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2011-10-11 - Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel


They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.


Genesis 11:4 - so that we may make a name for ourselves
We all have a built-in desire to reach God and the heavens. It is all about the manner in which we do it. The people here wanted it for selfish reasons and not as misguided attempt to have a relationship with God. They wanted to make a name for themselves to show other what they could do. Why do we go to church and come to a Bible study group? Is it for show or is it because we want to know God?

Genesis 11:6 - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them
For good purposes or bad, when we come together we can do amazing things. If the united people at time could start to create a large tower to the heavens without God, what can we do as a united people with God?!?

Personal Application

I need to check my motivations on why I do things - especially the "good" things. Is it to further my relationship with God or for selfish gain or to please someone else?

2011-10-12 - Genesis 12 - The Call of Abraham


God told Abram, "Go. I will make you a great nation. You will be a blessing." In Egypt Abram lied about Sarai and Pharaoh was cursed.


Genesis 12:1 - Leave your country, your people
We take comfort when things do not change. True comfort comes from God. He directs us where we should go to ultimately have comfort in him. To told Abram to leave the country and people he know and go somewhere completely different. When we made big changes it forces us to to stop relying on the things around us and solely on Him.

Genesis 12:13 - Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well
The root of a lie always has its orgins in a selfish reason. It is Satan's native language [John 8:44]. The reasons for lying my even sound spiritual but it is sin. What "harmless" lies are you telling? Who are you telling them to? Are you believing your own lies?

Personal Application

I value comfort but it is not the same comfort that comes from God. When I look at my heart, I am slower to change then I used to be as a younger Christian. This should not be. What is stopping me from changing? Would I being willing to move again for God?

2011-10-21 - Mind Change - God is in control
God is in control

Today…tomorrow…forever. God is God.
Nothing is outside his sovereignty. He cannot lose control.

He is never surprised or unprepared.
God never asks, “What are we going to do now?”

Psalms 2:2-6 - The Lord is not bothered by a united front
Psalms 90:2 - you brought the world into being
Isaiah 50:7 - LORD helps me, so I am not humiliated

2011-10-28 - Mind Change - Simplicity
Be thankful. Laugh. Sing. Trust God.

Apply this today. Apply it every day.

Yes, even with what is happening today.

Don’t let any new development stop you.

Proverbs 31:25 - A noble woman can laugh in her days to come
Psalms 147:7 - Sing praises to our God
John 14:1 - You believe in God - no distress

2011-11-10 - Mind Change - Trouble
Trouble is often the ground where God cultivates some of his best crops.

No trouble is bigger than God.
No trouble is stronger than God.
No trouble overwhelms God.

Genesis 50:20 - God trouble helps save lives
Galatians 4:13 - Because of an illness that Paul preached to the Galatians
Philippians 1:12-14 - Christians were encouraged by Paul's chains

2011-11-23 - God (part I)
Though it sounds so simple, understanding the true nature of God can be very challenging. Many of us were raised with false perceptions of God – inappropriate and incomplete. Unfortunately, those views caused us to act in certain ways, most of which were ungodly. In this study we will learn a few of the problems connected with false views about God and how to make sure we know the real God.

God has been misrepresented
  • Romans 2:17-24 - Hypocrisy in religion has turned many away from the real God
  • Matthew 23:1-4 - Ungodly authorities can cause us to view God in similar ways
  • Deuteronomy 4:4-8 - Those who could have taught us did not, or they did it incorrectly
We were led down a wrong path
  • John 4:21-24 - We didn’t know what the Bible said
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-4 - We were looking for the easy way, not the right way
  • Proverbs 14:15 - We were too simple and believed things too quickly and easily

2011-11-24 - God (part II)
God is a powerful God
  • 2 Chronicles 32:6-9 - God is greater than the devil or any other being
  • Psalms 18:29 - God enables us to do what we can’t do on our own by His power
  • Ephesians 3:20-21 God has immeasurable and unimaginable power
God is a loving God
  • Deuteronomy 1:29-31; 3- God is a father who loves to help you and carry you as His child
  • Psalms 68:4-6 - God loves to help and rescue those who need to be loved
  • Matthew 10:29-31 - God knows and cares about everything in our lives
God is serious God
  • Hosea 5:4-6 - God will not tolerate unrepentant behavior
  • Psalms 78:56-59 - God refused to let Israel come to Him because of their sin
  • Romans 11:22 - God will be stern to those who continue to sin
These and many other passages will help you better understand the full and complete nature of God. None of us want other people to make a judgment on us with just a few facts about our lives. God doesn’t either!! Continue to read the Bible and learn more about your great God. What you will discover is that the more you know, the more you see just how magnificent God really is.

2011-12-02 - Guarding Your Heart (part I)
Keeping your heart in good condition is not just an important physical principle, but a spiritual one as well. A bad spiritual heart will cause spiritual sickness and ultimately spiritual death – separate from God. The Bible gives us some great information on how to keep our hearts in good spiritual shape and keep them beating strong and healthy for God until the day we die.

We guard our hearts to keep the good and keep away the bad we’re tempted to do
  • Proverbs 4:10-15 - We must make daily decisions to turn away from evil
  • Proverbs 4:23-27 - Our hearts either keep us healthy or harm us spiritually; life or death
Sins is what damages our heart
  • Hebrews 3:12-14 - Sin hardens (diseases) our heart and turns us from God
  • Mark 4:14-20 - Sin and worldliness can choke us from breathing normal
We must do what we can to keep sin far away from our heart
  • Proverbs 7:6-27 - Be careful to stay away from tempting situations you could have avoided
  • 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 - Don’t spend time with the wrong people or in the wrong places
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 - Break off any serious union with those who don’t share your convictions
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-23 - Run away if you need to; it is not weak to realize you are weak

2011-12-04 - Day 1 - Saved Completely
DAY ONE: "Saved Completely"

What God has done for you through your baptism into Christ is truly AMAZING!

Colossians 1:21-23
  1. What was your relationship with God before today?
  2. What had you done to make God your enemy?
  3. What does it mean to be holy/without blemish/free from accusation?
  4. What condition is there to staying saved (vs. 23).
1 John 3:1-4 1.
  • As a "child of God", what should your attitude be?
  • How can you begin to "purify yourself"?
Hebrews 9:24-28
Hebrews 10:19-23
  1. What has Jesus' sacrifice done for you?
  2. How can you draw near to God with a sincere heart?
Psalms 103:1-5
  • What has God done with your sins?
  • Write other "benefits" God has done for you (vs. 2).
Application: Praise God and thank him for saving you! Write a thank you prayer to God.

Keep it in a special place to re-read later.

2011-12-07 - Day 4 - Learning to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
  1. Why does prayer need to be learned? Who are you learning from?
  2. (vs. 2-4) How can you praise God's name? Do you pray for God's kingdom (church) to increase?
  3. Do you pray for daily needs and for forgiveness for yourself and to also forgive others?
  4. Do you pray for help and protection from temptations?
  5. What else does Jesus want us to understand about prayer from verses 5-13?
A.C.T.S. - a simple outline for prayer is: Adoration (praise), Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (requests).

If you pray 10 minutes of each section, you will pray a powerful 40 minutes! Read the Psalms to learn how to really praise God.

Philippians 4:6-7
  • What does God want you to pray about?
  • What are some worries you can pray about today?
  • Do you feel at peace when you pray to God? Trust he will answer!
Application: Pray following the Lord's prayer outline or using A.C.T.S. Write down some of your prayer requests and see how God answers them.

2012-01-09 - Day 37 -The Grace of Giving
Luke 21:1-4
  1. What do you learn from this widow's example?
  2. Think of at least 3 reasons she could have given to be "stingy".
1 Timothy 6:17-19 - How should you live if you have money?

2 Corinthians 9:6-15
  1. Have you decided to give generously to God?
  2. Are you giving that amount regularly?
  3. What does God promise to those who give freely?
  4. How does your giving benefit others, God, and yourself?
Application: If you think your financial giving has not been generous or faithful, decide what you will give and honor that promise to God.

2012-01-13 - Genesis 20 - Abraham lies about Serah at Gerar


In Gerar Abraham said, "Sarah is my sister." King Abimelech took her but God warned him in a dream. He restored Sarah to Abraham.


Genesis 20:3 - You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken
God's anger was revealed here once again. King Abimelech had no idea that he was sinning. However, just because we are not aware does not mean were without sin.  In fact, we may have sinned serveral time already today without knowing or being aware. We need just Jesus so much. Wheather it is for the strength to be righteous or the forgiveness of a mulitude of sins.

Genesis 20:6 - I know that you have done this with a clear conscience
God considers our lives and our hearts when he judges. Our hearts are central to our connection with God. King Abimelech had no intention to take a married woman to be his wife, he did it with a clear conscience. God provided a way out way out for him as he does for all those who are tempted. [1 Corinthians 10:13].

Personal Application

I usually don't have an issue with knowing right from wrong. It is usually that I am not aware of what I am doing. I am either not paying attention or not focused. I need to watch my life closely so I will be righteous in God's eyes and so others can be saved because of it [1 Timothy 4:16].

2012-01-15 - Ministry - The Generator of Power
John 15:1-7; Mt 7:7-12; Luke 18:1-8

Prayer generates the power in a disciple's life. Without prayer, there is no power, no relationship with God, and no expectation of miracles. Prayer connects us to God's heart and reveals to us God's will. We can be afraid to pray because we think God will test us by not answering our prayers. James chapter 1 tells us that trials test our faith not unanswered prayer. We begin to pray with unbelief in our hearts and no expectation of answered prayer in our minds. God does not always answer when WE want Him to but He will answer. It is up to us to persevere and mature long enough to receive the answer. God desires to give us whatever we wish as long as we remain in relationship with Him. God is a merciful and loving God. He wants to bless us and encourage us. Generations of powerful men and women have walked before us in real relationship with God. They witnessed incredible answers to prayer. God has not changed since then. He is willing to answer; are you willing to pray?

Pray with Passion
Pray with Expectation
Pray with Specificity
Pray with Boldness
Pray with Perseverance

What three things will you pray about until they are answered, no matter how long it takes?

2012-01-17 - Ministry - The Heart of Gratitude
Luke 17:11-19, Psalms 100:4, 1 Thessalonians. 5:18

Jesus believed that if the heart of a man was healed and doing well, then that individual could really experience a complete healing from God. In Mark 2 the paralytic who was lowered through the roof by his friends in the middle of a crowded house for Jesus to heal did not hear the first words from the lips of Jesus, 'you are healed.' The first thing he heard was, "Your sins are forgiven." The obvious problem to everyone was his physical condition, yet Jesus saw the spiritual issues of the man's life and healed them first! The ten lepers came to Jesus and when he cleansed them only one came back, throwing himself at the feet of Jesus, overwhelmed with gratitude! Jesus wondered where the other nine were, but proclaimed to the man, "Your faith has made you well." Even though the other nine were cleansed of their leprosy, did they really 'get well?' The one who returned was made well-he was filled with gratitude! Many of us have been baptized, yet how many of us are filled with gratitude?

  • Could this heart of gratitude be so powerful as to really heal me, heal my faith, heal my marriage, and heal my relationships?
  • Who do I need to be grateful for and have not really told them lately?
  • When was the last time I had a family devotional expressing gratefulness for each one?
Name three people you are grateful for and why you are, then this week express this to them.

2012-01-21 - Ministry - Faith in God Moves Mountains
Mark 11:22-24

Jesus makes a very simple short powerful statement; "Have faith in God."

Believe in ME and you will be able to move mountains. Jesus had the faith to move mountains. Jesus calls each of us to have a faith that can move mountains.Each of us has mountains or obstacles in our lives. These obstacles take on many different forms. They may be character sins that never seem to change, family situations that seem to continue month after month, and financial debt that never seems to go away. These obstacles sometimes seem as large and permanent as mountains. But Jesus tells us to "Have faith in God", to believe in our hearts, and the mountains can be thrown into the sea. It is a very simple, but powerful statement, "Have faith in God."

What mountain is secretly holding back your faith? How much have you put it before God?

Decide today to lay it out before God and really believe that He can change it. Fight against cynicism and unbelief.

2012-01-25 - Ministry - Jesus' Rescue Mission
Matthew 18:10-14 (Luke 15:3-10)

It is comforting to know we serve a God who is not only all-powerful and all-knowing, but also all-loving. Sometimes the spiritual battle gets so intense that we wonder if God really cares. This passage proves how deeply God cares about each individual "sheep". How we do spiritually does matter to God. He does not want any of his disciples to wander off and fall away.

Jesus is the perfect shepherd who will do whatever it takes to go after the one lost sheep. Each soul matters to God. Jesus' heart is to keep on searching, keep on hoping, and keep on loving until the sheep is found and returns home. We need to take on Jesus' heart and persevere in rescuing those who have given up on their relationship with God. Satan wants us to get hurt, get bitter and angry instead of being compassionate and determined to help those who have lost faith. Let's be inspired by Jesus' unfailing love and decide to be part of Jesus' rescue team!

  • What is your attitude towards those who have fallen away from God?
  • When was the last time you reached out to someone who has stopped being a part of the fellowship?
Practical: Choose one person who you can rescue and encourage today. Make a card ; call them and invite them over for dinner; give them a gift of their "favorite."

2012-01-30 - Ministry - Christianity or Christ?
John 6:25-40

Jesus explains to the hungry crowds that their minds should be set on spiritual fulfillment, not on physical fulfillment. The bread that they are looking for is not a loaf of bread or even the manna that Moses' generation ate. The bread they needed was the bread from heaven: the Son of God. Having a relationship with Jesus is what will satisfy. Believing in him is what will change our lives. It is not Christianity but Christ. We chase spiritual fads, deep, theological issues, when all the Jesus wants is for us to be deeply dependent on him. This requires a radical change in how we have learned to exist. Some of us get burned out being Christians because having faith in God is not our focus. We spend a lot of time trying to do things and not time having a real relationship with "Christ who is our life."

  • What are some barriers to your faith in Christ?
  • What characteristics of Christ do you admire?
  • Pick one of those and focus on emulating it today in your own life.

2012-02-04 - Ministry - Pick Up Your Sword
Matthew 4:1-11

As Christians we constantly live under spiritual warfare. The battle between Satan and God constantly rages. In this passage we see just a glimpse of one skirmish. Satan attacks with his weapon-temptation, and Jesus responds with his skillfully sharpened sword: the Word of God. In this clash Jesus is able to defeat Satan first because he sees the battle,and second because of his passion to fight it with the scriptures.

Question: Do you see the battle? Do you know when you are being tempted, or do the devil's enticements escape you and you easily fall into sin?

In these scriptures Jesus teaches us how to fight back. (V.4) When daily temptation and sin come we have to have deep convictions that we need the Bible. (Satan's first temptation was doubt. "If you are the Son of God") Are you tempted to ignore your desperation for God? Are you desperate to be right with God? Are you tempted to skip your quiet times?

(V.6-7) Are you tempted to test God? Do you think, "If he doesn't answer this prayer, then I won't pray anymore," or "He didn't do that, so I am leaving." Does bitterness or persecution tempt you? Tempted to doubt the kingdom or the scriptures? Tempted to doubt the only church in the Bible, the salvation of family members, or tempted to ignore certain passages Cling to the truths in the scriptures, they are your most powerful weapons. (V. 8-10) Q: Are you tempted by the world? Tempted by their ease? Their power? Their leisure? Tempted to worship what they do-money, attention, praise, desire? (Ps 73)

Write down the temptations you are most susceptible to.

Find a scripture passage in your QT that will help you fight back.

2012-02-08 - Ministry - One Thing
Mark 10:17-22

Can you imagine having a little one on one time with Jesus? What do you think you would ask? What would he say? If Jesus was to challenge you on something in your life, what do you think it would be? He did have a similar conversation with a rich man in Mark 10:17-22 and the rich man asked a pretty important question, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds with emphasizing obedience to the commands, and the rich man insists that he has been obedient to those Jesus spoke of. Then Jesus tells him, "one thing you still lack," he said, "go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." So, what was the rich man missing? What did he still lack? Was it a love for the poor? Was he not sacrificial enough? Was it that he loved money too much? I think he was simply ungrateful.

Study out the following passages and see for yourself if it something that Jesus might have to talk with you about in your one on one time today!
  • Romans 1: 21 - being ungrateful can be at the root to many sins in your life
  • Luke 7: 36-50 - those who are more grateful show a greater capacity to love.
  • Luke 17: 11-19 - the thankful are commended before God.
  • Psalms 50: 5-23 - note that the sacrifice that means the most to God is one of 'Thanks!'
Express gratitude to God and others today. Several times. You will open doors by doing this.

2012-02-16 - Fear of Failure - God Will Give Us the Grace We Need to Succeed
by Sean Kiluk, San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Corinthians 9:8

God will give us all the grace we need to be successful in whatever role he has put us in. He did not put us where we are to fail, but to rely on him for success. Our problems come when we value success and praise more than knowing God. God forgives us, and he loves us even though we fail or sin. His love is unconditional. We need to have confidence in God's grace in everything. We will fail at times, but God has enough grace to ensure a victory in the end.

  • Pray for an understanding of God's forgiveness: study the psalms and see David's trust in God.
  • Believe that God has a plan for your life: be confident in his love.
  • Build great relationships with other Christians who can bolster your faith.

2012-02-18 - Fear of Failure - Letting Problems and Failures Build Your Faith
by Tracey Jones, San Francisco Church of Christ

Romans 4:18-22; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 5:1-6

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us. Romans 5:3-4 (NLT) I think as a non-Christian, I was the most anxious, controlling person in the world. I remember I would have almost every minute of my life planned out from beginning to end. Although it helped me to be disciplined and to achieve goals, it stopped me from letting people into my heart. I was always the strong one to my friends and family…"the rock". They saw all the successful things on the outside, but they didn't see the desperate, feeble person I was inside. When I began to work with people, it was very difficult for me,  because I had no control whatsoever over them. That lack of control began to crush me. Now I see that God is using my problems and failures to encourage me to grow. He is telling me the little that I know is not enough - I need to keep growing and changing and developing into the person He wants me to be. One decision I have made when I have problems in my ministry, marriage, or family is to pray about them and to commit them fully
to God. Now, instead of giving in to thoughts like “I can't change that woman's heart, I pray specifically about what I need help with and have confident expectation of what God will do. This has brought much more joy to my marriage, ministry, and life.

What is stealing your joy? Could it be that you are letting problems and situations dictate your life?

Decide today to commit those things to prayer and ask God to give you increasing character to deal with your life.

2012-02-20 - Fear of Failure - Relying on God Never Fails
by Jeremy Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Hosea 10:12-13

Often the failures in my life have felt devastating. They have made me doubt myself, made me doubt my purpose and made me doubt God. When I began to lead a ministry, I thought I could do it by myself. I was out to prove to myself that I was capable. As I began to lead I ran around all the time, I was exhausted, anxious, and worried about getting in trouble every day. I was miserable. What I didn't realize was that as I was trying to prove that I could do it, God was proving to me that I couldn't without him. My failure made me want to quit. I felt cursed; it seemed all the the work I did meant nothing. God was showing me my pride, but instead of praying more, I worried more and ran around more and was completely ineffective. My failure came because of my pride, my unwillingness to be open, and not getting the help I needed. I was relying on myself, and God was teaching me that he would not bless it. That lesson was hard to learn, but one so valuable to my life once I was willing to learn to rely on God and not my own strength.
  • Pray about everything before you do it: pray about decisions, hopes and plans. God will bless it.
  • Get advice about the plans you are making.
  • Relax and enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy reaching out to people, enjoy your purpose.
  • Don't try to prove anything to anyone, except that you love being a Christian.

2012-02-21 - Fear of Failure - God is Able, Part 1
by Del & Daurence Johnson - Region Leaders: San Francisco Church of Christ

When I think about how many times that I have blown it or dropped important balls, it can be very depressing. So often I feel inadequate, incapable and fearful. This has made me prideful and unopen. Failure is never fatal when we have our eyes on God and not on our mistakes. God is perfect, I am not. God is pure, I am full of sin. God is righteous, I am jaded. Why not base our level of success on God and who he is rather than ourselves?

1) God is able to keep you from falling. Jude 24
When failure seems inevitable, it's probably because you are not looking to God. God wants us to learn from our experiences, not be perfect.

2) God is able to save completely. Hebrews 7:25
As I look at the sin in my life and how I keep repeating it, it can discourage me from believing I can be pleasing to God. This is why we need forgiveness. He is able to save completely. He can and will get me through. My challenge is to never quit on God or myself.

3) God is able to guard what you have entrusted to him. 2 Timothy 1:12
When we sacrifice day after day and year after year, we are investing ourselves in heavenly treasures. As Special Missions contribution quickly approaches again, we will have to reinvest ourselves into God's dream again. God is protecting and always will protect our lives and our dreams. He is faithful.

  1. Love learning
  2. Never quit (emotionally or spiritually)
  3. Sacrifice of time and resources entrusts my heart to God

2012-08-03 - Genesis 22 - The Offering of Isaac


God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.


Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering
God calls us to sacrifice to a high degree. We need to trust in God when we are called to sacrifice. Abram was called to the give up one of the most important persons in his life. At what point do we stop sacrificing? When we feel we are about to leave our comfort zone? When the price is too high?

Genesis 22:5 - and then we will come back to you
He did not know how or in what way but Abram had faith God would not forget about His promise to Abram. Would his son come back to life? Would God give him a new son? What whatever was to happen, Abram believed he would not be coming back alone when he said "we will come back".

Genesis 22:12 - I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
God present us with tests in our life to see where our heart is at. These test also tell us where our own heart is at if we pay attention. There was no cost Abram was not willing to pay to seek out the Lord which show he had the right perceptive of God's power.  Our sacrifice level shows our love for God.

Personal Application

I know for me I give until it starts to physically hurt, brings up bad memories, or I don't see the need to. It does not depend on me; I need to sacrifice in relation to the need. As I grow close to go God I will see God's heart in this.

2012-10-29 - The Lost Life of the Heart
Our years can be consumed with service and business
But somewhere out there someone is saying, "There is something more"
We just assume it is our imagination
Then it speaks again, "Aren't you thirsty? There is something missing"
This feeling might feel disloyal to our routine and against the program we are following
We try to silence the voice with outward activity and redoubling our Christian service

You long to be in a love affair, an adventure with God. You were made for something more.

Samuel heard the voice of God calling to him in the night - 1 Samuel 3:4
It took him three time before he realized it was God
Rather than ignoring  the voice, Samuel finally listed

In our lives, we can become frustrated by our heart's continuing sabotage of a dutiful Christian life
But sometime at night, when our defenses are down, we still hear him calling us
In the morning, activities scream for our attention and think we have won the battle of the "flesh"
Satan loves to turn the truth upside down

We try to lose ourselves in:
  • Hobbies
  • Other short-lived romances
  • Addictions

We create distance between ourselves and others; even distance between ourselves and our own heart...

2013-09-06 - Consistency through Consecration

Consecration, which means to clean something up and then dedicate it to God.

Cleansing your life and home from any stumbling blocks or evil influences and then presenting yourself and your family into God’s hands.

If there are influences in your home that dishonor God or are pulling you or your family members away from God, you should seriously consider removing them.

King Hezekiah rose to the throne after the death of Ahaz,
He threw out man-made idols and reestablished the worship of God as the centerpiece of his leadership - 2 Chronicles 29:5-6

  • Where sin has crept into your life - repent
  • Where bitterness has taken root in your heart - forgive
  • Where lies have been woven into the script - seek truth
  • Where traditions have taken precedence - start fresh
  • Where problems have tried to steal and malign - pray
  • Where hindrances are piling up - consecrate and dedicate your family to God

There is nothing greater, more fulfilling, or more important than living with this goal in mind.

2013-11-30 - Holy Matrimony

God alone designed the marvelous mystery of marriage.
To become godly husbands starts with the idea of holiness
God wants our lives to be holy so that they would become more like Him - priceless, pure, and special.
It makes things unique, like no other. It sets them apart. It keeps special things special.

After everything God had done to deliver His people and help them become holy, He hated when they forgot His mercy, rejected His standards, and shamefully lived like the world
They dishonored the surpassing worth of God.

Any sin in us reveals that God is not as holy to us as He should be.
You are to set her apart in your eyes above all the other women on the face of the earth. She became your prized possession for you to cherish, love, and protect for the rest of your life.
God created your marriage to be a living portrait on earth to reveal the loving relationship of Jesus Christ with His Bride, the church - those whom He has declared “holy” unto Him - Ephesians 1:4
Should be like: “Look at my relationship with my wife! This is what the sacrificial, unconditional love of Jesus Christ for His Bride looks like!”
God’s calling for you as a husband was not to marry the woman you love, but to love the woman you married.

2014-03-21 - Train Them to Honor Authority (part I)

 Honor is attractive

  • It doesn’t demand respect; it quickly earns it.
  • Fear grounds us.
  • Honor inspires us.

The whole concept of authority comes from God.

Earthly authority is His design and tool for creating order and for keeping us accountable and responsible, for honoring good and for punishing evil - Romans 13:1-4

Authorities on earth help keep us mindful of His superior, eternal authority

God can turn the heart of anyone in a leadership position in any direction - Proverbs 21:1

We should be like Jesus and submit to our imperfect, human authorities knowing that God uses them to carry out His purposes - John 19:11

The only time we should not submit to them is when they are asking us to disobey God and sin - Acts 5:29

Notice that Scripture does not tell us to obey them only if we agree with their judgment - Hebrews 13:17-18

When dishonoring authority, you are not rebelling against an individual but against God Himself.

Handling and responding to authority is serious business.

2014-03-22 - Train Them to Honor Authority (part II)

You should actually want your leaders to succeed. You should be eager to help them fulfill their roles.
Helping them to win actually sets you up to win their ear and gain their favor. examples: Moses and Joseph

This is how we should treat those over us - with a clear conscience, in respectful ways - not only from a fear of God but as a witness and an example to our children.

Our kids will most likely adopt our views on authority in their own lives as well.
Whatever patterns we set for them will be the ones they use to train their own kids and so on.

We are accountable to Him - both to love Him and to fear Him.

When you teach your children to honor authority, you are teaching them to better honor God.

  • How do you talk about your leaders at work and church?
  • What do your children hear you saying about the government or elected representatives?
  • They see you praying for your authorities? - 1 Timothy 2:1-4
  • How do they see you respond to speed limits and state troopers?
  • Does this match your talk about how God places authorities in our lives for our benefit?

Helping them not “forget his deeds” but to “keep his commands” - Psalms 78:7

Honoring authority will help them obey you.

Honoring authority is a hallmark of godly men and their children.


2014-05-31 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part II)


Eliezer met Rebekah by the well exactly as he had prayed.


Genesis 24:12 - Please give me success today
So much of our success or failure can depend on our willingness to pray. Eliezer [Genesis 15:2] learned to pray to the "God of my master" and to have a dependant faith via Abraham. What are the people around learning from our prayer life and faith? Do we ask God for guidance before our important and not so important ventures?

Genesis 24:14 - This is how I will know; "I will water your camels too"
Abraham's servant prayed in great detail for Issac's wife to show herself. Hospitality standards of the time was to offer a drink to weary travelers but not to the animals. He did not ask for a certain number of ear rings and braclets (beauty) as a sign of Isaac's future wife but rather for woman great inner beauty. For Rebekah, this second mile offer to provide water for the ten camels, would be no easy feat. A camel can drink up to 30 gallons at a time. After just finishing the journey of 450 miles and two weeks, the camels probably drank pretty close to that amount. How many trips to the well would that have been for Rebekah? 10 camels x 30 gallons = 300 gallons;  1 gallon = 8.2 lbs; Maybe she could carry 40 lbs; 40lb / 8 = 5 gallons per trip; 300 gallons / 5 gallons per trip is about 60 trips.

Genesis 24:15 - Before he finished praying
God knows what we need, we just need to ask for it. Eliezer received an exact and immediate answer. He was left to watch in silience [Genesis 24:21] (possibly shocked) as God answered his prayer exacly as he prayed. When we pray according to His will, he will answer and bless us beyond what we have imagined. Rebekah not only provided water for his animals but she did with kindness and with servant heart. Not only did she provide some water for the camels but enough water until they were finish.  God also answered by blessing the servant with other attributes of Isssc soon-to-wife. The Bible also describes her a very beautiful phyiscally, old enough to marry, and a virgin.


I do not have the dependant prayer I need to have. I have many failures because I depend on myself and do not ask God.

2015-01-07 - Genesis 24 - Eliezer: Profile of a True Servant

Eliezer approached a responsibility with single-mindedness and careful planning with a dependance on God.

  • Genesis 24:3 - Listened to the challenge
  • Genesis 24:5 - Examined alternatives
  • Genesis 24:9 - Promised to follow instructions
  • Genesis 24:12 - Sumitted his plan to God
  • Genesis 24:14 - Devised a plan with room for God to work
  • Genesis 24:21 - He waited and watched closely
  • Genesis 24:26 - Thanked God for the answer
  • Genesis 24:34 - Shared his faith by how God answered his prayer
  • Genesis 24:56 - Resfused unnecessary delay
  • Genesis 24:66 - Followed through with the entire plan

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