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2011-02-03 - Word of God - Kansas City (part II)
1 Timothy 4:8-16
  • The Apostle Paul tell Timothy that godliness through spiritual training by holding to his teachings has great value for this life and the next
  • v10 - We must put our hope in God not self
  • Question: What does the Bible say that we should set an example in? What area do you need to change the most?
  • v16 - Your life and Bible must be equal (doctrine = beliefs)
  • Not just know the Bible but live it out
  • Do you have any questions so far? Do you understand so far?
  • Question: Is this something you want to really go after every day?
  • Briefly share about when you first started studying to be a disciple - the challenge, hope and desire
Hebrews 4:12-13
  • Question: How do you think the Word is living and active today?
  • The Bible judges the everything:
    • thoughts
    • attitudes
    • insecurities
    • criticalness
    • impurities
  • Nothing is hidden from God sight. Do you realize that?

2011-02-05 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To understand the Bible's definition of what a Christian is

What is your definition of a Christian?

The Church in Antioch
Acts 11:19-26
  • Question: The disciples that were scattered began teaching the Greeks what? Good news about Jesus
  • Question: What did Barnabas encourage people to do? Know an hold to Jesus' words
  • Barnabas found Saul then brought him to Antioch so they could teach the Word of God (review)
  • Question: In Antioch, the disciples of Jesus were called what for the 1st time? Why?
  • A disciple of Jesus is WHAT they were. Christian is what the world labeled them
  • Christian = Disciple = Saved
The Calling of Discipleship
Mark 1:14-20
  • Question: What did Jesus proclaim in Galilee? What was the good news? Kingdom of God was near; your life can change)
  • Question: What is the first thing Jesus instructed these fishermen to do? Follow him. What does that mean?
  • Question: What will Jesus make us into? What does that mean? Is this something you are willing to do?
  • Share what purpose your purpose was before becoming a disciple
  • Question: What would you say your life has been focused/purpose so far?

2011-02-15 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part II)

Definition of Sin
Romans 3:21-25

  • The Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) testify about the righteousness from God (Jesus)
  • Questions
    • What has sinned?
    • Who is separated from God then?
    • Where does our redemption come from?

Sins of Omission
James 4:13-17

  • Involves inward things that people don't nessarily see
    • Bitterness
    • Hatred
    • Procrastination
    • Looking down on others
    • Unwillingness to help/serve
  • Question: What sins of ommission would you say have been or are currently in your life?

Sin of Commission
Galatians 5:16-25

  • Go through the list and define each sin to paint a clear picture
  • Person leading the study share their own sin (5-6 minutes), then 1 or 2 others for 2-3 minutes
  • After the person studying shares then suggest meeting again to talk about things further

2011-02-17 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: Understand how the Bible explains what Jesus went through before/during and after the cross

Painful betrayal of a friend
Matthew 26:14-30
  • Judas had already decided in his heart and actions to betray Jesus. Then he watched for an opportunity to carry out sin.
  • Share: A person's heart can be so hard that they no longer fear God - Psalms 36:1-3
  • In spite of knowing that Judas was lying and plotting to have him killed, Jesus still loved him.
  • The disciples had no clue who it was.
  • Jesus' heart and actions never expressed any anger/resentment toward Judas
Pain of Friends Mistrust
Matthew 26:31-35
  • Peter accepted the words of Jesus until it came time to apply them to his life.
  • Share: Peter's prideful refusal to accept Jesus will for his life lead other down the wrong path

2011-02-18 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part II)
Physical and Emotional Pain
Matthew 26:36-56
  • Jesus felt alone because of the selfishness of his friends (choosing to sleep instead of praying for him)
  • Share: Jesus prayed so intensely that his capillaries burst and mixed with his blood (I have a medical account for you)
  • Question: Jesus could have stopped this but he didn't. Why do you think he was willing to sweat blood for you  (He loves you)
  • Afterwards Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss (they arrested him and his words came true; the disciples all scattered)
Pain of Being Disowned and Beaten
Matthew 26:57-75
  • They spit in Jesus' face and beat him with their fist. Have you ever been spit on?
  • Jesus looked straight at Peter after the 3rd denial and the rooster crowed - He was that close to Peter - Luke 22:61
  • How do you think this made Jesus feel? Why do you think Jesus continued to go to the cross? (He loves you)

2011-02-19 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part III)
Pain of Not Being Appreciated
Matthew 27:1-31
  • Pilate could have released Jesus but he was more concerned with pleasing people than pleasing God
  • Think of all the people that shouted "crucify him". People who he healed, fed, etc. How do you think Jesus felt?
  • They released a murderer instead of Jesus (many said they believed he was the son of God but still this)
  • Share: Pilate tried to escape responsibility by washing his hands but denying the truth does not remove the sin
  • They beat Jesus again, to the point he did not look human - Isaiah 52:14
  • Question: Why do you think Jesus was still willing to go through this for you? (Because he loves you). He is not even at the cross yet.
Pain of Being Separated from God
Matthew 27:32-54
  • Jesus was beaten so badly that he couldn't even carry his own cross
  • v46 Jesus hung on the cross for hours (slow tortuous death) but yet he screams out loudly 
  • Share: Jesus had never been separated God (since the beginning of time they were united)
  • Share: Once Jesus took on YOUR sin, he was separated from God (Wall of Sin  = Isaiah 59:1-2)

2011-02-20 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part IV)
Pain of Bearing our Sin
1 Peter 2:19-25
  • Jesus suffered for you and me because he loves us that much (willing to take our pain)
  • Not only did Jesus bear the physical pain but the emotional and spiritual pain as well.
  • This pain and separation from God was more than he could take (lead to his overwhelming death)
  • Question: How do you feel about the fact that Jesus went through all this for you? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: Did you know that Jesus loved you this much? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: How do you feel about your sin now that you know what Jesus went through?
Our Responsibility Towards the Sin in our Life
2 Corinthians 7:8-13
  • Worldly Sorrow = feel bad because you did wrong and/or got caught doing something
  • Godly Sorrow = repentance, earnestness, eagerness to clear yourself, longing, concern, indignation, alarm, ready to see justice done
  • Share: God wants you to respond by repenting of your sin and showing love to him because he loved you first - 1 John 4:19

2011-02-21 - The Church - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To help you understand the role of the church and we (as disciples) have in the church

The Head and Body
Colossians 1:15-20
  • Question: Who has all authority? Jesus is the head (focus) of everything we want to do
  • Question What is another name for the body of Christ? The head controls the body. Who is the head of the church? Jesus
  • Use illustration to help for understanding
The Family
Ephesians 2:14-21
  • Question: How would you define a foreigner or an alien person? Before becoming a disciple that's is what you
  • Now through Jesus we are able to have peace (relationship) with God. To become family.
  • As a disciple you become part of the family (household) not a part of the organization
  • Question: What is the foundation of God's household? v20 - The Bible
  • Share: Everyone in a household has responsibilities as we have responsibilities to the church family

2011-02-22 - The Church - Kansas City (part II)
Cheerful Giver
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
  • Our heart should be to give "cheerfully" out of gratitude for all that God's done for you
  • Weekly contribution is an opportunity to express our gratitude to God weekly.
  • Share: You wouldn't want someone to love you because they "have to" instead because they "want to".
  • God doesn't make you give he wants you to give "cheerfully"
  • Question: How do you feel about giving contribution weekly?
  • Share: Once a year we have a special contribution to help in special areas (explain what special is about)
Role in the Body
1 Corinthians 12:12-20
  • Each disciple is different (racially, socially, economically, culturally, etc) and God wants it that way.
  • Each disciple is different but each person is important. What gift do you see yourself adding to the body?
  • v18 - God arranges the body parts the way he wants them to be (our relationships are orchestrated by God)
  • God has the person that He wants you to (marry, roommate, etc) already in mind for you (trust him)

2011-07-14 - Mind of Christ - Heavenly Mission (part IX)
We must employ at least five elements to accomplish this mission (continued):

3. We must keep our minds fixed on this objective:
  • Acts 5:42 - Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news
  • Acts 8:4 - Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
4. We must follow the Lord’s plan of discipling people into the image of Christ.

  • The principle involved here is called life-transference.
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:8 - We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well
5. We must be constant in our own evangelism.

As with Jesus, so with us.

“Christ’s mission is the only reason for our being on earth; were it not for that, He would take us away”
~ Andrew Murray “A Like Christ”

2011-08-03 - Daughter Needs - Mr. Success (part I)
Jephtah mother was a prostitute and was denied him any share of the estate

Years later the Ammonites made war on Israel - it was the opportunity to have one big success
He understood that the battle belonged to the Lord
Made a foolish vow of saying - if he won he would sacrifice the first thing opened the door of his house - Judges 11:30-31
His one and only daughter can running out

He could have renounced his foolish words but he simply wanted success more
His pride prevented him to do so
Jephtah's pride and drive to be respected were more important than the life of his daughter

2011-09-15 - Followup: Relationships in the Body (part II)
John 13:34
  • We must love each other the way Jesus loves us (unconditionally).
  • How did Jesus love his disciples unconditionally (Peter, Judas, John, etc…)?
1 Peter 1:22-23
  • Love each other deeply from the heart (not surface love)
  • Share our insecurities (to not let Satan get a foot hold)
Acts 2:44-47 - Met each others needs (physically, emotionally and spiritually)
Colossians 1:28-29 - They discipled (trained) each other to be better disciples of Jesus.
Ephesians 4:29 - Built each other up (no gossip but encouragement)
Ephesians 5:21 - Submit to each other (husband, wife, leaders, etc…) because of Christ.

Remember we all have challenges from our past (personal, spiritual and family) but we are all born again into the family of God. God is the head of the family and we are all brothers and sisters.

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-10-06 - Genesis 6 - The Flood (part I)


Humankind corrupted the earth with evil. God decided to destroy them. He told Noah to build an ark to be saved from the flood.


Genesis 6:5 - every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time
At this point, in a relatively small amount of time, man no longer called out for God. It was just Genesis chapter 4 when men just began to call out for God and at this time

Genesis 6:13 - God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people"
God shared his plans with Noah even though they were very troubling. A deep relationship is where you share you plans and dreams (not in this case). God trusted Noah. Noah trusted God even more (as he should). That mutual trust helped save mankind and allow us to live today.

Genesis 6:22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him
After being 500 years old or so, Noah still did everything God commanded him to do. We can not imagine the pressure and persecution Noah must have gone through to build a boat in the middle of the dessert. Still he did not waiver. His complete faith was with God and trusted every word God spoke to him. We have trouble with just a small amount of faith that required to live our lives.

Personal Application

Increase my faith, Lord! I see Noah's faith to build an ark and I struggle to have faith today.The struggles I face today are not even a speck compared to Noah's troubles.  Noah had great faith because he trusted God and what he said. That is what I need to do.

2011-12-02 - Guarding Your Heart (part I)
Keeping your heart in good condition is not just an important physical principle, but a spiritual one as well. A bad spiritual heart will cause spiritual sickness and ultimately spiritual death – separate from God. The Bible gives us some great information on how to keep our hearts in good spiritual shape and keep them beating strong and healthy for God until the day we die.

We guard our hearts to keep the good and keep away the bad we’re tempted to do
  • Proverbs 4:10-15 - We must make daily decisions to turn away from evil
  • Proverbs 4:23-27 - Our hearts either keep us healthy or harm us spiritually; life or death
Sins is what damages our heart
  • Hebrews 3:12-14 - Sin hardens (diseases) our heart and turns us from God
  • Mark 4:14-20 - Sin and worldliness can choke us from breathing normal
We must do what we can to keep sin far away from our heart
  • Proverbs 7:6-27 - Be careful to stay away from tempting situations you could have avoided
  • 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 - Don’t spend time with the wrong people or in the wrong places
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 - Break off any serious union with those who don’t share your convictions
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-23 - Run away if you need to; it is not weak to realize you are weak

2011-12-19 - Day 16 - Saved to Save
1 Peter 2:9-10
  1. What does it mean to be a royal priesthood?
  2. What message should you be sharing?
  3. Are you really declaring God's praises or just giving out an invitation?
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
  1. How can you tell if you're living for yourself or living for Jesus?
  2. What does it mean to be Christ's ambassador?
  3. Would Jesus be pleased with the way you present him?
  4. What does it mean to APPEAL to and IMPLORE people?
  5. What attitude should you have toward the lost?
Acts 17:16-34
  1. Why was Paul distressed?
  2. What are some sights around your city that should distress you?
  3. Where did Paul share his faith?
  4. Why did Paul begin his message by commending the Athenians for being very religious?
  5. What does this teach you about preaching Paul's message?
Application: Write at least 4 things you have learned today about evangelism from this study. Share your faith with these things in mind.

2011-12-26 - Day 23 - Confessing Sin
Psalms 32:1-7
  1. 1. How do we feel when we are hiding/not confessing sin?
  2. 2. Have you felt this way since your baptism? Are there any sins you have been afraid to confess?
Proverbs 28:13
  1. Can we conceal our sins from God?
  2. Who do we need to confess our sins to besides God?
  3. What effect will unconfessed sin have in our life?
Luke 8:17 - Why is it foolish to try to keep our sins hidden?

Psalms 66:18-19 - What else happens if we conceal or cherish sin?

Application: Take some time to think about any sins - attitudes, action, thoughts - that are troubling you because you haven't shared them. Write them down and make sure you talk about them even today!

2011-12-28 - Day 25 - Being Open
John 15:15
  1. What did Jesus share with his disciples?
  2. Are you this kind of a friend to other Christians?
  3. Do they really know all about your life?
2 Corinthians 6:11-13
  1. What does it mean to speak freely?
  2. Are you opening your heart to others?
  3. What are some feelings you aren't expressing to anyone?
Proverbs 20:5 - Are you helping others to disciple you by being open or does someone have to "draw you out" by asking many questions?

Application: Spend some time today writing down some feelings/plans/secret sins that you haven't been sharing. Discuss these things with another Christian this week. Be open!

2012-01-03 - Day 31 - Dealing with Discouragement
The prophet Elijah had just experienced some tremendous victories from God: The destruction of 450 false prophets, and the first rainfall in 3 ½ years because of his earnest prayer. (See James 5:17-18)

But then he got afraid and discouraged.

1 Kings 19:1-8
  1. Why did Elijah feel so overwhelmed?
  2. What are some things that have made you feel like giving up?
  3. How did the Lord encourage him physically, spiritually and emotionally?
  4. What do you normally do when you start feeling "down"?
  5. How can you apply the 3 lessons from above the next time you are tempted to give in to discouragement?
1 Kings 19:19-21
  1. How do you think Elijah felt to be given a friend and disciple like Elisha?
  2. Why did God wait until Elijah was "in action" again before sending him to Elisha?
Application: How are you dealing with discouragement today? Share what you have learned with someone else.

2012-01-04 - Day 32 - Walking as Jesus did
1 John 2:5-6 - Think back over the past several days. Are you walking like Jesus?

Mark 1:21-28
  1. What was different about the way Jesus taught?
  2. Are you teaching others with authority?
Mark 1:29-34
  1. How late do you think Jesus worked that night?
  2. Do you think he felt tired?
  3. Why did he work so hard?
  4. Are you willing to push yourself for others to know Jesus - even when it is very challenging?
Mark 1:35-39
  1. Note how early Jesus got up the next day? Why did he?
  2. How much do you feel the need to pray like Jesus?
Mark 2:13-17
  1. What kinds of people did Jesus make friends with? Why?
  2. How do you treat sinners and pagans? 3. Are you making new friends to share the gospel with?
Application: Write down two things from today's study that you can do to imitate Jesus. Do them!

2012-01-05 - Day 33 - Shining Like Stars
Philippians 2:14-16
  1. How do we "hold out the word of life" to others?
  2. What kind of example do we need to show those around us?
  3. What have you complained or argued about lately? How can you change?
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
  1. How can you be a slave to everyone? (Give examples)
  2. What are some ways you need to adapt to people in your life to help them be saved?
Psalms 126:6
  1. Why should we be "weeping" as we go out to make disciples?
  2. What is the promise for those who do?
Daniel 12:3 - Are you being wise?

Application: Pray for a heart that truly loves deeply as you share your faith today.

2012-01-10 - Day 38 - Go and Make Disciples
Compare verse 2 of 2 Timothy 2:1-7 with Matthew 28:19-20.
  1. What is Christ's "strategy" for evangelizing the world?
  2. Describe a reliable disciple. Are you reliable in terms of keeping appointments, keeping time, following instructions?
  3. How are you to follow the example of a soldier, an athlete and a farmer? Be specific.
  4. Would Timothy or Paul have chosen you to teach others? Why?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
  1. How is the Christian life like running a race?
  2. What happens if an athlete does not train or "beat" his body?
  3. What happens if you do not train and discipline yourself as a disciple?

Application: List ways you can be more disciplined in your Bible study and prayer, your evangelism and your use of time. Share it with the person who is teaching you.

2012-01-12 - Day 40 - Good Heart, Good Deeds, Good Things
Luke 8:15
  1. Do you have a heart like this?
  2. What is your life producing?
Philemon 4-7 - What are 3 things Philemon did that showed a good heart?

2 Peter 1:5-11
  1. What do you need to do to keep growing as a Christian?
  2. Define goodness, perseverance, brotherly kindness.
  3. What happens if you stop growing?
  4. What does verse 10 mean?
3 John 2-6
  1. If a brother or sister came to visit you, what kind of report would they give about your Life?
  2. How do you feel about your life in Christ up until today?
  3. Are you growing?
  4. In what areas do you need help?
Application: Now that you have finished your 40-days study, decide what you are going to study next and have a plan. Share these notes with the people you are leading to the Lord. Keep growing!

2012-01-28 - Ministry - Compromise or Conviction?
John 6: 60-69; Luke 9: 57-62; Luke 14:25-33;Matt. 18:5-9

How many times do we face the decision to compromise our faith just to win the approval of people around us or to be so desperately accepted? We know we should be strong, we know we should have deep convictions and take a stand for God, but we give into the peer pressure at school, work, and the people-pleasing non-conflict avoiding sinful nature inside all of us! We want to be liked! We want to avoid confrontation, conflict, and courageously calling others out of sin! Jesus loved God and others so much he was willing to tell the truth no matter how it made someone feel! He preached what people needed to hear and not what they wanted to hear! He laid out the hard teachings with convictions not with apologies! Even when disciples decided to leave and no longer follow him, he did not compromise the truth! He let them leave and challenged others,"do you want to leave to?"

Are you ready to die to compromise?
What are the areas where you compromise your faith?

Identify two areas that you consistently compromise in either at work, home or on campus? How often do you compromise?

Share with your spouse, friends or d-group what you give-in to and your desire to want to change.

2012-02-06 - Ministry - Compassion: The Heart of Jesus
John 11:33-35
In a world so full of pain, hardship and suffering the compassion of Jesus lights the world. It is a comfort to know that "our God is full of compassion".

Psalms 116:5
Jesus was deeply moved by people's suffering. Jesus sincerely cared and invested his heart in others. Does the hardship of others cause us to invest our hearts or harden them? Do we imitate Jesus' heart? We can learn to be compassionate only when we have allowed Jesus to comfort us.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Compassion causes us to act. Mark 1:40 - 42
  • Compassion compels us to invest emotionally. John 11: 33 - 35
  • Compassion inspires hope. Mark 5:25 - 34
  • Do we have compassion on all people? - Psalms 145:9
  • Do we restore people with compassion? - Zechariah 10:16
  • Do we show compassion to the weak? - Isaiah 42:3 & 4
  • Do we stifle compassion in our ministries? - Amos 1:11
  • Do you see the spiritual suffering of people?
Share with someone today about your faith, the church or the relationships you have that ease your suffering and give you hope

2012-02-19 - Fear of Failure - God Is Still With Us When We Fail
by Julie Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Samuel 14:14

So many times in my life I feel like I am all alone, facing failure after failure by myself. What has given me hope and shown me that "failure is not fatal" is the fact that God is always working, putting people in my life, devising ways to help me stay strong. We are not alone! God is always working on our behalf.
  • Write a list of all the people that God has put into your life to pick you up when you fall. Thank them for being there for you.
  • Write a list of all the ways that God has moved powerfully in your life to keep you faithful in the hard times.
  • Thank God for those times.
  • Share the things that God has done in your life with a non-Christian today.

2012-03-15 - Instilling Faith in Children (part I)

Not all the answers but I do know where get them along with advice from others

Going to share about 2-3 scriptures for use to discuss / feel free to be part of things

We need Jesus - Matthew 18:1-6

v1 - Side conversation while Jesus was doing miracles among them
Disciples we arguing about who was the greatest... maybe they were saying - I am the best parent or I have the best kid

v2 - God thoughts: The ones we are to teach are the ones who teach us the very lesson we need to teach them

v3 - It does not come naturally, we need to change

Starts with us - to get our relationship with God in order first - to be a child of God

Why is it so important to become childlike?

  • So we can have a relationship with God / welcome Jesus
  • Make it to heaven / considered the greatest
  • Not become a stumbling block
In what ways do we need to become like a child?
  • Humble ourselves
  • Rely on God
  • Seek out answers/advice from others
  • Earniestness to learn
  • Be relatable

2012-03-16 - Instilling Faith in Children (part II)

They need to see Jesus - Deuteronomy 6:1-9

God did not want his people to forget him

What did he want them to remember?

  • How God helped them
  • Obey all his commands
  • To fear him
  • Love God with everything we have

All these things he still wants us to remember

In what ways can we show our kids, Jesus?

  • Incorporate your children in the things you do
  • Talk about God / ask them thought provoking questions
  • Read the Bible to them /
  • Pray with them

v 20-24 - The questions will come; opportunities to share more

With a Watchful Eye - 1 Timothy 4:15-16

 They will not be a Christian and stay a Christian by chance

2012-10-20 - Prayer of the Righeous - Singing to Me
Zephaniah 3:17
  • He has taken away our punishment
  • He has turned back our enemy
  • He is mighty to save
  • He rejoices over us with singing
The Lord rejoices when one sinner repents - Luke 15:10
Nature rejoices in God's presence - Psalms 98:7-8
God promises that nature will rejoice in our presence - Isaiah 55:12

Faithful servants are invited to come share in the master's happiness - Matthew 25:23

The very nature of heaven is to share the happiness of God for all of eternity

Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22

Our prayer needs to be an outpouring of joy and thanksgiving before a joyful, singing God
He loves to hear us being happy
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song - Psalms 28:7

2014-12-11 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part III)


Rebebekah went back with Eliezer and she married Isaac.


Genesis 24:49 - Tell me yes or no, then I know what to do next
After sharing his faith in verses 34 to 48 about how God blessed his faithfulness, Abramham's servers did not want to waste any time - he wanted a straight answer on which direction they would choose. Sometimes it is difficult to get a straight answer but he did not want them to waiver in this very important decision. Sometimes we guard our hearts to share because we do not want to sound "too religous" but Eliezer just shared his heart and was not concerned about their opinons.

Genesis 24:50 - The Lord has obviously brought you here, there is nothing we can say
There is no reason to fight the Lord. When they saw what had happen before them, they were conveicted that the Lord was speaking to them that day. Eliezer was full of faith and excitement for what the Lord had done and he could not help but to share it with them that day.


The God should be obvious in our lives. Do people see God in us and if so is it obvious or is there doubt in their mind? In order for me to reach out to others, my life needs to show Jesus. When I speak and invite others to church/Bible study does it come as a surpise or an invitation or extention of what I am already doing?


Pray to be real with people and to share my faith without reservation. 

2015-01-07 - Genesis 24 - Eliezer: Profile of a True Servant

Eliezer approached a responsibility with single-mindedness and careful planning with a dependance on God.

  • Genesis 24:3 - Listened to the challenge
  • Genesis 24:5 - Examined alternatives
  • Genesis 24:9 - Promised to follow instructions
  • Genesis 24:12 - Sumitted his plan to God
  • Genesis 24:14 - Devised a plan with room for God to work
  • Genesis 24:21 - He waited and watched closely
  • Genesis 24:26 - Thanked God for the answer
  • Genesis 24:34 - Shared his faith by how God answered his prayer
  • Genesis 24:56 - Resfused unnecessary delay
  • Genesis 24:66 - Followed through with the entire plan

2015-03-27 - Help

Lord to Moses: Gather 70 men and they will bear the burden of the people along with you - Numbers 11:16-17

Moses had reached the point of burnout and no more to give

So much so, Moses said: "Just go ahead and kill me" - Numbers 11:15

God sent help his way

When you allow others to help you bear your burdens, you receive great blessings for yourself and for those who help you

Allow your brothers to share your burdens so that you can keep moving forward

2015-04-10 - Reporting

We can not stop telling about what we have seen and heard - Acts 4:20

Peter and John at this point did not have fear about sharing about Jesus

  • Heard exceptional preaching
  • Had seen impressive miracles
    • Demons casted out
    • Sick healed
    • Dead raised
    • Storms calmed
    • Empty tomb
    • Resurrected Jesus

Peter and John spoke respectfully even humbly to the religous authorities who had thrown them into prision

They were on a mission to share Jesus and would not allow anything to stop them

2015-04-26 - Delegation

Why are you trying to do all this alone? - Exodus 18:14

A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Nobody lives long enough to make them all himself.

Moses filled hs plate to overflowing - working from dawn to dusk

This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself - Exodus 18:17-18

Jethro's advice: Slow down and let someone who feared and loved God do a part of the work

As a priest of Midian and successful businessman, Jethro had a lot of wisdom to share

Your mistakes can be put to good use by encouraging others to not repeat them

2015-05-29 - Opportunity Knocks

Jesus sat wearily beside the well; soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water - John 4:6-7

Jesus understood the importance of making the best use of every opportunity to preach and teach his message

He was ready for the opportunity to share his message with the people of Samaria via the woman he jusr meet

Jesus' words made a lasting impression on the woman, her neighbors - John 4:39

They were stunned that she meet the Messiah

Life will present you with opportunities to serve God through serving others

2015-07-04 - Infectious Faith

Don't be afraid! Go ahead and do what you've said - 1 Kings 17:13

When you speak and demonstrate your faith openly, it is bound to infect others

It seemed Elijah was the only man with faith in Israel but he didn't let that stop him speaking God's Word who desparately needed to hear it

Drought had led to famine, God sent a woman with little money to feed

Elijah didn't allow the lack of wealth affect his faith and persuaded the woman to share what little she had

She never again lacked food for herself or her son

Faith isn't real unless you put it to work, don't worry about running out - God will give you what you need

2015-07-11 - Share the Joy

Jethro was delighted when he heard about all the good things the Lord had done - Exdous 18:9

Paul: "be happy with those who are happy" - Romans 12:15

Jethro, Moses' friend, celebrated with the people of Israel: "Praise the Lord, for he had rescued you from the Egyptians - Exodus 18:10

He immedidately blessed those around him with words of praise

The same thing can happen when you share in another's joy over God's kindness and blessing


2015-07-25 - Forgive and Forget

Now it is time to forgive and comfort him - 2 Corinthians 2:7

Paul told the Corinthian Christians to forgive a man who had caused him and the church a lot of trouble

God's purpose for discipline is to forgive and restore, not to condemn and reject

Paul apparently shared these believers' sense of injury but he eagerly extended forgiveness and restoration to give the man some hope and encouragement

Who in your life needs that kind of forgiveness and encouragement?

2015-10-02 - Take a Shot

Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit - 2 Kings 2:9

Prophet-in-training Elisha achieve greatness because he had the faith to ask for a blessing when he had the opportunity

Three times Elijah told him to stay behind, three times he said I will never leave you - 2 Kings 2:2-6

Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted, he didn't hesitate - double portion of his spirit

Elisha got exactly what he requested

When we need God's empowerment, take your shot and for it in faith

2015-10-27 - Life of Separation

Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daugther and instead to share the oppression of God's people - Hebrews 11:24-25

He left his life of ease under Pharaoh and indentified himself with the suffering of his own people

Mose was born to a poor Hebrew mother, but he was raised in a world of privilege

He left Pharaoh's family and inheritance for being a descendant of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob

When you identify yourself with Christ you leave your old ways and thinking.

2015-12-03 - Faithfulness

The Lord was with Joseph in the prison - Genesis 39:21

Joseph lived an upright life but endured more than his share of injustice at a young age

Through everything Joseph continued to serve GOd and those in authority over him

Joseph conduced himself in a way to earn himself respect and administration of everyone who knew him

How did he maintain a faithful heart when at times it must have seemed God had abandoned him? The Lord was with Joseph

Since Joseph knew God was with him, he prospered in every situation he faced including false imprisionment

Joseph remained steadfast in his commitment to God and He would reveal his hand in due time

2016-11-06 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part II)


Isaac dug wells, and at Beersheba the LORD blessed him.


Genesis 26:14 - Harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him

Genesis 26:22 - Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it

  • When Abraham prospered, there became a conflict between his shepherds and Lot [Genesis 13:5-7]
  • Philistines grew jealous because everything that Issac did seemed to go right
  • Jealousy is a dividing force strong enough to tear the mightiest nations

Genesis 26:28 - We can plainly see that the Lord is with you

  • Thanking God for their blessings is a great way to overcome this
  • Before striking out in anger, consider what you may lose - a friend, a job, etc (foolish pride)
  • We should be receptive to those who want to make peace with us
  • When God influences our lives, our lives attracts people, even enemies
  • We must take the opportunity to reach out to them with God's love


When we see God's blessings, it is an opportunity to share with others with what God has given to us


Please help me to see my many blessings and share with others freely

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