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2009-05-15 - No one like him - Jesus believed scripture settled issues
Parable of the Tenants - Mark 12:10
Haven't you read the scriptures? - quoting Psalms 118:22-23

In error because they did know the scriptures; badly mistaken - to religious leaders - Mark 12:24;27

  • Jesus - error for not knowing
  • Some modern religious leaders - scriptures are in error

2009-05-29 - No one like him - Conflict and Controversy (part 2)
Like the earlier prophets, Jesus spoke bluntly to the religious leaders

Ungodly religion must be rebuked; Nice words will not drive the point home; Too much is at stake

Jesus did not enjoy the rebukes but wept over cities (Luke 19:41)

Jesus made sharp contrasts between traditions and the word of God (Matthew 15:3)

Religion that avoided sinners at all cost vs a religion that seeks after sinner at all cost

The goal of a physician is not to spend time with the sick but to help the sick get well

2009-06-06 - One Another - Center of the Target
Many people look at everything in God's will is the same weight - this leads to endless controveries over smaller details

Jesus looked at God's will as a target
Ex. Pharisees gave 1/10 of their spices but neglected the more important maters of the law - Matthew 23:23-24

Scriptures does not spell out what the second and third rings are
Made it very clear what was at the center of the target

2009-06-10 - One Another - Walking in the Light
What does it mean to walk in the light?

1 John 1:7-9
Living our lives with openness and transparency in response to the blood of Christ
Fellowship is both the practice and product of walking in the light

How central are our relationships to following Jesus?
  1. Coupled with loving God
  2. How we show we are disciples
  3. Something to devoted to as we come into Christ
  4. How we fulfill the principle of Christ
  5. How we live a life worthy of the gospel and the Lord
  6. Where walking in the light leads

"I need to get serious about my relationship with God" = Need to get serious with my relationship with other believers

2009-07-03 - A Life of Impact - Assertiveness


Mark 5:35-43

  • He took charge of the situation and his surrounds
  • Why have we not acted as Jesus did?

Fear Sensitivity

  • Jesus didn’t say a word to those who doubted
  • Assertiveness without sensitivity can be offensive and counterproductive

A Simple charge

  • “Don’t be afraid, just believe”
  • He didn’t burden him with lots of words
  • Excessive amount of teaching may cloud the main issue


  • Peter, James, and John were closest to Jesus
  • Jesus narrowed his focus to help the build leaders to their full potential.


  • A little consideration can go a long ways
  • Ideas: buy someone lunch, remember people’s birthdays
  • Be alert to meeting other people’s needs

2009-07-06 - A Life of Impact - Forcefulness

The Sending

Mark 6:7-13

  • He gave them very specific instructions
  • He taught them how much they needed encouragement, accountability, and support.
  • It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that those sent on a mission be adequately prepared for it.
  • An unprepared person who is sent can gather discouragement more than victories.


  • Forceful leader gives specific direction and then fully expects his followers to carry them out.
  • Jesus did not apologize for strong leadership; he promoted it
  • Strong leadership is offensive to many these days
  • People resist because of pride or because they simply do not want other to tell them what to do.

2009-07-09 - A Life of Impact - Toughness and Excellence


Mark 6:45-46

  • Worked harder and longer than anyone else
  • Expected more from himself than from his disciples
  • The one leading the way must pay the greatest price

Unwavering Excellence

Mark 6:47-56

  • Fruit was only harvested what another had sown - what Jesus had sown
  • He directed the efforts of many followers but did not become an administrator behind a desk.
  • He had an unbelievable schedule with
    • frequent interruptions
    • time conflicts
    • people clamoring for his attention

2009-07-10 - A Life of Impact - Sounding the Alarm

Sounding the Alarm

Mark 7:1-13

  • Living by traditions = living in vain, a waste of time.
  • Jesus was not afraid to rebuke people, to “lay it out” when it was necessary.
  • When stirring up things, some people wake up to discover a true relationship with God or they will become furious
  • People of impact do not hesitate to raise their voices in order to shake people out of their slumber.
  • They are not afraid on how people react when they are disturbed from their sleep.
  • It is wrong to be silent and leave people comfortable in their false sense of security


  • He stood up for his followers.
  • Jesus took responsibility for his disciple’s actions
  • When a leader stands up for and protects his followers, a strong loyalty is forged

2009-07-14 - A Life of Impact - Caterer and Delegator


Mark 8:1-10

  • He had no warm-up band, laser light show, not even a sound system
  • He was dynamic and charismatic.
  • The crowd was not there for his benefit; he was there for the benefit of the crowd.
  • He wasn’t performing but serving.


  • The art of delegation is essential in order to free a leader’s time to do more important tasks.
  • Do not mean dumping unwanted chores.
  • Effective delegation: communication of expectations, thoughtful assessment, performance, and constructive criticism.

2009-07-19 - A Life of Impact - Timing


Mark 8:31-33

  • He did not reveal things prematurely.
  • There is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man’s misery weighs heavily upon him. – Ecc 8:6


  • Peter and the other disciples knew that they could say anything to Jesus and he would continue to accept them.
  • A leader must be approachable.
  • Approachability is not the product of timidity.
  • People won’t open up to someone they perceive as being weak and unable to help them.
  • Approachability is the fruit of those who have the ability to listen completely before responding.
  • Confidentiality: Public offenses demand public discipline. (What goes around comes around)

2009-07-20 - A Life of Impact - Hardline and Affirmation


Mark 8:34-9:1

  • Attitudes generally do not float in isolation – whistling teapot principle
  • Jesus chose the most challenging words spoken by any leader.
  • Words used:
  • "If anyone…"
    • "…he must…"
    • "…deny himself…"
    • "…take up his cross…"
    • "…whoever wants to save his life will lose it…"
  • His primary concern was for their immortal souls. No wonder he had such impact!!


Mark 9:2-13

  • People are encouraged when they realize that we are indeed in line with the expectations of our superiors.
  • They will also be inspired when they understand that their support for us is essential for the overall success.

2009-07-22 - A Life of Impact - Retreats


Mark 9:30-32

  • Sometimes the only way we can truly give ourselves to the few is by making ourselves unavailable to the many.
  • Retreats are a change in routine to ponder perspective to help in our personal growth.


  • Jesus was very open with his disciples about difficult challenges and troubles that lay ahead for him.
  • Through his openness, Jesus led the way for his disciples to be open with each other.
  • Hiding produces shallow relationships and weak bonding – leads to dissolution of the group
  • Few are open with troubles to someone who has never been open to them.

2009-07-28 - A Life of Impact - Tough love

Tough love

Mark 10:17-31

  • This young man was secure in his own material goods.
  • Are we willing to lay such tough, “make or break” challenges before people? Even when it puts your relationship on the line?
  • Are you willing to let people walk away? · Allow people to make their own decisions?
  • If we compromise our standards, our standards are meaningless.

Reassurance - Leaders need to first overcome his own negative thoughts and feelings in order to help his followers avoid becoming discouraged.

2009-07-29 - A Life of Impact - Leading the way
Leading the way

Mark 10:32-34
  • Known as the Jesus cult.
  • They spent night and day with His disciple and they were always astonished.
  • Some people astonish us when we first meet them but after getting to know them we grow accustomed to their usual actions. 
Attitude of a Servant

Mark 10:35-40
  • James and John expected to pull this one over on Jesus
  • He didn’t correct them for being manipulative or disrespectful
Servant Leadership

Mark 10:41-45
  • There is a great difference between lording leadership and servant leadership.
  • It is hard to see politicians as servant leaders.

2009-08-02 - A Life of Impact - An Emphasis of Fundamentals
An Emphasis of Fundamentals

Mark 11:20-25
  • Explained very practically how they could pray.
  • A person can be effective at almost anything by simply mastering the basics.
  • Answered prayer will only amaze those who are not themselves faithful in prayer.
  • He taught them whatever they lacked; his teachings were very flexible.
Never intimidated
  • Forced them to choose between exposing their heart toward John or their unresponsive hearts toward the Word of God.
  • How do you handle confident and aggressive people?
  • How would you react to a public put down in front of friends and co-workers?
  • Make a decision not to buckle when things get hot.
  • Remember those over us (bosses, leaders) are only mere men and women.

2009-08-14 - A Life of Impact - Emotional Transformation (part 1)

Emotional Transformation

Mark 14:32-42

  • Jesus’ friends provided him with absolutely no support at all during this spiritual struggle.
  • All are overwhelmed with losses, failure, challenges, frustrations, by life
  • If you are a leader, you cannot afford to be “down” for any significant length of time.
  • The ability to make a quick and complete emotional turn-around is invaluable for the man or woman who wants to have an impact.

In touch with His feelings

  • A person unfamiliar to their own emotional nature is a slave to it, while the person who is familiar with their weaknesses is in a position to master them.
  • A spiritual man, through humility, has become acquainted with his own emotional self, and armed with that knowledge, has learned to turn his negative emotions around quickly.

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-10-05 - One Another - Admonishing One Another
"noutheteo" meaning to or counsel, translated admonish:
  1. To caution, advise or counsel against something
  2. To reprove or scold in a goodwilled manner
  3. To urge to a duty
  4. Not to rebuke
Noutheteo is used frequently involving one another
  • I did not cease to admonish each one with tears - Acts 20:31
  • We proclaim Him, admonishing every man - Colossians 1:28
  • Admonish one another - not just something for leaders - Romans 15:14
  • Admonish the unruly - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
More often admonish is the word couch
Not uncommon to pay to have a life couch
We should have a # of relationships with people who know us and can help
We must also realize that we can give others couching as well

2009-10-28 - Repentance - Illustrations (part 2)
Paradigm Shift
  • Paradigm - describes the way that scientists work within a model for making sense of the world through observed data
  • Shift/meta – changing one’s thoughts of the world
  • Since paradigm shifts represents drastic changes to the rules of game – it is rarely done by scientists

Solar system

  • Man/earth was the center of the universe.
  • As we found for planets, it was more complex to think the earth was the center
  • Copernicus (1530) put the sun in the center – leading astronomers rejected the new paradigm

2009-11-02 - Repentance - The Prophets (part 4)
Prophets Transcend Public Opinion
  • The great love for surveys and polls
  • We can not repent if we do not know that we have drifted – It takes a prophet of God
  • See how different the prophets in your life live.
Prophets Target Leaders

Prophets Get to the Root to Produce Real Fruit
  • Metanoia happens internally, fruit happens externally
  • Sometimes we say, “You need to repent” – which may have meant “get it together” (a heart bypass)
  • Becomes “need to” instead of “want to”
  • It is easier to disciple the behavior than it is to address the mind and heart
  • Consider things above – instead of considering behavior, consider the kingdom of God
  • Metanoia is no technique; it’s an inside-out transformation
  1. How have you broken your covenant with God?
  2. Are scriptures sufficient for your repentance?
  3. Do you agree with the author’s assertions that repentance isn’t something we do in order to return to God, it is our return to Him? Why or Why not?
  4. How does fear play a positive role in our repentance?
  5. Do your standards for morality reflect a biblical standard or simply a modern one?
  6. Why do prophets go after the leaders of a society?
  7. How does metanoia differ from the fruit of metanoia? How does this distinction help you repent?

2009-11-04 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 2)
The Red Pill and the Blue Pill
  • Matrix – do you know what this is, Neo?
  • Feeling we have all had – there is something wrong with the world
  • Blue Pill – You wake up and you believe what you wan to the believe (Jewish leaders chose this one)
  • Red Pill – you are only offered truth
  • Without repentance, we will remain blinded
    • How could a kingdom transcend geographic boundaries?
    • How could a kingdom be within us?
    • What sort of kingdom has no capital, no government, no army, and no temple?
  • Longed for a tangible kingdom rather than a spiritual kingdom
The Kingdom of God is Here
  • Many Christians the kingdom of God as something the future holds
  • Some wish to avoid the kingdom commitment here on earth
  • Kingdom expect allegiance ahead of all others
  • Any real government expects this type of loyalty
The North Pole Kingdom Paradigm
  • King exerted seasonal influence
  • Three levels of subjects:
    • Disciples – treated him a Lord
    • Christians – little bit naughty, gave mainly to friends and family, on rear occasions to the poor
    • Unbelievers – little bit naughty, did not believe, not Hitler or other really bad people
  • Most indirectly believe in this theory of the world
  • If I abandon this paradigm, I would have to admit I am wrong.

2009-11-18 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 2)
Bible says if your brother sins again you – go and point out his sin
Must repentance as a whole
Church repentance – 41 times
Individual repentance – 11 times

Not usual in the world
Football team at half-time
Company changes due to market conditions

All churches sin; not all repent
Some spin their shortcoming, craft reasonable explanations, minimize damage to reputation, issue statements

  1. How does the church represent the “destination of repentance”?
  2. How did the early church help sinners to repent? How did it safeguard true repentance from compromise?
  3. How did the walls of the early church stand steadfast against the assaults of the world?
  4. What does it mean to be of “one mind” with your brothers and sisters?
  5. How were early Christians both non-conformists and conformists?
  6. Why has church discipline gotten a “bad rap”? Is it warranted?
  7. Why do so few churches practice the Biblical mandates to discipline its members?
  8. How can a church best practice church discipline?
  9. Have you ever been disciplined by your church? Did God’s plan lead you to repentance – why or why not?
  10. Over 85% of the Biblical references to repentance address groups rather than individuals. Thus, how can you help your fellowship - at various levels – repent?
  11. How can you spark repentance – even revival – in your church and in your community? Are you willing to walk its path of selfless commitment?

2009-11-22 - Master Plan - Selection (part 1)
Men were his method
  • Started with only a few men.
  • He was not concerned with programs to reach the multitudes but with men whom the multitudes would follow.
  • Initial objective was to enlist men who could bear witness to His life and carry on His work.
  • Early effort at soul winning had little to no effect on the religious.
  • Turned out that the early convert became great leaders of His church.
  • Who were they?
    • Common labors
    • No academic degrees
    • From the poor side of Galilee (Judas only exception)
  • Bad character traits of His disciples:
    • Impulsive
    • “Unlearned and Ignorant”
    • Their abilities were limited
    • Temperamental
    • Easily offended
    • Often mistaken in their judgment
    • Slow to comprehend spiritual things
    • Had many prejudices.
  • Good characteristics traits of His disciples:
    • Teachable
    • Willing to confess their need
    • Hearts were big
    • Sincere yearning for God
    • They were fed up with the hypocrisy of their leaders

2009-11-24 - Master Plan - Selection (part 3)
Few were converted in His lifetime.
  • Little more than 500 after the resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:6
  • 120 received baptism at the day of Pentecost - Acts 1:15
  • Why not an army?
  • He needed leaders to lead the ministry after He left. Not all followers. It takes energy to produce a leader.
  • Not trying to impress the crowd but the usher in a Kingdom
  • Mass are like helpless sheep wandering aimlessly without a shepherds
  • Masses willing to follow anyone that came along with some promise for their welfare
  • Jesus was a realist. He knew he could not meet all the needs on His own.
Some concern themselves with baptisms and numbers more than power and love of God
Everything that is done with the few is for the salvation of the multitudes.

Modern Practicals
  • We are not even keeping with the growing population
  • We in an age where more rapid communication is now being seen than ever before
  • Must not be frantic to try to change the pattern overnight
  • Do like Jesus – start with a few lowly disciples and do as it was done by Jesus
    • Slow, tedious, painful, and probably unnoticed at first
    • Not spiritual “junk-food” revivals
  • Which generation are you living for?

2009-11-28 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 1)
  • Church is the practice of Jesus in a larger dimension.
  • The group of believers ministry to each other individually and collectively
  • Jesus must be the leader, with leaders that follow Him
  • Preaching to the masses will not suffice in preparing leaders for evangelism
    • Not occasional prayer meetings
    • Not Christian training classes
    • Not confirmation classes
  • Building men is not easy (baby learns all the time)
    • Requires constant personal attention
    • Children are not raised by proxy
    • Requires sacrifice of personal indulgence and time
    • Requires frequent contact not just weekly church services and Sunday School

2009-11-29 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 2)
  • Consequences for not following up
    • The other choice is for the convert to find solutions to innumerable problems in on their own
    • Haphazard follow-up could mean disaster for their faith
    • Fall ways - come about more often be not getting with them enough
    • There is not substitute for getting with people
  • No such thing as assembly line discipleship
  • You must be a personal guardian to those you lead.
  • It is your job to:
    • Stay with them as much as possible
    • Study the Bible and pray together
    • Answer their questions
    • Clarify the truth
    • Seeking together to help others
  • If it took three years to develop His disciples by getting with them, how much more should we get together with those that have not physically have seen Jesus? How much longer will it take (not seeing them all the time)?

2009-12-17 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 4)
  • Are those who have followed us to Christ now leading others to Him?
  • Not enough to rescue the perishing but to build them in the faith of Christ.
  • Converts go out and make leaders out of the converts not just simply more followers.
  • Church should be measured on how many Christians are actively winning souls.
  • Lord added to the Church, those who were being saved
  • Within a few centuries, the world would have known the hand of the Master
  • Shortcuts have failed
    • Adaptations of the principle are always necessary in the light of changing circumstances.
    • Costly principles of leadership development can not undercut
    • We try ceremonies, programs, organizations, and crusades of human ingenuity.
    • We must understand that evangelism is not done by something but by someone
    • God's nature is to get personal. Men reaching other men for Christ.
  • Need men who:
    • See His vision
    • Feel His passion
    • Willing to be nothing so that He may be everything

2009-12-20 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 3)
  • Keep them going
    • All of this is going to require supervision
    • When questions arise, they must be answered while the problem is still in their mind.
    • Setup a schedule of training and keep a record of their growth
    • Exercise patience: Growth is sometimes slow and with many setbacks (while honestly seeking truth)
    • Seldom put them out of our mind
    • They need to be in our prayers and dreams
    • Accept the burden of their immaturity until they can do it for themselves
  • We are not living primarily for the present.
  • Our satisfaction is in knowing that in generations to come from bearing fruit
  • World is desperately seeking someone to follow
    • Someone who is certain
    • Will be a man who knows the way of Christ
    • Or are one who is leading someone into greater darkness?
  • Destiny of many hangs on our decision.

2009-12-24 - First the Kingdom - Key to everything else
The first beatitude is the key to whole sermon on the mount

By ourselves we can not live out the sermon - we need help from God
  • We can not be convicted enough
  • Can not be committed enough
  • Can not be determined enough
Lessons always lead back to this beatitude again and again
  • You will fail to have a pure heart and not forgive
  • Struggle to love your enemy
  • You will lash back because you can not turn the other cheek
  • You will be self-righteous and judge others
  • You will get anxious
God does nothing less but give the entire kingdom to a bunch of beggars - just have to admit you are one

Does this describe you?
Would God describe you this way?

2009-12-25 - First the Kingdom - A Choice
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted - Matthew 5:4

Jesus speaks primarily of a spiritual morning by choice

Other options, could choose to:
  • ignore it
  • postpone it
Why would we choose mourning?
  • Choose God over self
  • Realize we have broken his heart
  • Our response is to be broken, vulnerable, contrite, and humble
  • No other response makes sense or brings healing
Spiritual mourning is an element of true repentance

Godly sorrow brings repentance, leading to salvation - 2 Corinthians 7:10

2010-01-21 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 3)
Lord's Prayer: A brief overview:
  1. Our Father in heaven - Set our minds on personal and intimate relationship we have with our God
  2. Hallowed be your name  - Praise and honor him
  3. Your Kingdom come  - Pray for his church, disciples, leaders, people whom the gospel has not reached
  4. Your will be done - Pray for a submissive heart toward will of God in our lives
  5. Give us this day our daily bread - Pray through today's schedule, needs, relying on God
  6. Forgive us our debts - Confess specific sin
  7. As we also have forgiven our debtors - Commit before God to resolve conflict, hurts, concerns in all relationships
  8. Lead us not into temptation - Wrestle with God to be submissive and repentant in areas of weakness
  9. Deliver us from the evil one - Pray that God to stop Satan and than God for victories in him

2010-01-23 - Kingdom First - Hungry and Humility (part 2)
Men and women have fasted at various times for variety of ways
  • Jesus fasted for forty days - Matthew 4:2
    • Jesus did not eat but apparently did drink
  • Paul for 3 days - Acts 9:9
  • Ezra did not eat or drink - Ezra 10:6
  • Daniel ate no choice food (meat or wine) for three weeks - Daniel 10:3
  • Leaders in Antioch fasted before their mission - Acts 13:3
  • Moses (Exodus 34:28) and Daniel (Daniel 10:3) while receiving the word of God
Keep fasting spiced up with variety Call yourself higher.

2010-02-02 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 3)
Can confession be turned the wrong way?

a. If we react with condemnation
b. If we gossip and don't keep confidence - Golden rule applies with handling confession
c. If we label people to control them - confession can used to help them but not beat them down
d. If we think it is our role to fix them - main role of responsibility is on the one confessing - we are here to help
e. If leaders do not do it - but expect others to confess - One-way confesses will become dysfunctional and unhealthy

2010-02-16 - One Another - Encouraging One Another (part 1)

The Greek word for encourage is "Parakaleo"

  • It is used 28x in the gospels and acts
  • Most frequent is the sense of "to beg" or "to plead" or "to comfort"
  • Command form is translated "I urge you"- end of the first part of a letter or begging of the second section
  • Depends on the speaker
    • Parent asking for healing for a sick child = to beg or plead
    • Leader addressing a group of disciples = to encourage

Greek Lexicon

  1. To call to one's side; Come-on-we-can-do-this attitude
  2. Appeal to, urge, exhort, encourage
  3. Entreat, implore, comfort, and cheer up

Old French word encoragier = to put courage in


2010-02-25 - One Another - Forgiving One Another (part 1)
Matters related to forgiveness:

Forgiveness often is not easy

Pain creates lasting memories
The more deliberate the sin or the more we have invested in a relationship, the greater the pain
Greater the pain = harder it is to forgive

Forgiveness may be hardest in the church

When we see sin in our brothers and sisters, there seems to be a much greater temptation of bitterness

Satan's top-ranked scheme may be to lead us not to forgive

Paul: I have forgiven in order that Satan might not outwit us - 2 Corinthians 2:9-11
If he can get us to forget the cross and create a different standard for our brothers and sister = victory for satan
Sin can blemish the church but there is no uglier blemish than one cause by the lack of forgiveness

2010-02-28 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 2)
Look for the Spirit's work in all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:6-19

The Spirit is always at work - John 5:17
Guard against the tendency to look at your group through unspiritual eyes
God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Don't just hang those you click with, God wants to teach us through people who are different from us

Support spiritual leadership - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Ask your leader(s) if he/she feels your support and encouragement - how you can more fully show it

2010-03-20 - To Live is Christ - Enemies of the Cross
The acceptance of Jesus leads to joy and not to be naive - Philippians 3:17-21
Be thankful but still have our eyes wide open

The cross stands as a constant reminder of the battle between good and evil
Jesus did not just hang out at the cross - HE DIED there because of his enemies
And the war goes on

To act as though we do could do enough to earn salvation - undermines Jesus' sacrifice
To act as though grace is a license for sin - undermines the purpose of the cross - Romans 6:17

Enemies of the cross = people with minds on earthly things

Philippians had a unique blessing of having Roman citizenship outside of Rome
Our real home country is heaven and our loyalty is to the King of Kings

2010-03-25 - To Live is Christ - Learned to be Content
The secret of being content in any situations is to remember - I can do everything through him who gives me strength - Philippians 4:10-13

Content = Greek word autarkeia = self-sufficiency or not needing a thing

Secret he learned was not because he choose not to care

He learned it by:
  • Listening to Christ everyday
  • Holding on to his faith in the fiery trails
  • Slowly and painfully
Paul did not raise from baptism knowing this, he came out of the waters ready to learn it
At one point - bad circumstances led him to despair of life itself - 2 Corinthians 1:8

What circumstances are in your life right now that could lead to a lack of contentment?

2010-03-27 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 1)
James address Christians under pressure
Without pressure, the human body soon slows down and dies
Pressure keeps the blood flowing

James chooses to call himself servant rather than brother - James 1:1
He was a prominent leader in the early church but he kept a down-to-earth perspective
Anyone in a leadership role needs to have the same attitude

How are trials to be met? With pure joy - James 1:2-8
There are two options: continue in the process of becoming mature or walk away and do it our own way
Maturity is not just spiritual longevity - it is how you react under pressure

What do we do it we lack wisdom? Ask for it
Not IQ but for knowing what to do in tricky situations
It's a promise of God that he will enable you to live more intelligently

What is last big trial you faced? How did you react?

2010-04-17 - Life to the Full - Personal Life of Peter (part 2)

Peter steady increased in his faith:
  • Follower of Jesus - Mark 1:18
  • Apostle - Mark 3:14
  • Chief apostle - Matthew 16:18
  • Leader of Jerusalem church - Acts 2:14
  • Traveling mission evangelist - Acts 8:14
  • Martyr - John 21:19
Are you growing and taking it higher in your walk with God each day?

2010-05-27 - Desire's Journey - Language of Desire

Jesus offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry to the one who could deliever him - Hebrews 5:7

Strong desires make strong prayers

Children are often not embarrassed by desire
We hide our true desires and call it maturity - Jesus is not impressed

Why are we embarrassed by our desire? Why do we pretend?

  • Persistent widow wasn't embarrassed
  • "Sinful" woman wasn't embarrassed

We don't pray like Jesus because we don't allow ourselves to nearly alive
We don't allow ourselves to feel how desparate our situation truely is

Pretending seems a much more reliable road to Christian maturity
Only the price is we pay for the loss of soul, communication with God, loss of direction and loss of hope

Without a deep and buring desire of our own, we will be ruled by the desires of others

2010-06-07 - Take the Test (part 2)

Learn from the results

1 Peter 2:13-18

  • How do you handle with those who are leading you?
  • God sets those in your life

1 Peter 3:1-9

  • Win without words
  • What do you do when you disagree with others?
1 Peter 4:1-4
  • Others will test you
  • ALL will be tested

2010-06-18 - All or Nothing (part 1)

Preached by Curt Simmons on 2002-08-28

Old Testament

1 Samuel 15:1-35

  • Rebellion = not obeying = pride (arrogance)
  • We can take "being choosen" as pride
2 Kings 17:7-20
  • What lead to this?
  • They started practicing what other around them were doing
  • They had become stiff-necked
2 Chronicles 36:15-16
  • No remedy
  • Didn't go all the way
  • Worldly and got distracted
Ezra 9:1-2; 15-10:16
  • How can we say "God will understand." ?
  • Leaders can lead people astray by the live they lead
Neheniah 13:1-15
  • House of God being neglected
  • How has you offerings to God been?

2010-06-24 - God does not change (part 2)

v1:1 - Not much of the world

v2:1 - What a change in a few weeks

v2:20-25 - God created companionship - Adam's life changed

v3:23-24 - Punished, banished, and moved out of the garden

  • God moves people around
  • Noah's life changed because of his righteousness
  • Would start the whole human race over again
v12:1-5 - Abraham is called to leave even though he did not know much about God

  •  Joesph life changed
  • Often did not know what God was doing but we must have faith to change

Genesis 45:4-8
  • Results of brother's action lead to the coming of Jesus
  • God allowed Joesph brother's to throw him into slavery for me
  • God is all about change because he wants us to have have faith

God will never change

2010-07-05 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 2)

As a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert - Jeremiah 2:2-3

If you're writing a romanc, love is the goal - you must allow for the possiblity of betrayal
This is what God call us our turning away from him

Hebrews thought God would be satisfied with some religious rituals and rule keeping

You said, "I will not serve you!" - Jeremiah 2:20
You have forgotten me and trusted in false gods - Jeremiah 13:25-27

True love never fails
God will fight for his beloved

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her - Hosea 2:14


2010-07-23 - Desire's Journey - The Heart's Healer
Worship is the act of the abandoned heart adoring its God
It is the union we crave and what we need

Worship occurs when we say to God from our hearts, "You are my One whom I desire"

In Psalms - no matter where the poet begins, he always ends in worship
It is no coincidence, where our journey must lead

Our only hope for rest from our craving of our desire is in God and us united with him

2010-07-25 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 2)
Paul learned the secret of being content - Philippians 4:12
Many Christians assume he no longer experienced the thirst of his soul
Earlier Paul said he had not obtained his soul's desire nor already made perfect (complete)
He was straining toward what was ahead - Philippians 3:12-14

Contentment is not freedom from desire but freedom of desire
It is no longer being ruled by your desires

We have 3 options:
  1. To be alive and thirsty
  2. To be dead
  3. To be addicted
Most of the world lives in addiction
Most of the church has chosen deadness

Christians are called to live the life of holy longing but we don't like to stay there

To live in thirst is to live with an ache
Every addiction comes from the attempt to get rid of the ache
Merely trying sets us on an unending chase that leads us farther and farther from home

2010-08-07 - Waking Dead - At War (part 2)

The theme of does not end with the Old Testament
I have come to bring peace but the sword - Matthew 10:34

The birth of Christ was an act of war
The enemy knew it and tried to kill him - Matthew 2:13

The whole life of Christ is marked by battle and confrontation

  • Kick out demons with a stern command
  • Rebukes fever and it leaves
  • Rebukes a storm and it resides
  • Confronts the Pharisees numberous times
  • He wakes Lazarus from the dead
  • Decends into hell and leads a train of captives free - Ephesians 4:8-9

Not just a theme of the Bible but the backdrop for the whole story

What is he fighting for? Our freedom and restoration
The glory of God is man fully alive

2010-08-12 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 3)

Myth tell us three truths, this third one is:

3. In this desparate hour, we have a crucial role to play

Neo sees himself as Thomas Anderson, but he was the one
Dorthy see herself as just a farm girl from Kansas but Joan of Arc was also on the farm but saw much more

People in the scriptures that saw this:

  • Little boy slays the gaint
  • Loudmouthed fisherman who can not keep a job to lead the church
  • Sinful woman with a golden heart became a example of humility to the Pharisees

This eternal truth is the most difficult for us to believe
Our days are extraordinary but most don't see it this way
It is the 'veil of familarity' - you are not what you think you are

There is a glory to your life that your enemy fears

The one who knows what you could be, fears it
The whole world lies under the power of the evil one - 1 John 5:19

Things happen to you and we question why
There is a bigger story going on

If believe we have a crucial role to play and come to know it is true, everything would change

2010-08-27 - Waking Dead - Guided
Narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:14

Each day: do you wake to tackle a to do list or wake in the midst of a dangerous story?
If you are not pursuing a dangerous quest, then you do not need a guide
If you want the life Jesus offers, then you are going to need more than a handful of principles
Can not possibly prepare yourself for ever situation
We need God intimately and we need him desperately

You have made know the path of life - Psalms 16:11
There is a narrow path to life and we need help finding it

Example path from a church:
  • Become a member
  • Take a course on doctrine
  • Faithfully attend the Sunday morning service and small group fellowship
  • Complete a course on Christian growth
  • Live a life of Christian growth
  • Complete a course on evangelism
  • Consistently look for opportunities to evangelize
  • Complete a course on finances, marriage, and parenting
  • Complete a course on leadership
  • Complete a course on hermeneutics
  • Complete a course on spiritual gifts
  • Complete a course on missions
  • Complete a course on biblical counseling
  • Carry a significant local church ministry load
Program teaches you principles and how to apply them but not how to walk with God

All religions has principles to follow but only Christianity can teach you to walk with God
The most important thing of all is intimacy with God

Those who only do good things - Jesus will say I never knew you - Matthew 7:23

Teach a man to fish?
Teach a man to walk with God and you help him solve the rest of his life

2010-08-29 - Waking Dead - Listening to His Voice
God is still speaking to us today

I have much more to say to you. The Spirit will guide you in all truth - John 16:12-13
There is much more than Jesus wants to say to you
Since the Spirit resides in you heart - the conversation can continue

Many good people never hear God because they have never been told  that he does
He who belongs to God hears what God says - John 8:47

His sheep follow him because they hear his voice. I am the good shpherd - John 10:4
He wants to speak to you and want to lead you to good pasture

When we ask, we need to hear what the true answer is - not what we want to hear

2010-09-13 - You are what you eat
Preached by Curt Simmons on 2002-08-18

Ephesians 1:11-14

  • We eat to get energy
  • We need to eat to healthy spiritually too
  • What are we feeding the spirit?
    • What is your spiritual diet?
    • Are you eating junk food?
  • Do not forget the Holy Spirit! - get to know him better
  • We will die if we continue to gratify the sinful nature

Ephesians 3:14-19

  • We desire to be filled
  • Fullness = satisfied (not looks for more)

Ephesians 4:11-13

  • Leaders help us
  • Let other into your life

Ephesians 4:17-29

  • All these sins are poisonous to our health
  • Put on new self - start a new diet

General healthy spiritual food items

  1. Obedience
  2. Prayer
  3. Bible Study
  4. Singing
  5. Encouraging Others
  6. Serving
  7. Contribution
  8. Graduated
  9. Fasting
  10. Confessing Sin
  11. Discipling
Where are you at?
  1. Weak - poison = no, good food = no, eats little
  2. Sick - poison = some, worldly, impure
  3. Dying - not eating much, lots of poison
  4. Strong - lots of food, consistent, wide variety
  1. Scheduled meals
  2. Decide what meals should go
  3. Decide what to start eating

2010-09-30 - Contagious Christian - People Matter (part 2)

Jesus focused on a search for the Lost and so they could be Found

The Lost Coin - vital to the woman's survival
The Lost Sheep - represented a significant part of his livelihood
The Lost Son - wayward son who mattered greatly to his father

Each one - Something of great value was missing, something that really mattered

It also make Jesus so upset the religious leaders were discussing who matters to God who does not

When we realize how much God cares about people, we helps us to care for them too

It is worth the effort - what is missing was important enough to warrant an all-out search

Retrievals results in rejoicing

The woman found the coin and threw a party
The shepherd retrieved the sheep and threw a party
The son came home and the father threw the biggest party of all

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents - Luke 15:10



2010-10-11 - God and Your Money
  1. Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-15
    1. God expects us to be honest yet shrewd in the use of money (v. 1-8)
    2. Money is a tool to be used to gain friends (souls) (v. 9)
    3. If we are not trustworthy in handling money, God will not entrust us with true riches (people's souls) (v. 10-11). God will keep us from leadership if we are not trustworthy with finances (v. 10-11).
  2. Whose Money Is It? Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 16:1; Luke 14:33
    1. We are managers (stewards), not owners. An owner does what he pleases with his money/possessions, while a manager submits to the will of the owner.
    2. As disciples, our attitude must reflect a willingness to "give up everything" to advance God's kingdom.


  1. What ways am I not being shrewd honest, or trustworthy with my money/possessions?
    • Checkbook not balanced
    • Credit card debt - paying high monthly interest rates
    • Interest rates
    • Not paying bills on time
    • Writing bad checks
    • Not living by a budget
    • Borrowing from Christians or others and not repaying
  2. What ways can I use God's money to win souls rather than serve myself?
  3. How do I view my money/possessions? Who owns them? Do I have the attitude of "giving up everything for the kingdom?"

2010-10-17 - Giving (Part III)
  1. Giving with Joy - 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
    1. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give. Plan your giving.
    2. God does not want you to give reluctantly or under compulsion. You should feel a joy, excitement, and enthusiasm when you give.
    3. God loves a cheerful (in Greek "hilarious") giver.
  2. The Privilege of Giving - 2 Corinthians 8:3-5
    1. The Macedonians urgently pleaded to give.
    2. They understood that it was a privilege because they had first given themselves to the Lord.
  3. Special Times of Giving, Time of Victory, and Joy for God's People
    1. The Israelites gave to build the temple and the people rejoiced (1 Chronicles 29:1-9)
    2. The building of the tabernacle: the people willingly brought more than needed (Exodus 35:20-29,36:2-7)


  1. Am I a cheerful giver? What keeps me from giving cheerfully?
  2. Am I eager or reluctant to give, especially at special contribution times?
  3. At what time was I the most joyful about my giving? Why?

2010-10-21 - Dealing With Debt (Part II)
  1. Why Get Out of Debt?
    1. It hinders us from being able to give generously. When we are paying 18%+ interest on top of the principal, it is difficult to have anything left to share with others.
    2. It is wasteful. The exorbitant interest we pay on our credit cards is totally wasted.
    3. The balance is probably there because you were not following God's plan for your finances.
  2. How to Get Out
    1. You must be radical (Matthew 5:29-30)
      1. Cut up all your credit cards (if you have outstanding balances that you have not been able to pay off for 3 months or more).
      2. Call your credit card companies and cancel the accounts.
      3. Work out your budget with the goal of removing your debt. Do not buy anything that is not necessary. Cut all unnecessary expenditures out of your budget (e.g. cable TV, newspaper).
      4. Get input (Proverbs 15:22)
      5. Commit your plan to the Lord (Psalms 127:1-2)
    2. Finish the job (Luke 14:28-30)
      1. Let godly sorrow lead you to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10-11). You must take responsibility for your debt.


  1. Am I in sinful/foolish debt? If so, why?
  2. Am I willing to apply the principles set forth to get out of debt?
  3. What will be the hardest thing for me to change to get out of debt?
  4. Who do I know that will be able to help me with my plan?

2010-10-29 - Contagious Christian - Opportunities in Relationships
Developing friendships takes time and effort
We try to short-circuit the process sometimes by using the reason of there are too many people to reach

We are wise to start relationships on a natural, nonthreatening grounds
Then later, in the context of the relationship open up conversations to spiritual issues

Most of His interactions with the religious establishment involved challenging their attitudes

Jesus spent the majority of His time with those outside the religious establishment
He rubbed shoulders with tax collectors (thieves in that day), prostitutes, those with low spiritual reprobates
Because they mattered to Him and He wanted to lead them to the family of God
We love Him because He loved us first
Paul - "I have become all things to all men so I might same some" - 1 Corinthians 9:22

2010-11-06 - Contagious Christian - The Blind Man's Testimonial Approach
Blinded since birth, Jesus change his life by giving him sight
The first time he came in contact with an audience after his sight he was asked to explain what happen
The crowd was hostile but he refused to enter into a theological debate - John 9:25
"One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see"

He was born blind so that the work of God might be displayed in his life
God had been preparing this man to tell the story of his life and to point people to Jesus

Some people might not respond to a challenge or a debate but a personal account of someone's coming to faith can move them powerfully

Effective testimonies don't have to be dramatic
For some it would be difficult to relate to a dramatic testimony that may give them an excuse
Might say "People like that, need religion"

If you have a more dramatic story, ask God to lead you concerning how much detail and whom to tell it

2010-11-20 - Contagious Christian - Breaking Barriers to Belief (part I)
We have got to help people understand that God is not angry or afraid of honest doubt
He warmly invites those with sincere questions to come, to seek, to knock - Matthew 7:7
How different Jesus is from the religious leaders of the world
Jesus told doubting Thomas to touch him - Luke 24:39

We should expect this to happen and respond by emulating Jesus
Clear communication starts with spiritual conversations

1. Poor Examples

This includes those who are religious and are prideful or hypocritical
Some are narrow-minded and pessimistic have condemned anything they don't happen to like

What can be done to remove this barrier?
  • Help them realize that you understand their hesitation
  • Live your life as a model that shatters their stereotypes
  • Help them to see the other authentic Christians so they know you are not the only one

2010-12-18 - Word of God (part III)
Acts 17:10-12
  • We are ultimately responsible for what we believe.
  • Religious leaders can be wrong, so we cannot be lazy.
  • Review in greater depth the lessons and sermons you hear to be sure about what you are being taught.
  • Are you willing to take personal responsibility for knowing what the Bible says?
Psalms 1, Psalms 19:7-11
  • The Bible is more than just words on a page.
  • We need to develop a thirst and devotion to the word of God.
  • How eager are you to regularly meditate on the Scriptures?
Isaiah 66:1-2
  • Our attitude should be one of humility, reverence and awe for God’s word.
  • Are you willing to live by the Bible, taking God at his Word in your relationship with him?
  • Are you willing to trust God’s Word above your own feelings, religious traditions or religious leaders?
  • Will you seek to understand God’s will and ways through his inspired Word?

2010-12-28 - Repentance (part II)

Ephesians 4:20-24.

  • Repentance is turning from an old life to a new one.
    • Negatively, what must be “taken off”?
    • Positively, what is the new attitude to be embraced?
  • What is “put on” in place of the “old self”?
  • Repentance orients us toward God and the true life and purpose we were created for: to become like him in righteousness and holiness.
  • What do you need to “take off” and “put on”?

2 Corinthians 7:8-11.

  • What is the difference between “worldly sorrow” and “godly sorrow?”
  • What kinds of attitudes characterize godly sorrow?
  • Have you previously confused worldly sorrow with true repentance?
  • We must consider the destructive consequences of our sin and what our sin cost God, because only godly sorrow leads to repentance and salvation.
  • Repentance is above all a matter of heart.

Luke 15:11-32 or Luke 19:1-10

  • Examples of heartfelt repentance.
  • What kind of fruit did their repentance produce?
  • How did they feel after repenting? How did God feel?
  • What will repentance look like for you?

2011-01-08 - Church (part II)

Ephesians 2:19-21

  • Like the Gentiles discussed here, we can now be part of God’s household.
  • The church is the family of God. What does “family” mean to you?
  • The church is also a spiritual temple built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, whose teachings we find in the Bible, with Jesus as the cornerstone.
  • To be part of his temple, we must build our lives and our church on that foundation.

Ephesians 4:1-16

  • Making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the church requires humility, patience, gentleness, and selflessness (vv.1-3).
  • We maintain unity on the essentials of doctrine (vv.4-6).
  • God provides specific leadership roles within the church (vv.7-11)
  • in order to prepare us for works of service which build up the body in Christ-likeness and love (vv.12-16).

2011-01-15 - Followup - Being Discipled: Imitation & Indignation

Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 4:9 - Imitate your leaders
  • Purpose
  • Faith - reliance on God
  • Love - warmth and encouragement
  • Endurance - even-temperedness and stability, keeping head in all situations

Sin is what keeps us from being a great disciple
  • Pride - Proverbs 26:12 - “I can make it on my own”
    • No you can’t! - James 4:6 - God opposes the proud
  • Selfishness - Philippians 2:1-8 - Jesus made himself nothing

2011-01-29 - Followup - Relationships Demonstrated
1. Actions
  1. Acts 2:45, 1 John 3:17 - Material needs
  2. Colossians 1:28-29 - Toil to present one another perfect (mature, complete) in Christ.
  3. Ephesians 4:29 - Say only what is edifying.
  4. Hebrews 3:12-13 - Encourage daily!
2. Attitudes

1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
  1. Respect those who work hard
  2. Live in peace with each other
  3. Warn the idle
  4. Encourage the timid
  5. Help the weak
  6. Be patient with everyone
1 Corinthians 3:11-13 - Learn to be open.
  • About our sins and struggles
  • About our marriage/relationship.
Ephesians 5:21 - Submit not only to leaders, but to each other as well

2011-02-08 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part I)
Christianity means a relationship with God
How can you have a relationship with someone you fear?

There was a time when committed Christians were known as God-fearing people
God delights in those who fear him
What is the fear of God?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge - Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom and knowledge are not the same
Knowledge is the accumulation of information

Two people can have the same knowledge and but do different times with them
  • Doctor that performs abortions
  • Doctor that helps saves babies
Knowledge can puff up - 1 Corinthians 8:1

Knowledge can lead to righteousness - Titus 1:1

2011-02-15 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part II)

Definition of Sin
Romans 3:21-25

  • The Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) testify about the righteousness from God (Jesus)
  • Questions
    • What has sinned?
    • Who is separated from God then?
    • Where does our redemption come from?

Sins of Omission
James 4:13-17

  • Involves inward things that people don't nessarily see
    • Bitterness
    • Hatred
    • Procrastination
    • Looking down on others
    • Unwillingness to help/serve
  • Question: What sins of ommission would you say have been or are currently in your life?

Sin of Commission
Galatians 5:16-25

  • Go through the list and define each sin to paint a clear picture
  • Person leading the study share their own sin (5-6 minutes), then 1 or 2 others for 2-3 minutes
  • After the person studying shares then suggest meeting again to talk about things further

2011-02-17 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: Understand how the Bible explains what Jesus went through before/during and after the cross

Painful betrayal of a friend
Matthew 26:14-30
  • Judas had already decided in his heart and actions to betray Jesus. Then he watched for an opportunity to carry out sin.
  • Share: A person's heart can be so hard that they no longer fear God - Psalms 36:1-3
  • In spite of knowing that Judas was lying and plotting to have him killed, Jesus still loved him.
  • The disciples had no clue who it was.
  • Jesus' heart and actions never expressed any anger/resentment toward Judas
Pain of Friends Mistrust
Matthew 26:31-35
  • Peter accepted the words of Jesus until it came time to apply them to his life.
  • Share: Peter's prideful refusal to accept Jesus will for his life lead other down the wrong path

2011-02-20 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part IV)
Pain of Bearing our Sin
1 Peter 2:19-25
  • Jesus suffered for you and me because he loves us that much (willing to take our pain)
  • Not only did Jesus bear the physical pain but the emotional and spiritual pain as well.
  • This pain and separation from God was more than he could take (lead to his overwhelming death)
  • Question: How do you feel about the fact that Jesus went through all this for you? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: Did you know that Jesus loved you this much? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: How do you feel about your sin now that you know what Jesus went through?
Our Responsibility Towards the Sin in our Life
2 Corinthians 7:8-13
  • Worldly Sorrow = feel bad because you did wrong and/or got caught doing something
  • Godly Sorrow = repentance, earnestness, eagerness to clear yourself, longing, concern, indignation, alarm, ready to see justice done
  • Share: God wants you to respond by repenting of your sin and showing love to him because he loved you first - 1 John 4:19

2011-04-16 - Names of Jesus (part X)
The different names of Jesus found in the Bible:
  • Law giver - Isaiah 33:22
  • Leader - Isaiah 55:4
  • Life - John 14:6; Colossians 3:4; 1 John 1:2
  • Light of the world - John 8:12, 9:5
  • Lion of the tribe of Judah - Re 5:5
  • Lord God Almighty - Revelation 15:3
  • Lord God of the holy prophets - Revelation 22:6

2011-05-29 - Fearing God - Respect for His Discipline
Do not be afraid, God has come to test you, so that the fear of the God will be with you - Exodus 20:20
Moses draws a contrast between being afraid of God and fearing God
Being afraid of God will lead to distrust and disobedience
Fearing God will keep us from sinning

Live as strangers here in reverent fear - 1 Peter 1:17
Reverent fear meaning a deterrent to disobedience; a motivator for our conduct
In a family situation - children have a healthy respect for their father's discipline but are not afraid to ask for things or play with him
They do not live in dread either physical or emotional abuse

God disciplines those He loves - Hebrews 12:6
God's discipline comes to those he love when they become unrepentant not from failures in a sincere struggle with sin

2011-05-30 - Excuses - Moses

Exodus 3-4
  • v3:10-12 - given a mission
  1. Moses was given an important mission
  2. Moses thought God had the wrong guy!
  3. Just as he was with Moses, God is with us in our evangelism
  • v3:13 - lack of knowledge
  • v4:1 - fear of rejection
  • v4:10-12 - lack of eloquence
  • v4:4:13-14 - reluctance to obey
  • This is the real issue - God is angry at our excuse-making
Moses, already eighty years old, went on to become a bold leader in God’s kingdom!

2011-06-14 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VII)
He is worth following:
  • Peter and his brother Andrew left their jobs - Matthew 4:18
  • Must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me - Matthew 16:24
  • I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you - John 13:15
  • God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:14
  • You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord - 1 Peter 2:21
  • Follow others as they follow Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • Follow His example in both in both negative and positive area
    • He never did a wrong thing.
    • He always did the right thing.

2011-08-10 - Daughter Needs - Pushover Papa
Pushover Papa is a father who lets her get away with any thing
She is this cute little girl that can do no wrong

As the leader in your home, it is our responsibilty to sholder the discipline
Keep in mind discipline is more training and less about secondly to punishment

If your wife is reluctant to have you handle the discipline, it might be because:
  • You are too harsh
  • You are a push over
  • You are not training your daughter for the long term
A pushover pop loves his daughter in principle but hates her in practice
The Lord disciplines those he loves and punishes everyone he accepts as a son - Hebrews 12:5-6
If you are not disciplined then you are illegitimate children and not true sons

2011-08-14 - Daughter Needs - Learning
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - Moses told the parents of Israel, "talk about God all the time through their daily lives"

Spiritual teaching/learning is with a doubt the highest priority for all dads
Show your daughter the rules of society or let it come from somewhere else (friends, TV, schools)

Show how to properly respond to authority - they are watching how you respond
Drive with your daughter the way you expect her to drive when she gets her license

Teach her to respect those in leadership
Speaking well of leadership can encourage her to catch a vision for her life's calling

2011-08-16 - Daughter Needs - Spiritual Leadership
Dads are told there should be three goals:
  • Take children to church service
  • Pray with them regularly
  • Have family devotionals
Most dads get the "going to service" but often fall on the family devotion because they simply don't know how

It is much more than these three items - spiritual leader leads his wife and children toward maturity in Christ
When we create spiritual goals, create activities and training designed to reach those goals

An army has an organized plan designed to win battles

Author's spiritual goals for his children:

My child will:
  1. Be sure of their salvation
  2. Love and understand God's Word
  3. Know and willingly obey God's rules
  4. Know their spiritual gifts
  5. Be able to teach spiritual truths
  6. Be effective witness
  7. Spend daily time with God
  8. Do acts of service for others
  9. Exercise self-discipline
  10. Fellowship with other believers
  11. Understand the power of prayer
  12. Maturely walk with God

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