"

Nothing short of Jesus' laying down his life would have brought this cynical soldier to his knees

2010-10-28 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part III)
Third major kind of sacrifice is a sustained, long term godly lifestyle
Spiritual cynicism runs deep in some people - Christians need to watch their life and doctrine closely to win them over

May times these are family member who have seen you go through phases before and think this is just another one

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices by being transformed with the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:1-2
History has seen rush of the Christianity starting blocks only to be on the side lines after a couple of laps
Time shows our faith to be genuine
Like in a marathon, we have to finish the race
We have to outlast other's objections

Are you going to be God's helper that is going to wear down every cynic, scoffer, and doubter in your life?

All three of the major sacrifices must be motivated by love
Love has no one greater than this - that on lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

2010-11-25 - Mission - Fishers of Men
Jesus summarized in one sentence his plan and our destiny
I will make you fishers of men - Mark 1:17

The call is to become, ginormai (greek word)
  • to be created
  • to be born or produced
  • to come into existence
NIV omitted phrase but Jesus is calling men to become something - something that they are not
Cannot become on their own

Not just can things we do and all the way down to the core of our being

We are commanded to follow not to fish
Becoming a fisher of men is the result of following Jesus
It is impossible to follow Jesus and not become a fisher of men

To follow Jesus means:
  • Must be committed to obeying all his words - John 8:31
  • Must have his heart - Galatians 2:20
  • We love that he loves
    • God - Matthew 22:37
    • Our brothers - John 13:34-35
    • The lost - Matthew 9:13
    • The kingdom - Matthew 6:33

2010-12-21 - Sin (part I)
1 Peter 2:9-10
  • Every person is either in the darkness or the light. This study will show us that outside of Jesus we are all in the darkness.
Isaiah 59:1-2
  • What is the consequence of sin? Sin hurts others, hurts ourselves, but ultimately sin hurts and separates us from God.
  • God is light. As long as the wall of sin remains, we are in the darkness.
  • In order to have a relationship with God, the barrier of sin must come down.
Romans 3:21-24
  • We will come back to other ideas in this text later, but focus on v23. Who has sinned?
  • Use illustrations to show that some are better than others, but all sin and fall short.
  • Examples: Swimming to Hawaii, graph showing piles of sin.
  • Who is more lost? There is no “good person” who is without sin.
Mark 7:14-23
  • Sin is not simply wrong actions, but a problem of the heart.
  • Who is responsible for our sin? Despite genetics, parenting, peer pressure and socio-economic conditions, we are responsible for our own sin, which comes from our own hearts and makes us unclean.
  • What is the consequence of being unclean before God?
  • Discuss the sins Jesus talks about here.

2010-12-26 - Saved by Grace through Faith (part II)
Ephesians 2:1-10
  • What condition are we all in? We are dead in sins and transgressions.
  • How much can a dead man do to improve his own condition? What then is the only way we can be saved?
  • What do you learn about God in his passage? His love? His mercy? His grace?
  • What is the condition of receiving what God has done on our behalf?
  • We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is obedient trust in God (James 2:14-18).
  • Here we trust what God has done in Jesus as the grounds of our salvation and commit our lives fully to him. While we can never do enough good works to save ourselves, what are we saved for?
  • Saving faith is “worked out” in ways that bring glory to God and attest to a Christ-centered life.

Romans 3:21-26
  • Having shown that Gentiles (non-Jews) are sinners in Romans 1 and Jews are no better off Romans 2, Paul summarizes his argument here.
  • Is it possible for anyone to be “good enough” to be saved?
  • Illustration: a plane goes down half way between Hawaii and California. Everyone must swim for the coast. Can some swim much further than others? But what eventually happens to them all? So with us, no one’s own efforts are enough. All fall short. So how are we saved?
  • God justifies those who “have faith in Jesus” (v26).
  • Saving faith is not in ourselves but “in his blood”—that is, in the death of Jesus on our behalf (v25).

Titus 3:3-8
  • When we humbly consider our own sinfulness, it becomes obvious that we are saved because of God’s mercy, not because of righteous things we have done.
  • Those who have trusted God for salvation, however, will devote themselves to doing his will.
  • God’s grace is AMAZING! He generously accepts us as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
  • To enter into this saving relationship with God, we must be washed of our sins and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
  • We will look more at the conditions of accepting God’s grace in the coming studies.

2011-02-15 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part II)

Definition of Sin
Romans 3:21-25

  • The Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) testify about the righteousness from God (Jesus)
  • Questions
    • What has sinned?
    • Who is separated from God then?
    • Where does our redemption come from?

Sins of Omission
James 4:13-17

  • Involves inward things that people don't nessarily see
    • Bitterness
    • Hatred
    • Procrastination
    • Looking down on others
    • Unwillingness to help/serve
  • Question: What sins of ommission would you say have been or are currently in your life?

Sin of Commission
Galatians 5:16-25

  • Go through the list and define each sin to paint a clear picture
  • Person leading the study share their own sin (5-6 minutes), then 1 or 2 others for 2-3 minutes
  • After the person studying shares then suggest meeting again to talk about things further

2011-02-17 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: Understand how the Bible explains what Jesus went through before/during and after the cross

Painful betrayal of a friend
Matthew 26:14-30
  • Judas had already decided in his heart and actions to betray Jesus. Then he watched for an opportunity to carry out sin.
  • Share: A person's heart can be so hard that they no longer fear God - Psalms 36:1-3
  • In spite of knowing that Judas was lying and plotting to have him killed, Jesus still loved him.
  • The disciples had no clue who it was.
  • Jesus' heart and actions never expressed any anger/resentment toward Judas
Pain of Friends Mistrust
Matthew 26:31-35
  • Peter accepted the words of Jesus until it came time to apply them to his life.
  • Share: Peter's prideful refusal to accept Jesus will for his life lead other down the wrong path

2011-06-05 - Fearing God - Peter feared
Peter and his partners had been up all night fishing - Luke 5:1-11
  • After Jesus' command/request, he said "because you say so, I will let down the nets"
  • It may have took a lot to do this:
    • Tired from fishing all night
    • A carpenter asking a fisherman to fish during the worst time to fish - during the day
  • Peter was elated at such a monumental catch - may have been the equivent of days or weeks worth of fishing
Did Peter try to immediately recruit Jesus as a fishing guide? No
Instead he was fearful: "Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man! - v8

He saw Jesus' power over the fish in the lake - special because it was from his own trade
He recognized that he somehow was in the presence of God

Jesus said nothing about Peter's sin - Peter now saw who Jesus really was
Peter fell down before Jesus not because his sin but Jesus' deity

2011-06-22 - Mind of Christ - Obedience (part II)
Jesus possessed an all consuming desire to obey God (continued)
  • John 5:30 - By myself I can do nothing
  • John 6:38 - Come not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me
  • John 8:28 - Spoke just what the Father has taught me
  • John 10:18 - Lay his life down on his own accord
  • John 12:49-50 - Whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say
  • John 14:10 - Words I say to you are not just my own
  • John 14:31 - I do exactly what my Father has commanded me
  • John 15:10 - If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love

2011-07-01 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part II)
3. Jesus was one with His Father in His deeds
  • John 5:19, 30 - He can do only what he sees his Father doing
  • John 8:28 - I am telling you what I have seen in the Father's presence
4. This oneness was possible because Jesus truly loved and obeyed His Father
  • John 5:30 - By myself I can do nothing
  • John 6:38 - I have come down from heaven not to do my will
  • John 4:34 - My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work
  • John 17:4 - I have brought you glory on earth by completing your work
  • John 14:31 - World must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what He commands
  • John 15:10 - I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love

2011-07-06 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part I)
A. Jesus possessed a firm belief that he had been sent by the Father into the world for the specific purpose of bringing the lost to salvation.

1. He believed that he was on a Heavenly mission in His Father’s behalf.
  • Luke 2:49 - "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?
  • John 6:38 - For I have come down from heaven
2. He believed that the purpose of this Heavenly mission was to bring the lost to salvation.
  • John 3:17  - God sent his son to save the world through him.
  • Luke 19:10 - For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
  • Matthew 9:13 - I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners
  • 1 Timothy 1:15 - Jesus came into the world to save sinners
  • 1 John 3:5 - He appeared so that he might take away our sins

2011-07-07 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part II)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • John 6:51 - This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
  • Galatians 1:4 - He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live
  • Ephesians 5:2 - Christ loved us and gave himself up for us
  • Titus 2:14 - He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
  • Philippians 2:7- He made himself nothing
  • Hebrews 7:27 - He sacrificed for their sins once for all

2011-07-13 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part VIII)
We must employ at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. We must give ourselves totally to this fulfillment
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58 - Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord
  • 1 John 3:16 - We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers
  • 2 Corinthians 8:5- Would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord
2. We must earnestly long for the salvation of sinners
  • Jeremiah 9:1 - I would weep day and night for the slain of my people
  • Luke 13:34 - How often I have longed to gather your children together

2011-07-19 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part V)
Christ’s example of self denial:

A. He emptied himself ~ Philippines 2:5-11

B. He inconvenienced himself
  • Luke 9:58 - Son of Man has no place to lay his head
  • Mark 6:30 - The apostles gathered around Jesus at unscheduled times
C. He disregarding himself.
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - He became poor for our sake
  • Romans 15:1-3 - Christ did not please himself
  • John 5:30 - I seek not to please myself
D. He sacrificed himself.
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep

2011-09-01 - Fearing God - Requirements for growth (part I)

The first requirement of growing in fear is having an undivided heart

Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name - Psalms 86:11

It dentoes singleness of purpose, aim, and affections
No one can have two masters

Second requirement is regular, consistent exposure of our minds and hearts to His Word:

  • Reading it for ourselves
  • Hearing it taught
  • Studying it for ourselves

Saul fell down in fear before Christ
"He asked Who are you, Lord?" and "What shall I do, Lord? - Acts 22:8,10


2011-09-07 - Followup: Grace (part II)
Grace is almost too good to be true, but it is. The goal of this study is to help you to see the real God who loves you and how valuable you are to him. He valued you at the cost of his only Son, whom he gave up so that thee could be grace to forgive your sins and restore your relationship with him.

Psalms 103:8-10
  • Think of 2 of the most convicting sins in your life
  • What do you deserve for them?
    • Punishment (not being trusted, retribution, etc…)
God sees everything we do and think and he knows what we deserve. Yet it is his grace that gives us forgiveness rather than punishment.

Matthew 18:21-35
  • We owe God a debt we could never repay.
  • God has given us grace so we need to extend it to others as well.
  • The more you see your sin the more you can understand God’s grace.
The number 7 (vs. 21) was a number that meant perfection. Jesus said not just 7 times (perfection) but eternal perfection of forgiveness.

As you continue your walk with God picture yourself in a world of God’s grace. And remember every time you stumble or fall down your landing in God’s grace. Just get back up and continue on in God’s grace. Not once, not twice, not seven times but continue on in God’s grace for eternity.

2011-09-16 - Proverbs on Purity (part I)
Proverbs 15:26 - Pure thoughts are pleasing to God

We live in a time where we need Godly teaching about purity. Lets take a journey on the Path To Purity.

#1. Lust leads to destruction

Proverbs 7:21-23
- The Bible is clear that nothing good will come out of giving into lust.
Ox going to slaughter, deer in a noose, bird in a snare, etc

Proverbs 6:28-29 - To overcome lust in your life you must understand and believe that lust is not just sinful but wasteful also.
Both the lustful look and the lustful act are wrong before God.

What are some of the effects (consequences) of living a lustful life?
  • Affairs
  • Divorce
  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Abortion
  • Sexual disease
  • Guilt
  • Loss of innocence

#2. Flee from Lust

Proverbs 1:10-16
Illustration: In the movie Pinocchio, a wooden boy comes to life.
  • He learns about the world through two hoodlums, who teach him to skip school, smoke and steal.
  • In the end the two boys are turned into donkeys and Pinocchio barely escapes being turned into a donkey (with the help of “Jimmy Cricket”, who was a good conscience/friend for Pinocchio).
 1 Corinthians 15:33 - Bad friends will destroy you
We must pick friends that will encourage us spiritually and not lead us down the path of destruction.

2011-09-22 - Proverbs on Pride (part II)

#1. Pride kills our relationship with God & others (Proverbs 16:5)
  • One reason the Bible is so adamant about pride is its effect on our view of God.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride we begin to act as if we are God
  • Instead of being in the image of God we try to make God in our image
  1. We make God into a national God = prospers our country only
  2. Watering down the Bible = suit our feelings
  3. When we act as if we are a special case = God will overlook our situation
  4. When we become depressed & discouraged (I’m just a failure) = God messed up

Ultimate example is Satan (Revelation 12:7-9, 13:4-9)
  • Satan wants to put thoughts in the minds and hearts of the saints to lead them astray
  • He really wants to come after the ministry staff that leads God’s people.
  1. Have division and tension in your marriage (not a divorce just disunity)
  2. He wants your children (that’s one of the best ways he can hurt you)
  3. He wants you to be competitive & jealous of others
  4. He wants you to struggle with forgiving others
  5. He wants you to be focused only on your ministry & not the church (bigger picture)
How can he make that happen? Our pride. Hardest thing in the world is for us to be humble.
  1. We’re family, he wants it to be like Cain & Abel
  2. King Saul, Satan wants you to think you can lead better than others, nothing to learn from me, be a good follower
  3. Satan wants KC church divided from the Heartland & movement

2011-09-27 - Proverbs on Advice - Advisors bring victory
2. Advisors bring victory

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure

Proverbs 25:12 - Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man’s rebuke to a listening ear

We all want to succeed; we all want to be winners.
  • The Bible gives us the formula for success - - - “seek advice”
Question: If Jesus didn’t try to do it on his own why do we think we can?
  • Jesus spent time (transfiguration) with Moses & Elijah
  • Jesus spent time with his father daily (early in the morning and late at night)
  • Jesus even had 12 disciples around him for years
Note: The best athletes in the world need coaches and trainers
  1. Baseball = the pitching coach can look at a picture throw and determine mistakes on sight
  2. Football = you have a specialty coach for every position
  3. School = tutors for different subjects
Victory comes from seeking and accepting advice

3. Without instruction, bad things happen

Proverbs 19:27 - Stop listening to instruction my son and you will stray from the words of knowledge

Proverbs 21:16 - A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead

Sometimes were just think-headed (we know what’s best)
  • We have to learn things the hard way.
  • People can warn us that we’re headed down the wrong path but we just have to journey that path for ourselves before we learn

2011-09-28 - Proverbs on Advice - Without Instruction
4. Without instruction, you hurt others

Proverbs 10:17 - He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entirely to himself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”

When (in our independence) we disregard godly advice, we hurt others as well as ourselves. We set an example which by action and attitude say that we do not need others in our lives

5. Without instruction we are stupid

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid

The Bible uses the word “stupid”. It’s found only four times in the NIV (Job 18:3, Proverbs 12:1, Ecclesiastes 10:3, 2 Timothy 2:23)
  • In proverbs it refers to the person who hates correction (pride makes us stupid)
  • When we are unwilling to receive godly correction we are trusting our own way over that of our advisors (this type of pride makes us stupid)
  • Physically: We have an illness = we go see an expert doctor, to ignore his advice and handle the situation on our own would be stupid
  • Spiritually: We face temptations and challenging situations = we should seek advice from spiritually minded people (they may advice us something simple like, read these scriptures or something radical like change jobs) but to ignore experienced spiritual advice would be stupid. Even if you don’t like it (pray about it, get another “experienced” opinion)
Victory comes from this approach to solving our spiritual problems.

Challenge: How do you respond when someone challenges you?
  • Type A: Listens on the outside (even nod your head “yes”) but on the inside all systems are shut down.
  • Type B: You are calm on the outside but on the inside you’re steaming mad ready to explode and interrupt (who do they think they are)
  • Type C: Listens and really tries to understand (learn) not just say OK but embrace the input to become a better disciple
Proverbs 27:5, Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 29:1

2011-10-10 - Genesis 10 - Genealogies (part II)


Japheth's line lived in the coastlands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.


Genesis 10:4 - peoples spread out ... each with its own language
These family was not only in not on the same page, in the same state. They each had a completely different language. Their words were likely not written down so changed easily because there was no reference point. Having different languages is not a bad thing but it illustrates when we do not have a reference point in our lives, our standards, direction, and our feelings of the day change we do things. Like God's written word, if we do not keep refering to it, we will live as if we are standing on shifting sand [[Matthew 7:26].

Genesis 10:6 - sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
From Ham's children, came the Jews and others like the Philistines [Genesis 10:14]. I am not sure if this separation came from the times these kids were growing up but does show how much we need unity in our family. Though in verse 6, they had different languages. Unity is very important in a family and godly unity only comes from God. We can be united in mind and heart from our relationship with God. It is never to early introduce God to your family - especially children.

Personal Application

I am convicted on how fast families can be divided by Satan. How things can change and a heart is no longer are responsive in a relationship. I need to start ASAP.  I am going to make sure my children know God, his word and what it means to have an amazing relationship with Him.

2011-10-17 - Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham


God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.


Genesis 17:9 - As for you, you must keep my covenant
First, God came to Abram and Abram fell facedown. God told him what His part of the covenant - the promises that Abram would be a father of many nations. But there are two sides to covenant - we have commitment too. Sometimes we just love to look at God's promises but ignore our side of the covenant. God freely gives and will always out give us but we must do our part as well. What parts of our relationship with God are one sided?

Genesis 17:17 - Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?
Sometimes what He says to us are hard to believe or understand. But His ways are much higher than our ways [Isaiah 55:9]. Despite our understanding at the time, we need to trust what God says. What promises of promise of God are we not trusting? Why?

Personal Application

I know I can one-sided and stubborn in my thoughts and sometimes in my relationships. When I get my mind set to do something, that is the way it is. This can be a strength in some situations but a very big weakness if I am contrary to God's thinking. I need to be humble and allow God to change my thoughts and my ways.

2011-11-23 - God (part I)
Though it sounds so simple, understanding the true nature of God can be very challenging. Many of us were raised with false perceptions of God – inappropriate and incomplete. Unfortunately, those views caused us to act in certain ways, most of which were ungodly. In this study we will learn a few of the problems connected with false views about God and how to make sure we know the real God.

God has been misrepresented
  • Romans 2:17-24 - Hypocrisy in religion has turned many away from the real God
  • Matthew 23:1-4 - Ungodly authorities can cause us to view God in similar ways
  • Deuteronomy 4:4-8 - Those who could have taught us did not, or they did it incorrectly
We were led down a wrong path
  • John 4:21-24 - We didn’t know what the Bible said
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-4 - We were looking for the easy way, not the right way
  • Proverbs 14:15 - We were too simple and believed things too quickly and easily

2011-12-07 - Day 4 - Learning to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
  1. Why does prayer need to be learned? Who are you learning from?
  2. (vs. 2-4) How can you praise God's name? Do you pray for God's kingdom (church) to increase?
  3. Do you pray for daily needs and for forgiveness for yourself and to also forgive others?
  4. Do you pray for help and protection from temptations?
  5. What else does Jesus want us to understand about prayer from verses 5-13?
A.C.T.S. - a simple outline for prayer is: Adoration (praise), Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (requests).

If you pray 10 minutes of each section, you will pray a powerful 40 minutes! Read the Psalms to learn how to really praise God.

Philippians 4:6-7
  • What does God want you to pray about?
  • What are some worries you can pray about today?
  • Do you feel at peace when you pray to God? Trust he will answer!
Application: Pray following the Lord's prayer outline or using A.C.T.S. Write down some of your prayer requests and see how God answers them.

2011-12-08 - Day 5 - The Grace of God
Romans 5:6-11
  1. How were you powerless when Christ died for you?
  2. What proves God's incredible love for you?
Titus 3:3-8; Titus 2:11-14
  1. Why do we need to be reminded about our old way of life?
  2. What did you do to earn God's forgiveness?
  3. How should you respond to the grace of God?
  4. Describe how you can be self-controlled and eager to do good works.
1 Corinthians 15:9-10 / 1 Timothy 1:7-12 - How did Paul show his gratitude to God?

Application: Write down (and do) 3 things today that will show God how grateful you are to be saved!

2011-12-26 - Day 23 - Confessing Sin
Psalms 32:1-7
  1. 1. How do we feel when we are hiding/not confessing sin?
  2. 2. Have you felt this way since your baptism? Are there any sins you have been afraid to confess?
Proverbs 28:13
  1. Can we conceal our sins from God?
  2. Who do we need to confess our sins to besides God?
  3. What effect will unconfessed sin have in our life?
Luke 8:17 - Why is it foolish to try to keep our sins hidden?

Psalms 66:18-19 - What else happens if we conceal or cherish sin?

Application: Take some time to think about any sins - attitudes, action, thoughts - that are troubling you because you haven't shared them. Write them down and make sure you talk about them even today!

2011-12-28 - Day 25 - Being Open
John 15:15
  1. What did Jesus share with his disciples?
  2. Are you this kind of a friend to other Christians?
  3. Do they really know all about your life?
2 Corinthians 6:11-13
  1. What does it mean to speak freely?
  2. Are you opening your heart to others?
  3. What are some feelings you aren't expressing to anyone?
Proverbs 20:5 - Are you helping others to disciple you by being open or does someone have to "draw you out" by asking many questions?

Application: Spend some time today writing down some feelings/plans/secret sins that you haven't been sharing. Discuss these things with another Christian this week. Be open!

2012-01-03 - Day 31 - Dealing with Discouragement
The prophet Elijah had just experienced some tremendous victories from God: The destruction of 450 false prophets, and the first rainfall in 3 ½ years because of his earnest prayer. (See James 5:17-18)

But then he got afraid and discouraged.

1 Kings 19:1-8
  1. Why did Elijah feel so overwhelmed?
  2. What are some things that have made you feel like giving up?
  3. How did the Lord encourage him physically, spiritually and emotionally?
  4. What do you normally do when you start feeling "down"?
  5. How can you apply the 3 lessons from above the next time you are tempted to give in to discouragement?
1 Kings 19:19-21
  1. How do you think Elijah felt to be given a friend and disciple like Elisha?
  2. Why did God wait until Elijah was "in action" again before sending him to Elisha?
Application: How are you dealing with discouragement today? Share what you have learned with someone else.

2012-01-04 - Day 32 - Walking as Jesus did
1 John 2:5-6 - Think back over the past several days. Are you walking like Jesus?

Mark 1:21-28
  1. What was different about the way Jesus taught?
  2. Are you teaching others with authority?
Mark 1:29-34
  1. How late do you think Jesus worked that night?
  2. Do you think he felt tired?
  3. Why did he work so hard?
  4. Are you willing to push yourself for others to know Jesus - even when it is very challenging?
Mark 1:35-39
  1. Note how early Jesus got up the next day? Why did he?
  2. How much do you feel the need to pray like Jesus?
Mark 2:13-17
  1. What kinds of people did Jesus make friends with? Why?
  2. How do you treat sinners and pagans? 3. Are you making new friends to share the gospel with?
Application: Write down two things from today's study that you can do to imitate Jesus. Do them!

2012-01-16 - Ministry - Faith: The Generator of Miracles
Mark 6:1-6; Mark 9:14-25; II Kings 20:1-11

Sometimes we think that miracles ended when the Bible was finished. Or if they do occur today, they happen to other people. Our faith becomes limited to what we can accomplish instead of what God can do through us. The call of the disciple is to believe the unbelievable. To live on the edge. To dream where there are no dreamers left. God is unlimited in what he can do. Often times he does do miracles but because we are not looking through the eyes of faith, we cannot see them occur. We learn from the Scriptures above that miracles will only occur where faith is present. We have to confront the unbelief in our lives and battle against past faithlessness. We cannot let past sin or discouragement set low expectations or low beliefs in our lives. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

  • What will you ask or imagine?
  • What will you allow God to do in your life?
  • What "impossibility" do you have in your life that you want to see God change?
  • What person's life do you want to see changed?
God can absolutely do it. We need to get the faith to ask boldly and constantly until it occurs.

What miracles do you choose to believe God will do in your life or others lives? Dream big!
Write down something you will pray to see God do this year.

2012-01-29 - Ministry - The Reaper's Heart
John 4:31-38

Jesus gets satisfaction by doing the Father's will and by finishing his work. Wow. Often we can see the work of the ministry as toil and drudgery. Jesus derived joy and fulfillment from changing lives. The disciples saw the harvest of crops four months in to the future. Jesus saw the harvest of souls as always being ripe. We do not have to wait for the harvest of souls. It is always ripe and always ready. Are the reapers ready for it? The reaper is looking for a crop to reap. Sometimes we can fall into the trap of deciding we will be fruitful at a later date. The harvest will not wait.
Someone is going to reap souls.

Write down the names of five people whom you could help become a Christian. Have faith as you write the list.

 It takes work to reap a harvest. Are you prepared to do the work that it will take?

2012-02-04 - Ministry - Pick Up Your Sword
Matthew 4:1-11

As Christians we constantly live under spiritual warfare. The battle between Satan and God constantly rages. In this passage we see just a glimpse of one skirmish. Satan attacks with his weapon-temptation, and Jesus responds with his skillfully sharpened sword: the Word of God. In this clash Jesus is able to defeat Satan first because he sees the battle,and second because of his passion to fight it with the scriptures.

Question: Do you see the battle? Do you know when you are being tempted, or do the devil's enticements escape you and you easily fall into sin?

In these scriptures Jesus teaches us how to fight back. (V.4) When daily temptation and sin come we have to have deep convictions that we need the Bible. (Satan's first temptation was doubt. "If you are the Son of God") Are you tempted to ignore your desperation for God? Are you desperate to be right with God? Are you tempted to skip your quiet times?

(V.6-7) Are you tempted to test God? Do you think, "If he doesn't answer this prayer, then I won't pray anymore," or "He didn't do that, so I am leaving." Does bitterness or persecution tempt you? Tempted to doubt the kingdom or the scriptures? Tempted to doubt the only church in the Bible, the salvation of family members, or tempted to ignore certain passages Cling to the truths in the scriptures, they are your most powerful weapons. (V. 8-10) Q: Are you tempted by the world? Tempted by their ease? Their power? Their leisure? Tempted to worship what they do-money, attention, praise, desire? (Ps 73)

Write down the temptations you are most susceptible to.

Find a scripture passage in your QT that will help you fight back.

2012-02-05 - Ministry - Touching Faith
Mark 5:24b-34

This woman had been subject to a chronic disorder for 12 years of her life. Imagine for a minute the discouragement, doubt, devastation, and frustration of not being able to see this condition get better. In fact, it just got worse. Have you ever felt defeated about something in your life? Have you ever been discouraged for months about your marriage? Personal fruitfulness? Relationships? Then you can relate to this woman. One of the Satan's deadliest tactics is to keep people from being open about their lives. Sadly, many of us fall into this trap Satan has laid for us and we begin to live "double lives" in the Kingdom. We live a certain way in the world and a certain way at church. For a brief moment in her misery, she decided to have faith and touch him Jesus felt power leave him so he asked "Who touched me?" People stop, some get nervous, some put their heads down, some look at others. Everything is silent.

The woman's conscience perhaps was pricked and she had a decision to make. She knew what she did and she knew what the right thing to do was. So she fell to her feet, trembling with fear, she told him the whole truth. But what she thought Jesus would do, he didn't do because he is not like you or me. She learned Jesus wanted to her to be open and tell the truth not because he wanted to scold her, admonish her, or even take the miracle back. He actually wanted to honor her.

Question: What doubt or discouragement in your life is holding you back from being 100% sold out to God?

Talk to your discipleship partner today about it. Getting "in touch" with it is the first step to change.

2012-02-10 - Ministry - The Shepherd's Touch
John 10:1-18

In verse 11 Jesus calls himself the good shepherd and says that the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. A shepherd is protective of his flock and a love for them. True shepherds do not want to lose even one single sheep. They stand between their sheep and danger. They are more concerned for the welfare of their sheep than they are for themselves. They are willing to go without so that their sheep might have their needs met.
The sheep are responsive to their master's voice. They trust him because of his heart for them. The world teaches us to look out for ourselves at the expense of others. It teaches us that we are the most important people and that our comfort and security comes first.

Finally, the measure of a shepherd's heart for the sheep will come when danger approaches. That is when the heart of the shepherd is the most exposed. Will the shepherd stay and fight and protect or run and hide and let the sheep fend for themselves?

What kind of "protective" phone call, card, or visit can you give to someone to keep them tied into the flock?
It doesn't take long to do something like this but the result will be everlasting.

2012-02-12 - Ministry - But Because You Say So
Luke 5:1-11

Peter's faith was ebbing with the tide. No fish, no breakfast. After a frustrating night of fruitless fishing he was struggling to accept a carpenter's fishing tip to let down the nets yet again. Yet Peter softened his will to the Master's will and obeyed out of faith. He had no other reason to believe he would even get a nibble at the net. As the fish came in Peter got that sinking feeling of realizing the depth of his own sin. He deferred to Jesus and knew he did not deserve to be in the Master's presence. I am struck by Peter's decision to follow Christ's command to let down the net again even though years of experience and an empty-netted night begged him not to. Sometimes experience can breed cynicism because we are used to certain results and have formed certain expectations. Cynicism replaces obedience and robs us of faith. It gives us a reason to not have to believe because "we have been there, done that" and it has never work. Peter's humility is convicting and his responsiveness to Jesus is a powerful example. We can easily be deceived by experience that has result in fruitless and netted us nothing.

Is your evangelism producing fruit?

Maybe you are letting your nets down in the wrong place or in the wrong way.
Find a new fishing hole. Consider reaching out to different kinds of people.

2012-02-13 - Ministry - Are You Willing to Keep Praying?
Luke 18:1-8

Jesus tells this parable to show us something. The scriptures even go so far as to tell us exactly what that something is that we should always pray and not give up. Have you ever decided to pray about a specific situation and not stopped until it has changed? What if it took a year to change? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Jesus says to never give up! Too often we get discouraged and want to quit-even on God-because something doesn't change. Maybe we haven't been fruitful for a while or we don't have a dating relationship yet. Maybe things have not changed in our marriage fast enough or our job situation is still not working out. Maybe we are just not changing our hearts the way we should. The answer is not to give up but to keep on praying. Jesus ends the parable questioning whether there would still be faith on earth when he returns. Our lack of prayer is a sign of a lack of faith! To keep praying and not give up is a sign of great faith.

Write down three things you have quit praying about and recommit yourself to be faithful in prayer. Decide to trust.

God and be in the kingdom for the long haul-no matter how many decades of prayer it takes!!

2012-02-22 - Fear of Failure - God is Able, Part 2
by Del & Daurence Johnson - Region Leaders: San Francisco Church of Christ

Part of dealing with failure and sin is realizing that God is able. He can give us strength, and forgiveness to help us deal with our burdens.

1) God is able to do immeasurably more - Ephesians 3:14-21
God is able to do more than what my puny faith believes. So I have to ask for so much more and imagine even greater than I ever have. Make a list of your dreams that you desire. Pray through them. Test Him. See if the outcome doesn't blow your mind.

2) God is able to make all grace abound - 2 Corinthians 9:8
We need forgiveness to make up for how we purposely sabotage God's will for our life. Grace makes up for all our weaknesses and inadequacies.There are things God has done for us that we will never get the chance to thank Him for, because we don't even know what they are. For example, the times that we have hurt people, but they never said anything. Or times we could have hurt ourselves, but He guided us down a different road. God is the unknown soldier for every moment of our life. Our failures have become learning experiences that result in our maturity and people becoming stronger disciples.

Don't short cut God's discipline and will for your life because you are consumed with you and not Him. Learn to pray. Learn to read your Bible. Learn to be open and build spiritual friendships that keep you believing and repenting. He is not finished with you yet, nor I.

  1. Pray through my dream list at least twice a week
  2. Learn to stop trying to be perfect and be grateful for his grace

2012-03-02 - Fear of Failure - I get knocked down, but I get up again
by Angel Calica - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Corinthians 4:9

The scriptures say we will get knocked down. The question is are you going to stay down, or get up again and keep going? Failure tests what kind of character we have. Do you give up easily and stay down (quitter)? Or are you a fighter and get up again?

What are the sins that can keep us down?
  • Pride
  • Complacency
  • Self pity
  • Desiring comfort
  • Fear
When I fail in my life, my temptation is to just not try anymore. When I give in to that temptation, I quit. I become isolated and hate being a Christian. I have to decide every day, to "get up" and to keep trying. When you admit your weaknesses, you realize that others have them too and that is the beginning of getting up. Let's admit when we are down and decide to get up again.

Hebrews 4:6
  1. Decide never to quit being a disciple.
  2. Decide to admit your weaknesses every day.
  3. Decide to obey the Bible when you get knocked down.

2012-10-02 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Crawling (part I)
God humbled and dirtied himself just to search for one lost soul - you
  • He who was rich, became poor - 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • And became sin for us - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • He is able to sympathize with us
  • He was tempted in every way - Hebrews 4:15-16
  • He got down and washed the disciples feet - John 13:1-5

Some feel distant from him because of our sin but God is desperately looking for us - Luke 15:8

2012-10-29 - The Lost Life of the Heart
Our years can be consumed with service and business
But somewhere out there someone is saying, "There is something more"
We just assume it is our imagination
Then it speaks again, "Aren't you thirsty? There is something missing"
This feeling might feel disloyal to our routine and against the program we are following
We try to silence the voice with outward activity and redoubling our Christian service

You long to be in a love affair, an adventure with God. You were made for something more.

Samuel heard the voice of God calling to him in the night - 1 Samuel 3:4
It took him three time before he realized it was God
Rather than ignoring  the voice, Samuel finally listed

In our lives, we can become frustrated by our heart's continuing sabotage of a dutiful Christian life
But sometime at night, when our defenses are down, we still hear him calling us
In the morning, activities scream for our attention and think we have won the battle of the "flesh"
Satan loves to turn the truth upside down

We try to lose ourselves in:
  • Hobbies
  • Other short-lived romances
  • Addictions

We create distance between ourselves and others; even distance between ourselves and our own heart...

2013-01-01 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is a Consuming Fire (part I)

God is a consuming fire who should be feared - Hebrews 12:29

He is God who wants us to love him and not idols - Deuteronomy 4:24

God is a blessed and only Ruler, king of kings and lord of Lords - 1 Timothy 6:15

Our problem is that we think God is like us
My thoughts are not your thoughts - Isaiah 55:8

Societies throughout history have developed their own relgions based off God's which human resemblance:

  • Greek methoology is full of sinful gods
  • Hinduism feature gods who remind of ourselves

Our Father is without blemish or stain
In fact many can say, if God is like my father, I want nothing to do with Him

God appeared to Ezekiel in blazing fire and he fell facedown - Ezekiel 1:27-28
John saw Jesus with eyes of blazing fire and fell at his feet as though he was dead - Revelation 1:14-16T

The paradox of God: He says to not be afraid but at the same time to have a humble, contrite spirit - Isaiah 66:2
When a holy God confronts sinful humans, the only result can be fear and trembling














2013-01-25 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is a Consuming Fire (part III)

When we pray, let us give God the respect he deserves

A holy God requires us to be righteous

  • David cried out to God and praised him but he cherished sin in his heart and God did not listen - Psalms 66:16-20
  • Israelites tried to attack Ai, but they failed because God did not bless because Achan took some devoted things - Joshua 7:1-5
    • Joshua fell face down before God
    • God explained why they were not being blessed and that they need to destory the devoted things
  • People prayed during the three year famine - 2 Samuel
    • God responded that the Israelites had violated their pledge of putting the Gibeonites to death
    • God expected them to keep their word even through it was made hundreds of years eariler in Joshua 9
    • David made admens and God did ended the famine - 2 Samuel 21:4

All the prayer in the world will not get through to God if it is not uttered from a pure heart


2013-03-18 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Preparing a Place (part II)

John was given a glemce of what heaven would be like in Revelations:

  • A rainobw encircled the throne v4:3
  • God was dressed in white with golden crowns v4:4
  • Lighting and thunder came from the throne v4:5
  • Before the throne was a sea of glass, clear as crystal v4:6
  • Strange creatures with eyes covering them were continually praise God v4:6-8
  • Jesus approached the throne to open the scroll v5:4-5
  • All the living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb v5:8
  • They held golden bowls full of incense which were the prayers if the saints v5:8
  • 100 million angels appeared to loudly sing about the Lamb along with a great multitude v5:11-13

Heaven is a place full of blessings

Jesus referred serveral times to our reward in heaven

No eyes have seen, no ears have heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared - 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
God will give us all things - Romans 8:32

No one can stop us from going to heaven but ourselves
Heaven is worth any earthly price - Romans 8:18

He is preparing an incrediable guest room for us

Do you think of God as one who wants nothing more than to bless your life?

2013-04-16 - The Strength of Jesus (part I)

Four instances of Jesus' first impressions:

  1. Jesus' mastery of strength - John said there one coming mighter than I - John had face the greatest men of his day without flinching; John faltered and drew back when the man from Nazareth appeared
  2. Jesus' leadership of strength - Fishermen were left with such an impression, they left everything at once and followed him.
  3. Jesus' authority of strength - He goes into a synagogue and they were amazed at his teaching (as one having authority which had not been seen before)
  4. Jesus' power of strength - Miracles and healings by Him; people were surprised by His power

Jesus draws men to him because of his power

  • Crowd was so great at the seashore, they pushed him into the water
  • Hilltop suddenly became alive because of his presence
  • Every city he passed through, he turned upside down

Only a man of strength draws to him great masses of men


2013-09-09 - A Man Accepts His Masculinity

THe key ingredient masculinity is actually strength
Like Jesus, every man also needs to be developing moral, mental, social, and spiritual strength.
If men do not develop a sense of their own fortitude, they will never attempt hard things.
Opposite of masculinity is to be feminine, which means soft, pretty, and delicate.

Culture has spent decades telling women to “Rise up and be strong!” and telling men to “Sit down and be quiet!”

King David charged his son Solomon, “Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man” - 1 Kings 2:2
If you are going to obey Him and be faithful to Him until the end, you must act like a man, embrace your masculinity, and hear His command to “Be strong!” - Joshua 1:9
When the enemy is attacking, you must keep up your resistance — “and having done everything, to stand firm” - Ephesians 6:13
“Act like men, be strong!” - 1 Corinthians 16:13

This is our responsibility as men. This is required of us to be faithful.

2013-10-21 - Resolve to Lead Your Family

The greater responsibility to raise your children is yours.
When you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up - Deuteronomy 6:7
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

When the dad leads, kids are up to twenty times more likely to stay in church long-term than when moms are the spiritual leaders at home
When the father gets immediately involved, leading with purpose, dealing with problems, his own personal walk with God

Trusting Him makes you wise. Relying on Him keeps you strong. Following Him shows you how to lead.

Seeking God in a very deliberate, devoted manner will impact everything else in your world.
Focus on your relationship with God, you will find it more natural to want your wife and children to be enjoying the same thing

Jesus uses the Word of God to wash us and bloom us into a holy Bride - John 15:3
Leading your family with God’s Word is a key to helping them work through issues, love one another, and grow spiritually.

Devotions together

  • Even if it seems awkward or different at first
  • Can be as simple as:
    • Ggetting together in the same room and talking about how everyone is doing
    • Reading a chapter out loud from the Bible
    • Followed by a simple prayer asking God to help you apply what you heard

2013-10-23 - Protect Them

Fathers are the primary protectors - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When walking down the isle

  • The father is saying he has guarded her moral purity throughout her life for her husband - 2 Corinthians 11:2
  • And the man she is marrying is proven morally, financially, and spiritually qualified to lead her, provide for her, and protect her from that day on

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed - Luke 11:21

You should not only guard your own heart but your wife’s as well
Your children need help making the right decisions. That is why you are still their dad.
Being active on the front end as a father will pay off well and save you time and heartache on the back end.

Teaches your children to love wisdom instead of developing a greater appetite for the world.
Your job is not just to give your children boundaries but to use God’s Word to teach them how to think wisely
Train them to fear and love God and not to “set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men.” - Proverbs 4:14–15

The older your kids get, the more they will need to understand the rationale behind your rules.
They willthen  discern why certain things are right and wrong, wise and unwise, better and best.
This requires your courageous leadership!

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