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2009-11-27 - Master Plan - Foundation of Follow-up
  • For three years, Jesus had been training them by being with them
  • Follow-up was not just confined with His disciples
    • Zaccheus on the street of Jericho - Luke 19:7
    • Women at the well - John 4:39-42
  • Some attention was given to others – but not compared to the attention given to the twelve
  • Faithful women – Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others - Luke 8:1-3
    • He did not refuse their kindness
    • Jesus was well aware of the sex barrier
    • He did not try to incorporate these ladies in the select company
  • Primary task was to develop some men who in turn could give personal attention to others

2009-11-28 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 1)
  • Church is the practice of Jesus in a larger dimension.
  • The group of believers ministry to each other individually and collectively
  • Jesus must be the leader, with leaders that follow Him
  • Preaching to the masses will not suffice in preparing leaders for evangelism
    • Not occasional prayer meetings
    • Not Christian training classes
    • Not confirmation classes
  • Building men is not easy (baby learns all the time)
    • Requires constant personal attention
    • Children are not raised by proxy
    • Requires sacrifice of personal indulgence and time
    • Requires frequent contact not just weekly church services and Sunday School

2009-11-29 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 2)
  • Consequences for not following up
    • The other choice is for the convert to find solutions to innumerable problems in on their own
    • Haphazard follow-up could mean disaster for their faith
    • Fall ways - come about more often be not getting with them enough
    • There is not substitute for getting with people
  • No such thing as assembly line discipleship
  • You must be a personal guardian to those you lead.
  • It is your job to:
    • Stay with them as much as possible
    • Study the Bible and pray together
    • Answer their questions
    • Clarify the truth
    • Seeking together to help others
  • If it took three years to develop His disciples by getting with them, how much more should we get together with those that have not physically have seen Jesus? How much longer will it take (not seeing them all the time)?

2009-11-30 - Master Plan - He Required Obedience
  • Jesus required and expected obedience
  • They were disciples, learners, pupils (“Christian”) did not even come until later - Acts 11:26
  • Being smart was not a requirement for His students, but loyalty was.
  • No statement of faith made at the beginning but they believed that he was the Messiah (Luke 1:41, 45, 49; 5:8)
  • Jesus was obedient to His Word and expected others to do the same.
  • People do not follow hypocrites – Jesus lived it
  • Way of the Cross
    • Meant more than a joyful precession: it meant a surrender of one’ whole life and of His sovereignty.
    • God or Money - Luke 16:13
    • Do not conform to the world = new life - Matthew 5:1-7:29
    • Love was found in obedience (John 14:21)
    • Cross – willingness to die to self so that other may live
  • Strong Teachings
    • Not many followed (many left) - John 6:66
    • Jesus did not go running after them to get them to stay
    • Must be willing to pay the price

2009-12-01 - Master Plan - Count the Costs
  • Those who did not go all the way fell by the wayside
    • Can not make excuses - Matthew 8:21-22
    • Greed will try to take us away (Judas) - Mark 14:10
    • Turn loose of the world - Matthew 27:3-10
    • Leave comforts of this world - Matthew 8:19
    • Those who want to turn are not fit to serve - Luke 9:62
    • Must love God above all else - Luke 14
  • Few want to pay the price
    • Jesus had only a few followers = Are you going to leave too? …Where shall we go? - John 6:68

2009-12-02 - Master Plan - Learning to Obey
  • Disciples were slow to learn the deeper truths of Jesus’ life.
    • What the kingdom of God was all about
    • The fact that Jesus was going to die on the cross
    • Serving others above their own needs
    • Who was greatest in the kingdom of God
    • Harsh judgment on those how disagreed with them
  • Jesus was patient with their failings
    • Disciples went back to their old fishing business – did not seem to be an act of disobedience
    • Jesus come follow him but they did not realize what that meant until later
    • Their capacity to receive truth would if they continued to practice with what truth they did understand
    • They were not asked to commit to doctrine but to the Person who was the doctrine.

2009-12-06 - Master Plan - Jesus gave himself away (part 2)
  • Love is the only way to win the free response of men
  • Work of the Holy Spirit
    • Must be born again
    • Christ began His ministry by being baptized - John 3:3-9
    • Made clean through the Word and set apart to God for Holy Service - John 15:3
    • Only the Spirit can carry on the redemptive mission of evangelism
    • Jesus was God in revelation but the Spirit was God in operation
    • Evangelism was not a human undertaking but a divine project.
  • With Him they felt that everything was possible
  • The superhuman work to which they were called demanded superhuman help.
  • Through confession of their deep-seated pride and enmity in utterly surrender of themselves to Christ
  • It is not who we are but Who He us that makes the difference
  • Only those who followed Jesus all the way came to know the glory of this experience
  • Jesus was deliberately investing all He had in these few men so that they could be properly prepared to do His work.
  • We cannot give something away which we do not possess ourselves.
  • The very ability to give to give away our life in Christ is proof of its possession.

2009-12-09 - Master Plan - Delegation (part 1)
He assigned them work
  • Jesus considered their ability and taught them with patience
  • At first, Jesus did not say anything about evangelizing the world
    • Showed them how to have a relationship with God
    • Showed them how He worked
    • Their need to follow
  • He did not discourage spontaneous acts of faith
  • Duties performed by His disciples
    • Baptized some - John 4:2
    • Food arrangements
  • Jesus kept the vision in front of them
  • Little evangelism was done on their own at the beginning
    • We should be patient with new disciples
  • First evangelist mission with the 12
    • Began with Jesus’ third tour through Galilee
    • Sent them forth - Mark 6:7

2009-12-11 - Master Plan - Delegation (part 3)
  • Sending of the Seventy - Luke 10:1
    • Almost the same instructions - Luke 10:2-16
    • They would be forerunners (Luke 10:1)
  • Post Resurrection
    • Peter: Feed my sheep - John 21:15-17
    • I send you - John 20:21
    • Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20
    • Repent and remission of sins - Luke 24:47-49
  • Evangelism is not an option (Jesus was all about – heartbeat of why he lived)
  • Tangible expression by those who are following the Savior
  • He gave work assignments (made sure they carried them out)
  • At first assignments started small, but grew gradually until the graduation (started the church that turned the world upside down)

2009-12-13 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 2)
  • On the job training – let followers have experience or make some observations of their own
  • Gave them greater awareness of their deficiencies
  • Kept disciples going toward the goal He had set before them.
  • He did not expect more from His disciples than they could do
  • He did expect their best
  • We never assume the work is done. Ask lots of question / probe.
  • There are many things that can happen to frustrate, discouraged or defeated.
  • The goal is world conquest.
    • Never dare to let a lesser concern capture us.
    • No further training or inspiration needed.
    • Focus can easily be on us.
  • The ability of a worker is not developed if there is no supervision
  • Our little efforts can be a excuse for not doing more.
  • We can lose the advantage years of hard work and sacrifice.
  • Disciples must be brought to maturity
  • We have not been called to hold the fort but storm the heights.

2009-12-16 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 3)
  • Great Commission
    • Go, baptize and teach
    • Go to the ends of the earth preaching the Gospel - Mark 16:15
    • Not only followed but led others to follow.
  • · Pray for workers
    • Mass ripe for harvest – pray for harvesters.
    • God already loves us – we need to pray specifically
    • Only hope for men is to go to them with the gospel of Salvation
    • Won by working faithfully, patiently, painstakingly until they become fruitful Christians

2009-12-17 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 4)
  • Are those who have followed us to Christ now leading others to Him?
  • Not enough to rescue the perishing but to build them in the faith of Christ.
  • Converts go out and make leaders out of the converts not just simply more followers.
  • Church should be measured on how many Christians are actively winning souls.
  • Lord added to the Church, those who were being saved
  • Within a few centuries, the world would have known the hand of the Master
  • Shortcuts have failed
    • Adaptations of the principle are always necessary in the light of changing circumstances.
    • Costly principles of leadership development can not undercut
    • We try ceremonies, programs, organizations, and crusades of human ingenuity.
    • We must understand that evangelism is not done by something but by someone
    • God's nature is to get personal. Men reaching other men for Christ.
  • Need men who:
    • See His vision
    • Feel His passion
    • Willing to be nothing so that He may be everything

2009-12-18 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 1)
Life has a plan
  • We may not be conscious of the plan of every action
  • Actions invariably unfold some kind of pattern at the center of things.
  • Our objective that we can discover may not be very satisfying
  • We should seek to find a way to incorporate the wisdom of Jesus’ strategy into our own preferred method of evangelism.
  • Variety is in very structure of the universe
  • Master gives us an outline to follow but He expects us to work out the details.(local circumstances and traditions)
  • One unwilling to fail in the determination to find a way will never get started
  • People afraid to try and try again will not make much progress.
  • Finding and training men to reach men

2009-12-19 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 2)
  • Giving an explanation will not suffice.
  • World must have a demonstration of what to believe – “Follow me, I know the way!”
  • We must seek them. We must win them. We must pray for them.
  • Practicals
    • Begin with a few
    • Stay together – see us on what they need to become
    • See how the message relates to daily experiences
    • Becomes intimately practical.
  • Give them time – they can be with us while we are doing other things
  • Arrange special times of:
    • Study the Bible
    • Pray
    • General sharing of deepest burdens and desires
  • Expect results from them gradually

2009-12-20 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 3)
  • Keep them going
    • All of this is going to require supervision
    • When questions arise, they must be answered while the problem is still in their mind.
    • Setup a schedule of training and keep a record of their growth
    • Exercise patience: Growth is sometimes slow and with many setbacks (while honestly seeking truth)
    • Seldom put them out of our mind
    • They need to be in our prayers and dreams
    • Accept the burden of their immaturity until they can do it for themselves
  • We are not living primarily for the present.
  • Our satisfaction is in knowing that in generations to come from bearing fruit
  • World is desperately seeking someone to follow
    • Someone who is certain
    • Will be a man who knows the way of Christ
    • Or are one who is leading someone into greater darkness?
  • Destiny of many hangs on our decision.

2009-12-29 - First the Kingdom - Growing Meekness
Cultivating meekness is not some thing you do but a character change

Gentleness is a quality of meekness - Galatians 5:22

Meekness follows poverty of spirit and godly sorrow - there are no shortcuts

To stay meek you must confront sin and work through it

  1. Study the nature of God to develop more reverence before him'
  2. Study biblical passages on meekness
  3. Ask your closest relationships to help evaluate your humility
  4. Pray about what you see in the Bible about meekness
Do you want to be known as the meekest man?

Jesus was convicted about meekness

2010-01-24 - Kingdom First - Wise Investing

Jesus is not interested in our obedience outwardly without having our hearts set on heaven
All the ancient were longing for a better country

Living a Christian life is more than living up to a standard of behavior
Meant to ask deeper questions of motivation and heart with an understanding a heart properly movtivated - actions will follow

We should develop a heart that does not store treasures in heaven
Jesus makes a case that does not make sense to store up treasures here because they will not even last here - Matthew 6:19-21

No moth, no rust, no thief, not even Satan himself can diminish our treasure in heaven
It is an incredible freeing feeling to let go of the "treasure" here on earth

Will you miss services to get overtime in?
Do your children see a joyful parent excited about the kingdom of God?

Invest all you have and all you are - Romans 12:1


2010-03-11 - To Live is Christ - Just Like Christ

In the midst of the discussion about unity, Paul continues by talking about having the mind of Jesus - Philippians 2:5-8

The only way to have unity is to be like Jesus

We were called to follow in his steps - 1 Peter 2:21

Jesus willingly because a servant
Greek literally says, "he emptied himself"'

  • He poured out his diviniy for us
  • He gave up his rights
  • Jesus was not just playing a role, he was showing us the depths of this heart

Jesus came not to be served but to serve - Matthew 20:28


2010-03-31 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 5)
In the spirit of James 1:27 and the heart of helping others, here are some ideas on helping others:
  • Pray about adopting a child
  • Visit a nursing home
  • When the homeless ask for spare change, do not be stingy, give to them - Luke 6:30-38
  • On your next vacation, go to a 3rd world country
  • See what you can sell to help the poor - Luke 12:33
  • Get to know a homeless person and have them into your home - Matthew 25:35
  • Read the news - follow up with the victims of accidents, fires, robberies

2010-04-10 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 4)
There are two sorts of wisdom: earthly and heavenly

Do you have God's wisdom? - James 3:17-18
  • pure - not mixed with anything else - in thought, word or deed?
  • peace-loving - never to be soft on sin and not follow ways of violence
  • considerate - do we really put others first?
  • submissive - "obedient, compliant", open to persuasion
  • full of mercy and good - God is looking for changes and results
  • impartial - not taking the side of the unjust
  • sincere - "unhypocritical"
Wisdom in the Bible is more about moral quality than intellectual quality
Is why the wise may turn out to be fools and the "foolish" may the wisest of all

2010-04-17 - Life to the Full - Personal Life of Peter (part 2)

Peter steady increased in his faith:
  • Follower of Jesus - Mark 1:18
  • Apostle - Mark 3:14
  • Chief apostle - Matthew 16:18
  • Leader of Jerusalem church - Acts 2:14
  • Traveling mission evangelist - Acts 8:14
  • Martyr - John 21:19
Are you growing and taking it higher in your walk with God each day?

2010-04-22 - Life to the Full - In His Steps (part 3)

1 Peter 3:1-7...

Submission, kindness is a two-way street

Wondering God is not using you more?
Why children are slow to become Christians?
Why don't feel more peace and joy in your house?

Look no further than your marriage!

Questions for wives:

  • Do you resort to worldly means to win?
  • Do you fight for your rights more than fighting for others?
  • Do you show respect for your husband and emphasize his strengths?

Questions for husbands:

  • How often you compliment your wife?
  • Are you generous in the amount of housework you do?
  • Do you respect your wife for her spirituality and other strengths of character?

Questions for both:

  • Do you pray together regulary?
  • Do your children have a fear of God?
  • Are your family devotionals consistent?
  • When outsiders visit your home and see your family, are they more likely to want to follow Christ?

2010-04-28 - Heart of Maturity (Motivation of Maturing)

Preached by John Lusk (2005-01-30)

How passionate are you about maturing?

  • Being a new Christian, it was easiler because everything was new. Now what?
  • We must have the correct motivation if we are to continue maturing in the long run.

Motivation of Maturing

1. To regain your identify

Genesis 1:26-27

  • We need to realize who we are suppose to be
  • Duck example
    • First thing it sees when it is born it assumes is its mother and will follow it around
    • If the baby duck follows something other than another duck, it will get frustrated because it can only do what duck do
  • Human example
    • We were made to be like God
    • We see other things and try to follow the world
    • We also get frustrated because worldly persuits are not what were designed for

2. To remian in Jesus

1 John 2:3-4 - This is a expectation from God

3. To be effective and productive

2 Peter 1:4-8

  • Must make every effort
  • It would be sad to find out in the end we were ineffective and unproductive
  • Others need you to grow!
  • Your growth rate will determine how much you are effective, not where you are right now

4. Secure salvation

2 Peter 1:8-11 - We have been given a new start

Wrong motivation - Pleasing people, selfish ambition

2010-04-29 - Heart of Maturity (Methods of Maturing)

Methods of Maturing

Self-Training with the Word

Hebrews 5:11-14 - Constant use of the word - for direction, correction, and guidance

With each other

Colossians 1:28-29

  • It is our responsibility to grow
  • We need small groups, large groups, and one another times

Imiatating others

1 Corinthians 4:14-17

  • Follow the qualities in people which are best examples of Christ
  • Collectively the best qualities show an example of Christ

Perservering in trials

James 1:2-4

  • Whenever (that means anytime) the testing of your faith comes
  • Consider it a pure joy - Many Trials
  • Perservering is where you mature

2010-05-01 - I am Innocent of the Blood of all Men (part 2)
Acts 22:6-21
  • Paul had an encounter with Jesus
    • Encounters with Jesus are significant
    • Paul understood he was living in opposition to Jesus - killing Christians (people following Christ)
    • Don't want to be on the opposite side of the battle from God
    • Where are you at today? Do you know?
    • Share
      • Grow up religious - Every Sunday - through High School
      • Ask to come to church, study the Bible
      • Saw life and heart wasn't matching; my sin was in opposition to God
      • Tried to make it personal - mean and angry (Hoping the standard would changed)
      • They were there to help
  • Paul had the humility to ask "What shall I do?" - v10
    • Paul had a heart of humility to be taught - Bible
    • Could have brought up his religiousness or accomplishments
    • Opened himself up to anything, Not "I'm sorry, won't do that again"
  • Paul was religious all this life and had the heart to immediately obey and be baptized - v16
    • Perhaps, God uses the life of Paul to prepare our hearts for surrender
    • What have you been holding on to instead of Jesus? What is stopping you?
We/your friend would like to share "the whole will of God".

2010-05-10 - World Hates Jesus (part 2)

Ephesians 5:1-13

  • Being open pleases God
  • Sin enslaves us.
Hebrews 10:26-31

  • Our sins killed Jesus
  • Not oops...Deliberate!
  • Two ways to look at it
    • Bad Bad = Guilty/No change
    • Good Bad = Repentence/Change
  • Only 72 left to follow Jesus when he ascended
  • Today:
    • God is the same.
    • People change.

John 6:60-71

  • Jesus' message offended people
  • They my have said:
    • You are going to lose some members
    • You are not going to be popular
    • This might start a controversy

Matthew 10:34-38

  • The message is going to cause friction
Matthew 7:13-14
  • The road is narrow:
    • Hard to get on
    • Not easy
    • Few will be on it
  • Are you on the narrow road?

2010-05-11 - World Hates Jesus (part 3)

The answer is out there

John 5:16-23

  • If this is true then there is nothing else
  • Religious are looking for answers. Why?
    • Easier
    • More followers
    • Do not want to look bad

You are in the right place

John 6:68-69

  • No where else to go
  • What are you looking for?
Jesus says those who obey are his disciples - John 8:31-32

What are you going to do?

2010-05-20 - Desire's Journey - Life to the Fullest
I have come so you may have life to the full - John 10:10

Not: "I have come to exhaust you with long list of demands"
Not only is eternal life duration but quality

In him was life and that life was the light of men - John 1:4
People who aren't very good with keeping with a program are very aware of their soul's deep thirst for Jesus' message

They tear off roofs
The trample each other to get closer to him

Have you seen anyone acting like this in order to join a church committee or to hear a sermon about a set of rules to follow?

People act like this when it is a matter of life and death
When life is at stake, human desire goes into desperation mode

Pharisees missed the boat on this one
Hearts were hardened by the very law they claimed would bring them life
They killed their souls' thirst with duty and knowledge

2010-07-05 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 2)

As a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert - Jeremiah 2:2-3

If you're writing a romanc, love is the goal - you must allow for the possiblity of betrayal
This is what God call us our turning away from him

Hebrews thought God would be satisfied with some religious rituals and rule keeping

You said, "I will not serve you!" - Jeremiah 2:20
You have forgotten me and trusted in false gods - Jeremiah 13:25-27

True love never fails
God will fight for his beloved

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her - Hosea 2:14


2010-07-30 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 7)
Christ is weeping freely
His prayers are marked by loud cries and tears
He make it very clear what he desires

"Yet not my will, your will be done"
He surrenders with desire
Making himself poor, he opens up to us the treasures of heaven

Buddha abandons his desire
Christ surrenders his will
It is no small difference

True surrender is not an easy way out
Surrender comes only after the night of wrestling
Only after we open our hearts to care deeply and give over our deepest desires to God

Freedom and beauty and rest that follow are among the greatest surprises

2010-07-31 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 1)
We have similar path we follow
  1. God shows up
  2. The lights turn on for those who respond
  3. Their heart is lifted; grateful tears flow
  4. Faith, hope, and love seem like the only way to live
  5. The next week, it is though nothing happened
Forgetting is not a small problem
Forgetfulness does not come against us like an enemy in battle formation
It comes unnoticed

We are warned about forgetfulness in the scriptures

The pattern so predictable, we have come to expect it:
  1. God delivers his people from the Egyptians by his display of power - plagues, passover, red sea
  2. Israelites celebrate with singing and dancing
  3. Israelites complain about the water supply
  4. God provides sweet water
  5. They complain about the food
  6. God drops breakfast from the sky
  7. They complain about the water again
  8. God provides water from a rock
And on and on for 40 years

Be careful and watch yourself closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen - Deuteronomy 4:9

2010-08-01 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 2)
The NT scriptures do not differ from the old testament about forgetfulness
Bread and the cup was give to us in rememberence of him

Paul was shock that the Galatians were turning away so soon from God - Galatians 1:6
He sent Timothy to the Corinthians to remind them to share the eternal life he gives through Christ - 1 Corinthians 4:17
Peter, who knew firsthand the grief that comes with forgetting writes to keep firm the grip on faith - 1 Peter 5:10

Life is a journey of the heart that requires the mind
The heart is the center of life
Desire is always where the action is
We must bring the truth into our hearts to guard and to guide our desires - this is the other half of the mission

Popular phrases that do not work: Follow your heart, Trust your soul

We must cling to the truth for dear life - both heart and mind together

2010-08-10 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 1)

Myth - sometimes thought of as not factual true
But a myth is a story which confront us with something transcendent and eternal; a way of seeing and knowing
A kind of story that wakes you up and you suddenly say - this is what my life is really about

Myth tell us three truths, this first one is:

1. Things are not what they seem

Examples of movies that show us this include: Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, the Matrix

Jacob saw earth in a whole new way in his dream - Genesis 28:12
He awakes more awake then ever, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it" - Genesis 28:16

Two followers of Christ did not even recongized Jesus as he talked with him after his resurrection - Luke 24:17-21
They were slow in heart to believe

2010-08-15 - Waking Dead - Reason and Emotion

Those who live only from the minds are detacted from life
They conclude others are emotional and unstable

Those who live from the heart find those who live from the mind, unavailable.

The heart is the source of emotion but we have equated heart with emotion - like saying love is a feeling

If Christ had followed his emotions, we would nave not gone to the cross for us - Mark 14:32-35

Emotion are the voice of the heart
The mind stands detacted, it is with the heart we experience and respond to life's fullness

2010-08-17 - Waking Dead - Thoughts and Courage of the Heart
Our deepest thoughts are held in our hearts
Our behavior is driven by our heart

Scripture judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart - Hebrews 4:12
Not the feelings of the heart but the thoughts

It is with your heart you believe and are justified - Romans 10:10

They hear with their ears and understand with their hearts - Matthew 13:!5
The heart is the dwelling place of our true beliefs

It takes courage to love and takes courage to follow Jesus
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid - John 14:27

Courage  > Old French cuer > Latin cor = heart
The battle for the heart is going to take all the courage you can muster

2010-08-20 - Waking Dead - Our Desperate Need
Something has gone wrong within the human race
Most of the misery we suffer on this planet is the fruit of the human heart gone bad

God created us to reflect his glory
Barely three chapters into the Bible, we have missed up the whole project - Sin enters the picture
By chapter 6, God can not bear it anymore and has to start over - Genesis 6:5-6
This is the first mention of God's heart and it is broken

We know we are not what we were meant to be
Most of the religions concur on this point
Usual remedies involve some sort of shaping up
  • Jews try to keep the Law
  • Buddhist follow the Eightfold Path
  • Muslims live by the Five Pillars
  • Many Christians attend church and live morally
The problem is not our behavior, it is in us
Out of the heart comes all sorts of evil - Matthew 15:19
We don't need an upgrade, we need transformation

2010-08-27 - Waking Dead - Guided
Narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:14

Each day: do you wake to tackle a to do list or wake in the midst of a dangerous story?
If you are not pursuing a dangerous quest, then you do not need a guide
If you want the life Jesus offers, then you are going to need more than a handful of principles
Can not possibly prepare yourself for ever situation
We need God intimately and we need him desperately

You have made know the path of life - Psalms 16:11
There is a narrow path to life and we need help finding it

Example path from a church:
  • Become a member
  • Take a course on doctrine
  • Faithfully attend the Sunday morning service and small group fellowship
  • Complete a course on Christian growth
  • Live a life of Christian growth
  • Complete a course on evangelism
  • Consistently look for opportunities to evangelize
  • Complete a course on finances, marriage, and parenting
  • Complete a course on leadership
  • Complete a course on hermeneutics
  • Complete a course on spiritual gifts
  • Complete a course on missions
  • Complete a course on biblical counseling
  • Carry a significant local church ministry load
Program teaches you principles and how to apply them but not how to walk with God

All religions has principles to follow but only Christianity can teach you to walk with God
The most important thing of all is intimacy with God

Those who only do good things - Jesus will say I never knew you - Matthew 7:23

Teach a man to fish?
Teach a man to walk with God and you help him solve the rest of his life

2010-08-29 - Waking Dead - Listening to His Voice
God is still speaking to us today

I have much more to say to you. The Spirit will guide you in all truth - John 16:12-13
There is much more than Jesus wants to say to you
Since the Spirit resides in you heart - the conversation can continue

Many good people never hear God because they have never been told  that he does
He who belongs to God hears what God says - John 8:47

His sheep follow him because they hear his voice. I am the good shpherd - John 10:4
He wants to speak to you and want to lead you to good pasture

When we ask, we need to hear what the true answer is - not what we want to hear

2010-09-19 - Waking Dead - Setting the Heart Free
All spiritual warfare follows a simple pattern - James 4:7

Submit and resist
Submit ourselves to Christ and resist whatever has come against us or those we love
Their needs to "dailyness" to our walk

1. We have to choose to abide in Christ
Consecrate our whole body:
  • Body - Romans 12:1
  • Soul - Luke 10:27
  • Spirit - 1 Corinthians 6:17
2. Then we need to cleanse our lives with the blood of Christ
Take our place under the headship of Christ
The faith of centurion, he understood authority - Matthew 8:10

Most sins fall under:
  • Pride - independence from God
  • Idolatry - Giving our devotion, fear, or any part of our heart to something other than God
We need to ask God to search our hearts so we might confess sin and agreements we have made

2010-09-21 - Waking Dead - Fellowship of the Heart
The first Christians were called "followers of the Way" - Acts 9:2

They found the Way of Life and had given themselves over to it:
  • They lived together
  • Ate together
  • Fought together
  • Celebrated together
How wonderful it would be if we found the same

A fellowship must protect you:
  • Frodo hasn't a chance without Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli
  • Neo is set free from the Matrix and joins the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar
  • Dorthy, the Scarecrow, Tin man, and the Lion
  • Band of Brothers - enough said
  • Prince Caspian with a faithful few Narnians
  • Maximus rallies his little band
  • Captain John Miller and is squad of eight to save Private Ryan
  • Jesus had his Tweleve
Fellowship functions as  a team to watch each other's back
A family bound together in a single fate
Each one has a role

2010-09-22 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Small
Jesus did not march around backed by hundreds of followers
He had a band of brothers - the Twelve
Through we are part of a great company, we are meant to live a little platoons
Groups small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies
Who's heart will you fight for? Who will fight for your heart?

He spoke to the masses but lived with his closest twelve

His followers took his example and lived this way too
  • Broke bread in their homes and ate together - Acts 2:46
  • The church meet in houses - 1 Corinthians 16:19
  • House church at Nymph's house - Colossians 4:15
The little fellowships of the heart are outpost of the kingdom
Anytime an army goes to war or expedition, they break down into platoons and squads

You can not be devoted to a mass of people
Devotion takes place in small units like a family

2010-10-03 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 3)
4. Spiritual Growth
If holding onto our faith and not advancing it much - it will become a chore  and prayer a dry routine
  • Scripture reading becomes I have to read it to understand the gospel for others
  • Talking to God suddenly takes on a new purpose - passionate pleas for friends
  • Our desire to worship grows as your gratitude grows
  • Helps maintain a high standard of purity

5. Spiritual Confidence
It is ironic that the act of preparing to show others the gospel is often the cause for us to understand it better ourselves
In the face of opposition, we gain heightened sense of spiritual confidence
Imagine what happens when one of these people becomes a Christian

6. Enduring Investments

Jesus warned his followers to not store up treasures on earth - Matthew 6:19-20
Everything will be destroyed eventually - 2 Peter 3:10-11
It is a mistake to invest so much time and energy into things that won't last

7. Honor of Being God's Agent
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit - John 15:8

2010-10-07 - Contagious Christian - Attractiveness of Authenticity (part 1)
Jesus knew the importance of perceptions
Are you either drawing people toward a relationship with God or pushing them further away? - Matthew 5:16
How we conduct our daily lives has implications that reach all the way into eternity

As part of the high potency - there are three qualities of being a Christian
Authenticity, compassion, and sacrifice

Authentic Identity

When people are asked what qualities of person brother you the most - dishonesty usually is near the top of the list
People are drawn to sincerity
Avoid acting like more than you are or pretending you're less that what you are

When following Christ - We renounce the sin in our lives but not the authentic identity we have
One of the greatest mistakes a believer can make is to renounce or repress his uniqueness in a vain attempt to appear more spiritual
Years of identity repression - you can totally lose your understanding of who you really are
There are some who will never see Him for who He really is until they watch Him living uniquely in our lives
The family of God is kaleidoscope of people with different gifts and temperaments

We were fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139:14
There is someone out there one step away from faith, they just need someone like you - your passion, personality, and interests

2010-10-12 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part I)
  1. The Blessing of Giving - Acts 20:33-35
    1. Paul did not desire anyone else's money or possessions.
    2. He worked hard and sacrificed to help the weak.
    3. He knew that giving brought more joy than receiving.
  2. Living for Eternal Possessions - Matthew 6:19-21; Hebrews 10:32-34
    1. When our treasure is in heaven not on earth, our hearts will be in heaven also.
    2. As disciples, we will look foolish to the world because our hearts and our treasures (money) are in heaven not on earth.
  3. All Things For Our Enjoyment - 1 Timothy 6:17-18
    1. It is very easy for us who have wealth to put our hope and trust in money/things rather than God.
    2. As disciples we are commanded to be generous and willing to share.
    3. When we follow God"s plan we can feel great about enjoying the blessings God has given us.


  1. Which do I desire more, to give or to receive?
  2. How can I put all my treasure in heaven so that all my heart will be there also?
  3. How am I being generous and willing to share on a daily basis?
  4. Am I enjoying God's blessings or do I feel guilty about the things I have?

2010-10-21 - Dealing With Debt (Part II)
  1. Why Get Out of Debt?
    1. It hinders us from being able to give generously. When we are paying 18%+ interest on top of the principal, it is difficult to have anything left to share with others.
    2. It is wasteful. The exorbitant interest we pay on our credit cards is totally wasted.
    3. The balance is probably there because you were not following God's plan for your finances.
  2. How to Get Out
    1. You must be radical (Matthew 5:29-30)
      1. Cut up all your credit cards (if you have outstanding balances that you have not been able to pay off for 3 months or more).
      2. Call your credit card companies and cancel the accounts.
      3. Work out your budget with the goal of removing your debt. Do not buy anything that is not necessary. Cut all unnecessary expenditures out of your budget (e.g. cable TV, newspaper).
      4. Get input (Proverbs 15:22)
      5. Commit your plan to the Lord (Psalms 127:1-2)
    2. Finish the job (Luke 14:28-30)
      1. Let godly sorrow lead you to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10-11). You must take responsibility for your debt.


  1. Am I in sinful/foolish debt? If so, why?
  2. Am I willing to apply the principles set forth to get out of debt?
  3. What will be the hardest thing for me to change to get out of debt?
  4. Who do I know that will be able to help me with my plan?

2010-11-19 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part IV)
Another illustration similar to the bridge analogy...

Baseball Illustration

If one wants to enter the All-Universe Hall must meet the following requirements for 5 years
  • Must play error free ball
  • Pitchers must strikeout everyone in a no-hitter every time
  • Must have 1.000 batting average
  • Each hit must be a home run
Who can do this for a season?
To earn your salvation, you must do something similar - Romans 3:23
One missed law is guilty of breaking all of the laws - James 2:10
We need Jesus' sacrifice to reach God

2010-11-21 - Contagious Christian - Breaking Barriers to Belief (part II)
2. Bad Teaching

Some carry inaccurate portrayals of God because they have been taught wrong ideas

As long as they picture God as someone who he is not, they will not want to follow him
  • A helpless old man
  • Cosmic killjoy
  • Disinterested deity
  • Harsh ogre
Misguided mental images effectively blunt  people's motivation to move toward God
Identify with your friends concerns and share your own misconceptions
Beast way of replacing misguided ideas with accurate ones is to teach the Bible

3. Natural Fears

Some have distorted images of Christianity
They are going to lose more than they'll ever gain - misunderstanding God's character

Taste the Lord, his is good - Psalms 34:8

In John 10, Jesus sensed that people were worried about God's plan for their lives
The evil one comes to destroy your life. But I am not like him. I came to give you life to the full.

Christian it not only great way to die but also a great way to live.

2010-11-22 - Mission - Heart of Christ
Reading Luke 19:1-9
  • Should be titled "Jesus, the seeker of Zacchaeus"
  • Introduction starts with Jesus calling out Zachhaeus
  • How did he know him? Jesus was present when God gave him life - John 1:3
  • The crowd was less than delighted
    • They enjoyed the fruit of Jesus' miracles
    • Failed to grasp his love
His outreach to sinners shocked people while destroying the false security of following laws and regulations
Jesus' love had a clear and defined purpose - to restore a broken relationship between the lost and God

To have the heart of Christ means to seek and to save what is lost

It is beyond:
  • Enjoying the fellowship
  • Benefiting from counseling
  • Learning how to change bad habits
Seeking these blessings first simply puts one at the same level as the Pharisees

2010-11-25 - Mission - Fishers of Men
Jesus summarized in one sentence his plan and our destiny
I will make you fishers of men - Mark 1:17

The call is to become, ginormai (greek word)
  • to be created
  • to be born or produced
  • to come into existence
NIV omitted phrase but Jesus is calling men to become something - something that they are not
Cannot become on their own

Not just can things we do and all the way down to the core of our being

We are commanded to follow not to fish
Becoming a fisher of men is the result of following Jesus
It is impossible to follow Jesus and not become a fisher of men

To follow Jesus means:
  • Must be committed to obeying all his words - John 8:31
  • Must have his heart - Galatians 2:20
  • We love that he loves
    • God - Matthew 22:37
    • Our brothers - John 13:34-35
    • The lost - Matthew 9:13
    • The kingdom - Matthew 6:33

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-03 - Mission - First the Kingdom
No one is ready to follow Jesus who is not ready to put the kingdom of God first above everything else in his life
Take away the radicalness of the message and you take away the power of the message

Compromise it and you have religion but not the church of Jesus Christ
Every kingdom has a king
God is the king of kings and the lord of lords - 2 Timothy 6:15
Jesus is known as both Lord and Christ, King and Savior - Acts 2:38

We are the servants, subjects, and even slaves of God - Romans 6:22
The centurion understood this authority - Luke 7:8
You will be given all the things you need when you seek first the kingdom - Matthew 6:33

Can you powerfully proclaim this message to others because it is so clearly your conviction? - Colossians 3:1-2

When making decisions, ask what is best for the kingdom.

2010-12-17 - Word of God (part II)
John 8:31-32
  • Jesus teaches these Jews that intellectual belief is not enough.
  • He calls them to believe God enough to trust his will for their lives. This trust is demonstrated by the decision to live according to Jesus’ teaching.
  • True faith is seen in our obedience.
  • Notice when we will know the truth, after we obey.
2 Timothy 4:2-3
  • If the Bible is so powerful and helpful, why aren’t more people truly following what it says?
  • Bottom line, we can not live according to our own feelings and desires.
Matthew 15:1-9
  • What is another hindrance to following God’s word? Tradition
  • Religious tradition which takes precedence over the Word of God can result in worldly solutions to spiritual issues and make our worship of God empty and pointless.

2010-12-20 - Worlds Wisdom vs Gods Wisdom (part II)
Before we go on:  What is the “world’s wisdom”?
  • If you asked a person who is street smart or the person on Wall Street or just a person who watches a lot of TV, what is at the heart of the world’s wisdom about how to live?
    • “Look out for number one.”
    • “Get what you want.”
    • “Get the power, the pleasure, the control you want.”
    • “Get the money.”
    • “Protect yourself.”
    • “Guard your rights.”
    • “Maintain your independence.”
  • And so what is at the center of man’s wisdom? Self! (See 2 Timothy 3:2)

Matthew 16:24-26
  • What is Jesus’ message? How is it the opposite of the world’s message?
    • Deny self– “disown” (Matthew 26:34). We renounce our old self, our old approach to life.
    • Take up the cross (instrument of death). Die to ourselves.
    • Follow Jesus. Make his life our model. Jesus life is a demonstration of his message.
  • What does Jesus say will be the bottom line for those who “save their own lives”? For those who foolishly lose their lives for him?
Final thoughts
  • What is everything on the left side (world’s wisdom) called? Sin.
  • What is everything on the right side (God’s wisdom) called? Love.
  • How have you lived according the world’s wisdom?
  • Have you ever made a decision to renounce it?
  • Which side was Peter still on (though he was religious)?
  • Which side are you on?

2011-01-01 - Discipleship (part I)

Acts 11:25-26

  • To call oneself a Christian can mean many different things to people today.
  • The name “Christian” was applied for the 1st time to disciples at Antioch, about 7 years after the beginning of the church.
  • How many times is the word “Christian” used in NT? (Three times.)
  • How many times is the word “disciple” used? (About 300 times.)
  • What is a disciple? A disciple is a learner who strives to conform his thoughts, words and actions to those of his master.
  • To understand what it means to live as a Christian today, we will start by looking at Jesus’ expectations for those who would be his disciples . . .

Mark 1:16-20

  • Call of the first disciples: “Follow me.”
  • A disciple asks himself, “What would Jesus do?” then strives to do it - regardless of the cost.
  • A disciple of Jesus has the same purpose as Jesus: to be a fisher of men.  What does this mean?
  • What did they abandon to follow Jesus? Everything! (job, possessions, family)

2011-01-02 - Discipleship (part II)

Luke 9:23-27

  • Emphasize the heart that God wants.
  • What are the three demands of discipleship in this verse?
    • What does it mean to “deny yourself?”
    • What does it mean to “take up your cross daily?”
    • What does it mean to “follow Jesus?”
  • How can we be “ashamed of Jesus and His words?”

Luke 9:57-62 - Examine the issues involved with each person - thoughtless following, excuse making
and second thoughts.

Luke 14:25-35

  • If anyone would come after me… A disciple loves Jesus more than any other person (v.26).
  • A disciple loves Jesus in spite of any persecution (v.27).
  • A disciple loves Jesus more than any possession (v.33).
  • Count the cost (vv.28-30): it’s the most important decision of your life!
  • Consider the alternatives (vv.31-32): Surrender or lose everything! It’s a decision for the rest of your life (vv.34-35).

2011-01-03 - Discipleship (part III)

John 13:34-35

  • What will disciples of Jesus will be known for? Their love.
  • “As I have loved you”: What kind of love did Jesus demonstrate for us?

Matthew 28:18-20

  • The Great Commission: God’s plan to save the world.
  • Disciples make disciples by baptizing people from all nations in his name and teaching them to become mature, obedient
    followers of Jesus.
  • Efforts to reach the world with the gospel are multiplied when every disciple embraces Jesus’ final charge.
  • Are you willing to answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus?

Mark 10:28-31

  • What did Peter and the others give up in order to follow Jesus? Is it possible to “outgive” God?
  • What does Jesus promise to those who have committed their lives to following him?
  • Being a Christian is not always easy, but it is the life we were created for.
  • It is the best life now, and the best life for eternity!

2011-01-05 - Holy Spirit (part II)

Ephesians 1:13-14 - The Spirit is God’s mark of ownership on his children and a “deposit” of the
blessings of the age to come.

Ephesians 3:14-21 - We are strengthened with real power through the Spirit who dwells within us. We
cannot live the Christian life on our own strength, but God himself provides us with the power to live as
followers of Jesus. Understanding Jesus’ amazing love for us is a source of that strength.

Ephesians 4:29-32 - How do we “grieve” the Holy Spirit? Why is anger and anger-related sin so
devastating? How is disharmony in our relationships incompatible with having the Spirit of God in us?

2011-01-23 - Followup - Laziness (part II)

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
  • Being constructive members of society and of the church.
  • Thus win the respect of others and make the gospel attractive - Titus 2:10
  • Try not to be dependant of anybody
1 Thessalonians 5:14 - Warn those who are idle; this is serious!

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
  • If he/she does not listen to the warning, keep away from him/her
  • Again, follow the example of the disciplines
  • Some people tend to be “busybodies”
  • Hebrews 12:11 - No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but afterwards the pay-off is substantial
  • Proverbs 12:1 - And so it is the intelligent thing to love discipline

2011-02-02 - Word of God - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To gain conviction on the Bible being inspired by God, how and why we should apply the Bible to our lives

Question: How do you define a relationship with someone?
Keep that in mind as we have this study about God's Word.

2 Timothy 3:12-4:4
  • v12 - Everyone that want to live a Godly life will have to go through persecution
  • Question: What do you think that means - being persecuted for living a Godly life?
  • v14-15 - Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to continue to believe to believe in the scriptures because it is able to make you wise in the choices of life
  • v4:4 - Bible says that people will start to listen to and follow man (ideas and myths) rather than God
  • If we read the Bible daily then we will know God's will for our lives. If we don't we will start to follow what people say, think, and feel.
  • Question: How can reading the Bible daily change your life? What happens if you don't read daily?
  • Question: Why do you think God wants you to read his word daily? So you can know him!
John 8:31-36
  • Jesus is talking to the Jewish people and tells them that is they don't hold to his teachings, then they are not really his disciples
  • Just because someone acts religious or know a lot about the Bible does not mean they are following Jesus
  • Question: What does Jesus say it takes to be his disciple? Then you'll know what? Then what?
  • When you read someone's journal you get to know that person more and more each day - same goes for reading God's word
  • Question: How often do you read the Bible?
  • Challenge: Read the Bible daily and make one decision each day.

2011-02-05 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To understand the Bible's definition of what a Christian is

What is your definition of a Christian?

The Church in Antioch
Acts 11:19-26
  • Question: The disciples that were scattered began teaching the Greeks what? Good news about Jesus
  • Question: What did Barnabas encourage people to do? Know an hold to Jesus' words
  • Barnabas found Saul then brought him to Antioch so they could teach the Word of God (review)
  • Question: In Antioch, the disciples of Jesus were called what for the 1st time? Why?
  • A disciple of Jesus is WHAT they were. Christian is what the world labeled them
  • Christian = Disciple = Saved
The Calling of Discipleship
Mark 1:14-20
  • Question: What did Jesus proclaim in Galilee? What was the good news? Kingdom of God was near; your life can change)
  • Question: What is the first thing Jesus instructed these fishermen to do? Follow him. What does that mean?
  • Question: What will Jesus make us into? What does that mean? Is this something you are willing to do?
  • Share what purpose your purpose was before becoming a disciple
  • Question: What would you say your life has been focused/purpose so far?

2011-02-12 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part II)
The Standard of a Disciple
Luke 9:18-26
  • Question: What were Jesus and his disciples doing? How is your prayer life?
  • Question: Why do you think the people thought so many things? Turned to men instead of God's word
  • Question: If someone wants to come after Jesus what does He say they need to do?
    • Deny self - Put God's will above your own
    • Take up his cross and crucify self - no longer live for self but to do God's will
    • Follow Jesus and imitate the life of Jesus - do the things that Jesus would do in situation
  • Question: How can you show Jesus that you want to hold to his standard?
Commitment of Following Jesus
Luke 9:57-62
  • Question: What do you think these men wanted from Jesus?
    • These men wanted the life and blessing of being with Jesus without the commitment
    • Jesus wants full commitment - like in a marriage - not 80% commitment
    • There is no good reason to NOT follow Jesus
  • Question: How can you show 100% commitment? QTs, fellowship, coming to church, BT, etc

2011-02-13 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part III)
Cost of Following Jesus
Luke 14:25-33
  • Question: What is Jesus saying to you in v26? What relationship would be the most challenging? Why?
  • Question: In v28-30, if you start to follow Jesus then stop how will that effect the people that have seen you start?
  • Question: In v31-33, which king will win? Will the losing king still be a king? No, stop fighting God and serve him
  • Question: What do you see as something that will be a cost for you in following Jesus?
Great Commission
Matthew 28:16-20
  • Question: How much authority does Jesus have? What does His authority exclude? Nothing!
  • Question: What does Jesus commission us to do? Who should you start with in fulling this commission from Jesus? Yourself
Developing a relationship with God is like a marriage
  1. Get to know someone = read the Bible and pray daily (Word Study)
  2. Dating stage = commit to coming to church, Bible discussion group, and studying the Bible (Discipleship study)
  3. Engagement = making a decision to commit your life to God (Sin and Repentance study)
  4. Wedding ceremony = baptism
You are not married until the wedding ceremony. You become a disciple at baptism - your life is the evidence of God's gift of the Holy Spirit

2011-05-31 - Excuses - Gideon

Judges 6:11-16

  • v6:11 - He was fearful. He was threshing in the winepress at the time when God needed men of courage to rise up.
  • v6:12 - “Mighty warrior” – God saw his potential
  • v6:14 - “Go in the strength you have” - do not worry, just do your best.
  • v6:15 - Gideon claimed he was too insignificant and unimpressive to follow or obey God
  • v6:16 - As with Gideon, God will be with you!
Gideon repented of his fear and excuses and rescued his nation from the enemy – powerfully and bravely!

2011-06-03 - Excuses - Peter

Luke 5:4-11

  • v5:5 - Peter was willing to take Jesus at his word.
  • v5:6 - He experienced an incredible result – God’s word is powerful!
  • v5:8 - Peter realized who he was dealing with: knee-deep in fish
  • v5:10 - Jesus encouraged Peter to evangelize
    • He commanded him not to fear
  • v5:11 - We too must pull our fears and excuses up on shore and actively follow Jesus

Peter ultimately confronted his fears and fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy of martyrdom (John 21:18-19)

2011-06-14 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VII)
He is worth following:
  • Peter and his brother Andrew left their jobs - Matthew 4:18
  • Must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me - Matthew 16:24
  • I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you - John 13:15
  • God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:14
  • You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord - 1 Peter 2:21
  • Follow others as they follow Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • Follow His example in both in both negative and positive area
    • He never did a wrong thing.
    • He always did the right thing.

2011-06-15 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VIII)
Following Christ is more than merely adding a few new habits and activities to our lives.

It is changing our total person from what we have been into what He is!

Thus, to follow Christ I must be a student of His life.
  • Fix your thoughts on Jesus - Hebrews 3:1
  • Let us fix our eyes on Jesus - Hebrews 12:2
  • Come to me - Matthew 11:28-30
  • Study His life so devotedly that I am able to see
Our transformation is an inside out job. I can put on the outside habits, activities, traits, behavior patterns without ever changing the inside of me. The great endeavor is to transform the inner man for when the inner man changed the outward man will have to change!

2011-06-17 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part II)
Three stages in discipleship (continued):

2. The convinced disciple
  • After miracles, disciples put their faith in him - John 2:11
  • Many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name - John 2:23
  • Many Samaritans believed in him because of the woman's testimony - John 4:39, 41, 53
  • From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him - John 6:14, 25-27, 60-66
3. The committed disciple
  • Lord, to whom shall we go? - John 6:67-69
  • You are the Christ, the Son of the living God - Matthew 16:13-16

2011-06-18 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part III)
Christ’s word teaches us about discipleship

Luke 14:25-35

1. Large crowds followed Jesus

2. Jesus has already called them disciples (Luke 9:18,23). Now He says they cannot be His disciples unless they meet this standard. Why does He change? Because before this they had been curious disciples, possibly convinced disciples, but not committed disciples. Now He wants them to go the full measure. We see, then, how the term disciple goes through an evolutionary process during the ministry of Christ, the story of the gospels.

3. The terms of discipleship are all-encompassing.
  • An unrivaled love for God. “We must love Jesus more than any relationship” - Luke 14:26
  • An unceasing death to self. “We must love Jesus more than ourselves” - Luke 14:27
  • An unqualified giving up of everything. “We must love Jesus more than anything” - Luke 14:33
4. The primary teaching of this passage is that discipleship is:
  • More than membership in a crowd of followers.
  • More than curiosity about Jesus.
  • More than being willing to listen to Christ’s words.
  • More than being convinced of Christ divinity.
  • Being committed to Christ so that He is Lord of your life.

2011-06-19 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part IV)
Christ’s word teaches us about discipleship.

Mark 8:34-38
  • We must desire to follow Christ
  • We must deny self and take up our cross
  • We must lose our life to save it
  • We must not be ashamed of Jesus
Christ’s encounters with people teach about discipleship

Luke 9:57-62
  • Luke 9:57-58 “Count the cost”, commitment is more than a decision.
  • Luke 9:59-60 “Deny self and follow Christ now,” give up the security and comforts of home.
  • Luke 9:61-62 “Remove all rivals and distractions from your relationship with Christ.” Make Him all in all.
Matthew 19:16-22 Mark 10:17-22 Luke 18:18-23
  • Deny and crucify self.
  • Give up everything.
  • Love Christ intensely.

2011-06-27 - Mind of Christ - Helping People (part II)
The following attitudes can help bring about a heart of compassion:
  1. You must sympathize with people out of a tender heart.
  2. You must believe that every person is precious to God
  3. You must be aware of your own humanness
  • You are made of the same stuff as every other person.
  • Potentially, the situation that exists with other people in desparate struggles.
  1. You must desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives. There must be a desire to count in this world.
  2. You must deny self that allows you to place the interest of others ahead of your own.
The heart of Jesus should be compared with the uncompassionate hearts of others.

  • ~John 8:1-11 - Pharisees vs Jesus (Woman caught in adultery)
  • ~Mark 5:1-20 - Man with an evil spirit vs Jesus
  • ~Luke 7:36-50 - Pharisees vs Jesus (Sinful Woman)
  • ~Matthew 19:13-15 - Disciples vs Jesus

2011-07-08 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part III)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission: (continued)

2. He earnestly longed for salvation of sinners.
  • Mark 10:21 - Go, sell everything you have and come follow me
  • Luke 13:34 - How often I have longed to gather your children together
  • Luke 19:41 - As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.
3. He kept his mind continually fixed on his objective.
  • John 9:4 - As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me
  • John 4:34 - For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God,
  • Luke 19:10 - For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
  • Mark 1:38-39 - I can preach there also. That is why I have come

2011-07-11 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part VI)
Paul employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission (continued) :

3. He kept his mind continually fixed on this objective:

  • Acts 20:22-24 - It was everything to him to finish the race
  • 2 Corinthians 11:28 - Felt daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches
  • Colossians 1:28-29 - Struggled with all his energy

4. He followed the Lord’s plan of discipling people into the image of Jesus Christ - 2 Timothy 2:2

5. His own evangelism was constant
a. He utilized every opportunity.
b. He created opportunities for evangelism

2011-07-14 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part IX)
We must employ at least five elements to accomplish this mission (continued):

3. We must keep our minds fixed on this objective:
  • Acts 5:42 - Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news
  • Acts 8:4 - Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
4. We must follow the Lord’s plan of discipling people into the image of Christ.

  • The principle involved here is called life-transference.
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:8 - We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well
5. We must be constant in our own evangelism.

As with Jesus, so with us.

“Christ’s mission is the only reason for our being on earth; were it not for that, He would take us away”
~ Andrew Murray “A Like Christ”

2011-08-09 - Daughter Needs - All-Male Dad (part II)
Lots priority:
  • Sons
  • Strangers
  • Daughters
The incest that followed was likely from their self-esteem issues from their relationship with there father

There is a high cost to be paid when dad treats his daughter as 3rd rate
They are prime targets for a smooth talking guy who offers some sense of male love

Our daughters deserve 1st rate love
Don't leave them to figure out what it will cost to be loved by a man
Give them lots and lots of love, attention and time

2011-09-06 - Followup: Grace (part I)
The understanding of grace is the foundation for a love-motivated relationship with God, rather than one that is works-motivated. We can become Pharisees (knowing the requirements of Christian life but missing the heart motivation.

Similarly, overachievers (in the world or in the kingdom) are valued by others and value themselves based on their performance. The goal of follow up is to build security, self-esteem and worth based on God’s grace and love not on their Christian duty of perfect performance.

Question: How do you define “grace”?
  • Undeserved forgiveness
  • Acceptance even without perfect performance
  • Real love (an “in-spite-of” love)
Question: Where does grace come from?
  • Jesus receives the punishment for your sins instead of you - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • After baptism, Jesus blood continues to cover over our sin - 1 John 1:7

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