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2009-09-19 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 5)
Until we are broken, our life will be self-centered, self-reliant, our strength will be our own.
So long as you think you are really something in and of yourself, what will you need God for?
Think of the poser you know – are they the kind of man you would call 2am, when life is collapsing around you?

Where a man’s wound is, that is where his genius will be.
Because the wound was given in the place of your true strength
Out of your brokenness that you discover what you have to offer the community
When we begin to offer not merely our gifts but our true selves, that is when we become powerful
That is when we are ready for battle

2009-09-21 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 2)
A warrior is cunning.
When to fight and when to run
Three enemies:
  1. world
  2. flesh
  3. devil
We don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success
We want the easy way out
Your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you.

Paul knew the struggle within – my sin is not me – this not my true heart - Romans 7
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you - Ezekiel 36:26
There is a war within us, but it is a civil war. There is a traitor within who wars against our true heart fighting alongside the Spirit of God
The real you is on the side of God against the false self.
The man who wants to live valiantly will lose heart quickly if he believes that his heart is nothing but sin
We are never told to crucify our heart
We are never told to kill the true man with in us
Never told to get rid of those deep desires for battle and adventure and beauty

2009-09-25 - One Another - Making it Clear
1 Corinthians 1-3 2 Corinthians 1
The world's wisdom The world's wisdom
God's grace God's grace

Relationships that are conducted according to the world's wisdom - have some element of self in mind

Relationships in God's grace have in mind: God's grace to us and our need to pass grace on to others

World teaches to be independent / We belong to one another -  Romans 12:5
  • One on who be independent choose not to / he emptied himself and became a slave - Philippians 2
  • We are do be devoted to one another - philostorgos = like family - Romans 12:10
When we see the grace of God, we see one:
  • who brings into his circle of friends - John 15:13-15
  • who adopts us into his family - Hebrews 2:11
  • who vows he will never leave or forsake us - Hebrews 13:5
We are to admonish one another and speak the truth in love - Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 4:15

If living with worldly wisdom  then we will:
  1. Ignore the problem
  2. Gossip about it to other
  3. Blast a person with the truth
None of these actions show grace

2009-10-01 - One Another - Members of one another
We belong to each other

Romans 12:4-5 - many members but just one body

Each member belongs to all the others

Role in the body is determined:
  1. The measure of faith God has given you
  2. Gifts God has given you
The measure of faith mean?
  • subjectively - my function is the body is according to the personal amount of faith I have
  • objectively - my function in the body is purely dependent upon my trust in God to use me

2009-10-09 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 2)
Satan uses propaganda

He is the “accuser” - Revelation 12:10
Christ was attacked - “If you are the son of God” - prove it - Luke 4:1-13

So long as a man remains no real treat to the Enemy – You are fine
After you take sides - Your heart is bad and you know it

He looks for weaknesses
Throws a thought or temptation that he hopes we will swallow
If I thought this was just me, my heart, I’d be very discouraged.
Knowing that my heart is good allowed me to block it, right then and there
Think of how lust starts .. “I am not here it is all you.”

Any hand to hand combat, there are blows, dodges, blocks, and counterattacks
How did Christ handle Satan? - he did not get into an argument with him
He simply stood on the truth
Satan doesn’t just throw a thought but feelings as well
Guard your heart

2009-10-10 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 3)
2. Intimidation

Our condition may become normal to use after a while - depression
If you pray and fight against – It will get worse.
Once the Enemy is discovered, he usually does not just roll over and die.
Jesus says get tough and resist the onslaught

Next level Satan tries intimidation and fear
He wants you to agree with intimidation because he fears you
Fighting back, he will lose – Resist the devil and he will flee – James 4:7

Why do so many pastor’s kids go off the deep end?
Evil One is trying to an old tactic – strike first and maybe the opposition will run
He can’t win, you know

God is with us
“As I was with Moses, so I will be with you” – Joshua 1:5
The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is his name – Exodus 15:3

How did Jesus win the battle against Satan? God was with him
Doesn’t simply mean that he’ll be around - he will fight for us
Satan is trying to appeal to the traitor’s commitment to self-preservation when he uses fear and intimidation.
So as long as we are back in the old story of saving our skin, looking out for Number One, those tactics will work.

Become a warrior
The most dangerous man on earth is the man who has reckoned with his own death.
All men die, few men ever really live.

2009-10-12 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 5)
We don’t need accountability groups we need fellow warriors, someone to fight alone side, someone to watch our back

We don’t need a meeting of the Really Nice Guys

Never a more devoted group of men than those who have fought alongside one another

You will be wounded
To lose a leg is nothing compared to losing heart
Enemy knows the wounds of your past and he will try to wound you again in the same place
It is an honor to be wounded in the service of the Lord
Boys are proud of their scars, they are badges of honor
Kingdom forcefully advances and forceful men take hold of it - Matthew 11:12

Jesus says it is going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got

2009-11-04 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 2)
The Red Pill and the Blue Pill
  • Matrix – do you know what this is, Neo?
  • Feeling we have all had – there is something wrong with the world
  • Blue Pill – You wake up and you believe what you wan to the believe (Jewish leaders chose this one)
  • Red Pill – you are only offered truth
  • Without repentance, we will remain blinded
    • How could a kingdom transcend geographic boundaries?
    • How could a kingdom be within us?
    • What sort of kingdom has no capital, no government, no army, and no temple?
  • Longed for a tangible kingdom rather than a spiritual kingdom
The Kingdom of God is Here
  • Many Christians the kingdom of God as something the future holds
  • Some wish to avoid the kingdom commitment here on earth
  • Kingdom expect allegiance ahead of all others
  • Any real government expects this type of loyalty
The North Pole Kingdom Paradigm
  • King exerted seasonal influence
  • Three levels of subjects:
    • Disciples – treated him a Lord
    • Christians – little bit naughty, gave mainly to friends and family, on rear occasions to the poor
    • Unbelievers – little bit naughty, did not believe, not Hitler or other really bad people
  • Most indirectly believe in this theory of the world
  • If I abandon this paradigm, I would have to admit I am wrong.

2009-11-14 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 2)
Aganaktesis – Indignation
Conducts a search-and-destroy mission for every potential excuse for sin
Jesus drove out those who were selling and buying in the temple courts
Much easier to express indignation at some else’s sin or some points out our sin versus our own
Phobos – Alarming Fear
Although God hates sin and not the sinner – still it is the sinner that goes to hell
Nothing focuses the mind like real fear
Epipothesis – Longing
Through fear, we recognize that sin alienates us from God
We long to restore our fellowship with God
Without the acknowledgement of separation, there is no cause for longing
Fear sounds the alarm, but longing sets the course
No sin can stand against a soul who longs to return to God

2009-11-15 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 3)
Zelos - Zeal
Zeal reject the “whatever…” attitude as it determines to do “Whatever to takes!”
Lack of surrender robs zeal
Completely denying all we are, path to God becomes clear and passionate
  1. Does Sandi’s story convict you about an unresolved sin in your life? If so, what should you do?
  2. What are some Biblical examples of individuals who exhibit godly sorrow? What are some Biblical examples of groups who exhibit godly sorrow?
  3. Consider William Law’s assertion that our “sins are due to the fact that we do not intend to please God in all the actions of our lives.” Is this true for you? How does godly sorrow reverse this condition?
  4. Why does sin require confession? Is confession only before God? To whom have you confessed sins besides God?
  5. What does a short list indicate?
  6. Do you believe Proverbs 28:13? Do you practice it? Why or why not?
  7. How does indignation promote repentance? When were you last indignant over sin?
  8. How does “fear” promote repentance? How does it work together with “longing” to produce repentance?
  9. Has anyone ever marveled at your zeal to repent – why or why not?
  10. Are you ready to completely the avenge the wrong caused by sin and self? What next steps will you take?

2009-11-24 - Master Plan - Selection (part 3)
Few were converted in His lifetime.
  • Little more than 500 after the resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:6
  • 120 received baptism at the day of Pentecost - Acts 1:15
  • Why not an army?
  • He needed leaders to lead the ministry after He left. Not all followers. It takes energy to produce a leader.
  • Not trying to impress the crowd but the usher in a Kingdom
  • Mass are like helpless sheep wandering aimlessly without a shepherds
  • Masses willing to follow anyone that came along with some promise for their welfare
  • Jesus was a realist. He knew he could not meet all the needs on His own.
Some concern themselves with baptisms and numbers more than power and love of God
Everything that is done with the few is for the salvation of the multitudes.

Modern Practicals
  • We are not even keeping with the growing population
  • We in an age where more rapid communication is now being seen than ever before
  • Must not be frantic to try to change the pattern overnight
  • Do like Jesus – start with a few lowly disciples and do as it was done by Jesus
    • Slow, tedious, painful, and probably unnoticed at first
    • Not spiritual “junk-food” revivals
  • Which generation are you living for?

2009-11-29 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 2)
  • Consequences for not following up
    • The other choice is for the convert to find solutions to innumerable problems in on their own
    • Haphazard follow-up could mean disaster for their faith
    • Fall ways - come about more often be not getting with them enough
    • There is not substitute for getting with people
  • No such thing as assembly line discipleship
  • You must be a personal guardian to those you lead.
  • It is your job to:
    • Stay with them as much as possible
    • Study the Bible and pray together
    • Answer their questions
    • Clarify the truth
    • Seeking together to help others
  • If it took three years to develop His disciples by getting with them, how much more should we get together with those that have not physically have seen Jesus? How much longer will it take (not seeing them all the time)?

2009-12-28 - First the Kingdom - At Ease
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace - Psalms 37:11

Meekness is strength under the control of God
Being meek is being at ease before God and man
One looks outside himself for the power of life
Totally open with God, God will work in all things for his good

To be meek is not to be afraid...

1. Is at ease with God

Someone who worries and has anxiety reduces them to practical atheists

A child is at ease with their father/mother (in most cases)
I have stilled and quieted my soul; child with mother is my soul within me - Psalms 131:2

2. Is at ease with himself
Jesus knew exactly what authority he had been he had been given by God - John 13:3

3. Is at ease with others
Neither inferior nor superior
No longer deceived by pride, he is free to learn from anyone
At ease with God and himself - has nothing to prove and nothing to fear

2009-12-30 - First the Kingdom - Starving without Him
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6

Jesus himself was the bread of Life - John 6:35
Gave Living water - John 4:10

He describes a relationship with him to be all-consuming
Just like going without food or water fir a prolonged period - there is little else we think about

As deer pants for water, my soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
How excited are you about getting time to be with God every day?

For deep conviction about loving the Word - Psalms 119
Without the sense of duty, he was overjoyed at the privilege of being able to commune with heart of the Creator

Hunger for the Word develops obedience which helps with understanding of God heart to help and server others

2010-01-01 - First the Kingdom - Guarding Against Heart Disease
Blessed are the pure in hear, for they will see God - Matthew 5:8
What does it mean to keep our hearts pure?
To have undivided devotion?

Set our hearts are things above - Colossians 3:1
Must learn to battle Satan's attacks on our heart

Recent years - we have aware about physical heart conditions
We should lower our bad cholesterol and exercise more

Since we desire a healthy heart for a longer life we: diet and exercise
The heart is the "want to" muscle

When we really want something, we go after it with all of our heart

2010-01-24 - Kingdom First - Wise Investing

Jesus is not interested in our obedience outwardly without having our hearts set on heaven
All the ancient were longing for a better country

Living a Christian life is more than living up to a standard of behavior
Meant to ask deeper questions of motivation and heart with an understanding a heart properly movtivated - actions will follow

We should develop a heart that does not store treasures in heaven
Jesus makes a case that does not make sense to store up treasures here because they will not even last here - Matthew 6:19-21

No moth, no rust, no thief, not even Satan himself can diminish our treasure in heaven
It is an incredible freeing feeling to let go of the "treasure" here on earth

Will you miss services to get overtime in?
Do your children see a joyful parent excited about the kingdom of God?

Invest all you have and all you are - Romans 12:1


2010-01-30 - One Another - Confession Lessons
Sin is still a reality - even in Christ
God uses relationships to transform us
Everyone who seek these relationship will find themselves either being the one sinning or the one being sinned against

Christ has freed us to be real
We no longer have to prove anything
No longer have to pretend or conceal
Love of Christ compels us and reminds us and reassures us

We should not be shocked or disillusioned when someone confesses
Will we look down on others like the Pharisee did in Jesus' parable - Luke 18?
Or will we see we all are capable of bad things in need of grace?

Sooner we can walk in the light, the better
Longer something stays concealed, the more demons of darkness have time to work

2010-02-27 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 1)
Small groups were in the center of Jesus' ministry - spent much of his time with the 12

Principles of small groups

Focus on belonging and being devoted - Romans 12:5

All belong to one another - members of one another
These who have been united with Christ - this is your spiritual family

Be a giver, not just a taker
Always need great listeners (not just being quite) - ask questions, draw people out
Do your part to make the group warm, loving, supportive, open, etc
"I'm not getting much out from this group" - check your heart and actions

Appreciate, affirm, and encourage the different gifts - 1 Corinthians 12

God has given our brothers and sisters for our enjoyment
Give special focus to those who may feel marginalized by illness/disability

2010-03-03 - To Live is Christ - In My Heart
Philippians 1:7-8

During Paul's 3 days of blindness:
  • His Pharisaic crust was broken
  • His independence had melted
  • He recognized and braced the true Lord
One of the most touching paragraphs written by Paul in the NT
Instead of seeing cell walls - he saw the Philippian disciples needs, struggles, and victories
Paul had to have come to know them all
He did not just start the church there, he began a family

He was committed to all of them - he was a true shepherd:
  • He called his own sheep by name - John 10:3
  • He laid down his life for them - John 10:11
  • He knew his sheep - John 10:14
Paul turned from persecutor to nurturer
We too can long for people with the affection of Christ but we must have people in our hearts

2010-03-27 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 1)
James address Christians under pressure
Without pressure, the human body soon slows down and dies
Pressure keeps the blood flowing

James chooses to call himself servant rather than brother - James 1:1
He was a prominent leader in the early church but he kept a down-to-earth perspective
Anyone in a leadership role needs to have the same attitude

How are trials to be met? With pure joy - James 1:2-8
There are two options: continue in the process of becoming mature or walk away and do it our own way
Maturity is not just spiritual longevity - it is how you react under pressure

What do we do it we lack wisdom? Ask for it
Not IQ but for knowing what to do in tricky situations
It's a promise of God that he will enable you to live more intelligently

What is last big trial you faced? How did you react?

2010-04-02 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 2)
While there is certain kinds of judging that is prohibited or discourage, there is also judging that is encouraged
  • Judging whether someone is receptive - Matthew 7:6
  • Coming to a correct conclusion - Luke 12:57
  • Spiritual judgments - 1 Corinthians 2:15
  • Church discipline - 1 Corinthians 5:12-13
  • Adjudicating in litigation - 1 Corinthians 6:5
  • Being convicted by spiritual worship - 1 Corinthians 14:24
And some judgment belonging only to God
  • Judgment regarding retribution - Hebrews 10:30
  • Final judgment - John 12:48

2010-04-03 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 3)
God is just, his laws are just - this should give us great confidence
God justice - does not guarantee life will be fair - James himself was executed in 62AD

There is quite a difference between compassion and softness - James 2:8-13
The struggles to decide what to do, only God's perfect law can guide us:
  • Revolution or comprise
  • Retaliation or connivance
  • Reaction or corruption
If you ask the man on the street what is the most part of the Bible, what would they say?
Maybe the Ten Commandments? - If so, they would be wrong

  1. Love God wholeheartedly - Deuteronomy 6:5
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself - Leviticus 19:18
Neither are in the Ten Commandments

A mark of true Christianity is adherence to these two laws
Total commitment and total involvement
As long these are two commands are the top priority, our focus will not be warped or unbiblical

2010-04-25 - Heart of Friendship (part 1)

Preached by John Lusk (2005-01-23)

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  • We need each other
  • Many books written about relationships - None seem to completely work

Christ is the key to having true friendships

Friendship with Christ

John 15:14-15

  • Amazing - God of the universe calls us a "friend"
  • Much like a maturing parent/child relationship - we grow from master/slave relationship to a friendship with the almighty God
  • Jesus meet many of our needs - Belonging and Security

Matthew 11:28-30 - Jesus yoke is easy and he will give you rest

Hebrews 4:15-16 - Jesus understands and have been in your situation

2 Peter 1:3 - He given everything we need in life

2010-04-28 - Heart of Maturity (Motivation of Maturing)

Preached by John Lusk (2005-01-30)

How passionate are you about maturing?

  • Being a new Christian, it was easiler because everything was new. Now what?
  • We must have the correct motivation if we are to continue maturing in the long run.

Motivation of Maturing

1. To regain your identify

Genesis 1:26-27

  • We need to realize who we are suppose to be
  • Duck example
    • First thing it sees when it is born it assumes is its mother and will follow it around
    • If the baby duck follows something other than another duck, it will get frustrated because it can only do what duck do
  • Human example
    • We were made to be like God
    • We see other things and try to follow the world
    • We also get frustrated because worldly persuits are not what were designed for

2. To remian in Jesus

1 John 2:3-4 - This is a expectation from God

3. To be effective and productive

2 Peter 1:4-8

  • Must make every effort
  • It would be sad to find out in the end we were ineffective and unproductive
  • Others need you to grow!
  • Your growth rate will determine how much you are effective, not where you are right now

4. Secure salvation

2 Peter 1:8-11 - We have been given a new start

Wrong motivation - Pleasing people, selfish ambition

2010-05-12 - Desire's Journey - Our Heart's Deepest Secret
But I still haven't found what I am looking for - U2

We have a secret desire for life as it was meant to be
Again and again the yearning of our heart cries for this life

Life  comes to all of us as a mystery
We long to live a life we are not sure where to find

The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search for life.
Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart
To lose heart is to lose everything - Proverbs 4:23

Who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart's desire

Our heart yearns for things to be right is so strong that it overrides the logic and hopes against hope every time
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Proverbs 20:5

There are two things that pierce the human heart:
  • Beauty
  • Affliction

2010-05-16 - Desire's Journey - Battle Between Us
What causes fights? Isn't it the evil desires within you? - James 4:1-2

The life we want is so far from the life we truly want.
For longing to be filled - we need the cooperation of others
We need others, it is part of our design
Very few of our desire are self-fulfilling

The world is indifferent to our desire
We weren't made to be ignored
We pretend it does not matter - it is doing damage to our souls

Resentment - simmering anger at our blocked desires
We pretend we have rise above it

2010-05-18 - Desire's Journey - Dare We Desire?

Although the voice was kind, the question felt harsh
Do you want to get well? - John 5:6
He thought: why else would I have spent every day for the past 38 seasons lying here?

How long can we sustain desire against continual disappointment?
The man at the well began to lose any virtal heart-connection to what he want - he had abandoned desire

By asking him what he wanted, Jesus took him back into desire
Why? It is where we must go if we are to meet God



2010-05-19 - Desire's Journey - An Invitation to Desire

Christianity is not an invitation to become a moral person or a program to get us into a reforming society

Christianity begins with an invitation to desire

What do you want me to do for you? - Luke 18:41
Jesus continually took people into their hearts - to their deepest desires

What does Jesus choose to talk about with the women at the well?
Her immorality? No
He speaks to her about thirst - John 4:10
Lets talk about your heart's thirst since the life you've chosen isn't working

All you who are thirsty, come to the waters - Isaiah 55:1-2
Message had gotten lost by the time Jesus' showed up
Jew of the day were practicing soul-killing, lifeless religion of duty and obligation

No wonder Jesus was feared. He came along and started appealing to desire

To the lost - Jesus spoke of finding your way
To the weary - Jesus speaks of rest

Again and again Jesus took them back to their desires
Ask and it will be given to you - Matthew 7:7

What is it that you want? - Would have fallen on deaf ear if his message was unrelateable

2010-05-20 - Desire's Journey - Life to the Fullest
I have come so you may have life to the full - John 10:10

Not: "I have come to exhaust you with long list of demands"
Not only is eternal life duration but quality

In him was life and that life was the light of men - John 1:4
People who aren't very good with keeping with a program are very aware of their soul's deep thirst for Jesus' message

They tear off roofs
The trample each other to get closer to him

Have you seen anyone acting like this in order to join a church committee or to hear a sermon about a set of rules to follow?

People act like this when it is a matter of life and death
When life is at stake, human desire goes into desperation mode

Pharisees missed the boat on this one
Hearts were hardened by the very law they claimed would bring them life
They killed their souls' thirst with duty and knowledge

2010-06-14 - I need to pray (part 1)

Preached on 2002-08-25 by Vince Hawkins

Ephesians 3:14-21

  • I kneel before the Father - come to God humble
  • Strength comes from how deep, wide, long of Christ's love
  • Prayer can do anything God can do

God overwhelms the mind

Genesis 41:40 - overwhelmed Joseph with the position that was given to him

1 Kings 10:7-8 - Sheba was overwhelmed by Solomon's wealth and wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:9 - He will overwhelm you by his love

Ephesians 3:20 - more than we can ask or image

  • Think about how God meet everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God go beyond everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God can bless you beyond what we can think of

2010-07-06 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 3)

On that day, Jesus appears and announces himself as the Bridegroom - Matthew 9:15

Jesus makes his proposal: I will prepare a place for you - John 14:2-3
Culture of the day - these very words would be used by a young man to his fiancee
He would return to his father's house and build the additonal room to be the bride suite

We have become betrothed to the Bidegroom
The bride belongs to the bridegroom - John 3:29
We are in the time of waiting for the Bridegroom to return

The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing - Augustine

2010-07-08 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 5)

God create male and female in his own image - Genesis 1:27
Gender is how we bear the image of God

God does not have a body so it must be at the level of the soul

Men bear the image of God in their dangerous, inviting strength
Women bear the image of God tender and beautiful
God is the source of all masculine power and feminine allure

It is the nature of love to be generous
Married couples long to have children - want others to share in their happiness
There is no joy like a reunion - there is no sorrow like the sorrow of separation

Jesus tells us to not to fear death
Jesus makes a statement at Lazarus' funeral - if we a are his, we will never die - John 11:26
His tears for Martha and Mary and all who suffer loss and our inablility to see beyond it

God is not the God of dead but of the living - Luke 20:38


2010-07-15 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 2)
Life is both a battle and journey

Life in its fullness has yet to come
So we must take serious care of our hearts now

How awful to reach the end of life and we find we haven't bought our hearts along with us

Two extremes:
Life is full of striving and indulgence
A long march of duty and obligation

When considering the promises of God and nature of the rewards, we see that the Lord finds our desires much too weak
We are far too easily pleased

We believe that life is not going to offer what we truly want so we have reduced our desire to a more manageable size.

Lets be honest and all it what it is: sin

2010-07-17 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 4)
What is it that we truly desire? The problems is we do not know
Our unexamined desire rules you
Most of our live far from from our hearts

Those living in duty and obligation may need to give all that a rest - so their hearts can come to the surface
Pharisees - their religious activities deadened them to the point that they could not recognize God when he stood before them

Our deepest treasure becomes our most dutiful burden, it really kills our hearts

Those living in indulging desire will need to give it a rest too

Going cold turkey - just stay in your desire 15 minutes longer than you usually do
When you feel the desire - let the desire just be; let your heart put some honest words to what you are feeling
We must learn what is actually being roused
The attuned we are to our desire, the less prone we'll be to imposters

2010-07-19 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 6)
From the section about Jesus' trial in the dessert

2. Trail comes after we determine not to take matters into our own hands

By refusing to turn stones into bread, Jesus choose to trust God
Satan tries to attack our sense of God's heart toward us
If our thoughts are: "Do I really have to wait that long? Do you care me, God?" - Satan will jump all over this

Jesus came to answer once and for all our question: "Do you love me?"
We can stand firm on the ground of the cross against the doubt
We don't need for God to prove his love for us - he has at the cross

2010-07-20 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 7)
From the section about Jesus' trial in the dessert

3. Satan reveals his true self - Matthew 4:8-11

Satan: "You don't have to take the route of suffering"
"There are shortcuts, just give your heart away"

Jesus: "There are no shortcuts, my heart belongs to God alone"

Once we realize what a precious that heart's desire is, we must see that and guard it with all of our might
  • To neglect it is foolishness
  • To kill it is suicide
  • To allow it to wander aimlessly is disaster

We must be serious about our happiness

2010-07-22 - Desire's Journey - Orchestra like worship
You may have heard an orchestra tuning up before a concert
Then the violins plays a long C and all the instruments join in

The the players become focused, centered, and ready to preform
This is what happens with chaos of our desires when we turn our souls to God in worship
All the other desires find their place as we give God his place

Delight yourself int he Lord and he he will give you the desires of our hearts - Psalms 37:4

Our delighting in God, he heals our false desires as our souls come true in the light of the Maker
Worship becomes the means by which we most deeply heal our desire

2010-07-24 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 1)
The more comfortable we are with mystrery in our journey, the more rest we will know along the way

Paul's quests - 2 Corinthians 6:10
  • Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
  • Poor, yet making many rich
  • Having nothing, yet possessing everything
If we remain open to sorrow, we can know joy

Somehow being empty allows us to make others rich

Some believe in the church that being a Christian somehow satisfies our every desire
Augustine: "The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing"

Being content is not the same as being full

2010-07-25 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 2)
Paul learned the secret of being content - Philippians 4:12
Many Christians assume he no longer experienced the thirst of his soul
Earlier Paul said he had not obtained his soul's desire nor already made perfect (complete)
He was straining toward what was ahead - Philippians 3:12-14

Contentment is not freedom from desire but freedom of desire
It is no longer being ruled by your desires

We have 3 options:
  1. To be alive and thirsty
  2. To be dead
  3. To be addicted
Most of the world lives in addiction
Most of the church has chosen deadness

Christians are called to live the life of holy longing but we don't like to stay there

To live in thirst is to live with an ache
Every addiction comes from the attempt to get rid of the ache
Merely trying sets us on an unending chase that leads us farther and farther from home

2010-07-29 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 6)

With beauty, we need not fear indulging here
There is not a possessive quality to it
You can love the landscape without acquiring the real estate

Beauty is the closest thing we have to fullness without possessing on this side of eternity

Two kinds of losses in life:

  1. Shared by all mankind - accidents,  fate, acts of God
  2. Only know by the pilgrim - losses that we choose. We give up something that wasn't ours to begin with

Spiritual surrender is not resignation
Not choosing to care longer
Not an attempt to get beyond the suffering

It is surrender with desire

2010-08-06 - Waking Dead - At War (part 1)
The thief comes to only steal, kill, and destroy our life - John 10:10

God intends for you to have life but right now that life is opposed
The offer from God is life, but you are going to have to fight for it
The enemy in your life has a different agenda

We are a war
The sooner we come to terms with it, the better hope we have of making it through
We live in a combat zone - a violent clash between kingdoms
Where did you think all this opposition was coming from?

We are in the image of God - Genesis 1:27
God crowd us with glory and honor - Psalms 8:3-5

We were once more than we are now
Glory has been the object of a long and brutal was

Lurking in the Garden is the enemy
Unable to overthrow the Mighty One, he turned his sights on those who bore his image
David: You turn my glory into shame - Psalms 4:2

War is a central theme in the Old Testament
The Lord is a warrior - Exodus 15:2

OT Battle examples:
  • God goes to war to set his people free in Exodus
  • War to get to the promise land - Exodus 17:16
  • War to get into the promise land - battle of Jericho
  • Wars to keep the promise land - battles with Canannites, Philistines, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Midianites
  • Deborah, Gideon, David, Elijah goes to war

2010-08-24 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 1)
Our destiny is to come fully alive
To explain sin, some have gone to the point of saying "I am just a sinner, saved by grace" or "there sure isn't anything good in me"
But this is unbibical

They point to: "For I know that nothing good lives in me" - Romans 7:18
Notice he says " in my flesh" - there is a difference between the flesh (old heart) and the true you

Yes, we battle sin and crucify the flesh but we choose to live from the new heart
That sinful nature you battle is not who you are

"it is no longer I myself who do it"  X 2 - Romans 7:17-18; 20, 22
Paul opens the letter with "Paul, an apostle" not as a sinner

You should shine like stars - Philippians 2:15-16
Let your light shine before men - Matthew 5:16

Shame says - "I am nothing to look at. I am not capable of goodness"
Humility say - "I bear a glory for sure, but it is a reflected glory"

2010-08-29 - Waking Dead - Listening to His Voice
God is still speaking to us today

I have much more to say to you. The Spirit will guide you in all truth - John 16:12-13
There is much more than Jesus wants to say to you
Since the Spirit resides in you heart - the conversation can continue

Many good people never hear God because they have never been told  that he does
He who belongs to God hears what God says - John 8:47

His sheep follow him because they hear his voice. I am the good shpherd - John 10:4
He wants to speak to you and want to lead you to good pasture

When we ask, we need to hear what the true answer is - not what we want to hear

2010-09-01 - Waking Dead - Our Story (part 2)
The enemy is after us from the beginning

Joseph stands out from his brothers
Instead of celebrating his glory, his brothers want to destroy it
The worst blows typically come from family

David full of faith and courage when he sees that on one will take on Goliath
His older cowardly brother is exposed by David's bravery
Older brother - "I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is" - 1 Samuel 17:28
The worst blows come from those who know us well

Even Jesus' brothers did not believe in him - John 7:5
His family came to bring him home because they think he has lost it - Luke 8:20

Sometimes the very thing that someone loves to do is the thing God has given them as a source of celebration
We should check to see this is true before we turn it into shame
How long will you turn my glory into shame - Psalms 4:2

What have you believed about your heart over the years?

2010-09-02 - Waking Dead - Ask God
  • Peter was one of Jesus' best friends
  • Went to see the Transfiguration (with James and John)
  • He came along to see Christ raise Jarorus' daughter from the dead
  • Jesus went to Peter in the garden of Gethsemane for strength (but failed)
Peter had a special place in Jesus' heart
When Christ arose, he did not let Peter sweep the whole matter under the rug - John 21:15-17
It would have haunted the old fisherman for the rest of his life

Most of us try to "put things behind us"
  • Guilt would have made it had to pray
  • Made it more difficult to tell others about Jesus
He want truth in our inter most being - so he has to take us to our inter most being

Jesus was asked would he feed his sheep times - for each betrayal
Lessons that have been laid down in pain can be accessed only by pain
Christ must open the wound not just bandage it over

Instead of burying the pain, ask God what he is wanting to speak to you

2010-09-08 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 5)
Our sin give the enemy a certain claim to our lives - Romans 6:16

As we renounce any sin, we also renounce any claim we've given to Satan in our lives
This often comes in the form of  "agreements" - Satan has suggested something to us and we have said yes.
  • "Don't ever trust anyone"
  • "Your heart is bad, never show it to anyone"
  • "You are dirty and will never get free"
We command our enemy to flee - James 4:7

As long as we have unhealed places in our hearts, it is next to impossible to live in freedom and victory
No matter how much discipline we apply to it

Our enemy knows them well and trying undermine us and uses it against us with a disabling effect

2010-09-26 - Waking Dead - Heart of Treasure
Above all else, guard your heart - Proverbs 4:23

Having so long believed our hearts are evil, we assume the warning is to keep us out of trouble
So we lock up our hearts and throw away the key and try to get on with our living
It does say guard your heart because it is criminal but because it is the wellspring of of life
It is treasure - everything else depends on it

Above all else?
We don't even do it once in a while - we careless with our hearts

What if we were careful?
Faith would be must deeper
Relationships so much better

We live completely backwards
"All else" is above our hearts

What do you do on a monthly basis to take care of your heart?

God intends that we treat our hearts as treasures
They were ransomed at a tremendous cost

2010-10-08 - Contagious Christian - Attractiveness of Authenticity (part 2)
Authentic Emotional life
Expressing sadness or hurt or grief are not signs of low faith or shallow character

There are two negative consequences when a person outlaws certain feelings
  • He loses the ability to experience feeling altogether and is left with apathy and disorientation
  • Have emotional inauthenticity because they have been lying to themselves for so long
Seeker just shake their heads
Remember what Jesus did when His friend Lazarus died? He wept

Authentic Confession
How Christian deal with their foul-ups and failures
The thinking here is that our moral missteps will drive people away

But actually, It is a powerful witness to the transforming power of Christ
Zacchaeus' household was converted because he was very open with what he did wrong

Today authentic confession cause a seeker in today's non-fault society to realize that only the living God would prompt a person to say "it is my fault and I am sorry"

2010-10-28 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part III)
Third major kind of sacrifice is a sustained, long term godly lifestyle
Spiritual cynicism runs deep in some people - Christians need to watch their life and doctrine closely to win them over

May times these are family member who have seen you go through phases before and think this is just another one

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices by being transformed with the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:1-2
History has seen rush of the Christianity starting blocks only to be on the side lines after a couple of laps
Time shows our faith to be genuine
Like in a marathon, we have to finish the race
We have to outlast other's objections

Are you going to be God's helper that is going to wear down every cynic, scoffer, and doubter in your life?

All three of the major sacrifices must be motivated by love
Love has no one greater than this - that on lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

2010-11-08 - Contagious Christian - Matthew's Interpersonal Approach
After accepting Jesus' call, Matthew did whatever he could to bring along as many of his friends as possible
He put on big banquet for his tax collector buddies in our for them to meet Jesus - Luke 5:29
He did not confront, debate, or tell them what happened to him
He relied on the relationships he'd built with them and he sought to further develop their friendship

He genuinely cared about them and wanted to influence them toward considering Christ

People who specialize in this approach, tend to be warm and people-centered
Some people will never be reached until someone takes the time to build that kind of intimacy with them

Interpersonal evangelist enjoy:
  • Having people in their homes
  • Sharing a meal
  • Spending time in conversation

2010-11-09 - Contagious Christian - Samaritan Woman Invitational Approach
Samaritan woman was living an immoral lifestyle
Jesus ignored all conventional wisdom - John 4
It didn't take long to realize she wasn't talking to any ordinary teacher but the Messiah

She immediately went to town and brought people back to hear Jesus
Now we have seen and heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world - John 4:42

Many would make great strides if they just make strategic inviting to a church service or event
Primary question you will need to answer is which event will be appropriate to bring them to

Invitation are great way for all of us but some just have the knack for getting people to go places with them

Many of these Christians tend to stay out of the limelight but they make a big impact to their world

2010-11-18 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part III)
The Bridge Illustration

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  • He made us
  • We matter to God
  • He wants to have a relationship with us
  • We rebelled against God
  • Our sins separate us from Him
  • Attempts to reach Him fall short - Romans 3:23
  • Our sins desire death - Romans 6:23
  • There is much trouble apart from God - people need to understand their lostness
  • Christ died so we have relationship restored - 1 Peter 3:18
A common response is to go back and think about it for a while
Other times God has prepared their hearts through someone else
We need to give them this freedom

2010-11-21 - Contagious Christian - Breaking Barriers to Belief (part II)
2. Bad Teaching

Some carry inaccurate portrayals of God because they have been taught wrong ideas

As long as they picture God as someone who he is not, they will not want to follow him
  • A helpless old man
  • Cosmic killjoy
  • Disinterested deity
  • Harsh ogre
Misguided mental images effectively blunt  people's motivation to move toward God
Identify with your friends concerns and share your own misconceptions
Beast way of replacing misguided ideas with accurate ones is to teach the Bible

3. Natural Fears

Some have distorted images of Christianity
They are going to lose more than they'll ever gain - misunderstanding God's character

Taste the Lord, his is good - Psalms 34:8

In John 10, Jesus sensed that people were worried about God's plan for their lives
The evil one comes to destroy your life. But I am not like him. I came to give you life to the full.

Christian it not only great way to die but also a great way to live.

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-11 - Seeking God (part I)

What are you looking for in life?

Acts 17:16-28

  • Ever ask yourself: “What on earth am I here for?” You aren’t alone!
  • Why did God create you and bring you to this very point and time in your life? So that you would seek him and
    find him in order to have a personal relationship with him.
  • Who takes the initiative in seeking this relationship? Because God loves us and desires a relationship with us, he has been actively determining times and places long before we ever thought about seeking him (Psalms 14:2-3).
  • Why do so few seem to be seeking today?
    • God is unknown and the image many have of him is distorted v23
    • We have created our own god. We all worship something.
    • To seek God, we must be willing to change our ideas about who God is to match what has been revealed to us in the Bible
  • There is nothing more important or exciting in life than to seek and to find our Creator God.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

  • We will find God if we seek Him with all our heart.
  • Have you ever done something with all your heart? What is it?
  • What will it mean for you to seek God with all your heart?

2010-12-21 - Sin (part I)
1 Peter 2:9-10
  • Every person is either in the darkness or the light. This study will show us that outside of Jesus we are all in the darkness.
Isaiah 59:1-2
  • What is the consequence of sin? Sin hurts others, hurts ourselves, but ultimately sin hurts and separates us from God.
  • God is light. As long as the wall of sin remains, we are in the darkness.
  • In order to have a relationship with God, the barrier of sin must come down.
Romans 3:21-24
  • We will come back to other ideas in this text later, but focus on v23. Who has sinned?
  • Use illustrations to show that some are better than others, but all sin and fall short.
  • Examples: Swimming to Hawaii, graph showing piles of sin.
  • Who is more lost? There is no “good person” who is without sin.
Mark 7:14-23
  • Sin is not simply wrong actions, but a problem of the heart.
  • Who is responsible for our sin? Despite genetics, parenting, peer pressure and socio-economic conditions, we are responsible for our own sin, which comes from our own hearts and makes us unclean.
  • What is the consequence of being unclean before God?
  • Discuss the sins Jesus talks about here.

2011-01-07 - Church (part I)

Acts 2:40-47

  • The first 3000 converts joined together in devotion to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.
  • A beautiful view of the early church. How would you like to be part of such a church?

Romans 12:1-8

  • The church is a community of people
    • devoted to God (vv1-2)
    • belonging to one another (vv3-5) 
    • devoted to one another (vv 6-10).

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

  • The Spirit baptizes us into the body of Jesus, his church.
  • The church consists of distinct yet unified parts, just like a human body.
  • God himself has arranged it this way.
  • We are the church; each of us must actively look for the distinct yet unified ways we are to support this body.
  • How will you help build up the body of Christ?

2011-02-12 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part II)
The Standard of a Disciple
Luke 9:18-26
  • Question: What were Jesus and his disciples doing? How is your prayer life?
  • Question: Why do you think the people thought so many things? Turned to men instead of God's word
  • Question: If someone wants to come after Jesus what does He say they need to do?
    • Deny self - Put God's will above your own
    • Take up his cross and crucify self - no longer live for self but to do God's will
    • Follow Jesus and imitate the life of Jesus - do the things that Jesus would do in situation
  • Question: How can you show Jesus that you want to hold to his standard?
Commitment of Following Jesus
Luke 9:57-62
  • Question: What do you think these men wanted from Jesus?
    • These men wanted the life and blessing of being with Jesus without the commitment
    • Jesus wants full commitment - like in a marriage - not 80% commitment
    • There is no good reason to NOT follow Jesus
  • Question: How can you show 100% commitment? QTs, fellowship, coming to church, BT, etc

2011-02-17 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: Understand how the Bible explains what Jesus went through before/during and after the cross

Painful betrayal of a friend
Matthew 26:14-30
  • Judas had already decided in his heart and actions to betray Jesus. Then he watched for an opportunity to carry out sin.
  • Share: A person's heart can be so hard that they no longer fear God - Psalms 36:1-3
  • In spite of knowing that Judas was lying and plotting to have him killed, Jesus still loved him.
  • The disciples had no clue who it was.
  • Jesus' heart and actions never expressed any anger/resentment toward Judas
Pain of Friends Mistrust
Matthew 26:31-35
  • Peter accepted the words of Jesus until it came time to apply them to his life.
  • Share: Peter's prideful refusal to accept Jesus will for his life lead other down the wrong path

2011-02-20 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part IV)
Pain of Bearing our Sin
1 Peter 2:19-25
  • Jesus suffered for you and me because he loves us that much (willing to take our pain)
  • Not only did Jesus bear the physical pain but the emotional and spiritual pain as well.
  • This pain and separation from God was more than he could take (lead to his overwhelming death)
  • Question: How do you feel about the fact that Jesus went through all this for you? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: Did you know that Jesus loved you this much? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: How do you feel about your sin now that you know what Jesus went through?
Our Responsibility Towards the Sin in our Life
2 Corinthians 7:8-13
  • Worldly Sorrow = feel bad because you did wrong and/or got caught doing something
  • Godly Sorrow = repentance, earnestness, eagerness to clear yourself, longing, concern, indignation, alarm, ready to see justice done
  • Share: God wants you to respond by repenting of your sin and showing love to him because he loved you first - 1 John 4:19

2011-02-28 - Servant of God (part II)
The last will be first
Mark 9:33-35
  • The first must be last
  • This is not how it is in the work place
    • Go ahead take my promotion
    • Kiss up to the boss
    • Fighting to be the best
    • Spend long hours at work
If we don't see the needs around -> we should pray for Go to show us
What ways should you be serving?

It will take faith:
  • Who will take care of me?
  • They may not thank you
Matthew 23:11
  • The humble will be exalted
  • Servants can not be prideful; humility is the badge the slave
Luke 17:7-10 - Our attitude at the end of the day should be that we are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty

2011-03-23 - God Is (part IV)
Part 4 on the study of God:
  • Light - 1 John 1:5
  • Long-suffering - Psalms 86:15; 2 Peter 3:15
  • Love - 1 John 4:8, 16
  • Merciful - Exodus 34:6; Psalms 103:8-10; James 5:11
  • Most Wise - Romans 16:27; Jude 25

2011-03-28 - Old Testament - Seeking God
Old Testament Seeking God study
  • Isaiah 1:2 - God created us and cared for us but we rebelled agianst him
  • Jeremiah 29:11-14 - Will find God if you seek me with all your heart and soul
  • Proverbs 4:7 - Wisdom is supreme but it will cost you all you have
  • Psalms 10:4 - The arrogent say 'God won't hold me accountable'
  • Psalms 42:1-2 - David thirst for God
  • Psalms 62:1 - David waited patiently for God
  • Psalms 63:1 - He longed, thristed, yearned for God
  • Psalms 61:2 - He called out to God in despair

2011-03-31 - Old Testament - Messianic Prophecy

Scriptures about Messianic Prophecy

  • Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - His form was so marred he no longer looked human
  • Genesis 22:1-18 - Abraham did not withheld his son, your only son
  • Psalms 16:8-10 - He will you let your Holy One see decay
  • Psalms 2:7  - Messiah will be God's Son
  • Genesis 12:3 - All peoples on earth will be blessed through you
  • Deuteronomy 18:15 - The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you
  • Micah 5:2 - From Judah will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel
  • Isaiah 7:14 - The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel
  • Isaiah 9:1-2 - Future: people walking in darkness have seen a great light
  • Isaiah 9:6 - a son has been given to us: Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

2011-04-02 - Old Testament - Kingdom
Old testament scriptures about the upcoming kingdom:
  • Daniel 2:31-45- Dream's dream
  • Isaiah 2:2 - All nations will stream to it
  • Isaiah 4:2 - In that day the Branch of the LORD will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel
  • Genesis 49:10 - He to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his
  • Malachi 3:1- I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.
  • Malachi 4:1-6 - I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes

2011-06-13 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VI)
Obtaining the mind of Christ is a life-long process achieved gradually

A. There is a significant different between obtaining the mind of Christ and obtaining salvation from sin.
  1. You are saved at the point of rebirth. Afterwards, there is nothing you can do to get more saved.
  2. On the other hand, you may posses only a small part of the mind of Christ
B. Salvation is obtained in one act; Spirituality is attained through a life time of consistent effort
  1. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved - Mark 16:16
  2. Adding to your faith helps make your calling and election sure - 2 Peter 1:5-11

2011-06-17 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part II)
Three stages in discipleship (continued):

2. The convinced disciple
  • After miracles, disciples put their faith in him - John 2:11
  • Many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name - John 2:23
  • Many Samaritans believed in him because of the woman's testimony - John 4:39, 41, 53
  • From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him - John 6:14, 25-27, 60-66
3. The committed disciple
  • Lord, to whom shall we go? - John 6:67-69
  • You are the Christ, the Son of the living God - Matthew 16:13-16

2011-07-04 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part V)
Oneness with the Father means to think the same thoughts, speak the same words, do the same deeds, and be of the same kind of

We must think the same thoughts.
  • John 8:16 - I stand with the Father, who sent me
  • Romans 8:5 - Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires
We must say the same words.
  • John 14:24 - These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me
  • John 12:49 - Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it
We must do the same deeds.
  • John 5:19 - Whatever the Father does the Son also does
  • John 13:15 - I have set you an example that you should do as I have done

2011-07-07 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part II)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • John 6:51 - This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
  • Galatians 1:4 - He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live
  • Ephesians 5:2 - Christ loved us and gave himself up for us
  • Titus 2:14 - He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
  • Philippians 2:7- He made himself nothing
  • Hebrews 7:27 - He sacrificed for their sins once for all

2011-07-08 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part III)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission: (continued)

2. He earnestly longed for salvation of sinners.
  • Mark 10:21 - Go, sell everything you have and come follow me
  • Luke 13:34 - How often I have longed to gather your children together
  • Luke 19:41 - As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.
3. He kept his mind continually fixed on his objective.
  • John 9:4 - As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me
  • John 4:34 - For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God,
  • Luke 19:10 - For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
  • Mark 1:38-39 - I can preach there also. That is why I have come

2011-07-10 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part V)
Paul employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • 1 Corinthians 9:19 - To become what he needed to become to win as many as possible
  • 1 Corinthians 9:12 - We put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ
  • 2 Timothy 2:10 - Endure everything for the sake of the elect
  • ~2 Corinthians 11:22-33 - Endured and worked harder than anyone
  • 2 Corinthians 12:15 - Gladly spends for you everything
2. He earnestly longed for the salvation of sinners.
  • Romans 9:1-3 - He wish he could paid the price for them
  • Romans 10:1 - My heart's desire for you to be saved
  • Galatians 4:19 - Was in pains of childbirth for their salvation

2011-07-13 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part VIII)
We must employ at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. We must give ourselves totally to this fulfillment
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58 - Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord
  • 1 John 3:16 - We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers
  • 2 Corinthians 8:5- Would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord
2. We must earnestly long for the salvation of sinners
  • Jeremiah 9:1 - I would weep day and night for the slain of my people
  • Luke 13:34 - How often I have longed to gather your children together

2011-07-24 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part VIII)

The self emptied life obtained:

A. The crucifixion of self:

  • Romans 6:6-7 - Old self was crucified with him
  • Luke 9:23 - We must deny our self
  • A threefold crucifixion:
    • Self interest: I have been crucified with Christ - Galatians 2:20
    • Sinful passion: Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified - Galatians 5:24
    • Worldly desires: The world has been crucified to me - Galatians 6:14


2011-07-28 - Fearing God - Infinitely Greater Than Nature
Isaiah 40:12

v40:12a - God measures the water in the hallow of his hand
We can probably hold about a tablespoon and not for very long
2/3 of the earth is covered in water and in places 6 miles deep
Yet God says He holds all that water in his hand

v40:12b - God marked off heaven with his breadth of his hand
Breadth = the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger, spread apart
Ours is somewhere eight inches
We can not even calculate the distance across the universe
Nearest star beside the sun is 26 trillion miles away

v40:12c - Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket? Weighted the mountains and hills?
Baskets measurement is around 1/4 of a gallon
He holds the dust in such a container and weighs the mountains on a set of scales

As we think about these truths we will more and more appreciate God's greatness

2011-08-03 - Daughter Needs - Mr. Success (part I)
Jephtah mother was a prostitute and was denied him any share of the estate

Years later the Ammonites made war on Israel - it was the opportunity to have one big success
He understood that the battle belonged to the Lord
Made a foolish vow of saying - if he won he would sacrifice the first thing opened the door of his house - Judges 11:30-31
His one and only daughter can running out

He could have renounced his foolish words but he simply wanted success more
His pride prevented him to do so
Jephtah's pride and drive to be respected were more important than the life of his daughter

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