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2010-12-28 - Repentance (part II)

Ephesians 4:20-24.

  • Repentance is turning from an old life to a new one.
    • Negatively, what must be “taken off”?
    • Positively, what is the new attitude to be embraced?
  • What is “put on” in place of the “old self”?
  • Repentance orients us toward God and the true life and purpose we were created for: to become like him in righteousness and holiness.
  • What do you need to “take off” and “put on”?

2 Corinthians 7:8-11.

  • What is the difference between “worldly sorrow” and “godly sorrow?”
  • What kinds of attitudes characterize godly sorrow?
  • Have you previously confused worldly sorrow with true repentance?
  • We must consider the destructive consequences of our sin and what our sin cost God, because only godly sorrow leads to repentance and salvation.
  • Repentance is above all a matter of heart.

Luke 15:11-32 or Luke 19:1-10

  • Examples of heartfelt repentance.
  • What kind of fruit did their repentance produce?
  • How did they feel after repenting? How did God feel?
  • What will repentance look like for you?

2011-01-03 - Discipleship (part III)

John 13:34-35

  • What will disciples of Jesus will be known for? Their love.
  • “As I have loved you”: What kind of love did Jesus demonstrate for us?

Matthew 28:18-20

  • The Great Commission: God’s plan to save the world.
  • Disciples make disciples by baptizing people from all nations in his name and teaching them to become mature, obedient
    followers of Jesus.
  • Efforts to reach the world with the gospel are multiplied when every disciple embraces Jesus’ final charge.
  • Are you willing to answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus?

Mark 10:28-31

  • What did Peter and the others give up in order to follow Jesus? Is it possible to “outgive” God?
  • What does Jesus promise to those who have committed their lives to following him?
  • Being a Christian is not always easy, but it is the life we were created for.
  • It is the best life now, and the best life for eternity!

2011-02-10 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part III)
Wisdom is commonly defined as good judgment
In the Bible, it also has a strong ethical content

The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delights - Proverbs 11:1
Honest is the best policy in business
Biblical wisdom always factors God into the equation
  • Society might cut corners just enough so it won't hurt business
  • The person who fears the Lord strives to be honest all the time
  • God-fearing more concerned about pleasing God than what is good for business
Honesty is the best policy but its wisdom has the wrong foundation.
It is essentially self-serving

Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil - Proverbs 15:16-17
This kind of wisdom can only come from the Lord
All levels of our society base their supposed happiness on their ability to acquire the possession they want

2011-02-11 - Fearing God - Parable of Awe

Marine Corp example

Solider learned to respect autority promptly and correctly by carrying out commands / seeing pure fear and humilation as punishment
Some actually learn to enjoy the challenge of the tough, disciplined life

Solider grows a personal relationship with the general but always conscious of the vast difference in rank between them
It was a different kind of awe - a greater sense of respect and admiration

Later he realizes how much the general cares for him by putting his life on the line for the solider

Jesus often spoke in parables, fictional stories that as if they really happened
Helps express more abstract spiritual concepts

Awe is defined as:

  • An emotion in which dread, veneration, and wonder are vairously mingled
  • Submissive and admiring fear inspired by authority
  • A fearful reverence inspired by deity


2011-03-09 - NT Commands (part II)
Commands from the New Testament
  • Be alert and self controlled - 1 Thessalonians 5:6
  • Be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
  • Be anxious for nothing - Philippians 4:6
  • Be content with what you have - Hebrews 13:5
  • Be willing to associate with those in low position - Romans 12:2
  • Be joyful always - 1 Thessalonians 5:16
  • Be kind to everyone - 2 Timothy 2:24
  • Be patient with everyone - 1 Thessalonians 5:14

2011-03-15 - One Another (part I)

Started reading the one another scriptures in the Bible:

  • Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you - Romans 15:7
  • Admonish one another - Colossians 3:16
  • Be at peace with each other - Mark 9:50
  • Be devoted to one another in brotherly love - Romans 12:10
  • Be kind and compassionate to one another - Ephesians 4:32
  • Be patient, bearing with one another in love - Ephesians 4:2
  • Bear with each other - Colossians 3:13
  • Build each other up - 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  • Carry each other’s burdens - Galatians 6:2
  • Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5

2011-06-10 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part III)
The heart is the source which continuously supplies your life with the kind of person you are.
  1. The source of your behavior - Proverbs 4:23
  2. The source of your speech
  • Out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks - Luke 6:45
  • How can you who are evil say anything good? - Matthew 12:33-37
  1. The source of all evil behavior
  • What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean' - Mark 7:20-23
  • Every inclination of the thoughts of his heart were evil - Genesis 6:5

2011-07-04 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part V)
Oneness with the Father means to think the same thoughts, speak the same words, do the same deeds, and be of the same kind of

We must think the same thoughts.
  • John 8:16 - I stand with the Father, who sent me
  • Romans 8:5 - Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires
We must say the same words.
  • John 14:24 - These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me
  • John 12:49 - Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it
We must do the same deeds.
  • John 5:19 - Whatever the Father does the Son also does
  • John 13:15 - I have set you an example that you should do as I have done

2011-07-05 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part VI)
For oneness with the Father, we must be of the same kind of person:
  • Ephesians 4:22-24 - Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness
  • Colossians 3:10 - Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator
Oneness with the Father is a definable concept in our own personal lives.

What it does NOT mean:
  • It is not merely being a member of the church.
  • It is not merely being baptized.
  • It is not merely observing the Lord’s Supper each Sunday.
  • It is not merely the equivalent of quiet time each day.
  • It is not merely an involvement in one or more discipling relationships.
  • It is not merely being busy in “Church work”.
  • It is not merely being fruitful in evangelism.
What it DOES mean:
  • It means that I am continually conscious of God’s presence and that I desire such by seeking God’s face throughout the day
  • It means that His thoughts are becoming my thoughts, His ways are becoming my ways (this is a continual, never ending process)
  • It means that I truly love God and want to obey His will with more of my heart each day.

2011-08-11 - Daughter Needs - Loving Kindness
A daughter needs a father's gentleness, protective favor to intercede for her against those who would do her wrong

Two tendencies to limit their kindness:
  • Being macho, to prove we are unfailingly strong
    • They think strong is the opposite of gentleness and kindness instead of being the opposite of weak
    • Daughters needs to see your strength and kindness
  • The belief that men/boys needs are the same as woman/girls needs
    • Both need gentleness but woman generally place a higher priority on it
    • If you gentle to your wife and you would want someone to be gentle toward you, it is too little
    • Your daughter is a woman in the making - he needs are going to much closer to your wife than your own
It is important what you say and much as how you say it

Do you give your daughter far more positive comments then negative?
Say something positive, then say "do better" next time?

2011-08-12 - Daughter Needs - Communication and Correction
When I say something positive, is it just a prelude for some type of correction?
If this is true, she will dread hearing praise from me

How is my correction?
  • Firm and loving?
  • What is my tone of voice? kind? enraged?
  • Do I refrain from sarcasm? Sarcasm is correction plus contempt
  • Do I correct in front of others (other than my wife)? Majority of the time corrections should be done in private
Communication love means letting my daughters know they are accepted just the way they are
  • How much do I say I love her?
  • Do I buy a smaller arrangement for my daughter on Valentines day?
  • Am I quick to go to your daughter's aid

2011-09-26 - Proverbs on Advice - Seek Help
Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Gettysburg was the turning point of the Civil War.
  • It was the Union’s first decisive victory over the Army of Virginia led by General Robert E. Lee.
  • He had led his forces into the northern states taking an offensive posture in the war.
  • When the Union army followed him into Pennsylvania, he found a spot on the map where several roads joined at an intersection called Gettysburg.
  • General Lee did not know the number of Union soldiers he was facing.
  • These numbers should have been discovered and reported by his cavalry leader Jeb Stuart, but he was nowhere to be found.
  • Stuart, without orders from General Lee, had decided to go on a raiding expedition.
  • The cavalry was the eyes of the army. Without the counsel of his cavalry leader Lee was blind.
  • Unprepared, Lee went on to lose the battle at Gettysburg. It was just the victory Lincoln had been looking for

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls but many advisers make victory sure.

In the life of a disciple we need eyes all around us (we are in a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood but against the dark forces of this world).
  1. We need our cavalry “brothers & sisters” giving us advice and counsel
  2. They tell us where the enemy is and how strong his forces are.
  3. They help equip us to do battle with the enemy.
  4. They fortify us when we’re lacking in zeal
  5. We need these people in our lives.

Five lessons to learn about advice...

1. Seek Advice

Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death

Proverbs 18:15  - The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, the ears of the wise seek it out

If we were going to buy a car for the 1st time, most of us would seek a lot of advice.
  • We would ask others what kind of interest rate we should look for, how many miles per gallon, the resale value, look at consumer reports, etc…
  • We go to counselors for help (family & career), therapist, on and on
Question: Why do we seek out spiritual help in our lives like we do in so many other areas?

If we need help in other areas (that’s good) surely our spiritual life is more important because it has an eternal destination (good or bad)
  • We need to find people who are spiritually mature and gone through such experiences in life
  • These men and women can give us godly advice that will help us mature spiritually
Discipling relationship isn’t just a good idea it’s one key to our spiritual victory

2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-06 - Genesis 6 - The Flood (part I)


Humankind corrupted the earth with evil. God decided to destroy them. He told Noah to build an ark to be saved from the flood.


Genesis 6:5 - every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time
At this point, in a relatively small amount of time, man no longer called out for God. It was just Genesis chapter 4 when men just began to call out for God and at this time

Genesis 6:13 - God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people"
God shared his plans with Noah even though they were very troubling. A deep relationship is where you share you plans and dreams (not in this case). God trusted Noah. Noah trusted God even more (as he should). That mutual trust helped save mankind and allow us to live today.

Genesis 6:22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him
After being 500 years old or so, Noah still did everything God commanded him to do. We can not imagine the pressure and persecution Noah must have gone through to build a boat in the middle of the dessert. Still he did not waiver. His complete faith was with God and trusted every word God spoke to him. We have trouble with just a small amount of faith that required to live our lives.

Personal Application

Increase my faith, Lord! I see Noah's faith to build an ark and I struggle to have faith today.The struggles I face today are not even a speck compared to Noah's troubles.  Noah had great faith because he trusted God and what he said. That is what I need to do.

2011-10-07 - Genesis 7 - The Flood (part II)


Noah and his family went into the ark with two of each creature. It rained for forty days and forty nights and the earth was covered.


Genesis 7:1 - I have found you righteous in this generation
Of all the people, God considered Noah the most righteous among his generation. God knows our thoughts [1 Chronicles 28:9] , motives, and sees our actions. What has God found us to be?

Genesis 7:16 - Then the LORD shut him in
In the end, it is God's call when things should start and end. It was God who decided what to close the ark's door and He shut the door. Same is true for either our death or judgement day. God will call the shots. Now is the time where we call the shots. To either follow him or not.

Genesis 7:20 - covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet
Assuming mount Everst (29,029 feet) existed back in these time, the flood was quite deep. Nothing could have survived that much water. Even if you limit your focus to just earth - God's power is tough to comprehend.

Genesis 7:23 - Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out
Besides Noah, his family, and the animals on the boat, every living creature was killed. Sometime thoughts enter our minds that there is some kind of gray area between good and evil where we can live our lives. On that day, there were only those inside the boat and those outside of the boat. No one lived in the middle.

Personal Application

I need to look for what I see as gray areas in my life. When I am neither hot nor cold [Revelation 3:16], I am not aware of where I am.

2011-10-09 - Genesis 9 - The Rainbow & Capital Punishment


God blessed Noah and set the rainbow as a sign that he would never flood the earth again. Noah got drunk and cursed Ham's son Canaan.


Genesis 9:3 - Everything ... will be food for you; I now give you everything
Again God shows his willingness to everything to become eatable but meat that still had lifeblood. Many of our reactions would have given up on mankind. And if we had not given up, we would not have given as much freedom so there would less possibility of disobedience to occur. But God continues to give freedom to his people.

Genesis 9:17 - sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth
Freedom is not free. There was great pain for God  [Genesis 6:6]  to see the state of man's heart and how the only solution was to destroy all living things and start over again. Today, God is still grieving over how our hearts turn from him. This time - He had to pay the ultimate sacrifice of His only Son so that he and us may have a relationship. This is the only way, How have we responded?

Personal Application

I don't grow very well in the good times. It is the times of trials and difficulty when I forced by God's discipline to change. I want to change and grow while not under all circumstances. What does it show God when I move toward him only when pushed?

2011-12-13 - Day 10 - Praying Like Jesus
Mark 1:32-39
  1. What sacrifices did Jesus make to go and pray? Think of his previous day. What excuses could he have made to not pray?
  2. When do you feel the need to pray? Do you ever make excuses not to pray?
  3. How has your prayer time been the past 10 days?
Hebrews 5:7-10
  1. What kind of prayer life did Jesus have?
  2. What things, besides going to the cross, would have been difficult for Jesus to obey?
  3. What things are difficult for you to do as a disciple?
  4. Have you been praying with loud cries and tears for God to help you be obedient?
  5. What situations in your life do you need to pray more about? Make a list and be specific.
Application: Spend time today praying about the things you wrote about on your list. Be specific in your prayers. Try praying out loud and talking to God as if you could see him. Tell him how you feel about these things and what is difficult and why it is difficult. Being real and open with God will help you change things quicker.

2011-12-16 - Day 13 - Saved to Serve
Matthew 25:31-46
  1. What will you be judged for on the last day?
  2. Why is it not enough to simply give money to beggers?
  3. Which of the six things listed in verses 35-36 have you done recently?
  4. Who are we really ignoring when we neglect the needy?
Deuteronomy 15:7-10
  1. What does it mean to be "hard-hearted" or "tight-fisted"?
  2. What kind of giving does God expect from you?
  3. Who are some of the poor and needy around you - and how are you going to help them?
Matthew 10:40-42
  1. What are some small acts of kindness that will not be forgotten by God?
  2. How can you help the needy even if you have little money?
James 1:27 - What is true religion in God's sight? Who does God have a special concern for?

Application: Who can you help today? Do it. Also, make plans with another disciple to help other needy people this week.

2011-12-21 - Day 18 - Learning from Others
Matthew 18:1-4
  1. What kind of heart does God want us to have?
  2. What qualities of children do we need to imitate?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-14
  1.  Who is "over you" in the Lord?
  2. Does it have anything to do with age or education?
  3. Write the names of some Christians who work hard, set a good example and admonish you.
  4. Are you showing them respect?
  5. What kind of disciples need special help (vs. 14)?
  6. Have you been admonishing for any of these problems?
Psalms 119:99-100
  1. What gives us real maturity and understanding?
  2. How is verse 100 opposite of how our society thinks?
  3. What should your attitude be when you are being taught/corrected by someone younger than yourself?
1 Timothy 4:11-1 - What does the Lord expect from young leaders?

Psalms 32:8-10 - How can you not be like a horse or mule?

Application: If you have resisted learning from younger disciples, repent today and seek them out to ask questions. If you are young yourself, set the believers a great example

2011-12-28 - Day 25 - Being Open
John 15:15
  1. What did Jesus share with his disciples?
  2. Are you this kind of a friend to other Christians?
  3. Do they really know all about your life?
2 Corinthians 6:11-13
  1. What does it mean to speak freely?
  2. Are you opening your heart to others?
  3. What are some feelings you aren't expressing to anyone?
Proverbs 20:5 - Are you helping others to disciple you by being open or does someone have to "draw you out" by asking many questions?

Application: Spend some time today writing down some feelings/plans/secret sins that you haven't been sharing. Discuss these things with another Christian this week. Be open!

2011-12-30 - Day 27 - Learning to be Loyal
What does loyalty mean to you?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  1. Write out this passage substituting your name in place of the word love. Now read through it again, thinking about some specific relationships you have.
  2. What do you see about yourself that needs to change?
Ephesians 4:29
  1. What kind of talk is harmful to others?
  2. Have you been involved in talk that is unkind, slanderous or mocking?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
  1. Who is "over you in the Lord"?
  2. Is this based on how they live?
  3. Write some names of Christians who work hard among you. Do you respect them from your heart?
  4. What is your attitude toward Christians who are weak or slow to learn?
Application: Write a note of appreciation to someone you respect, who is over you in the Lord and also to someone who needs patient encouragement.

2012-01-01 - Day 29 - Jesus is Coming Soon
2 Peter 3:3-14
  1. Why do some people scoff (mock) at the promise of Christ's return?
  2. What will the "day of the Lord" be like?
  3. Are you living as though Jesus could come back TODAY?
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Compare this passage to 2 Peter 3:7-10.
  1. Will there be any "second chance" for those who are not ready to meet the Lord?
  2. Why will this day be like "a thief in the night"?
  3. What does it mean to be alert and self-controlled?
2 Timothy 4:6-8
  1. How does Paul feel about facing the Lord on judgement day?
  2. Why is living for Jesus like fighting the good fight, finishing the race and keeping the faith?
  3. What kind of effort does it take to be this way to the end?
Application: Live each day like it is your last!

2012-01-04 - Day 32 - Walking as Jesus did
1 John 2:5-6 - Think back over the past several days. Are you walking like Jesus?

Mark 1:21-28
  1. What was different about the way Jesus taught?
  2. Are you teaching others with authority?
Mark 1:29-34
  1. How late do you think Jesus worked that night?
  2. Do you think he felt tired?
  3. Why did he work so hard?
  4. Are you willing to push yourself for others to know Jesus - even when it is very challenging?
Mark 1:35-39
  1. Note how early Jesus got up the next day? Why did he?
  2. How much do you feel the need to pray like Jesus?
Mark 2:13-17
  1. What kinds of people did Jesus make friends with? Why?
  2. How do you treat sinners and pagans? 3. Are you making new friends to share the gospel with?
Application: Write down two things from today's study that you can do to imitate Jesus. Do them!

2012-01-05 - Day 33 - Shining Like Stars
Philippians 2:14-16
  1. How do we "hold out the word of life" to others?
  2. What kind of example do we need to show those around us?
  3. What have you complained or argued about lately? How can you change?
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
  1. How can you be a slave to everyone? (Give examples)
  2. What are some ways you need to adapt to people in your life to help them be saved?
Psalms 126:6
  1. Why should we be "weeping" as we go out to make disciples?
  2. What is the promise for those who do?
Daniel 12:3 - Are you being wise?

Application: Pray for a heart that truly loves deeply as you share your faith today.

2012-01-07 - Day 35 - Worthy of the Name
1 Peter 4:12-19
  1. What kinds of insults and sufferings have you endured for Jesus?
  2. What should your attitude be?
  3. What does Satan want you to think and do when you are being persecuted?
Hebrews 10:32-34
  1. Have you gone through suffering like this?
  2. What are you doing to encourage other Christians who are going through insults and persecutions?
Hebrews 11:32-40
  1. Have you faced lions, flames, swords, armies, tortures, flogging, imprisonment, chains - or even banishment for Jesus' sake?
  2. How did God regard these people?
2 Corinthians 11:23-29 & Romans 8:18
  1. What kind of life did Paul live for Christ?
  2. How did he feel about his sufferings?
  3. Have you been rejoicing or complaining as a Christian?
Application: Would Jesus say you are worthy of the name "Christian"?

2012-01-12 - Day 40 - Good Heart, Good Deeds, Good Things
Luke 8:15
  1. Do you have a heart like this?
  2. What is your life producing?
Philemon 4-7 - What are 3 things Philemon did that showed a good heart?

2 Peter 1:5-11
  1. What do you need to do to keep growing as a Christian?
  2. Define goodness, perseverance, brotherly kindness.
  3. What happens if you stop growing?
  4. What does verse 10 mean?
3 John 2-6
  1. If a brother or sister came to visit you, what kind of report would they give about your Life?
  2. How do you feel about your life in Christ up until today?
  3. Are you growing?
  4. In what areas do you need help?
Application: Now that you have finished your 40-days study, decide what you are going to study next and have a plan. Share these notes with the people you are leading to the Lord. Keep growing!

2012-02-01 - Ministry - Intimidated or Inspired?
Matthew 23:1-7

The austere lifestyles of the Pharisees were not ones that Christ wanted us to imitate. They said all the right things and lived in all the wrong ways. People felt burdened around the Pharisees because they knew they could not match up to that kind of lifestyle. The Pharisees were not just legalists; they were separatists, which is what the word Pharisee means. They were men preaching a life too big for them to live. They did not readily inspire the average Jew to follow them. People were afraid of them. They lead by intimidation rather than by inspiration. In vs. 5, Jesus chastises them for doing everything for men to see. In vs.6 he condemns their obsession with position and again in vs. 7, Jesus rebukes their love of role. They did not attract the kind of following that Jesus did and this made them bitter and envious. They did not really have the hearts of the people because they had only a heart for themselves.

Do you call attention to yourself?

Do you focus on your position or your role and get angry when it is not what you want?

A person focused on men, role, or position will not want to serve and therefore will not inspire, only intimidate.

Find some way, even small way, in which you can serve or encourage someone today. This will be an inspiration to them and to you.

2012-02-10 - Ministry - The Shepherd's Touch
John 10:1-18

In verse 11 Jesus calls himself the good shepherd and says that the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. A shepherd is protective of his flock and a love for them. True shepherds do not want to lose even one single sheep. They stand between their sheep and danger. They are more concerned for the welfare of their sheep than they are for themselves. They are willing to go without so that their sheep might have their needs met.
The sheep are responsive to their master's voice. They trust him because of his heart for them. The world teaches us to look out for ourselves at the expense of others. It teaches us that we are the most important people and that our comfort and security comes first.

Finally, the measure of a shepherd's heart for the sheep will come when danger approaches. That is when the heart of the shepherd is the most exposed. Will the shepherd stay and fight and protect or run and hide and let the sheep fend for themselves?

What kind of "protective" phone call, card, or visit can you give to someone to keep them tied into the flock?
It doesn't take long to do something like this but the result will be everlasting.

2012-02-12 - Ministry - But Because You Say So
Luke 5:1-11

Peter's faith was ebbing with the tide. No fish, no breakfast. After a frustrating night of fruitless fishing he was struggling to accept a carpenter's fishing tip to let down the nets yet again. Yet Peter softened his will to the Master's will and obeyed out of faith. He had no other reason to believe he would even get a nibble at the net. As the fish came in Peter got that sinking feeling of realizing the depth of his own sin. He deferred to Jesus and knew he did not deserve to be in the Master's presence. I am struck by Peter's decision to follow Christ's command to let down the net again even though years of experience and an empty-netted night begged him not to. Sometimes experience can breed cynicism because we are used to certain results and have formed certain expectations. Cynicism replaces obedience and robs us of faith. It gives us a reason to not have to believe because "we have been there, done that" and it has never work. Peter's humility is convicting and his responsiveness to Jesus is a powerful example. We can easily be deceived by experience that has result in fruitless and netted us nothing.

Is your evangelism producing fruit?

Maybe you are letting your nets down in the wrong place or in the wrong way.
Find a new fishing hole. Consider reaching out to different kinds of people.

2012-03-02 - Fear of Failure - I get knocked down, but I get up again
by Angel Calica - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Corinthians 4:9

The scriptures say we will get knocked down. The question is are you going to stay down, or get up again and keep going? Failure tests what kind of character we have. Do you give up easily and stay down (quitter)? Or are you a fighter and get up again?

What are the sins that can keep us down?
  • Pride
  • Complacency
  • Self pity
  • Desiring comfort
  • Fear
When I fail in my life, my temptation is to just not try anymore. When I give in to that temptation, I quit. I become isolated and hate being a Christian. I have to decide every day, to "get up" and to keep trying. When you admit your weaknesses, you realize that others have them too and that is the beginning of getting up. Let's admit when we are down and decide to get up again.

Hebrews 4:6
  1. Decide never to quit being a disciple.
  2. Decide to admit your weaknesses every day.
  3. Decide to obey the Bible when you get knocked down.

2012-10-09 - Prayer of the Righeous - Arms Wide Open (part I)
Wild Living of the Prodical Son

Son became incredibly ungrateful toward his father - Luke 15:12-13
The sad situation became worse when be became greedy too - Wanted "his" part of the estate
Consuming his thoughts and with no regard to what his father felt, he asked
Amazingly, his father said yes

From there the son wasted this money
His life was full of sin - Luke 15:13,30
Then the economy collapsed and there was a severe famine - Luke 15:14
Life was so bad and he was so hungry, he became jealous of the pigs - Luke 15:15-16
The son was incredibly ashamed and reluctant to go home

When he came to his senses, he remember his father and his generosity and kindness
He thought as least as a servant, I would be better off than this - Luke 15:18-19

2014-03-04 - Heart to Heart time with our kids

Fathers, start spending more “heart to heart” time


Get their attention, ask important questions like:

  • Tell me how you are doing.
  • What have you been up to lately?
  • What are you most excited about right now?

Make a little one-on-one time with Dad


Kids, as well as adults, want the approval and praise from their dads

They want their father’s "blessing” in their lives.
To bless means "to speak well of"

God: “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased” - Mark 1:11

It is important that you communicate to them, “You are my son (daughter) and I dearly love you. I am very pleased with you.”

Anytime you greet them or talk to them, your countenance, the look in your eyes, and your tone of voice either says, “You are a delight to me” or “You are an irritation to me.”

You should praise them privately, one-on-one, and publicly in front of others. “That is awesome! You are really good at that,” needs to come from your lips as their biggest cheerleader. Regardless of your past, step up to do this now!


Father pours out His unconditional love on us (Romans 5:5), and so should we to our sons and daughters.

Interact with them in ways that make them fully see, hear, and feel your love.

not only the discipline of a father but also his warm affection and tender love.

Boys who feel loved by their dads are bolder, stronger, kinder to others, and more secure

Girls who feel valued by their dads are more radiant, less desperate for a boyfriend, and more careful whom they marry.

So invest in them, take them places, flood them with tender affection, leaving no question in their minds about your genuine love for them.

2014-05-15 - Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah


Sarah died in Kiriath-arba and Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave at full price from Ephron and buried Sarah there.


Genesis 23:6 - Listen, my lord, you are an honored prince
Abraham's reputation was above reproach. Those who invest their time and money in serving God often earn a good return on their investment - a good reputation and the respect of others. He was in front of the elders of the land to witness this as a legit transaction (v16). No one could say Abraham stole and cheated someone in this first recorded real estate transaction. He simply waited on God to fulfill his promise in his own timing. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Abraham did not have a battle plan on how He would take the land. [Matthew 26:52]

Genesis 23:15 - Land is worth 400 pieces of silver, but what is that between friends?
Abraham paid the initial price even after refusing the land as a gift time and time again. He was not trying to take anything he didn’t deserve. Even though God had promised the land to Abraham, he was did come with a attitude that he owned the place. Instead, he waited for God's timing and will to fulfill his promise. Like David, he did not want to take what was someone else's and give it the Lord. [1 Chronicles 21:24]


What kind of reputation do I have at work, at home, and at church? What do others say about me? How has that helped or hindered me?

Do I become impatient in waiting for God's promises? Do I try to fulfill God's promises for him?

Do we avoid giving when it really costs us something?


Lord, help me to have the faith to wait on your promises and to always be ambassador of yours no matter where I am.

2014-05-31 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part II)


Eliezer met Rebekah by the well exactly as he had prayed.


Genesis 24:12 - Please give me success today
So much of our success or failure can depend on our willingness to pray. Eliezer [Genesis 15:2] learned to pray to the "God of my master" and to have a dependant faith via Abraham. What are the people around learning from our prayer life and faith? Do we ask God for guidance before our important and not so important ventures?

Genesis 24:14 - This is how I will know; "I will water your camels too"
Abraham's servant prayed in great detail for Issac's wife to show herself. Hospitality standards of the time was to offer a drink to weary travelers but not to the animals. He did not ask for a certain number of ear rings and braclets (beauty) as a sign of Isaac's future wife but rather for woman great inner beauty. For Rebekah, this second mile offer to provide water for the ten camels, would be no easy feat. A camel can drink up to 30 gallons at a time. After just finishing the journey of 450 miles and two weeks, the camels probably drank pretty close to that amount. How many trips to the well would that have been for Rebekah? 10 camels x 30 gallons = 300 gallons;  1 gallon = 8.2 lbs; Maybe she could carry 40 lbs; 40lb / 8 = 5 gallons per trip; 300 gallons / 5 gallons per trip is about 60 trips.

Genesis 24:15 - Before he finished praying
God knows what we need, we just need to ask for it. Eliezer received an exact and immediate answer. He was left to watch in silience [Genesis 24:21] (possibly shocked) as God answered his prayer exacly as he prayed. When we pray according to His will, he will answer and bless us beyond what we have imagined. Rebekah not only provided water for his animals but she did with kindness and with servant heart. Not only did she provide some water for the camels but enough water until they were finish.  God also answered by blessing the servant with other attributes of Isssc soon-to-wife. The Bible also describes her a very beautiful phyiscally, old enough to marry, and a virgin.


I do not have the dependant prayer I need to have. I have many failures because I depend on myself and do not ask God.

2015-01-08 - Genesis 25 - Death of Abraham (part I)


Abraham died and was buried with Sarah


Genesis 25:7 - lived a long and satisfying life
Don't we all want a long and satistying life? We all seek it but do not always find it. Because we are not searching for it correct place. We need seek God with all of our heart and we will find everything we need and some of what we want. In the end and after it is all finished, we want to hear great jobmy faithful servant [Matthew 25:23]

Genesis 25:18 - There they lived in open hostility toward all their relatives
Mentioned only for brief time, but the scripture says so much. Just because we are family, does not mean we just get along. Relationships - no matter who they are require work, patience, and understanding. There could be open hostility in our family but more likely hidden anger, hate, or bitterness toward one another. Just because others are family, it does not mean we should be an less kind

2015-02-11 - Lead By Example

Everyone must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence - Jonah 3:7-8

The biggest enemy of godly leaders is not leading by example

Leading by example has always been one of a leader's greatest goals

  • Want children to speak kindly? Speak kindly to them
  • Want your coworkers and employees to be more consientious about their work? Show up on time and work deligently until you leave

Jonah warned the Ninevites of God's coming judgement and wrath

Their king responded by instructing his people to:

  • Observe a time of fasting
  • Pray
  • Repent

...in hopes that God would change his minds and spare the city

The king of the Ninevites humility and leading by example saved his city from judgement and wrath

When you do as you say in life, you make it far easier for everyone around you to do the same

2015-02-14 - Praise Your Wife

My darling, you are as beatiful as Jerusalem - Song of Solomon 6:4

Solomon understood the value of speaking passionately to his beloved

His words overflows with love, affection, intimacy, and passion

It models the kind of inimate coomunication you can enjoy with your wife

The words should be personal and thoughtful - take the lead!

How do you rate the passion and fun in your marriage?

  • Red hot
  • Still glowing
  • A fading ember
  • Growing cold
  • Pile of ashes


2015-03-12 - When to Retreat

Run from all these evil things - 1 Timothy 6:11

Every competent military strategist needs to understand when to retreat

Retreat does not mean defeat but simply makes room for a later victory

Pau's battle plan called for Timothy to handle certain types of temptations with a retreat

It wasn't just a retreat but a counter attack with something good - fath, love, perseverance, and gentleness

This pursuit would shelter Timothy from temptations of the world

God instruct you to retreat from certain kinds of tempatation and pursue things that hold out the promise of a spiritual productive future

2015-03-16 - Going Golden


Nabal was a crude and mean in all his dealings; his wife, Abigail, was a sensible and beatiful - 1 Samuel 25:3

Life will present you with countless opportunties to extend kindness

David sent some men to ask for a few much-needed provisions

Nabal: Who is this fellow David? Who does this son of Jesse think he is? - 1 Samuel 25:10

He proceeded to instul David's servants and sent them away.

A few days after he refused to assist the Lord's servant David, Nabal died of an apparent heart attack

2015-03-24 - Opposition

Sanballat was very angery when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. "What does this bunch of poor, feeble Jews think they're doing?" - Nehemiah 4:1-2

Spiritual opposition often confirm that you are headed in the right direction in your life of faith

Nehemiah endured this kind of opposition as he worked to rebuild the ruined city walls around Jerusalem

Sanballat did everything he could to thwart Nehemiah's work

  1. He mocked and ridiculed the Jews
  2. He turned to the shraper weapons of fear, entrapment, and political maneuvering

The main question is not whether such opposition will appear but how you will respnd when it arrives

Will you choose discouragement or strengthen your sense of resolve?

2015-04-06 - Confidence

How much longer will you waver between two opinions - 1 Kings 18:20-21

Elijah demonstrated that kind of confidence in hos heavenly Father when he challenged 450 priest of Baal to match the power of the true and living God

When he had seen the sad spectacle of Baal's priest, he called on God to remind the people who he was

Elijah never had a doubt about what would happen next

Place your complete confidence in the one true God

2015-04-22 - A Friend Indeed

Take that if you want it, for there is nothing else here - 1 Samuel 21:9

A true friend gives of himself, and even sacrifices himself, for the good of another

Ahimelech was this king of friend to David

When David was on the run from King Saul, Ahimelech help him with food and a weapon for battle

All Ahimelech knew was his friend was in need of help - his act of kindness came at a heavy price

When KIng Saul heard Ahimelech assisted David, he ordered his execution - 1 Samuel 22

Being a true friend mean making personal sacrifices. Do you have a true friend? Are you a true friend? 

2015-05-11 - Shining Lamp

Full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God - Acts 7:55

Nothing prompts change likea man's courage in the face of potential personal loss. Stephen had that kind of courage.

Religous leaders hoped persecuting Christians would put a stop to this new religious movement, exactly the opposite happened

Stephen willingly died for what he believed in and he contributed greatly to the spread of the gospel message

At the scene of Stephen's murder stood a young Pharisee named Saul - the same Saul God miraculously converted

Stephen's courage and faith in the face of death apparently made a lasting impression

Pauls bold preaching would change the world forever - Acts 22:19-20

Lamps do not talk, but they do shine. Is your lamp shining today?

2015-05-12 - True Kindness

Listen, stay right here with us when you gather grain - Ruth 2:8

Kindness in word and deed is a powerful equalizer

Boaz was consistently kind and compassionate

He greeted the harvesters with a "The Lord be with you!" they would answer "The Lord bless you!"

Ruth, a transplanted Moabite widow, had come to his field to gather bits of grain left behind

Boaz was moved by her story:

  • Invited Ruth to eat with him - Ruth 2:14
  • Commanded his reapers to leave some bundles for her to find - Ruth 2:15

Do you know anyone like Boaz? How can you be more like him?

2015-05-25 - Suffering Servant

All of us have strayed away - Isaiah 53:5

Jesus Christ was the perfect example of that kind of giving

Isaiah saw this example of a humble, suffering servant from his own time

He depicts a man who willingly subjected himslef to unspeakable suffering on the behalf of others

How does Jesus' selfless giving motivate you? 

2015-06-02 - Desparate Faith

Jairus fall at Jesus' feet, pleading with him for his dying daughter - Luke 8:41-42

Desparation has a way of making people forget about themselves and take unusual risks

Jarius knew the risks when he fell at Jesus' feet:

  • Jewish countrymen won't take kindly of him approaching Jesus this way
  • By falling to his knees, Jairus acknowledge that Jesus was everything he said he was

He needed more than faith to come to Jesus, he needed courage

Being a synagogue leader, he had access to the very best health care

Jairus had one final hope - Jesus, he knew Jesus could heal his daughter

The Savior  who never turns down a humble man gave him exactly what he needed

Where do you turn when you're in desparate need?

2015-06-13 - Second Chances

Naaman became angry and stalked away - 2 Kinds 5:11

Naaman had a serious infectious skin disease

He went to Eliasha for healing and he said to go the Jordan and wash 7 times

Naaman was disappointed and angry with this but his servants encouraged him to do as Elisha said

He obeyed and was healed - God of Israel is a God of second changes

Because of Naaman's eventual humble obedience, he was healed and later found salvation - 2 Kings 5:15-18

2015-07-03 - Righteous Anger

Jesus made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the Temple - John 2:15

Jesus became angry times when he saw authorities have a lack of love and true faith in his heavenly father

He espcially got angry this time with the money changers who were greedy in their dealing with those pilgrims trying to purshase sacrificial animals

Jesus always directed his anger at things that stood in the way of God's purposes for mankind

Do you express your anger over the same kind of issues that angered Jesus?

When you become angry, ask yourself:

  • Is it for the right reason?
  • Is it for the right people?
  • Is it at the right moment?

2015-07-11 - Share the Joy

Jethro was delighted when he heard about all the good things the Lord had done - Exdous 18:9

Paul: "be happy with those who are happy" - Romans 12:15

Jethro, Moses' friend, celebrated with the people of Israel: "Praise the Lord, for he had rescued you from the Egyptians - Exodus 18:10

He immedidately blessed those around him with words of praise

The same thing can happen when you share in another's joy over God's kindness and blessing


2015-07-14 - The Road to Forgiveness

I appeal to you to show kindness to my child, Onesimus - Philemon 1:10

Philemon, an apparently wealth and influential believer, faced the same decision we face when some wrongs us

Do we forgive and restore or we withhold forgiveness and let the relationship die?

Onesimus had been Philemon's slave, stolen from Philemon, deserted him, and ran away

The question wasn't wheather Philemon had been wronged but what he was going to do about it

Understanding God's grace and forgiveness is the key to forgiving those who have hurt us

2015-07-16 - Compassion

When he saw the man, he felt compassion for him - Luke 10:33

It is easy to have compassion for those we are close to but what about those we don't know or don't like?

When we reach out to a stranger or enemy, we will receive a reward from heaven - Luke 6:35-36

Jew and Samaritan didn't care much for one another, Jews saw Samaritan:

  • A mixed race
  • Impure
  • Not one of them

This particular Samaritan didn't see the man lying in the ditch as an enemy or someone who hated him.

The Samaritan saw him as a human in need and took the extra steps to care for them

This kind of love and compassion is what Jesus extends to you

2015-07-19 - Inner Cleaning

The king instructed Hilkiah to remove all of the articles that we used to work Baal  (and others) from the Lord's temple - 2 Kinds 23:4

Hilkiah shows the importance of inner cleasing

He had an unbending loyalty to the Lord and a commitment to spirtual renewal among the people of Judah

Hilkiah steps:

  1. Lead group os spiritual leaders in the Temple to remove all items used in idol worship
  2. Took the items out the city to burn them
  3. Deposited the ashes in Bethel (10 miles away)

It is important to exampine yourself from time to time to clean out anything that keeps you from enjoying the full fellowship with the Lord

2015-07-25 - Forgive and Forget

Now it is time to forgive and comfort him - 2 Corinthians 2:7

Paul told the Corinthian Christians to forgive a man who had caused him and the church a lot of trouble

God's purpose for discipline is to forgive and restore, not to condemn and reject

Paul apparently shared these believers' sense of injury but he eagerly extended forgiveness and restoration to give the man some hope and encouragement

Who in your life needs that kind of forgiveness and encouragement?

2015-08-01 - Listen

No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words - Job 2:13

Many men struggle with just listening - why God gave us two ears and only one mouth

At first Job's friends were the exactly the kind of friends he needed

After Job had spoken, they began speaking but instead of comforting him they tried to fix his problems - which made things worst

Sometimes it is best to just listen instead of trying to fix things

2015-08-09 - Just Like You

Whay are you doing this? We are merely human beings - just like you! - Acts 14:15

Paul and his missionary companion Barnabas demonstrated an attitude of humility and tolerance as they faced sin in the city of Lystra

When they healed a cripped man, Paul and Barnabas watched in horror as the people began to worship them

They did respond to the people in anger or disgust - rather they continued to love these sinners them even though they hated the sin

Paul and Barnabas sent a message that they were no better than anyone else - all of them together were sinners saved by God's grace

What kind of message are you sending to those around you?

2015-08-10 - True Leader

An elder... an honorable position - 1 Timiothy 3:1

Timothy faced the daunting responsibility of picking the right leaders for his congregation

Paul instructed Timothy to look for leaders with:

  • Good personal lives
  • Exemplary family lives
  • Self-control
  • Wisdom
  • Gentleness

Timothy understood that God had called all believers to live by a higher standard than the world around them

Being a church leader means consistently demonstrating the kind of character worthy of being emulated

2015-08-19 - Called to Stand

You know the evil these people are, "Make us gods who will lead us" - Exodus 32:22-23

Aaron had a opportunity to stand up for God - he failed

He had been with Moses long enough to know better

God had commanded the Israelies not to make themselves any kind of idol - Exodus 20:4-5

Aaron could not find within himself to stand up to the people and claimed to be an innocent bystander 

He failed both when he buckled under the pressure of the people as well as taking responsibility for his part of the sin

2015-08-27 - What Goes Around

God had paid me back for what I did to them - Judge 1:7

We always reap what we sow or what goes around, comes around

Adoni-bezek enjoyed some success as a king and military leader - he took captive of 70 nearby kings

Then he went overboard by mistreating his captives:

  • Cut off their thumbs
  • Cut off their big toes
  • Forced them to beg for scraps from his table

When the armies of the tribes of Judah and Simeon, attacked and took Adoni-bezek into custody

They cut off Adoni-bezek's thumbs and big toes and died

If you want to reap kindness and love, then sow them in your every word and action

2015-09-04 - Always Caring

Dear woman, here is your son - John 19:26-27

Jesus somehow continued to meet the needs of others even as he was taking his last breath

Jesus' mother suffered inconceivable pain and grief as she saw the cruelty her son endured

In his perfect obedience, love, and compassion, Jesus tended to her needs - Giving her John to take care of her

Jesus was the most compassionate man who ever live - spending his last moments alive taking care of people

What kind of stress or pain often forces you to turn inward?

When does it become most diffcult for you to show compassion to others?

2015-09-15 - Redemption

Ruth told her mother-in-law about the man in whose field she had worked - Ruth 2:19

Ruth must have wondered why the wealthy influential Boaz would show her such kindness

Boaz was what Old Testament called a family redeemer - Leviticus 25:25-28

When Ruth's husband died, she traveled with Naomi to Bethlehem where she met Boaz

They eventually married and brought her into the lineage of King David

When Boaz extented his kindness, at first it was not from romantic love, but from obedience to God 

2015-09-18 - God's Kindness

Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him and he became proud - 2 Chronicles 32:24-25

Bible calls Hezekiah a godly king - he didn't make good use of an amazing gift God had given him

He received 15 years additonal life - 2 Kings 20

Hezekiah forgot to be a good steward of what had given him and became proud by showing off his treasure of house and armory - 2 Kings 20:13

God warned him that the same Babylonian nation that send the treasure would destroy it - 2 KIngs 20:14

2015-09-19 - Risky

He was one who had provided food for the king - 2 Samuel 19:32

Barzillai was a fine example of courage in the face of risk and contrary public opinion

David's popularity had waned and the king's son, Absalom, had staged a coup.

Barzillai gave David and his men food, water, and lodging - 2 Samuel 17:27-29

He knew the risks involved with aiding David but he stood up for what was right

When David had regained his throne, he told of Barzillai's kindness and courage to his son Solomon - 1 KIngs 2:7

Gold character means doing and saying what you know is right even when no one seems to be watching

2015-10-11 - Strong Foundation

For days I mourned, fasted, and prayed to God of heaven - Nehemiah 1:4

Nehemiah learned the dilapidated walls around Jerusalem had left the Jewish residents vulnerable to attack

What did he do? Nothing but talk to God about the crisis

He offered the kind of prayer that GOd delights in answering:

  1. He praised and worshiped God
  2. Confessed his sins and the sins of his people
  3. He thanked God for all things
  4. He made his requests know

Nehemiah didn't rush into the task before first pleading for God's favor - Nehemiah 1:5-11

2015-10-17 - Take It Seriously

They disobeyed the Lord by buring before him the wrong kind of fire, so the fire burned them up - Leviticus 10:1-2

Aaron's sons were called to priests and were given significant and solemn reponsibility 

There was little wiggle room in the regulations governing the Tabernacle and the sacrifices

Nadab and Abihu wiggled too much

The treated God's commands casually and carelessly and cost them everything

Their action cost them the blessings that God wants to generouly give to everyone who will listen to him

How do you regard the Word of God?

  • A code of conduct?
  • A book of restrictive rules?
  • Road map to blessing, honor and joy?


2015-11-10 - Stressed Out?

David was afraid of what King Achish of Gath might do to him. He pretented to be insane - 1 Samuel 21:12-13

Nothing reveals what's inside you quie like a stressfull situation

David fled to Gath become incognito from the murderous King Saul

King Achish's officers were aware of his true identity and David feared for his life and acted insane

Hardly the kind of behavior you would expect from Israel's next king

David allowed his stress rather than his God-inspired courage to rule the day

You may not be able to avoid stressful situations but you can decide for yourself how you'll respond to them

2015-11-27 - Peter's Changes

Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized - Acts 2:38

Some people who knew Peter wondered if he was the same person they had seen fall flat on his face so many times:

  • Lost his nerve and sank like a rock - Matthew 14
  • Three times denied even knowing Jesus - Luke 22
  • Nowhere to be found as his Master was nailed to a wooden cross

It didn't look as if Peter had the right stuff to be the kind of ambassador Jesus called him to be

Peter preached with power and courage without regard to what could be some painful consequences

He knew that his preaching would get him into deep trouble but he did it anyway and thousands turned to Jesus in one day - Acts 2:41

Peter show what can happen to a man who knows Jesus Christ and lives by the Holy Spirit's empowerment

2015-12-28 - Passionate Obedience

My nourishment comes from doing the will of God - John 4:34

Willingness to obey is one thing, developing a passion for obedience is another level completely

Jesus lived to obey his heavenly Father

He left paradise to take a form of a man and remained passionately and single-mindedly devoted to accomplishing his Father's will

Nothing could stand in the way of his accomplishing his goal - even dead of the cross

The smallest deviation from what God had plan would have meant disaster for mankind

Jesus' plan was never in jepardy because of the passion he had to obey everything his Father directed

Do you feel eager to obey God?

2016-10-04 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part I)


In Gerar, Isaac lied about Rebekah being his wife. 


Genesis 26:5 - Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions

  • Abraham had not received the law yet
  • He was described as one who kept the law by living by faith and obedience
  • A man who lived by faith could be described as one who kept the law

Genesis 26:9 - I was afraid someone would kill me to get her from me

  • The son repeated his father's lie's [Genesis 20:2]
  • Faith in God's promises causes fearless work with Him
  • This time it was not God but Abimekech who protected and commad that the woman not to be touched
  • The Philistine king emerged as the righteous one
  • God continued to be faithful with Issac for the sake of future generations
  • If Isaac's marriage had ended here, there would have been no Israelites


The first step toward helping children live righteously is for the parent to live rightly. What kind of example I am setting for my children?


Please help me to see what I am projecting onto my children by the life I am living

2024-02-01 - Truth (part III)

Can truth be known?

Athiest may start with "I don't believe in God!"
Are you sure there is no God? If no, then may actually be agnostic
If you agnostic, then what kind?
    - Can't know anything for sure - how are you so sure about that?
    - Doesn't know anything for sure, but can know

Would you be willing to look at the evidence? Evidence can not convince the unwilling

Complete agnosticism is self-defeating  - "truth can not be known" and believe it to be true (a true claim)

Truth can be known? YES

Can all religions be true?
No, because some are contradictory:

  • World religions have more contradictions than similarities
  • While reglions have some similarities, because of God has planted on our hearts

Major differences:

  • Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in one God vs Hindus/New Age believe everything that exists is an impersonal force
  • Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in heaven and hell vs Hindus believe evil is an illusion
  • Christians believe you are saved by grace while all others believe in salvation by good works if they believe in salvation at all

"Tolerance" means that you are suppose to except all religions to be true

  1. Accept people with other beliefs and but not yourself
  2. "You ought not question someone religious beliefs" is a religious belief of pluralists
  3. Prohibition against questioning beliefs is an absolute moral stance
  4. Bible commands us to questions beliefs - pluralist should accept this believe
  5. They only tolerate of those who agree with them

You shall not judge - it is a judgment
All judge, it is about if we make the right judgment
Ready to accept child sacrifices or radical fundamental terrorists? 
If in error, it is not loving to withhold truth from others

Elephant parable (world religions are objective vs objective) - may seem persuasive until you get to one question  - what the perceptive of the narrator, isn't it an objectiveone?

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