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Searching for "looking" in the Quiet Time Archive
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2012-03-18 - Renewing of your Mind (part I)

Romans 12:1-2 - renewing of your mind

Satan is the Father of lies - John 8

Love the checklist - but it is a matter of belief

Don't follow because we don't believe

We learn from the past how we did not follow, but it is much better to learn in the present with His Word

A lie may contain some truth or can by applied in some - Satan can use scripture too

Looking back my actions make no sense / or why i struggled? 3 failures and a struggle

1. Hiding the cookies - Matthew 6:25-27

Lie: If I give, I will run out for myself
Truth: God/Parents gives good gifts to us; we need to trust

2012-10-02 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Crawling (part I)
God humbled and dirtied himself just to search for one lost soul - you
  • He who was rich, became poor - 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • And became sin for us - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • He is able to sympathize with us
  • He was tempted in every way - Hebrews 4:15-16
  • He got down and washed the disciples feet - John 13:1-5

Some feel distant from him because of our sin but God is desperately looking for us - Luke 15:8

2015-02-27 - Powerful Testimony

He jumped up, stood on his feet and began to walk - Acts 3:7-8

That is the power of a transformed life

This man was not looking for a miracle

The apostles had no money to give him but they did not leave him empty handed

Get up your mat and walk and he took off running and leaped and praise God

Thousands likely turned to Jesus Christ from the personal testimony of one man - Acts 4:4

A changed life is a powerful testimony to the reality of the gospel

You may not feel qualified to a large crowd about Bible doctrine or deep theology but can certainly testify to what God is doing in your life

2015-03-31 - Eyes Have It

I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman - Job 31:1

Sexual temptation burns many men simply because they are careless

Job took some time for self-examination

He knew that

  • God's gaze penetrated far deeper than his own
  • The importance of keeping his body aways from sexual sin

Those who have no interest in pleasing the Lord will say, "Hey, there's no harm in looking" but the man commited to God knows better

Job's advice if you want to keep your body and mind pure: Don't even look


2015-07-23 - True Satisfaction

You still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! - John 14:8-9

There are many reason why people don't find satisfaction because don't alway know what they are looking for

Philip spent 3+ years follwoing Jesus and his feelow disciple Nathanael to him and still felt dissatisfied

He firmly believed Jesus was the long awaited Messiah but it had not fully sunk in that He was truely God in the flesh

Philip was looking for the Father to be satisfied, where do you look find satisfaction?

2015-09-16 - Foresightful

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead - Philippians 3:13

God promises to bless you when you focus on what he calls you to do today and in the future

Paul remembered the past and the lessons he had learned from it

He often refered to his past but he didn't live there

Paul looked forward to things God had for him - namely finishing the race of faith

God has a wonderful plan for your future

Don't focus so much on where you've been that you lose sight of where you are headed

2017-01-21 - The Character of Jesus (part I)

The character of Jesus sums the qualities Jesus that distinguishes from other men

We are rightly prepared to listen to Jesus when we know something of what Jesus is

The Scientific Method - no scientist can be begin his work unless he is put in possession of definte and contrete facts

In this course, we will look at defintite and clean-cut facts

  • Sayings - we will find many of them hard to understand
  • Personality - we will find ourselves face to face with mysteries too deep to fathom
  • Character - handling something concrete and comprehensible

Not only is this is the scientific method, it is the New Testament method

Jesus desires men to come to the truth which he is to give to the world by a knowledge of his character

Whom are you looking for? ... Come and see - John 1:39