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2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-10-24 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 1)

By nature, fathers are designed to be providers

Jesus instructed the disciples to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"

Father knows our needs already - Matthew 6:32
Preoccupation with our needs reveas a lack of trust in God as provider - Matthew 6:25-32
Our priority is God's kingdom - Matthew 6:33

First phrases of the prayer all point to God:

  • Hallowed be your name
  • Your kingdom come
  • Your will be done

Then topics having to do with us:

  • Give us this day
  • Forgive us
  • Lead us


2008-10-27 - Man of Prayer - Daily Bread
Praying for our needs:

1. Needs of our life

2. Desires of our life

3. Area of anxieties - we should not worry about our lives - Matthew 6:25-34
The Biblical antidote for anxiety is prayer

Make a list of all the sources of desire and anxiety in our life
If I wanted it or worried about it - decide to pray about it

Also keep in mind to ask God to not give me anything that would not be a blessing
Israel asked for meat and received it from God while in the dessert - but also sent leanness into their souls - Psalms 106:15

2008-10-29 - Man of Prayer - The Reality of Sin
Differences in speaking of sin in prayer

"forgive us our trespasses"

Sermon of the Mount - Matthew 6:12
Jesus speaking to a rather large crowd
Trespasses meaning a violation without willful understanding our sinning

"forgive us our sins"

Lord's Prayer - Luke 11:4
Jesus praying with the twelve disciples
Sin = hamartia - meaning missing the mark

Either way is sin and forces us to get honest with God and ourselves

2008-11-02 - Man of Prayer - Sinning against each other
Part of prayer needs to be focused  on remembering who has offended us and then making a conscious decision to forgive them

When our sin has caused emotional, spiritual, or physical damage to another - we need restitution - asking forgiveness

  • Brings into our experience not only love and grace of God but transforming power
  • Provides us with the guidance, motivation, enabling power to reconcile our relationships with God and others
  • Enables us to live with the experience of inner cleaning and the peace of God

2008-11-03 - Man of Prayer - Developing Spiritual Protection
World is filled with unknown and dangerous supernatural enemies - the battlefield is out there

Not against flesh and blood - but the spiritual forces of evil - Ephesians 6:12
We are part of a war of epic and eternal proportions that effect every area of our lives

Many men are casualties of a war they don't know is being waged
We are to prepared and equipped  to wage this spiritual war

One of the seven major components of prayer is developing spiritual protection
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one - Matthew 6:13

2008-11-06 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 3)

Three other ways to fight the battle aginst our flesh (nature)

Resist temptation - 1 Peter 5:9
Turn and flee from temptation - 2 Timothy 2:22

Most effective - avoidance - Lead us not into temptation
He guides me in paths of righteousness for hos name's sake - Psalms 23:3

Prayer becomes our spiritual "dressing room" for the battle of the day - Ephesians 6:13-17


2008-11-07 - Man of Prayer - Deliverance from evil

Literally - Deliverance from the evil or the evil one - Matthew 6:13

First law of spiritual warfare - Satan hates you and has a diabolical plan for your life

Jesus has given us the authority in prayer for overcoming the schemes and attacks

One of the greatest privileges and responcablities we have

2008-11-10 - Man of Prayer - Final Issues
If there was a medicine that could:
  • change your life for the better
  • put you in a state of relaxed serenity
  • help you overcome the nagging undercurrent of guilt
  • give you new insight
  • let you meet life's challenges with confidence and courage
Of course our answer would be yes - that is prayer
It still takes work and self-discipline - Pain = Gain

We must translate our desire into action

Exercise 3 days a week = too easy to make excuses
Exercise 5 days a week = develop a habit
5 days can then become 7 days more easily because it is so ingrained

Prayer needs to be everyday

2008-11-11 - Man of Prayer - Perfect Pattern (part 1)

People don't get into shape because they don't know what to do or how to get going

Learning how to start slow and build gradully plays a critical role in getting into shape

The practice if prayer has the same dynamics
Many men respond to emotional appeals to pray more but do not know how to start

1. Am I properly positioned to pray?

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help us to pray (true intimacy)
  • Thank God for what he has given us
2. Where is my focus? - Focus on Him and his names

2008-11-13 - Man of Prayer - Beyond the Basics

Nothing we experience in the physical world will ever give us the the joy of our experience in the presence if God

David - "In your presence is the fulness of joy" - Psalms 16:11

Fullness of joy is what all men long for
There is one preeminent way to be with God - prayer

Some men have been created with personalities that are very logical and others are oriented to feeling and intuition
These inherent distinctions will shape our relationship with God

As our prayer lives develop, we each need to discover what dimensions of prayer are most effective for us
Lord's prayer provides a framework

2008-11-14 - Man of Prayer - Meditation

One may ask, where is the quiet listening part of prayer in this book

God encourages us to be still and know that he is God - Psalms 46:10

Mature prayer is not intended to be a monologue, but a dialogue

Christian meditation and Eastern meditation has to do with is in our minds as meditate
Eastern = empty our minds - dangerous activity
New Age = visualization of pleasant and peaceful landscapes as spiritual guides - opens a door to tremendous spiritual deception

Biblically based contemplation and meditation seeks not to empty the mind but fill it
God will speak through impression and intuition - should always be checked against the Bible and mature Christians

2008-12-26 - Raising Awesome Kids - Specifics


  • Start early to build on good points and strengthen any areas of weakness
  • Even a child is know by his actions

Beliefs and faith in God - Trust God in prayer / stand for the truth


  • Teach them to love life
  • Expect them to do their best
  • Teach them to expect God to move powerfully

Values - good morals - honesty and purity - if learned young - they will not abanon them

Personality, demeanor, and manners

Train them to have a pleasant personality traits
  • Some need to realize that our kids are not likable
  • Don't let your kids be social outcasts, weird, or rude
  • Some kids think they are hilarious when they are not
  • Other act strangle to get a attention
  • Some are are bland wall flowers

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-04 - Raising Awesome Kids - Prayer
We should pray for our children continually
To protect them, guide them, save them, and one day take them to heaven

Paul - Prayed day and night to Timothy - 2 Timothy 1:3
Most powerful weapon available in their spiritual defense and offense

We must pray with our children as well
Regular times such as bedtime and mealtime to start
Praying while going to place like church are also helpful
In times of difficulty and great challenge - we can do nothing without his blessing

What if they do not want to pray?
Talk about how God wants to be close to them
Do not do other activities are bedtime either, too tired for prayer than to tired for _______

2009-01-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Family Devotionals

Family worship is an abolute must if we are to build a spiritual household
It is a time for the entire family gathers to sing, pray, study the Bible, draw near to one another and worship God

Two or three come together in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:19-20

Shouldn't be anything but a boring or irrelevant hour
Should be dynamic, fun, down-to-earth, and creative

Plan devotionals with your spouse - select relevant to the current needs
Time to confront sometimes but mainly to teach, train, and inspire

Last about 45 mins
10-20 of singing - various selections
The lesson with plenty of discussion
Acting out the Bible and role-playing
Close out with prayer

2009-01-09 - Raising Awesome Kids - Childrens Quiet Times
Having their own quiet times is the best way for them to know God and enjoy him personally - develops their own faith

Younger years (preschool and early elementary) - sit down with them a couple of mornings a week

Later elementary - they can begin to have them on their own - 10 minutes a session
Create a structure for them
Write down what they learn
ACTS like prayers
Older - direct them toward Proverbs, Psalms, and the Gospels - always keep up with how it is going

Pushing them too quickly = overwhelmed kids
Not challenging them enough = leave a vacuum for them to be filled by the world

Pray for wisdom, get wise counsel, and trust God will guide you

2009-03-06 - Promises of God - You Call, He Answers

Call me and I'll answer - Psalms 91:14-16

I can help others when I am confident that God is listening to and responding to my prayers

When we lose faith that our prayers will be answered, we lose heart and our relationship with God withers

We may not always give us the answer we want; he always responds for our good

We must see the answers he gives and never doubt that he loves us

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-03-17 - Promises of God - Encouragement From Disciples

Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture, prayer, and he called others for encouragement from others

He deliberately sought out support and encouragement from his 3 closest friends
He also expressed his disappointment at their failure to help

We desperately need relationships for encouragement EVERY day - Hebrews 3:12-13
Tempatation comes every day

There is no excuse in an age of modern technology for getting in touch

2009-04-03 - Promises of God - Prayers Real Purpose (part 1)
We must understand our God if we are going to truly understand the promise offered to us in prayer

His thoughts are not small nor his purposes shallow
He is in the control of all things and these is nothing he can't do

He is the God who take out a heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh - Ezekiel 36:26

He can forgive our sins and forget them - Hebrews 8:12

2009-04-04 - Promises of God - Prayers Real Purpose (part 2)
Continued, a reminder of who God is:

He can:
  • Strengthen the weak
  • Take the strong higher
  • Humble the proud
  • Exalt the humble
  • Take a manger scene and make it the gateway of eternal salvation
  • Take a gruesome cross and make it a beacon pointing to heaven
  • Make the first last and last first
  • Make the rich poor
  • Make the intelligent frustrated
Our lack of full comprehension of God is at the root of our shallow use of prayer

2009-05-05 - No one like him - Dependence In Prayer
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16)

Gave up a night - All night praying (Luke 6:12-13)

Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11) – some disciples were taught to pray from infancy

Prayer was more important than eating or sleeping – Jesus could no go without it

Jesus called God, Father, what perceptions of a father-son relationship are correct and incorrect?

We have a perception that Jesus had a great advantage over of us but Jesus needed the Father like we do.

2009-07-01 - A Life of Impact - Power


Mark 5:1-17

  • What expectations do you have of your prayer life
  • Do we believe the power that can be unleashed through your prayer life?
  • We need to pray for God’s power to be clearly demonstrated – we desperately need the fear of the Lord.


  • Making the decision not give into fear is essential ingredient for the man or woman impact
  • Two fears: fear of public speaking and the fear of failure

Spectacular Deeds

  • Made front-page news.
  • Jesus responded by valuing freeing a man over another property
  • Jesus was willing to do something outrageous and controversial for the sake of a needy person

2009-07-21 - A Life of Impact - Magnetism


Mark 9:14-29

  • Why? Magnetism came from only prayer.
  • Magnetism: an attracting force on the level of the soul, which produces deep bonding and enduring loyalty.


  • Jesus expressed frustration regarding the continuing unbelief of the people.
  • Closest disciples even needed him the bolster their faith.
  • He was frustrated because their unbelief blocked the power of God.
  • Jesus did not lock his frustration up inside.
  • Dealing with frustration – stuffer = out of mind; slammers = fly off the handle – neither are good

2009-08-02 - A Life of Impact - An Emphasis of Fundamentals
An Emphasis of Fundamentals

Mark 11:20-25
  • Explained very practically how they could pray.
  • A person can be effective at almost anything by simply mastering the basics.
  • Answered prayer will only amaze those who are not themselves faithful in prayer.
  • He taught them whatever they lacked; his teachings were very flexible.
Never intimidated
  • Forced them to choose between exposing their heart toward John or their unresponsive hearts toward the Word of God.
  • How do you handle confident and aggressive people?
  • How would you react to a public put down in front of friends and co-workers?
  • Make a decision not to buckle when things get hot.
  • Remember those over us (bosses, leaders) are only mere men and women.

2009-08-26 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 2)
God’s relationship with us is risky
We are unpredictable; there is the likelihood to get hurt (ultimate risk anyone ever takes is to love)
God give love all the time (and gets hurt all the time)

Music, wine, poetry, sunset – all his inventions
God is romantic at heart
Heart of man is drawn from God – strong and courageous love
Have you noticed the most often word used with boys is 'don’t' –God’s design 'Yes'
Sexes show different sides of God’s heart
Heart of a woman – deep hearted, seductive more than fierce
Wants to be loved
Why don’t you choose Me?
'Seek and you will find me…with all of your heart' – Jeremiah 29:13
God wants to be wanted
Why does God does not answer prayer right away? – he wants us to talk to him
God has beauty to be unveiled
Each stage of creation is better than before
All Adam can say is “WOW”

Women wants he beauty unveiled
Do you delight in me?
God wants to be worshiped

2009-09-17 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 3)
Wound unfelt is wound unhealed
Door may be your anger – perhaps from a girl, failure
The way to God is stopping the false self
It may a simple prayer – Jesus, take me into my wound

Jesus never seems to heal the same way twice
There are no formulas with God
Insists on working personally
Masculinity is bestowed by masculinity
Healing never happens outside of intimacy with Christ

It begins with surrender; until you have given yourself to him you will not have a real self
…to set you free – What? Your heart
So take him at his word – ask him in to heal all the broken places within you
But you can’t do this at a distance

I simply allow myself to say that the loss of my father mattered
Important for us to grieve our wound
Grieving we admit the truth, we hurt by someone we loved
Few men are ever so vulnerable as to simply let themselves be loved by God
Why don’t you just let God love you?
The imitate union with Jesus and with his Father is the source of all healing and all our strength
Unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others – Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15
Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you.

2009-10-08 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 1)
1. I am not here

Satan says, “ I am not here, it just you”

You cannot fight a battle that you don’t think exists

Satan prowls around like a roaring lion - 1 Peter 5:8-9
Assume you are under spiritual attack
When you ignore the enemy, he wins
He simply loves to put everything on us
Get us to feel hurt, misunderstood, suspicious and resentful

Before an effective military strike, must take our the lines of communication
Marriage is a living example – Satan loves to divide and conquer
Sends a message – you are blowing it – “I thought you were disappointed with me”
They did not send this message

Most of all the Enemy tries to jam communication with Headquarters
Commit yourself to prayer every morning for two weeks and just watch what happens
Satan tries to make our mind wonder and cause interferences

2009-10-17 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 3)
She needs God more than she needs you
You need him more than you need her

You do not love her to get a good grade, you love her because that is what you are made to do

Ruth: How does a good woman help her man to play the man? Arouse him to be a man
Boaz offers her some protection and some food, but what Ruth really want was a ring

Four options:
  1. Badger him - Why don’t you stand up and be a man?
  2. Whine about it - Hurry up and marry me!!
  3. Emasculate him - I thought you were a real man
  4. Inspire and energize him
Ask men what they would prefer

Will you fight for her?

Stop being a nice guy and act like a warrior
Pray for her like you never prayer for her before, OUT LOUD
Step between her and the forces of darkness

Not just once (some will do it 1,2, or 3 times)
Man can only be justified by the measure of his sacrifice

2009-11-08 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 1)
We each have a worldview or mindset that functions as a life lens
World has been squeezing us into its mold – more than we realize

Peter’s mind
  • Thought of Jesus as a Messianic Champion
  • Thought Jesus would reveal himself in a fierce battle
  • “You are the Christ!”
  • All the right data
    • Witness the transfiguration – built shelters for Moses, Jesus, and Elijah – Jesus said Peter didn’t know what he was saying
    • Night of the betrayal – Peter said bring it on, he held on hope that 12 leagues of angels would come; drawn his sword to the guard
    • Peter joined the other disciples in Jerusalem – with “one mind” in prayer and purpose
The World around us persists in its big squeeze on us
Prepare your minds for action – 1 Peter 1:13-14
Space shuttle takes 2,250,000 pounds of fuel to escape the earth’s gravity
Only few pounds to remain in orbit – Christians are called more than just to orbit
Most trials produce greater faith – hospitalized child, illness, death, ministry turmoil, financial pressures
Ways to fight – devote time to prayer, read scripture, explore ways to encourage wife, get advice from elders, spend special time with the kids
Ways to not to – laziness, frustrate wife, neglect kids, feeling overwhelmed and under underappreciated, escape to the TV

2009-11-09 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 2)
Laziness is the greatest enemy to a girded mind.
Need to wrestle in prayer – only after I’m certain that I’ve prepared my mind for action, do I conclude my time with God
God only delays the coming Day of the Lord in order for more people to come to repentance

Mind of Flesh
Old self with a mind of flesh requires more and more sensation, wanting to “feel” alive, to overcome its callousness
  • flirtation to a pure friendship
  • gossip to a righteous conversation
  • alcohol to a friendly gathering
  • pornography to a web search
  • shoplifting to a normal shopping trip
Not about setting rules – do not do this or that (Colossians 2:20-23 – has no value)
  • Must set mind on things above
  • Not - Just read and pray more
  • Not - Accountability partners
  • Not - making it a habit

2009-11-11 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 1)
Sorrow does not equal repentance
Nothing is more tragic than losing your eternal reward through popular yet readily avoidable errors
Two great misconceptions

Confusion that sorrow is repentance
Humble prayers and our sorrow pleases God – still not repentance

World Sorrow is neither Godly Sorrow Nor repentance
Worldly sorrow brings death

Five signs of world sorrow (pride)

1. Damage Control
  • Many call press conferences to get there side of the story our first
  • Once guilt is found, party than give a “heart-felt” apology – sorrow for getting caught
  • Sin is destructive. It ruins relationships, reputation, peace of mind and personal integrity
2. Self-Pity
  • Some believe the abundance of tears is repentance
    • Forgiven women (forgiven)
    • Peter, Paul vs Cain (became angry)
    • Esau (wailed loudly)
    • Judas (deeply regretted)
  • All three shed tear but not one repented
  • Claiming to be a victim doesn’t make one a victim
  • Tears can be self-affirming to one with self-pity (can become more sinful)
  • Ones mostly likely to enable and least likely to help you

2009-11-28 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 1)
  • Church is the practice of Jesus in a larger dimension.
  • The group of believers ministry to each other individually and collectively
  • Jesus must be the leader, with leaders that follow Him
  • Preaching to the masses will not suffice in preparing leaders for evangelism
    • Not occasional prayer meetings
    • Not Christian training classes
    • Not confirmation classes
  • Building men is not easy (baby learns all the time)
    • Requires constant personal attention
    • Children are not raised by proxy
    • Requires sacrifice of personal indulgence and time
    • Requires frequent contact not just weekly church services and Sunday School

2009-12-07 - Master Plan - Demonstration (part 1)
He showed them how to live
  • Prayer
    • Jesus often let His disciples see Him conversing with the Father (They ask, not forced)
    • Unless they grasped the meaning of prayer and practiced consistently – not much would come from their lives.
  • Using Scripture
    • He never ceased to use the Scripture in His conversation with them.
    • 66 references to the Old Testament
    • 90+ Old Testament references speaking to others
    • Jesus could freely recall scriptures by heart
  • Everything that he did and said had some relevance to evangelism
    • Revealing the truth
    • How to deal with men
    • Disciples may (at the time) have not known that they were being taught
  • Jesus was the Master of His own teachings
    • Presentation was not flashy; the truth was the main attraction.
  • Disciples observed how to:
    • Jesus drew people to Himself
    • Won their confidence and inspired their faith
    • He called them to the way of salvation and He called them to make a decision

2009-12-12 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 1)
He kept check on them
  • His teaching rotated between instruction and assignment
  • Questions, illustrations, warnings, and admonitions were calculated to fill His work to evangelize the world.
  • When the disciples were sent out they gathered themselves to see what things had been done
    • They were expected to share their experiences
    • Previous mission there was no mention of any spectacular success
    • They gain additional experience
    • Jesus cautioned the disciples against pride in their accomplishments
  • Demon-possessed boy – lesson on how they needed more prayer and fasting
  • Loaves and fish – lesson on faith they God will provide
  • Lessons of patience
    • Danger of discouraging any sincere work - “Those who are not against you are for you” - Mark 9:50
    • Do little the little one stumble - Mark 9:42
    • Encounter resistance - Call down fire from heaven - Luke 9:51-54
    • Jesus came to save not destroy - Luke 9:55

2009-12-20 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 3)
  • Keep them going
    • All of this is going to require supervision
    • When questions arise, they must be answered while the problem is still in their mind.
    • Setup a schedule of training and keep a record of their growth
    • Exercise patience: Growth is sometimes slow and with many setbacks (while honestly seeking truth)
    • Seldom put them out of our mind
    • They need to be in our prayers and dreams
    • Accept the burden of their immaturity until they can do it for themselves
  • We are not living primarily for the present.
  • Our satisfaction is in knowing that in generations to come from bearing fruit
  • World is desperately seeking someone to follow
    • Someone who is certain
    • Will be a man who knows the way of Christ
    • Or are one who is leading someone into greater darkness?
  • Destiny of many hangs on our decision.

2010-01-10 - Kingdom First - Majoring in the Minors
Unless your righteousness surpasses the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven - Matthew 5:20

  • Strict observers of the law
  • Walked around in flowing robes
  • Offered prayers in unnatural holy voices
  • Advertised their benevolence
  • Majored in the minors yet forgetting the heart
Any different today?
  • Boring clergy in odd clothes
  • Preaching burdensome dos and donts
  • Unrelatable sermons
  • Unrelatable lives
People need and desire a relationship with God - not man-made religion

Perfect salvation is not the basis of salvation
Not a matter of making ourselves feel or look good, but to please God

Do you struggle with this?
  • Have you created your own system of salvation?
  • Do people say you are a people pleaser (Galatians 1:10)?
  • Are we steeped in our own traditions or preconceived notions about the truth?
  • What if no one was watching, would you still: give, sing, pray, study the same?

2010-01-19 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 1)
Jesus was a man of prayer - he knew how to do it and he did it all the time
  • Prayed for the power to heal and to change others - Mark 9:29
  • In prayer in order to be at peace with God's will - Matthew 26:36-46
  • Struggled in prayer to be wholehearted submissive to his Father - Hebrews 5:7-8
  • Prayed by himself - Matthew 14:23
  • Prayed before others - John 11:41-43
  • Prayed with his face to the ground - Matthew 26:39
  • Prayed looking up to heaven - John 17:1
  • Prayed standing up - Mark 11:25
  • Prayed kneeling down - Luke 22:41
  • Prayed in early in the morning - Mark 1:35
  • Prayed throughout the night - Luke 6:12
He did NOT say:
  • If you pray
  • Please, I beg you to pray
  • I command you to pray
But "When you pray..."

2010-01-20 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 2)
Not like the hypocrites
Jesus wants us to be real - not having our hearts far from him - Matthew 15:8
Are genuinely struggling with God in prayer?
Are you honest with God when you do not want to do his will?
Never let religious word/action define your prayer life

In Your Room
Jesus wants us to be isolated so we are without interruption
We should feel freedom to be ourselves and to be deeply honest

No Babbling

Who babbles?
  • Two-year olds
  • nervous people
  • lazy-minded
  • superficial people
  • self-conscious people
Disciples should be this way in prayer:
  • Confidence
  • At peace
  • Clear-minded
  • Alert
  • Deep and Focused

2010-01-21 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 3)
Lord's Prayer: A brief overview:
  1. Our Father in heaven - Set our minds on personal and intimate relationship we have with our God
  2. Hallowed be your name  - Praise and honor him
  3. Your Kingdom come  - Pray for his church, disciples, leaders, people whom the gospel has not reached
  4. Your will be done - Pray for a submissive heart toward will of God in our lives
  5. Give us this day our daily bread - Pray through today's schedule, needs, relying on God
  6. Forgive us our debts - Confess specific sin
  7. As we also have forgiven our debtors - Commit before God to resolve conflict, hurts, concerns in all relationships
  8. Lead us not into temptation - Wrestle with God to be submissive and repentant in areas of weakness
  9. Deliver us from the evil one - Pray that God to stop Satan and than God for victories in him

2010-01-22 - Kingdom First - Hungry and Humility (part 1)
Not "If you fast" but "When you fast" - Matthew 6:16-18

Quickest way to a man's heart is  through his stomach

Greek word for fasting is nesteno
ne = a negative prefix
esthio = to eat

When was the last time you fasted?

Why don't we fast more?

1. Fasting humbles us because it reminds us how frail we are

I have humbled myself with fasting - Psalms 35:15
It is associated with confession and repentance of sin

2. Fasting tests our earnestness to move God to action
Forcing us to admit that sometimes prayer alone may not suffice - Mark 9:29

Jesus talks about motivation for fasting
We must surpass the righteous of the Pharisees and fast for God and not men - Matthew 5:20
God asks the people "was it really for me that you fasted?" - Zechariah 7:5

2010-01-26 - Kingdom First - Self Titled
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, all these things will be given you - Matthew 6:33

Kingdom First:
  • Everything must be re-examined
  • Everything must be reconsidered
  • Every desire, dream, use of money and time
  • Now everything must have a kingdom-first focus
How to tell when you are not seeking first his kingdom:
  1. When you don't have daily times with God in the Bible and prayer
  2. Responsibilities to the church are a burden
  3. Not happy or consistent in giving
  4. Personal comfort, desires direct life's decisions
  5. Can't find the time to share your faith
  6. Gain greater feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction serving another "kingdom"
  7. You have greater regard and protection of your schedule
  8. Discipleship times, family devotionals not deep or consistent
  9. Gaining one more than is greater than gaining one more soul
  10. Dreams center more in this world than in the kingdom
Are you seeking first his kingdom?
The kingdom consists of people who volunteer in a battle between good and evil

2010-01-28 - Kingdom First - Personal Responsibility (part 2)
When talking about removing the plank from our eye so we can remove the speck from someone else, there are two extremes:
  1. Becoming inwardly focused, see only our problems
  2. Trying to help other straighten out their lives without being open to the same help ourselves
How do I get a sober estimate of myself?

A. Look daily into the mirror of God's word
Foolish to just look at the word of God and not let it transform you - James 1:22-25

B. Pray fervently for God to open your eyes and give you insight into your heart and life
An incredible prayer about searching our heart - Psalms 139:23-24

C. Be open with those in your life
Be quick to confess sin - James 5:16

D. Have a humble attitude toward challenge in your life
Let this be our goal - Psalms 141:5

2010-02-14 - One Another - Bearing With Another (part 1)
How are we to bear with someone sin?
  1. Action should be done with prayer
  2. Listen and understand as fully as possible - Proverbs 18:13
  3. Relate to them, gently - described as a surgeon realigning a broken bone
  4. Point to scripture, scripture needs to train, not you - 2 Timothy 3:17
  5. Help them evaluate their heart with Godly sorrow - 2 Corinthians 7:8-11
  6. Ask them what they see in needed to demonstrate repentance
  7. Take them all the way to the cross - to the place where sin dies, only way to be free
  8. Assure them of your support then give it to them

2010-02-17 - One Another - Encouraging One Another (part 2)
Therefore encourage one another with these words. - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

  • There should be content to our encouragement - should not be empty talk
  • Paul used words about the Second Coming of Jesus - words to help them live with Jesus' return in mind
  • Our words need an emotional appeal based on specific biblical content

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing. - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

  • Encouragement should move us to maturity
  • Often combined with strengthening, building up or edification
  • Growth in:
    • Our relationship with God
    • Interactions in the body
    • Our purity
    • Our discipline
    • Our prayer life
    • Our knowledge of the Word
    • Our Outreach
    • Our character

2010-03-18 - To Live is Christ - Know Christ
Paul wanted to know Christ - Philippians 3:10-11

Did he not know him yet?
  • Three days of fasting and prayer? - Acts 9:9
  • After 3 years of personal training? - Galatians 1:11-24
  • After a visit to the 3 heaven? - 2 Corinthians 12:1-6
Geek verb ginoskein - close to intimacy of marriage

Paul knew about Jesus
He was will aware that simply doing the right thing did not give him intimacy

Do we really know Christ?
To become like him in his death is become like him in life:
  • Give when you are tired
  • Pray when you do not want to
  • Stand your ground against emotions and thoughts
  • Overcome fear and to love in practical, unselfish way
To live like this is to know Christ
The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you - Romans 8:11

2010-04-18 - Life to the Full - In His Steps (part 1)

Paraphasing: Since salvation is so awesome, get you heart right! - 1 Peter 2:1-2

Are you craving pure spiritual milk?

  • Daily time in Bible study and prayer
  • Read the entire Bible?
  • How quickly can you shake off the grogginess when you think about God and your mission?
  • Do you take notes during sermons?
  • Does your enthusiasm rub off on others? Non-Christians take your walk with God seriously?



2010-05-05 - The Amazements (part 2)
Mark 5:16
  • Changed lives - the people were amazed
Mark 6:1-6
  • Amazed at his wisdom
  • Knowledge he had was above all.
Mark 12:13-17
  • Obedience to the civil laws
  • Gave Ceasar what is Ceasar's

Disciples were amazed by Jesus

Mark 6:30-44

  • Reminded them what is is to be a disciple
  • Mark 10:24 = 100% commited

Jesus was amazed by the people

Mark 6:4-6

  • Amazed by their lack of faith
  • Hand-cuffed by their lack

Luke 7:1-10

  • What is needed?
    • Prayer
    • Obedience

2010-05-27 - Desire's Journey - Language of Desire

Jesus offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry to the one who could deliever him - Hebrews 5:7

Strong desires make strong prayers

Children are often not embarrassed by desire
We hide our true desires and call it maturity - Jesus is not impressed

Why are we embarrassed by our desire? Why do we pretend?

  • Persistent widow wasn't embarrassed
  • "Sinful" woman wasn't embarrassed

We don't pray like Jesus because we don't allow ourselves to nearly alive
We don't allow ourselves to feel how desparate our situation truely is

Pretending seems a much more reliable road to Christian maturity
Only the price is we pay for the loss of soul, communication with God, loss of direction and loss of hope

Without a deep and buring desire of our own, we will be ruled by the desires of others

2010-06-11 - Jesus - the Zealot (part 2)

Cause with fighting for

Are you fighting for what is right?

John 18:36

  • Who have you been fighting?
    • The battle isn't the person in front of you
  • If we are not fighting for our faith then something is wrong.

2 Timothy 4:7

  • Fight for your faith:
    • Fight for Quiet Times
    • Fight for Reaching Out
    • Fight for Purity
    • Fight for Self Discipline

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

  • Not with machine guns or cannons
  • Fighting through prayer and studying the Word
    • Destroys arguments

To overthrow Satan in your life...You must first be a Zealot of God.

2010-06-14 - I need to pray (part 1)

Preached on 2002-08-25 by Vince Hawkins

Ephesians 3:14-21

  • I kneel before the Father - come to God humble
  • Strength comes from how deep, wide, long of Christ's love
  • Prayer can do anything God can do

God overwhelms the mind

Genesis 41:40 - overwhelmed Joseph with the position that was given to him

1 Kings 10:7-8 - Sheba was overwhelmed by Solomon's wealth and wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:9 - He will overwhelm you by his love

Ephesians 3:20 - more than we can ask or image

  • Think about how God meet everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God go beyond everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God can bless you beyond what we can think of

2010-06-15 - I need to pray (part 2)

God overcomes our weaknesses

Romans 8:26 - God knows what we need

2 Corinthians 11:30 - FF - We must admit that where we are weak

Show me where I am weak, Lord!?!

God overhears our prayers

Psalms 4:1-8 - God listens to our prayers

Psalms 5:1-3 - Wait in expectation

Psalms 10:15-18 - God is always there

Psalms 65:1-4 - When are overwhelmed by sin

Psalms 102:17 - God responds to prayer

Psalms 109:3-4 - We must men and women of prayer

2010-06-17 - Jesus - The Healer (part 2)

Causes of Sickness:

Break Down of System

Our spiritual immune system can break down:

  1. Time with God isn't exciting...less time spent
  2. Dynamic prayer becomes nonexistant
  3. Desire to go to Church decreases
  4. Becomes critical toward the church, people, even God
James 1:13-15
  • I didn't become a disciple to be here and then fall away
  • Sin gives birth to death...maybe slow maybe fast.
Some are accidential injuries

You must be prepared:

1 Peter 4:1-11

  • Because we are not prepared
  • Wolves are all around us.
Some are self-afflicted injuries

Ephesians 5:10-18

  • Comes when we make excuses.
  • Like shotting ourselves in the foot.
Jesus can heal your weaknesses and injuries

Will you let him?

2010-06-27 - Jesus - The Lord (part 1)
Preached by Richard Dixon on 1999-10-10

We have many bosses:
  • Landlord
  • Boss at work
  • Teacher
Jesus isn't like any of them...AMEN!

Matthew 9:27-34

  • When ever you do something right
    • Some is telling you you are doing it wrong
    • You need to feel good about what you are doing
      • The religous did the taring down
      • They were afraid of losing their members

Jesus is Lord of our Faith

Do you believe that you will receive everything that you ask for in prayer?
Do you doubt more than you believe?

5 Faith Killers:

  1. Hesitation - when accidents happen
  2. Doubting syndrome - not expecting anything to happen
  3. Pessimistic attitude - everything will go bad (from childhood)
  4. Ingraditude - not being grateful
  5. Fear - can be overcome by love

2010-07-30 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 7)
Christ is weeping freely
His prayers are marked by loud cries and tears
He make it very clear what he desires

"Yet not my will, your will be done"
He surrenders with desire
Making himself poor, he opens up to us the treasures of heaven

Buddha abandons his desire
Christ surrenders his will
It is no small difference

True surrender is not an easy way out
Surrender comes only after the night of wrestling
Only after we open our hearts to care deeply and give over our deepest desires to God

Freedom and beauty and rest that follow are among the greatest surprises

2010-09-13 - You are what you eat
Preached by Curt Simmons on 2002-08-18

Ephesians 1:11-14

  • We eat to get energy
  • We need to eat to healthy spiritually too
  • What are we feeding the spirit?
    • What is your spiritual diet?
    • Are you eating junk food?
  • Do not forget the Holy Spirit! - get to know him better
  • We will die if we continue to gratify the sinful nature

Ephesians 3:14-19

  • We desire to be filled
  • Fullness = satisfied (not looks for more)

Ephesians 4:11-13

  • Leaders help us
  • Let other into your life

Ephesians 4:17-29

  • All these sins are poisonous to our health
  • Put on new self - start a new diet

General healthy spiritual food items

  1. Obedience
  2. Prayer
  3. Bible Study
  4. Singing
  5. Encouraging Others
  6. Serving
  7. Contribution
  8. Graduated
  9. Fasting
  10. Confessing Sin
  11. Discipling
Where are you at?
  1. Weak - poison = no, good food = no, eats little
  2. Sick - poison = some, worldly, impure
  3. Dying - not eating much, lots of poison
  4. Strong - lots of food, consistent, wide variety
  1. Scheduled meals
  2. Decide what meals should go
  3. Decide what to start eating

2010-10-03 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 3)
4. Spiritual Growth
If holding onto our faith and not advancing it much - it will become a chore  and prayer a dry routine
  • Scripture reading becomes I have to read it to understand the gospel for others
  • Talking to God suddenly takes on a new purpose - passionate pleas for friends
  • Our desire to worship grows as your gratitude grows
  • Helps maintain a high standard of purity

5. Spiritual Confidence
It is ironic that the act of preparing to show others the gospel is often the cause for us to understand it better ourselves
In the face of opposition, we gain heightened sense of spiritual confidence
Imagine what happens when one of these people becomes a Christian

6. Enduring Investments

Jesus warned his followers to not store up treasures on earth - Matthew 6:19-20
Everything will be destroyed eventually - 2 Peter 3:10-11
It is a mistake to invest so much time and energy into things that won't last

7. Honor of Being God's Agent
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit - John 15:8

2010-10-05 - Contagious Christian - Impacting Your World (part 1)

There are expectations everywhere, to have:

  • Strong marriages
  • Obedient children
  • Balanced budgets
  • Ethical business
  • Effective prayer lives
  • Meaningful relationships

Many times the "ought to" comes through louder than the "how to"
Especially true in the challenge of having an evangelist impact
God did not leave us in a state of confusion - What God expects, He enables

We need to focus on the important steps to have maximum impact
HP (High Potency) + CP (Close Proximity) + CC (Clear Communication)  = Maximum Impact (MI)

We are the salt of the world - Matthew 5:13

  • Salt makes us thristy
  • It spices things us
  • It preserves - holds back decay

Which did Jesus have in mind? We don't know
HP (High Potency) = means we need to have a strong concentration of Christ's influnce in our lives
CP (Close Proximity) = means we need to get close to people we're hoping to reach in order to allow His power to have its intended effect

2010-10-14 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part III)
  1. The Obstacle of Worry - Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:4-9
    1. As disciples, we sin when we worry about finances.
    2. Worry is a result of a lack of faith.
    3. Ways to overcome worry:
      1. Prayer
      2. Rejoice always
      3. Be thankful in all situations
  2. The Obstacle of Laziness - Signs of Laziness According to Solomon
    1. The Sluggard
      1. Proverbs 6:9-11, 19:15, 20:13, 26:14
        Oversleeping and eating too much
      2. Proverbs 13:4, 15:19
        Not accomplishing goals, something always getting in the way
      3. Proverbs 19:24, 26:13
        Making excuses
      4. Proverbs 20:4
        Unwilling to work hard
    2. Results of Laziness: Poverty - Proverbs 10:4, 12:24
    3. Overcome laziness by hard work - Proverbs 14:23


  1. What do I worry about? How will I overcome it?
  2. How does worry affect my relationship with God?
  3. What signs of laziness do I need to overcome? Be Specific.

2010-10-30 - Contagious Christian - Barriers to Relationships (part I)
Biblical Issues with understanding what friendships are in the Bible can be barriers to relationships
Some feel that befriending people who are irreligious is questionable and maybe unbiblical

A look at a few examples of some verses misunderstood

James 4:4 - says not to be friends with the world
1 John 2:15-17 - world is referring to sin and evil that people commit, not to the people themselves
We need to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world

John 17:14 - we are not of this world is sometimes interpreted that we should not associate with people outside of God's family
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but to protect them from the evil one - John 17:15-18
Jesus' purpose was to seek and save what is lost, he had to have relationships in the world to accomplish this - Luke 19:10

2 Corinthians 6:17 - Come out from them and be separate; avoid being yoked with unbelievers
Not referring to everyday friendships but more formal alliances
Paul in an earlier letter said that ordinary interactions with non-Christians is right and necessary - 1 Corinthians 5:9-10

Jesus was a friend of tax collectors and sinners - Luke 7:34

2010-11-03 - Contagious Christian - Finding the Approach
Besides talking to people you are ready know try contacting people you used to know
The curiosity factor comes into play
  • Because you contacted them out of blue
  • Both of you want to see all the changes that have happened since you last saw them
Call them out of curiosity and call them into fun
In the process, prayerfully watch for opportunities to share the way God has changed your life

There are also many opportunities where there people you would like to know
We all go to gas stations, stores, restaurants
With a little forethought, these errands can be turned into evangelistic opportunities
Change your thinking about the way you look at the employee who are serving you
These are people who matter to God and put in your path for you to meet
When we approach people with this attitude, with concern and respect - it is easy to get on a first name basis with them

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-09 - Mission - Cannot Fail
The harvest is plentiful; ask the Lord of the harvest - Luke 10:2
Those who have taken up the work must devote themselves to prayer
What they get from him is something they can not find in themselves

Prayer is not the only important thing needed, it is just the most important thing to the harvest
Obstacles are many for those working in the harvest
There is not one that cannot be overcome with prayer

Efforts to bring the harvest often stop because the workers run into problems or frustration
Problem begin to look larger than the mission
They lose their fire and joy

Jesus says there is a problem (workers are few) but there is not despair
The problem is an opportunity for perseverance and faith

Frustrations and challenges differ but two things remain the same
  1. In all places, the harvest is plentiful
  2. In all places, God hears and answers us
As we go prayerfully into the harvest, we can not fail

2010-12-12 - Seeking God (part II)

Examples of those seeking God:

Ethiopian eunuch - Acts 8:26-40

  • What do we know about this seeker?
    • He is important and therefore certainly busy, but still finds time for God.
    • He reads the Scriptures himself and asks questions about what he is reading.
    • He is humble and sincere enough in his search to ask for help.
    • What he learns he acts on right away, as seen with his baptism.
  • How did he feel after coming to know God better?
  • The burning questions he had about God were answered in an afternoon.

Bereans - Acts 17:10-12

  • What was it about these Berean seekers that made Luke refer to them as having “noble character”?
    • Enthusiastic
    • Great Eagerness - explain
    • Examined the scriptures daily
  • Why was it important for them to “examine the Scriptures every day” for themselves?
  • What was the result of this eager yet diligent attitude?
  • As with prayer, reading the Bible is vitally important to knowing God.

2010-12-14 - Knowing Jesus (part I)
Who is Jesus?

John 1:1, 14
  • Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the unique Son of God: fully God and fully man!
  • God came to earth as a man in order that we could come to know him.
  • If you were an all powerful and invisible God, how would you have tried to communicate your love to your creation?
  • Illustration: Imagine trying to talk to an ant - How do you communicate with them without terrifying them? Become an ant yourself
Colossians 2:9
  • All the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ.
  • Every aspect of God’s character can be found in Jesus.
  • Reading through any of the Gospels describing Jesus life and words will give you insight into God’s character and will for your life.
Here are several aspects from a day in the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark:

~Mark 1:21-45
  • Mark 1:21-22 - Jesus was an amazing teacher whose words were spoken with authority.
  • Mark 1:23-28 - Jesus cast out demons, showing that the power of God was present in him.
  • Mark 1:29-31 - Jesus met people’s felt needs and healed the sick.
  • Mark 1:32-34 - Jesus focused his attention on others and selflessly gave of himself.
  • Mark 1:35 - Jesus was dependent upon God in prayer for his strength and direction.
  • Mark 1:36-39 - Jesus was consumed with his mission to preach the good news.
  • Mark 1:40-42 - Jesus was filled with compassion for all people.
  • Mark 10:32-34, 45 - Jesus came to serve, and gave his perfect life as a ransom for sinners. As predicted, he was rejected by his people and crucified - but he rose from the dead three days later.

2010-12-31 - Baptism into Christ (part III)

Sinner’s Prayer? 1 Peter 3:21

  • Some claim that a person needs only to pray a “sinner’s prayer” or “ask Jesus into his/her heart” in order to be saved.
  • This is the predominant view in the evangelical Christian world. However, this is not the message that was preached in the Book of Acts.
  • Everyone was called to repentance, faith and baptism, and as Peter wrote here, “baptism now saves us” by the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

Acts 22:7-16

  • After encountering Jesus, repenting, praying, fasting (Acts 9:9-11), being healed, and being called by God,
    Paul remains in sin.
  • What was left for him to do?
  • Why the urgency - what is so pressing about the need for baptism?
  • What remains for you to do or think about before you are ready to be united with Christ in baptism?
Finish picture - The benefits of salvation made available at the cross become real for us when we participate in his death, burial and

2011-01-06 - Holy Spirit (part III)

1 Thessalonians 5:16-20 - How do we “put out the fire of” the Holy Spirit? Why is a life of faith the only
one that is in keeping with God’s Spirit living in us? What influences in the world around us can keep us
from having a faithful, God-centered outlook?

Romans 8:5-17, 26-27 - A Spiritual mindset brings life and peace, and obedience to God’s Word. The
Spirit frees us from fear and confirms that we are fully God’s children. The Spirit also aids in our life of
prayer and devotion to God.

Galatians 5:22-23 - The fruit of the Spirit: Expect it! Pursue it! This is the best “evidence” that you have
received the Holy Spirit, who is transforming us to become like Jesus. Decide to live according to the
Spirit - and keep affirming that decision!

2011-01-07 - Church (part I)

Acts 2:40-47

  • The first 3000 converts joined together in devotion to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.
  • A beautiful view of the early church. How would you like to be part of such a church?

Romans 12:1-8

  • The church is a community of people
    • devoted to God (vv1-2)
    • belonging to one another (vv3-5) 
    • devoted to one another (vv 6-10).

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

  • The Spirit baptizes us into the body of Jesus, his church.
  • The church consists of distinct yet unified parts, just like a human body.
  • God himself has arranged it this way.
  • We are the church; each of us must actively look for the distinct yet unified ways we are to support this body.
  • How will you help build up the body of Christ?

2011-01-24 - Followup - The New Testament Church (part I)
A picture of the New Testament Church

  1. Singing - Ephesians 5:16; Colossians 3:19; James 5:13
    • To teach
    • To give thanks and express joy
    • To make music and praise God
  2. The Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
    • To remember - v24
    • To proclaim - v26
    • To examine - v28-29
    • On the first day of the week - Acts 20:7
  3. Prayer - 1 Timothy 2:1-8
    • For peaceful and quiet lives (ie no persecution)
    • With hands (ie a holy life)
    • To advance the gospel - v4-6

2011-01-26 - Followup - Prayer (part I)
  1. We must understand who we are praying to: God, the Creator, All-powerful and Sovereign, and our Father.
  2. Prayer is essential for spiritual growth.
  3. Prayer is the key to deepening our relationship with God.
  4. Prayer unleashes the power of God. - James 5:16
  5. Prayer is not natural, it must be learned - Luke 11:1-4
Jesus’ Prayer Life
  1. Mark 1:35 - Jesus, although very busy, found time to pray in a place and time free from distraction.
  2. Luke 6:12 - Jesus spends all night praying to God.
  3. Hebrews 5:7 - Jesus prays with loud cries and tears.

2011-01-27 - Followup - Prayer (part II)
Key to Effective Prayer
  1. 1 Peter 4:7 - Be clear-minded and self-controlled
  2. Luke 18:1-8 - Be persistent
  3. James 5:16-18 - Personal righteousness
  4. Matthew 21:21-22 - Believe and do not doubt
  5. Psalms 5:3 - Pray daily and expect prayers to be answered
  1. God can and will do the impossible through prayer
  2. Prayer is vital to a dynamic walk with God.
  3. God is looking for people who will devote themselves to be close to Him. - Jeremiah 30:21

2011-02-12 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part II)
The Standard of a Disciple
Luke 9:18-26
  • Question: What were Jesus and his disciples doing? How is your prayer life?
  • Question: Why do you think the people thought so many things? Turned to men instead of God's word
  • Question: If someone wants to come after Jesus what does He say they need to do?
    • Deny self - Put God's will above your own
    • Take up his cross and crucify self - no longer live for self but to do God's will
    • Follow Jesus and imitate the life of Jesus - do the things that Jesus would do in situation
  • Question: How can you show Jesus that you want to hold to his standard?
Commitment of Following Jesus
Luke 9:57-62
  • Question: What do you think these men wanted from Jesus?
    • These men wanted the life and blessing of being with Jesus without the commitment
    • Jesus wants full commitment - like in a marriage - not 80% commitment
    • There is no good reason to NOT follow Jesus
  • Question: How can you show 100% commitment? QTs, fellowship, coming to church, BT, etc

2011-06-21 - Mind of Christ - Obedience (part I)
Jesus was reverently and totally submissive to God’s will

~Matthew 26:36-46
  • Three desires were expressed by Jesus in this of prayer.
  1. He wanted to have disciples join in his struggles.
  2. He wanted to forgo the bitter cup.
  3. He wanted to obey the will of God.
  • His strongest desire is to obey God, overcame the other desires of his life.
Hebrews 5:7-8 - He was heard because of his reverent submission

Jesus possessed an all consuming desire to obey God
  • John 4:34 - His food was to do the will of him who sent him
  • John 5:19 - whatever the Father does the Son also does

2011-07-02 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part III)
The oneness Jesus had with His Father is revealed to us for two reasons:

1. It shows us the pattern for our relationship with God
  • John 17:20-23 - Jesus' prayer to the Father
  • John 14:15, 20-21, 23 - His obedience to the Father
  • John 6:56 - Remain in Jesus; He remains in the Father.
  • ~John 15:1-16 - Jesus is the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
2. It shows us the pattern for our relationship with each other
  • John 15:17 - This is my command: Love each other.

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