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2009-03-18 - Promises of God - Produces a Harvest
Hebrews 12:11 - Discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it

Key ways to respond to God's discipline:

Get Grateful
Probably the most difficult thing to do during hardships
It is the very thing that will help us to learn the important lessons God is trying to teach us

Hunger for Holiness
Media bombards us with devices, books, etc to make our lives easier
God disciplines us for our good, we may share in his holiness - Hebrews 12:10
He is willing to watch his precious children to go through temporary pain for them have eternal peace

Trust the Trainer
We must trust him as the perfect trainer
Training = something rigorous that stretches the trainee emotionally or physically
God's discipline is exact what we need and he promises it is always for our own good

2009-03-19 - Promises of God - For your Good
In all things God works for the good of those who love him - Romans 8:28

Regardless of what happened, we must be convicted - God is intimately aware and involved in all of it

We have two choices:

To trust - brings peace
To doubt - brings anxious, temptation to take matters in our hands, sin

God is conforming us to the image of his Son - Romans 8:29-30

Examples of those in "bad" circumstances:
  • Abraham
  • Moses
  • Esther
  • Daniel
  • Joesph - 13 years of set backs and suffering but became second in command to Pharaoh

2009-03-25 - Promises of God - Rest in Gods Comfort
Elijah's collapse and recovery - 1 Kings 19

After great victory with God, he fell into physical, emotional, and spiritual burn-out

God used a powerful three step plan:
  1. Some good old-fashion rest
  2. A timely reminder of God's true nature and heart
  3. Gave him an exciting plan of action
It gave Elijah a boost and go him back on the edge and stronger than ever in no time

2009-04-01 - Promises of God - No Disappointment
No one will be disappointed in heaven
No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2:9

Not even the most creative can envision
No analogy can really do it justice
No metaphor for it will ever be good enough

Boredom will be as absent in heaven as sorrow, pain, and tears

Jesus said he came to give us life to the full - John 10:10
Started hear on earth in his kingdom on earth

It will be a blast, a feast
It will never end

Our new birth brings us into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven - 1 Peter 1:4

2009-04-02 - Promises of God - Work That Is Worth It
An old criticism of Christians: Too heavenly minded that they are no good on earth
Seem to spend so much dreaming of heaven and not working on solving the earth's problems
This was never God's idea

Prepare your minds for action - 1 Peter 1:13

Setting our minds on the amazing blessings is a powerful encouragement for us to work hard and give our best effort now

Is it worth saying "No" to sin? Just consider heaven!
Worth it to giving to the poor? Just consider heaven!
Worth staying in the race when it gets difficult? Just consider heaven!

Worth blood, sweat, tears to help other to know God? Just consider heaven!
Your labor in the Lord is not in vain - 1 Corinthians 15:58

2009-04-15 - Promises of God - Importance of Repentance
God's goodness and God's blessing are designed to lead us to repentance - Romans 2:4

God's will is for us to hear about God's faithfulness and his promises and to decide:
  • To please him
  • To change
  • To serve him better
Dynamic relationship between promises of God and our repentance:
  1. God's promises and faithfulness should inspire repentance
  2. We need to rely on the promises even as we commit to repentance
  3. Truly become repentant
  4. We refrain from taking personal credit because we understand we are being recused

2009-05-07 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 2)
Many ways to set our mind
  • Career
  • Car
  • House
Jesus set his mind on serving – “What can I give?”
Not looking for comfort
Not about the way he looked

Jesus saw himself as a servant, leading others to be servants

How would this thinking change – marriage, family, church, workplace, neighborhood?
Jesus was about meeting needs
  1. Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
  2. Living Bread (John 6:51)
  3. Great Physician (Matthew 9:12)
Most precious thing to Jesus was his relationship with the Father – but did not hold on that either for our sake

2009-05-18 - No one like him - The Kingdom of God
First time God said the time has come

Something had come upon us
Something within us

Kingdom is like:
  • king who prepared a feast
  • yeast
  • mustard seed
  • a net
  • treasure
  • man searching for fine pearls
  • man who sows seed
  • king who wanted to settle accounts
  • landowner who hired workers
Kingdom is good news

Kingdom is so different that it requires us to change

What does new kingdom person look like?
  • Humble (heart like a child) - Matthew 18:2-4
  • Surrender (your will be done) - Matthew 6:10

2009-05-19 - No one like him - Church the Kingdom?
Luke 17:20-21 - Kingdom does not come through carefully observation

Kingdom is a state of mind/heart

Kingdom forcefully advancing from John the Baptist until now (Matthew 11:11-12)

Preaching the good news of the kingdom (Matthew 4:23)

Mark 9:1 - will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God

Matthew 16:15-20 - only scripture with both kingdom and church

How does this all fit?
Kingdom can not be put in a box, mentioned:
  • Matthew - 50x
  • Mark - 15x
  • Luke - 38x
All the church the kingdom? NO
All in the church PART of the kingdom? YES

2009-05-24 - No one like him - Kingdom Attitudes (part 4)
The Pure in Heart

About genuineness and sincerity

The grace can not from us alone
Create in me a pure heart O God - Psalms 51:10

After being forgiving and giving we start seeing ourselves as good - must have pure motives

The Peacemakers

True peace only comes from God - Isaiah 11:1-9
No without the other attitudes

The Persecuted

If you live like this, people will not like you
Ironically being a peace-maker will get you hated
Jesus was the Prince of Peace
Attitudes not natural; not to do but to be

2009-06-03 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 2)
What it means for us:

1. Jesus can be trusted
a. Jesus taught with truth and compassion
b. Backup his teachings with his life
i. No man can come to except through me
ii. Do good to those who hate you
iii. Find your life by loosing it
c. Gives us a place to stand – embolden the disciples
2. Shows the kingdom has come

3. God fully intended to continue Jesus mission
a. Jesus was the foundation
b. Story did not end in Palestine
4. Those who follow him also share in the resurrection
a. Died with Christ, now we can live a new life with him – Romans 6:4,5,8

2009-06-17 - A Life of Impact - Gentleness and Fueling


Mark 1:29-34

  • At times we need to raise our voices and push in order to get things done.
  • At the same time using gentle tone and pitching in to help will accomplish far more good.


Mark 1:35-39

  • People who love sleep don’t usually change the world
  • Jesus slept when he had the time
  • Jesus was extremely eager to pray
  • Most of us live with only a vague idea of purpose
  • Our personal ministries – can be tempted to lose the fire, to settle down, and get comfortable
  • We laugh and patronize at younger friends who are “idealist, zealots, and radicals

2009-06-26 - A Life of Impact - Discipliner


Mark 3:31-35

  • Jesus cared about their souls more than their feelings
  • God is willing that people suffer in order to learn something for their own greater good.
  • Do you allow sentimentality to rule in our relationships?


  • Jesus saw people either for him or against him.
  • They were either movers for God or still needed to be moved by God.

2009-07-21 - A Life of Impact - Magnetism


Mark 9:14-29

  • Why? Magnetism came from only prayer.
  • Magnetism: an attracting force on the level of the soul, which produces deep bonding and enduring loyalty.


  • Jesus expressed frustration regarding the continuing unbelief of the people.
  • Closest disciples even needed him the bolster their faith.
  • He was frustrated because their unbelief blocked the power of God.
  • Jesus did not lock his frustration up inside.
  • Dealing with frustration – stuffer = out of mind; slammers = fly off the handle – neither are good

2009-07-24 - A Life of Impact - Warmth


Mark 9:36-37

  • Often children are terrified of bold, assertive adults.
  • He was tough, yet not lacking tenderness.
  • He was forceful and fun at the same time.
  • The reaction of children to any particular adult can be a very good barometer how you appear to people in general.

2009-07-25 - A Life of Impact - Friend or Foe?

Friend or Foe?

Mark 9:38-41

  • To wrongly oppose an ally is wasteful, and to aid an adversary out of ignorance is embarrassing.
  • Jesus did not recognize anyone as being “neutral” about him.

Hell-Fire Speech

Mark 9:42-50

  • When a person steps into seawater, he becomes acutely aware of open wounds on his feet.
  • Salty speech is good for producing impact.


Mark 10:1 – We must good teachers and in teaching mode.

2009-07-28 - A Life of Impact - Tough love

Tough love

Mark 10:17-31

  • This young man was secure in his own material goods.
  • Are we willing to lay such tough, “make or break” challenges before people? Even when it puts your relationship on the line?
  • Are you willing to let people walk away? · Allow people to make their own decisions?
  • If we compromise our standards, our standards are meaningless.

Reassurance - Leaders need to first overcome his own negative thoughts and feelings in order to help his followers avoid becoming discouraged.

2009-08-06 - A Life of Impact - Expertise


Mark 12:28-34

  • He was prepared to give an answer on any topic that anyone might choose to challenge him.
  • We need to know our stuff.
  • Good students make the best teachers.
  • Good listeners are worth listening to.
  • Some of us what to skip over the student phase and jump right into the teacher phase.

2009-08-17 - A Life of Impact - Mark 15
Unforgettable Words

Mark 14:66-72
  • Leaving behind words that stir people’s hearts from generation to generation is one mark of a man or woman of impact
  • Examples JFK, MLK, Abraham Lincoln
An Indomitable Spirit

Mark 15:1-32
  • He was completely composed and did not react to the false accusations of his accusers.
  • He did not retaliate.
  • He was ready to die
  • One angel was reported to kill 185,000
  • Jesus refused to summon them.
Dramatic Death

Mark 15:33-47
  • A life of impact is the ability to make good come from a bad situation.
  • Roman soldier – few hours of watching Jesus on the cross became a believer.

2009-08-18 - A Life of Impact - Mark 16

Mark 16:1-14
  • Jesus had more of an impact dead then alive.
  • Are we dead to ourselves?
  • If any of Jesus’ rebukes had a particularly lasting impact on their lives, this was the one
  • Disciples were probably convicted by just the sight of Jesus
His Lasting Words

Mark 16:15-20
  • What would your last words be? – Say them today!!!! 
  • “Repent and believe the good news.” – These were both the first and the last words from Jesus.

2009-08-25 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 1)
Most of the earth is not safe, but it is good.
God called it good in the beginning
He prefers adventure, danger, risk, and the element of surprise
Most of us try to reduce the element of surprise
God took a risk with Adam and Eve – they had the chance to disobey him

Example of no-perfect situations:
  • Shadach, Meshach, and Abednego
  • Pharaoh and his army
  • David and Goliath Gideon’s army 
God loves to come through
He loves to show that he has what it takes
It is not God’s nature to limit risks or cover all the bases
Let the odds stack up against him!

He starts with most unlikely:
  • Prostitutes
  • Fisherman
  • Tax collector

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-10-05 - One Another - Admonishing One Another
"noutheteo" meaning to or counsel, translated admonish:
  1. To caution, advise or counsel against something
  2. To reprove or scold in a goodwilled manner
  3. To urge to a duty
  4. Not to rebuke
Noutheteo is used frequently involving one another
  • I did not cease to admonish each one with tears - Acts 20:31
  • We proclaim Him, admonishing every man - Colossians 1:28
  • Admonish one another - not just something for leaders - Romans 15:14
  • Admonish the unruly - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
More often admonish is the word couch
Not uncommon to pay to have a life couch
We should have a # of relationships with people who know us and can help
We must also realize that we can give others couching as well

2009-10-06 - One Another - Speaking the Truth in Love
Speaking the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

Really what admonishing and good couching is
Not speaking harshly or with anything other than their good in mind

Example of any area of life to talk about:
  • Brother not engaging in fellowship
  • Someone being insensitive or self-focused
  • Sister seem dominated by negative and critical attitudes
  • Someone overindulges in food or drink or something else
  • Someone too serious and unrelatable
You may or may not be the best person to help them

Input not to stand in judgment but help one another to be transformed

2009-10-07 - One Another - Admonish Questions
Who can best admonish or coach someone?
  • someone in close relationship
  • someone with credibility in the area of concern
  • someone who is a person of humility
  • some who is allowing the word of Christ richly dwell in them
What is the goal of admonishing?

To help another person grow and change and be transformed more fully into the image of Christ
  1. not making the person receiving look bad
  2. not making the person giving look good
  3. not to give someone authority or superiority
  4. not to force someone to do something they do not want to do
  5. not to embarrass someone
  6. not to keep people in line

2009-10-09 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 2)
Satan uses propaganda

He is the “accuser” - Revelation 12:10
Christ was attacked - “If you are the son of God” - prove it - Luke 4:1-13

So long as a man remains no real treat to the Enemy – You are fine
After you take sides - Your heart is bad and you know it

He looks for weaknesses
Throws a thought or temptation that he hopes we will swallow
If I thought this was just me, my heart, I’d be very discouraged.
Knowing that my heart is good allowed me to block it, right then and there
Think of how lust starts .. “I am not here it is all you.”

Any hand to hand combat, there are blows, dodges, blocks, and counterattacks
How did Christ handle Satan? - he did not get into an argument with him
He simply stood on the truth
Satan doesn’t just throw a thought but feelings as well
Guard your heart

2009-10-16 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 2)
Cycle of a man is that he goes away from a woman to yet return to her after finding strength

Most men want the maiden without any sort of cost to themselves
Nature of pornography - Uses her to get a feeling that he a man (false)
Strength then came from an outside source rather than deep within

Self-center man angers the Lord - Genesis 38:7-10
What happens when we refuse to spend their strength on a women - Genesis 38:25-26

Pretty women endure abuse this abuse all the time
They learn to offer their bodies but never their souls
Many men marry for safety

Why don’t men offer what they have to their women?
  • We know in our guts that it won’t be good enough
  • No matter how much you pour into her she will never be filled
What happens?
  • Refuse to give what they have
  • Keep pouring and pouring until we feel like a failure

2009-10-17 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 3)
She needs God more than she needs you
You need him more than you need her

You do not love her to get a good grade, you love her because that is what you are made to do

Ruth: How does a good woman help her man to play the man? Arouse him to be a man
Boaz offers her some protection and some food, but what Ruth really want was a ring

Four options:
  1. Badger him - Why don’t you stand up and be a man?
  2. Whine about it - Hurry up and marry me!!
  3. Emasculate him - I thought you were a real man
  4. Inspire and energize him
Ask men what they would prefer

Will you fight for her?

Stop being a nice guy and act like a warrior
Pray for her like you never prayer for her before, OUT LOUD
Step between her and the forces of darkness

Not just once (some will do it 1,2, or 3 times)
Man can only be justified by the measure of his sacrifice

2009-10-19 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 2)
Most spend the energy of their lives trying to eliminate risk
Their children hear “no” far more than they hear “yes”
If a man succeeds in securing his life against all risk, he will wind up in a cocoon of self-protection and wonder why he is suffocating
Seizing upon some sort of competence and rejecting anything that cannot be controlled

This a refusal to trust God and reach out for control – runs deep in every man
False self’s desire is to have power over experience – to control events and consequences - Mark 8:36

Too may men forsake their dreams because they aren’t willing to risk or fear they aren’t up to the challenge or are never told that those desire of the heart are good

Soul of a man isn’t made for controlling things
His job is charter to explore, build, conquer, and care for all creation
If you had permission to do what you really wanted to do, what would you do?

"How" is a faithless question – How is God’s department… Ask "what"
What is written on your heart?
What make you come alive?
Don’t ask yourself what does the world need. Ask yourself what make you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive

I’ve met men who’ve used advice like it was permission
They are deceived about what they really want
Goal of Christian discipleship is the transformed heart
We move from boy who needs the Law to the man who is able to live by the Spirit of the Law
Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit then you won’t feed on compulsion or selfishness

2009-10-25 - Repentance - What It Is (part 2)
Repentance is to feel sorry or to feel regret

“Feel sorry, the kingdom of God is near”?
English word repent means sorry

Oxford Dictionary, repentance
  • from French word, repentir – to feel regret for sins or crimes
  • from Latin word, penitire – to regret
Matthew 4:17
  • “Change your life” – The message
  • “Change your hearts and lives” – New Century Version
  • “Turn away from your sins” – Good News Translation
  • “Turn from your sins and turn to God” – New Living Translation
  • “Reform…” – Young’s Literal Translation

2009-11-03 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 1)
No one comes to Jesus without a preconceived paradigm about God
Our only hope for overcoming our blindness is repentance – only way to see the kingdom

Cursed Be The Pride that Blinds
  • We can not change what we can not see
  • When was the last time you said the words, “I am wrong”?
  • Ask someone close, “Am I blinded in any way by pride?”
  • It was through pride, that the devil became the devil
  • It is the complete anti-God state of mind.
  • Why is Jesus so tough on Spiritual Blindness? It prevents us from seeing the good news.
The Kingdom of God is Real
  • Survey of modern sermons would be salvation
  • Jesus’ preaching was about the kingdom of God

2009-11-07 - Repentance - The Cross Compels Our Hearts
World is graceless, performance orientated
  • Students – pass/fail
  • Employees – promotions\get fired
  • Calories – lose/gain weight

Sin + Forgiveness = Love

Accurate assessment of debt
  • None of delight in a highlight reel of our personal sinfulness (especially avoid reference to specific sins)
  • Whenever we expose our sins in the light of fellowship – able to see our sin more clearly

  1. How can grace compel repentance?
  2. How can you assess your debt to Jesus?
  3. How can you be assured of the forgiveness of that debt?
  4. Who is to blame for Christ’s death on the Cross?
  5. How does one’s good confession - “Jesus is Lord!” - express one’s repentance?
  6. Why is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ a clear indication of one’s repentance?

2009-11-12 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 2)
3. Excuses
  • Comes up with creative targets – upbringing, genetic makeup, society
  • Excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow
  • Excuses come right after the apology – I am sorry for forgetting our anniversary, it has been crazy at work
  • Where there is an excuse, there is persistent sin
  • Excuses rob us of the indignation that energizes our turn from self to Jesus
4. Selectivity
A repentant Christian embraces absolutions, even moral absolutes
5. Repetition
Repentance is no fragile state of mind that we barely notice entering and exiting
  1. What is wrong with defining repentance as “being sorry for your sins, so sorry that you stop them”?
  2. What is the root cause of worldly sorrow?
  3. In what ways have you exercised “damage control” rather than true repentance?
  4. What damage has your sin caused?
  5. Have you ever confused the tears of self pity for true repentance? What is the danger of this confusion?
  6. Why does the author assert that “excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow?” Would you rather have your excuses accepted or your sins forgiven?
  7. What’s the difference between cognitive dissonance and repentance? Why doesn’t cognitive dissonance prompt us to preach the good news to others?
  8. Have you been selective in your repentance? What does that indicate about your repentance?
  9. Why doesn’t metanoia accommodate the repetition of sin?

2009-11-13 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 1)
Are you content with four out of seven, even five out of seven?

Spoude – Dispatched Diligence
  • Earnestness, carefulness, diligence, make every effort, haste
  • Real Estate – earnest money – intent to buy
  • Accounting – due diligence
  • We good intentions but are they marked with diligence?
Apologia – A Drive to Clear Yourself
  • Literally mean defense – not excuses or defensiveness
  • Prodigal Son – “I have sinned against heaven and against you”
Homologia – Confession
Literally means “same” – “homo” = word; “logos” = reasoning
Satan –
  • “Go ahead and try…”
  • “Now that you’ve sinned, you’re different.”
  • “Now that you are in the darkness, you might as well…”

2009-11-20 - Repentance - Its Time To Go Home (part 2)
Where are you on this path?

Are you part of “all people, everywhere”?
Good, you quality for the command to repent – Acts 17:26-27; 30-31

Ignorance of Jesus perpetuates a self-focused paradigm
Jesus is Lord – changes our heart, mind-set, allegiances, purpose, and agenda

Subsequent repentance has lesser fan fare (like 2nd to the moon or Mt. Everest

Satan doesn’t want you to know that he created your dilemma
His scheme:
  1. Try this
  2. You are damaged goods
  3. Doing it again will not make you more unclean
  4. They don’t/won’t understand
  5. Never tell them about this

Shame is the greatest obstacle to post-baptismal repentance
How to escape? You already have – Trust god’s grace
Light is not a place of condemnation

2009-11-21 - Repentance - Its Time To Go Home (part 3)
There is no perfect repentance, but wholehearted repentance
David – search me (Psalms 139)

Spirit’s conviction
Good – overcome blinding pride
Bad – Satan will try to stop you

Sometimes easier to see our sin than think about loved ones salvation (passed away)
What would they want you to do?

  1. How can you make the same journey as David – from repulsive to repentant?
  2. How does repentance differ between the lost turning to God and the saved re-turning to Him? How is it the same?
  3. How do qualify for God’s love and grace (see page 201)?
  4. If you have not yet repented, why are you without excuse before God?
  5. What will specifically change in your life when you proclaim, “Jesus is Lord!”?
  6. If you have repented, have you also been forgiven of your sins – if not, what are you waiting for (see Acts 22:16)?
  7. What can make post-baptismal repentance more difficult than your initial repentance?
  8. What role does shame play in obstructing your repentance?
  9. What is fellowship in the light vs. fellowship in the darkness? Which have you most often experienced in your church?
  10. Finally, to the “confused”: take time to consider and answer the questions on pages 207 and 208. How can you thwart Satan’s attempts to undermine your path to true repentance?
  11. Who can you encourage today with the good news of your repentance?
  12. Who can you reach for Jesus by “telling how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5: 19)?

2009-11-22 - Master Plan - Selection (part 1)
Men were his method
  • Started with only a few men.
  • He was not concerned with programs to reach the multitudes but with men whom the multitudes would follow.
  • Initial objective was to enlist men who could bear witness to His life and carry on His work.
  • Early effort at soul winning had little to no effect on the religious.
  • Turned out that the early convert became great leaders of His church.
  • Who were they?
    • Common labors
    • No academic degrees
    • From the poor side of Galilee (Judas only exception)
  • Bad character traits of His disciples:
    • Impulsive
    • “Unlearned and Ignorant”
    • Their abilities were limited
    • Temperamental
    • Easily offended
    • Often mistaken in their judgment
    • Slow to comprehend spiritual things
    • Had many prejudices.
  • Good characteristics traits of His disciples:
    • Teachable
    • Willing to confess their need
    • Hearts were big
    • Sincere yearning for God
    • They were fed up with the hypocrisy of their leaders

2009-12-10 - Master Plan - Delegation (part 2)
  • Instructions from Jesus
    • Preach the Kingdom of God - Luke 9:1
    • Heal the sick
    • Go to the most susceptive audience (house of Israel) - Matthew 10:5
    • Do not burden yourselves with lots of baggage - Matthew 10:9
    • Find worthy, friendly people - Matthew 10:11
    • If the town resisted, shake off feet as a testament to them (worst than Sodom and Gomorrah)
  • Hardship expected
    • If Jesus received persecution, we will too - Matthew 10:32
    • We remember the Lord – W will be remember before the Father - Matthew 10:24
    • Sheep among wolves - Matthew 10:16
    • Act as wise as serpents and harmless as doves
  • A diving gospel
    • No compromise with sin
    • Jesus came by the sword (Divided good from evil) - Matthew 10:34-35
  • Two by two - Mark 6:7
    • Companionship and helping one another
    • In the spirit of togetherness

2009-12-15 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 2)
  • The Test
    •  Could His disciples do a good job without His bodily supervision as they could with it?
    •  Human point of view: Never could be sure that His investment in their lives.
  •  Life-sustaining power of the vine was not to be given to endlessly upon lifeless branches
    •  A barren Christian is a contradiction.
    • A tree is known by its fruit
  • Principle throughout His ministry
    • Reward of His own sacrifice for the world - John 12:24
    • Distinguishing work of those who did the will of His Father - Matthew 7:16-23
    • Wages given to His disciples for their work in the harvest - John 4:36
    • What was lacking in the Sadducees and Pharisees - Matthew 3:7-8

2009-12-22 - First the Kingdom - The Only Door (part 1)
Everyone who walks with God must come as a beggar


David - conquered his enemies and ushered in a golden age
  • Described himself as someone who could do nothing without God
  • This poor man called and the Lord saved him from his troubles - Psalms 34:6
  • God is his help and deliver - Psalms 40:17
  • I am poor and needy - Psalms 109:22
  • Modern thinkers might say he needed some self-esteem 
  • God said he was after his own heart
  • Woe to me, I am ruined for I am unclean - Isaiah 6:5
  • Today we can go to church wanting to be told how good we are
  • God forgave his sins and sent him on a life mission full of purpose

2009-12-23 - First the Kingdom - The Only Door (part 2)
More examples of spiritual beggars:

  • Why was she picked to give birth to the Savior?
  • She already knew how much she needed God as her savior
  • Already in a humble state before him - Luke 1:46-55
  • Took a jolt on the way to Damascus
  • He finally came to see his poverty of spirit
    • Nothing good lives in me - Romans 7:18
    • I am the least of the apostles - 1 Corinthians 15:9-10
    • Confessed his poverty to the very end - 1 Timothy 1:12-15

2009-12-28 - First the Kingdom - At Ease
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace - Psalms 37:11

Meekness is strength under the control of God
Being meek is being at ease before God and man
One looks outside himself for the power of life
Totally open with God, God will work in all things for his good

To be meek is not to be afraid...

1. Is at ease with God

Someone who worries and has anxiety reduces them to practical atheists

A child is at ease with their father/mother (in most cases)
I have stilled and quieted my soul; child with mother is my soul within me - Psalms 131:2

2. Is at ease with himself
Jesus knew exactly what authority he had been he had been given by God - John 13:3

3. Is at ease with others
Neither inferior nor superior
No longer deceived by pride, he is free to learn from anyone
At ease with God and himself - has nothing to prove and nothing to fear

2010-01-10 - Kingdom First - Majoring in the Minors
Unless your righteousness surpasses the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven - Matthew 5:20

  • Strict observers of the law
  • Walked around in flowing robes
  • Offered prayers in unnatural holy voices
  • Advertised their benevolence
  • Majored in the minors yet forgetting the heart
Any different today?
  • Boring clergy in odd clothes
  • Preaching burdensome dos and donts
  • Unrelatable sermons
  • Unrelatable lives
People need and desire a relationship with God - not man-made religion

Perfect salvation is not the basis of salvation
Not a matter of making ourselves feel or look good, but to please God

Do you struggle with this?
  • Have you created your own system of salvation?
  • Do people say you are a people pleaser (Galatians 1:10)?
  • Are we steeped in our own traditions or preconceived notions about the truth?
  • What if no one was watching, would you still: give, sing, pray, study the same?

2010-01-26 - Kingdom First - Self Titled
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, all these things will be given you - Matthew 6:33

Kingdom First:
  • Everything must be re-examined
  • Everything must be reconsidered
  • Every desire, dream, use of money and time
  • Now everything must have a kingdom-first focus
How to tell when you are not seeking first his kingdom:
  1. When you don't have daily times with God in the Bible and prayer
  2. Responsibilities to the church are a burden
  3. Not happy or consistent in giving
  4. Personal comfort, desires direct life's decisions
  5. Can't find the time to share your faith
  6. Gain greater feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction serving another "kingdom"
  7. You have greater regard and protection of your schedule
  8. Discipleship times, family devotionals not deep or consistent
  9. Gaining one more than is greater than gaining one more soul
  10. Dreams center more in this world than in the kingdom
Are you seeking first his kingdom?
The kingdom consists of people who volunteer in a battle between good and evil

2010-02-01 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 2)
What is the power of confession?

a. It brings the forgiveness of sin and purifies us from all unrighteousness - 1 John 1:7-9

b. Confession brings fellowship with God and with brothers and sisters - 1 John 1:7-9
Confession is just not good for the soul, it is good for other's souls and unity

c. Confession represents a strong stand against Satan
Resist the devil and he will flee - James 4:7

d. Confession is contagious - one person's confession can encourage another's confession

2010-02-10 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 3)

No fruit means a bad tree too

A fruitless tree in a useless tree - Matthew 3:10, Matthew 13:22, Luke 13:6-9, Luke 19:11-27, John 15:2, 6, Hebrews 6:8

Jesus warned the Pharisees the kingdom of God would be taken away from people who will not produce - Matthew 21:43

In the Christian life there is no neutrality of example
Either we bear good fruit OR not bearing fruit which shows the condition of our heart - sterile and barren
Bearing no fruit = faithless Christianity

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire - Matthew 7:19


2010-02-11 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 4)
All disciples should produce fruit of all kinds of fruit

There are some who debate over and over again what fruit (harpos in Greek) is:
  • Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23
  • Fruit of making other disciples - John 15:16
Does not matter - fruit of disciples are to God's glory

A good heart refuses to get entangled in a semantic debate and simply produce for God

What kind of fruit does God see in your life?

2010-02-19 - One Another - Spurring One Another (part 1)
Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds - Hebrews 10:24

Two unfaithful extremes:
  • We feel uncomfortable which people getting involved with our lives at all
  • We tell people what we think they should do and expect them to do it
Great blessings we have based on our relationship with Jesus - Hebrews 10:19-25
  • We have access to the Father
  • We a great high priest
  • We have full assurance
  • We have a clean conscience
  • We have hope
  • We have a faithful God

2010-02-20 - One Another - Spurring One Another (part 2)
Because of our great blessings with Christ, we can not take this fellowship lightly

Must pursue it with greater vigor - Hebrews 10:24-31
There is great seriousness in this matter

paroxusmos - Greek word, translates word:
  • NIV = spur on
  • KJV = provoke
  • CSB - promote
  • NASB - stimulate
Greek lexicon:
  1. Stirring up, provoking - only used here in the NT
  2. irritation, sharp disagreement - only Acts 15:39
  3. Attack of high fever - not in NT
Not a "nice" word but aggressive word in Webster's transliteration:
  1. Sudden violent outburst
  2. Fit of violent action or emotion
  3. A severe medically attack
How do we accomplish the "spurring on"?
Must be done with thought and with their needs in mind - not one size fits all
Must be done with end result to result being love and good deeds

  • Pray for their needs and let them know that you are
  • Share scripture that you believe will be relevant
  • When they share struggles - ask them about it consistently
  • Do not be afraid to give someone a bold challenge

2010-03-05 - To Live is Christ - From Trials to Triumph

A successful life is not life from difficulty, trial, or tragedy - Philippians 1:12-14
While Paul was imprisoned, he learned how to live

He saw God the same - no matter what happened in his life

In an earlier letter he saw illness as an opportunity bring the gospel to the them - Galatians 4:13

He saw imprisonment for a chance to convert Romans
There became disciples is Caesar's household - Philippians 4:22
Something "not good" can be turned into the complete opposite when in God's larger pattern

Paul not giving up deepen their convictions - he emboldened them to share the message

Whatever happens in life can serve to advance the gospel when we are living by faith

2010-03-07 - To Live is Christ - Self Titled
What is missing in so many lives is a clear sense of identity and purpose

Paul knew who he was and his his purpose of living/dying for Christ

In fact he had a relationship, example and a security destiny with Christ

If they spared his life, his purpose was to:
  • Show the life of Christ in his life
  • Tell others the good news
  • Mature those who were disciples
If death, then a life in heaven with Christ
Either way, it was a "win-win"

Paul was going to be delivered, one way or another - 2 Corinthians 1:10
  • Delivered from prison
  • Delivered from his life and struggles
  • Delivered from his loneliness and anxiety
What could be better than an unswerving commitment to someone greater than yourself?

2010-03-09 - To Live is Christ - Whatever Happens

Paul set an example for them by facing frustration with faith - lesson for us as well
Whatever happens...in a manner worthy of the gospel

It is not just a good moral life; is is united with each other - standing firm in one spirit

Jesus died to bring us together
1st century - no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own - Acts 4:32
An autonomous Christian was unknown to the biblical writters

Staying in the fellowship means:

  • Suffering
  • Extra work
  • Carrying each other's burdens

The world needs to see men, women, singles, marrieds, teens, all races, rich and poor brought together as "one man".


2010-03-17 - To Live is Christ - Considered Rubbish
Not only did Paul give up his religious past and performance, he gladly counted everything else a loss too
He would give up any claim of such things so he could gain justification by grace

He considered them rubbish  - Philippians 3:8-9
skubala = human waste or dung (KJV)
He was saying the same thing as Isaiah - all righteousness acts are like filthy rags - Isaiah 64:6

The good we do is not rubbish but it is if those works are seen as the source and trusted in
Our obedience, which is imperfect, does not make us right with God
Christ's righteousness saves by faith

The message of the cross calls us to sacrifice everything to Christ, who sacrificed everything for us

Without his sacrifice, our sacrifice would be worthless to God and to man

2010-03-20 - To Live is Christ - Enemies of the Cross
The acceptance of Jesus leads to joy and not to be naive - Philippians 3:17-21
Be thankful but still have our eyes wide open

The cross stands as a constant reminder of the battle between good and evil
Jesus did not just hang out at the cross - HE DIED there because of his enemies
And the war goes on

To act as though we do could do enough to earn salvation - undermines Jesus' sacrifice
To act as though grace is a license for sin - undermines the purpose of the cross - Romans 6:17

Enemies of the cross = people with minds on earthly things

Philippians had a unique blessing of having Roman citizenship outside of Rome
Our real home country is heaven and our loyalty is to the King of Kings

2010-03-29 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 3)
God does not work to ruin our lives but to improve us - James 1:16-18
Don't accuse God of wrong doing like Job did - Job 1:22

Our fate is in God's hands, not in the stars - v. 17

God's goodness is his gift of rebirth
Peter makes this clear - 1 Peter 1:23

James moves to relationships with one another
Don't retaliate when times are tough - James 1:19-21

James' wisdom would transform many a relationship if put into practice

Natural Reaction Jesus' action
Be quick to speak Be quick to listen
Don't listen Slow to speak
Be first to become angry Slow to become angry

2010-04-04 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 4)
People are searching for a cause
The perfect law forbids us to act out of anger or slander
  • Feminist movement - made some good points - fueled by resentment
  • Environmental movement - humans are responsible for our "dominion" - Genesis 1:26; but it is there are more important causes
  • Gay rights movement - all humans should not desciminated against - primary a defensive , negative movement ; finding self-justification instead of justification that comes from Jesus
  • Political movements - good to voice opinions; but when political allegiances eclipes our Christian allegiance, we are in sin
  • Anti-abortion movement - fight to save babies is a great fight - but killing others to do so? does not that make you a murder too?

2010-04-09 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 3)
When to comes to the tongue, it is the little things that make all the difference

James compares the tongue to - James 3:3-7:
  • Bits into the mouth of a horse
  • A rudder on a large ship
  • A spark that starts a large fire
  • Taming wild animals is easier that taming our own tongue
Our lives will be used for good or evil, depending on how we control this tiny part of our body

James used his experienced practical teaching style to explain that good and evil should not coexist - James 3:9-12
3 of 4 major crops were - figs, olives, and grapes

Is there far more positive coming from your mouth than negative?

2010-04-10 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 4)
There are two sorts of wisdom: earthly and heavenly

Do you have God's wisdom? - James 3:17-18
  • pure - not mixed with anything else - in thought, word or deed?
  • peace-loving - never to be soft on sin and not follow ways of violence
  • considerate - do we really put others first?
  • submissive - "obedient, compliant", open to persuasion
  • full of mercy and good - God is looking for changes and results
  • impartial - not taking the side of the unjust
  • sincere - "unhypocritical"
Wisdom in the Bible is more about moral quality than intellectual quality
Is why the wise may turn out to be fools and the "foolish" may the wisest of all

2010-04-12 - Life to the Full - Macho Mist (part 2)
Spiritual adultery - How easy it is to flirt with the world if we fail to guard our hearts - Proverbs 4:23
In Jewish law, adultery is grounds for divorce

The Spirit cause to live within us envies intensely - James 3:5

The nature of God: He will tolerate no rivals for his love
God is a jealous God - Exodus 34:14

One of the quoted OT verse in the the NT is about pride - Proverbs 3:34
Much of the pride mention in the NT is bad: Pride goes before the fall - Proverbs 16:18
Pride mentioned in the NT is usually good: I take great pride in you - 2 Corinthians 7:4
It depends on where the pride is rooted and the attitude behind it

If you feel ineffective, frustrated, unproductive, opposed - it might be because God is opposing you because of your pride
He is trying to get your attention so you will turn back to him

2010-04-15 - Life to the Full - Got to Pray (part 3)
Am I a person of integrity?

Question to ask myself:
  • Do I forget the commitments I made?
  • Do I often arrive late to church meetings?
  • Do people say I am a excuse maker?
  • Any I good bill payer? Am I a good sward of my bank account?
  • When I say I will call you, do I?
  • Am I automotively trustworthy?
  • Do I give first to the Lord?
  • When I set a goal, do I work until I succeed?
  • Am I trusted with responsibility?
What question is the list is most challenging?

2010-04-16 - Life to the Full - Personal Life of Peter (part 1)
Before calling him, Peter's character was more rash than rational

The Bad
He gave into bad habits, swearing - Matthew 26:74
He lacked a mission in his life - Luke 5:10

The Good
He spoke his mind plainly - Matthew 16:22
Responded quickly - Galatians 2:11
Always ready to learn from his mistakes - Luke 22:23

Peter was totally transformed by the Lord; he became bold and confident - Acts 4:12-13

2010-04-24 - Life to the Full - In His Steps (part 5)
According to Peter, evangelism must be:
  • Christ-centered - we preach Jesus Christ as Lord - 2 Corinthians 4:5
  • Well-prepared - must know what we are talking about - 2 Timothy 2:15
  • Be yourself / Be real - eloquence is not a requirement - 1 Corinthians 2:12
  • Be gentle and respectful - No place for self-righteousness
  • Non-retaliating - We will be opposed; If we retaliate, we lose; Turn the other cheek - Matthew 5:39
  • Unhypocritical - People will be eager to change when they see the good news supported by your life

2010-05-04 - The Amazements (part 1)

Preached by Richard Dixion on 1997-09-09

The people were amazed by Jesus

Mark 1:22, 27

  • Teachings amazed them
  • Why were they new?
    • Taught from the heart
  • Above treating others like they do you - Love your enemies
  • Caught in adultery vs. even thing about a girl lustfully
2 Timothy 3:1-9
  • Change/Repent = idleness is not godliness
  • Not feel-good messages all the time
1 Corinthians 4:18-20
  • vs. 20 Not of talk but of power
  • Jesus amazed the people by his power
Mark 2:12
  • Revealed the power of God
  • Difference: his healing was attributed to God

2010-05-07 - Men are without excuse (part 1)

Preached by Richard Dixion - 1999-07-18

Understanding the bad news

Romans 1:18-32

  • To understand the good news - we must be convicted about the bad news
    • Conviction in US law - proven
    • We need to be shown where we are wrong
  • Spirit convicts us about sin - John 16:7-8
  • Questions we could ask:
    • Wrong: Why would a loving God send anyone to hell?
    • Right: Why would a just God save anyone?
Our responsibility

John 3:19-21

2 Timothy 3:1-5

  • Having a form of godliness...is ungodly
  • Describes people:
    • People then and now
      • "Church-goers" - who do you know who is like this?
      • Are you like this?

2010-05-10 - World Hates Jesus (part 2)

Ephesians 5:1-13

  • Being open pleases God
  • Sin enslaves us.
Hebrews 10:26-31

  • Our sins killed Jesus
  • Not oops...Deliberate!
  • Two ways to look at it
    • Bad Bad = Guilty/No change
    • Good Bad = Repentence/Change
  • Only 72 left to follow Jesus when he ascended
  • Today:
    • God is the same.
    • People change.

John 6:60-71

  • Jesus' message offended people
  • They my have said:
    • You are going to lose some members
    • You are not going to be popular
    • This might start a controversy

Matthew 10:34-38

  • The message is going to cause friction
Matthew 7:13-14
  • The road is narrow:
    • Hard to get on
    • Not easy
    • Few will be on it
  • Are you on the narrow road?

2010-05-13 - Desire's Journey - Same Old Thing
Something worse than the fall of man (losing paradise) = getting used to it
  • Been there, done that
  • Life sucks, then you die
  • How is it going? "Same old thing"
How has life turned out differently from the way you though it would?
  • Friendship
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Holidays
What if we were told that the future would be the same as today? It is hell

We have not solved the riddle of our existence
Everyone else seems to be getting on with things. What is wrong with me?

It is possible to run away from the desire for years but we are desire - essence of the human soul

Our desire, if we listen, will save us from committing soul-suicide
Same old thing would not be enough
Life as usual us not the life we truly want
It is not the life we were made for

"All good things come to an end" is a lie

We abandon the most important journey of our lives when we abandon desire

Whatever we might gain, it is not worth it - Matthew 16:26

2010-05-17 - Desire's Journey - The Beast Within
Years of living in an indifferent hostile world creates a deep sense of unsettledness with in us

Battle of good and evil within us - Romans 7:20-23
Sinful desires are contrary to the Spirit
They conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want - Galatians 5:17

There is a nagging awareness warning us not to feel our hunger too deeply or it will undo us
We wouldn't want to do anything crazy or desperate

We want what our unmet desire wants but our sinful nature wants what is contrary

We try everything - TV, sex, relationships, drugs, etc - going one to another
We don't know what we want because we're so unacquaninted with our desire

We try to keep a safe distance between our daily lives and our heart's desire - because it causes us too much trouble

Do we really want to open Pandora's box?

Dare we awaken our hears to their true desires?
Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?

Our dilemma is this: we can't seem to live with desire, and we can't live without it

2010-05-20 - Desire's Journey - Life to the Fullest
I have come so you may have life to the full - John 10:10

Not: "I have come to exhaust you with long list of demands"
Not only is eternal life duration but quality

In him was life and that life was the light of men - John 1:4
People who aren't very good with keeping with a program are very aware of their soul's deep thirst for Jesus' message

They tear off roofs
The trample each other to get closer to him

Have you seen anyone acting like this in order to join a church committee or to hear a sermon about a set of rules to follow?

People act like this when it is a matter of life and death
When life is at stake, human desire goes into desperation mode

Pharisees missed the boat on this one
Hearts were hardened by the very law they claimed would bring them life
They killed their souls' thirst with duty and knowledge

2010-05-21 - Desire's Journey - Good News?
The promise of life has been lost in the focus of knowledge and performance

Pharisee knew more about the Bible than we ever will - and it hardened their hearts

There were two trees in the garden of Eden:
  • Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
  • Tree of Life
We go the wrong tree

Each church has its unspoken list of what you should and should not do
We are told this is the good news

We don't need more facts
We don't need more things to do
We need life

You have made know to me the path of life - Psalms 16:11
My soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
My soul thirsts for you - Psalms 63:1

Why did Jesus appeal to desire?
Because it was essential for life
He who has the Son has life - 1 John 5:12

2010-05-22 - Desire's Journey - Goodness

Does Christianity condemn desire? Like the Puritans

It is not a matter of desire is good or not - it is what we do with it
Christianity recognizes that desire has gone mad within us but not seeking to fix the problem by killing our desire

Something has gone wrong
God gives us commands for our own good
The point is not the law but joy

Faith on its way to maturity moves from duty to delight
If the goal is to move from delight to duty, we are going backwards and regressing

Prodigal son
Younger son desire get him into trouble
Father's desire for the lost boy is deep
He is grateful just to have his son home again
Older brother lived his entire life under duty and obligation - dealt with his sinful nature by killing desire
THose who kill desire are not the ones who experience God's embrace

2010-05-23 - Desire's Journey - Disowned Desire

Examples of desires used for bad then good

King David - passions got him in trouble, then gave us our book of worship

Peter - was hotheaded disciple always quick with a reply
First to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah and became a key apostle

Paul - extremely zealous for the traditions of his fathers, killed Christians
Jesus captured his zeal for good - he worked harder than all the other apostles - 1 Corinthians 15:10

Those who killed their passion altogether would murder the very essence that makes heros of the faith
Killing our desire is like the thinking of curing our sickness by bleeding out the bad

2010-05-29 - Desire's Journey - Mocking Desire
We want the adventure without the risk - ex. Only 5% of SUV ever go off-road

Idols usually come in pairs:
Nearby idol - gives a since of control
Faraway idols - provides the taste of transcendence
But the idols are impostors - we are taken by the array of choices we have but never have to stop and look at what we are doing

Is your desire truly and deeply satisfied with these idols?
Does the relief come more through the temporary absence of desire?
We have found a powerful drug - distraction

Sometimes we don't want to take a good, hard look at what we are really doing
Used wood to make fire and cook with - then made an idol??? - Isaiah 44:16-17, 19-20

2010-05-31 - Desire's Journey - Cruel or Kind?

Sometimes God seems cruel:

  • Unemployed
  • Search for spouse

Isn't this the reason we fear to desire in the first place?

Unless we understand our desperate hearts and our tenacity to arrange life as we want it - these events seem cruel

Eden - we had it all but we threw it away by mistrusting God's heart and taking control of what we wanted
Adam and Eve set into motion what we now call addiction

Addiction exists whenever persons are internally compelled to give energy to things that are not their true desires

Addition becomes our idol - we must give it up
Anything can become an idol, even "good" things: work, hobbies, etc

2010-06-05 - Desire's Journey - Ultimate Blow

How are we to bet our arranging a good life in the face of death?

Even after the fall, the wickedness of the human heart seems out of control
People lived 700, 800, 900 year - can you imagine the arranging of lives that could be done during that time?

So God set our years shorter - Genesis 6:3
Death is never natural - it wasn't meant to be

Those left behind experience such pain
Each death can begin to understood only within the larger story God is telling


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