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2010-03-18 - To Live is Christ - Know Christ
Paul wanted to know Christ - Philippians 3:10-11

Did he not know him yet?
  • Three days of fasting and prayer? - Acts 9:9
  • After 3 years of personal training? - Galatians 1:11-24
  • After a visit to the 3 heaven? - 2 Corinthians 12:1-6
Geek verb ginoskein - close to intimacy of marriage

Paul knew about Jesus
He was will aware that simply doing the right thing did not give him intimacy

Do we really know Christ?
To become like him in his death is become like him in life:
  • Give when you are tired
  • Pray when you do not want to
  • Stand your ground against emotions and thoughts
  • Overcome fear and to love in practical, unselfish way
To live like this is to know Christ
The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you - Romans 8:11

2010-03-19 - To Live is Christ - Pressing On

Although is righteousness that is not our own becomes laziness, we show we have the grace of God - Philippians 3:12-16

Despite all that Paul went through and has done - he pressed on
Greek word, dicoko = used in both hunting and foot racing

There is certainly a time to remember what we have done - 2 Thessalonians 2:5
But there is also a time to forget

Paul did not cling to the fact that he planted a lot of churches
He purposely "forgot", so he would not see himself as arriving

Paul was looking forward to the next thing God had in store for him
All who are mature, should think this way

The way to take it higher is to hold on to what you have already grasped and then reach for more

2010-03-20 - To Live is Christ - Enemies of the Cross
The acceptance of Jesus leads to joy and not to be naive - Philippians 3:17-21
Be thankful but still have our eyes wide open

The cross stands as a constant reminder of the battle between good and evil
Jesus did not just hang out at the cross - HE DIED there because of his enemies
And the war goes on

To act as though we do could do enough to earn salvation - undermines Jesus' sacrifice
To act as though grace is a license for sin - undermines the purpose of the cross - Romans 6:17

Enemies of the cross = people with minds on earthly things

Philippians had a unique blessing of having Roman citizenship outside of Rome
Our real home country is heaven and our loyalty is to the King of Kings

2010-03-21 - To Live is Christ - Joy and Crown
Paul: My joy and crown is you standing firm in the Lord - Philippians 4:1
For the Greeks, the crown was a symbol of victory or a token of honor

Paul's crown was changed lives
The legacy was lasting and the reward was eternal
Paul to Corinthians: Result of the ministry not written on tablets but on human hearts - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

If other people's spiritual growth is not our concern, it will never be our joy
If others are not our joy in this life, they will never be our crown after this life

What brought Jesus joy, brought Paul joy
Where do we get our joy in life?

Self-centeredness is the greatest roadblock of joy
We can not be concerned about the things of God if our own things get in the way

The Philippians were Paul's concern,  his focus, his joy and his crown

2010-03-22 - To Live is Christ - Rejoice Always

It would be one thing to hear "rejoice always" from someone living with plenty but quite another from someone in a challenging situation - Philippians 4:4-5

There is something about being "in the Lord"
If someone is "in the Lord", there is always something bigger than our trials

Paul also had a deep conviction that whatever is one: The Lord Is Near
This is how men and women of God can be joyful and gentle in the most stressful times

God is monitoring their pain not allow more than we can bear and giving his strength
The Lord is near to all who call on him - Psalms 145:18
He is near in every situation we encounter

He is calling on them and us to rejoice always and to have a great attitude


2010-03-23 - To Live is Christ - Anxious About Nothing

Paul urges them to be anxious and worried about nothing and to pray about everything because God is in control - Philippians 4:6-7

Peace never comes without surrender
Surrender never comes without a decision to trust

Something instead of dealing with our emotions, we try an avoidance pattern
Adam and Eve hid from God and themselves

We must be in touch with happens to others and ourselves
It is why we must consistently and unashamedly pray about all aspects of our lives
It is not just for some - it is normal experience - just people deciding to trust God in every situation

Guard (a garrison of angel are available to help) our hearts - Satan wants us to trust ourselves and to doubt our God
Our own thoughts are not always the truth

How challenging to turn everything over to God. Yet, how foolish not to!


2010-03-24 - To Live is Christ - Mind Change
Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable - think of such things - Philippians 4:8-9

It is all about the focus
Focus on the mess or you can change your mind and focus on:
  • Who God is
  • What God can do
  • The changes he can make
  • The victory he will most certainly achieve
Paul is not hopeful on what direction the world is going
Jesus saw the increase in wickedness - Matthew 24:12
While pessimistic about the world's chances, he was totally optimistic about the future with God

You will have trouble in this world but Jesus has overcome the world - John 16:33

2010-03-25 - To Live is Christ - Learned to be Content
The secret of being content in any situations is to remember - I can do everything through him who gives me strength - Philippians 4:10-13

Content = Greek word autarkeia = self-sufficiency or not needing a thing

Secret he learned was not because he choose not to care

He learned it by:
  • Listening to Christ everyday
  • Holding on to his faith in the fiery trails
  • Slowly and painfully
Paul did not raise from baptism knowing this, he came out of the waters ready to learn it
At one point - bad circumstances led him to despair of life itself - 2 Corinthians 1:8

What circumstances are in your life right now that could lead to a lack of contentment?

2010-03-26 - To Live is Christ - God will meet your needs
Paul uses financial terms to express spiritual principles - Philippians 4:16-20
He is eager to "credit their account" for their concern for his needs
Their gift was more than a full payment for the ways he pour out his life for them

When we give to meet the needs of others, God will amply supply our needs
Sometimes we are afraid our needs won't be meet
We must remember that God is faithful
He is totally reliable

The issue is not his bounty or resourcefulness but our faith

2010-04-21 - Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone (part 2)

Preached by Maurice Hooks

John 13:34-35 - How quick am I to sacrifice for my brother and sister?

Romans 13:8 - Being  a stepping stone means you make the decsion to love people

Have the attitude of Christ - ...Philippians 2:1-7

Build others up - Ephesians 4:29-31

Strive to make others great - John 3:27-30

Challenges for the week:

  1. Make your spouce/roomate great without them knowing
  2. Make your kids day, lift them up without seeing that did anything
  3. Help someone not close to you feel special


2010-04-26 - Heart of Friendship (part 2)

Friendship in Christ

Galatians 3:26-29

  • We are all in Christ
  • There is no different: race, martial status, money you make, area you live in

Friendship like Christ

John 13:34-35 - You must love one another like Christ (even when you do not want to)

Matthew 26:50 - First word Jesus said to Judas as he was betraying him was "Friend, ..."

Revelation 3:19 - Jesus corrected those he loved (We must correct those we love)

Friendship for Christ

Ephesians 5:21

  • Our motivation for submitting to each other - reverence for Christ
  • How can we tolerate others? our reverence for Christ

Friendship through Christ

Philippians 4:13 - We can do anything with our friend, Jesus Christ

2010-07-25 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 2)
Paul learned the secret of being content - Philippians 4:12
Many Christians assume he no longer experienced the thirst of his soul
Earlier Paul said he had not obtained his soul's desire nor already made perfect (complete)
He was straining toward what was ahead - Philippians 3:12-14

Contentment is not freedom from desire but freedom of desire
It is no longer being ruled by your desires

We have 3 options:
  1. To be alive and thirsty
  2. To be dead
  3. To be addicted
Most of the world lives in addiction
Most of the church has chosen deadness

Christians are called to live the life of holy longing but we don't like to stay there

To live in thirst is to live with an ache
Every addiction comes from the attempt to get rid of the ache
Merely trying sets us on an unending chase that leads us farther and farther from home

2010-08-24 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 1)
Our destiny is to come fully alive
To explain sin, some have gone to the point of saying "I am just a sinner, saved by grace" or "there sure isn't anything good in me"
But this is unbibical

They point to: "For I know that nothing good lives in me" - Romans 7:18
Notice he says " in my flesh" - there is a difference between the flesh (old heart) and the true you

Yes, we battle sin and crucify the flesh but we choose to live from the new heart
That sinful nature you battle is not who you are

"it is no longer I myself who do it"  X 2 - Romans 7:17-18; 20, 22
Paul opens the letter with "Paul, an apostle" not as a sinner

You should shine like stars - Philippians 2:15-16
Let your light shine before men - Matthew 5:16

Shame says - "I am nothing to look at. I am not capable of goodness"
Humility say - "I bear a glory for sure, but it is a reflected glory"

2010-10-13 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part II)
  1. The Obstacle of Greed - Luke 12:13-21 (Parable of the rich fool); Luke 16:19-31 (Rich man and Lazarus)
    1. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. The value of a person's life has nothing to do with his financial worth.
    2. The rich fool's goal was financial independence and being independent of God. This is the 'American Dream."
    3. The rich man in Luke 16 went to hell because of his greed and unconcern about the needs of others.
  2. The Obstacle of Discontentment - Philippians 4:10-13
    1. Paul rejoiced while he was in prison.
    2. He was grateful and content even in need.
    3. Paul did not focus on what he lacked, but rather on what he had (Christ).
    4. Also note 1 Timothy 6:6-10.


  1. How am I storing up treasures for myself but not being rich toward God?
  2. How am I showing concern for the poor/needy?
  3. Am I grateful and content with what I have right now?
  4. What griefs do I have in my life because of greed and discontentment?
    • Debt
    • High monthly payments
    • Bad credit record

2010-10-14 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part III)
  1. The Obstacle of Worry - Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:4-9
    1. As disciples, we sin when we worry about finances.
    2. Worry is a result of a lack of faith.
    3. Ways to overcome worry:
      1. Prayer
      2. Rejoice always
      3. Be thankful in all situations
  2. The Obstacle of Laziness - Signs of Laziness According to Solomon
    1. The Sluggard
      1. Proverbs 6:9-11, 19:15, 20:13, 26:14
        Oversleeping and eating too much
      2. Proverbs 13:4, 15:19
        Not accomplishing goals, something always getting in the way
      3. Proverbs 19:24, 26:13
        Making excuses
      4. Proverbs 20:4
        Unwilling to work hard
    2. Results of Laziness: Poverty - Proverbs 10:4, 12:24
    3. Overcome laziness by hard work - Proverbs 14:23


  1. What do I worry about? How will I overcome it?
  2. How does worry affect my relationship with God?
  3. What signs of laziness do I need to overcome? Be Specific.

2010-10-16 - Giving (Part II)
  1. It Takes Faith to Give - Malachi 3:8-11
    1. God wants us to test him in our giving (v. 10). All we need is the faith.
    2. God is waiting to pour out blessing when we trust Him. It is easy to say 'I'll give when God blesses me." God says, "Give and I win bless you."
  2. God's Promises - Malachi 3:10-11, Mark 10:29-31, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
    1. We will not have enough room for God's blessings.
    2. We can never outgive God.
    3. God always gives back 100 times as much to us.
    4. God will continue to give to us so we in turn can give to others and meet their needs.
    5. Ultimate blessing: treasure in heaven.
  3. Depend on God - Philippians 4:14-19
    1. Our giving is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
    2. When we give, God will meet all our needs.


  1. Do I hold back on my contribution because I am worried about the future?
  2. Does my giving cause me to rely on God?
  3. What amount of money should I be giving weekly that is both responsible and still requires faith?
  4. When have I relied on the promise of God in my giving? What did God do in response?

2010-10-18 - Sacrificial Living
  1. Jesus' Example - 2 Corinthians 8:9, Luke 9:57-58
    1. Jesus chose to live sacrificially. He gave up heaven itself.
    2. He became poor so the world could be saved.
  2. The Need for Sacrificial Living
    1. To meet the physical needs of others. (2 Corinthians 8:13-15; Acts 4:34-37)
      1. Paul wanted those who had plenty to sacrifice for those who were in need.
      2. The first century Christians sacrificed so there would be no needy people among them.
    2. To support full-time workers so the world would be evangelized. (Philippians 4:10-19)
      1. Paul commended the Philippians for the aid they had sent him.
      2. He considered their gifts to him as a sacrifice to God.
    3. There was always a purpose in the Bible for living sacrificially. It was never to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice alone.


  1. In what ways can I choose to live more sacrificially in order to have money to give to meet needs?
    • Cut food budget
    • Limit or eliminate eating out for a time to save for a special contribution
    • Use creativity during dates in order to save money
    • Stop impulse spending (vending machines, fast food, etc.)
  2. Am I willing to "become poor" so that others can have the opportunity to become Christians?

2011-01-15 - Followup - Being Discipled: Imitation & Indignation

Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 4:9 - Imitate your leaders
  • Purpose
  • Faith - reliance on God
  • Love - warmth and encouragement
  • Endurance - even-temperedness and stability, keeping head in all situations

Sin is what keeps us from being a great disciple
  • Pride - Proverbs 26:12 - “I can make it on my own”
    • No you can’t! - James 4:6 - God opposes the proud
  • Selfishness - Philippians 2:1-8 - Jesus made himself nothing

2011-01-25 - Followup - The New Testament Church (part II)
A picture of the New Testament Church (continued)

4. Giving
  • Generously - 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 9:6-11, Luke 16:13-16
  • Weekly - 1 Corinthians 16:1
  • To advance the gospel - Philippians 4:14-16, Titus 3:13-14
  • To meet the saints’ needs - Romans 15:25-27, Acts 2:44-45
5. Preaching - 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 4:2


  1. Evangelism - Philippians 2:14-16, Colossians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:8, 1 Peter 2:9
  2. Serving
    • Serving food - Acts 6:1-4
    • Providing clothes - Acts 9:36-39
    • Looking after its orphans and widows - 1 Timothy 5:16, James 1:27
    • Showing hospitality - 1 Corinthians 16:5-6, 3 John 5-8, Hebrews 13:!2
    • 1 John 3:16-17, James 2:15-16, Matthew 25:34-36

That God may be glorified in His church - Ephesians 3:21

2011-01-30 - Followup - Servant (part I)
Great Servant - Mark 10:41-45

1. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be great
Jesus didn’t confront their desire to be great, only their method
2. Greatness comes through being a servant
Your greatness in the Kingdom is only limited by your willingness to be a slave to all!

Selfless Servant - Philippians 2:5-7

1. Jesus set the pace for us by becoming a servant. He made himself nothing and had a lot further to go to become nothing than we do!

  • What are you making of yourself?
  • How much does “self” matter to you?
  • How much does “self” influence your daily decision?
2. Self-denial is the essence of service
Luke 9:23 - Must deny self daily - deny self = denying feelings

2011-02-27 - Servant of God (part I)
Jesus was the ultimate servant
Mark 10:42-45
  • Jesus was the greatest because he was a servant to all
  • Why would anyone want to be a servant of all? Because Jesus was the greatest example we can understand why.
Philippians 2:1-8
  • Jesus was God yet he did not even consider his equality
  • He made himself nothing - he was king yet he was on the bottom level
  • Slaves:
    • Are 24/7/365
    • Do not get thanks
    • Do not have days off
    • Do not have a schedule of their own
    • Do not have attitudes because nothing is theirs
  • v5 - Your attitude should be the same
  • Have I taken on the nature of a servant?
  • Do I consider others better than myself?

2011-03-09 - NT Commands (part II)
Commands from the New Testament
  • Be alert and self controlled - 1 Thessalonians 5:6
  • Be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
  • Be anxious for nothing - Philippians 4:6
  • Be content with what you have - Hebrews 13:5
  • Be willing to associate with those in low position - Romans 12:2
  • Be joyful always - 1 Thessalonians 5:16
  • Be kind to everyone - 2 Timothy 2:24
  • Be patient with everyone - 1 Thessalonians 5:14

2011-03-10 - NT Commands (part III)
Commands found in the New Testament:
  • Be thankful - Colossians 3:15
  • Be slow to speak and anger - James 1:19-20
  • Do everything in love - 1 Corinthians 16:14
  • Do everything without complaining or arguing - Philippians 2:14-15
  • Do not be proud or conceited - Romans 12:2
  • Do not lie - Colossians 3:9-10
  • Do not take revenge - Romans 12:19
  • Do not conform to the world - Romans 12:2

2011-03-13 - NT Commands (part VI)
Reading New Testament commands each day:
  • Honor your father and mother - Matthew 19:19
  • Let your "Yes" be a yes and your "No" be a no - James 5:12
  • Live in harmony with one another - Romans 12:16
  • Love one another - John 13:34-35
  • Must not quarrel - 2 Timothy 2:24
  • Pray continuously - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • Pray for persecutors - Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28
  • Rejoice in the Lord - Philippians 3:1
  • Rejoice in your trails - James 1:2-3

2011-03-18 - One Another (part IV)
More scriptures about loving one another:
  • If you keep on biting and devouring each other you will be destroyed by each other - Galatians 5:15
  • In humility consider others better than yourselves - Philippians 2:3
  • Instruct one another - Romans 15:14
  • Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other - Galatians 5:26
  • Live in harmony with one another - 1 Peter 3:8; Romans 12:16
  • Love each other - 1 Thessalonians 4:9
  • Love each other deeply - 1 Peter 4:8
  • Love one another - 1 John 3:11; 1 John 3:23; 1 John 4:7; 1 John 4:11; 1 John 4:12; 2 John 5; Romans 13:8
  • Love one another deeply, from the heart - 1 Peter 3:8

2011-05-12 - Names of the Believers (part XII)
Alternative names for the church:
  • Salt of the earth - Matthew 5:13
  • Servants of Christ - 1 Corinthians 7:22; Ephesians 6:6
  • Servants of righteousness - Romans 6:18
  • Sheep of Christ - John 10:1-16; 21:16
  • Sojourners with God - Leviticus 25:23; Psalms 39:12
  • Sons of God - John 1:12; Philippians 2:15; 1 John 3:1,2

2011-06-09 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part II)
Man’s heart must be reshaped to think and act like God’s (continued)
  1. Man does not by nature think like God
  • For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways - Isaiah 55:8-9
  • The heart is deceitful above all things - Jeremiah 17:9
  1. We must seek to obtain the mind of Christ
  • Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus - Philippians 2:5
  • But we have the mind of Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:16

2011-06-20 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part V)
Christ’s encounters with people teach about discipleship

Jesus loved God with an unrivaled love
  • John 14:31 - do exactly what my Father has commanded me
  • ~Matthew 26:36-46 - Did what was needed not what he at first wanted
Jesus completely and continually emptied self of self
  • Philippians 2:6-7 - Took the very nature of a servant
  • John 5:30 - Seeked to please the one who sent him
Jesus gave up everything
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - He became poor so we could become rich
  • Matthew 8:20 - He had no home

2011-07-03 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part IV)
Oneness with the Father is a definable concept in the scriptures:

It means to live in the presence of the Father
  • John 14:10 - It is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work
  • John 8:38 - I am telling you what I have seen in the Father's presence
  • Philippians 1:21 - For to me, to live is Christ
  • Colossians 1:27 - Christ in you, the hope of glory
  • Colossians 3:4 - Christ, who is your life
  • Galatians 2:20 - Christ lives in me
It means to love and obey the Father
  • 1 John 2:3-6 - We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.

2011-07-07 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part II)
Jesus employed at least five elements to accomplish this mission:

1. He gave himself totally to its fulfillment.
  • John 6:51 - This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
  • Galatians 1:4 - He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live
  • Ephesians 5:2 - Christ loved us and gave himself up for us
  • Titus 2:14 - He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness
  • 1 John 3:16 - Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
  • John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
  • Philippians 2:7- He made himself nothing
  • Hebrews 7:27 - He sacrificed for their sins once for all

2011-07-16 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part II)
The self-centered life (continued):

3. His worship is direct toward himself
  • Luke 18:11 - Prayer: I thank you that I am not like other men
  • Philippians 3:19 - Their god is their stomach
  • 2 Timothy 3:2 - People will be lovers of themselves
4. His pleasure is to fulfill himself
  • 2 Timothy 3:4 - Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
  • Proverbs 21:17 - He who loves pleasure will become poor
  • 1 Timothy 5:6 - But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead
5. His sinful nature is expressed through the gratification of self
  • Galatians 5:16 - Live by the Spirit and not our sinful desires
  • Ephesians 4:19 - Lost all sensitivity

2011-07-20 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part VI)
The results of a self emptied life:

A. It enables you to seek the good of others above yourself:
  • Romans 15:1-3 - Bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves
  • 1 Corinthians 8:9, 9:12, 22 - Become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some
  • 1 Corinthians 10:24, 33, 13:5 - Not seeking my own good but the good of many,
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9, 12:15 - We become poor so other can become rich
  • 2 Timothy 2:10 - Endure everything for the sake of others
  • Philippians 2:3-4, 20-21 - Look at the interests of others

2011-07-26 - Mind of Christ - Servant (part II)
The nature of a servant

A. He is emptied of self interest

  • Philippians 2:6-7, 19-22, 24-30
  • A servant does not consider his work of serving as a humiliation. Not ashamed of being thought as inferior. It is his place and work to serve others.
B. He voluntarily humbles himself before others.
  • Philippians 2:6-8 - Humbled himself and became obedient to death
  • Reason we often do not bless others by serving them is that we wish to address them as their superiors in grace or gifts or at least their equals.
  • Matthew 3:14 - John tried to deter his humility
  • Micah 6:8 - LORD require us to walk humbly with our God
  • 1 Peter 5:5 - Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

2011-07-27 - Mind of Christ - Servant (part III)
The nature of a servant (continued):

C. His mind is focused on the work and interest of his master
  • 2 Timothy 2:4 -Soldier don't get involved in civilian affairs
  • Colossians 1:10 - Live a life worthy of the Lord
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1 - Live in order to please God
  • Matthew 16:23 - Peter, at this time, was not focus on the greater things of God
  • John 4:34, 5:30, 36, 6:38, 9:4, 17:4 - My foo is to do the will of him who sent me
D. He is motivated by his love for people.
  • Philippians 2:19-22, 25-30 - Timothy had a genuine interest in the welfare of others
  • Galatians 5:13-15 - Serve one another in love.
  • Mark 6:34 - He had compassion on the

2011-08-01 - Mind of Christ - Servant, Washing Feet (part II)
The washing of the disciples feet was illustrative of Christ’s life and ministry
  • Acts 10:38 - How he went around doing good and healing all
  • Mark 1:29-41, 6:30-56 - Taking care of the needs around him
  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - Became poor so we could become rich
  • Philippians 2:6-8 - Taking on the nature of a servant
The washing of the disciples feet is illustrative of Christ’s death on the cross.
  • Isaiah 53 - He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows
  • Matthew 20:28 - Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve
  • Galatians 1:4, 2:20 - Gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age
  • Ephesians 5:2, 25 - Gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering
No calling we have received will make us more like Christ than that of being a servant

2011-09-08 - Followup: Humility I (part I)
Humility is essential in beginning and maintaining a relationship with God. Pride, the opposite of humility, is often difficult to see in yourself and difficult to define in one’s character. It can be described as stubbornness toward God and his Word as well as others, or as independence from God and/or others.

Let’s look at a few examples of what humility is NOT.
  1. Stubborn: Pharaoh was stubborn towards the Lord’s will - Exodus 13:15
  2. Pride: It’s hard to see your own pride but others can easily - Psalms 73:6
  3. Arrogance: God hates arrogance - Proverbs 8:13
Let’s look at what examples of humility truly looks like.
  1. Proverbs 15:33 - fear of God brings about wisdom and humility
  2. Proverbs 16:3 - put God first and you will be successful
  3. Philippians 2:3 - putting others before yourself
  4. Colossians 3:12 - we are to put on humility daily
  5. 1 Peter 5:5 - respect others and clothe yourself with humility

2011-09-09 - Followup: Humility I (part II)
What humility is not:
  • Being wimpy and letting people walk over you: Jesus was no wimp - John 2:15
  • Have no opinions, become a spiritual robot: Paul pleased God not man - Galatians 1:10
What humility is:
  • Getting and applying input - Proverbs 19:20
  • Taking correction - Proverbs 12:1
Philippians 2:5-8
How was Jesus humble?
  • He was God but left heaven to become man (like you becoming an ant)
  • He gave up being a king to serve those who didn’t love or respect him.
  • He died for you and me.
Question: Is there anyone in your life difficult for you to be humble towards?
Question: What would Jesus advise you to do with that situation?

To be like Jesus is to be humble

2011-09-24 - Proverbs on Pride (part IV)

#1. Humility heals our relationship with God - Proverbs 3:34
  • God honors humility
  • When we become humble we become more like God himself.
Philippians 2:8-11 - God honors humility (this is the 1st step to having a relationship with God)
James 4:8-10 - Humility isn’t a one time thing, we must continue to humble ourselves before God daily

#2. Humility heals our relationship with Others - Proverbs 6:3

To heal a relationship someone must take the first step - Christ did this for us
  • Best example is in a marriage (someone has to start with “I’m sorry”)
  • Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” not “blessed is the one who wins the argument”
One purpose of a Christian relationship is to remove the pride from each other’s life (so we can get to heaven)

Colossians 1:28-29 - We must work to help each other be humble

2011-09-30 - Proverbs on Laziness (part II)
How do I overcome being lazy (How do I become disciplined)?

1. Carpe Diem = Seize the Day

We are only given a certain amount of time in a day (and on earth)
  • The challenge of life is not that we have too little time, but in how we are going to spend the time we do have.
  • We need to make the most of every day (make a to do list to get yourself started)
2. Beware of the little things

Being disciplined is about the little things in life.
  • Anyone can have a job but do we do the little things that make us a great employee
  • Anyone can have a child but do we do the things that make us a great parent
Examples of little things to be disciplined in
  1. Punctuality
  2. Paying bills on time
  3. Sending birthday (Father’s Day, Mother’s Day cards)
  4. Picking up after yourself
  5. Keeping your room/car clean
  6. Returning phone calls
  7. Looking presentable
3. Don’t over commit
One thing that can hurt your discipline is if you over commit
  • Discipline is being able to decide what can be done and doing it the right way
  • It’s better to do three (3) things well than ten (10) things half heartedly
An important thing to do is to spend time thinking about what needs to be done and how to do it.
  • You don’t have to say “yes” to everyone and everything (our people pleasing nature will end up making us overwhelmed, stressed)
4. Worrying Won’t Work

Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything
  • Worry is an unproductive emotion (it won’t change anything)
  • Worry is like a rocking chair (gives you something to do but gets you no where)
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him (God) because he cares for you

  1. Buy things that are useful instead of buying for status
  2. Do not buy anything that is producing an addiction in you
  3. Develop a characteristic of giving things away
  4. Develop a deeper appreciation for God’s creation
  5. Stay away from things that take your focus off of God
  6. If anything comes before you having QT’S in the morning then fast from that thing (activity) until you control it instead of it controlling you.

2011-10-20 - Mind Change - Every Situation
In every situation there is a right spiritual way to think.

It may take some time to find it.

It may take some discipline to embrace it.

But it is always there, and it is always best.

It is always the key to overcoming any challenge.

Philippians 1:27 - Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ
Ephesians 5:10 - find out what pleases the Lord
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - give thanks in all circumstances

2011-10-22 - Mind Change - God will provide
God will provide

No matter what the need. He cares.
He allows us to have needs.

He sees our needs.
He meets them all.

Isaiah 58:11 - He will give you renewed strength
Matthew 6:31-32 - Father knows that you need them
Philippians 4:19 - God will supply your every need

2011-10-25 - Mind Change - Help
These three help in our walk: faith, thanksgiving, determination

Faith inspires you.

Thanksgiving gives you perspective.

Determination keeps you moving.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 - every act prompted by your faith
Philippians 4:6 - in everything with thanksgiving
Luke 9:51 - Jesus resolutely set out for the cross

2011-10-27 - Mind Change - Problems
There is much more to life than your problem.

It may be loud.

It may shout for attention.

It may seem unbearable. But God is greater.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen
Romans 8:18 - Present sufferings cannot even be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us
Philippians 2:4 - Should be concerned not only about your own interests

2011-11-10 - Mind Change - Trouble
Trouble is often the ground where God cultivates some of his best crops.

No trouble is bigger than God.
No trouble is stronger than God.
No trouble overwhelms God.

Genesis 50:20 - God trouble helps save lives
Galatians 4:13 - Because of an illness that Paul preached to the Galatians
Philippians 1:12-14 - Christians were encouraged by Paul's chains

2011-11-13 - Mind Change - Peace

It is God’s will for you to totally trust him and to be completely at peace in every situation.

You have to learn this.

It took Paul some time to learn this (compare 2 Corinthians 1 / Philippians 4)

It will take you time to learn it.

Just decide that you will learn it.

Philippians 4:4-7 - I am able to do all things through the one who strengthens me

2011-11-18 - Thankfulness

Colossians 1:3,10-12, 2:6-7, 3:15, 17, 4:2
 - In one letter we are instructed SEVEN times to be thankful people. Pretty important


Philippians 4:10-13 ~ Paul did not start out this way
  • Paul learned thankfulness no matter what your circumstances
  • Without doubt the most valuable secret in life.
  • How can we learn to be thankful?
3 Keys:

1. Remember the past.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 ~ Remember how you used to live. 
  • Remember that you were an object of wrath and on the path to hell.
  • Think how fortunate you are to be in God's grace and on the road to heaven.
  • Were would you be today without God's grace?
2. New thinking in the present

    Serve with a grateful heart
    Matthew 6:1-4 ~ Remember it is more blessed to give than receive.
  • Learn to enjoy serving God and His people.
  • Don't look for recognition.
  • Old life hide sin, new life hide good
    Trust God in everything
    Romans 8:28  ~ God works out EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him.
    Do you believe this ?

3. Think toward the future.

    Philippians 4:2-8 ~ You name is written in the book of life.
  • What do you see?
    • Do not be anxious about anything - the Lord is near.
    • Constantly think about GOOD, NOBLE, HONOURABLE and PURE things. (Don't allow the devil to pollute your mind).
    • Rejoice in the Lord always.

2011-11-29 - Gratitude (part II)
Gratitude must be seen in our prayer life
  • Philippians 4:6 - Start your prayer times every day with your thankful list
  • 1 Timothy 4:4 - Be grateful for everything God has provided you with – even the basics
Lack of gratitude is both sinful and dangerous
  • Romans 1:21 - Not thanking God can lead to involvement in other sinful areas
  • Luke 17:11-19 - Not thanking God for the blessings you receive is selfish
Gratitude should be felt and spoken on a continual basis
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Be thankful in all circumstances, whether great or challenging
  • Ephesians 5:19-20 - Always be thankful-for all things (make a list of 200 thing to be grateful)
As you can see, gratitude is a very important part of your Christian life. Being grateful for all things and at all times will not be easy. You will need to be constantly remind yourself and be reminded by others just how awesome God is and how good He has been to you. The devil wants you to be negative-a whiner and complainer. God wants and expects you to be a grateful disciple. Make some decisions today about how thankful you will be from this day forward.

2011-12-07 - Day 4 - Learning to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
  1. Why does prayer need to be learned? Who are you learning from?
  2. (vs. 2-4) How can you praise God's name? Do you pray for God's kingdom (church) to increase?
  3. Do you pray for daily needs and for forgiveness for yourself and to also forgive others?
  4. Do you pray for help and protection from temptations?
  5. What else does Jesus want us to understand about prayer from verses 5-13?
A.C.T.S. - a simple outline for prayer is: Adoration (praise), Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (requests).

If you pray 10 minutes of each section, you will pray a powerful 40 minutes! Read the Psalms to learn how to really praise God.

Philippians 4:6-7
  • What does God want you to pray about?
  • What are some worries you can pray about today?
  • Do you feel at peace when you pray to God? Trust he will answer!
Application: Pray following the Lord's prayer outline or using A.C.T.S. Write down some of your prayer requests and see how God answers them.

2011-12-25 - Day 22 - Giving Living
~John 13:1-17
  1. How did Jesus show the full extent of his love?
  2. What was he trying to teach his disciples?
  3. How can we obey verse 17?
  4. Give specific examples.
Acts 9:36-42
  1. Why was Dorcas so loved by everyone?
  2. Who were her "special friends"?
  3. Why do you think she did so much for them?
  4. If you died today, what would you be remembered for?
  5. What can we learn from Dorcas' life?
Philippians 2:19-24
  1. What made Timothy different from the others?
  2. What shows a genuine interest in the welfare of others?
  3. How can you be more like Timothy?
Application: Think of a practical way to show another disciple that you truly care. Do it today.

2012-01-02 - Day 30 - Joined Together in Love
Psalms 133:1-3 - What is unity and why is it so important to have it in the church?

Ephesians 4:1-3
  1. Explain verse 2 in your own words. What happens when we act the opposite of this?
  2. Why does it take every effort to keep unity?
Philippians 2:1-5
  1. What does it mean to be one in spirit and purpose?
  2. How can you consider others better that yourself?
  3. Whose interests have you been looking out for besides your own? What is the attitude of Jesus? Is yours the same?
Matthew 18:15-17 &  Matthew 5:23-24
  1. How does Jesus tell us to resolve conflicts and disagreements with one another?
  2. Who should go to whom first?
  3. Is there anyone in the church with whom you need to go and settle a problem?
Application: Think about your relationships today. Pray to be unified with all your brothers and sisters and reach out to and spend time with those you do not love as Jesus would.

2012-01-05 - Day 33 - Shining Like Stars
Philippians 2:14-16
  1. How do we "hold out the word of life" to others?
  2. What kind of example do we need to show those around us?
  3. What have you complained or argued about lately? How can you change?
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
  1. How can you be a slave to everyone? (Give examples)
  2. What are some ways you need to adapt to people in your life to help them be saved?
Psalms 126:6
  1. Why should we be "weeping" as we go out to make disciples?
  2. What is the promise for those who do?
Daniel 12:3 - Are you being wise?

Application: Pray for a heart that truly loves deeply as you share your faith today.

2012-03-12 - Blessings In Christ (part VIII)
Continue studying through the blessing of Jesus:

38. We become Christ's ambassadors - 2 Corinthians 5:20

39. We are blessed with spiritual blessings - Ephesians 1:3

40. Our every need will be supplied by God - Philippians 4:19

41. Given an inner strength to accomplish necessary things - Philippians 4:13

42. A good work has been done in us - Philippians 1:6

2013-03-20 - Prayer of the Righeous - Knowing God through His Word (part I)

Knowing God through our own study of the Bible is essential
I want to know Christ and the power of the resurrection - Philippians 3:10

We can get to know Christ through the living word of God - John 1:1
When we are truly in love with God, our prayers are fresh and exciting

God wants us to know him and be close to him
For that reason, he gave us the Counselor, the Holy Spirit - John 14:16, Romans 8:9-16
Fulfilling Jesus 's promise about not leaving us - John 14:18

The Spirit is there to help us do what we want to do
The Spirit is always working to help us have the mind of Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:16
The Spirit is grieved when we sin - Ephesians 4:30
The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God's children - Romans 8:15-16
The Spirit helps us in our weakness, intercedes for us - Romans 8:26

We are to pray in the Holy Spirit - Jude 20
And to pray in the spirit in all occasions - Ephesians 6:18

Our prayers are spiritual when they are deeply rooted in scripture
Prayer and Word of God are inseparable
Prayer is like fire and fuel is God's word

2013-08-27 - Hurtful Examples and Lies

For some, hurtful things your father did and said to you over the years
Others were wounded more by your father’s absence

The question is whether or not you will allow it to hinder you or help you.
Unresolved anger becomes a bitter cancer that poisons hearts.

We are to forgive like God forgives, completely - Ephesians 4:32
Unresolved bitterness is sin and it will distort your own fathering.

If you believe the same lies your father believed, you will also be bound by them.
For every lie that says you need to sin, lust, or feed an addiction to survive or be happy,
God says, "I will take care of you, will never leave you, and will meet all your needs" - 1 Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:19

Truth doesn’t set you free if you only hear it and mentally understand it.
Ask God to reveal the lies you have believed in the past and help you replace each one with His truth.

Consider memorizing verses that stand against any lies you have believed.

2015-02-17 - Behind the Scenes

Epaphroditus is a true brother, coworker, and fellow solier and he was your messenger - Philippians 2:25-26

Fans of sports don't pay enough attention to know the names of the players who do the little things to make their team successful

The same things is true of believers who do the little things necessary to make the church function

Ask anyone who is Epaphroditus is and most believers can not identify him

Although Epaphroditus remains relative obscure due to his brief mention in the Bible, Paul considered him an important part of the ministry

Many believers play key behind-the-scenes roles, we may not know their name but their impact is eternal

2015-02-28 - Contentment

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have - Philippians 4:11-12

Paul didn't learn the value of contentment in a vacuum but through his own difficulties

There is nothing like sitting naked, in pain in a bare jail cell to focus your attention on what really matters

How does a man of God learn contentment? By being satisfied with whatever provisions God make for him.

Paul did not say "I will be content once" but in every situation

When we live like this, we will defeat the spiritual enemies of envy, pride, and greed. We will also enjoy what God has already so generously given you

Contentment mean living with an attitude of gratitude for all that God has given you

2015-03-08 - Approach to Life

Living means living for Christ - Philippians 1:21

Death is near the top of most people's list of fears

Death for the believers is nothing more than moving on to new location

Paul faced the distinct possiblity of death but there is no hint of fear in his letter

He knew

  • If he lived, could continue his work
  • If he died, he would simply move to his new location in heaven - Phippians 1:21-24

Paul couldn't decide which of the options he preferred

Paul never forgot God superinteneded everything that happened to him

When you live free from the fear of death or life, you will never have to worry about what lies ahead.


2015-09-16 - Foresightful

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead - Philippians 3:13

God promises to bless you when you focus on what he calls you to do today and in the future

Paul remembered the past and the lessons he had learned from it

He often refered to his past but he didn't live there

Paul looked forward to things God had for him - namely finishing the race of faith

God has a wonderful plan for your future

Don't focus so much on where you've been that you lose sight of where you are headed

2015-10-13 - Selflessness

But you know how Timothy has proved himself - Philippians 2:22

Paul instructed the Philippians to selflessly lookout for each others' needs - Philippians 2:3-4

Paul a face to selflessness he discribed - Timothy, who was known for selflessness:

  • He didn't just possess God's love, he poured it out on others
  • He served with little concern for himself

Timothy didn't set himself apart by bragging but by serving others from a sincere and compassionate heart

2020-03-06 - Friendliness

Common taunt of Scribes and Pharises that Jesus was a friend of sinners

He was friendly to the lowest and the best of society, a trait which created great scandal

These three statements about Jesus spoke a lot about how Jesus' heart toward others:

  • He saved himself; he cannot save himself - Mark 15:13
  • He went about doing good
  • Friend of sinners

They tried to use his friendiness against him

Example: Tax collectors - ones who gathered taxes by any means nessary including by extortion or other dishonest measures

  • Considered traitors to their country
  • Objects of hatred and scron
  • Their money was considered tained and not accepted in the synagogue
  • Their oath was worthless
  • Could not be a witness in a court of law
  • Pelted with sneers by passers by
  • Looked as wild beasts

Jesus made friends with them despite these truths

It was one thing to talk down to a bad man and give good advise, it is another to eat with them

Jesus cross the chasm over which no man was willing to do in that day and lost his reputation for the sake of being brotherly/friendly

Made himself nothing because he was determined on being firendly to all - Philippians 2:17

Everyone is part of the human race, children of God, despite what they have done


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