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2009-09-25 - One Another - Making it Clear
1 Corinthians 1-3 2 Corinthians 1
The world's wisdom The world's wisdom
God's grace God's grace

Relationships that are conducted according to the world's wisdom - have some element of self in mind

Relationships in God's grace have in mind: God's grace to us and our need to pass grace on to others

World teaches to be independent / We belong to one another -  Romans 12:5
  • One on who be independent choose not to / he emptied himself and became a slave - Philippians 2
  • We are do be devoted to one another - philostorgos = like family - Romans 12:10
When we see the grace of God, we see one:
  • who brings into his circle of friends - John 15:13-15
  • who adopts us into his family - Hebrews 2:11
  • who vows he will never leave or forsake us - Hebrews 13:5
We are to admonish one another and speak the truth in love - Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 4:15

If living with worldly wisdom  then we will:
  1. Ignore the problem
  2. Gossip about it to other
  3. Blast a person with the truth
None of these actions show grace

2009-09-26 - One Another - Loving One Another
"Love one another" is the frequently used "one another" passages (13 out of 59)

You must love one another  - John 13:34

By this all men will know - John 13:35

We have a continuing debt to love one another - Romans 13:8

God himself who teaches us to love one another - 1 Thessalonians 4:9

Calls for it 5x in 1 John 3 & 4

2009-10-15 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 1)
Man come to offer his strength, woman invites the man into herself
Requires courage and vulnerability and selflessness for both of them
Man must rise to the occasion, must move, women opens herself in stunning vulnerability
Man spills himself - sweet is the death
Life is created
When a man withholds himself from his woman, he leaves her without the life only he can bring
She is made for and craves words from him - Proverbs 18:21

If a man refuses to offer himself, then his wife will remain empty and barren
Silent man starves his wife
A man who leaves - he sacrifices them (wife and children) rather than for them
  • Maximus
  • William Wallace
  • Life of Joseph, husband of Mary – was heroism
Cost him his reputation

2009-10-23 - Repentance - What Happened (part 2)
Congregation of consumers ultimately switches products, wholly dissatisfied with a church product
New Testament Church Consumer-Driven Church
Repent for the Kingdom of God is near “Meet new friends and get to know your neighbors”
Bear fruit in keeping with repentance… “Enjoy upbeat music with a contemporary flavor”
If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself “a new church designed to meet my needs”

Like a doctor – it would be absurd to change their diagnose and treatment to the wants of the patient.

Repentance is revival

  1. Have you made a recent decision to change something in your life?
  2. Why is it more comfortable to make changes on your own terms? What changes do you seek to make?
  3. How well do you respond to reproof – from the Bible and from fellow Christians?
  4. Have you ever changed a fellowship, that is, church membership, to avoid a call to repentance?

2009-11-08 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 1)
We each have a worldview or mindset that functions as a life lens
World has been squeezing us into its mold – more than we realize

Peter’s mind
  • Thought of Jesus as a Messianic Champion
  • Thought Jesus would reveal himself in a fierce battle
  • “You are the Christ!”
  • All the right data
    • Witness the transfiguration – built shelters for Moses, Jesus, and Elijah – Jesus said Peter didn’t know what he was saying
    • Night of the betrayal – Peter said bring it on, he held on hope that 12 leagues of angels would come; drawn his sword to the guard
    • Peter joined the other disciples in Jerusalem – with “one mind” in prayer and purpose
The World around us persists in its big squeeze on us
Prepare your minds for action – 1 Peter 1:13-14
Space shuttle takes 2,250,000 pounds of fuel to escape the earth’s gravity
Only few pounds to remain in orbit – Christians are called more than just to orbit
Most trials produce greater faith – hospitalized child, illness, death, ministry turmoil, financial pressures
Ways to fight – devote time to prayer, read scripture, explore ways to encourage wife, get advice from elders, spend special time with the kids
Ways to not to – laziness, frustrate wife, neglect kids, feeling overwhelmed and under underappreciated, escape to the TV

2009-12-05 - Master Plan - Jesus gave himself away (part 1)
  • Disciples realized that they were responding to Jesus who was willing to give of Himself for them
  • Examples of Jesus giving himself away
    • Gave away what the Father gave to Him - John 15:15
    • He gave them peace - John 16:33
    • He gave them despite pain and suffering - John 15:11
  • Love is not love until it is given away
  • Jesus – God gave away His most precious possession
  • No greater love than to lay down our live for others
  • Jesus impressed the deep compulsion of His eternal purpose
  • It was clear that the Master considered no service too small or sacrifice too great.
  • Jesus denied Himself many of the comforts and pleasure of the world and became a servant
  • He continually gave His life “for their sakes”
  • Disciples learned not in theory but in practice (painful and hard to accept)
  • Jesus life was the measure by which they were to regard their own service.
    • To give freely as they had received – Matthew 10:8
    • Love one another as He loved them - John 13:34
    • Calvary love was the standard

2009-12-07 - Master Plan - Demonstration (part 1)
He showed them how to live
  • Prayer
    • Jesus often let His disciples see Him conversing with the Father (They ask, not forced)
    • Unless they grasped the meaning of prayer and practiced consistently – not much would come from their lives.
  • Using Scripture
    • He never ceased to use the Scripture in His conversation with them.
    • 66 references to the Old Testament
    • 90+ Old Testament references speaking to others
    • Jesus could freely recall scriptures by heart
  • Everything that he did and said had some relevance to evangelism
    • Revealing the truth
    • How to deal with men
    • Disciples may (at the time) have not known that they were being taught
  • Jesus was the Master of His own teachings
    • Presentation was not flashy; the truth was the main attraction.
  • Disciples observed how to:
    • Jesus drew people to Himself
    • Won their confidence and inspired their faith
    • He called them to the way of salvation and He called them to make a decision

2009-12-08 - Master Plan - Demonstration (part 2)
  • There were many situations and many types of people
    • Rich and poor
    • Healthy and sick
    • Friend and Foe
  • No chalk board outline or “Do It Yourself” Manual
  • Jesus made sure they didn’t miss in understanding
    • Ask what the parables meant – Luke 8:9
    • Seem to spend more time explaining than the initial interaction lesson
    • Applied lesson to their lives – Mark 10:24-31
  • Jesus did not ask anything that He was not doing Himself
  • Class was always in session – every waking moment of everyday
    • People are looking for demonstration not explanation
    • Only way to train men is to live by example
    • Not shrinking back or evading our personal responsibility
    • Mere knowledge is not enough
    • Knowledge unapplied to living can become a stumbling stone for further truth
    • Jesus saw to it that they applied the truth in their life

2009-12-22 - First the Kingdom - The Only Door (part 1)
Everyone who walks with God must come as a beggar


David - conquered his enemies and ushered in a golden age
  • Described himself as someone who could do nothing without God
  • This poor man called and the Lord saved him from his troubles - Psalms 34:6
  • God is his help and deliver - Psalms 40:17
  • I am poor and needy - Psalms 109:22
  • Modern thinkers might say he needed some self-esteem 
  • God said he was after his own heart
  • Woe to me, I am ruined for I am unclean - Isaiah 6:5
  • Today we can go to church wanting to be told how good we are
  • God forgave his sins and sent him on a life mission full of purpose

2009-12-27 - First the Kingdom - Ease of Meekness
Generally, being meek is not appealing
Meek is equated with weak - but this is not true

Greek word for "meek" - used to describe a stallion once it had been broken and had become teachable
We can be become meek if we confront our sin and experience godly sorrow

In the Bible, meekness is associated with humility and gentleness
This meekness has no relation to a timid or retiring character
It is: I need God and am totally open to whatever

Moses was said to be very meek - Numbers 12:3

Jesus himself was said to be meek - 2 Corinthians 10:1

2009-12-28 - First the Kingdom - At Ease
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace - Psalms 37:11

Meekness is strength under the control of God
Being meek is being at ease before God and man
One looks outside himself for the power of life
Totally open with God, God will work in all things for his good

To be meek is not to be afraid...

1. Is at ease with God

Someone who worries and has anxiety reduces them to practical atheists

A child is at ease with their father/mother (in most cases)
I have stilled and quieted my soul; child with mother is my soul within me - Psalms 131:2

2. Is at ease with himself
Jesus knew exactly what authority he had been he had been given by God - John 13:3

3. Is at ease with others
Neither inferior nor superior
No longer deceived by pride, he is free to learn from anyone
At ease with God and himself - has nothing to prove and nothing to fear

2009-12-30 - First the Kingdom - Starving without Him
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6

Jesus himself was the bread of Life - John 6:35
Gave Living water - John 4:10

He describes a relationship with him to be all-consuming
Just like going without food or water fir a prolonged period - there is little else we think about

As deer pants for water, my soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
How excited are you about getting time to be with God every day?

For deep conviction about loving the Word - Psalms 119
Without the sense of duty, he was overjoyed at the privilege of being able to commune with heart of the Creator

Hunger for the Word develops obedience which helps with understanding of God heart to help and server others

2010-01-14 - Kingdom First - Words are Big
Jesus wanted people to get to heaven; it is the little things (our words) that will make us or break us - Matthew 5:37
If anyone considers himself religious and does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, is deceived and religion is worthless - James 1:26

Paul: most important ingredient?
Reliability - unreliable men will not only break God's chain but also discourages others - 2 Timothy 2:2

Most obvious way we can be unreliable is with our tongue
David about adversaries - Not a word from their mouth can be trusted - Psalms 5:9

Get character that speaks and lives the truth
Our "no" is okay if we say "no"
But in mostly it should be "yes" - 2 Corinthians 1:19

Jesus is our best example
Perhaps his favorite phrase was "I tell you the truth"
He did and he does

2010-01-19 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 1)
Jesus was a man of prayer - he knew how to do it and he did it all the time
  • Prayed for the power to heal and to change others - Mark 9:29
  • In prayer in order to be at peace with God's will - Matthew 26:36-46
  • Struggled in prayer to be wholehearted submissive to his Father - Hebrews 5:7-8
  • Prayed by himself - Matthew 14:23
  • Prayed before others - John 11:41-43
  • Prayed with his face to the ground - Matthew 26:39
  • Prayed looking up to heaven - John 17:1
  • Prayed standing up - Mark 11:25
  • Prayed kneeling down - Luke 22:41
  • Prayed in early in the morning - Mark 1:35
  • Prayed throughout the night - Luke 6:12
He did NOT say:
  • If you pray
  • Please, I beg you to pray
  • I command you to pray
But "When you pray..."

2010-01-24 - Kingdom First - Wise Investing

Jesus is not interested in our obedience outwardly without having our hearts set on heaven
All the ancient were longing for a better country

Living a Christian life is more than living up to a standard of behavior
Meant to ask deeper questions of motivation and heart with an understanding a heart properly movtivated - actions will follow

We should develop a heart that does not store treasures in heaven
Jesus makes a case that does not make sense to store up treasures here because they will not even last here - Matthew 6:19-21

No moth, no rust, no thief, not even Satan himself can diminish our treasure in heaven
It is an incredible freeing feeling to let go of the "treasure" here on earth

Will you miss services to get overtime in?
Do your children see a joyful parent excited about the kingdom of God?

Invest all you have and all you are - Romans 12:1


2010-03-08 - To Live is Christ - Progress and Joy
Paul was torn - Philippians 1:22-26
He rejoiced to be able to encourage the Philippian disciples
Death brought him face to face he loved

He realized that he had more laps to run and did not want to coast - but to run with all his might

Paul has no desire simply to remain with the disciples - want to continue with them
Greek for "Continue" = to wait beside a person to be ready to help and help all the time

For Paul to live was Christ and to give himself to others for their spiritual progress and deep joy

Whatever the cost, he would be there for them:
  • Their growth - he would pay the cost
  • Patient with someone who was weak - he would pay the cost
  • Someone taking advantage of his humility - he would pay the cost
  • Was through sticky, uncomfortable issues - he would pay the cost

2010-03-11 - To Live is Christ - Just Like Christ

In the midst of the discussion about unity, Paul continues by talking about having the mind of Jesus - Philippians 2:5-8

The only way to have unity is to be like Jesus

We were called to follow in his steps - 1 Peter 2:21

Jesus willingly because a servant
Greek literally says, "he emptied himself"'

  • He poured out his diviniy for us
  • He gave up his rights
  • Jesus was not just playing a role, he was showing us the depths of this heart

Jesus came not to be served but to serve - Matthew 20:28


2010-03-19 - To Live is Christ - Pressing On

Although is righteousness that is not our own becomes laziness, we show we have the grace of God - Philippians 3:12-16

Despite all that Paul went through and has done - he pressed on
Greek word, dicoko = used in both hunting and foot racing

There is certainly a time to remember what we have done - 2 Thessalonians 2:5
But there is also a time to forget

Paul did not cling to the fact that he planted a lot of churches
He purposely "forgot", so he would not see himself as arriving

Paul was looking forward to the next thing God had in store for him
All who are mature, should think this way

The way to take it higher is to hold on to what you have already grasped and then reach for more

2010-03-27 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 1)
James address Christians under pressure
Without pressure, the human body soon slows down and dies
Pressure keeps the blood flowing

James chooses to call himself servant rather than brother - James 1:1
He was a prominent leader in the early church but he kept a down-to-earth perspective
Anyone in a leadership role needs to have the same attitude

How are trials to be met? With pure joy - James 1:2-8
There are two options: continue in the process of becoming mature or walk away and do it our own way
Maturity is not just spiritual longevity - it is how you react under pressure

What do we do it we lack wisdom? Ask for it
Not IQ but for knowing what to do in tricky situations
It's a promise of God that he will enable you to live more intelligently

What is last big trial you faced? How did you react?

2010-04-03 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 3)
God is just, his laws are just - this should give us great confidence
God justice - does not guarantee life will be fair - James himself was executed in 62AD

There is quite a difference between compassion and softness - James 2:8-13
The struggles to decide what to do, only God's perfect law can guide us:
  • Revolution or comprise
  • Retaliation or connivance
  • Reaction or corruption
If you ask the man on the street what is the most part of the Bible, what would they say?
Maybe the Ten Commandments? - If so, they would be wrong

  1. Love God wholeheartedly - Deuteronomy 6:5
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself - Leviticus 19:18
Neither are in the Ten Commandments

A mark of true Christianity is adherence to these two laws
Total commitment and total involvement
As long these are two commands are the top priority, our focus will not be warped or unbiblical

2010-04-05 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 5)
Christians who have no interest in helping the disadvantaged are not Christians at all - James 2:14-17

Jesus himself saw the crowds and healed them - Matthew 14:14
He taught that only those who reached out to the imprisoned, poor, hungry, and sick would be welcomed into heaven - Matthew 25:31

Mere belief is not enough; it is acting on the faith you have - James 2:18

Ask yourself, do these people believe? - Titus 1:15
Anyone who isn't a true disciple is an unbeliever - Titus 1:16

2010-04-07 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 1)
Wisdom can be earthly or demonic

Teachers will be judged more strictly - James 3:1
The danger with the wrong type of teacher is his misuse of his tongue:
  • Sarcasm
  • Negativity
  • Bitterness
  • Cursing
  • Worldly reactions
Coming across as self-righteous is a danger too
We all stumble in many ways - James 3:2
James included himself

2010-05-01 - I am Innocent of the Blood of all Men (part 2)
Acts 22:6-21
  • Paul had an encounter with Jesus
    • Encounters with Jesus are significant
    • Paul understood he was living in opposition to Jesus - killing Christians (people following Christ)
    • Don't want to be on the opposite side of the battle from God
    • Where are you at today? Do you know?
    • Share
      • Grow up religious - Every Sunday - through High School
      • Ask to come to church, study the Bible
      • Saw life and heart wasn't matching; my sin was in opposition to God
      • Tried to make it personal - mean and angry (Hoping the standard would changed)
      • They were there to help
  • Paul had the humility to ask "What shall I do?" - v10
    • Paul had a heart of humility to be taught - Bible
    • Could have brought up his religiousness or accomplishments
    • Opened himself up to anything, Not "I'm sorry, won't do that again"
  • Paul was religious all this life and had the heart to immediately obey and be baptized - v16
    • Perhaps, God uses the life of Paul to prepare our hearts for surrender
    • What have you been holding on to instead of Jesus? What is stopping you?
We/your friend would like to share "the whole will of God".

2010-06-10 - Jesus - the Zealot (part 1)

By Richard Dixon in 1999-09-26
    Zealot = a man who aims at overthrows
    Jesus mission was to overthrow Satan's ruling government over the earth
    1 John 3:7-8
    • Jesus came to destroy Satan
    • A zealot has a cause
    • What was Jesus' cause?
      • Save man from hell
      • Save man from himself
      • Save man from Satan
    Matthew 26:50-55
    • They saw Jesus as a renigade

    Cause worth living for

    Luke 9:25
    • What good is it?
    • What would you write down as things that you are trying to gain?
    • Living for Jesus is living life to the full
    Luke 10:10
    • Sometimes life is not fair
      • Through salvation (Judgement) comes fairness
    • We hurt ourselves with the question "WHY?"
      • Like we can demand an answer from God
    2 Corinthians 5:14
    • Love compels us not out of duty

2010-06-21 - Building the temple (part 2)

Consencate yourself

1 Chronicles 29:5

  • Who is willing to consecrate himself to God?
    • Kingdom not about men
    • What is stopping you? hurts?
      • Suffering matures us
    1 Corinthians 6:7
    • Have you been wronged?
      • Join the club!
    • God gets justice, not you!

    1 Chronicles 29:6-29

    • Where there is consecration (repentance) there brings rejoicing
    • They flat-out worshiped
    • Where was David's heart? with God
      • David thought it was amazing that he could give back what God gave him
    • Has earth become your home?

2010-07-02 - Desire's Journey - Great Restoration (part 3)

The kingdom of God brings restoration
Life is resotred to what it was meant to be

Eden was exactly as God meant for it to be
Jesus came to make all things new - Revelation 21:5
He does not say he is make all new things, rather, the things that been broken will be restored
Not new glass or crutches but new eyes and legs

Jesus called himself the Son of man to state clearly that he was what man was suppose to be
What happens to him when he dies? He is resurrected as himself, not some else - only healed and very much alive
Creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed - Romans 8:19


2010-07-06 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 3)

On that day, Jesus appears and announces himself as the Bridegroom - Matthew 9:15

Jesus makes his proposal: I will prepare a place for you - John 14:2-3
Culture of the day - these very words would be used by a young man to his fiancee
He would return to his father's house and build the additonal room to be the bride suite

We have become betrothed to the Bidegroom
The bride belongs to the bridegroom - John 3:29
We are in the time of waiting for the Bridegroom to return

The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing - Augustine

2010-07-30 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 7)
Christ is weeping freely
His prayers are marked by loud cries and tears
He make it very clear what he desires

"Yet not my will, your will be done"
He surrenders with desire
Making himself poor, he opens up to us the treasures of heaven

Buddha abandons his desire
Christ surrenders his will
It is no small difference

True surrender is not an easy way out
Surrender comes only after the night of wrestling
Only after we open our hearts to care deeply and give over our deepest desires to God

Freedom and beauty and rest that follow are among the greatest surprises

2010-08-12 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 3)

Myth tell us three truths, this third one is:

3. In this desparate hour, we have a crucial role to play

Neo sees himself as Thomas Anderson, but he was the one
Dorthy see herself as just a farm girl from Kansas but Joan of Arc was also on the farm but saw much more

People in the scriptures that saw this:

  • Little boy slays the gaint
  • Loudmouthed fisherman who can not keep a job to lead the church
  • Sinful woman with a golden heart became a example of humility to the Pharisees

This eternal truth is the most difficult for us to believe
Our days are extraordinary but most don't see it this way
It is the 'veil of familarity' - you are not what you think you are

There is a glory to your life that your enemy fears

The one who knows what you could be, fears it
The whole world lies under the power of the evil one - 1 John 5:19

Things happen to you and we question why
There is a bigger story going on

If believe we have a crucial role to play and come to know it is true, everything would change

2010-08-28 - Waking Dead - Wisdom and Heart
Our heart has been made good by work of Christ but we haven't learned how to live from it
Launching out with an untrained heart can bring disaster
We can easily be shamed into sin management and think our heart is bad

The church choose those who had both wisdom and the Spirit - Acts 6:3
We need both

Wisdom is crying out
  • Do not rush the field - Luke 14:31
  • Train yourself to discern good from evil - Hebrews 5:14
  • Live as through your life is at stake - Matthew 10:16
Wisdom is not cramming our heads with principles but developing a discerning heart
Solomon was so sharp because he had a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

But wisdom is not enough
  • Against "wisdom", the disciples were asked to go Saul, the one who used to murder Christians, and lay his hands on him - Acts 9:13-14
  • Would you counsel a father to sacrifice his only child?
  • Take on a fortified city by slashing your ranks from 32,000 to 300?
  • Jesus to give himself up to the authorities and let himself get killed
Wisdom is not enough, it may even hold us back
The common sense life can be the enemy of the supernatural life

2010-12-06 - Mission - John's Walk with Jesus
What disciples does not like the apostle John, the "apostle of love"?

Not everyone
  • Some apostles did not like his selfish ambition - Matthew 20:24
  • Some thought he was prideful describing himself as the beloved disciple of Jesus - John 21:7
  • After the resurrection, Peter still seems to have attitudes towards John - John 21:21
New John after walking with Jesus for a while - Mark 1:19

John stayed close to Jesus - Luke 9:28
He would never quit Jesus - Mark 14:32-34
John loved Jesus until the end - John 19:25-27

John changed:
  • Selfish ambition turned to kingdom ambition
  • Fits of rage changed to fits of love
  • Factiousness come together into a passion of unity
Only after walking with Jesus did John become the apostle of love, he wasn't that way naturally

How is our walk with Jesus?
Do we focus our energy on our walk with Jesus?

Only after walking with Jesus, can we change into the disciple Jesus' wants us to be

2010-12-12 - Seeking God (part II)

Examples of those seeking God:

Ethiopian eunuch - Acts 8:26-40

  • What do we know about this seeker?
    • He is important and therefore certainly busy, but still finds time for God.
    • He reads the Scriptures himself and asks questions about what he is reading.
    • He is humble and sincere enough in his search to ask for help.
    • What he learns he acts on right away, as seen with his baptism.
  • How did he feel after coming to know God better?
  • The burning questions he had about God were answered in an afternoon.

Bereans - Acts 17:10-12

  • What was it about these Berean seekers that made Luke refer to them as having “noble character”?
    • Enthusiastic
    • Great Eagerness - explain
    • Examined the scriptures daily
  • Why was it important for them to “examine the Scriptures every day” for themselves?
  • What was the result of this eager yet diligent attitude?
  • As with prayer, reading the Bible is vitally important to knowing God.

2010-12-14 - Knowing Jesus (part I)
Who is Jesus?

John 1:1, 14
  • Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the unique Son of God: fully God and fully man!
  • God came to earth as a man in order that we could come to know him.
  • If you were an all powerful and invisible God, how would you have tried to communicate your love to your creation?
  • Illustration: Imagine trying to talk to an ant - How do you communicate with them without terrifying them? Become an ant yourself
Colossians 2:9
  • All the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ.
  • Every aspect of God’s character can be found in Jesus.
  • Reading through any of the Gospels describing Jesus life and words will give you insight into God’s character and will for your life.
Here are several aspects from a day in the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark:

~Mark 1:21-45
  • Mark 1:21-22 - Jesus was an amazing teacher whose words were spoken with authority.
  • Mark 1:23-28 - Jesus cast out demons, showing that the power of God was present in him.
  • Mark 1:29-31 - Jesus met people’s felt needs and healed the sick.
  • Mark 1:32-34 - Jesus focused his attention on others and selflessly gave of himself.
  • Mark 1:35 - Jesus was dependent upon God in prayer for his strength and direction.
  • Mark 1:36-39 - Jesus was consumed with his mission to preach the good news.
  • Mark 1:40-42 - Jesus was filled with compassion for all people.
  • Mark 10:32-34, 45 - Jesus came to serve, and gave his perfect life as a ransom for sinners. As predicted, he was rejected by his people and crucified - but he rose from the dead three days later.

2010-12-23 - Cross of Christ (part I)
Romans 3:22-26, 5:6-8
  • The cross is a demonstration of God’s justice in the face of sin.
  • God would not be righteous if he simply looked the other way in the face of sin and evil.
  • The cross is the greatest demonstration of God’s love. Because God loves us, Jesus Christ died for our sins.
Mark 10:42-45
  • Jesus understood God’s plan for him to give himself as a ransom for us - to die for our sins.
  • He could do this only because of his sinless life.
Mark 14:26-15:41
  • One account of the crucifixion. As you read and discuss each section, ask the question: “Why did God allow this to happen to Jesus?” Because He loves us! (To better describe the physical torments of the crucifixion, you may also wish to read “The Passion of the Christ from a Medical Point of View” by C. Truman Davis, M.D.)

2010-12-25 - Saved by Grace through Faith (part I)
Psalms 103:1-18
  • David talks about the heart of the Lord toward weak and sinful people: he is a compassionate, gracious, loving father.
  • How deeply does God love those who fear him?
  • What is he willing to do with their sins (transgressions)?
  • Is this the way you see God?
Luke 15:11-31
  • Jesus taught many things in parables, short stories created to teach spiritual truths.
  • What does this story tell you about God’s attitude toward us when we repent and turn back to Him?
  • Why did the older brother have such a hard time with his father’s attitude?
  • In what way did he fail to understand the father and his grace?

Luke 18:9-14
  • In this story, we see two very different ways of viewing ourselves and God.
  • How did the Pharisee approach God? How did he view himself?
  • On what basis did he presume to be righteous? (His goodness, religious activities, his own efforts).
  • By contrast, how did the tax collector see himself?
  • What was his appeal to God based on? (God’s mercy).
  • Who went home justified (pronounced and considered “not guilty”)?
  • Jesus taught that a person can never be good enough to be saved through his own efforts.
  • The only basis of our salvation is the mercy and grace of God.

2011-01-01 - Discipleship (part I)

Acts 11:25-26

  • To call oneself a Christian can mean many different things to people today.
  • The name “Christian” was applied for the 1st time to disciples at Antioch, about 7 years after the beginning of the church.
  • How many times is the word “Christian” used in NT? (Three times.)
  • How many times is the word “disciple” used? (About 300 times.)
  • What is a disciple? A disciple is a learner who strives to conform his thoughts, words and actions to those of his master.
  • To understand what it means to live as a Christian today, we will start by looking at Jesus’ expectations for those who would be his disciples . . .

Mark 1:16-20

  • Call of the first disciples: “Follow me.”
  • A disciple asks himself, “What would Jesus do?” then strives to do it - regardless of the cost.
  • A disciple of Jesus has the same purpose as Jesus: to be a fisher of men.  What does this mean?
  • What did they abandon to follow Jesus? Everything! (job, possessions, family)

2011-01-05 - Holy Spirit (part II)

Ephesians 1:13-14 - The Spirit is God’s mark of ownership on his children and a “deposit” of the
blessings of the age to come.

Ephesians 3:14-21 - We are strengthened with real power through the Spirit who dwells within us. We
cannot live the Christian life on our own strength, but God himself provides us with the power to live as
followers of Jesus. Understanding Jesus’ amazing love for us is a source of that strength.

Ephesians 4:29-32 - How do we “grieve” the Holy Spirit? Why is anger and anger-related sin so
devastating? How is disharmony in our relationships incompatible with having the Spirit of God in us?

2011-01-07 - Church (part I)

Acts 2:40-47

  • The first 3000 converts joined together in devotion to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.
  • A beautiful view of the early church. How would you like to be part of such a church?

Romans 12:1-8

  • The church is a community of people
    • devoted to God (vv1-2)
    • belonging to one another (vv3-5) 
    • devoted to one another (vv 6-10).

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

  • The Spirit baptizes us into the body of Jesus, his church.
  • The church consists of distinct yet unified parts, just like a human body.
  • God himself has arranged it this way.
  • We are the church; each of us must actively look for the distinct yet unified ways we are to support this body.
  • How will you help build up the body of Christ?

2011-01-15 - Followup - Being Discipled: Imitation & Indignation

Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 4:9 - Imitate your leaders
  • Purpose
  • Faith - reliance on God
  • Love - warmth and encouragement
  • Endurance - even-temperedness and stability, keeping head in all situations

Sin is what keeps us from being a great disciple
  • Pride - Proverbs 26:12 - “I can make it on my own”
    • No you can’t! - James 4:6 - God opposes the proud
  • Selfishness - Philippians 2:1-8 - Jesus made himself nothing

2011-01-30 - Followup - Servant (part I)
Great Servant - Mark 10:41-45

1. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be great
Jesus didn’t confront their desire to be great, only their method
2. Greatness comes through being a servant
Your greatness in the Kingdom is only limited by your willingness to be a slave to all!

Selfless Servant - Philippians 2:5-7

1. Jesus set the pace for us by becoming a servant. He made himself nothing and had a lot further to go to become nothing than we do!

  • What are you making of yourself?
  • How much does “self” matter to you?
  • How much does “self” influence your daily decision?
2. Self-denial is the essence of service
Luke 9:23 - Must deny self daily - deny self = denying feelings

2011-01-31 - Followup - Servant (part II)
Humble Servant - Luke 17:7-10

Question: What should our attitude be while serving?
  1. Grumbling servant - “I’ll serve, but I’m not going to like it.”
  2. Complaining servant - “Why do they always ask me to serve”
  3. Proud servant - “I serve more than anyone and deserve recognition”
We must be humble servants and serve daily
When we serve, we’ve done nothing special except our duty

Excellent Servant - Mark 7:37

Jesus did all things well
When we serve, we must do so with excellence
Ephesians 6:7-8 - When we serve, we must serve as though Jesus himself had asked us to do it!

2011-02-27 - Servant of God (part I)
Jesus was the ultimate servant
Mark 10:42-45
  • Jesus was the greatest because he was a servant to all
  • Why would anyone want to be a servant of all? Because Jesus was the greatest example we can understand why.
Philippians 2:1-8
  • Jesus was God yet he did not even consider his equality
  • He made himself nothing - he was king yet he was on the bottom level
  • Slaves:
    • Are 24/7/365
    • Do not get thanks
    • Do not have days off
    • Do not have a schedule of their own
    • Do not have attitudes because nothing is theirs
  • v5 - Your attitude should be the same
  • Have I taken on the nature of a servant?
  • Do I consider others better than myself?

2011-06-06 - Fearing God - John feared
Man is never sufficiently affected by the awareness of his lowly state until he has compared himself with God's majesty

When John was in the presence of God, he fell at his feet as though dead - Revelation 1:17
Not the first time this happened to John - Matthew 17:6

We can encounter Him in His Word as the Holy Spirit opens it to our minds and hearts

  1. Do I experience the fear of God as it has been described so far?
  2. Does my fear of God tend to slavish - trying to please a taskmaster that can not be pleased?
  3. Is my fear of God so shallow that I tend to be overly familiar with and fail to show the reverential awe that is due him?

2011-06-07 - Fearing God - Beyond Compare (part I)

Imagine the Red Sea waters divided - Exodus 14

Only a few hours you've experienced the highest degrees of fear, excitement, and relief.
When the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and put their trust in him - Exodus 14:31

To fear him is to trust him
The Israelites both feared the Lord and put their trust in him
Fearing God and trusting Him are not mutually exclusive
The Israelties were able to trust God because they experienced firsthand His awesome power to deliver them

God worked on their behave - power without love is terrifying, love without power is pitiable

The events of Exodus was not only to gain to glory Himself but to stimulate and increase the faith of the Israelites
They were in the situation they were in so they could only be saved by His mighty power

2011-06-14 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VII)
He is worth following:
  • Peter and his brother Andrew left their jobs - Matthew 4:18
  • Must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me - Matthew 16:24
  • I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you - John 13:15
  • God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:14
  • You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord - 1 Peter 2:21
  • Follow others as they follow Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • Follow His example in both in both negative and positive area
    • He never did a wrong thing.
    • He always did the right thing.

2011-06-23 - Mind of Christ - Obedience (part III)
The motivation for Jesus’ obedience was in his relationship with God

He obeyed God because he loved God
  • John 14:31 - I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me
  • John 15:9-10 - I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love
He obeyed God because he wanted to please God more than he wanted to please himself
  • John 5:30 - I seek not to please myself but him who sent me
  • Matthew 3:17 - This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.
  • Matthew 17:5 - With him I am well pleased. Listen to him!
  • Mark 1:11 - You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased

2011-06-24 - Mind of Christ - Obedience (part IV)
He obeyed God because he wanted to please God more than he wanted to please himself (continued)
  • Luke 3:22 - The Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove
  • John 8:29 - I always do what pleases him
  • 2 Peter 1:17 - This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased
  • Hebrews 10:7 - I have come to do your will, O God
The highest motivation for our obedience to God is also in our relationship with God.
  • John 14:15, 21, 23 - If you love me, you will obey what I command; He who loves me will be loved by my Father
  • 1 John 5:3 - This is love for God: to obey his commands
  • Matthew 22:37 - Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind

2011-07-07 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part II)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • John 6:51 - This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
  • Galatians 1:4 - He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live
  • Ephesians 5:2 - Christ loved us and gave himself up for us
  • Titus 2:14 - He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
  • Philippians 2:7- He made himself nothing
  • Hebrews 7:27 - He sacrificed for their sins once for all

2011-07-10 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part V)
Paul employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • 1 Corinthians 9:19 - To become what he needed to become to win as many as possible
  • 1 Corinthians 9:12 - We put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ
  • 2 Timothy 2:10 - Endure everything for the sake of the elect
  • ~2 Corinthians 11:22-33 - Endured and worked harder than anyone
  • 2 Corinthians 12:15 - Gladly spends for you everything
2. He earnestly longed for the salvation of sinners.
  • Romans 9:1-3 - He wish he could paid the price for them
  • Romans 10:1 - My heart's desire for you to be saved
  • Galatians 4:19 - Was in pains of childbirth for their salvation

2011-07-15 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part I)
The self-centered life:

A. Man is a very self centered creature:
  • Ecclesiastes 6:7 - Appetite is never satisfied
  • Matthew 6:31-32 - Food, drink, clothes: pagans run after all these things
B. His worries are about himself:
  • Luke 12:22 - Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life
  • Worry has been defined as a prayer to the wrong god

2011-07-16 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part II)
The self-centered life (continued):

3. His worship is direct toward himself
  • Luke 18:11 - Prayer: I thank you that I am not like other men
  • Philippians 3:19 - Their god is their stomach
  • 2 Timothy 3:2 - People will be lovers of themselves
4. His pleasure is to fulfill himself
  • 2 Timothy 3:4 - Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
  • Proverbs 21:17 - He who loves pleasure will become poor
  • 1 Timothy 5:6 - But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead
5. His sinful nature is expressed through the gratification of self
  • Galatians 5:16 - Live by the Spirit and not our sinful desires
  • Ephesians 4:19 - Lost all sensitivity

2011-07-19 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part V)
Christ’s example of self denial:

A. He emptied himself ~ Philippines 2:5-11

B. He inconvenienced himself
  • Luke 9:58 - Son of Man has no place to lay his head
  • Mark 6:30 - The apostles gathered around Jesus at unscheduled times
C. He disregarding himself.
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - He became poor for our sake
  • Romans 15:1-3 - Christ did not please himself
  • John 5:30 - I seek not to please myself
D. He sacrificed himself.
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep

2011-07-25 - Mind of Christ - Servant (part I)
I. Jesus came to earth as a servant

A. He is spoken of by the prophets as a servant.
  • Isaiah 42:1 - "Here is my servant whom I uphold."
  • Isaiah 53:11 - "My righteous servant"
  • Zechariah 3:8 - "My servant, the branch"
B. He spoke of himself as a servant.
  • Luke 22:27 - I am among you as one who serves
  • Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve

2011-07-26 - Mind of Christ - Servant (part II)
The nature of a servant

A. He is emptied of self interest

  • Philippians 2:6-7, 19-22, 24-30
  • A servant does not consider his work of serving as a humiliation. Not ashamed of being thought as inferior. It is his place and work to serve others.
B. He voluntarily humbles himself before others.
  • Philippians 2:6-8 - Humbled himself and became obedient to death
  • Reason we often do not bless others by serving them is that we wish to address them as their superiors in grace or gifts or at least their equals.
  • Matthew 3:14 - John tried to deter his humility
  • Micah 6:8 - LORD require us to walk humbly with our God
  • 1 Peter 5:5 - Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

2011-07-31 - Mind of Christ - Servant, Washing Feet (part I)
The washing of the disciples feet reveals many important truths about serving (John 13:1-17):
  • While the 12 were thinking about who was the greatest in the kingdom, Jesus became their servant (King of Kings, Lord of Lords)
  • Jesus the Master reversed roles and washed the feet of those in a subordinate position.
  • He did this in full consciousness of his divine glory; (vs 1-3)
  • He washed all the disciples feet, including Judas Iscariot (vs 12)
The washing of the disciples feet is illustrative of the perfect servant.
  • He was empty of self interest. (vs 15)
  • He voluntarily humbled himself (vs 14)
  • His mind was focused on the works and interest of his master; (vs 3, 16)
  • He was motivated by his love for the disciples; (vs 1)

2011-08-01 - Mind of Christ - Servant, Washing Feet (part II)
The washing of the disciples feet was illustrative of Christ’s life and ministry
  • Acts 10:38 - How he went around doing good and healing all
  • Mark 1:29-41, 6:30-56 - Taking care of the needs around him
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - Became poor so we could become rich
  • Philippians 2:6-8 - Taking on the nature of a servant
The washing of the disciples feet is illustrative of Christ’s death on the cross.
  • Isaiah 53 - He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows
  • Matthew 20:28 - Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve
  • Galatians 1:4, 2:20 - Gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Ephesians 5:2, 25 - Gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering
No calling we have received will make us more like Christ than that of being a servant

2011-09-18 - Proverbs on Integrity (part I)
Proverbs 19:22 - Poor person is better than a liar

Proverbs 20:17 - Gains by fraud ends up being worthless

The 1996 New York Times had a story on a golfer named Jeff Sluman.
  • Jeff was playing in the Bay Hill Invitational and he hit his ball in the water.
  • He then took a drop (drop your ball near the place it went in the water) and he added a penalty stroke
  • During the night he began to question whether his drop was legal or illegal.
  • He couldn’t sleep that night and the next morning called the golfing officials and told them what happen.
  • Before the officials even made a decision, Jeff disqualified himself.
  • Jeff said, “I’m not sure if what I did was right, and if I’m not sure then I couldn’t live with myself and keep playing. What if I won? It would be a curse.”
Not many people today have the attitude of Jeff Sluman.
  • In most sports today the rule is to see what you can get away with (as long as you don’t get caught then its O.K.)
  • But for the person of integrity cheating/deceit is never okay (its never an option)
We live in a world of deceit
  1. Politicians break campaign promises continually
  2. Parents laugh at little “Billie” when he cheats at pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey)
  3. Businesses lie just to sale a product (on and on)
Dictionary defines integrity as = adherence to a moral or ethical code, soundness of moral character

When someone is a person of integrity he/she is someone that has wholeness about him either.
  • Many people in the world today are two-faced (their life doesn’t match their doctrine)
Why do we lose our integrity?
  1. Peer Pressure - Matthew 27:19-24
    • Pilate lacked integrity, he made decisions based on what other people thought and said.
    • He didn’t want to take responsibility
  2. Pride - Exodus 8:8-15
    • Pharaoh wanted to be in control and not take advice from others
    • In the end Pharaoh’s pride led to his firstborn son dieing (all the 1st born sons of Egypt)

2011-09-24 - Proverbs on Pride (part IV)

#1. Humility heals our relationship with God - Proverbs 3:34
  • God honors humility
  • When we become humble we become more like God himself.
Philippians 2:8-11 - God honors humility (this is the 1st step to having a relationship with God)
James 4:8-10 - Humility isn’t a one time thing, we must continue to humble ourselves before God daily

#2. Humility heals our relationship with Others - Proverbs 6:3

To heal a relationship someone must take the first step - Christ did this for us
  • Best example is in a marriage (someone has to start with “I’m sorry”)
  • Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” not “blessed is the one who wins the argument”
One purpose of a Christian relationship is to remove the pride from each other’s life (so we can get to heaven)

Colossians 1:28-29 - We must work to help each other be humble

2011-09-28 - Proverbs on Advice - Without Instruction
4. Without instruction, you hurt others

Proverbs 10:17 - He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entirely to himself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”

When (in our independence) we disregard godly advice, we hurt others as well as ourselves. We set an example which by action and attitude say that we do not need others in our lives

5. Without instruction we are stupid

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid

The Bible uses the word “stupid”. It’s found only four times in the NIV (Job 18:3, Proverbs 12:1, Ecclesiastes 10:3, 2 Timothy 2:23)
  • In proverbs it refers to the person who hates correction (pride makes us stupid)
  • When we are unwilling to receive godly correction we are trusting our own way over that of our advisors (this type of pride makes us stupid)
  • Physically: We have an illness = we go see an expert doctor, to ignore his advice and handle the situation on our own would be stupid
  • Spiritually: We face temptations and challenging situations = we should seek advice from spiritually minded people (they may advice us something simple like, read these scriptures or something radical like change jobs) but to ignore experienced spiritual advice would be stupid. Even if you don’t like it (pray about it, get another “experienced” opinion)
Victory comes from this approach to solving our spiritual problems.

Challenge: How do you respond when someone challenges you?
  • Type A: Listens on the outside (even nod your head “yes”) but on the inside all systems are shut down.
  • Type B: You are calm on the outside but on the inside you’re steaming mad ready to explode and interrupt (who do they think they are)
  • Type C: Listens and really tries to understand (learn) not just say OK but embrace the input to become a better disciple
Proverbs 27:5, Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 29:1

2011-10-13 - Genesis 13 - The Cowboy Conflict


Abram journeyed with his nephew Lot. Their servants argued, so Lot went to Sodom, Abram to Canaan. The LORD promised Abram the land.


Genesis 13:7 - So there were quarrels
When there are many things involved, sometimes because there are quarrels. Quarrels come from our evil desires within us [James 4:1]. It is not the amount of items but our heart toward them. In this day in age, there are many quarrel and we have many things. Right now Congress can not agree on much of anything. Are we fighting the good fight or just fighting each other?

Genesis 13:11 - Lot chose for himself the whole region of the Jordan
Lot had a choice, the better Lot wanted the "well-watered" land for himself but in the ended up with the land full of sin. When chose what is better for ourselves rather than others, we many times not get what we think we are getting. If Lot had the choice over again, he would have likely would chose to give the land to Abram but it instead cost him his life.

Personal Application

I have been very quarrelsome at work recently - there is a lot that frustrates me right now. I need to relax and count my blessings. It is not worth broken relationships or loss of life.

2011-10-16 - Genesis 16 - Ishmael is Born


Sarai told Abram to have children with Hagar. Hagar conceived, then ran away, but an angel sent her back. Hagar's son was Ishmael.


Genesis 16:5 - You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering
At age 86 [Genesis 16:15] and 14 years too early, Abram had forgotten God's promise and was starting to make God's promise work for himself instead of waiting for God to fulfill his promise of making him a father of a great nation. Agreeing to Sarai's idea, he married Hagar and she became pregnant. This really complicated things between the three of them. The same thing happens with us. When we go about trying to do what we think God wants, things really get messed up.

Genesis 16:8 - where have you come from, and where are you going?
The angel that appeared asked about what direction Hagar was going.  Both question are necessary in evaluating our spiritual growth. Like understanding your physical location, you must first understand the past and state of mind you came from. Not knowing the starting point, you can not give directions. If you just knew where you have been and have no direction to go, you can not grow either.

Personal Application

I know I have experience times where I think I am doing what God wants but it really comes from my impatience or my selfish desires to see things happens the way I want them and when I want them. I need to just be patient and ask "is this the Lord will?".

2011-10-30 - Mind Change - Humility
Humility is the most powerful force in the world.

God loves it.

God honors it.

God blesses it.

With it, you cannot lose. You can have it in all circumstances.

Luke 14:11 - Who humbles himself will be exalted
James 4:6 - He gives grace to the humble
1 Peter 5:5 - Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

2011-11-14 - Mind Change - God can handle it
With God, there is no straw that breaks the camel's back.

You may think, “I can’t take one more thing.”

But with God you always can.

You can take whatever he allows life to bring.

He will always be enough.

Psalms 34:17-19 - LORD delivers him from them all
1 Peter 5:10-11 - He will himself restore you and make you strong

2012-01-17 - Ministry - The Heart of Gratitude
Luke 17:11-19, Psalms 100:4, 1 Thessalonians. 5:18

Jesus believed that if the heart of a man was healed and doing well, then that individual could really experience a complete healing from God. In Mark 2 the paralytic who was lowered through the roof by his friends in the middle of a crowded house for Jesus to heal did not hear the first words from the lips of Jesus, 'you are healed.' The first thing he heard was, "Your sins are forgiven." The obvious problem to everyone was his physical condition, yet Jesus saw the spiritual issues of the man's life and healed them first! The ten lepers came to Jesus and when he cleansed them only one came back, throwing himself at the feet of Jesus, overwhelmed with gratitude! Jesus wondered where the other nine were, but proclaimed to the man, "Your faith has made you well." Even though the other nine were cleansed of their leprosy, did they really 'get well?' The one who returned was made well-he was filled with gratitude! Many of us have been baptized, yet how many of us are filled with gratitude?

  • Could this heart of gratitude be so powerful as to really heal me, heal my faith, heal my marriage, and heal my relationships?
  • Who do I need to be grateful for and have not really told them lately?
  • When was the last time I had a family devotional expressing gratefulness for each one?
Name three people you are grateful for and why you are, then this week express this to them.

2012-01-18 - Ministry - The Heart of Humility
Matt. 18:4, Luke 14:10, James 4:10, Phil. 2:5,7-8

Have you ever made a goal in your life to become a humble person? Have you ever prayed consistently over a period of time for God to give you a humble heart? Jesus shocked the crowds following him that day when he declared for all men to change and become like little children or they would not enter the kingdom of heaven! Then he lifts up the quality of humility in a child's heart and commands his disciples to have this heart! The world teaches us that humility is soft, weak, passive, no convictions. Jesus was certainly not this! He was a man of convictions, fearless with the opposition, and pressed on resolutely about his goals! However, he washed the disciples feet, touched the leper, served the crowds, and obeyed the Father in everything. One of the real tests comes in serving. Jesus made himself nothing, became a servant, and humbled himself on the cross for us! Do people know me to be a serving person? How do I feel when I am serving-awesome? Do I serve only when I want to serve and what I want to do if it serves my interests?Jesus came to serve and not to be served! He came to give his life as a ransom for many! Whoever wants to be great among you must be your slave! Matt. 20:26-28

  • Who do you serve?
  • Do you serve those who are struggling in their faith?
  • Do you feel opposed at everything you try to do?
  • Could it be God opposing your pride? James 4:6 Is God simply trying to teach you humility and trust?
  • What simple thing can you do to serve someone today? Whether they are in the church or not.

2012-01-31 - Ministry - The Burden of Jesus
Matthew 11:25

Jesus calls the weary and burdened to Himself and promises rest for them. The rest that He refers to is not to stop working and be idle. He is calling us to give Him the burdens of our souls. He calls us to take his yoke upon us. What is this yoke? The yoke of caring about others. The yoke of humility. It takes far less energy to be humble that it does to be prideful. It is much easier to be gentle than it is to be terse or gruff. Jesus beckons us to learn from Him. Really the yoke of Christ would finally lead him to the cross. That does not seem easy or light. In fact, our purpose to evangelize the world in this generation is neither easy nor light. The attitude that we are called to have is one of humility and gentleness.

  • What is truly burdening your life?
  • Is your response to that burden humility or pride? Gentleness or stress?
  • Be open with someone today about your burdens and then pray that you can throw them off and put on the burden of Christ.

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

2012-02-10 - Ministry - The Shepherd's Touch
John 10:1-18

In verse 11 Jesus calls himself the good shepherd and says that the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. A shepherd is protective of his flock and a love for them. True shepherds do not want to lose even one single sheep. They stand between their sheep and danger. They are more concerned for the welfare of their sheep than they are for themselves. They are willing to go without so that their sheep might have their needs met.
The sheep are responsive to their master's voice. They trust him because of his heart for them. The world teaches us to look out for ourselves at the expense of others. It teaches us that we are the most important people and that our comfort and security comes first.

Finally, the measure of a shepherd's heart for the sheep will come when danger approaches. That is when the heart of the shepherd is the most exposed. Will the shepherd stay and fight and protect or run and hide and let the sheep fend for themselves?

What kind of "protective" phone call, card, or visit can you give to someone to keep them tied into the flock?
It doesn't take long to do something like this but the result will be everlasting.

2012-02-23 - Fear of Failure - God Always Sees the Humble Heart
by Gene Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

1 Kings 21

Ahab really wanted Naboth's vineyard, and so he was willing to do anything to get it. He kept on sinning until he got the vineyard - discouragement, self-pity, anger, and eventually murder. There are "vineyards" in everyone's lives nowadays, jobs, relationships, or successes. Ahab was so consumed with what he wanted that his marriage was ungodly. I see how I don't lead my wife because I get consumed with my job and success, and my relationship with God goes the same way as my marriage. I get so guilty that I lose confidence in how God can use my life.
What encourages me about this scripture is how God uses people to confront others with the truth and how He is hoping for people to humble themselves and turn back to Him. Ahab was described as a man who "sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord" (v. 25). Elijah warned Ahab of the impending disaster because of his sin. Ahab took God's warning seriously and humbled himself before God, and the Lord noticed and blessed him! I can feel at times that I have messed up so much that God would never believe in me again, and yet God is merely looking for a heart that is humble, broken, and grateful. He hopes that I would have the courage to see my sin. God notices and moves on behalf of a humble heart!

2012-02-29 - Fear of Failure - Mistakes Build Character
by Kristi Henry - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Matt. 16:21-23, Matt. 26:31-35

Peter loved Jesus, he received some stinging rebukes from him. Imagine a firend saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." I would probably start crying or get prideful and mad. I don't like to look bad. Peter was always getting exposed! I know I have made many mistakes as a disciple: I have given bad advice, hurt people, lied to look good, not been open about sin, and destroyed relationships. I have had a lot of failures, challenges and struggles. I need to follow Peter. He grew and learned from the sin and mistakes he made. Peter never gave up. Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, not on himself and because of that was able to change and grow by accepting the teaching. When I look at Peter I see a man that Jesus loved, believed in, and knew would be a powerful leader in his church. I can decide to be like Peter and persevere through challenges, discipling, and rebukes. I can decide to fix my eyes on
Jesus and not on myself. I can believe that God has plans for me to do great things for his church and never give up.

Decide today to:
  1. Persevere through challenges, correction, and struggles.
  2. Allow failures to expose your character so that you can become all God wants you to be.
  3. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, not on yourself and how you feel.

2012-10-02 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Crawling (part I)
God humbled and dirtied himself just to search for one lost soul - you
  • He who was rich, became poor - 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • And became sin for us - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • He is able to sympathize with us
  • He was tempted in every way - Hebrews 4:15-16
  • He got down and washed the disciples feet - John 13:1-5

Some feel distant from him because of our sin but God is desperately looking for us - Luke 15:8

2013-03-22 - Prayer of the Righeous - Intimate Prayer

WHo is he who will devote himself to be close to me? - Jeremiah 30:21

God looks for people who will devote themselves to being close to him
Some of the greatest men of the Bible were described as God's friends

  • Enoch - walked with God for 300 years before took him away - Genesis 5:22-24
  • Noah walked with God - Genesis 6:9
  • Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks with his friend - Exodus 33:11
  • Abramham was God's friend - James 2:23
  • Daniel was God's friend from the first time he prayed - Daniel 10:12
  • Solomon prayed that his words would near to God day and night - 1 Kings 8:59
    • And God answered him - 1 Kings 9:3

Nehemiah had an intimate friendship with God:

  • Referred to God's convenant of love - Nehemiah 1:5
  • He pleaed for God to hear him - Nehemiah 1:6
  • Had personal confession of sin - Nehemiah 1:6-7
  • He reminded God of his great deeds - Nehemiah 1:8-10
  • He appealed to God - Nehemiah 1:11

2013-09-05 - Breaking Chains through Strategic Prayer

Must learn to become an intercessor = a man who shows his true dependence on God by faithfully fighting battles in prayer, both for himself and his family.

Many great men of the Bible did: Ezra 9:5-15; Nehemiah 9; Jeremiah 14:19-22

One praying man can make a major impact

  • King Josiah read God’s Word for the first time, he realized that he and his nation would suffer

Do according to all that is written concerning us - 2 Kings 22:13

  • Jeremiah: “Restore us to You, O LORD, that we may be restored; renew our days” - Lamentations 5:7, 21

2014-01-27 - The Heart of a Child

You can be the greatest explainer of truth. But if the very heart of your son or daughter does not believe ‘my daddy loves me,’ they will walk away.
People tend to embrace the teaching and beliefs of those who love them the most.
Whoever has their heart has their ears.

Restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers - Malachi 4:6
When this doesn’t happen, fathers invite the “curse” of broken relationships into their homes

You can tell when a father doesn’t have his kids’ hearts. You sense the disrespect and anger, the bitterness and emotional distance.
The key ingredient in raising good children is to get their hearts early, keep their hearts, and be extremely vigilant not to lose your children’s hearts.

Jesus and His Father hearts were always in sync. When Jesus felt separation from the Father, it was the worst pain he could feel.
“For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing” - John 5:20

2014-03-21 - Train Them to Honor Authority (part I)

 Honor is attractive

  • It doesn’t demand respect; it quickly earns it.
  • Fear grounds us.
  • Honor inspires us.

The whole concept of authority comes from God.

Earthly authority is His design and tool for creating order and for keeping us accountable and responsible, for honoring good and for punishing evil - Romans 13:1-4

Authorities on earth help keep us mindful of His superior, eternal authority

God can turn the heart of anyone in a leadership position in any direction - Proverbs 21:1

We should be like Jesus and submit to our imperfect, human authorities knowing that God uses them to carry out His purposes - John 19:11

The only time we should not submit to them is when they are asking us to disobey God and sin - Acts 5:29

Notice that Scripture does not tell us to obey them only if we agree with their judgment - Hebrews 13:17-18

When dishonoring authority, you are not rebelling against an individual but against God Himself.

Handling and responding to authority is serious business.

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