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2012-01-30 - Ministry - Christianity or Christ?
John 6:25-40

Jesus explains to the hungry crowds that their minds should be set on spiritual fulfillment, not on physical fulfillment. The bread that they are looking for is not a loaf of bread or even the manna that Moses' generation ate. The bread they needed was the bread from heaven: the Son of God. Having a relationship with Jesus is what will satisfy. Believing in him is what will change our lives. It is not Christianity but Christ. We chase spiritual fads, deep, theological issues, when all the Jesus wants is for us to be deeply dependent on him. This requires a radical change in how we have learned to exist. Some of us get burned out being Christians because having faith in God is not our focus. We spend a lot of time trying to do things and not time having a real relationship with "Christ who is our life."

  • What are some barriers to your faith in Christ?
  • What characteristics of Christ do you admire?
  • Pick one of those and focus on emulating it today in your own life.

2012-02-11 - Ministry - Even While Suffering
John 19:17-27

As we read the passage, particularly v25-27, it is compelling the even in the throes of pain, Jesus is taking care of his relationships. It would have been easy for him to neglect this as he was busying suffering and dying. It is easy for us as we are in transition spiritually or physically to forget to care of our relationships. This can really hurt people make them feel as though we do not care. Why did not Jesus take care of all of this earlier? Why did he get this done before everything got more harried? The scriptures are silent on this but maybe Jesus wanted to see which of his followers
would remain near the cross right up until the end. Mary, formerly without her husband Joseph and now, witnessing the death of her eldest son, was sure to be hurting. Jesus saw in John the compassion and love that He knew his own mother really needed. I think he also knew that John would be for her the closest thing to her own son, Jesus. It is convicting about how much Jesus considered and thought about relationships, even while suffering on the cross.

  • Are you building and growing relationships?
  • Are they deepening through openness, prayer, and discipleship?
  • Pray for at least three people you want to build a deeper relationship with. Pray for them.

2012-02-20 - Fear of Failure - Relying on God Never Fails
by Jeremy Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Hosea 10:12-13

Often the failures in my life have felt devastating. They have made me doubt myself, made me doubt my purpose and made me doubt God. When I began to lead a ministry, I thought I could do it by myself. I was out to prove to myself that I was capable. As I began to lead I ran around all the time, I was exhausted, anxious, and worried about getting in trouble every day. I was miserable. What I didn't realize was that as I was trying to prove that I could do it, God was proving to me that I couldn't without him. My failure made me want to quit. I felt cursed; it seemed all the the work I did meant nothing. God was showing me my pride, but instead of praying more, I worried more and ran around more and was completely ineffective. My failure came because of my pride, my unwillingness to be open, and not getting the help I needed. I was relying on myself, and God was teaching me that he would not bless it. That lesson was hard to learn, but one so valuable to my life once I was willing to learn to rely on God and not my own strength.
  • Pray about everything before you do it: pray about decisions, hopes and plans. God will bless it.
  • Get advice about the plans you are making.
  • Relax and enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy reaching out to people, enjoy your purpose.
  • Don't try to prove anything to anyone, except that you love being a Christian.

2015-02-06 - Racing for the Bottom

What do you think you are doing, building a beautiful tomb for yourself - Isaiah 22:16

Some have a "do what ever it takes" attitude toward raising up the ranks
God takes a dim view of such a strategies

Shebna discovered the quickest way to the bottom by using his high position to promote himself
The Lord stopped his plans, removed him from office, and exciled him far from Judah - Isaiah 22:17-18

God gave him everything he needed to become a great servant but he used it for himself

God wants to be the center of all your plans, God gave us gifts to exalt him not ourselves

2015-02-19 - Spirit of Encouragement

They sent Barnabas who was filled with joy and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord - Acts 11:22-23

Barnabas means "Son of Encouragement"

He specialized in encouragement

  • Barnabas persuaded the believers to accept the Pharisee Saul as one of their own - Acts 2:26-28
  • He encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord (as seen above)
  • Barnabas encouraged Pauls during his travels - Acts 13-14
  • He invested in a voung believer named John Mark - Acts 15:36-39

Barbabas was drawn to those who needed a positive word

How was he the source of encouragement?
He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith - Acts 11:24

2015-03-16 - Going Golden


Nabal was a crude and mean in all his dealings; his wife, Abigail, was a sensible and beatiful - 1 Samuel 25:3

Life will present you with countless opportunties to extend kindness

David sent some men to ask for a few much-needed provisions

Nabal: Who is this fellow David? Who does this son of Jesse think he is? - 1 Samuel 25:10

He proceeded to instul David's servants and sent them away.

A few days after he refused to assist the Lord's servant David, Nabal died of an apparent heart attack

2015-04-24 - Vows

I will give the Lord whatever comes out of my house to meet me - Judges 11:30

As it would happen, the first to leave his house was Jephthah's daugther

The Bible contains hundreds of God's conditional promises of blessings

Jephthah's vow went terribiy wrong when he tried to set his own conidtions for blessing rather than appoarching God in faith

Have you felt that you needed to offer God something to receive his promised blessing?

You can't buy what God already wants to give you.

2015-06-02 - Desparate Faith

Jairus fall at Jesus' feet, pleading with him for his dying daughter - Luke 8:41-42

Desparation has a way of making people forget about themselves and take unusual risks

Jarius knew the risks when he fell at Jesus' feet:

  • Jewish countrymen won't take kindly of him approaching Jesus this way
  • By falling to his knees, Jairus acknowledge that Jesus was everything he said he was

He needed more than faith to come to Jesus, he needed courage

Being a synagogue leader, he had access to the very best health care

Jairus had one final hope - Jesus, he knew Jesus could heal his daughter

The Savior  who never turns down a humble man gave him exactly what he needed

Where do you turn when you're in desparate need?

2015-06-27 - Path to Greatness

We want to sit in places of honor next to you - Mark 10:37

Culture doesn't always value putting others' needs and desires first but that is exactly what is needed to achieve greatness

James and John wanted Jesus to give them the two highest seats of honor when Jesus assumed his throne

This did not set well with the rest of the disciples - likely wanted this too

The path to greatness is found by serving others - this seems backward

Your humility will be richly rewarded

2015-07-04 - Infectious Faith

Don't be afraid! Go ahead and do what you've said - 1 Kings 17:13

When you speak and demonstrate your faith openly, it is bound to infect others

It seemed Elijah was the only man with faith in Israel but he didn't let that stop him speaking God's Word who desparately needed to hear it

Drought had led to famine, God sent a woman with little money to feed

Elijah didn't allow the lack of wealth affect his faith and persuaded the woman to share what little she had

She never again lacked food for herself or her son

Faith isn't real unless you put it to work, don't worry about running out - God will give you what you need

2015-07-13 - God Won't Give You Up

With his love, he will calm all your fears - Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah understood that God never "cuts his losses" with those who belong to him

He approved of reforms but also wanted them to understand they needed changes within themselves 

In the book of Zephaniah, he:

  • Railed against the immoraltuy, idolatry and injustice of his times
  • Decried Judah's sin
  • Proclaimed their need  for repentance
  • Foretold God's wrath against those who refused to stop sinning

God still loved his people and wanted more than anything for them to turn back to him

God takes sin very seriously and will never look the other way when you fail him. He still will not give up on you

2015-07-31 - Submission

Jesus returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them - Luke 2:51

It is easy to ignroe the yield signs God puts up for us

We enjoy God's blessing and protection when we heed the warning signs

As the Son of God, Jesus knew his identity

He understood that to grow into a perfect man of God, he needed to honor his earthly mother and father

Everything Jesus did, said, and thought sprang from the fact that he had yielded his own will to his Father - John 5:30

Jesus built his life on a solid foundation of submission

What foundation have you build your life on?

2015-08-01 - Listen

No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words - Job 2:13

Many men struggle with just listening - why God gave us two ears and only one mouth

At first Job's friends were the exactly the kind of friends he needed

After Job had spoken, they began speaking but instead of comforting him they tried to fix his problems - which made things worst

Sometimes it is best to just listen instead of trying to fix things

2015-08-13 - He Got It

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west - Psalm 103:12

Men who follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly often see more clearly how they have been forgiven

David had plenty in his life for which he needed forgiveness

He knew when he failed God, God's love would never fail him

David did not choose his words randomly

If get in a plane and head east and unlimited fuel you never stop heading east - endless love

2015-08-16 - Unintended Consequences

Gideon made a sacred ephod from the gold and put it in Ophrah; it became a trap for Gideon and his family - Judges 8:27

Sometimes our best-intended actions have negative consequences

Gideon had just led Israel in a rousing victory over Midian and they elected him ruler

He said thanks, but no thanks - he knew not to take an office that had not appointed him to

Gideon asked everyone to gather up the gold colleced from the Midianite enemies so that he could make an ephod to server as a memorial to God's goodness for defeat the Midianites

Instead of remembering God, the Israelites began to worship it instead

Gideon provided leadership during the time of war but failed to offer it at a time when the people needed spiritual guidance

When you set out to do something you see as important, seek God and his approval before moving forward


2015-08-26 - Right Reasons

May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God's gift can be bought - Acts 8:20

Intense self-examination is needed to know if we are doing things for the right reasons

Simon the Sorcerer had a big problem with inappropriate motivation:

  1. Heard the apostles' preach
  2. Accepted their message
  3. Been baptized
  4. Still missing something

He had some very real power - people called him "the Great One - the Power of God" - Acts 8:10

Simon approached Peter and offered him money in exchange for the power to lay hands on people and give them the Holy Spirit

He appeared to want God's power to make a profit

Peter scolded him for believing money had anything to do with God power


2015-09-25 - Encouragement

Judas and Silas spoke at length to the believers, encouraging and strengthing their faith  - Acts 15:32

They were choosen to travel with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch

Judas and Silas were chosen to deliver a letter that communicated what the apostles had decided about what Jewish laws the Gentile Christians needed to observe

They did not just read the letter and head home - they took the time and went out of their way to speak words of encouragement and strength to the believers

You can bless others as you go out of your way to encourage them

2015-10-07 - Pressure is On

I thanks and praise you, God, for you have given me wisdom - Daniel 2:23

Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream and wanted to know what it meant

When his advisors couldn't help, he had them all executed

Daniel asked the king if he could take a crack at interpreting the royal dream

The pressure was on - Daniel needed answers and soon

Daniel asked his friend to pray for divine revelation  and he received a vision that clearly explained the kig's dream

God gave Daniel exactly what he needed to save his life and his friends lives

When Daniel was squeezed, out came his faith in God who does his best work under pressure

2015-10-16 - Courage to Act

Bring out your son . He must die... - Judges 6:30

The Old Testament hero Gideon had the courage needed to champion his principles and God's name

This was true even when risking his skin

Tearing down the alter of Baal was no small offense to those in Gideon's home town

When he did they were ready to inact revenge in the name of their god

Joash kept the mob from killing Gideon

Gideon looked beyond the surface of things and saw accommodating Baal amounted to treason against God

2015-10-22 - Glimpse of Jesus

He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore fig tree beside the road where Jesus would pass by - Luke 19:4

Zacchaeus understood his wretched condition well

He understood more than anyone how despartely he needed forgiveness

Zacchaeus sensed he obtain forgiveness by making contact with Jesus

Many of us would have given up and gone home but Zacchaeus found a way

Jesus recongnized Zacchaeus' willingness and desparation and his life changed forever

How uncomfortable are you willing to be to spend time with Jesus?

2015-11-08 - Humbled

You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's - Mark 8:33

Peter must have felt great when Jesus publicly blessed him from understanding Jesus' true identity

Then it was shown that he needed to be knocked down a peg

Jesus stunned his disciples about him going to Jersulem and Peter scolded Jesus because of it

Peter was out of line and Jesus would not allow him or any other disciple to act as roadblocks to the path God set for him

Jesus knew Peter had failed to see things from an eternal perspective

Jesus was the conquering Kig but he was also the suffering Servant

Peter was to play a big part in Jesus' mission but he first needed to humbly trust in the Lord's plan

2015-11-20 - Confirmation

Then I will know that you are going to help me rescue Israel as you promised - Judges 6:37

Some move out courageously and say, "Lets get started!" while others need to test the waters before taking their steps of faith

Gideon was a man of God who needed to be sure; was not a from a lack of faith

He apparently wasn't sure of he heard God correctly he asked God twice for a sign of confirmation

Gideon wanted to know without a doubt that he understood God's calling

God wasn't angry when Gideon asked him to confirm his commands and he won't be angry with you either

2015-11-22 - Eyes of Faith

The Lord opened the young man's eyes - 2 Kings 6:17

The king of Syria had sent his army to the city of Dothan and surrounded it at night

Elisha's servant saw the enemy's chariots, horses, and soliders had surrounded them

Naturally, this fearful young man ran directly to his master who was a man of faith

Elisha knew that prayer was just what was needed - the servant eyes were then opened

Elisha already understood the situation he faced was just a chance for God to demonstrate his glorious power

2015-12-04 - Need for the Holy Spirit

Jesus returned to Galilee filled with the Holy Spirit - Luke 4:14

Any man who has accomplished something for the Lord owes his sucess to the empowerment of the Holy Spirit

Jesus left us an example on how to depend on the Spirit for power, guidance, and encouragement

Every wise word he spoke and every miraculous deed he performed grew out of the Spirt's prompting

Jesus didn't began his public ministry until "the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove - Luke 3:22

If Jesus, as the perfect Son of God, needed the empowerment of God's Spirit, how much more do you need his power today?

2015-12-16 - Pray, Plan, Act

We will start rebuilding this wall - Nehemiah 2:20

God gives men the vision, the faith, and the ability to get things done - we must act on what we know

Nehemiah first realized Jerusalem's walls needed rebuilding:

  • Bathed his vision in prayer
  • Planned with counsel
  • Acted in faith

He knew he was faced with a daunting task:

  • Long hours of hard work
  • Neighbors with outspoken opposition

Nehemiah approached the work with absolute confidence simply because God called him to the task

Has God given you a vision of something he wants you to accomplish?

2015-12-19 - Enemy of Self

Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan - Judges 13:24-25

The man who learns to put himself aside is the one who makes a difference for God's kingdom

From the time Samson was a boy, the Spirit began to stir within him

That is when self got in the way

Something went wrong between God's Spirit and Samson

Samson didn't use the gifts of God had given him as a leader and deliever God called him to be

He used his gifts for his own agenda:

  • Consistantly proud
  • Often immoral
  • Arrogantly disregarded the counsel of others
  • Used strength for revenge and settle scores

God gave Samson all the strength he needed to succeed

Samson squandered an opportunity for greatness and left a legacy of pride

Will you use your gifts for his benefit or just for yourself?

2015-12-30 - Not About Me

I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen - 2 Timothy 2:9-10

Paul freely chose to suffer for Christ

Despite opponents he faces, pain and suffering, he gladly continued to speak the name of Jesus

Was he a masochist? No, he did not enjoy the pain but tried to move on where ever he could - Acts 26:29

Paul enjoyed anything that would help to get the gospel message preached to those who needed to hear it

Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution - 2 Timothy 3:12

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