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2012-02-05 - Ministry - Touching Faith
Mark 5:24b-34

This woman had been subject to a chronic disorder for 12 years of her life. Imagine for a minute the discouragement, doubt, devastation, and frustration of not being able to see this condition get better. In fact, it just got worse. Have you ever felt defeated about something in your life? Have you ever been discouraged for months about your marriage? Personal fruitfulness? Relationships? Then you can relate to this woman. One of the Satan's deadliest tactics is to keep people from being open about their lives. Sadly, many of us fall into this trap Satan has laid for us and we begin to live "double lives" in the Kingdom. We live a certain way in the world and a certain way at church. For a brief moment in her misery, she decided to have faith and touch him Jesus felt power leave him so he asked "Who touched me?" People stop, some get nervous, some put their heads down, some look at others. Everything is silent.

The woman's conscience perhaps was pricked and she had a decision to make. She knew what she did and she knew what the right thing to do was. So she fell to her feet, trembling with fear, she told him the whole truth. But what she thought Jesus would do, he didn't do because he is not like you or me. She learned Jesus wanted to her to be open and tell the truth not because he wanted to scold her, admonish her, or even take the miracle back. He actually wanted to honor her.

Question: What doubt or discouragement in your life is holding you back from being 100% sold out to God?

Talk to your discipleship partner today about it. Getting "in touch" with it is the first step to change.

2012-02-11 - Ministry - Even While Suffering
John 19:17-27

As we read the passage, particularly v25-27, it is compelling the even in the throes of pain, Jesus is taking care of his relationships. It would have been easy for him to neglect this as he was busying suffering and dying. It is easy for us as we are in transition spiritually or physically to forget to care of our relationships. This can really hurt people make them feel as though we do not care. Why did not Jesus take care of all of this earlier? Why did he get this done before everything got more harried? The scriptures are silent on this but maybe Jesus wanted to see which of his followers
would remain near the cross right up until the end. Mary, formerly without her husband Joseph and now, witnessing the death of her eldest son, was sure to be hurting. Jesus saw in John the compassion and love that He knew his own mother really needed. I think he also knew that John would be for her the closest thing to her own son, Jesus. It is convicting about how much Jesus considered and thought about relationships, even while suffering on the cross.

  • Are you building and growing relationships?
  • Are they deepening through openness, prayer, and discipleship?
  • Pray for at least three people you want to build a deeper relationship with. Pray for them.

2012-02-12 - Ministry - But Because You Say So
Luke 5:1-11

Peter's faith was ebbing with the tide. No fish, no breakfast. After a frustrating night of fruitless fishing he was struggling to accept a carpenter's fishing tip to let down the nets yet again. Yet Peter softened his will to the Master's will and obeyed out of faith. He had no other reason to believe he would even get a nibble at the net. As the fish came in Peter got that sinking feeling of realizing the depth of his own sin. He deferred to Jesus and knew he did not deserve to be in the Master's presence. I am struck by Peter's decision to follow Christ's command to let down the net again even though years of experience and an empty-netted night begged him not to. Sometimes experience can breed cynicism because we are used to certain results and have formed certain expectations. Cynicism replaces obedience and robs us of faith. It gives us a reason to not have to believe because "we have been there, done that" and it has never work. Peter's humility is convicting and his responsiveness to Jesus is a powerful example. We can easily be deceived by experience that has result in fruitless and netted us nothing.

Is your evangelism producing fruit?

Maybe you are letting your nets down in the wrong place or in the wrong way.
Find a new fishing hole. Consider reaching out to different kinds of people.

2012-02-15 - Fear of Failure - That Our Faith Should Not Fail
by Rosalind Lam, San Francisco Church of Christ

Luke 22:31-62

Jesus recognized the spiritual battle both he and his disciples would undergo before his arrest and therefore prayed that Simon's faith would not fail him and that he would "repent and turn to [Jesus] again, strengthen and build up [his] brothers" (NLT). Peter was blinded by his pride and did not have a sober view of his own ability to resist temptation, even after Jesus warned him that he would deny him. Peter's overconfidence was evident when he chose to sleep instead of pray and Peter's reliance on his flesh led to him being overpowered by fear and failing to have conviction during the time of pressure. Though Peter got bitter at his failure initially, he did not let it destroy his faith but went on to do amazing things for God, including preaching the opening sermon for the church.

What I learn from this passage about my own failures as a Christian is that Satan's ultimate goal is that my faith will fail me. Jesus' prayer helped me to make a decision that as long as I fight hard in prayer to repent and turn back to God, use my failures to build the faith of other Christians, and never give up, I can always make a comeback as Peter did and see God use me to fulfill his dreams for my life.

  • Look at how God has overcome my shortcomings to help me grow.
  • Build trust in God today by sharing a victory with a friend.

2012-02-23 - Fear of Failure - God Always Sees the Humble Heart
by Gene Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

1 Kings 21

Ahab really wanted Naboth's vineyard, and so he was willing to do anything to get it. He kept on sinning until he got the vineyard - discouragement, self-pity, anger, and eventually murder. There are "vineyards" in everyone's lives nowadays, jobs, relationships, or successes. Ahab was so consumed with what he wanted that his marriage was ungodly. I see how I don't lead my wife because I get consumed with my job and success, and my relationship with God goes the same way as my marriage. I get so guilty that I lose confidence in how God can use my life.
What encourages me about this scripture is how God uses people to confront others with the truth and how He is hoping for people to humble themselves and turn back to Him. Ahab was described as a man who "sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord" (v. 25). Elijah warned Ahab of the impending disaster because of his sin. Ahab took God's warning seriously and humbled himself before God, and the Lord noticed and blessed him! I can feel at times that I have messed up so much that God would never believe in me again, and yet God is merely looking for a heart that is humble, broken, and grateful. He hopes that I would have the courage to see my sin. God notices and moves on behalf of a humble heart!

2012-03-04 - Fear of Failure - God Sticks By Us When We Fail
by Rhys Kiaaina - Region Leader: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 49:15

Whenever I fail, I feel like I am being left behind. That somehow God has left me. But Scripture says God remembers. He will not forget me. If we are separated, the reality is that I have left Him. Whenever I fail, I doubt God's motives. I think He is angry with me and disappointed in me. But God has you and I engraved on the palm of His hand. Isn't that incredible? He's got a tattoo of you and me on the palm of His hand! God made a decision a long time ago that He would stick by us for life! Whenever I experience failure, I get the 3-D's: Depressed, Distracted, and Discouraged. I focus on what I have failed to do, rather than what God is able to accomplish. God's love is deeper than a mother's for a child. There is no reason for me to get discouraged because God has always "got my back".

  1. I will remember that God is with me and do something for someone else to show I believe in them and I am with them.
  2. To trust in the Bible and read it every time I feel 2. like God is disappointed in me.
  3. To show love to a person in action and in truth if I feel like God doesn't love me.

2012-10-02 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Crawling (part I)
God humbled and dirtied himself just to search for one lost soul - you
  • He who was rich, became poor - 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • And became sin for us - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • He is able to sympathize with us
  • He was tempted in every way - Hebrews 4:15-16
  • He got down and washed the disciples feet - John 13:1-5

Some feel distant from him because of our sin but God is desperately looking for us - Luke 15:8

2013-06-25 - Why we need men of resolution (part II)

Our relationship with our father is very telling as to why we are and who we are.

“What does my dad really think about me?” Lots of fathers don’t realize their vital role.

Many issues come from fathers having lost their sense of purpose.

Society is guiding boys to remain boys as long as possible— extending childhood into their thirties—while forcing girls to become women long before they are ready.

Millions of young men are staying single. They want the privileges and rewards of manhood but only the responsibilities and moral requirements of boys.

God has a special place in His heart for two specific groups of people: fatherless children and widows.
have in common? The most important man in the leadership role of their lives is gone.

Dad have good intention but there many things working against them:

  • Divorce - best thing for kids is to see their parents humble themselves, repent of their selfishness, forgive one another, and recommit to their marriage
  • Work - Before the industrial revolution, fathers primarily worked at home. When dad finally did get home, he was too tired to engage, and his family got the leftovers. Men need to set boundaries and learn to say “no,” his work priorities will constantly pull him away.
  • Entertainment - the television becomes their influence instead which is a terrible father.
  • Anti-father bias in media - dads on TV today are incompetent and constantly outwitted by their wives and disrespectful kids.
  • The church - many church programs separate families to the point that kids never see their fathers

Devil will never stop attacking what God prioritizes.

2013-11-30 - Holy Matrimony

God alone designed the marvelous mystery of marriage.
To become godly husbands starts with the idea of holiness
God wants our lives to be holy so that they would become more like Him - priceless, pure, and special.
It makes things unique, like no other. It sets them apart. It keeps special things special.

After everything God had done to deliver His people and help them become holy, He hated when they forgot His mercy, rejected His standards, and shamefully lived like the world
They dishonored the surpassing worth of God.

Any sin in us reveals that God is not as holy to us as He should be.
You are to set her apart in your eyes above all the other women on the face of the earth. She became your prized possession for you to cherish, love, and protect for the rest of your life.
God created your marriage to be a living portrait on earth to reveal the loving relationship of Jesus Christ with His Bride, the church - those whom He has declared “holy” unto Him - Ephesians 1:4
Should be like: “Look at my relationship with my wife! This is what the sacrificial, unconditional love of Jesus Christ for His Bride looks like!”
God’s calling for you as a husband was not to marry the woman you love, but to love the woman you married.

2015-02-10 - The To Do List

Jeshua and Zerubbabel joined his fellow priests in rebuilding the alter of the God of Israel - Ezra 3:2-3

Ask yourself what tops your list of things to do, if spending time with God is not, then it is time to make an adjustment

Their actions created a buzz - they insisted on rebuilding the alter before rebuilding the city wall

"Can't that wait?" "Don't these guys understand the danger we face?"

Jeshua and Zerubbabel understood without God's protection, their enemies would destroy them, wall or no wall

They remembered what happened to the previous wall builder - they forgot to include God and their wall came tumbling down

Does anything on your to do list come before spending time with God?

When you make time with GOd your top priority, you invite blessings on all the other items on the list.

2015-02-13 - Tap into Your Power Source

Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray - Mark 1:35

Jesus understood better than anyone else the importantce of tapping into the heavenly power source

Jesus didn't allow anything to get in the way of his prayer times

Busy men often complain of burnout, Jesus never did

Jesus had a packed schedule without losing his focus or his energy

He considered regular prayer time virtal to his personal well-being and effectiveness

How much more should we spend time daily with the One who empowers us?

2015-03-08 - Approach to Life

Living means living for Christ - Philippians 1:21

Death is near the top of most people's list of fears

Death for the believers is nothing more than moving on to new location

Paul faced the distinct possiblity of death but there is no hint of fear in his letter

He knew

  • If he lived, could continue his work
  • If he died, he would simply move to his new location in heaven - Phippians 1:21-24

Paul couldn't decide which of the options he preferred

Paul never forgot God superinteneded everything that happened to him

When you live free from the fear of death or life, you will never have to worry about what lies ahead.


2015-04-16 - Godly Enthusiasm

It is not by force nor strength but by my Spirit, says the Lord - Zechariah 4:6

Zerubbabel oversaw the reconstruction of the Jerusalem Temple

Over a period of 16 years, the people's enthusiasm for the project waned, leaving it unfinished

Zerubbabel felt a deep sense of discouragement over the stalled work

Zechariah came with a vital message - Don't depend on your own strength. depend on God and his ability to empower you for the task

Zerubbabel's faith was renewed - He had a renewed sense of enthusiasm, united the people, and got back to work

No worthy project is about human force or strength, it must be about his mighty Spirit

Do you think that you or someone else has the key to success?

Do you genuinely believe that God's Spirit holds the key to your success?

2015-05-08 - Passionate Life

David danced before the Lord will all his might - 2 Samuel 6:14

Though a man can hide some things deep within his soul, passion isn't one of them

David was a man who expressed his passion though at times his passion got the better of him

Soon after David ascended to the throne, he immediately worked to reunite the kingdom of Israel

Through his efforts. the Ark was returned to its rightful place

David could not contain his enthusiasm, he danced for the Lord with all his might

Some questioned his motives, but David knew he acted out of deep love for the Lord

David had not reservations about appearing to acting foolish - he worshiped God with everything he had


2015-06-06 - Man of Hope

Even when there was no hope, Abraham kept hoping of becoming a father of man nations - Romans 4:18

Hope - a sense of expectancy even when the circumstaces suggest packing it in and giving up

At age 100 years  Abraham still had no children

Humanly speaking, Abraham had every reason to wonder if God had forgotten his promise

Abraham remained convicted God would keep all his promises

God blessed Abraham and his wife with a son - he became a father of many nations

Those who trust in me will never be put to shaem - Isaiah 49:23

Has God given you an yet-to-be-fullfilled promise? Have you grown weary in waiting?

2015-06-18 - Evangelism One-on-One

We have found the Messiah; Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus  - John 1:41-42

Not everyone get to preach to a mass audience but everyone can make a difference in the lives of people around them

This is where Andrew got his start before the Book of Acts

When Andrew first meet Jesus and realized his identity, he couldn't contain his excitement - he had to tell someone

Andrew's one simple act of inviting his brother Peter forever changed his life and the life of millisons who would come to faith in Jesus Christ through Peter's life

It isn't about your training or credentials but tell others you have found the Messiah!

2015-06-21 - Your Smallness

It's the voice of a god, not of a man - Acts 12:22

It is easy to recoginze a man who does not realize his own smallness

He is one of with an air of self-sufficiency and self-satisfaction

Herod was known for his terrible treatment of his subjects and his uncontrolled egotism (a quality that cost him everything)

When a delegation of men from Tyre and Sidon, they stroked Herod's ego and he accepted their adulation

That day, Herod usurped the worship that God reserved for himself; Herod's life ended that day

2015-07-03 - Righteous Anger

Jesus made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the Temple - John 2:15

Jesus became angry times when he saw authorities have a lack of love and true faith in his heavenly father

He espcially got angry this time with the money changers who were greedy in their dealing with those pilgrims trying to purshase sacrificial animals

Jesus always directed his anger at things that stood in the way of God's purposes for mankind

Do you express your anger over the same kind of issues that angered Jesus?

When you become angry, ask yourself:

  • Is it for the right reason?
  • Is it for the right people?
  • Is it at the right moment?

2015-07-15 - Don't Rock the Boat

They incited a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 other leaders - Numbers 16:2

Korah was a strong man who organized a corp of leaders with the intention of usurping Moses' authority and installing his own very of the preisthood

He forgot what happened to Aaron and Miiam when they challenged Moses' leadership - Numbers 12

Korah was a special leader but he wanted more than what God had given him

God removed them from their positions and removed them from the earth altogether

Some of God's greatest leaders have been willing to rock the boat but they also have a strong grasp of respecting authority

When we submit to those in authority, we demonstrate a key condition for God's blessing: humility!

2015-08-02 - Eternal Family

Anyone who does God's will is my brother and sister and mother - Mark 3:35

Jesus gave a new definition of family when he taught that his real family was made up of believers

He knew that his earthly relatives lacked the spiritual eyes to see the truth

Jesus came to do his Father's will and anyone who got in his way, even with the best intentions, would take a backseat to his new family

Your earthly family is God's gift to you to treasure and love

2015-08-18 - Receiving God's Promises

Issac's wife was unable to have children and the Lord answered his prayer with twins - Genesis 25:21

In those days, a married couple without children for a long period of time was considered to have shameful lot

Would he give up? Would he father a child with another woman? Would a child come when they were old?

His heart was set on something and he got on his knees and prayed

God delivered not only once but twice

It took 20 years but Issac recived God's blessing in God's way

2015-09-05 - Sound Judgement

We alone will build the Temple for the Lord just as KIng Cyrus of Persia commanded us - Ezra 4:3

It is important to guard against those who try to lead you away from a strong, biblical faith

Zerubbabel had good judgement overseeing the building of an alter to the Lord and the rebuild of the holy Temple

This got the attention of some traditional adversaries who offered to help with highly suspect motives

It was tempting to get the work done faster but Zerubbabel said thanks but no thanks

We need to have sound judgement in who spends time with your family and what images you and your kids should view and the activities you choose

2015-09-06 - Place in the Body

Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you - Colossians 4:17

Church on Sunday morning, do you recongnize that God has a specific purpose and ministry for you that day?

Don't miss out on the blessing you can receive when you assume your place of service in the body of Christ

Archippus' ministry was apparently important enough to the apostle Paul that he encouraged the young man to make sure he got the job done:

  1. Paul didn't want him to see his ministry as a burden
  2. Archippus was responsible for continuing to put the gift he was given to good use

God has given you a particular ministry and the gifts it takes to effectively carry it out.

Are you pursuing your role in the church with all of your heart?

2015-09-18 - God's Kindness

Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him and he became proud - 2 Chronicles 32:24-25

Bible calls Hezekiah a godly king - he didn't make good use of an amazing gift God had given him

He received 15 years additonal life - 2 Kings 20

Hezekiah forgot to be a good steward of what had given him and became proud by showing off his treasure of house and armory - 2 Kings 20:13

God warned him that the same Babylonian nation that send the treasure would destroy it - 2 KIngs 20:14

2015-10-02 - Take a Shot

Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit - 2 Kings 2:9

Prophet-in-training Elisha achieve greatness because he had the faith to ask for a blessing when he had the opportunity

Three times Elijah told him to stay behind, three times he said I will never leave you - 2 Kings 2:2-6

Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted, he didn't hesitate - double portion of his spirit

Elisha got exactly what he requested

When we need God's empowerment, take your shot and for it in faith

2015-11-13 - First Things First

When they heard the words of the prophet Haggai the people feared the Lord- Haggai 1:12

Setting priorities is a key to doing anything well

Haggai believed strongly in setting the right priorities and enourging others to do the same

The people of Jerusalem had a problem with priorities

They had settled nicely into their homes with the Temple was left unfinished after 16 years

Why are living in luxurious houses while God's house lies in ruins? - Haggai 1:4

The people of Jerusalem hadn't finished the Temple because it wasn't at the top of their to-do list

Haggai preached the right message at the right time

Their sense of priorities got straighten out and they got busy

Do you give to a ministry that God has put on your heart? If not, it is time to rearrange your priorities

2015-12-01 - Willing to Confront

When Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face - Galatians 2:11

Uncorrected errors do multiply, you got to face them some day

Few of us enjoy confrontation:

  • Pointing out other's flaws
  • Having our flaws exposed

Spiritual health sometimes calls for loving confrontations

Petter had erred in refusing to dine with uncircumcised Gentiles Christians

Peter was clearly in the wrong and Paul confronted him directly

Paul modeled the importance of lving confrontation with regard to crucial issues of faith

If he let this error slide, bigger errors would soon bury the young church

2015-12-19 - Enemy of Self

Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan - Judges 13:24-25

The man who learns to put himself aside is the one who makes a difference for God's kingdom

From the time Samson was a boy, the Spirit began to stir within him

That is when self got in the way

Something went wrong between God's Spirit and Samson

Samson didn't use the gifts of God had given him as a leader and deliever God called him to be

He used his gifts for his own agenda:

  • Consistantly proud
  • Often immoral
  • Arrogantly disregarded the counsel of others
  • Used strength for revenge and settle scores

God gave Samson all the strength he needed to succeed

Samson squandered an opportunity for greatness and left a legacy of pride

Will you use your gifts for his benefit or just for yourself?

2016-01-29 - Genesis 25 - Esau and Jacob (part II)


Isaac and Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a meal.


Genesis 25:22 - the two children struggled with each other in the womb
Sibiling rivaly starts early - even before they born in this case. Our thoughts and personalities are formed before we leave the womb. Sure, we can learn and further be formed afterwards but in some sense their parents did not help smooth the relationship. Their parents practiced favoritsm: Issac's love for Esau was conditional based off performance and Rebekah's love for Jacob was consistant and uncondtional [Genesis 25:28].

Genesis 25:32 - I'm dying of starvation... what good is my birthright to me now?
Short term pleasure can lead to long term consequences and lose of sight of the future. Was Esau really going to die of starvation? It does not seem so from his actions after he ate as he just got up and left quickly [Genesis 25:34]. Esau resorted to exaggeration to prove his point. The issue was nothing else mattered at the time except for food and Esau lost perpective of what was most important. Jacob, ironically, was the hunter in this case by patiently laying a trap for his brother's arrival. 


Getting through the short-term pressure-filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming tempation. I need to have God's long term perpective when confronted with a short sided want.


Praying for God's strength in my weaknesses

2016-11-16 - Genesis 27 - Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing


Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing. Esau vowed revenge so Rebekah told Jacob to go to her brother Laban.


Genesis 27:12 - What if my father touches me... he'll curse me instead of bless me

  • How we react to a moral dilemma often expresses our real motives
  • Jacob was more concerned about being caught than doing what was right
  • Jacob's questioning gave Rebecca an opportunity to reconsider but she was too wrapped in her plan instead of God's plan
  • Correcting yourself in the middle of doing wrong may hurt but it will also bring freedom from sin's control

Genesis 27:20-24 - How did you find it so quickly?... Come closer so I can touch you and make sure that you are really Esau... But are you really my son Esau?

  • Issac voiced suspicion three times
    • Logical - The timing of his return answer
    • Touch - Feeling his arms for confirmation
    • Vocal - Ask him directly
  • Although Jacob got the blessing he wanted, he paid dearly
    • Never saw his mother again
    • His brother wanted to kill him
    • He was deceived by his uncle
    • His family became torn of strife
    • Esua became the founder of an enemy nation
    • He was exciled from his family for many years
  • Jacob's blessing was part of God's plan all along but he did it his own way [Genesis 25:23]


How am I implementing God plan via his promises? My own way or in God's timing?


Lord, I want to be obedient and hunble to your plan and in your own way and your own timing.

2018-04-03 - The Narrowness of Jesus (part I)

To him:

  • certian conceptions of God were true and others were false
  • certain estimates of man were correct and others erroneous
  • certain standards of duty were uplifting and other degrading

Jesus clung to the true and combated the false

He was not afraid of being call intolerant or a bigot

He made no compromises and not bend on thing he knew were true and good

Jesus correct was taught by the teachers, leaders; not allowing them to roam at their will through the realms of thought

Principles were to cling to or else lose their souls

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