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Searching for "promises" in the Quiet Time Archive
Displaying results from "50" to "55". (55 found)

2015-09-03 - Hit the Ground Running

In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you - Joshua 1:11

Joshua was a strong leader - he lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land

He didn't hesitate for a moment in following orders:

In our time, we require planning, risk assessment, and cost analysis

It is unthinkable and even reckless for leaders to move on orders immediately

Joshua knew that God was the Commander in Chief and was orchestrating all the nessary events - that is exactly what happened

When you believe God and know that he will keep all his promises, you won't wait when God says, "Go now!"

2015-09-16 - Foresightful

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead - Philippians 3:13

God promises to bless you when you focus on what he calls you to do today and in the future

Paul remembered the past and the lessons he had learned from it

He often refered to his past but he didn't live there

Paul looked forward to things God had for him - namely finishing the race of faith

God has a wonderful plan for your future

Don't focus so much on where you've been that you lose sight of where you are headed

2016-10-04 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part I)


In Gerar, Isaac lied about Rebekah being his wife. 


Genesis 26:5 - Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions

  • Abraham had not received the law yet
  • He was described as one who kept the law by living by faith and obedience
  • A man who lived by faith could be described as one who kept the law

Genesis 26:9 - I was afraid someone would kill me to get her from me

  • The son repeated his father's lie's [Genesis 20:2]
  • Faith in God's promises causes fearless work with Him
  • This time it was not God but Abimekech who protected and commad that the woman not to be touched
  • The Philistine king emerged as the righteous one
  • God continued to be faithful with Issac for the sake of future generations
  • If Isaac's marriage had ended here, there would have been no Israelites


The first step toward helping children live righteously is for the parent to live rightly. What kind of example I am setting for my children?


Please help me to see what I am projecting onto my children by the life I am living

2016-11-16 - Genesis 27 - Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing


Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing. Esau vowed revenge so Rebekah told Jacob to go to her brother Laban.


Genesis 27:12 - What if my father touches me... he'll curse me instead of bless me

  • How we react to a moral dilemma often expresses our real motives
  • Jacob was more concerned about being caught than doing what was right
  • Jacob's questioning gave Rebecca an opportunity to reconsider but she was too wrapped in her plan instead of God's plan
  • Correcting yourself in the middle of doing wrong may hurt but it will also bring freedom from sin's control

Genesis 27:20-24 - How did you find it so quickly?... Come closer so I can touch you and make sure that you are really Esau... But are you really my son Esau?

  • Issac voiced suspicion three times
    • Logical - The timing of his return answer
    • Touch - Feeling his arms for confirmation
    • Vocal - Ask him directly
  • Although Jacob got the blessing he wanted, he paid dearly
    • Never saw his mother again
    • His brother wanted to kill him
    • He was deceived by his uncle
    • His family became torn of strife
    • Esua became the founder of an enemy nation
    • He was exciled from his family for many years
  • Jacob's blessing was part of God's plan all along but he did it his own way [Genesis 25:23]


How am I implementing God plan via his promises? My own way or in God's timing?


Lord, I want to be obedient and hunble to your plan and in your own way and your own timing.

2018-04-03 - The Narrowness of Jesus (part I)

To him:

  • certian conceptions of God were true and others were false
  • certain estimates of man were correct and others erroneous
  • certain standards of duty were uplifting and other degrading

Jesus clung to the true and combated the false

He was not afraid of being call intolerant or a bigot

He made no compromises and not bend on thing he knew were true and good

Jesus correct was taught by the teachers, leaders; not allowing them to roam at their will through the realms of thought

Principles were to cling to or else lose their souls