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2011-04-17 - Names of Jesus (part XI)
A daily study of the Jesus' names:
  • Lord of all - Acts 10:36
  • Lord of glory - 1 Corinthians 2:8
  • Lord of Lords - Revelation 19:16
  • Lord Our Righteouss - Jeremiah 23:6
  • Mediator between God and men - 1 Timothy 2:5
  • Messenger of the covenant - Malachi 3:1
  • Messiah - Daniel 9:25; John 1:41

2011-04-18 - Names of Jesus (part XII)
Jesus' names through out the Bible:
  • Mighty God - Isaiah 9:6
  • Mighty One of Jacob - Isaiah 60:16
  • Morning-star - Revelation 22:16
  • Nazarene - Matthew 2:23
  • Offspring of David - Revelation 22:16
  • Only Begotten of the Father - John 1:14
  • Our Passover - 1 Corinthians 5:7

2011-04-19 - Names of Jesus (part XIII)
Reading through the Bible relating to Jesus' names:
  • Plant of renown - Ezekiel 34:29
  • Prince of life - Acts 3:15
  • Prince of peace - Isaiah 9:6
  • Prince of the kings of the earth - Revelation 1:5
  • Prophet - Luke 24:19; John 7:40
  • Ransom - 1 Timothy 2:6
  • Redeemer - Job 19:25; Isaiah 59:20; 60:16

2011-04-20 - Names of Jesus (part XIV)
This day of Jesus' name scriptures:
  • Resurrection and life - John 11:25
  • Rock - 1 Corinthians 10:4
  • Root of David - Revelation 22:16
  • Root of Jesse - Isaiah11: 10
  • Ruler of Israel - Micah 5:2
  • Savior - 2 Peter 2:20; 3:18; Luke 1:47

2011-04-21 - Names of Jesus (part XV)
Jesus' name referenced in the Bible:
  • Second Adam - 1 Corinthians 15:45
  • Servant - Isaiah 42:1; 52:13
  • Shepherd and Bishop of souls - 1 Peter 2:25
  • Shiloh - Genesis 49:10
  • Son of David - Matthew 9:27
  • Son of God - Luke 1:35; John 1:49

2011-04-22 - Names of Jesus (part XVI)
Final days of Jesus' name study:
  • Son of man - John 5:27; 6:37; Matthew 18:11
  • Son of the blessed - Mark 14:61
  • Son of the Highest - Luke 1:32
  • Star - Numbers 24:17
  • Sun of righteousness - Malachi 4:2
  • Surety - Hebrews 7:22

2011-04-23 - Names of Jesus (part XVII)
Names of Jesus, one scripture at a time:
  • True God - 1 John 5:20
  • True Light - John 1:9
  • True Vine - John 15:1
  • Truth - John 14:6
  • Way - John 14:6
  • Wisdom - Proverbs 8:12

2011-04-24 - Names of Jesus (part XVIII)
Last day of Jesus' name study (Easter):
  • Witness - Isaiah 55:4
  • Wonderful - Isaiah 9:6
  • Word - John 1:1; 5:7
  • Word of God - Revelation 19:13
  • Word of Life - 1 John 1:1

2011-04-25 - Names of the Church (part I)

Starting to study the names of the church as

  • Assembly of the saints - Psalms 89:7
  • Assembly of the upright - Psalms 111:1
  • Body of Christ - Ephesians 1:22,23; Colossians 1:24
  • Branch of God's planting - Isaiah 60:21
  • Bride of Christ - Revelation 21:9
  • Church of God - Acts 20:28
  • Church of the Living God - 1 Timothy 3:15
  • Church of the first-born - Hebrews 12:23

2011-04-26 - Names of the Church (part II)
More scriptures about the church's names:
  • City of the Living God - Hebrews 12:22
  • Congregation of saints - Psalms 149:1
  • Congregation of the Lord's poor - Psalms 74:19
  • Dove - Song of Solomon 2:14; 5:2
  • Family in heaven and earth - Ephesians 3:15
  • Flock of God - Ezekiel 34:15; 1 Peter 5:2
  • Fold of Christ - John 10:16

2011-04-27 - Names of the Church (part III)
Continuing with the names of the church found in the Bible:
  • General assembly of the first-born - Hebrews 12:23
  • Golden candlestick - Revelation 1:20
  • God's building - 1 Corinthians 3:9
  • God's husbandry - 1 Corinthians 3:9
  • God's heritage - Joel 3:2; 1 Peter 5:3
  • Habitation of God - Ephesians 2:22
  • Heavenly of Jerusalem - Galatians 4:26; Hebrews 12:22

2011-04-28 - Names of the Church (part IV)
More scriptures about the name given to the church:
  • Holy city - Revelations 21:2
  • Holy mountain - Zechariah 8:3
  • Holy hill - Psalms 15:1
  • House of God - 1 Timothy 3:15; Hebrews 10:21
  • House of the God of Jacob - Isaiah 2:3
  • House of Christ - Hebrews 3:6
  • Household of God - Ephesians 2:19

2011-04-29 - Names of the Church (part V)
Church study via names:
  • Inheritance - Psalms 28:9; Isaiah 19:25
  • Israel of God - Galatians 6:16
  • King's daughter - Psalms 45:13
  • Lamb's wife - Revelations 19:7; 21:9
  • Lot of God's inheritance - Deuteronomy 32:9
  • Mount Zion - Psalms 2:6; Hebrews 12:22
  • Mountain of the Lord's house - Isaiah 2:2
  • New Jerusalem - Revelations 21:2

2011-04-30 - Names of the Church (part VI)
Last day of the study of church names:
  1. Pillar and ground of the truth - 1 Timothy 3:15
  2. Sanctuary of God - Psalms 114:2
  3. Spiritual house - 1 Peter 2:5
  4. Spouse of Christ - Song of Solomon 4:12; 5:1
  5. Sought out, a city not forsaken - Isaiah 62:12
  6. Temple of God - 1 Corinthians 3:16,17
  7. Temple of the Living God - 2 Corinthians 6:16
  8. Vineyard - Jeremiah 12:10; Matthew 21:41

2011-05-01 - Names of the Believers (part I)
Starting the study of the names of believers:
  • Believers - Acts 5:14; 1 Timothy 4:12
  • Beloved of God - Romans 1:7
  • Beloved brethren - 1 Corinthians 15:58; James 2:5
  • Blessed of the Lord - Genesis 24:31; 26:29
  • Blessed of the Father - Matthew 25:34
  • Brethren - Matthew 23:8; Acts 12:17
  • Brethren of Christ - Luke 8:21; John 20:17
  • Called of Jesus Christ - Romans 1:6

2011-05-02 - Names of the Believers (part II)
Study of names of believers - continued:
  • Children of the Lord - Deuteronomy 14:1
  • Children of God - John 11:52; 1 John 3:10
  • Children of the Living God - Romans 9:26
  • Children of the Father - Matthew 5:45
  • Children of the Highest - Luke 6:35
  • Children of Abraham - Galatians 3:7
  • Children of Jacob - Psalms 105:6

2011-05-04 - Names of the Believers (part IV)
Names given to the believers in the Bible
  • Chosen generation - 1 Peter 2:9
  • Chosen ones - 1 Chronicles 16:13
  • Chosen vessels - Acts 9:15
  • Christians - Acts 11:26; 26:28
  • Dear children - Ephesians 5:1
  • Disciples of Christ - John 8:31; 15:8

2011-05-05 - Names of the Believers (part V)
Selected scriptures of names of believers:
  • Elect of God - Colossians 3:12; Titus 1:1
  • Epistles of Christ - 2 Corinthians 3:3
  • Excellent, The - Psalms 16:3
  • Faithful brethren in Christ - Colossians 1:2
  • Faithful, The - Psalms 12:1
  • Faithful of the land - Psalms 101:6

2011-05-06 - Names of the Believers (part VI)
Believer name scriptures:
  • Fellow-citizens with the saints - Ephesians 2:19
  • Fellow-heirs - Ephesians 3:6
  • Fellow-servants - Revelations 6:11
  • Friends of God - 2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23
  • Friends of Christ - John 15:15
  • Godly, The - Psalms 4:3; 2 Peter 2:9

2011-05-10 - Names of the Believers (part X)
More names of believers:
  • Members of Christ - 1 Corinthians 6:15; Ephesians 5:30
  • Men of God - Deuteronomy 33:1; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17
  • Obedient children - 1 Peter 1:14
  • Peculiar people - Deuteronomy 14:2; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9
  • Peculiar treasure - Exodus 19:5; Psalms 135:4
  • People of God - Hebrews 4:9; 1 Peter 2:10

2011-05-11 - Names of the Believers (part XI)
Other names given to the church:
  • People near to God - Psalms 148:14
  • People saved by the Lord - Deuteronomy 33:29
  • Pillars in the temple of God - Revelations 3:12
  • Ransomed of the Lord - Isaiah 35:10
  • Redeemed of the Lord - Isaiah 51:11
  • Royal priesthood - 1 Peter 2:9

2011-05-12 - Names of the Believers (part XII)
Alternative names for the church:
  • Salt of the earth - Matthew 5:13
  • Servants of Christ - 1 Corinthians 7:22; Ephesians 6:6
  • Servants of righteousness - Romans 6:18
  • Sheep of Christ - John 10:1-16; 21:16
  • Sojourners with God - Leviticus 25:23; Psalms 39:12
  • Sons of God - John 1:12; Philippians 2:15; 1 John 3:1,2

2011-05-13 - Names of the Believers (part XIII)
Last day for believers name study:
  • The Lord's freemen - 1 Corinthians 7:22
  • Trees of righteousness - Isaiah 61:3
  • Vessels to honor - 2 Timothy 2:21
  • Vessels of mercy - Romans 9:23
  • Witnesses for God - Isaiah 44:8

2011-05-14 - Names of Satan (part I)
Starting the study of the names given to Satan:
  • Abaddon - Revelation 9:11
  • Accuser - Revelation 12:10
  • Adversary - 1 Peter 5:8
  • Angel of the bottomless pit - Revelation 9:11
  • Apollyon - Revelation 9:11

2011-05-15 - Names of Satan (part II)
More names given to Satan:
  • Beelzebub - Matthew 12:24
  • Belial - 2 Corinthians 6:15
  • Crooked serpent - Isaiah 27:1
  • Dragon - Isaiah 27:1; Revelation 20:2
  • Enemy - Matthew 13:39

2011-05-16 - Names of Satan (part III)
Studying Satan's names:
  • Evil spirit - 1 Samuel 16:14
  • Father of lies - John 8:44
  • Great red dragon - Revelation 12:3
  • Leviathan - Isaiah 27:1
  • Liar - John 8:44

2011-05-17 - Names of Satan (part IV)
Names of Satan study:
  • Lying spirit - 1 Kings 22:22
  • Murderer - John 8:44
  • Old serpent - Revelation 12:9; 20:2
  • Piercing serpent - Isaiah 27:1
  • Power of darkness - Colossians 1:13

2011-05-18 - Names of Satan (part V)
Satan's names study:
  • Prince of this world - John 14:30
  • Prince of the devils - Matthew 12:24
  • Prince of the power of the air - Ephesians 2:2
  • Ruler of the darkness of this world - Ephesians 6:12
  • Satan - 1 Chronicles 21:1; Job 1:6

2011-05-19 - Names of Satan (part VI)
Last day (day six) of the Satan name study:
  • Serpent - Genesis 3:4,16; 2 Corinthians 11:3
  • Spirit that works in the children of disobedience - Ephesians 2:2
  • Tempter - Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5
  • The god of this world - 2 Corinthians 4:4
  • Unclean spirit - Matthew 12:43
  • Wicked-one - Matthew 13:19,38

2011-06-17 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part II)
Three stages in discipleship (continued):

2. The convinced disciple
  • After miracles, disciples put their faith in him - John 2:11
  • Many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name - John 2:23
  • Many Samaritans believed in him because of the woman's testimony - John 4:39, 41, 53
  • From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him - John 6:14, 25-27, 60-66
3. The committed disciple
  • Lord, to whom shall we go? - John 6:67-69
  • You are the Christ, the Son of the living God - Matthew 16:13-16

2011-08-07 - Daughter Needs - Father Figure
Father Figure is a father of daughter in name only
He is both is an emotional absentee father
He sits in front of the TV for hours

He is home but he is not really there
"I'm an adult and she is a kid - we don't enjoy the same things"

Real life does not flicker
The 'Father Figure' has to seriously question their commitment  as a father

2011-08-17 - Daughter Needs - Spiritual Nourishment
There are many standards/examples in which to live in the Bible
A godly woman - Proverbs 31
Qualities of an elders' or deacons'  wife - 1 Timothy 3

Our most important spiritual goal with our daughters is to ensure they believe in God and His Son - John 6:28-29

Fathers should bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
Father needs to correct his children when they stray
Father needs to help their daughters understand that he still loves her when she makes a mistake

Those who knows God's name will trust in Him - Psalms 9

Fathers have a lifelong responsibility to spiritual nourishment to the family
I need to be in the Word everyday to be able to feed my family

2011-08-18 - Fearing God - Transcendent Majesty
Isaiah 6 - Repeats Holy 3x - "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty"
Hebrew language uses repetition to show emphasis

From time to time Jesus frequently add emphasis using "truely, truely" - John 3:3

We never read:
  • Wise, wise, wise is the Lord Almighty
  • Powerful, powerful, powerful is the Lord Almighty
Why is God's holiness so exalted?
  • God's perfection separates him from His creation
  • Attributes of mercy, might, power, love, purity are all within the meaning of holiness
  • His holiness is not just one of a number of attributes but the sum of all of them
  • God's name is has adjective 'holy'  next to it more than all other qualifiers combined
  • First and last son in the Both magnify the holiness of God
    • Moses crossing the Red Sea - Exodus 15:11
    • Those victorious over the beast - Revelation 15:4

2011-08-29 - Fearing God - A Father's Pain
God uses 3 descriptive words to describe what Abraham is suppose to do - Genesis 22:2
Without perfection, Abraham's test would be similar to Jesus' death

1. Take your only Son

God promised that he would be a father of many nations - Genesis 17:5
Jesus would be a savior of many nations
Jesus was the one and only Son of God - Hebrews 11:17

2. Issac - God given name to him

God named Jesus before he was born - Matthew 1:21

3. Whom you love

This is my Son, whom I love - Matthew 3:17

The difference: Abraham was out of obedience for a loving God
God sacrificed His Son to save an unloving people

God spared Abraham's son but did not spare His own

2011-09-01 - Fearing God - Requirements for growth (part I)

The first requirement of growing in fear is having an undivided heart

Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name - Psalms 86:11

It dentoes singleness of purpose, aim, and affections
No one can have two masters

Second requirement is regular, consistent exposure of our minds and hearts to His Word:

  • Reading it for ourselves
  • Hearing it taught
  • Studying it for ourselves

Saul fell down in fear before Christ
"He asked Who are you, Lord?" and "What shall I do, Lord? - Acts 22:8,10


2011-09-18 - Proverbs on Integrity (part I)
Proverbs 19:22 - Poor person is better than a liar

Proverbs 20:17 - Gains by fraud ends up being worthless

The 1996 New York Times had a story on a golfer named Jeff Sluman.
  • Jeff was playing in the Bay Hill Invitational and he hit his ball in the water.
  • He then took a drop (drop your ball near the place it went in the water) and he added a penalty stroke
  • During the night he began to question whether his drop was legal or illegal.
  • He couldn’t sleep that night and the next morning called the golfing officials and told them what happen.
  • Before the officials even made a decision, Jeff disqualified himself.
  • Jeff said, “I’m not sure if what I did was right, and if I’m not sure then I couldn’t live with myself and keep playing. What if I won? It would be a curse.”
Not many people today have the attitude of Jeff Sluman.
  • In most sports today the rule is to see what you can get away with (as long as you don’t get caught then its O.K.)
  • But for the person of integrity cheating/deceit is never okay (its never an option)
We live in a world of deceit
  1. Politicians break campaign promises continually
  2. Parents laugh at little “Billie” when he cheats at pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey)
  3. Businesses lie just to sale a product (on and on)
Dictionary defines integrity as = adherence to a moral or ethical code, soundness of moral character

When someone is a person of integrity he/she is someone that has wholeness about him either.
  • Many people in the world today are two-faced (their life doesn’t match their doctrine)
Why do we lose our integrity?
  1. Peer Pressure - Matthew 27:19-24
    • Pilate lacked integrity, he made decisions based on what other people thought and said.
    • He didn’t want to take responsibility
  2. Pride - Exodus 8:8-15
    • Pharaoh wanted to be in control and not take advice from others
    • In the end Pharaoh’s pride led to his firstborn son dieing (all the 1st born sons of Egypt)

2011-09-27 - Proverbs on Advice - Advisors bring victory
2. Advisors bring victory

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure

Proverbs 25:12 - Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man’s rebuke to a listening ear

We all want to succeed; we all want to be winners.
  • The Bible gives us the formula for success - - - “seek advice”
Question: If Jesus didn’t try to do it on his own why do we think we can?
  • Jesus spent time (transfiguration) with Moses & Elijah
  • Jesus spent time with his father daily (early in the morning and late at night)
  • Jesus even had 12 disciples around him for years
Note: The best athletes in the world need coaches and trainers
  1. Baseball = the pitching coach can look at a picture throw and determine mistakes on sight
  2. Football = you have a specialty coach for every position
  3. School = tutors for different subjects
Victory comes from seeking and accepting advice

3. Without instruction, bad things happen

Proverbs 19:27 - Stop listening to instruction my son and you will stray from the words of knowledge

Proverbs 21:16 - A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead

Sometimes were just think-headed (we know what’s best)
  • We have to learn things the hard way.
  • People can warn us that we’re headed down the wrong path but we just have to journey that path for ourselves before we learn

2011-10-02 - Genesis 2 - Creation & Recreation Recap


God formed a man and gave him the garden in Eden, except for the tree of knowledge. Adam was alone so God made a woman as his partner.


Genesis 2:7 - from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
From nothing, God created us. He even takes our language that is a collection of organized means and breathed [2 Timothy 3:16] it into living and active Holy scripture [Hebrews 4:12].

Genesis 2:15 - put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Man's purpose in the garden was to work it and keep it up. God gives us work to do in step with what he desires. Work is good for glorify God, helping others, and helping us in our character. In [Acts 17:26], we learn that God determines the times and places we will live. It wasn't a random chance that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden even with God's fore knowledge of Adam's sin.

Genesis 2:16 - You are free
The first words recorded spoken to man was "You are free". This is important because without freedom, love can not be fully expressed. God created man for Him to love and to be loved by man. What are we doing with the life and freedom God has given us? Does he feel the love?

Genesis 2:17 - you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
The sinful nature within us desires the opposite of what God wants. When it hears about something we can not do, that is the exact thing it desires to do.

Genesis 2:19 - whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name
With our freedom, we are given responsibilities. Instead of just telling us what the names of the animals and plants we, God gave Adam the task and freedom to do so. We need to remember all the things God intrusts us with and give it our all.

Personal Application

Many times I look for ways on how to automate work (it is part of the work I do as part of my career) but sometimes lose sight that work is what I am suppose to be doing. When automating tasks, I need to make sure I am using my additional time to do even more useful things that God has called me to do.

2011-10-04 - Genesis 4 - Cain Murders Abel


Eve's sons made offerings to God. Only Abel's was acceptable, so Cain killed him. Abel's blood cried out and God sent Cain away.


Genesis 4:7 - if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door
The sins of omission are very related to the sins of commission. If you are sitting on the sidelines, you have time (maybe considered laziness) and you will give Satan time to put all sorts of temptations in your head. A lazy person bring is a good friend to the evil one and is considered a brother [Proverbs 18:9].

Genesis 4:9 - Am I my brother's keeper?
The Christian walk is more than God and us. It is also the people around us. We learn about relationships from others. We learn about ourselves and get feedback on how we are doing - and give it as well.  Without others we would have been pointed the way to God and we could not reach  others with the gospel.

Genesis 4:12 - You will be a restless wanderer on the earth
Without God in our lives, we are a restless wander. Our thoughts, emotions, and desires become our direction and we walk aimlessly - not knowing where we are, where we came from, or where we are going.

Genesis 4:26 - At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD
Since the beginning of time men began call for for God. It is built into the nature of our being. Time after time he has answered no matter how far away we go. But when he calls for us, will be answer? Will we let it go to voicemail? Are we screening our calls from Him and only answer the calls that are easy to take?

Personal Application

I wonder sometimes if I have my "ringer" loud enough for me to hear when God calls. A lot of times I look back on important events in my life and realize that I missed another lesson God was trying to teach me but I was not listening. I feel embarrassed  that I was so selfish during that times. I want to listen voice from God more intensely.

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-11 - Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel


They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.


Genesis 11:4 - so that we may make a name for ourselves
We all have a built-in desire to reach God and the heavens. It is all about the manner in which we do it. The people here wanted it for selfish reasons and not as misguided attempt to have a relationship with God. They wanted to make a name for themselves to show other what they could do. Why do we go to church and come to a Bible study group? Is it for show or is it because we want to know God?

Genesis 11:6 - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them
For good purposes or bad, when we come together we can do amazing things. If the united people at time could start to create a large tower to the heavens without God, what can we do as a united people with God?!?

Personal Application

I need to check my motivations on why I do things - especially the "good" things. Is it to further my relationship with God or for selfish gain or to please someone else?

2011-10-17 - Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham


God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.


Genesis 17:9 - As for you, you must keep my covenant
First, God came to Abram and Abram fell facedown. God told him what His part of the covenant - the promises that Abram would be a father of many nations. But there are two sides to covenant - we have commitment too. Sometimes we just love to look at God's promises but ignore our side of the covenant. God freely gives and will always out give us but we must do our part as well. What parts of our relationship with God are one sided?

Genesis 17:17 - Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?
Sometimes what He says to us are hard to believe or understand. But His ways are much higher than our ways [Isaiah 55:9]. Despite our understanding at the time, we need to trust what God says. What promises of promise of God are we not trusting? Why?

Personal Application

I know I can one-sided and stubborn in my thoughts and sometimes in my relationships. When I get my mind set to do something, that is the way it is. This can be a strength in some situations but a very big weakness if I am contrary to God's thinking. I need to be humble and allow God to change my thoughts and my ways.

2011-11-03 - Mind Change - Written in Heaven

Be “unreasonably,” “illogically” joyful because your name is written in heaven.

It seems you have more to do than you can get done but your name is written in heaven.

Your prayers didn’t get answered the way you thought they would but your name is written in heaven.

You are having “one of those days” but your name is written in heaven.

You didn’t do everything right but your name is written in heaven.

Luke 10:18-20 - Rejoice that your names stand written in heaven

2011-11-18 - Thankfulness

Colossians 1:3,10-12, 2:6-7, 3:15, 17, 4:2
 - In one letter we are instructed SEVEN times to be thankful people. Pretty important


Philippians 4:10-13 ~ Paul did not start out this way
  • Paul learned thankfulness no matter what your circumstances
  • Without doubt the most valuable secret in life.
  • How can we learn to be thankful?
3 Keys:

1. Remember the past.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 ~ Remember how you used to live. 
  • Remember that you were an object of wrath and on the path to hell.
  • Think how fortunate you are to be in God's grace and on the road to heaven.
  • Were would you be today without God's grace?
2. New thinking in the present

    Serve with a grateful heart
    Matthew 6:1-4 ~ Remember it is more blessed to give than receive.
  • Learn to enjoy serving God and His people.
  • Don't look for recognition.
  • Old life hide sin, new life hide good
    Trust God in everything
    Romans 8:28  ~ God works out EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him.
    Do you believe this ?

3. Think toward the future.

    Philippians 4:2-8 ~ You name is written in the book of life.
  • What do you see?
    • Do not be anxious about anything - the Lord is near.
    • Constantly think about GOOD, NOBLE, HONOURABLE and PURE things. (Don't allow the devil to pollute your mind).
    • Rejoice in the Lord always.

2011-12-07 - Day 4 - Learning to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
  1. Why does prayer need to be learned? Who are you learning from?
  2. (vs. 2-4) How can you praise God's name? Do you pray for God's kingdom (church) to increase?
  3. Do you pray for daily needs and for forgiveness for yourself and to also forgive others?
  4. Do you pray for help and protection from temptations?
  5. What else does Jesus want us to understand about prayer from verses 5-13?
A.C.T.S. - a simple outline for prayer is: Adoration (praise), Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (requests).

If you pray 10 minutes of each section, you will pray a powerful 40 minutes! Read the Psalms to learn how to really praise God.

Philippians 4:6-7
  • What does God want you to pray about?
  • What are some worries you can pray about today?
  • Do you feel at peace when you pray to God? Trust he will answer!
Application: Pray following the Lord's prayer outline or using A.C.T.S. Write down some of your prayer requests and see how God answers them.

2011-12-21 - Day 18 - Learning from Others
Matthew 18:1-4
  1. What kind of heart does God want us to have?
  2. What qualities of children do we need to imitate?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-14
  1.  Who is "over you" in the Lord?
  2. Does it have anything to do with age or education?
  3. Write the names of some Christians who work hard, set a good example and admonish you.
  4. Are you showing them respect?
  5. What kind of disciples need special help (vs. 14)?
  6. Have you been admonishing for any of these problems?
Psalms 119:99-100
  1. What gives us real maturity and understanding?
  2. How is verse 100 opposite of how our society thinks?
  3. What should your attitude be when you are being taught/corrected by someone younger than yourself?
1 Timothy 4:11-1 - What does the Lord expect from young leaders?

Psalms 32:8-10 - How can you not be like a horse or mule?

Application: If you have resisted learning from younger disciples, repent today and seek them out to ask questions. If you are young yourself, set the believers a great example

2011-12-30 - Day 27 - Learning to be Loyal
What does loyalty mean to you?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  1. Write out this passage substituting your name in place of the word love. Now read through it again, thinking about some specific relationships you have.
  2. What do you see about yourself that needs to change?
Ephesians 4:29
  1. What kind of talk is harmful to others?
  2. Have you been involved in talk that is unkind, slanderous or mocking?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
  1. Who is "over you in the Lord"?
  2. Is this based on how they live?
  3. Write some names of Christians who work hard among you. Do you respect them from your heart?
  4. What is your attitude toward Christians who are weak or slow to learn?
Application: Write a note of appreciation to someone you respect, who is over you in the Lord and also to someone who needs patient encouragement.

2012-01-07 - Day 35 - Worthy of the Name
1 Peter 4:12-19
  1. What kinds of insults and sufferings have you endured for Jesus?
  2. What should your attitude be?
  3. What does Satan want you to think and do when you are being persecuted?
Hebrews 10:32-34
  1. Have you gone through suffering like this?
  2. What are you doing to encourage other Christians who are going through insults and persecutions?
Hebrews 11:32-40
  1. Have you faced lions, flames, swords, armies, tortures, flogging, imprisonment, chains - or even banishment for Jesus' sake?
  2. How did God regard these people?
2 Corinthians 11:23-29 & Romans 8:18
  1. What kind of life did Paul live for Christ?
  2. How did he feel about his sufferings?
  3. Have you been rejoicing or complaining as a Christian?
Application: Would Jesus say you are worthy of the name "Christian"?

2012-01-17 - Ministry - The Heart of Gratitude
Luke 17:11-19, Psalms 100:4, 1 Thessalonians. 5:18

Jesus believed that if the heart of a man was healed and doing well, then that individual could really experience a complete healing from God. In Mark 2 the paralytic who was lowered through the roof by his friends in the middle of a crowded house for Jesus to heal did not hear the first words from the lips of Jesus, 'you are healed.' The first thing he heard was, "Your sins are forgiven." The obvious problem to everyone was his physical condition, yet Jesus saw the spiritual issues of the man's life and healed them first! The ten lepers came to Jesus and when he cleansed them only one came back, throwing himself at the feet of Jesus, overwhelmed with gratitude! Jesus wondered where the other nine were, but proclaimed to the man, "Your faith has made you well." Even though the other nine were cleansed of their leprosy, did they really 'get well?' The one who returned was made well-he was filled with gratitude! Many of us have been baptized, yet how many of us are filled with gratitude?

  • Could this heart of gratitude be so powerful as to really heal me, heal my faith, heal my marriage, and heal my relationships?
  • Who do I need to be grateful for and have not really told them lately?
  • When was the last time I had a family devotional expressing gratefulness for each one?
Name three people you are grateful for and why you are, then this week express this to them.

2012-01-29 - Ministry - The Reaper's Heart
John 4:31-38

Jesus gets satisfaction by doing the Father's will and by finishing his work. Wow. Often we can see the work of the ministry as toil and drudgery. Jesus derived joy and fulfillment from changing lives. The disciples saw the harvest of crops four months in to the future. Jesus saw the harvest of souls as always being ripe. We do not have to wait for the harvest of souls. It is always ripe and always ready. Are the reapers ready for it? The reaper is looking for a crop to reap. Sometimes we can fall into the trap of deciding we will be fruitful at a later date. The harvest will not wait.
Someone is going to reap souls.

Write down the names of five people whom you could help become a Christian. Have faith as you write the list.

 It takes work to reap a harvest. Are you prepared to do the work that it will take?

2012-03-09 - Blessings In Christ (part V)
Continue studying through the blessing of Jesus:

21. We receive imputed righteousness - Romans 4:6

22. Our names are written in heaven - Luke 10:20

23. We are given a blessed hope of Christ's returning - Titus 2:13

24. We are seated in heavenly places - Ephesians 2:6

25. We have fellowship with the trinity - 1 John 1:3

2012-10-17 - Prayer of the Righeous - Treasuring Us
We are jewels in the hand of God - Isaiah 62:3
He is rejoicing like the woman in the Lost Coin parable - Luke 15:9
Are worth much more than sparrows - Matthew 10:31

Like young people in love carving their names to profess their love, God has engraved you on the palms of his hand - Isaiah 49:16
He gave his own son in exchange for us - Isaiah 43:4
Who else would do this?

He world does always treasure us like jewels
  • They saw a immoral Samaritan woman, Jesus saw a lady who could change the city - John 4
  • They saw a demon-possessed Legion, Jesus saw a man who could change ten cites - Mark 5
  • They saw a impetuous pebble, Jesus called him the Rock - Matthew 16:18

God saw us for who we really were and yet treasures us like jewels in his hand.

2013-03-17 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Preparing a Place (part I)

Jesus wanted his disciples to remember where they were headed
Heaven thinking changes the way we feel and the way we pray

When Jesus prayed, heaven was in his mind
Even when the disciples recjoiced in the victories God had given them, Jesus reminded them what was most important was their names were written in heaven - Luke 10:17-20
Their final destination was more important than their day to day victories and defeats

We are being transformed into Jesus' likeness - 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
But when he appears and takes us to heaven, "we shall be like him" - 1 John 3:2
When we get to heaven, we will be in fellowship with God forever
On earth, we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror - 1 Corinthians 13:12

Pictures of the fellowship of heaven, not like being there:

  • Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets will be there on Judgement Day - Luke 13:28-29
  • It will be like a feast, people from everywhere in attendance
  • Be surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses - Hebrews 12:1
  • Peter, James and John had a taste with Jesus, Moses, and Elijah - Matthew 17

In this world we get to be with ones we love and respect, in heaven it will be great fellowship and unending

2013-10-10 - Resolve to Lead Your Marriage

Do you realize that as the leader of your home?
You are driving, the husband is more responsible.
Very, very rarely will a wife want out of a marriage if her husband is leading
Men simply give up when a marriage turns south or they disengage and sit around waiting for their wives

We must take courage and always be willing to make the first move, God has put something into men that longs to be courageous.
When a man uses that courage to lead his wife well, she tends to bloom.
When a wife lives with a leadership void, both of them will feel resentment toward each other and less secure together.

The idea of 50/50 leadership is a farce that creates two heads and two directions.
Our wives should have the freedom to influence without having to bear the weight of responsibility and accountability

History is littered with self-centered men who have dominated, belittled, ignored, and abused their wives in the name of male leadership.
God’s biblical design of leadership, the strong die for the weak.
The more powerful or influential you are, the more humble, servant-hearted, and sacrificial you are to become

Jesus, God’s Son was the most powerful leader of all time
He served and shepherded them instead of throwing His weight around
Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant - Mark 10:42-45
For there is no “greater love”  - John 15:13
Free her up from carrying the marriage and family. Rescue her.
She is called your helper, just as God is a “helper” to us - Psalms 54:4
Women are perfectly designed to partner with us so that our strengths complement one another’s weaknesses

Lead your wife by serving her well.

2015-02-04 - No Contest

I come to you in the name of the Lord - 1 Samuel 17:45

David spoke words of confidence

He knew that God had sent him and He never sends a man to fight without equipping and guilding him

Goliath had size, armor, weapons and a hard heart on his side
David had a slingshot, some stones, and an abolute faith in God (delights in enabling the impossible)

It was a hopeless situation - for the Giant

The moment David accepted God's call to fight, Goliath was as good as dead.

This is the Lords battle! - 1 Samuel 17:47

What "giants" in your life make you feel like the underdog? In Christ, can not only win over the giants but have an abolute rout.

2015-02-16 - Right Man for the Job

He reprimand them strenly to make them strong in the faith - Titus 1:12-13

God often calls men of character and commitment to handle more difficult assignments

Among this group was a young man name Titus

Paul send him to Crete, known for its:

  • Lack of discipline
  • Untruthfulness
  • Excessive gluttony
  • Cruelty

Only a man of strong character who came solve problems, confront, and love God and His word can qualify for such a charge

How would you respond in Crete? How can you be God's man in a tough situation?

2015-02-17 - Behind the Scenes

Epaphroditus is a true brother, coworker, and fellow solier and he was your messenger - Philippians 2:25-26

Fans of sports don't pay enough attention to know the names of the players who do the little things to make their team successful

The same things is true of believers who do the little things necessary to make the church function

Ask anyone who is Epaphroditus is and most believers can not identify him

Although Epaphroditus remains relative obscure due to his brief mention in the Bible, Paul considered him an important part of the ministry

Many believers play key behind-the-scenes roles, we may not know their name but their impact is eternal

2015-02-19 - Spirit of Encouragement

They sent Barnabas who was filled with joy and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord - Acts 11:22-23

Barnabas means "Son of Encouragement"

He specialized in encouragement

  • Barnabas persuaded the believers to accept the Pharisee Saul as one of their own - Acts 2:26-28
  • He encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord (as seen above)
  • Barnabas encouraged Pauls during his travels - Acts 13-14
  • He invested in a voung believer named John Mark - Acts 15:36-39

Barbabas was drawn to those who needed a positive word

How was he the source of encouragement?
He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith - Acts 11:24

2015-02-25 - Savior's Love

The disciple Jesus loved - John 13:23

He referred to himself as "the disciple Jesus loved"

John understood Jesus' love for him was God's love

He probably had the most acute awareness of his Master's love

John found the motivation and empowerment to do courageous and selfless things in Christ's name through love

He had no doubts of the savior's love - John freely gave and served

Does your family and friends know beyond all doubt that you love them?

2015-05-11 - Shining Lamp

Full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God - Acts 7:55

Nothing prompts change likea man's courage in the face of potential personal loss. Stephen had that kind of courage.

Religous leaders hoped persecuting Christians would put a stop to this new religious movement, exactly the opposite happened

Stephen willingly died for what he believed in and he contributed greatly to the spread of the gospel message

At the scene of Stephen's murder stood a young Pharisee named Saul - the same Saul God miraculously converted

Stephen's courage and faith in the face of death apparently made a lasting impression

Pauls bold preaching would change the world forever - Acts 22:19-20

Lamps do not talk, but they do shine. Is your lamp shining today?

2015-05-14 - Know Your Identity

Give us a king to judge us like the other nations have - 1 Samuel 8:5

God wanted Israel to be different from any other kingdom on earth

Israel's elders wanted Samuel to give them a human king so they could fit in with the pagan nations

God: "it's me they are rejecting, not you. They don't want me to be their king any longer" - 1 Samuel 8:7-8

Samuel did as God had told him as warned the people of the consequences of rejecting their true king

When Israel's elders looked at the nations around them, they lost sight of their own identity

Things were never the same for the name

Whom do you trust to guide and lead you in every area of your life?


2015-05-16 - Need Faith?

What do you mean "If I can"? Anything is possible if a person believes - Mark 9:23

At times, we need some assurance before we can take a leap of faith

The unnamed fatherhad seen Jesus' disciples fail miserably at cast ou the eveil spirit and wondered if the Master could do anything for him

Jesus fully intended to heal the boy but first dealt with the man's doubts

Though this may may not had enough faith to completely believe, Jesus could help him

If you want God to do great things in your life, you will need faith; don't be afraid to ask

2015-05-20 - Loving When It Hurts

Go and marry a prostitute so that some of her children will be conceived in the prostitution - Hosea 1:2

God commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer as an object lesson of God's love for the wayward nation of Israel

Gomer left Hosea and returned to her old ways but Hosea obeyed God even when it meant agonizing self-sacrifice

Hosea sacrificed himself to love someone completely unworthly of his love

God calls us to be vessels of his self-sacrificing love to "unlovable" people

2015-06-20 - Two are Better

Give my greeting to Priscilla and Aquila, they risked their lives for me - Romans 16:3-4

In New Testament times, preachers and apostles often traveled in pairs:

  • Peter and John
  • Paul and Barnabus
  • Paul and Silas
  • Priscilla and Aquila - married couple never mention apart

Aquila and his wife later traveld with Paul to Ephesus where they helped meet an impressive man named Apollos

Aquila made a difference; his work was made more effective because he had a wife who as a partner in his ministry

Marriage has many benefits including receiving and giving encouragement and strenght

2015-06-22 - Acknowledge Your Limitations

I have no one to put me into the pool - John 5:7

A good man always knows his limitations

An unnamed sick man met Jesus one day knew his limitations by reponding with an "I can't"

He was unable to walk for 38 years and he wait for someone to help get him into healing waters of the pool of Bethesda

What he obvioudly couldn't do, Jesus did

The man knew that on his own, he had no hope of changing his situation

I CAN'T is sometimes the words Jesus wants to hear

That phrase comes from the lips of the person who realizes his need for complete dependence of Christ

2015-06-28 - Making a Lasting Impression

King Darius sent a message - everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before thr God of Daniel - Daniel 6:25-26

How you live and how you demonstrate your faith can make a big impression

Opponents of Daniel duped Darius into sending the prophet into a den of lions

King Dairus wanted to see the power of Daniel's God put on display - that is exactly what happened

Daniel came out without a scratch - it was a miracle and Darius praise the name of Daniel's God

Our world is filled with men like Darius who see to see God power demonstrated in our lives

2015-07-12 - Avoid Distractions

Demas has deserted me bcause he loves the things of this life - 2 Timothy 4:10

One of the devil's most powerful weapons is distraction

He uses that weapon against a once-faithful believer named Demas

Demas was a dependable partner Paul's ministry - "a coworker" - Philemon 1:24

Whatever Demas' reason for deserting Paul, he was distracted from his important work faithfully following Jesus

What distractions keep you from fully and freely serving Jesus?

2015-08-03 - Interruptions

Soldiers forced a passerby name Simon to carry Jesus' cross - Mark 15:21

It is important to be ready when God send you an interruption for the good of another person

Jesus was exhausted:

  • Had a sleepless night
  • Morning of brutal treatment
  • Sank under the weight of hsi cross

Simon was a jewish pilgrim from north African city of Cyrene (now Libya)

Hundreds of thousands traveled to Jerusalem annually to honor God in the Passover celebration

The Roman centurion didn't have time to wait for Jesus to gather his strength

Simon carried a part of Jesus' burden that morning that not even his disciples were around to caryy

Are you ready and willing  to bear the burden God asks you to carry?

2015-09-16 - Foresightful

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead - Philippians 3:13

God promises to bless you when you focus on what he calls you to do today and in the future

Paul remembered the past and the lessons he had learned from it

He often refered to his past but he didn't live there

Paul looked forward to things God had for him - namely finishing the race of faith

God has a wonderful plan for your future

Don't focus so much on where you've been that you lose sight of where you are headed

2015-09-24 - Harmonious Service

There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish - John 6:8-9

Only once does the New Testament mention Andrew's name without connecting him with Peter - John 12:22

Andrew is last mentioned with the remaining elven disciples - Acts 1:13

He established his reputation on bring people to Jesus:

  1. He brought Peter - John 1:42
  2. A boy with some food - above
  3. Greeks who wanted to meet the Master - John 12:20-22

Andrew recognized his role and understood and accepted it 

You play an important role like Andrew - bring people to him one by one


2015-09-27 - Blessed, Not Honored

I will go, but if you go with me - Judges 4:8

Military leader named Barak lead Israel into victory over the Canaanites but was reluctance to lead couragously was costly

God promised victory but Barak told Deborah he would go only if she promised to go with him

Barak demonstrated a measure of respect and honor for Deborah but also a lack of courage and faith on his part

Deborah agreed but told Barak he would receive no honor for God would use a woman in his victory - Judges 4:9

How do you respond when God calls you to do something great?

2015-09-28 - Right Prophets

These prophets are telling lies in my name. I did not send them or tell them to speak - Jeremiah 14:14

During the prophet Jeremiah's ministry, "prophets of God" contradicted Jeremiah's warning about coming divine judgement.

They insisted that everything was all right and God had not really given Jeremiah a message of wrath

The people did not want to hear the truth choosing comfort over conviction

We have plent of false prophets with comforting thoughts today with some even having good intentions

The real question is wheather or not their words match up with God's word

2015-10-05 - Part of the Story

"He stayed in Jerusalem", Ziba replied - 2 Samuel 16:3

When you spread gossip or listen to it, you probably tell or hear only part of the story

Ziba's gossip about treason damaged Mephibosheth's reputation and his standing in David's kigdom

When David listened to Ziba's hearsay, he stripped Mephibosheth of what belonged to him and gave it to Ziba instead - 2 Samuel 16:4

Mephibosheth eventually restored his name but it stands as a reminded of the damage gossip can cause even with partial information

2015-10-16 - Courage to Act

Bring out your son . He must die... - Judges 6:30

The Old Testament hero Gideon had the courage needed to champion his principles and God's name

This was true even when risking his skin

Tearing down the alter of Baal was no small offense to those in Gideon's home town

When he did they were ready to inact revenge in the name of their god

Joash kept the mob from killing Gideon

Gideon looked beyond the surface of things and saw accommodating Baal amounted to treason against God

2015-10-29 - Integrity

They are honest and trustworthy men - 2 Kings 22:7

The unnamed men who supervised the restoration of the Temple were so honest that Josiah ordered the high priest to stop keeping accounts of the money they spent to repair God's holy Temple

Josiah wrote what amounted to a blank check to get the work done

Why? Because they had already proved themselves faithful

How do you conduct yourself when no one is watching?

When you demonstrate integrity in everything you say and do, you earn the trust of those in authority over you

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