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2010-07-02 - Desire's Journey - Great Restoration (part 3)

The kingdom of God brings restoration
Life is resotred to what it was meant to be

Eden was exactly as God meant for it to be
Jesus came to make all things new - Revelation 21:5
He does not say he is make all new things, rather, the things that been broken will be restored
Not new glass or crutches but new eyes and legs

Jesus called himself the Son of man to state clearly that he was what man was suppose to be
What happens to him when he dies? He is resurrected as himself, not some else - only healed and very much alive
Creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed - Romans 8:19


2010-08-13 - Waking Dead - Heart of All Things

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life - Proverbs 4:23

Tin man had once been a real man

  • Wicked witch cause the man injury
  • One by one the man replaced his limbs with artificial ones
  • Seems like an advantage at first - Witch can not hurt him
  • Lost his heart in the process

After a series of blows, his humanity was reduced to efficiency
He did not even notice

If we can disable or deaden your heart, then we have effectively foiled the plan of God
Plan of creating a world where love reigns
By taking your heart out, the enemy takes you out

2010-08-18 - Waking Dead - Point of all Living
Everything you love is what makes a life worth living

Action: Set down the book and make a list of all the things you love
  • People in your life
  • Things that bring you joy
  • Places that are dear to you
A life filled with loving is a life most like the one that God live - Ephesians 5:1-2

Jesus was asked what was most important
He boiled it down to loving God and loving others - everything else will fall into place

The heart is the connecting point; can not love without it
If we can truly love, be loved, and never lose love - we would be finally truly happy

If we worship efficiency, we can not grow in our love
Some try to master all sort of principles and and never know God intimately, heart to heart.
If do all sorts of Christian things without knowing God, he will say "I never knew you" - Matthew 7:22-23
The point is not the activity but intimacy with God

Taking a course on anatomy won't help you love you spouse
Taking a religion class will not help you love God
You will find God when you seek him with all of your heart - Jeremiah 29:13

2010-08-25 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 2)
Your story does not begin with sin but with glory
Bible does not start in Genesis 3 but Genesis 1

God is glorious
You are his offspring, his child
You bear his image

When he made all His creation before man he said "it was good"
Only after did he make humans did he say "it is very good" - Genesis 1:31
Your glory is greater than everything else made - oceans, mountains, stars, the universe

Saints in the land are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight - Psalms 16:3
Those he justified, he also glorified - Romans 8:30

The fact that you don't see your good heart and glory is proof has effective the assault has been

Lion King example
It is time for the true king to come back and take over
But Simba does not believe who he is
His father was murdered and the enemy blamed it on him
After years of loosing heart, Simba's father appears to him in a vision: you are more than what you have become

The one who is in you is greater than the one in the world - 1 John 4:4

2010-08-26 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 3)
You are going to the need your whole heart - so you will need every ounce of courage and faith as well

James and John, sons of Zebedee did hide what they thought
  • Wanted choice seat to the right and left of Jesus
  • Wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy a village
Their buddies called the idiots, but Jesus called them Sons of Thunder - Mark 3:17
He can see clearly who they really are

We many times spend our time hiding through false selfs
Like Adam and Eve did with fig leaves
We make up a glory because we are convinced we have none of our own

Must ask: God, who am I? What do you think of me? What is my real name?

The deeper reason we fear our own glory is that once we let others see the truest us - aka nakedness
It is awkward when everyone else is veiled

Living from your glory is the only way to live
You cannot love another person from a false self
You can not help others if you are in captivity yourself

Our deepest fear of all - we will have to live from our hearts
Means we do not know the next thing God will ask of us

2010-09-26 - Waking Dead - Heart of Treasure
Above all else, guard your heart - Proverbs 4:23

Having so long believed our hearts are evil, we assume the warning is to keep us out of trouble
So we lock up our hearts and throw away the key and try to get on with our living
It does say guard your heart because it is criminal but because it is the wellspring of of life
It is treasure - everything else depends on it

Above all else?
We don't even do it once in a while - we careless with our hearts

What if we were careful?
Faith would be must deeper
Relationships so much better

We live completely backwards
"All else" is above our hearts

What do you do on a monthly basis to take care of your heart?

God intends that we treat our hearts as treasures
They were ransomed at a tremendous cost

2010-10-02 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 2)
1. Adventure
God get great pleasure from sending agents into the world
It stretches us beyond our comfort zones and challenges us to take risks on the front lines
The Christian list is one of faith
Does this excite you? If no, it might be a sign that you've been playing it safe

2. Purpose
What is the purpose? God not wanting anyone to perish, but to come to repentance - 2 Peter 3:9
You will start anticipating that He might surprise you at any time with an eternity-altering opportunity

3. Fulfillment
We will start feeling a sense of fulfillment that transcends the realm of everyday human experience
What else could compare to being an instrument in God's hand?

2010-10-10 - Contagious Christian - Pull of Compassion
Caring for the tangible needs of others is at the core of Christianity
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless - look at orphans and widows in their distress - James 1:27

Compassion is echoed throughout the Bible:
  • Be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor - Deuteronomy 15:11
  • Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me - Matthew 25:40
  • All I ask is that you remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do - Galatians 2:10
Uncaring Christianity does not attract inquirers
Clear and consistent demonstration of Christ-like love is a powerful magnet that pulls people toward Him

Not about who you are or what you did
It is about how you care, being a neighbor - Luke 10:36-37
In Luke 10 - when the wounded man awoke, he must have wondered, "Who did this? Why would they do help me in such a great way?"
It is when people start asking, "Why didn't he not turn away like everyone else?"

As I have loved you, so you must love one another - John 13:34-35
All men will know that you are my disciples

2010-10-12 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part I)
  1. The Blessing of Giving - Acts 20:33-35
    1. Paul did not desire anyone else's money or possessions.
    2. He worked hard and sacrificed to help the weak.
    3. He knew that giving brought more joy than receiving.
  2. Living for Eternal Possessions - Matthew 6:19-21; Hebrews 10:32-34
    1. When our treasure is in heaven not on earth, our hearts will be in heaven also.
    2. As disciples, we will look foolish to the world because our hearts and our treasures (money) are in heaven not on earth.
  3. All Things For Our Enjoyment - 1 Timothy 6:17-18
    1. It is very easy for us who have wealth to put our hope and trust in money/things rather than God.
    2. As disciples we are commanded to be generous and willing to share.
    3. When we follow God"s plan we can feel great about enjoying the blessings God has given us.


  1. Which do I desire more, to give or to receive?
  2. How can I put all my treasure in heaven so that all my heart will be there also?
  3. How am I being generous and willing to share on a daily basis?
  4. Am I enjoying God's blessings or do I feel guilty about the things I have?

2010-11-01 - Contagious Christian - A Matthew Party
Like today, many of the religious and non-religious of Matthew's day did not have intersecting social circles

Some he planned a party for the religious and non-religious to come to - Luke 5:29
  • Matthew recently became a Christian
  • In those days, being a tax collector was a license to extort
  • He had not learned yet how to teach the gospel to people
  • Jesus was always moving a round, spontaneous
  • Solution throw a big party and invite Jesus and everyone else
  • Pharisees found out about it and were not happy with it
  • Did Matthew have second thoughts when he saw the interactions between the Pharisees and Jesus?
  • Jesus defended Matthew's party idea with explaining the sick need a doctor
  • Mixed groups are not only acceptable but essentials to God's redemptive plan
Learning from Matthew:
  • Be innovative and creative
  • Come up with a plan to be with more people
  • Pray hard and be willing to go out on a limb
  • Learn from mistakes and adjust accordingly

2010-11-18 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part III)
The Bridge Illustration

  • He made us
  • We matter to God
  • He wants to have a relationship with us
  • We rebelled against God
  • Our sins separate us from Him
  • Attempts to reach Him fall short - Romans 3:23
  • Our sins desire death - Romans 6:23
  • There is much trouble apart from God - people need to understand their lostness
  • Christ died so we have relationship restored - 1 Peter 3:18
A common response is to go back and think about it for a while
Other times God has prepared their hearts through someone else
We need to give them this freedom

2010-12-01 - Mission - Forgiveness
The message to Preach

2. Forgiveness of sins

Without this, there would be nothing else
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us - Romans 5:8
We first need to clearly teach people why forgiveness is possible
Happens only in the name of Jesus
It is only because God loves us and not because of anything we have done or will do
We must also make it clear that is when one is baptized in the name of Jesus that one is saved - Acts 2:38

As we preach, we must be careful, but not cautious
Be sensitive but not sentimental

We must preach the cross so powerfully that it cuts
No one will ever repent until they are brought to Godly sorrow - 2 Corinthians 7

2010-12-03 - Mission - First the Kingdom
No one is ready to follow Jesus who is not ready to put the kingdom of God first above everything else in his life
Take away the radicalness of the message and you take away the power of the message

Compromise it and you have religion but not the church of Jesus Christ
Every kingdom has a king
God is the king of kings and the lord of lords - 2 Timothy 6:15
Jesus is known as both Lord and Christ, King and Savior - Acts 2:38

We are the servants, subjects, and even slaves of God - Romans 6:22
The centurion understood this authority - Luke 7:8
You will be given all the things you need when you seek first the kingdom - Matthew 6:33

Can you powerfully proclaim this message to others because it is so clearly your conviction? - Colossians 3:1-2

When making decisions, ask what is best for the kingdom.

2010-12-08 - Mission - Cannot Help Proclaiming (part II)
What else compelled Peter and John?

3. Having a spiritual perspective of the plan of God
God orchestrated situations so people will find him - Acts 17:26-27

Satan can lull us to sleep with his lies
If I miss this opportunity, maybe God will use someone else, they don't look interested
They apostles felt the burden of salvation
They were convicted that they were the only hope of salvation
If they stopped, hope was gone
We must have a heartfelt conviction that we are God's vehicles to reach a lost and desperate world

4. Must understand that Satan's victory/defeat is determined by our faithfulness to proclaim the word of God boldly
We have two God-given weapons:
  • Blood of Jesus
  • Word of our testimony - Revelation 12:11
Satan's goal is to keep people away from God, ours is to bring people to God
He wins every time we do not open our mouth - we must not be silent

2011-01-20 - Followup - Heart Issues
The Examination

Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else guard your heart.
Psalms 139:23 - Open your heart to God.
Hebrews 4:13 - God cuts with His sword and sees everything.

Types of Heart Disease

Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 14:12 - Deceit
Deuteronomy 29:26-31 - Idolatry
Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Proverbs 18:12 - Pride
Hebrews 3:12-19 - Unbelief (hardness, rebellion, disobedience)
Hebrews 12:3-12 - Weariness

2011-02-16 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part III)

Romans 6:23

  • We deserve death because of our sins but God is willing to forgive us in spite of who we are (God's gift to us)
  • Question: After studying these scriptures, would you say the Bible describes your heart in response to your sin more like the Pharisee or the Sinful woman?

John 3:1-7

  • Question: What did Jesus say MUST happen in order for someone to be born again?
  • Question: We should born of what? Spirtual birth not a physical birth - not being religous but living a righteous life
  • Question: What do we need to have convictions on in order to be born again?

Acts 2:22-24

  • Jesus is God's son (miracles prove it)
  • Jesus died for our (YOUR) sins
  • God raise Jesus on the 3rd day
  • Question: So how should we respond to the fact that our (YOUR) is why Jesus died on the cross?

Acts 2:36-41

  • Repent and be Baptized (wall is removed)
  • Then we can have a relationship with God (what happens at baptism)

Romans 6:1-4

  • Question: What are you baptized into? If you were baptized into Jesus' death, what else does that allow us to have? New Life
  • You can go from the heart of the Pharisee to the heart of the Sinful Woman by understanding the forgiveness through Jesus
  • Encouraged to write a letter to God thanking him for forgiving you of your sins (write the sins out)


2011-02-26 - Counting the Cost (part II)
Matthew 7:21-23
  • Question: What do you think the heart of what Jesus is saying in these scriptures?
  • Question: Biblically speaking, because someone goes to church  does that make them a Christian? Are they a Christian because they are a good person? What if they know a lot about the Bible, does that make them a Christian?
  • That means you are saying that the majority of people in the world are lost. How does that make you feel?
  • Make God feel said but God has a plan for them - 1 Timothy 2:1-6
Do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, died for your sins and rose on the 3rd day?
Acts 2:22-24
  • v22 - The miracles Jesus did proves he was God's son
  • v23 - He died on the cross for your sin
  • v24 - God raised him from the dead
What is your good confession?
Romans 10:9-10
  • Confess with your mouth (acknowledging God and everyone around you that you nor anything else will be the Lord of your life,expect Jesus)
  • It is not the confession that justifies you, it is your heart that God is looking at.
Who will baptize you?
Who would you like to be there?
Let's meet 30 early so we can pray together

2011-05-20 - Righteousness instead of worry and pride
Righteousness instead of worry

Matthew 6:25-34
  • Think about things you worry about.
  • What do you worry about?
  • How much do you think about?
  • How can worrying about those things make it difficult to be righteous?
  • Do seek righteousness first or something else first?
Righteousness instead of pride

Matthew 5:17-20
  • Are you living more righteously than the Pharisees?
  • They obeyed the law but what were they missing?
  • Where is your righteous coming from? Jesus? Self? Something else?

2011-05-22 - Righteousness not easy but valuable
Righteousness not easy but valuable

2 Timothy 4:16-17
  1. How closely are you looking at how you live?
  2. Why should you always watch what you are doing?
  3. How would your life change if you were always watchful?
Proverbs 21:3

God values righteousness over the sacrifice of
  1. Your time
  2. Your money
  3. Your feelings
  4. Anything else of yours that you value
But he delights in us being righteous even more

2011-06-02 - Excuses - Isaiah

Isaiah 6:1-8
  • v6:1 - He has an awesome vision of the awesome God.
  • v6:5 - “Woe to me!”
    • Isaiah saw God in all his glory
    • He realized his own lostness
    • He realized the lostness of everyone else.
  • v6:6-7 - Experiencing God’s forgiveness transforms our lives
  • v6:8 - Then and only then are we ready to go and spread God’s word
Isaiah too went on to have a tremendous impact on his generation

2011-06-28 - Mind of Christ - Helping People (part III)
Attitude differences between a compassionate heart and one that is uncompassionate.

Compassion Lack of Compassion
“Tenderhearted, Merciful” “Hardhearted, Unmerciful”
“Gives people the benefit of the doubt” “Believe people are untrustworthy and deceitful”
“People are precious, this person is a creation of God, made in God’s
own image”
“People are less important than what I am doing”
“I also am human; that could be me instead of him,” “I don’t have time; I’ll let someone else less important render assistance”
“Perhaps I can help,” “What’s the use, it will never change,”
“This person is in such need that I must do something now,” “I’d like to help, but it is such an inconvenience”
“People can change” “This person will never change”
“Can I offer assistance?” “Let me think it over and I’ll get back to you”

Which side of the table do I tend to say more of?

2011-08-14 - Daughter Needs - Learning
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - Moses told the parents of Israel, "talk about God all the time through their daily lives"

Spiritual teaching/learning is with a doubt the highest priority for all dads
Show your daughter the rules of society or let it come from somewhere else (friends, TV, schools)

Show how to properly respond to authority - they are watching how you respond
Drive with your daughter the way you expect her to drive when she gets her license

Teach her to respect those in leadership
Speaking well of leadership can encourage her to catch a vision for her life's calling

2011-08-15 - Daughter Needs - Listening
Typical men communicate to transmit information
Typical women communicate to further a relationship

A daughter needs to be able to fully express herself before you start dispensing information
Listen fully and be like a good customer service rep, "Is there anything else?"
Or be a good detective or talk show host

Girls from 3-11 will come to you with a series of questions
Patiently answer each one - you are fulfilling her desire to build a relationship
Giving short answers will frustrate her

If you hear your daughter talk about her feeling, do so as well
If you do - what a dividend a father will reap

2011-09-25 - Proverbs on Pride (part V)
#3. Humility heals our view of self (Proverbs 15:33) (Proverbs 22:4)
  • There is a world of difference between Godly confidence and pride.
  • The person who walks with Godly confidence walks tall because he knows he is a child of the king (he doesn’t act like he’s better than anyone else) (he doesn’t have to be in the know).
  • This was the meekness that people noticed in Jesus (controlled strength) confidence
We need to be confident of who we are, the valuable life we have found in Jesus.
  • People will be attracted to this type of confidence (not like the world)
Symptoms of Pride
  1. Unwillingness to admit mistakes: Do you apologize whole heartily? - Nearly all men can stand adversity, to test a man, give him power.
  2. Hating to look bad: Can you laugh at yourself?
  3. Attitude of entitlement: Are you used to privilege (expect because your on staff, you should be treated a certain way, do you serve a certain way because you are on staff)
Pride kills but humility heals: it’s not easy but we all have a great example to follow (Jesus).

2011-10-11 - Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel


They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.


Genesis 11:4 - so that we may make a name for ourselves
We all have a built-in desire to reach God and the heavens. It is all about the manner in which we do it. The people here wanted it for selfish reasons and not as misguided attempt to have a relationship with God. They wanted to make a name for themselves to show other what they could do. Why do we go to church and come to a Bible study group? Is it for show or is it because we want to know God?

Genesis 11:6 - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them
For good purposes or bad, when we come together we can do amazing things. If the united people at time could start to create a large tower to the heavens without God, what can we do as a united people with God?!?

Personal Application

I need to check my motivations on why I do things - especially the "good" things. Is it to further my relationship with God or for selfish gain or to please someone else?

2011-11-30 - Growing (part I)
As a young disciple, your commitment to God must be solid and steady. However, in no way does this mean you will be perfect or a “super-disciple” in an instant. And thankfully, God doesn’t expect you to be. What He does expect is something you and everybody else can do – GROW!! This study will help you to better understand how important growing as a disciple is, and provide you with some helpful ways to ensure that growth.

Begin with the Bible
  • 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 - Crave the Bible; it will show you what you need in your walk with God
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - The Bible will equip you and give you all you need to grow (Psalms 119)
Get help from your leaders
  • Ephesians 4:11-16 - God has put them in your life to help you grow; church, midweek, etc
  • Hebrews 13:7 - Watch you leaders and follow their example; ask lots of questions
Let your fellow-disciple help you
  • 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10 - All of us lack something in our faith; get together and help each other
  • Romans 15:14 - Other disciples may know the Bible better and can help you through your challenges

2011-12-07 - Day 4 - Learning to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
  1. Why does prayer need to be learned? Who are you learning from?
  2. (vs. 2-4) How can you praise God's name? Do you pray for God's kingdom (church) to increase?
  3. Do you pray for daily needs and for forgiveness for yourself and to also forgive others?
  4. Do you pray for help and protection from temptations?
  5. What else does Jesus want us to understand about prayer from verses 5-13?
A.C.T.S. - a simple outline for prayer is: Adoration (praise), Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (requests).

If you pray 10 minutes of each section, you will pray a powerful 40 minutes! Read the Psalms to learn how to really praise God.

Philippians 4:6-7
  • What does God want you to pray about?
  • What are some worries you can pray about today?
  • Do you feel at peace when you pray to God? Trust he will answer!
Application: Pray following the Lord's prayer outline or using A.C.T.S. Write down some of your prayer requests and see how God answers them.

2011-12-24 - Day 21 - Rejoice in Persecutions
Matthew 5:10-11
  1. What should make us rejoice in persecutions?
  2. Have people insulted or spoken evil of you because of Jesus?
  3. How did you feel?
  4. Who else has been treated this way?
John 15:18-23
  1. How should we expect to be treated?
  2. Why does the world hate us?
  3. What makes people feel guilty when they see us become disciples?
Acts 4:13-22
  1. What made Peter and John so bold?
  2. Has anyone tried to stop you from teaching, speaking or worshiping Jesus?
  3. How have you responded?
Acts 5:17-29
  1. Jesus was persecuted out of envy (MARK 15:10); the apostles were arrested out of jealousy.
  2. Why will we be persecuted or slandered?
  3. By whom?
  4. What was the apostles' reply when they were told to stop?
Acts 5:40-42 - What made the apostles happy?

Application: Let verse 42 be your theme today and every day.

2011-12-26 - Day 23 - Confessing Sin
Psalms 32:1-7
  1. 1. How do we feel when we are hiding/not confessing sin?
  2. 2. Have you felt this way since your baptism? Are there any sins you have been afraid to confess?
Proverbs 28:13
  1. Can we conceal our sins from God?
  2. Who do we need to confess our sins to besides God?
  3. What effect will unconfessed sin have in our life?
Luke 8:17 - Why is it foolish to try to keep our sins hidden?

Psalms 66:18-19 - What else happens if we conceal or cherish sin?

Application: Take some time to think about any sins - attitudes, action, thoughts - that are troubling you because you haven't shared them. Write them down and make sure you talk about them even today!

2012-01-03 - Day 31 - Dealing with Discouragement
The prophet Elijah had just experienced some tremendous victories from God: The destruction of 450 false prophets, and the first rainfall in 3 ½ years because of his earnest prayer. (See James 5:17-18)

But then he got afraid and discouraged.

1 Kings 19:1-8
  1. Why did Elijah feel so overwhelmed?
  2. What are some things that have made you feel like giving up?
  3. How did the Lord encourage him physically, spiritually and emotionally?
  4. What do you normally do when you start feeling "down"?
  5. How can you apply the 3 lessons from above the next time you are tempted to give in to discouragement?
1 Kings 19:19-21
  1. How do you think Elijah felt to be given a friend and disciple like Elisha?
  2. Why did God wait until Elijah was "in action" again before sending him to Elisha?
Application: How are you dealing with discouragement today? Share what you have learned with someone else.

2012-01-08 - Day 36 - A Hope and a Future
Do you worry about your future?
What are your hopes and what are your fears?

Jeremiah 29:11-13
  1. What does God promise to those who seek him with all their hearts?
  2. Are you seeking him or something else?
Psalms 37:3-4 - What are the desires of your heart? Do you believe God will give them to you?

Psalms 16:5-8 - Do you feel this way about your life? Why?

1 Timothy 6:6-10
  1. What should make you content?
  2. What will a desire for money and things do to your life?
  3. How does someone "wander" from the faith?
  4. What other desires could make us wander?
Romans 8:31-32 - How has God proven his love for you?

Application: If you see anxiety or discontentment in your life, confess it as a lack of faith, and memorize one of these scriptures to remind yourself of God's faithfulness.

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

2012-03-04 - Fear of Failure - God Sticks By Us When We Fail
by Rhys Kiaaina - Region Leader: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 49:15

Whenever I fail, I feel like I am being left behind. That somehow God has left me. But Scripture says God remembers. He will not forget me. If we are separated, the reality is that I have left Him. Whenever I fail, I doubt God's motives. I think He is angry with me and disappointed in me. But God has you and I engraved on the palm of His hand. Isn't that incredible? He's got a tattoo of you and me on the palm of His hand! God made a decision a long time ago that He would stick by us for life! Whenever I experience failure, I get the 3-D's: Depressed, Distracted, and Discouraged. I focus on what I have failed to do, rather than what God is able to accomplish. God's love is deeper than a mother's for a child. There is no reason for me to get discouraged because God has always "got my back".

  1. I will remember that God is with me and do something for someone else to show I believe in them and I am with them.
  2. To trust in the Bible and read it every time I feel 2. like God is disappointed in me.
  3. To show love to a person in action and in truth if I feel like God doesn't love me.

2012-10-17 - Prayer of the Righeous - Treasuring Us
We are jewels in the hand of God - Isaiah 62:3
He is rejoicing like the woman in the Lost Coin parable - Luke 15:9
Are worth much more than sparrows - Matthew 10:31

Like young people in love carving their names to profess their love, God has engraved you on the palms of his hand - Isaiah 49:16
He gave his own son in exchange for us - Isaiah 43:4
Who else would do this?

He world does always treasure us like jewels
  • They saw a immoral Samaritan woman, Jesus saw a lady who could change the city - John 4
  • They saw a demon-possessed Legion, Jesus saw a man who could change ten cites - Mark 5
  • They saw a impetuous pebble, Jesus called him the Rock - Matthew 16:18

God saw us for who we really were and yet treasures us like jewels in his hand.

2013-10-21 - Resolve to Lead Your Family

The greater responsibility to raise your children is yours.
When you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up - Deuteronomy 6:7
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

When the dad leads, kids are up to twenty times more likely to stay in church long-term than when moms are the spiritual leaders at home
When the father gets immediately involved, leading with purpose, dealing with problems, his own personal walk with God

Trusting Him makes you wise. Relying on Him keeps you strong. Following Him shows you how to lead.

Seeking God in a very deliberate, devoted manner will impact everything else in your world.
Focus on your relationship with God, you will find it more natural to want your wife and children to be enjoying the same thing

Jesus uses the Word of God to wash us and bloom us into a holy Bride - John 15:3
Leading your family with God’s Word is a key to helping them work through issues, love one another, and grow spiritually.

Devotions together

  • Even if it seems awkward or different at first
  • Can be as simple as:
    • Ggetting together in the same room and talking about how everyone is doing
    • Reading a chapter out loud from the Bible
    • Followed by a simple prayer asking God to help you apply what you heard

2014-05-15 - Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah


Sarah died in Kiriath-arba and Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave at full price from Ephron and buried Sarah there.


Genesis 23:6 - Listen, my lord, you are an honored prince
Abraham's reputation was above reproach. Those who invest their time and money in serving God often earn a good return on their investment - a good reputation and the respect of others. He was in front of the elders of the land to witness this as a legit transaction (v16). No one could say Abraham stole and cheated someone in this first recorded real estate transaction. He simply waited on God to fulfill his promise in his own timing. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Abraham did not have a battle plan on how He would take the land. [Matthew 26:52]

Genesis 23:15 - Land is worth 400 pieces of silver, but what is that between friends?
Abraham paid the initial price even after refusing the land as a gift time and time again. He was not trying to take anything he didn’t deserve. Even though God had promised the land to Abraham, he was did come with a attitude that he owned the place. Instead, he waited for God's timing and will to fulfill his promise. Like David, he did not want to take what was someone else's and give it the Lord. [1 Chronicles 21:24]


What kind of reputation do I have at work, at home, and at church? What do others say about me? How has that helped or hindered me?

Do I become impatient in waiting for God's promises? Do I try to fulfill God's promises for him?

Do we avoid giving when it really costs us something?


Lord, help me to have the faith to wait on your promises and to always be ambassador of yours no matter where I am.

2015-02-13 - Tap into Your Power Source

Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray - Mark 1:35

Jesus understood better than anyone else the importantce of tapping into the heavenly power source

Jesus didn't allow anything to get in the way of his prayer times

Busy men often complain of burnout, Jesus never did

Jesus had a packed schedule without losing his focus or his energy

He considered regular prayer time virtal to his personal well-being and effectiveness

How much more should we spend time daily with the One who empowers us?

2015-03-07 - High VIsibility

Crispus and everyone in his household believed in the Lord - Acts 18:8

High visibility can have rewards for those who stand out in the crowd

Why does the Bible mention Crispus and no one else? Crispus led the Corinthian synagogue

Paul baptized him and his family members also followed in his footsteps

Noteworthness came him taking a stand in a place where doing so could cause him big problems in a time when professing faith in Jesus was very dangerous

He was willing to stand out for his faith reguardless of the cost

Do you have the courage to stand out in your world?

2015-03-20 - Pragmatism

Abram and King Bera

I will not take a single thread otherwise you might say "I am the one who made Abram rich" - Genesis 14:22

Abram found himself in an uneasy alliance with King Bera (means "wicked") of Sodom

King Bera's adversaries routed his forces and captured Lot

Abram gathered some men and defeated Bera's ememies and resuced Lot

King said to "Let me have my people and you can keep the spoils" but Abram refused - Genesis 14:21

He did not want Bera or anyone else believing that anyone but God made him rich

2015-03-23 - Cost of Bitterness

Asaph: I realized my heart was bitter and must have seem like a senseless animal to you - Psalm 73:21-22

Bitterness cause more damage to our relationships, health, and souls than almost anything else

Even as he complained, Asaph had a moment of clarity - I was foolish and ignorant - Psalm 73:22

Asaph realized that his bitterness had cost him part of his humanity

He rightly felt a sense of righteous indignation but had crossed a dangerous line of the wicked things to consume his - bitterness

Bitterness consumes the one who indulges it

2015-04-16 - Godly Enthusiasm

It is not by force nor strength but by my Spirit, says the Lord - Zechariah 4:6

Zerubbabel oversaw the reconstruction of the Jerusalem Temple

Over a period of 16 years, the people's enthusiasm for the project waned, leaving it unfinished

Zerubbabel felt a deep sense of discouragement over the stalled work

Zechariah came with a vital message - Don't depend on your own strength. depend on God and his ability to empower you for the task

Zerubbabel's faith was renewed - He had a renewed sense of enthusiasm, united the people, and got back to work

No worthy project is about human force or strength, it must be about his mighty Spirit

Do you think that you or someone else has the key to success?

Do you genuinely believe that God's Spirit holds the key to your success?

2015-04-18 - What Pleases God

Moses: Lord, please! Send anyone else - Exodus 4:13

What you succeed in doing often depends on your attitude

When God first appeared to Moses, his attitude was negative and self-defeating

Instead of focusing on the awesome task before him, he focused on his human frality

i "can't" attitude can keep you from enjoying the good things God has for you

God loves it when you turn your focus toward him and away from your own fears and doubt

Is there anything too hard for you to accomplish today?

2015-04-22 - A Friend Indeed

Take that if you want it, for there is nothing else here - 1 Samuel 21:9

A true friend gives of himself, and even sacrifices himself, for the good of another

Ahimelech was this king of friend to David

When David was on the run from King Saul, Ahimelech help him with food and a weapon for battle

All Ahimelech knew was his friend was in need of help - his act of kindness came at a heavy price

When KIng Saul heard Ahimelech assisted David, he ordered his execution - 1 Samuel 22

Being a true friend mean making personal sacrifices. Do you have a true friend? Are you a true friend? 

2015-05-06 - Standing In

They lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus - Mark 2:4

Four men demonstrated compassion by going to extraordinary lengths to get the lamed man

We can only imagine their thoughts and conversation with people around them

Sometimes a man's words count a great deal less than what they do for someone else

The four men did not ask Jesus for anything for themselves - acted out of willingness to stand for someone who couldn't stand for himself

2015-05-18 - Wisdom to Listen

Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God - Genesis 41:38

One of a man's most important traits is his willingness to listen

The Pharaoh that lived during Joseph's lifetime had the humility to listen and thus saved countless lives

Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who was in prision at the time, and asked him what his dreams meant

Pharaoh listened to Joseph and appointed him to administer to the food program through the coming drough

Have you learned to listen?

God places people in your life with the purpose of giving you wisdom and direction

2015-08-05 - Evil Alliances

Keep your gifts or give them to someone else - Daniel 5:17

Daniel refused Belshazzar's offer of monetary gifts and polical status

The Babylonian king wanted a favorable interpretation of a most disturbing vision

Belshazzar obviously didn't know Daniel as he refused to make a buck with the gift God had given him

Daniel didn't hesitate to give the bad news and meaning of the dream - Belshazzar had made his final politcal proposal

Daniel let it be known that neither the truth nor his intergrity was for sale


2015-08-09 - Just Like You

Whay are you doing this? We are merely human beings - just like you! - Acts 14:15

Paul and his missionary companion Barnabas demonstrated an attitude of humility and tolerance as they faced sin in the city of Lystra

When they healed a cripped man, Paul and Barnabas watched in horror as the people began to worship them

They did respond to the people in anger or disgust - rather they continued to love these sinners them even though they hated the sin

Paul and Barnabas sent a message that they were no better than anyone else - all of them together were sinners saved by God's grace

What kind of message are you sending to those around you?

2015-10-20 - Dependability

He swore to follow Abraham's instructions - Genesis 24:9

Most of us have hard time finding the right girl for ourselves much less the finding someone for someelse far away

Eliezer accepted his assignment and wisely enlisted the help of the Lord - Genesis 24:10

He had barely finished his prayer when alsong came Rebekah, the future Mrs. Isaac.

What is your first repsonse when accepting a hugh task?

2015-10-26 - Message Make the Man

While I was with you I would forget everything expcet Jesus Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:2

People who encoutered Paul understood what was most important to him: Christ sin-defeating death and grave-defeating life

He spent most of his life observing the Jewish laws and traditions but now everything was about Christ

Paul made it a point to forget everything else besides Christ:

  • Impressive Education
  • Impeccable religious pedigree
  • Personal wisdom

Paul had more education and experiences more than anyone but chose to focus on one simple message of faith and love

Does your life convey the simple message that Jesus loves them?

2015-12-12 - Courage and Faith

Follow me for the Lord has given you victory - Judges 3:28

Courage and faith have an infectious quality to inspire others to bravery and reliance on God

God raised up Ehud, he was just the man to set change in motion

At the time, Moab's King Eglon held the upper hand

Ehud confronted Eglon in his own palace and order his servants out of the room

He drew his sword and killed the obese king and then escaped

Ehud then led a band of men - Follow me! to a rousing victory, which led to their freedom

Ehud had the courage and faith to step up when no one else could

His action led to the benefit of 80 years of peace

2015-12-18 - Sidekick

Jonathon made a solemn pact with David because he loved him as he loved himself - 1 Samuel 18:3

Sometimes God wants you to step back and allow someone else to take the lead and credit

Jonathan was content to play the role of sidekick in David's rise to power

His dad was King Saul but he wasn't called be suceed his father as king

A different man might have become angry and indignant for being overlooked but not Jonathan

In Jonathan, David had everything he could possibly want in a comrade, Jonathan was:

  1. Selfless - 1 Samuel 9:1-2
  2. Couragous warrior - 1 Samuel 14
  3. A man of unshakable faith - 1 Samuel 14:6

Jonathan humbly stood back and rejoiced as his friend as David rose to the place God had call him

How willing are you to stand back and let others shine where they have been called by God?

2016-01-29 - Genesis 25 - Esau and Jacob (part II)


Isaac and Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a meal.


Genesis 25:22 - the two children struggled with each other in the womb
Sibiling rivaly starts early - even before they born in this case. Our thoughts and personalities are formed before we leave the womb. Sure, we can learn and further be formed afterwards but in some sense their parents did not help smooth the relationship. Their parents practiced favoritsm: Issac's love for Esau was conditional based off performance and Rebekah's love for Jacob was consistant and uncondtional [Genesis 25:28].

Genesis 25:32 - I'm dying of starvation... what good is my birthright to me now?
Short term pleasure can lead to long term consequences and lose of sight of the future. Was Esau really going to die of starvation? It does not seem so from his actions after he ate as he just got up and left quickly [Genesis 25:34]. Esau resorted to exaggeration to prove his point. The issue was nothing else mattered at the time except for food and Esau lost perpective of what was most important. Jacob, ironically, was the hunter in this case by patiently laying a trap for his brother's arrival. 


Getting through the short-term pressure-filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming tempation. I need to have God's long term perpective when confronted with a short sided want.


Praying for God's strength in my weaknesses

2018-02-15 - Plain Truth

The people were shocked at the plainness of Jesus' words

Had he been silent or pretended to ignore matters he was fully aware of - he would have been a liar like the men with whom he was struggling

Was it not the duty of Jesus to inform them of their condition? What else could a sincere friend do?

There was no bitterness in Jesus' language? It was calm statements of a horrible fact

Jesus' unquestion loyalty to truth gives his words a value which no other person's words possess

Jesus holds nothing back - what is thinks, he says - what he feels, he declares

He declares all things as they are

This is the man we want. A man like this can be a refuge in the time of a storm

What he assers concerning the principles of a victorious life, we can act upon, never doubting

When he tells us to do something, we can do it knowing it is the best thing

When he warns us against a course of action, we can shun it, knowning that in that direction lies death

2018-04-03 - The Narrowness of Jesus (part I)

To him:

  • certian conceptions of God were true and others were false
  • certain estimates of man were correct and others erroneous
  • certain standards of duty were uplifting and other degrading

Jesus clung to the true and combated the false

He was not afraid of being call intolerant or a bigot

He made no compromises and not bend on thing he knew were true and good

Jesus correct was taught by the teachers, leaders; not allowing them to roam at their will through the realms of thought

Principles were to cling to or else lose their souls

2019-10-10 - Love Through Forgiveness

Jesus' love was boundless, foreign to his being

He expected others to not have boundries on their love either

When Peter asked Jesus about forgiveness and how many times to forgive, Peter suggested seven (twice as many as most liberal rabbis)

Jesus blew Peter's mind and said to not set limits. There are no boundries in love.

Love is not a calculation, Mathmatics is foreign to affection

Jesus knew the blessedness of forgiving heart

He himself was always forgiving without grudges, retaliations, revenges

His heart was the most discerning that ever existed. He hated sin like no one else but loved the people like no one else

No better example: on the cross with so much pain and through his love his heart was to love and forgive.

2024-01-31 - Truth (part II)

Truth is basically telling the way it is or describing the state of affairs
Pilot asked what is truth, Jesus really was innocent - John 18:38

Taught in the education system, truth is relative (aka "my truth") but truth is absolute 

Truth is true:

  • For all people
  • For all places
  • For all time

Truth is absolute, narrow, and exclusive
Truths excludes their opposite

Humanistic truth claims are as narrow as Christian truth claims

Truth is discovered and can not invented
Truth exists without anyone else's knowledge of it, like gravity
Truth is unchanging
Beliefs can not change truth but our beliefs can change to match the fact - World is flat to round

Contrary beliefs are possible but contrary truth are not possible

These are self defeating statements:

  • "All truth is relative"
  • "There is no truth"
  • "It is true for you but not for me"
  • "There are no absolutes"

Questions for those living with self defeating statements
If there really is no truth, then why try to learn anything? 

Good ideas have good consequences and bad ideas have bad consequences

If you can kill truth then you can kill religion

Next 25 >>