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2015-03-02 - From the Mountaintop

I am no better than my ancestors who have already died - 1 Kings 19:4

At times, God takes us to a emotional mountaintip and then drops us into a darker time in the valley

Elijah had just successfully

  1. Confronted Baal
  2. Ended the long drought in Israel

Just days after, Jezebel vowed to kill him for killing the prophets of Baal

Elijah could have stayed and trusted God to protect him but instead headed to the woods and poured out his heart to God

He had gone from the mountaintop of faith to the valley of depression

Elijah confessed the he had enough and wanted to die but God wanted to talk it though

God will give you just what you need to continue your life of faith

2015-03-29 - Peer Pressue

Micaiah replied, "As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what the Lord tells me to say" - 1 Kings 22:13-14

King Rahab reluctantly called for Micaiah, who was in prision at the time

He was pressured to to agree with his other prophets, aka "yes" men

Micaiah courageously refused and told the truth from God - The battle would mean Ahab's humiliation and death

He refused to drive off the edge of the "cliff" and instead set an example of faithfulness in the face of pressure

2015-04-01 - Request That Honors God

King Solomon: Who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours? - 1 Kings 3:9

As Solomon was preparing to succeed his father, King David, he knew he couldn't handle the task

He didn't think twice when God asked him what he mosted wanted for himself

Solomon could have asked for anything (long life, riches) but he foucsed on his most immediate need - wisdom and understanding

God liked what he heard and gave Solomon exactly what he had asked for and more

Solomon receieved wisdom and understanding beyond any other man - 1 Kings 3:11-12

2015-04-06 - Confidence

How much longer will you waver between two opinions - 1 Kings 18:20-21

Elijah demonstrated that kind of confidence in hos heavenly Father when he challenged 450 priest of Baal to match the power of the true and living God

When he had seen the sad spectacle of Baal's priest, he called on God to remind the people who he was

Elijah never had a doubt about what would happen next

Place your complete confidence in the one true God

2015-04-21 - A Choice

I will not test the Lord like that - Isaiah 7:12

Ahaz, the ungodly king of Judah, found himself in a dilemma of equally difficult alternatives

Assyria, a dominate power of the day, was a growing treat to Judah, Israel, and Syria

His choice was to side with his enemies - Israel and Syria or Assyria and trust God would work things out or side with Assyria

Ahaz made an unwise chose to side with Assyriaw which had disastous consequences for Judah - 2 Kings 16:7-9


2015-05-02 - Passion for Justice

I have come because you have sold yourself to what is evil -  1 Kings 21:20

Elijah courageously and steadfastly pronouned judgement on Ahab who conspired to have Naboth stoned to death

Ahab misused his position as king and Elijah confronted him face to face

Elijah had a passionate sense of commitment to God's justice

When he saw a terrible wrong commited to an innocent man, he could not stand by and do nothing

Are you willing to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves?

2015-05-13 - Wise and Humble Leadership

He had become powerful, he also became proud, which led to his downfall - 2 Chronicles 26:16

It takes a man of true humility to keep his feet on the ground over the long haul when he is given power and authority over others

Uzziah, Judah's tenth king, was not such a man

His long and sometimes distinguished reign came to an unfortunate end because of his arrogant thirst for power

Uzziah expressed his arrogance by entering the sactuary though this job was reserved for his priest

Had Uzziah remained humble, he might have become one of the nation's greatest kings - instead, he spent his later years shut away from people in a leper colony

Do you understand your place in the big picture?

2015-05-23 - Influence from Within

Never before had there been a king like Josiah who turned to the Lord will all his heart and soul and strength - 2 Kings 23:25

Josiah did what was pleasing to the Lord's sight - 2 Kings 22:2

His background did not set him up for greatness - his father was a wicked king that drug Judah into idolity

For Josiah, it wasn't a matter of where he had come from but where he was headed:

  • He took the thrown at age eight
  • At 26, he instructed the high priest to begin repairing the temple
  • After hearding the lost book of the Law, he compared what he had heard with what he saw around him
  • Gathered the people together to renew their convenant with God
  • Had the humility and heart for God which led to the changes of others

Making a difference in the lives of people around you begins with changes within yourself

2015-06-07 - Learn to Listen

Fools think their own way is right - Proverbs 12:15

David advised Solomon to observe the requirements of the Lord and follow all his ways - 1 Kings 2:3-4

Solomon may have spoken words of wisdom but his life ended in foolishness:

  • Took 700 wives
  • 300 mistresses
  • Some of the woman were from outside his nationality and religon

Solomon's failure to practice what he preached led to his downfall

His wives turned his heart away from God and toward idol worship

You will save yourself a lot of trouble by knowing the Word of God and doing what is says


2015-06-13 - Second Chances

Naaman became angry and stalked away - 2 Kinds 5:11

Naaman had a serious infectious skin disease

He went to Eliasha for healing and he said to go the Jordan and wash 7 times

Naaman was disappointed and angry with this but his servants encouraged him to do as Elisha said

He obeyed and was healed - God of Israel is a God of second changes

Because of Naaman's eventual humble obedience, he was healed and later found salvation - 2 Kings 5:15-18

2015-07-04 - Infectious Faith

Don't be afraid! Go ahead and do what you've said - 1 Kings 17:13

When you speak and demonstrate your faith openly, it is bound to infect others

It seemed Elijah was the only man with faith in Israel but he didn't let that stop him speaking God's Word who desparately needed to hear it

Drought had led to famine, God sent a woman with little money to feed

Elijah didn't allow the lack of wealth affect his faith and persuaded the woman to share what little she had

She never again lacked food for herself or her son

Faith isn't real unless you put it to work, don't worry about running out - God will give you what you need

2015-07-21 - Promoting Who?

I will make myself king - 1 Kings 1:5

As his father David days were coming to an end, Adonijah tried to boast himself as kings instead of the oppointed successor, Solomon.

Adonijah didn't hide his self ambition or shameless self-promotion

He setup an event to perform animal sacrifices with royal officals but did not invite Solomon or Nathan

Solomon quickly became king and then pardoned Adonijah as long as he was loyal to Solomon - 1 Kings 1:52-53

Adonijah couldn't let it go, he made a second attempt at the throne because of his stubbornness and self-protion, it cost him his life - 1 Kings 2:25


2015-07-22 - Consistancy

Zadok the priest refused to support Adonijah - 1 Kings 1:8

The high priest Zadok did not weaver in his faithfulness and affection to God and the men He had choosen:

  • He joined David at Hebron as a brave young warrior - 1 Chronicles 12
  • Took his place as ruler over the Aaronites - 1 Chronicles 27
  • Remained loyal to David when his son Absalom attempted to take the throne
  • Refused to support Adonijah
  • Unwavering allegiance to Solomon as the next king

Zadok's godilness and loyalty were rewarded as the high priest in both David and Solomon's rule

2015-07-26 - Obey and Wait

This only a simple thing for the Lord - 2 Kings 3:18

"You first, God" approach to obedience often means missing out on his blessings and maybe a miracle or two

Israel march against Moab but the soliders had run out of water 

Eliaha spoke to God and would provide water under one condition: they were to dig ditches in the valley and wait for God to act

Their choice was to laugh and ignore the command or obey and wait for a miracle

Jehoshaphat and Joram acted in faith and obedience - received more water than they knew what to do with

When God commands you to do something that seems humanly unreasonable, do you act immediately or wait for him to act first?

2015-08-06 - Hearing God

What are you doing here, Elijah? - 1 Kings 19:13

With all the noise life makes, it can be difficult to hear God

Although he had preached and performed miracles, the people refused to listen Elijah

Elijah had death threats and was hiding in a cave in fear and despair - desperately needing to hear from God

God wanted to speak to Elijah:

  1. Told Elijah to come out the cave
  2. A windstorm arose
  3. A earthquake
  4. A fire

All were forerunners of the rela deal was to follow - then Elijah heard God's voice and poured out his broken heart and then just listened

Can you hear God above life' everyday noise?


2015-08-22 - Costly Unbelief

You will see it happen with your own eyes but you won't be able to eat any of it - 2 KIngs 7:2

God generously give to those who are willing to ask him and beileve him for what they need

Nothing keeps God from blessing people quite like unbelief

Samaria's people suffered a terrible famine follwoing the Aramites invasion

The desparate king sent his officer to ask Elisha to do something

Elisha said within one day there would be more than enough flour and barley for everyone - 2 Kings 7:1

The king's officer just couldn't believe it even if the Lord opened the heavens

He was dead wrong and when it came down, the officer could not enjoy any of it

In what areas of your life do you need to take God at his word?

2015-08-27 - What Goes Around

God had paid me back for what I did to them - Judge 1:7

We always reap what we sow or what goes around, comes around

Adoni-bezek enjoyed some success as a king and military leader - he took captive of 70 nearby kings

Then he went overboard by mistreating his captives:

  • Cut off their thumbs
  • Cut off their big toes
  • Forced them to beg for scraps from his table

When the armies of the tribes of Judah and Simeon, attacked and took Adoni-bezek into custody

They cut off Adoni-bezek's thumbs and big toes and died

If you want to reap kindness and love, then sow them in your every word and action

2015-09-13 - Alert and Ready

Take this young man to the commander. He has something important to tell him - Acts 23:17

Bible counsels us to alert and ready to move when God gives us a message of blessing, teching, or warning

Paul's nephew saved his life because he remained alert and ready to act on what he knew

Paul was chosen to speak his message of salvation to "the Gentiles and to kings" - Acts 9:!5

As Paul waited in jail for his opportunity to speak to Caesar, his nephew alerted him and his guards of a plot against his life

When you remain alert and step out in faith at the opportune time, the Lord can use you to alter the course of history

2015-09-18 - God's Kindness

Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him and he became proud - 2 Chronicles 32:24-25

Bible calls Hezekiah a godly king - he didn't make good use of an amazing gift God had given him

He received 15 years additonal life - 2 Kings 20

Hezekiah forgot to be a good steward of what had given him and became proud by showing off his treasure of house and armory - 2 Kings 20:13

God warned him that the same Babylonian nation that send the treasure would destroy it - 2 KIngs 20:14

2015-09-19 - Risky

He was one who had provided food for the king - 2 Samuel 19:32

Barzillai was a fine example of courage in the face of risk and contrary public opinion

David's popularity had waned and the king's son, Absalom, had staged a coup.

Barzillai gave David and his men food, water, and lodging - 2 Samuel 17:27-29

He knew the risks involved with aiding David but he stood up for what was right

When David had regained his throne, he told of Barzillai's kindness and courage to his son Solomon - 1 KIngs 2:7

Gold character means doing and saying what you know is right even when no one seems to be watching

2015-09-22 - Full Obedience

An angel gave me this command from the Lord .. but the old man was lying to him - 1 Kings 13:18

The prophet from Judah failure to fully obey God's instructions led to personal disaster:

  1. Travel to Bethel and confront King Jeroboam
  2. Do not eat or drink anything while in Bethel

The prophet excuted the first part perfectly:

  1. Personally rebuked Jeroboam
  2. Pronouned destruction of his alter
  3. Taught the king a thing or two about keeping his hands of a true prophet of God

But the second part he failed - when home with an eldery prophet from Bethel because "God told him to"

Partial obedience is really disobedience

The prophet listened and lost everything - 1 Kings 13

2015-10-02 - Take a Shot

Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit - 2 Kings 2:9

Prophet-in-training Elisha achieve greatness because he had the faith to ask for a blessing when he had the opportunity

Three times Elijah told him to stay behind, three times he said I will never leave you - 2 Kings 2:2-6

Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted, he didn't hesitate - double portion of his spirit

Elisha got exactly what he requested

When we need God's empowerment, take your shot and for it in faith

2015-10-14 - Finish Strong

Amaziah did not destroy the pagan shrines - 2 Kings 14:3-4

Amaziah rejected King David's godly example and followed his father example, Joash, instead

Joash started out strongly but fell flat later in life

He faithfully served God early in his reign but defaulted on his spiritual responsibilites

Amaziah led reactively instead of proactively

  • He defeated the Edomites early his life - 2 Chronciles 25:11-12
  • He then allowed his people to offer sacrifices and burning incense at pagan shrines
  • He even worshiped idol he took from the Edomites

Follow godly examples rather than ones like Amaziah - they startedout well but finished poorly


2015-10-29 - Integrity

They are honest and trustworthy men - 2 Kings 22:7

The unnamed men who supervised the restoration of the Temple were so honest that Josiah ordered the high priest to stop keeping accounts of the money they spent to repair God's holy Temple

Josiah wrote what amounted to a blank check to get the work done

Why? Because they had already proved themselves faithful

How do you conduct yourself when no one is watching?

When you demonstrate integrity in everything you say and do, you earn the trust of those in authority over you

2015-11-03 - Couldn't Help It

Then he went with Elijah as his assistant - 1 Kings 19:21

Elisha couldn't help becoming a prophet of the Lord

Elijah approached him and silently threw his cloak over his shoulder, Elisha knew what he meant

The Holy Spirit had touched his heart and he felt ready to leave everything to follow Elijah

First let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye - 1 Kings 1:19

Elisha had no choice in the matter, for it was God who had called him to leave everything and follow hi,

When the Holy Spirit is allowed to have free reign in your life, you can do nothing but say yes when God calls you to serve Him

2015-11-14 - No Middle Man

I have always been faithful, single-minded, always doing what pleases you - 2 Kings 20:2-3

Hezehiah had been deathly ill for some time and was setting all his affairs in order because his illness was terminal - 2 Kings 2:1

Isaiah had a special connection to God and it would be tempting to plead his case directly with Isaiah

When Isaiah told Hezehiah he was about to die, he went to his private place of prayer and talked directly to the Lord

Hezehiah didn't ask to extend his life but reminded God he had been a good and faithful servant

God decided to extend Hezehiah's life

Hezehiah's willingness to straingth to God saved his his life

2015-11-21 - Choose Carefully

You and I are as one. My troops are your troops and my horses are your horses - 1 Kings 22:4

There is a danger of entering into alliances with evil men who have no intent to keep the peace

Jehoshaphat marred his legacy into an ill-advised and miltary alliance with Ahab - the godless king of Israel - 2 Kings 22:43-44

This led to a stinging defeat for Jehoshaphat and Israel and strong rebuke from the prophet Jehu - 2 Chronicles 19:13

God spared him because he had otherwise served him faithfully

His error was the comprise and lack of wisdom in dealing with Ahab

2015-11-22 - Eyes of Faith

The Lord opened the young man's eyes - 2 Kings 6:17

The king of Syria had sent his army to the city of Dothan and surrounded it at night

Elisha's servant saw the enemy's chariots, horses, and soliders had surrounded them

Naturally, this fearful young man ran directly to his master who was a man of faith

Elisha knew that prayer was just what was needed - the servant eyes were then opened

Elisha already understood the situation he faced was just a chance for God to demonstrate his glorious power

2015-12-06 - Impossible

He went in alone and shut the door behind him and prayed to the Lord - 2 Kings 4:33

Elisha had sent his assistant Gehazi ahead to try to raise the boy from the dead, but he had failed

Asfter Elisha took over, the boy's mother was carrying her living son out of the bedroom

What made the difference? Not:

  • Elisha was a prophet
  • Gehazi was Elisha servant

The difference was Elisha turned to God through prayer and consistently communicated with God before he acted

2015-12-09 - Don't Miss Your Chance

You missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram - 2 Chronicles 16:7

Like so many kings of Judah, Asa started out doing good things for his kingdom

Prophet Azariah: The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! - 2 Chronicles 15:2

Asa trusted and obey God at first but later he failed by relying on humans instead of God

He showed his true colors when he entered into an agreement with Syria to stand against Israel

Asa refusal to rely solely on God contributed to his death

He developed a foot disease - he went to his doctors rather than first seeking God's help - 2 Chronicles 16:12

Where do you turn in yout times of need?

2015-12-24 - Greed is not Good

My master should not have let this Aramean get aways without accepting any gifts - 2 Kings 5:20

Bible encourages hard work but warns against greed

God had miraculously healed Naaman who gratefully offered Elisha a gift of gratitude

Elisha refused the gift but his servant, Gehazi, chased after him to collect the gift without consulting Elisha first:

Gehazi's greed ruined his life:

  • Took for himself what he had no right to have
  • Lied to Naaman to obtain it - 2 Kings 5:22
  • Lied to Elisha when confronted - 2 Kings 5:25
  • Leprosy that Naaman had was then attached to Gehazi

Gehazi only had to look at his hands and feet to see the serious consequences of greed

2015-12-29 - Strong Finish

He turned his heart to worship other gos instead of being completely faithful to the Lord - 1 KIngs 11:4

Solomon was the proverbial riddle wrapped in an enigma

He was the wisest man who ever lived but he turned away from God and toward pagan idols

This turn led to the loss of everything he have accomplished - 1 KIngs 11:11-13

Despite God appearing to him twice and blessing him in every way, Solomon still turned to idols

Solomon's poor choices tained his service and led to big problems for the kingdom of Israel

It is far more important to perserve focus on the eternal prize God has for those who finish strong - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 

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