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Searching for "glory" in the Quiet Time Archive
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2013-03-06 - Prayer of the Righeous - More Powerful Than We Can Imagine (part II)

Two different responses to God's power:

1. Moses doubted God's power to feed the 600,000 men
God asked His arm was too short - Numbers 11:21-23

2. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego faced the furnace
The were convicenced God would save them from it - Daniel 3:17-18
They saw Jesus' glory and he spoke about him - John 12:41

John the Baptist described God's power and man's insignifiance - Matthew 3:3

  • We are like grass that withers before the eternal God - Isaiah 40:7-8
  • We are a mist - James 4:14
  • The nations are drop in the bucket - Isaiah 40:14

Imagine trying to asking a clerk compensate for dust when weighing an item for purchase - it would be absurd

How do you current view God?

2015-02-03 - Suffering with Benefits

Take pleasure in my weakness; when I am weak, I am strong - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Paul did much of his writting in prison and enduring arrests, beatings, threats against his life because of Jesus

People who take pleasure in suffering are usually the ones who need mental help.

Paul knew his suffering wouldn't last forever and that God had something better

He remembered his suffering would last a moment, while the glory to come would last forever

Suffering can:

  • build endurance
  • mature your faith
  • remind you of your own weakness
  • bring you to the point of complete dependance of him


2015-05-11 - Shining Lamp

Full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God - Acts 7:55

Nothing prompts change likea man's courage in the face of potential personal loss. Stephen had that kind of courage.

Religous leaders hoped persecuting Christians would put a stop to this new religious movement, exactly the opposite happened

Stephen willingly died for what he believed in and he contributed greatly to the spread of the gospel message

At the scene of Stephen's murder stood a young Pharisee named Saul - the same Saul God miraculously converted

Stephen's courage and faith in the face of death apparently made a lasting impression

Pauls bold preaching would change the world forever - Acts 22:19-20

Lamps do not talk, but they do shine. Is your lamp shining today?

2015-08-07 - Bonds of Friendship

My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death - Mark 14:33-34

Jesus had 12 disciples but among them he had 3 who he called friends and had a special bond with Jesus - Peter, James, and John

The trio only was present at:

  • Transfiguration when Jesus revealed his glory - Matthew 17
  • When Jesus raised the daughter of a synagigue leader from the dead - Mark 5
  • Gethsemane when Jesus faced his night of anguish and pain - Mark 14

It later had a far reaching effect:

  • Peter founded and led the churchin Jerusalem
  • John wrote a gospel and four other book of the Bible

Peter, James, and John enjoyed a special relationship with Jesus and it helped make the biggest impact for Christ in the world

2015-09-21 - Ready to Follow

Miraculous signs at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory - John 2:11

One day at a wedding party, Jesus performed his very first miracle when he changed water into wine

In those days, running out of wine at a wedding was a major social faux pas

Mary asked Jesus to fix the problem - servants filled six stone pots with water and wine began to one again - the best they ever tasted

Headwaiter: why save the best wine for last?

They never saw Jesus the same way again

2015-10-12 - Coming Atteactions

Peter, no even knowing what he was saying - Luke 9:33

Peter, James, and John once saw a spectacular preview of a coming attraction and it changed them forever

As they awoke, they saw Jesus in an unexpected light - he had changed and looked different

Jesus' clothes glowed white and Moses, Elijah appeared and began talking to him

Fast forward 40 years, Peter wrote, "we saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes when he received honor and glory from the Father - 2 Peter 1:16-17

Peter saw the divinity of Jesus and could not wait to see more

2015-12-25 - Terrified but Overjoyed

The Lord's glory surrounded them, they were terrified - Luke 2:9

Nothing will seem more frightening and joyful than coming face-to-face with the living God

The group of shephards were guarding their flock the night Jesus was born

Suddenly an anegel appeared, interrupting the night's slience and darkness with his radiant glory

The sight terrified them

The agel quickly replaced their fears with unspeakable joy - the Messiah had come

The angel brought the best news the world had ever heard

The shepherd felt awe and terror at seeing them, followed by joy at what they had to say

How do you reconcile biblical commands to fear God and love him at the same time?

2015-12-30 - Not About Me

I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen - 2 Timothy 2:9-10

Paul freely chose to suffer for Christ

Despite opponents he faces, pain and suffering, he gladly continued to speak the name of Jesus

Was he a masochist? No, he did not enjoy the pain but tried to move on where ever he could - Acts 26:29

Paul enjoyed anything that would help to get the gospel message preached to those who needed to hear it

Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution - 2 Timothy 3:12