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2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-10-25 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 2)

God provided manha day after day for 40 years to the Israelites
They could not take more than a day's portion - otherwise it would rot
Manha means "it is what it is"

It was to teach them that man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord - Deuteronomy 8:2-3

It is NOT inapproprate to ask God to provide for our needs
He is YHWH - jireh - the Lord will provide

God delights in our dependence on Him as the source of our provision
We often do not have because we have not asked - James 4:2


2008-10-27 - Man of Prayer - Daily Bread
Praying for our needs:

1. Needs of our life

2. Desires of our life

3. Area of anxieties - we should not worry about our lives - Matthew 6:25-34
The Biblical antidote for anxiety is prayer

Make a list of all the sources of desire and anxiety in our life
If I wanted it or worried about it - decide to pray about it

Also keep in mind to ask God to not give me anything that would not be a blessing
Israel asked for meat and received it from God while in the dessert - but also sent leanness into their souls - Psalms 106:15

2008-11-02 - Man of Prayer - Sinning against each other
Part of prayer needs to be focused  on remembering who has offended us and then making a conscious decision to forgive them

When our sin has caused emotional, spiritual, or physical damage to another - we need restitution - asking forgiveness

  • Brings into our experience not only love and grace of God but transforming power
  • Provides us with the guidance, motivation, enabling power to reconcile our relationships with God and others
  • Enables us to live with the experience of inner cleaning and the peace of God

2008-11-03 - Man of Prayer - Developing Spiritual Protection
World is filled with unknown and dangerous supernatural enemies - the battlefield is out there

Not against flesh and blood - but the spiritual forces of evil - Ephesians 6:12
We are part of a war of epic and eternal proportions that effect every area of our lives

Many men are casualties of a war they don't know is being waged
We are to prepared and equipped  to wage this spiritual war

One of the seven major components of prayer is developing spiritual protection
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one - Matthew 6:13

2008-11-04 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 1)

Two enemies we needed to be protected from - Flesh and Satan

Flesh - lead us not into temptation - there is an internal struggle

I know that nothing good dwell in me - Romans 7:18
Our tenency to be self-centered (our old nature)

Almost every internal struggle we face in our spiritual lives is a product of this fallen dimension of our being

Activities of the flesh -  Galatians 5:19-21


2008-11-05 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 2)

Sinning is easy; it comes naturally
When we turn our lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit creates a new nature - the two battle within us

Fruits of that new nature - Galatians 5:22-23

Jesus fought the battle with scripture - He said "It is written" many times while responding to others
David hid the God's word in his heart so he would not sin - Psalms 119:11

God promises that we will not be tempted more than we can bear - 1 Corinthains 10:13


2008-11-07 - Man of Prayer - Deliverance from evil

Literally - Deliverance from the evil or the evil one - Matthew 6:13

First law of spiritual warfare - Satan hates you and has a diabolical plan for your life

Jesus has given us the authority in prayer for overcoming the schemes and attacks

One of the greatest privileges and responcablities we have

2008-11-08 - Man of Prayer - Spiritual Protection (part 1)
When we move out from God's umbrella, through sin or negligence, the evil one can gain easy access to you

We pray the "umbrella" into place
When we pray , "deliver us" = "preserve from" = "protect from"

He is our refuge and fortress for those who come to him - Psalmx 27:1-6, 46:1, 91:1-2
As mother bird protects her children - Psalms 91:4

2008-11-12 - Man of Prayer - Perfect Pattern (part 2)
Continued for yesterday's review of the book

3. Where Do I need divine intervention?

Ask Him to bring the power of His kingdom to:
  • Our lives
  • Our family
  • Our churches
  • Our cities
  • Our nation
  • Our world
4. What are my needs today?
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
Pray about the issues and events of the day
Many of our anxieties in life are related to wants rather than needs
Learn to live in God's kingdom provision with contentment

5. Where have i failed/sinned? - confusion

6. Have I developed spiritual protection?
  • Protection from the flesh
  • Protection from Satan

7. What do I need to remember today?

2008-11-13 - Man of Prayer - Beyond the Basics

Nothing we experience in the physical world will ever give us the the joy of our experience in the presence if God

David - "In your presence is the fulness of joy" - Psalms 16:11

Fullness of joy is what all men long for
There is one preeminent way to be with God - prayer

Some men have been created with personalities that are very logical and others are oriented to feeling and intuition
These inherent distinctions will shape our relationship with God

As our prayer lives develop, we each need to discover what dimensions of prayer are most effective for us
Lord's prayer provides a framework

2008-11-16 - Raising Awesome Kids - First Things First (part 1)
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builder labor in vain - Psalms 127:1

We have someone or something we love most in this world

Jesus must be our first love
He must be our life, not just a part of it

Been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me - Galatians 2:20
To live is Christ - Philippians 1:21

This is the key to everything

Your kids must see that Jesus is a real person to you
You walk with him and love him as a brother

You can not fake it - kids can spot a fake

2008-11-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Husband and Father
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her - Ephesians 5:25-6:4

Our relationship with our father is, in many ways, the defining relationship in all of our lives
Our response to authority and our self-confidence comes from our father

Responsibility of training children squarely upon the father
Fathers...bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

2008-11-28 - Raising Awesome Kids - Encouragement and Inspiration
Fathers deals with his children with encouragement, comforting, and urgency of lives worthy of God - 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Life is hard, especially for kids - easy to lose heart
There is a immense power in a father's encouragement

Young Timothy -
  • Lacked confidence - 2 Timothy 1:8
  • Could lose motivation - 2 Timothy 1:6-7
  • Got ill frequently - 1 Timothy 5:23
  • Tended to be lazy - 1 Timothy 4:13-15
  • Need someone to believe in him
Paul became his "father in the faith" - 1 Corinthians 4:17
By his encouragement, Timothy became the dynamic leader of the huge and powerful Ephesus church

It is our jobs as fathers to assess our children's talents and gift and help them to excel in them
Be a great inspirer and encourager of your children
Let it be you who thinks they are great and who picks them up when they fall

2008-12-10 - Raising Awesome Kids - Honesty (part 1)

We must love the truth, accept the truth, live by the truth, and tell the truth
Truth will set you free - John 8:32

Will perish if we refuse to love the truth and be saved - 2 Thessalonians 2:10

If children learn to accept the truth as children - they will be able to face their sins, repent of them, and be saved when they are older

Satan is a liar and the father of lies - John 8:44



2008-12-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 3)

These commandments... are to be upon your hearts (v. 6)

Should train from the heart level
in their minds and on their minds - Hebrews 10:16

Impress them on your children (v. 7)

Training with the Scriptures must be done with great conviction, sincerity and earnestness
If you want it to stick, you will need to give all you have

Talk about them always (v. 7)

Train consistantly - everywhere, anytime, anyplace

About teaching our children how to live life - not nagging about their misdeeds

Make it fun, doable, effective

Most training should be spontaneous

Never underestimate how many times we will have to say the same things over and over again

2008-12-30 - Raising Awesome Kids - Mistakes Parents Make
1. Being basically critical
If you mostly see the negative things about your kids - what they will see about themselves

2. Failing to teach
Teach the basics - throw a ball

3. Failing to express praise and admiration
Say what we love, like, respect, and appreciation

4. Spending little or no exclusive time
Always too busy - then you are too busy
They will conclude that they are unimportant and worthless

5. Showing favoritism
Comparing to each other - will breed frustration, jealousy, and bitterness

6. Pushing too hard, too soon
Let them be kids

7. Parental self-degradation
Downgrade yourself in front of your children
Will hurt their view of life and of themselves

8. Living our lives through our children
End up pushing your kids into things they don't really care about

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-17 - Jesus with People - Humility in Action
Jesus and John the Baptizer were very different - ie one preached in the desert and one in the cities and villages

John called the people not to focus on him but the one who was coming
Jesus came to be baptized by John - Matthew 3:11
John responds - I need to be baptized by you
John submits to Jesus' submission and baptizes Jesus

Satan hated it - they kept humbling themselves before one another - the bond of unity grew tighter and tighter
This humility continued through out their lives  - John: He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:27-30
Jesus did not grasp his equality with God - Philippians 2:6

Humility kept them bonded together, even when Satan was working to divide
Pride: Keeps people from being united
Humility: Bring people together

When unity does not exist among believers: People are not willing to pay the price
Pride means too much to them

What relationship do you have that would be greatly changed if you show humility and not pride?

2009-01-18 - Jesus with People - Grateful Son
Mary and Jesus - no greater pain than for parent to bury a child and live with that memory

Jesus stops the process of redeeming humanity to focus on one final moment with him mom
All excuses for neglecting our families die with Jesus - spends final moment and thinking how to provide for her

Jesus submitted himself to being human - learned the lesson to honor your mother - Exodus 20:12

4x in  the gospels - Jesus relates to Mary:
  1. He obeyed her - Luke 2:51
  2. He allowed her to influence him when he performed his first miracle - John 2:1-11
  3. He did not allow his devotion to Mary make him sentimental - Mark 3:20-35
  4. Protected and provided for her needs as he died on the cross
He was not too "spiritual" that he neglected the needs of others

Busy disciples - often neglect the needs our immediate family?
Husbands - too busy to listen to our wives?
Parents - too busy to invest in our relationship with our children?

When we neglect to provide for our relative - we deny the faith - 1 Timothy 5:7-8
Jesus won Mary's soul with a relationship

2009-01-22 - Jesus with People - Finding Faith

Jesus was in ahuge crowd and suddenly a Roman centurion walks up to Jesus - Matthew 8:5-10

NT centurions are often mentioned with honor:

  • Cornelius was the first Gentile to become a Christian - Acts 10:22
  • A centurion rescued Paul from the Mob - Acts 23:27
  • A centurion saved Paul's life in the shipwreck - Acts 27:43

Lord, my servant lays paralyzed and in terrible suffering - Matthew 8:5-6
To many Romans, a slave was defined as nothing more than a tool

Jesus was moved by the man's heart - I will go and heal him
When Jesus saw a need, he met it
He lived to serve and meet needs directly and continuously
He loved a man many hated

Lord, I don't deserve to have you under my roof - Matthew 8:8
He was a Gentile, Jewish law - a Jew could not enter the house of a Gentile - Acts 10:28
In spite of his desperate need, he respected Jewish law

Say the word and he will be healed - Matthew 8:8
His authority produced results, how much more would the authority of Jesus do?

Jesus did not find anyone in Israel with such faith

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

2009-02-02 - Jesus with People - Seeing and Not Seeing
Luke 7:36-50 - Simon, I have something to tell you
Jesus is able to cut through the muck - right to the heart
He had outspoken clarity - Luke 7:40

In truth Simon saw neither the woman or himself for how they really were

Jesus did see the woman - Her sin was obvious as her brokenness
He actions came from her new sense of reality
Once she saw Jesus, she responded the only way she could have - compelled by love - 2 Corinthians 5:14

Jesus' words should have cut Simon deeply - But he who has been forgiven little lives little

He wants to have a relationship with us
Think of trying to have a relationship with ant - talking with it, caring for it and especially dying for it - it is unfathomable!

How many times did Jesus change people's view if God?

Who am I most like: Simon or the sinful woman?

2009-02-15 - Jesus with People - Widows Financial Sacrifice
Mark 12:41-44

Without ever speaking to her, he made her gift he biblical standard for financial sacrifice

She gave all she had to live on - Luke 21:4
Being a widow at that time, she likely had no income
Probably hungry and surely without financial hope
He faith in God was evident in her action

Bible does not tell us what happened to her - we can know that GOd took care of her needs - Matthew 6:25-26

2009-02-16 - Jesus with People - Widows Emotional Sacrifice
Be careful for your hearts will be weighed down with anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap - Luke 21:34

Sacrifice requires that we take control of the anxieties of our lives
It is a daily struggle

In order to change our character weaknesses, true emotional sacrifice is needed
  1. We must admit that we are sinful
  2. We must realize Jesus has called us to follow him and be righteous
  3. Humbly commit to change
  4. We must change
The solutions are simple, emotional sacrifice is not

2009-02-17 - Jesus with People - Widows Physical Sacrifice
Physical sacrifice is central to our commitment to Jesus

Physically, priorities must be set, reexamined and set again

God will help us discern what we can give physically
God is capable of giving his strength when ours is failing

Paul learned to rely on the Lord through physical suffering - 2 Corinthians 1:3-9
God grace is sufficient

Each of us, with the help of God must live physically sacrificial lives daily - Philippians 2:12
Sacrifice is our act of worship - Romans 12:1

2009-02-20 - Jesus with People - People Pleasing Pilate
After having found Jesus innocent of the charges, three times Pilate "appealed to them"
In the end surrender Jesus to the will of the crowd - Luke 23:13-24

Jesus still let Pilate know that he was guilty of sin - John 19:11

Instead of seeking an escape, Jesus testified to the truth about God
He was still preaching and reaching out the lost - even his executor

Jesus had an impact - from then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free - john 19:12

Pilate lived and kept his job - for a little while, but his name was written in infamy

How do you fare under negative chatter about your Christian conviction?

2009-02-24 - Jesus with People - Walking with Jesus

We must respond to Jesus' pursuit of us with our pursuit of him

Even with the testimony of woman, the disciples doubted

When Jesus stood in front of them, they thought he was a ghost - What hid their understanding?
Their inexperience of living by faith - Luke 9:45

Jesus was dead, yet lived afain
He defied science and human understanding

How long was your Emmaus road?
What is the greatest challenge to your faith at the moment?

2009-03-01 - Promises of God - Practical and Powerful Promises

Since the promises of God can relied on, it can have powerful affect on how we view life and how we live it

Psalms 119 - Shows us the relationship of God to spiritual life

Psalms 119:50 - God's promises enable him to press on and not give into dispair
Pain may be great - but the promise of God looms larger.

Psalms 119:140 - Again and again he has relied on God's promises and has come to value them

Psalms 119:148 - Deep conviction about focusing on the promises, keep him up
Will do whatever it takes to fill his mind with the promises

Psalms 119:154 - When he is threatened and in danger, remind the Lord of his promises

Psalms 119:162 - Promises of God is a treasure to him

2009-03-02 - Promises of God - Give and it will be given to you

God is faithful. He will meet all our needs
Based on the extent to which we focus on the Father and his will - extent to which God moves in our lives

He desires to meet our every need - to the point of sacrificing his own son - Romans 8:32
Does our knowledge of him transform us?
Does it propel us forward in capturing God's heart of sacrificing for the needs of other?

In Philippi, church sacrificed financially to support Paul (only church to do so) - Philippians 4:14-18
God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19
Those who are giving to others and giving to God can be assured that God will give to what they need - Luke 6:38

The more we are focused on his will, the more our needs will be richly met

What must be true in our lives in order for us to claim the promise that God will meet all our needs?

2009-03-09 - Promises of God - The Problem is Me
Deuteronomy 4:29 - Find God when we seek him with all of our heart

Repentance must be proven by our deeds - Acts 26:20
Praise God for his faithful correction - Proverbs 3:11-12

God hates sin, takes sin of idolatry, personally - Deuteronomy 6:15

Sin comes when we lower the standard of commitment in our lives and allow ourselves to become lazy, selfish and self-indulgent

Being idolatrous and lukewarm is a serious sin against God - Revelation 3:16
Against God, his church, and the souls that are not saved as a result

2009-03-12 - Promises of God - Carry and Rescue
Paul: My God will meet all your needs - Philiippians 4:19

God most certianly allows us to have needs
He allows situations where we are left to wonder how things will turn out
He has not promised to keep us free from need

As we grow older, all kinds of needs are created

I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you - Isaiah 46:3:-4

Old age and gray hairs = symbols of all the things we can not control and tend to worry us

I will rescue you: deliver us from danger - did not promis we wll never be in danger

From every evil attack and bring me to safety - 2 Timothy 4:18

2009-03-18 - Promises of God - Produces a Harvest
Hebrews 12:11 - Discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it

Key ways to respond to God's discipline:

Get Grateful
Probably the most difficult thing to do during hardships
It is the very thing that will help us to learn the important lessons God is trying to teach us

Hunger for Holiness
Media bombards us with devices, books, etc to make our lives easier
God disciplines us for our good, we may share in his holiness - Hebrews 12:10
He is willing to watch his precious children to go through temporary pain for them have eternal peace

Trust the Trainer
We must trust him as the perfect trainer
Training = something rigorous that stretches the trainee emotionally or physically
God's discipline is exact what we need and he promises it is always for our own good

2009-03-20 - Promises of God - Lord Delivers
May have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all - Psalms 34:19

Three types of trouble:

  1. Caused by our own bad behavior - the wicked have their fill - Proverbs 12:21
  2. Comes from doing what is right - Persecution because of the Word - Matthew 13:21
  3. Trouble that we all face because we live in this world
    • Each day will be trouble - Matthew 6:34
    • In this world you will have trouble - John 16:33
It is not about taking trouble away but overcoming trouble

Our job is to trust God - John 14:1, 27
He may deliver us from trouble or he may deliver us by using the trouble to teach us important lessons

Our eternal glory far out weights our momentary troubles - 2 Corinthians 4:17

2009-03-27 - Promises of God - Living By Faith
Habakkuk complained to God about what he saw happening

God basically said, "You are right, life is hard"

The idea that life is not fair robs us of our peace

Solution? God assurance to Habakkuk, "the righteous will live by faith" - Habakkuk 2:4

Then came incredible faith and peace - Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even if upheaval and uncertainty exist in every area of our lives, we can have peace

Why do our circumstances sometimes have such an impact on our peace?

2009-04-14 - Promises of God - Come to Repentance
The current "promise/prosperity theology" lacks three things:

  1. A sound concept of repentance - God's kindness leads to repentance - Romans 2:4
  2. Understanding of the purposes of God's gifts - point of the blessing is the blessing themselves but the ultimate outcome of our lives
  3. Understanding of God's timetable - God's goal is always our repentance - 2 Peter 3:9

2009-04-18 - Why We Need God - He is Our Creator
  1. Knows us better than we ourselves
  2. Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else
  3. Knows our weaknesses and our strengths
  4. Is the best source to find the answers to such questions as:
a.  Where did I come from?
b.  Why am I here?
c.  Where am I going?
d.  How should I live?

2009-04-19 - Why We Need God - He is The Redeemer
  1. All have made a mess of their lives - Romans 3:23
  2. Some more than others, but all are in need the same major correction - Romans 3:9
  3. God offers Himself as our Redeemer - Psalms 34:22

2009-04-22 - Why We Need God - He is Our Provider
  1. Has promised to meet our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-32
  2. If we will put Him and His righteousness first in our lives - Matthew 6:33-34
  3. Has promised to meet our spiritual needs - Phillipians 2:12-13
  4. If we will put on His armor - Ephesians 6:11-18

2009-04-26 - Why We Need Jesus - He Intercededs For Us to God
  1. Now at God's right hand, Jesus makes intercession for us - Romans 8:34
  2. He serves as our "Advocate" with the Father - 1 John 2:1
  3. He is our perfect High Priest - Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:14-15
  4. He enables us to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and help - Hebrews 4:16
  5. He now "always lives" to intercede on our behalf - Hebrews 7:25

2009-04-28 - Why We Need Jesus - He Guides Us By His Words and Actions

His words provide a solid foundation upon which to build our lives
  • Such as those spoken in His sermon on the mount - Matthew 7:24-27
  • Such as those later revealed through His apostles - John 16:12-13; 2 Peter 1:1-11
His example provides both direction and inspiration
  • His humility and service - Philiippians 2:3-8
  • His perseverance - Hebrews 12:1-3
  • His suffering - 1 Peter 2:21-25

2009-04-29 - No one like him - Who did he think he was?
Christianity built on the identification of Jesus
Not like any other prophet, priest, or preacher
Adolf Hitler – consider one of the worst tyrant in history
There were others that were close to him (Stalin…)
Jesus – there are no one comes close
Most scholars can not deny that Jesus lived
First Century movement that was started by those who saw him first hand

How Jesus viewed himself:
  • Not only one to be called to preach - ...“so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” - Mark 1:38
  • “Only in his hometown…is a prophet without honor” - Mark 6:1-5

2009-05-01 - No one like him - Differences from Jesus and the prophets (part 2)
4. Forgiving sins
Prophets – God can forgive your sins
Jesus – He said their sins were given by him
To the paralytic - “…may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10)
To the sinful women – “her many sins have been forgiven” (Luke 7:47)
5. Called himself “Son of Man” / Savior
Prophets – God saves
Jesus knew he was the one to save the world from sin
“…Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)
“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28)
6. He is a judge
Prophets – God judges
Jesus - “…my judgment is just” (John 5:30))
On the last day - “Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord…” (Matthew 7:22)
No genuine prophet ever preached like this
  1. How to live
  2. Be committed to him
  3. Should love him

2009-05-22 - No one like him - Kingdom Attitudes (part 2)
Those who mourn

After seeing the impact and the hurt we have caused -
Having godly sorrow - 2 Corinthians 7:10-11
Taking ownership

The Meek

No one wants to be meek
Meekness - horse that has been broken
Gentle, Humble, Teachable
Defensive spirit gone
We must remember we have been cleansed from our past sins - 2 Peter 1:9
"will inherited the earth" - will make the most of our lives on this earth

2009-05-24 - No one like him - Kingdom Attitudes (part 4)
The Pure in Heart

About genuineness and sincerity

The grace can not from us alone
Create in me a pure heart O God - Psalms 51:10

After being forgiving and giving we start seeing ourselves as good - must have pure motives

The Peacemakers

True peace only comes from God - Isaiah 11:1-9
No without the other attitudes

The Persecuted

If you live like this, people will not like you
Ironically being a peace-maker will get you hated
Jesus was the Prince of Peace
Attitudes not natural; not to do but to be

2009-05-26 - No one like him - Kingdom Lifestyle (part 2)
Different Righteousness – Matthew 5:17-6:18
Righteousness for the Pharisee had became having the correct facts and outward performance
Not about memorizing more scriptures or fasting three times a day
Righteousness was all about attitude
When scriptures is not exact, we should on these attitudes in situations in our lives – to please God
Different priority – Matthew 6:19-34
The pursuit of God’s will should be the overriding passion of our lives
No can serve two masters – Matthew 6:24

2009-05-27 - No one like him - Kingdom Lifestyle (part 3)
Different relationship – Matthew 7:1-12
Can not live the message alone and not expected it – Matthew 7:7-8
Relationship with the Father meets all our needs

Different judgment – Matthew 7:13-29
Wide road – not demanding; Narrow road – challenging to stay on but not with God’s help
Watch out for those who tell you what you want to here – check their fruit

2009-05-30 - No one like him - Conflict and Controversy (part 3)
Jesus did not just hang around the sick but he had a message and plan for them to get well

Today is the opposite problem – association with all kinds of people; but without a message – bring the spirit without the truth

Sin must be dealt with at the heart level; not just outwardly like the Pharisees – could not be cured by rules or rituals

Living like Jesus (living a totally different life) will cause conflict and controversy

Living like Jesus entails:
  • New priorities – with people who have different ones
  • New loyalties – with people who have different ones
  • Mission is to reachout and share with people why they need his message
  • Associate with sinners but call them change
  • Love unconditionally; Live radically – declare this is the way to live
Some will welcome the message; the majority will not

2009-06-02 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 1)
Disciples were confused with ups and downs of the week (Joyous entrance into Jerusalem then the cross)

Without the resurrection there would be no church or New Testament; disciples would have disbanded and movement would have ended

The resurrection gave them courage to preach the resurrection: Acts 1:22; 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:2,10, 33; 5:30

Must be together – cross and resurrection

Cross only – a tragedy; Resurrection only – just another miracle

Changed the disciples lives forever

2009-06-03 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 2)
What it means for us:

1. Jesus can be trusted
a. Jesus taught with truth and compassion
b. Backup his teachings with his life
i. No man can come to except through me
ii. Do good to those who hate you
iii. Find your life by loosing it
c. Gives us a place to stand – embolden the disciples
2. Shows the kingdom has come

3. God fully intended to continue Jesus mission
a. Jesus was the foundation
b. Story did not end in Palestine
4. Those who follow him also share in the resurrection
a. Died with Christ, now we can live a new life with him – Romans 6:4,5,8

2009-06-04 - No one like him - Count Cost (part 1)
Not a question of how hard or difficult but if it is true
Not all struggling is bad
Jesus calls us to:
  1. Be ready to be uncomfortable
  2. Be ready for big changes
  3. Be ready to follow the narrow road
  4. Be ready to give up anything
Does it work?

Jesus was not out of touch – Matthew 9:36
Jesus had a clear view of love and generosity – John 10:33
Kingdom now in the present age

Fix our eyes on Jesus
We need to deal with OUR heart

Jesus did not just come to amaze
He came to call people to change their lives

He was upfront with commitment level
Must deny self
Kingdom is the greatest thing to possess
It will cost you all you have
Must carry his cross
Commitment must surpass relationship with family (Jesus: you must love me more)

2009-06-10 - One Another - Walking in the Light
What does it mean to walk in the light?

1 John 1:7-9
Living our lives with openness and transparency in response to the blood of Christ
Fellowship is both the practice and product of walking in the light

How central are our relationships to following Jesus?
  1. Coupled with loving God
  2. How we show we are disciples
  3. Something to devoted to as we come into Christ
  4. How we fulfill the principle of Christ
  5. How we live a life worthy of the gospel and the Lord
  6. Where walking in the light leads

"I need to get serious about my relationship with God" = Need to get serious with my relationship with other believers

2009-06-12 - A Life of Impact - Expectation and Encouragement


Mark 1:1

  • He expected a lot out of Himself
  • He knew he was born to save the world
  • Wallow in self-pity, to cower in fear, or simply giving up is inappropriate behavior

Mark 1:2-8 - People consistently live up to the perceptions others have of them


Mark 1:9-11

  • He told him that he was special
  • God is a god who initiates love
  • How would we change if we realized the amount of love God has for us

2009-06-15 - A Life of Impact - The Challenge

The Challenge

Mark 1:19-20

  • Jesus didn’t hesitate to call people to a significant level of commitment
  • Someone who is strongly affected by the opinions of others is not going to be able to have a great impact
  • Indecisiveness- an unwillingness to take risks or make mistakes (pride)
  • People who are already satisfied with their level of achievement will rarely grow to achieve more
  • It is easy to hold to past achievements


  • People tend to not surpass our expectations or our vision for them
  • Do fight for your dreams and refuse to live ordinary lives?
  • Greatness does not suddenly appear. It is an end product of a process that begins with a dream

2009-06-17 - A Life of Impact - Gentleness and Fueling


Mark 1:29-34

  • At times we need to raise our voices and push in order to get things done.
  • At the same time using gentle tone and pitching in to help will accomplish far more good.


Mark 1:35-39

  • People who love sleep don’t usually change the world
  • Jesus slept when he had the time
  • Jesus was extremely eager to pray
  • Most of us live with only a vague idea of purpose
  • Our personal ministries – can be tempted to lose the fire, to settle down, and get comfortable
  • We laugh and patronize at younger friends who are “idealist, zealots, and radicals

2009-06-19 - A Life of Impact - Opportunism


Mark 2:1-2

  • Jesus was always ready to make the most of an opportunity because he was always eager to be productive.
  • He did not dread his work and he didn’t procrastinate
  • He was not content to merely existing.
  • To Jesus, life itself was an opportunity, so every event in life was a “once in a lifetime opportunity”
  • If today was your last day, would you be pleased with how you lived it?


Mark 2:3-5

  • Jesus notices and rewarded the aggressive faith of these men. He was not offended


  • The guilt of sin can have a crippling or debilitating effect on even our physical bodies
  • Spiritual and physical health are linked together

2009-07-04 - A Life of Impact - Amazing Speech

Amazing Speech

Mark 6:1-6

Suspicions and fear can evaporate because of love and openness

1. Deep Conviction

  • Listeners who put his words into practice were wise
  • How convicted are you about what you’ll be saying?
  • Think about what to say instead of how it will come across

2. Passion - If the speaker isn’t moved by the message, how can he expect it to move anyone else?

3. Integrity - Speaker must take plank out of their own eye before one can challenge other on the same topic

4. Person to person

  • Speak at their level mean not “to talk down to” or “to talk up to” an audience.
  • Apologizing without reason, belittles himself
  • Jesus was above us, but he came down to our level

5. Inspirational

  • Conservative and low-key he will have no impact
  • We all want our lives to count for something

6. Practical

  • Message must be practical and applicable
  • He specifically addressed the sins in their lives
  • He gave them direction, and at times He told them exactly what to do

7. Meet the Need - Out of touch with the needs on the audience can actually make things worst then they are.

2009-07-08 - A Life of Impact - Shepherding


Mark 6:30-44

  • Employees must have a reason to look forward to a completion of a project.
  • Must pause to experience the thrill of victory otherwise we will squeeze the joy right our of lives
  • We will get burned if we do not remind ourselves to rest
  • When we are exhausted our performance in all areas of our lives suffer. (point of diminishing returns)

Work Ethic

  • Important causes are worthy of extreme levels of effort
  • We are to go the extra mile - Matthew 5:41

Crowd Appeal

  • Jesus displayed urgency and charisma when he spoke.
  • People did not want to miss out on anything he might say or do.

Visible Sincerity

  • Meet the crowd’s need for physical and spiritual food - needs of the whole person
  • Meet other’s need without asking anything in return
  • Concerned with how people fared after this life and not just in this life
  • If we are concern more with what we will get ourselves we probably won’t have much of an impact

2009-07-11 - A Life of Impact - A passion for truth

Mark 7:14-23 - He had no stomach for the misdirection spread by the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law

High Expectations

  • He let them know that they were spiritually stupid.
  • How many of us are willing to rebuke when asked a stupid question by people who should know better?
  • Jesus was determined that these men would rise above the rank and file.
  • He got upset and urged them to change
  • The dreamer never gives up the dream.


  • The responsibility for our actions resides with us, the decision makers, and not with our environment.
  • We are not simply a product of our environment; environment is determined by our choices.
  • We cannot rightly blame others or fate or circumstances for our behavior
  • We must take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions
  • Changes in people occur from the inside out. · Involves helping people to acknowledge what they are really like deep down and then to deal with their inner self
  • We cannot on our own change our own or someone else’s heart.
  • We must realize how desperately we need God’s intervention in out lives.
  • The Bible exposes, in a unbiased way, the true qualities of our hearts.
  • Deep character changes in our lives fuels our faith.

2009-07-18 - A Life of Impact - Time Management

Time Management

Mark 8:27-30

  • Jesus lived a very busy life.
  • Jesus often accomplished several things at once.
  • Jesus knew time was limited.


  • We also need to find out how others perceive us.
  • We shouldn’t fear their disapproval.

2009-07-23 - A Life of Impact - Ambition


Mark 9:33-35

  • Jesus let them cool down before choosing to address the matter. (less defensive)
  • Jesus never corrected these men for wanting to be great.
  • High achievers in life tend to be high achievers for God.
  • People who are eager to use their lives to benefit others are remembered and admired for generations


  • When we try to eliminate the agony of defeat, we also take away the joy of victory.
  • To discard dichotomous thinking is to discard the God of the Bible.
  • I win by losing so that you may also win. The loser becomes the ultimate winner!

2009-08-01 - A Life of Impact - Anger

Mark 11:11-19
  • He was furious about the fruitfulness of another “tree” that he had planted, watered, weeded, fertilized.
  • Jesus cleared the temple at the beginning of His ministry and also here at the end of His of His ministry
  • There was no fear of God.
  • Jesus knew the right place and the right time the do the things needed.
  • He was disciplined and self-controlled for just the right time.
  • What made Jesus angry was the stubborn refusal of most to change.
  • A willingness to change is a precious and seemingly rare behavioral characteristic.
  • Become exceedingly insecure and defensive when we are awakened to the existence of personal deficiencies.
  • We must also get angry about obstinacy in our own lives and other people’s lives.
  • Why didn’t anyone try to stop Jesus as he was taking over the temple? (Only one person and many of them)
  • They knew that they were in the wrong.
  • Teachers of the law and chief priests feared Jesus
  • If people consider you a “nice guy” and are not in awe of you, you probably won’t have much impact.

2009-08-08 - A Life of Impact - Discernment


Mark 12:41-44

  • We must be able to discern the relative merits of people’s deeds.
  • We often fail to notice the hidden glory of those who deny themselves


  • It is a mistake to think that we can effectively help people when we don’t know the details of what is going on in their lives
  • “Mind your own business” – society is not favor of this idea
  • We must demonstrate a genuine concern for the welfare of others. – not gossip

2009-08-18 - A Life of Impact - Mark 16

Mark 16:1-14
  • Jesus had more of an impact dead then alive.
  • Are we dead to ourselves?
  • If any of Jesus’ rebukes had a particularly lasting impact on their lives, this was the one
  • Disciples were probably convicted by just the sight of Jesus
His Lasting Words

Mark 16:15-20
  • What would your last words be? – Say them today!!!! 
  • “Repent and believe the good news.” – These were both the first and the last words from Jesus.

2009-08-19 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 1)
Eve was created with the lush beauty of Eden’s garden
Adam was created outside the garden – wild from the beginning
    Men have an insatiable longing to explore
    When most men come alive
    Discover it when they first cross the street or when they first ride their bikes to the store
Adventure – all the danger and wildness (longing into the soul of men)
Man needs a place where it is not prefabricated
    Moses – in the desert of Sinai
    Jacob – wrestling with God (somewhere east of Jabbok)
    Elijah recovered his strength in the wild
    So did John the Baptist and Jesus

2009-08-20 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 2)
Deep within man there are some fundamental questions
    Who am I?
    What am I made of?
    What am I destined for?

Today’s man
    Endless hours at the computer
    Requires man to be efficient and punctual
    Is this what boys dream of?
    Where are the real men?
    Did you ever dream of being a nice guy?

We are told we don’t know how to:
    Keep our promises
    Talk to our wives
    Raise our children

Some women want passive men
    Wonder why they have no access to their heart

God made the masculine heart – Come live out what I meant you to be
    He does not make generic people – man/women

2009-08-21 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 3)
What makes a man come alive?

    1. Need a battle to fight
  • Swords, camouflage, six-shooters, uniforms
  • Boys want to be powerful and dangerous
  • Aggression is part of man’s design – God’s image (Exodus 15:3)
  • They do not want to call and talk about relationships
  • Boys play is a rehearsal for a bigger drama
  • Life needs man to be fierce and fiercely devoted
  • Every man needs to know he is powerful – be the hero

    2. Needs an adventure to live
  • Fights the grizzly, wins the beauty
  • Recipe for fun with boys – add an element of danger
  • We may fear the test, yet we yearn to be tested and discover what it takes
  • If a man has lost this desire (says he doesn’t want it) does not know he has what it takes – believe he will fail the test.

    3. Needs a beauty to rescue
  • Nothing more inspiring to a man as a beautiful women
  • Make you want to charge the castle, slay the giant
  • Men going to war carry a photo of their sweetheart in their wallet
  • Paintings on side of airplanes
  • Lonely men fight lonely battles
  • Where would James Bond, Robin Hood, King Arthur, Indiana Jones be without their women
  • Man needs a battle to fight, he needs someone to fight for (someone in particular – women he loves)

2009-08-23 - Wild at Heart - Wild One whose image we bear

Where do we come from?

A man must know where he comes from and what he is made of both past and family fathers

Most men are trying not to be like their fathers

Who will they derive their sense of strength?

To men God is: Distant and weak (How they would describe their father)
Jesus has become – Mister Rogers with a beard
God – gives a reason and purpose to fight

Reminds us that life lived in fear is no life at all – all will die someday
Jesus = Mother Teresa or William Wallace? Both

2009-08-27 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 1)
Men look in their hearts but they don’t discover something valiant and dangerous
Find fear, lust, and anger
"All men die, few men really ever live"
Women - Many have given up hope for a true man.

Real life of the average man seems a universe away from the desire of his heart
  1. No battle to fight
  2. No swords and castles
  3. Without a great battle in which a man live and die - fierce part goes underground
Men are angry – and we don’t know why
Why are men addicted to sports? - biggest adventure many will ever taste
Careers? Same reason
Trading stock – taste of excitement and risk

Guys have been told to be responsible

2009-09-01 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 1)
There comes a time when we simply have to face the challenges in our lives and stop backing down Men rarely praise each other directly - by way of accomplishments (“you are a wild man”, “what is up stud”

The question – Do I have what it takes? Am I powerful? Until a man knows he’s a man he will forever be trying to prove he is one, while at the same time shrink from anything that might reveal he is not

Boy learns who is he and what he’s got from a man
  • can not learn it from any other place
  • can not learn it from other boys
  • can not learn it from women

2009-09-05 - Wild at Heart - Battle for a mans heart (part 1)
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek. We can not turn a cheek we do not have. Church full of such men
Many have their soul hanging in the balance because no one invited them to be dangerous and to know their own strength or to discover they have what it takes
I feel like I have to ask for permission
Nearly every blow ends up falling in the same place - against our strength
Life takes one vertebra at a time until he has no spine at all

Boy are 3-4 times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from ADD
Society teaches to be a nice guy -– to be soft
Women are often attracted to wilder men, but once have caught him they settle down to task of domesticating him

How do I get my husband to come alive? Invite him to be dangerous
Women don’t start wars
Violent crimes aren’t really committed by women.
Our prisons aren’t filled with women

2009-09-07 - Wild at Heart - The enemy fears you
If you ever really got your heart back, lived from it with courage, you would be a huge problem to him
Many men have not been shown how to fight from the heart.
Failure of fathers and left men without direction
If you want the wound healed and your strength restored and to find your true name, you re going to have to fight for it.

Notice your reaction at these words.
Does another come in and caution you to stop
We need to know who we are and if we have what it takes

A man’s core question does not go away
We search for the answer of validation
  • Career
  • Belonging
  • How well he plays sports
  • Yes, even women

2009-09-09 - Wild at Heart - The fathers voice (part 2)
When we see Jesus, Joseph is out of the picture – true father God – he had to learn who he really was and made of.
Initiation involves a journey and a series of tests.
We try to make our lives easier.

What are you trying to teach me here?
What issues in my heart are you trying to rise through this?
What is it you want me to see?
What are you asking me to let go of?

Men are taught that a wound that stops you from playing is a girlish wound.
No wonder we walk with our guts hanging out
Most men minimize their wound
David did not act like this at all - openly - “my heart is wounded within me” - Psalms 109:22
Suck it up, as the saying goes

God is fiercely committed to you
Wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal
You’ve embraced and deserve is a would that cannot heal
Whatever is denied cannot heal
Certainly denial that it’s shaping the way they live today.

2009-09-17 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 3)
Wound unfelt is wound unhealed
Door may be your anger – perhaps from a girl, failure
The way to God is stopping the false self
It may a simple prayer – Jesus, take me into my wound

Jesus never seems to heal the same way twice
There are no formulas with God
Insists on working personally
Masculinity is bestowed by masculinity
Healing never happens outside of intimacy with Christ

It begins with surrender; until you have given yourself to him you will not have a real self
…to set you free – What? Your heart
So take him at his word – ask him in to heal all the broken places within you
But you can’t do this at a distance

I simply allow myself to say that the loss of my father mattered
Important for us to grieve our wound
Grieving we admit the truth, we hurt by someone we loved
Few men are ever so vulnerable as to simply let themselves be loved by God
Why don’t you just let God love you?
The imitate union with Jesus and with his Father is the source of all healing and all our strength
Unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others – Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15
Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you.

2009-09-21 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 2)
A warrior is cunning.
When to fight and when to run
Three enemies:
  1. world
  2. flesh
  3. devil
We don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success
We want the easy way out
Your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you.

Paul knew the struggle within – my sin is not me – this not my true heart - Romans 7
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you - Ezekiel 36:26
There is a war within us, but it is a civil war. There is a traitor within who wars against our true heart fighting alongside the Spirit of God
The real you is on the side of God against the false self.
The man who wants to live valiantly will lose heart quickly if he believes that his heart is nothing but sin
We are never told to crucify our heart
We are never told to kill the true man with in us
Never told to get rid of those deep desires for battle and adventure and beauty

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