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2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-02 - Genesis 2 - Creation & Recreation Recap


God formed a man and gave him the garden in Eden, except for the tree of knowledge. Adam was alone so God made a woman as his partner.


Genesis 2:7 - from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
From nothing, God created us. He even takes our language that is a collection of organized means and breathed [2 Timothy 3:16] it into living and active Holy scripture [Hebrews 4:12].

Genesis 2:15 - put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Man's purpose in the garden was to work it and keep it up. God gives us work to do in step with what he desires. Work is good for glorify God, helping others, and helping us in our character. In [Acts 17:26], we learn that God determines the times and places we will live. It wasn't a random chance that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden even with God's fore knowledge of Adam's sin.

Genesis 2:16 - You are free
The first words recorded spoken to man was "You are free". This is important because without freedom, love can not be fully expressed. God created man for Him to love and to be loved by man. What are we doing with the life and freedom God has given us? Does he feel the love?

Genesis 2:17 - you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
The sinful nature within us desires the opposite of what God wants. When it hears about something we can not do, that is the exact thing it desires to do.

Genesis 2:19 - whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name
With our freedom, we are given responsibilities. Instead of just telling us what the names of the animals and plants we, God gave Adam the task and freedom to do so. We need to remember all the things God intrusts us with and give it our all.

Personal Application

Many times I look for ways on how to automate work (it is part of the work I do as part of my career) but sometimes lose sight that work is what I am suppose to be doing. When automating tasks, I need to make sure I am using my additional time to do even more useful things that God has called me to do.

2011-10-03 - Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man


The serpent deceived the woman; she and Adam ate from the tree. Man blamed woman, woman blamed the serpent. The earth became cursed, and God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden.


Genesis 3:1 - Did God really say
The first way Satan tries to get Eve to disobey God is to create doubt to what God said. Many times Satan does not even try to tell us to do a 180 turn (you might notice what is going on then) - just a slight detour to the right or to the left [Deuteronomy 5:32]. It does not take much to get us off course from the narrow road [Matthew 7:14].

Genesis 3:4 - You will not surely die
Another temptation Satan throws our way is doubt in his punishment or promises. He would love for us to believe we will be judged at the end of our lives [John 12:48].  "Live your life the way you want to" - Satan. He does not want you to remember the promises God has spoken to encourage us in our walk with him.

Genesis 3:6 - desirable for gaining wisdom
When struggling with sin, we often come up with "good" reasons why we need to sin. In this case, Eve comes up with a "spiritual" reason. She wanted to gain "wisdom" - we need to have wisdom in our daily lives, right? God does not always reveal everything to us and for good reason. We should start with fear of the Lord since it is the beginning of wisdom [Psalms 111:10].

Genesis 3:9 - Where are you?
Good question to ask ourselves all the time. Where am I in relation to God? We often "disappear" when we sin either physically or more likely mentally. When we look in a mirror [James 1:23-24], we are blinded and do not see our true selves. We don't want to deal with the underlying problems in our character - it will be paining and requires effort but in the end it is worth it.

Genesis 3:19 - dust you are and to dust you will return
If you need a reminder on humility, this scripture will help. We come from the dirt of the ground and we will return there someday. We need to seize the days we have - stop worrying about tomorrow [Matthew 6:34].

Personal Application

I need to be aware of Satan's tricks continuously. He does not want to be noticed. I need to pray and reflect on how I am living my life and find where Satan is getting me to deviate even a fraction of a degree. I need also examine my thought and find out they are out of line with God's Word. I will ask others what they see where I have taken a devour on God's narrow road.

2011-10-04 - Genesis 4 - Cain Murders Abel


Eve's sons made offerings to God. Only Abel's was acceptable, so Cain killed him. Abel's blood cried out and God sent Cain away.


Genesis 4:7 - if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door
The sins of omission are very related to the sins of commission. If you are sitting on the sidelines, you have time (maybe considered laziness) and you will give Satan time to put all sorts of temptations in your head. A lazy person bring is a good friend to the evil one and is considered a brother [Proverbs 18:9].

Genesis 4:9 - Am I my brother's keeper?
The Christian walk is more than God and us. It is also the people around us. We learn about relationships from others. We learn about ourselves and get feedback on how we are doing - and give it as well.  Without others we would have been pointed the way to God and we could not reach  others with the gospel.

Genesis 4:12 - You will be a restless wanderer on the earth
Without God in our lives, we are a restless wander. Our thoughts, emotions, and desires become our direction and we walk aimlessly - not knowing where we are, where we came from, or where we are going.

Genesis 4:26 - At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD
Since the beginning of time men began call for for God. It is built into the nature of our being. Time after time he has answered no matter how far away we go. But when he calls for us, will be answer? Will we let it go to voicemail? Are we screening our calls from Him and only answer the calls that are easy to take?

Personal Application

I wonder sometimes if I have my "ringer" loud enough for me to hear when God calls. A lot of times I look back on important events in my life and realize that I missed another lesson God was trying to teach me but I was not listening. I feel embarrassed  that I was so selfish during that times. I want to listen voice from God more intensely.

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-06 - Genesis 6 - The Flood (part I)


Humankind corrupted the earth with evil. God decided to destroy them. He told Noah to build an ark to be saved from the flood.


Genesis 6:5 - every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time
At this point, in a relatively small amount of time, man no longer called out for God. It was just Genesis chapter 4 when men just began to call out for God and at this time

Genesis 6:13 - God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people"
God shared his plans with Noah even though they were very troubling. A deep relationship is where you share you plans and dreams (not in this case). God trusted Noah. Noah trusted God even more (as he should). That mutual trust helped save mankind and allow us to live today.

Genesis 6:22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him
After being 500 years old or so, Noah still did everything God commanded him to do. We can not imagine the pressure and persecution Noah must have gone through to build a boat in the middle of the dessert. Still he did not waiver. His complete faith was with God and trusted every word God spoke to him. We have trouble with just a small amount of faith that required to live our lives.

Personal Application

Increase my faith, Lord! I see Noah's faith to build an ark and I struggle to have faith today.The struggles I face today are not even a speck compared to Noah's troubles.  Noah had great faith because he trusted God and what he said. That is what I need to do.

2011-10-07 - Genesis 7 - The Flood (part II)


Noah and his family went into the ark with two of each creature. It rained for forty days and forty nights and the earth was covered.


Genesis 7:1 - I have found you righteous in this generation
Of all the people, God considered Noah the most righteous among his generation. God knows our thoughts [1 Chronicles 28:9] , motives, and sees our actions. What has God found us to be?

Genesis 7:16 - Then the LORD shut him in
In the end, it is God's call when things should start and end. It was God who decided what to close the ark's door and He shut the door. Same is true for either our death or judgement day. God will call the shots. Now is the time where we call the shots. To either follow him or not.

Genesis 7:20 - covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet
Assuming mount Everst (29,029 feet) existed back in these time, the flood was quite deep. Nothing could have survived that much water. Even if you limit your focus to just earth - God's power is tough to comprehend.

Genesis 7:23 - Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out
Besides Noah, his family, and the animals on the boat, every living creature was killed. Sometime thoughts enter our minds that there is some kind of gray area between good and evil where we can live our lives. On that day, there were only those inside the boat and those outside of the boat. No one lived in the middle.

Personal Application

I need to look for what I see as gray areas in my life. When I am neither hot nor cold [Revelation 3:16], I am not aware of where I am.

2011-10-08 - Genesis 8 - The Flood (part III)


The flood abated. Noah sent out a raven and two doves. When the earth was dry God called them all out of the ark. Noah built an altar.


Genesis 8:1 - But God remembered Noah
God does not forget us. No matter how much He has going on, we are in the forefront of his mind. Noah may have been felt like he was all alone in an endless sea of water but this was not the case. We may also feel this way sometimes but God is always right there with us [Joshua 1:5].

Genesis 8:20 - Then Noah built an altar to the LORD
What is the first thing Noah does when Noah gets off an ark he has been on for about a year? Build an alter for the Lord. Would we do the same thing? DO we do the same thing. When we have face a prolonged trial and it finally ends, we go out and celebrate and forget the Lord? Or do take time to truly thank him for helping us through? Like God remembered Noah, Noah also remembered the Lord.

Genesis 8:21 - never again will I destroy all living creatures
God's promised that He will never destroy all living creatures again. Many worry about this through scientific studies or other ideas come up with ways the earth will be destroyed because of what man does. Whether that is true or not is not the point but we do know that God will not be the one doing it. When God promises something it happens.

Personal Application

I seem to forget the lessons of difficult times as soon as the pain has lifted. We go through tough times so our character can mature and grow but will I have to go through the same lessons again to learn the same lessons. I want to be grateful for God's discipline (does not come naturally) and change my character accordingly. God discipline the ones he loves, I need to remember why He is doing it [Hebrews 12:6].

2011-10-09 - Genesis 9 - The Rainbow & Capital Punishment


God blessed Noah and set the rainbow as a sign that he would never flood the earth again. Noah got drunk and cursed Ham's son Canaan.


Genesis 9:3 - Everything ... will be food for you; I now give you everything
Again God shows his willingness to everything to become eatable but meat that still had lifeblood. Many of our reactions would have given up on mankind. And if we had not given up, we would not have given as much freedom so there would less possibility of disobedience to occur. But God continues to give freedom to his people.

Genesis 9:17 - sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth
Freedom is not free. There was great pain for God  [Genesis 6:6]  to see the state of man's heart and how the only solution was to destroy all living things and start over again. Today, God is still grieving over how our hearts turn from him. This time - He had to pay the ultimate sacrifice of His only Son so that he and us may have a relationship. This is the only way, How have we responded?

Personal Application

I don't grow very well in the good times. It is the times of trials and difficulty when I forced by God's discipline to change. I want to change and grow while not under all circumstances. What does it show God when I move toward him only when pushed?

2011-10-10 - Genesis 10 - Genealogies (part II)


Japheth's line lived in the coastlands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.


Genesis 10:4 - peoples spread out ... each with its own language
These family was not only in not on the same page, in the same state. They each had a completely different language. Their words were likely not written down so changed easily because there was no reference point. Having different languages is not a bad thing but it illustrates when we do not have a reference point in our lives, our standards, direction, and our feelings of the day change we do things. Like God's written word, if we do not keep refering to it, we will live as if we are standing on shifting sand [[Matthew 7:26].

Genesis 10:6 - sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
From Ham's children, came the Jews and others like the Philistines [Genesis 10:14]. I am not sure if this separation came from the times these kids were growing up but does show how much we need unity in our family. Though in verse 6, they had different languages. Unity is very important in a family and godly unity only comes from God. We can be united in mind and heart from our relationship with God. It is never to early introduce God to your family - especially children.

Personal Application

I am convicted on how fast families can be divided by Satan. How things can change and a heart is no longer are responsive in a relationship. I need to start ASAP.  I am going to make sure my children know God, his word and what it means to have an amazing relationship with Him.

2011-10-11 - Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel


They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.


Genesis 11:4 - so that we may make a name for ourselves
We all have a built-in desire to reach God and the heavens. It is all about the manner in which we do it. The people here wanted it for selfish reasons and not as misguided attempt to have a relationship with God. They wanted to make a name for themselves to show other what they could do. Why do we go to church and come to a Bible study group? Is it for show or is it because we want to know God?

Genesis 11:6 - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them
For good purposes or bad, when we come together we can do amazing things. If the united people at time could start to create a large tower to the heavens without God, what can we do as a united people with God?!?

Personal Application

I need to check my motivations on why I do things - especially the "good" things. Is it to further my relationship with God or for selfish gain or to please someone else?

2011-10-12 - Genesis 12 - The Call of Abraham


God told Abram, "Go. I will make you a great nation. You will be a blessing." In Egypt Abram lied about Sarai and Pharaoh was cursed.


Genesis 12:1 - Leave your country, your people
We take comfort when things do not change. True comfort comes from God. He directs us where we should go to ultimately have comfort in him. To told Abram to leave the country and people he know and go somewhere completely different. When we made big changes it forces us to to stop relying on the things around us and solely on Him.

Genesis 12:13 - Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well
The root of a lie always has its orgins in a selfish reason. It is Satan's native language [John 8:44]. The reasons for lying my even sound spiritual but it is sin. What "harmless" lies are you telling? Who are you telling them to? Are you believing your own lies?

Personal Application

I value comfort but it is not the same comfort that comes from God. When I look at my heart, I am slower to change then I used to be as a younger Christian. This should not be. What is stopping me from changing? Would I being willing to move again for God?

2011-10-13 - Genesis 13 - The Cowboy Conflict


Abram journeyed with his nephew Lot. Their servants argued, so Lot went to Sodom, Abram to Canaan. The LORD promised Abram the land.


Genesis 13:7 - So there were quarrels
When there are many things involved, sometimes because there are quarrels. Quarrels come from our evil desires within us [James 4:1]. It is not the amount of items but our heart toward them. In this day in age, there are many quarrel and we have many things. Right now Congress can not agree on much of anything. Are we fighting the good fight or just fighting each other?

Genesis 13:11 - Lot chose for himself the whole region of the Jordan
Lot had a choice, the better Lot wanted the "well-watered" land for himself but in the ended up with the land full of sin. When chose what is better for ourselves rather than others, we many times not get what we think we are getting. If Lot had the choice over again, he would have likely would chose to give the land to Abram but it instead cost him his life.

Personal Application

I have been very quarrelsome at work recently - there is a lot that frustrates me right now. I need to relax and count my blessings. It is not worth broken relationships or loss of life.

2011-10-14 - Genesis 14 - The Kidnapping of Lot


The kings went to war and took Lot captive. Abram rescued Lot. Melchizedek blessed Abram and Abram gave him a tenth of everything.


Genesis 14:18 - Melchizedek ... He was priest of God Most High
This is the first mention of a priest in the Bible. Melchizedek was the start of the line of priests that would stretch all the way to Jesus' time. Jesus because the high priest and the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him [Hebrews 5:9-10].

Genesis 14:23 - I will accept nothing belonging to you
Abram made the decision not to take anything from the king of Sodom while saving Lot. Instead he chose to give some of his possessions to the priest because he was so grateful that God gave him victory over the kings. He must of sensed something from the king of Sodom that was not right and did not want to be associated with him. Do we have worldly ties that we shouldn't? People around us can assume because hang around others that do wrong, we do the same things. We should live among people as Jesus did but how are we associated with them?


Personal Application

Do I have a good sense of my relationships? Do I tend to be a part of group to just belong or a higher reason? I find it much easier to take then to give and I do not think I have conviction on doing the reverse. There is no such thing as a free lunch (maybe from God because he gives freely) - are some offers of others giving really a trap? In some some situations, I should be giving instead of taking.

2011-10-15 - Genesis 15 - Abraham Believed God


The Lord promised Abram an heir and many descendants. Abram believed. He was told that they would be enslaved but would then return.


Genesis 15:6 - Abram believed the LORD ... credited it to him as righteousness
Even though Abram had no kids for a long period of time, he believed the Lord would provide. He had this prayer for a long time - many, many days he prayed. But nothing. He he came face to face with God, He told him a son was coming and his descendants would be as many as stars in the sky. Abram chose to believe and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. How long do we pray before giving up?

Genesis 15:14 - I will punish the nation they serve as slaves
At the beginning of the chapter, God said he was Abram's shield [Genesis 15:1]. Here he expands on his promise - in the future, he will punish the Egyptians for making his people to become slaves. God will protect us. The judgement of our enemies might not come on our timetable, but it will come. We need to patient and be still, the Lord will fight for you [Exodus 14:14]

Personal Application

Sometimes I believe that perseverance is my strength but as I look at my prayers for the desires of my heart, I give up way easily. "But it has not happened in 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years" - I say. Abram waited until he was 100 years for his son to be born.

2011-10-16 - Genesis 16 - Ishmael is Born


Sarai told Abram to have children with Hagar. Hagar conceived, then ran away, but an angel sent her back. Hagar's son was Ishmael.


Genesis 16:5 - You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering
At age 86 [Genesis 16:15] and 14 years too early, Abram had forgotten God's promise and was starting to make God's promise work for himself instead of waiting for God to fulfill his promise of making him a father of a great nation. Agreeing to Sarai's idea, he married Hagar and she became pregnant. This really complicated things between the three of them. The same thing happens with us. When we go about trying to do what we think God wants, things really get messed up.

Genesis 16:8 - where have you come from, and where are you going?
The angel that appeared asked about what direction Hagar was going.  Both question are necessary in evaluating our spiritual growth. Like understanding your physical location, you must first understand the past and state of mind you came from. Not knowing the starting point, you can not give directions. If you just knew where you have been and have no direction to go, you can not grow either.

Personal Application

I know I have experience times where I think I am doing what God wants but it really comes from my impatience or my selfish desires to see things happens the way I want them and when I want them. I need to just be patient and ask "is this the Lord will?".

2011-10-17 - Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham


God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.


Genesis 17:9 - As for you, you must keep my covenant
First, God came to Abram and Abram fell facedown. God told him what His part of the covenant - the promises that Abram would be a father of many nations. But there are two sides to covenant - we have commitment too. Sometimes we just love to look at God's promises but ignore our side of the covenant. God freely gives and will always out give us but we must do our part as well. What parts of our relationship with God are one sided?

Genesis 17:17 - Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?
Sometimes what He says to us are hard to believe or understand. But His ways are much higher than our ways [Isaiah 55:9]. Despite our understanding at the time, we need to trust what God says. What promises of promise of God are we not trusting? Why?

Personal Application

I know I can one-sided and stubborn in my thoughts and sometimes in my relationships. When I get my mind set to do something, that is the way it is. This can be a strength in some situations but a very big weakness if I am contrary to God's thinking. I need to be humble and allow God to change my thoughts and my ways.

2011-10-18 - Genesis 18 - Abraham prays for Sodom


Three visitors came and said that Sarah would have a son next year. Sodom was very evil; Abraham pleaded with the LORD for the city.


Genesis 18:14 - Is anything too hard for the LORD?
This is a good question to ask ourselves in times where we doubt God in anyway. Sarai doubted that she would become pregnant because of how old she was. Mary may have been thinking of this scripture when the angel came to her saying she would become pregnant as a virgin - her reaction was much more faithful. Bog came do much more than we can ask or imagine [Ephesians 3:20].

Genesis 18:32 - For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it
God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth [1 Timothy 2:4]. It is the reason God will waiting out all the evil and sin that is in the world. He is looking and searching out those who will changing their ways and love him back. Who around us is looking for God?

Personal Application

I doubt God way too much (once is too much )and I do probably everyday - I am doing it right now. God is god, he can do anything. Yes, even that. I have got to stop making God smaller in my mind. Every time that I think I have an understanding how big and strong he is - God is beyond that. He greater than I can imagine.

2011-10-19 - Genesis 19 - Sodom is destroyed


Angels took Lot out of Sodom. The city was destroyed by fire and Lot's wife was turned to salt. His daughters had children for him.


Genesis 19:14 - But his sons-in-law thought he was joking
What fatal mistake?!? When Lot urged his son-in-law to leave the city, they did not take him seriously. Lot was urgent, they were laid back. It cost them their lives. There are times to joke around but not in life and death situations. What are we not taking serious that we should? What are the cost(s) if we don't start taking these things seriously?

Genesis 19:22 - I cannot do anything until you reach it
God is love and love is patiently waiting on us to change. There is a time for judgement but God is holding on us to turn to him. Here God was holding back just long enough for Lot to leave the area before destroying it. One of the many ways God relates this idea to us is in the parable of the weeds. He explains that we grow among weeds and he tolerates the weeds only because of the harvest. Once the harvest comes, the wheat is harvested and the weeds are thrown into a fiery furnace [Matthew 13:42].

Personal Application

By nature, I am a jokester. I have love to laugh - there is a time for everything. I need to learn how to take the important things seriously. When I hear a call from God to repent, not sure my immediate reaction is to change. I make excuses about doing things in the near future or lie to myself that I am doing OK. The costs are too great not to hear and obey the call.

2011-11-10 - Mind Change - Trouble
Trouble is often the ground where God cultivates some of his best crops.

No trouble is bigger than God.
No trouble is stronger than God.
No trouble overwhelms God.

Genesis 50:20 - God trouble helps save lives
Galatians 4:13 - Because of an illness that Paul preached to the Galatians
Philippians 1:12-14 - Christians were encouraged by Paul's chains

2011-12-22 - Day 19 - Powerful Prayers
1 Chronicles 17:15-22
  1. What was David feeling as he prayed to God? Why?
  2. How has the Lord treated you with undeserved honor and blessings?
  3. How did God bless Israel?
  4. How has he done even greater things for his people today?
  5. What attitude toward God does this prayer express?
Genesis 24:10-27
  1. Why do you think the Lord answers this prayer so quickly?
  2. The servant's prayer was simple, but he had great faith. How can you tell?
  3. What was the servant's first response to the answered prayer?
  4. Are you remembering to thank God for every answered prayer?
James 5:15-18
  1. What makes prayer powerful and effective?
  2. Do you pray eagerly and earnestly?
  3. Do you pray with great faith? Have you been righteous this week?
Application: Make your prayer very special today. Pray with faith and gratitude!

2012-01-13 - Genesis 20 - Abraham lies about Serah at Gerar


In Gerar Abraham said, "Sarah is my sister." King Abimelech took her but God warned him in a dream. He restored Sarah to Abraham.


Genesis 20:3 - You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken
God's anger was revealed here once again. King Abimelech had no idea that he was sinning. However, just because we are not aware does not mean were without sin.  In fact, we may have sinned serveral time already today without knowing or being aware. We need just Jesus so much. Wheather it is for the strength to be righteous or the forgiveness of a mulitude of sins.

Genesis 20:6 - I know that you have done this with a clear conscience
God considers our lives and our hearts when he judges. Our hearts are central to our connection with God. King Abimelech had no intention to take a married woman to be his wife, he did it with a clear conscience. God provided a way out way out for him as he does for all those who are tempted. [1 Corinthians 10:13].

Personal Application

I usually don't have an issue with knowing right from wrong. It is usually that I am not aware of what I am doing. I am either not paying attention or not focused. I need to watch my life closely so I will be righteous in God's eyes and so others can be saved because of it [1 Timothy 4:16].

2012-08-02 - Genesis 21 - The Birth of Isaac


As promised, Sarah had a son: Isaac. She had Hagar and Ishmael sent away but God preserved them. Abraham and Abimelech made a treaty.


Genesis 21:1 - The LORD visited Sarah just as he had said he would and did for Sarah what he had promised
God's fulfillment of his promises does not depend on us. God alone is faithful in what he says he will do. Neither should our vows change the on what others do or how our situation changes. Wheather that be our decision to become a Christian, our marriage, or commitment to the church or our kids. Jesus loved people to the core despite how others treated him.

Genesis 21:22 - God is with you in all that you do
God is all around us. His works and the evidence that he exists can not be denied. Which leads to the question: he is all around us but also with us?  God is watching us and he is with those who love him. [Romans 8:28]

Personal Application

I need to unmoved by the changing seas around me. I go all over the place on where I stand on giving to others without resolve. Need to be consistent as I faithfully follow the Lord.

2012-08-03 - Genesis 22 - The Offering of Isaac


God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.


Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering
God calls us to sacrifice to a high degree. We need to trust in God when we are called to sacrifice. Abram was called to the give up one of the most important persons in his life. At what point do we stop sacrificing? When we feel we are about to leave our comfort zone? When the price is too high?

Genesis 22:5 - and then we will come back to you
He did not know how or in what way but Abram had faith God would not forget about His promise to Abram. Would his son come back to life? Would God give him a new son? What whatever was to happen, Abram believed he would not be coming back alone when he said "we will come back".

Genesis 22:12 - I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
God present us with tests in our life to see where our heart is at. These test also tell us where our own heart is at if we pay attention. There was no cost Abram was not willing to pay to seek out the Lord which show he had the right perceptive of God's power.  Our sacrifice level shows our love for God.

Personal Application

I know for me I give until it starts to physically hurt, brings up bad memories, or I don't see the need to. It does not depend on me; I need to sacrifice in relation to the need. As I grow close to go God I will see God's heart in this.

2012-10-12 - Prayer of the Righeous - Arms Wide Open (part II)
The lost son took his first steps home and was ready to apologize

Father perhaps had been scanning the horizon day after day - Luke 15:20
Until one day his dream came true
The celebration spared no expense - Luke 15:22-24
He welcomes sinners who do not deserve it - it is how he feels about us

Jesus literally opened wide his arms for us on the cross
He opens his arms for us all day long - Romans 10:21
Peter, at Pentecost, pleaded with the people to be saved on God's behalf - Acts 2:40
God's heart cares deeply for us
His heart was filled with pain during the time of Noah - Genesis 6:6
His heart is in that same way now - Luke 17:26

2013-03-22 - Prayer of the Righeous - Intimate Prayer

WHo is he who will devote himself to be close to me? - Jeremiah 30:21

God looks for people who will devote themselves to being close to him
Some of the greatest men of the Bible were described as God's friends

  • Enoch - walked with God for 300 years before took him away - Genesis 5:22-24
  • Noah walked with God - Genesis 6:9
  • Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks with his friend - Exodus 33:11
  • Abramham was God's friend - James 2:23
  • Daniel was God's friend from the first time he prayed - Daniel 10:12
  • Solomon prayed that his words would near to God day and night - 1 Kings 8:59
    • And God answered him - 1 Kings 9:3

Nehemiah had an intimate friendship with God:

  • Referred to God's convenant of love - Nehemiah 1:5
  • He pleaed for God to hear him - Nehemiah 1:6
  • Had personal confession of sin - Nehemiah 1:6-7
  • He reminded God of his great deeds - Nehemiah 1:8-10
  • He appealed to God - Nehemiah 1:11

2013-09-12 - A Man Embraces Responsibility

Men are happiest and at their best when they are responsible

We must resolve to fully embrace all of our responsibilities before God

Responsibility = you are being entrusted and empowered by a higher authority to care for something or someone

The first thing God did after creating Adam, was to give him responsibilities. He placed him in the garden “to cultivate it and keep it” - Genesis 2:15

Sin makes men tend to resist responsibility, but embracing it is part of our manhood

It is a relatively modern invention that establishes teen years as a moratorium on responsibility and prolongs childhood indefinitely.

When a young man is passive and irresponsible, he greatly limits his freedoms, opportunities, and successes.

Responsibility calls us to action and tests us. It reveals our character.

The more maturity a man has, the more responsibility God can trust him with.

Embrace responsibility! Love it. Live it. Teach it to your children.

If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward” - Luke 12:42-43

2013-09-14 - A Man Functions Independently

A man of responsibility is also a man who can live independantly
“A man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife” - Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5

We are not be alone in life, and though we need one another in the body of Christ,
A grown man should not need his parents or others taking care of him.
He should be a fountain, not a drain.

if she is constantly nagging you, then you should learn to outpace her concerns.

“I’ve already taken care of that” should be often flowing from your lips.

We should be more like a thermostat, affecting circumstances, rather than like a thermometer.


2014-05-15 - Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah


Sarah died in Kiriath-arba and Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave at full price from Ephron and buried Sarah there.


Genesis 23:6 - Listen, my lord, you are an honored prince
Abraham's reputation was above reproach. Those who invest their time and money in serving God often earn a good return on their investment - a good reputation and the respect of others. He was in front of the elders of the land to witness this as a legit transaction (v16). No one could say Abraham stole and cheated someone in this first recorded real estate transaction. He simply waited on God to fulfill his promise in his own timing. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Abraham did not have a battle plan on how He would take the land. [Matthew 26:52]

Genesis 23:15 - Land is worth 400 pieces of silver, but what is that between friends?
Abraham paid the initial price even after refusing the land as a gift time and time again. He was not trying to take anything he didn’t deserve. Even though God had promised the land to Abraham, he was did come with a attitude that he owned the place. Instead, he waited for God's timing and will to fulfill his promise. Like David, he did not want to take what was someone else's and give it the Lord. [1 Chronicles 21:24]


What kind of reputation do I have at work, at home, and at church? What do others say about me? How has that helped or hindered me?

Do I become impatient in waiting for God's promises? Do I try to fulfill God's promises for him?

Do we avoid giving when it really costs us something?


Lord, help me to have the faith to wait on your promises and to always be ambassador of yours no matter where I am.

2014-05-30 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part I)


Abraham's servant went to Nahor to find a wife for Isaac.


Genesis 24:1 - The Lord blessed him every way
God blessed Abraham, as he promised [Genesis 12:2], more than he could have asked or imagined [Ephesians 3:20] because of his belief that He would be faithful in his promises. In the investment world, it is about making a return on managed risk. Sometimes in Wall Street you can yield a good return with analysis. Other times, no matter what, you can lose large amounts of captial.  But with God, you can bank on his promises through faithfulness. There is no guessing and changing out mind, we just need to be faithful.

Genesis 24:4 - Go instead to my homeland
His son was nearing 40 years old and Abraham was old himself. He was looked to pass the torch on the next generation. Abraham again was faced with the challege of age-related life changes [Genesis 21:2]. The easy way to find Isaac a spouse would be to just look around the local area. The rational here might be "well, they do not follow God now but we can convert them later". This idea rarely works out and can cause much harm spiritually. Abraham chose again to be faithfully and to take the path less traveled. That path for his servant was 450 miles away to Nahor.

Genesis 24:8 - But under no circumstances are you to take my son there
Abraham nor his son were going to leave Cannon. There must have been some faithful prayer involved to find a way out of this situation [1 Corinthians 10:13]. How was Abraham going to find a wife for his son in a different land without standing in the way of God's promise? For both of them to go would have been an express of their lack of faith in God's promise. Also, if Isaac went a alone, he may have not returned. If Abrham went a alone, Isaac may have found a wife among the Canaanites while he was gone. The solution was a highly improbable plan (without God) for Abraham was to send his servant to find his wife. This way would be at a high cost to old man Abraham because of amount of work extra work he would need to do to cover while the servant was gone.


I am convicted by the way Abraham chose to approach challenging situations. He did not chose the easy way or the first way that sounded right. He chose to be faithful and had a conviction to allow God's promises to fulfilled in his life. I did not mediate and pray through the challenges set before very often. Many times I just say or do the first things that comes to my mind. Those are often thoughts of the easy way or only way to go about things. I need to think about the bigger picture when making  decisions.


Praying for heart of disernment and faithfulness in life's challenging situations.

2014-05-31 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part II)


Eliezer met Rebekah by the well exactly as he had prayed.


Genesis 24:12 - Please give me success today
So much of our success or failure can depend on our willingness to pray. Eliezer [Genesis 15:2] learned to pray to the "God of my master" and to have a dependant faith via Abraham. What are the people around learning from our prayer life and faith? Do we ask God for guidance before our important and not so important ventures?

Genesis 24:14 - This is how I will know; "I will water your camels too"
Abraham's servant prayed in great detail for Issac's wife to show herself. Hospitality standards of the time was to offer a drink to weary travelers but not to the animals. He did not ask for a certain number of ear rings and braclets (beauty) as a sign of Isaac's future wife but rather for woman great inner beauty. For Rebekah, this second mile offer to provide water for the ten camels, would be no easy feat. A camel can drink up to 30 gallons at a time. After just finishing the journey of 450 miles and two weeks, the camels probably drank pretty close to that amount. How many trips to the well would that have been for Rebekah? 10 camels x 30 gallons = 300 gallons;  1 gallon = 8.2 lbs; Maybe she could carry 40 lbs; 40lb / 8 = 5 gallons per trip; 300 gallons / 5 gallons per trip is about 60 trips.

Genesis 24:15 - Before he finished praying
God knows what we need, we just need to ask for it. Eliezer received an exact and immediate answer. He was left to watch in silience [Genesis 24:21] (possibly shocked) as God answered his prayer exacly as he prayed. When we pray according to His will, he will answer and bless us beyond what we have imagined. Rebekah not only provided water for his animals but she did with kindness and with servant heart. Not only did she provide some water for the camels but enough water until they were finish.  God also answered by blessing the servant with other attributes of Isssc soon-to-wife. The Bible also describes her a very beautiful phyiscally, old enough to marry, and a virgin.


I do not have the dependant prayer I need to have. I have many failures because I depend on myself and do not ask God.

2014-07-08 - Why did God create the world?

God enjoys making things and wants to be with us, to love us, and for us to love him. He created the world for us to live in and enjoy.

Psalms 19:1 - The skies display his craftsmanship
Genesis 1:1 - God created the heavens and the earth

2014-12-11 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part III)


Rebebekah went back with Eliezer and she married Isaac.


Genesis 24:49 - Tell me yes or no, then I know what to do next
After sharing his faith in verses 34 to 48 about how God blessed his faithfulness, Abramham's servers did not want to waste any time - he wanted a straight answer on which direction they would choose. Sometimes it is difficult to get a straight answer but he did not want them to waiver in this very important decision. Sometimes we guard our hearts to share because we do not want to sound "too religous" but Eliezer just shared his heart and was not concerned about their opinons.

Genesis 24:50 - The Lord has obviously brought you here, there is nothing we can say
There is no reason to fight the Lord. When they saw what had happen before them, they were conveicted that the Lord was speaking to them that day. Eliezer was full of faith and excitement for what the Lord had done and he could not help but to share it with them that day.


The God should be obvious in our lives. Do people see God in us and if so is it obvious or is there doubt in their mind? In order for me to reach out to others, my life needs to show Jesus. When I speak and invite others to church/Bible study does it come as a surpise or an invitation or extention of what I am already doing?


Pray to be real with people and to share my faith without reservation. 

2015-01-07 - Genesis 24 - Eliezer: Profile of a True Servant

Eliezer approached a responsibility with single-mindedness and careful planning with a dependance on God.

  • Genesis 24:3 - Listened to the challenge
  • Genesis 24:5 - Examined alternatives
  • Genesis 24:9 - Promised to follow instructions
  • Genesis 24:12 - Sumitted his plan to God
  • Genesis 24:14 - Devised a plan with room for God to work
  • Genesis 24:21 - He waited and watched closely
  • Genesis 24:26 - Thanked God for the answer
  • Genesis 24:34 - Shared his faith by how God answered his prayer
  • Genesis 24:56 - Resfused unnecessary delay
  • Genesis 24:66 - Followed through with the entire plan

2015-01-08 - Genesis 25 - Death of Abraham (part I)


Abraham died and was buried with Sarah


Genesis 25:7 - lived a long and satisfying life
Don't we all want a long and satistying life? We all seek it but do not always find it. Because we are not searching for it correct place. We need seek God with all of our heart and we will find everything we need and some of what we want. In the end and after it is all finished, we want to hear great jobmy faithful servant [Matthew 25:23]

Genesis 25:18 - There they lived in open hostility toward all their relatives
Mentioned only for brief time, but the scripture says so much. Just because we are family, does not mean we just get along. Relationships - no matter who they are require work, patience, and understanding. There could be open hostility in our family but more likely hidden anger, hate, or bitterness toward one another. Just because others are family, it does not mean we should be an less kind

2015-02-02 - Stability

You were first and rank and power but you are as unruly as a flood - Genesis 49:3-4

Reben did some good things but made some terriable mistakes

GOOD - Spoke up for his brother Joesph which lead to saving his life - Genesis 37:21-22
GOOD - Risked everything to save his family - Genesis 42:37
BAD - He slept with one of Jacob's concubines
BAD - Lived life unruly as a flood

As the first born, Reuben should have received special privileges and promises but Jacob said he was first no longer

Reuben's life serves as both as a encouragement and warning about how importance of consistency for us and our family

Would you call yourself a stable man or unruly like a flood?

2015-02-08 - Follow Instructions

Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him - Genesis 6:22

Good things come to men who fully and complete follow instructions

Noah followed God's instructions to the letter, leaving nothing undone

If Noah had missed just one of God's instructions while building the Ark, we would not be here today.

Noah obeyed because he was a righteous man and he was a righteous man because of his obedience

When you follow God's instructions in every day life, you position yourslef to receive good things from Him.

Think of an area in your life that God has given you some pretty clrear instruction. Can God say you "did everything exacly as God had commanded"?

2015-02-12 - Love Means Giving

His love for Rachel was so strong that 7 years seemed to him but I few days - Genesis 29:20

True love has the power to transform burdens into almost nothing

Jacob fell so deeply in love with Rachel that he would do anything to have her hand in marriage but he had nothing but time

That is what real love does

When a man genuinely loves his wife, his children, and his God - things become occasions of true joy because they benefit the one he loves

How would you describe your love for God?

2015-03-01 - Heart of Worship

Abram built an alter there and dedicated it to the Lord - Genesis 12:7

Ever thought about the power available through praise and worship of the heavenly Father?

God inhabits the praise of his people - Psalm 22:3

Praise and worship are avenues through which we enjoy fellowship with God

Abraham was a rich man who obeyed God's call to leave his home and travel to an unknown land

Whenever he settled, Abraham always took time to build an alter and worship God

Through the Holy Spirit, are you making praise and worship a key component of your daily life?

2015-03-20 - Pragmatism

Abram and King Bera

I will not take a single thread otherwise you might say "I am the one who made Abram rich" - Genesis 14:22

Abram found himself in an uneasy alliance with King Bera (means "wicked") of Sodom

King Bera's adversaries routed his forces and captured Lot

Abram gathered some men and defeated Bera's ememies and resuced Lot

King said to "Let me have my people and you can keep the spoils" but Abram refused - Genesis 14:21

He did not want Bera or anyone else believing that anyone but God made him rich

2015-03-21 - Heart in the Right Place

The LORD accepted Abel and his gift - Genesis 4:4

What did Gid find so accepable about Abel's sacrifice?

Abel had a grasp of the faith that pleased God

He understood that any right standing he enjoyed before the Lord came from his abiding faith in a God who rewares that who trust him

Anything that you do for God becomes an acceptable offering when you do it with a heart full of faith

Had Cain presented his offereing with the same heart of faith, God would gladly have accepted his sacrifice

2015-04-02 - In Control

Joseph: So it was God who sent me here, not you! - Genesis 45:8

Joseph's hear and mind had made peace with his treacherous brothers

He firmly believed that the God who remains in control of all things had sent him to Egypt

When one of your kids defies everything you save or your job moves in a different direction, how do you react?

Do negative emotions to rule the day or take refuge in God who is in control?

God has an amazing way of using even the worst circumstances for your good

Like you, Joseph did know the events ahead of him, he had to move forward by faith

2015-04-28 - Created for a Purpose

God created human beings in his own image - Genesis 1:27

Nothing defines and motivates a man like a sense of purpose and reason for being

Adam never questioned his purpose in life - The Lord put him on earth to enjoy fellowship with God 

Adam belonged to God and God belonged to Adam

He alone could intentionally respond to God in obedience and love and relate to the Father

Adam's sin threw all creation in choas

Jesus, the second Adam, came to give us the opportunity to enjoy the fellowship Adam had orginally enjoyed with God - 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

Do you ever wonder why God created you and put you where you are?

2015-05-05 - Unshakable Foundation

The Lord counted him as righeous because of his faith - Genesis 15:6

Faith is the foundation of everything you want to do

Abraham habitually took God at his word and believed that He would do just what He promised

God made him the father of many great nations

God made Abraham some big promises:

  • Abraham had no way of knowing how He would keep them
  • He remained focused on God's nature rather than how He would bring things about
  • Abraham simply believed God would always do what He promised


2015-05-18 - Wisdom to Listen

Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God - Genesis 41:38

One of a man's most important traits is his willingness to listen

The Pharaoh that lived during Joseph's lifetime had the humility to listen and thus saved countless lives

Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who was in prision at the time, and asked him what his dreams meant

Pharaoh listened to Joseph and appointed him to administer to the food program through the coming drough

Have you learned to listen?

God places people in your life with the purpose of giving you wisdom and direction

2015-06-08 - Letting Go

God intended it all for good so I could save the lives of many people - Genesis 50:19-20

Even after his brothers sold him into slavery, Joesph thrived in every situation because God oversaw everything that happened to him

God used Joseph's circumstances for His own purpose:

  1. For Joseph's good - not getting killed
  2. For saving his brothers and father
  3. For saving the Egyptians

God cause everything to work together for the good of those who love God - Romans 8:28

Have negative emotions or bound by an unfair past?

When you understand God cause use everything that happens to you for his purpose, those things begin to lose their grip on you

2015-06-09 - Walking with God

One day he disappeared because God took him - Genesis 5:24

Enoch walked with God and simply disappeared but before he was taken up he was known as a person who pleased God - Hebrews 11:5

He pleased God because Enoch walked with him daily:

  • Relied on him
  • Enjoyed his companionship
  • Obeyed his commands
  • Put God in the center of everything he said and did


2015-06-19 - Courage to Reconcile

If I have found favor with you, please accept this gift from me - Genesis 33:10-11

We struggle to reconcile with someone who hurt us:

  • Fear of rejection
  • Pride
  • Other emotional issues

For many years Jacob struggled to see his brother, Esau, again

He knew Esua would be angry with him for taking his birthright away

Esau ran to Jacob and embraced him and forgave him

Their brotherhood enabled them to reunite peacefully and lovingly in the end

IS there an estranged friend or family member with whom you need to seek reconciliation?

2015-07-01 - Passionate Intercession

Surely you wouldn't do such a thing, destroying the righteous along with the wicked - Genesis 18:25

Abraham's heart sank when God announced he would destroy Sodom:

  • Lot and his family lived there
  • Possiblity have friends there

He couldn't just stand there without trying to intercede on their behalf

Abramham trusted God's assessment of Sodom and he to be just and righteous

God said he would not destory the city if there were 50, 30, 20, 10 righteous left - Genesis 18:32

Are you a man of persistent, passionate prayer?

2015-07-28 - Significant

Melchizedek blessed Abram - Genesis 14:19

Most men want to feel significant; their lives to matter to God

Melchizedek appeared with Abram as almost a footnote in Genesis and then disappeared

Then out of nowhere, God announces Messiah will be "a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" - Pslam 110:4

After serveral more centuries, Melchizedek minstry is liken to that of Jesus Christ - Hebrews 5

Although Melchizedek is only mentioned four times in the Old Testament, God had a plan to give him enternal significance


2015-08-15 - Temptation

Come and sleep with - she demanded. But Joseph refused - Genesis 39:7-8

Sometimes God calls us to stand up to temptation and fight like a man but other times he instructs us to run away

God calls us to avoid sexual temptation and to run from it

Joesph was likely attracted to the wife of his master Potiphar and she really wanted Joseph

He refused to betray his master and he had two options: resist the seduction or flee

Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts - 2 Timothy 2:22

2015-08-18 - Receiving God's Promises

Issac's wife was unable to have children and the Lord answered his prayer with twins - Genesis 25:21

In those days, a married couple without children for a long period of time was considered to have shameful lot

Would he give up? Would he father a child with another woman? Would a child come when they were old?

His heart was set on something and he got on his knees and prayed

God delivered not only once but twice

It took 20 years but Issac recived God's blessing in God's way

2015-09-08 - Conflict Resolution

Let's not allow this conflict to come between us - Genesis 13:8

The ability to resolve conflict is an important people skill for any man to have

A conflict arose when Abram's and Lot's herdsmen began to argue among themselves

Abram took the first step by recongnizing the problem and talking to Lot about it

The second step was to offer Lot the choice of whatever portion of land he wanted

Abram gave Lot the first choice of land because he was more concerned with maintaining a good relationship than his wealth

Abram knew God would continue to bless him no matter where he settled

2015-09-14 - Maintain Your Guard

He became drunk and lay naked inside his tent - Genesis 9:21

Noah, despite being the only righteous man, failed to keep his guard up - Genesis 6:9

After a glass of wine or so became drunk and passed out in his tent

Ham saw him naked and commited some unexplained sin - Genesis 9:22

Noah pronouned a curse on Ham's son that had repercussions for thousands of years

Noah let his guard down for only a moment but his sin led to dire consequences for his family


2015-09-17 - What Say You?

The Lord has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master for he has led me straight to my master's relatives - Genesis 24:27

Gratitude should flow naturally from the Creator-creature relationship

He wants you to bring your needs and desires to him in prayer so he might meet them and then thank him for answering

Eliezer went to God and asked very specifiically and directly a sign for show him the woman for Issac

When God gave Eliezer exactly what he asked for and remembered to turn to him immediately to praise and thank him

2015-10-01 - You'll See

Leave your native country and go to the land I will show you - Genesis 12:1

God didn't give Abram a lot of details - Leave your lifelong home for the land I will show you

He promised Abram to be a father of a great nation and the entire earth would be blessed through him - Genesis 12:2-3

There had to have been questions:

  • Where exactly is this place?
  • What will we do once we get there?
  • Where would this nation come from with a baren wife?

Abram went without questioning God or asking for signs

He believed God enough to step out in obedience and helped bring the salvation we enjoy into the world


2015-10-20 - Dependability

He swore to follow Abraham's instructions - Genesis 24:9

Most of us have hard time finding the right girl for ourselves much less the finding someone for someelse far away

Eliezer accepted his assignment and wisely enlisted the help of the Lord - Genesis 24:10

He had barely finished his prayer when alsong came Rebekah, the future Mrs. Isaac.

What is your first repsonse when accepting a hugh task?

2015-10-21 - Grappling with God

I will not let you go unless you bless me - Genesis 32:26

When did you last wrestle with God?

For most men, the idea of wrestling with God seems a little out there

God could have ended the struggle with a single word

He dislocated Jacob's hip with a single touch

God allowed the wrestling match to go on for one reason: He wanted something from Jacob and for Jacob

When you wrestle with God over the important issues of your life, he has you right where he wants you

Wrestling is when you are most ready to receive a blessing

Are you willing to struggle persistently for answers and blessing from God?

2015-11-25 - Hospitality

Come and stay with us... I have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels - Genesis 24:31

Hospitality is a lifestyle that God commands his people to adopt

When God's people are in need, be ready to help them - Romans 12:13

Laban, brother-in-law of Isaac, understood the blessing of practicing hositality because he had recieved it himself

Eliezer traveled to find a wife for Abraham's son, Issac, Laban welcomed him into his home and card for his camels

Being hospitable to Abraham's servant held a blessing - Rebekah, Laban's sister, would become Isaac's wife and would be in the lineage of Jesus Christ

2015-11-26 - Ends Jusify Means?

It's Esau, your firstborn son - Genesis 27:19

Jacob tried to accomplish something that God already said was his will

It went terribly wrong when he schemed and lied to make that goal a reality

He received his father's blessing but only after lying to him at least 4 times

Jacob and Rebekah decieved his father through sinful means what God had wanted to do through righteous means

They would face many consequences for his sin including Laban's deception before giving him Rachel as Jacob's wife - Genesis 29

2015-12-03 - Faithfulness

The Lord was with Joseph in the prison - Genesis 39:21

Joseph lived an upright life but endured more than his share of injustice at a young age

Through everything Joseph continued to serve GOd and those in authority over him

Joseph conduced himself in a way to earn himself respect and administration of everyone who knew him

How did he maintain a faithful heart when at times it must have seemed God had abandoned him? The Lord was with Joseph

Since Joseph knew God was with him, he prospered in every situation he faced including false imprisionment

Joseph remained steadfast in his commitment to God and He would reveal his hand in due time

2015-12-21 - Show Repect

They looked the other way so they would not see him naked - Genesis 9:23

Certain offices command respect:

  • Government
  • Police
  • Parents
  • Spouce
  • Boss
  • Church Leaders

Noah's two eldest sons respected their father positon even when he drank too much wine and passed out

Their brother, Ham, on the other hand sinned aginst Noah and God by staring at his father - Genesis 9:22

Shem and Japheth went out of their way to cover their father - walking backward into the tent and covering him

They did everything to protect their father's honor and enjoyed a blessing which their brother was excluded from

2016-01-29 - Genesis 25 - Esau and Jacob (part II)


Isaac and Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a meal.


Genesis 25:22 - the two children struggled with each other in the womb
Sibiling rivaly starts early - even before they born in this case. Our thoughts and personalities are formed before we leave the womb. Sure, we can learn and further be formed afterwards but in some sense their parents did not help smooth the relationship. Their parents practiced favoritsm: Issac's love for Esau was conditional based off performance and Rebekah's love for Jacob was consistant and uncondtional [Genesis 25:28].

Genesis 25:32 - I'm dying of starvation... what good is my birthright to me now?
Short term pleasure can lead to long term consequences and lose of sight of the future. Was Esau really going to die of starvation? It does not seem so from his actions after he ate as he just got up and left quickly [Genesis 25:34]. Esau resorted to exaggeration to prove his point. The issue was nothing else mattered at the time except for food and Esau lost perpective of what was most important. Jacob, ironically, was the hunter in this case by patiently laying a trap for his brother's arrival. 


Getting through the short-term pressure-filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming tempation. I need to have God's long term perpective when confronted with a short sided want.


Praying for God's strength in my weaknesses

2016-10-04 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part I)


In Gerar, Isaac lied about Rebekah being his wife. 


Genesis 26:5 - Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions

  • Abraham had not received the law yet
  • He was described as one who kept the law by living by faith and obedience
  • A man who lived by faith could be described as one who kept the law

Genesis 26:9 - I was afraid someone would kill me to get her from me

  • The son repeated his father's lie's [Genesis 20:2]
  • Faith in God's promises causes fearless work with Him
  • This time it was not God but Abimekech who protected and commad that the woman not to be touched
  • The Philistine king emerged as the righteous one
  • God continued to be faithful with Issac for the sake of future generations
  • If Isaac's marriage had ended here, there would have been no Israelites


The first step toward helping children live righteously is for the parent to live rightly. What kind of example I am setting for my children?


Please help me to see what I am projecting onto my children by the life I am living

2016-11-06 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part II)


Isaac dug wells, and at Beersheba the LORD blessed him.


Genesis 26:14 - Harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him

Genesis 26:22 - Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it

  • When Abraham prospered, there became a conflict between his shepherds and Lot [Genesis 13:5-7]
  • Philistines grew jealous because everything that Issac did seemed to go right
  • Jealousy is a dividing force strong enough to tear the mightiest nations

Genesis 26:28 - We can plainly see that the Lord is with you

  • Thanking God for their blessings is a great way to overcome this
  • Before striking out in anger, consider what you may lose - a friend, a job, etc (foolish pride)
  • We should be receptive to those who want to make peace with us
  • When God influences our lives, our lives attracts people, even enemies
  • We must take the opportunity to reach out to them with God's love


When we see God's blessings, it is an opportunity to share with others with what God has given to us


Please help me to see my many blessings and share with others freely

2016-11-16 - Genesis 27 - Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing


Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing. Esau vowed revenge so Rebekah told Jacob to go to her brother Laban.


Genesis 27:12 - What if my father touches me... he'll curse me instead of bless me

  • How we react to a moral dilemma often expresses our real motives
  • Jacob was more concerned about being caught than doing what was right
  • Jacob's questioning gave Rebecca an opportunity to reconsider but she was too wrapped in her plan instead of God's plan
  • Correcting yourself in the middle of doing wrong may hurt but it will also bring freedom from sin's control

Genesis 27:20-24 - How did you find it so quickly?... Come closer so I can touch you and make sure that you are really Esau... But are you really my son Esau?

  • Issac voiced suspicion three times
    • Logical - The timing of his return answer
    • Touch - Feeling his arms for confirmation
    • Vocal - Ask him directly
  • Although Jacob got the blessing he wanted, he paid dearly
    • Never saw his mother again
    • His brother wanted to kill him
    • He was deceived by his uncle
    • His family became torn of strife
    • Esua became the founder of an enemy nation
    • He was exciled from his family for many years
  • Jacob's blessing was part of God's plan all along but he did it his own way [Genesis 25:23]


How am I implementing God plan via his promises? My own way or in God's timing?


Lord, I want to be obedient and hunble to your plan and in your own way and your own timing.

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