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2010-03-07 - To Live is Christ - Self Titled
What is missing in so many lives is a clear sense of identity and purpose

Paul knew who he was and his his purpose of living/dying for Christ

In fact he had a relationship, example and a security destiny with Christ

If they spared his life, his purpose was to:
  • Show the life of Christ in his life
  • Tell others the good news
  • Mature those who were disciples
If death, then a life in heaven with Christ
Either way, it was a "win-win"

Paul was going to be delivered, one way or another - 2 Corinthians 1:10
  • Delivered from prison
  • Delivered from his life and struggles
  • Delivered from his loneliness and anxiety
What could be better than an unswerving commitment to someone greater than yourself?

2010-03-11 - To Live is Christ - Just Like Christ

In the midst of the discussion about unity, Paul continues by talking about having the mind of Jesus - Philippians 2:5-8

The only way to have unity is to be like Jesus

We were called to follow in his steps - 1 Peter 2:21

Jesus willingly because a servant
Greek literally says, "he emptied himself"'

  • He poured out his diviniy for us
  • He gave up his rights
  • Jesus was not just playing a role, he was showing us the depths of this heart

Jesus came not to be served but to serve - Matthew 20:28


2010-03-16 - To Live is Christ - Profit to Loss
If anyone want to talk about 'confidence in the flesh', Paul was ready to take them on - Philippians 3:4-7
Paul used the events in his life to show just how empty all human achievements in before God

Heredity reasons (how Paul was more than others but counted them a loss)
  • He was circumcised the first day it was possible (eighth day)
  • He was an Israelite
  • He was from the tribe of Benjamin (most honored tribe of all)
  • He was a Hebrew of Hebrews - carefully passed on Hebrew language to children
Hard work reasons (how Paul was more than others but counted them a loss)
  • He was extremely zealous - Galatians 1:14
  • He vigorously opposed the church
  • He was faultless in the eyes of others
He considered it all a loss = Greek: "the thinks that were gains to me, I counted loss"
If anyone had a right to glory in the flesh, Paul did, but he clearly saw that no one has that right

2010-03-19 - To Live is Christ - Pressing On

Although is righteousness that is not our own becomes laziness, we show we have the grace of God - Philippians 3:12-16

Despite all that Paul went through and has done - he pressed on
Greek word, dicoko = used in both hunting and foot racing

There is certainly a time to remember what we have done - 2 Thessalonians 2:5
But there is also a time to forget

Paul did not cling to the fact that he planted a lot of churches
He purposely "forgot", so he would not see himself as arriving

Paul was looking forward to the next thing God had in store for him
All who are mature, should think this way

The way to take it higher is to hold on to what you have already grasped and then reach for more

2010-04-01 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 1)
When we show favoritism, we are unlike God - James 2:1-4

You probably has heard that we should not judge
Judging is a merely drawing a conclusion on evidence

There are certain kinds of judging that are prohibited or discouraged:
  • Hypocritical judging - Romans 2:1
  • Superficial judging - John 7:24
  • Judgment in disputable matters - Romans 14:1
  • Analyzing another's motives - 1 Corinthians 4:3-5
  • Judging someone to be inferior to you - James 2:3-4
  • Grumbling against a brother - James 5:9

2010-04-06 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 6)
Person justified by what he does not faith alone - James 2:24
James is talking about the lifestyle of a saved person not about the point of salvation
Faith alone? A true living faith is never alone - accompanied by a heart that obeys

Deeds are the animate faith; Spirit is what makes the body alive

Jesus spoke often of deed, seldom of intentions - Matthew 7:21-23

In Revelation, Jesus constantly focuses on deeds - Revelation 2:2, 19; 3:1, 8, 15

Is your faith dead or alive?
What deed in your life shows that your faith is alive and well?

2010-04-22 - Life to the Full - In His Steps (part 3)

1 Peter 3:1-7...

Submission, kindness is a two-way street

Wondering God is not using you more?
Why children are slow to become Christians?
Why don't feel more peace and joy in your house?

Look no further than your marriage!

Questions for wives:

  • Do you resort to worldly means to win?
  • Do you fight for your rights more than fighting for others?
  • Do you show respect for your husband and emphasize his strengths?

Questions for husbands:

  • How often you compliment your wife?
  • Are you generous in the amount of housework you do?
  • Do you respect your wife for her spirituality and other strengths of character?

Questions for both:

  • Do you pray together regulary?
  • Do your children have a fear of God?
  • Are your family devotionals consistent?
  • When outsiders visit your home and see your family, are they more likely to want to follow Christ?

2010-04-29 - Heart of Maturity (Methods of Maturing)

Methods of Maturing

Self-Training with the Word

Hebrews 5:11-14 - Constant use of the word - for direction, correction, and guidance

With each other

Colossians 1:28-29

  • It is our responsibility to grow
  • We need small groups, large groups, and one another times

Imiatating others

1 Corinthians 4:14-17

  • Follow the qualities in people which are best examples of Christ
  • Collectively the best qualities show an example of Christ

Perservering in trials

James 1:2-4

  • Whenever (that means anytime) the testing of your faith comes
  • Consider it a pure joy - Many Trials
  • Perservering is where you mature

2010-05-07 - Men are without excuse (part 1)

Preached by Richard Dixion - 1999-07-18

Understanding the bad news

Romans 1:18-32

  • To understand the good news - we must be convicted about the bad news
    • Conviction in US law - proven
    • We need to be shown where we are wrong
  • Spirit convicts us about sin - John 16:7-8
  • Questions we could ask:
    • Wrong: Why would a loving God send anyone to hell?
    • Right: Why would a just God save anyone?
Our responsibility

John 3:19-21

2 Timothy 3:1-5

  • Having a form of godliness...is ungodly
  • Describes people:
    • People then and now
      • "Church-goers" - who do you know who is like this?
      • Are you like this?

2010-05-09 - World Hates Jesus (part 1)

Preached by Richard Dixon - 1999-09-19

John 15:18-25

  • They didn't want to obey
  • 90% of what they said about Jesus was negative
  • What did they not like? His teachings

    Luke 9:23 Deny self
    Luke 13:5 Repent!
    Luke 14:25-26 Love more than anyone
    Luke 9:57-62 Leave everything
    Luke 6:27-31 Love your enemies
    Luke 12:13-31 Do not worry
    Luke 8:24 Faithlessness as evil

  • American Dream - living for me.
  • Not total commitment then we are not totally convince.
  • Challenges our very self
  • Showing someone the truth will either:
    • They will love you
    • They will hate you

John 3:19-21

  • The way you respond shows your love for God
  • It is not natural to be open.

2010-05-19 - Desire's Journey - An Invitation to Desire

Christianity is not an invitation to become a moral person or a program to get us into a reforming society

Christianity begins with an invitation to desire

What do you want me to do for you? - Luke 18:41
Jesus continually took people into their hearts - to their deepest desires

What does Jesus choose to talk about with the women at the well?
Her immorality? No
He speaks to her about thirst - John 4:10
Lets talk about your heart's thirst since the life you've chosen isn't working

All you who are thirsty, come to the waters - Isaiah 55:1-2
Message had gotten lost by the time Jesus' showed up
Jew of the day were practicing soul-killing, lifeless religion of duty and obligation

No wonder Jesus was feared. He came along and started appealing to desire

To the lost - Jesus spoke of finding your way
To the weary - Jesus speaks of rest

Again and again Jesus took them back to their desires
Ask and it will be given to you - Matthew 7:7

What is it that you want? - Would have fallen on deaf ear if his message was unrelateable

2010-06-15 - I need to pray (part 2)

God overcomes our weaknesses

Romans 8:26 - God knows what we need

2 Corinthians 11:30 - FF - We must admit that where we are weak

Show me where I am weak, Lord!?!

God overhears our prayers

Psalms 4:1-8 - God listens to our prayers

Psalms 5:1-3 - Wait in expectation

Psalms 10:15-18 - God is always there

Psalms 65:1-4 - When are overwhelmed by sin

Psalms 102:17 - God responds to prayer

Psalms 109:3-4 - We must men and women of prayer

2010-06-28 - Jesus - The Lord (part 2)

Jesus is Lord of the Harvest

Matthew 9:35-38

  • Are you happy?
  • Are the hopeless and harassed?
  • Happiness produces more than guilt-driven action.

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

Matthew 12:1-14

  • Why do you go to church?
    • Out of habit?
    • Because you are suppose to?
      • Law is here to protect, direct, and save us
1 John 5:3
  • Obeying comes happiness
  • We show God we love him by obeying him.
Is Jesus your Lord?

2010-07-31 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 1)
We have similar path we follow
  1. God shows up
  2. The lights turn on for those who respond
  3. Their heart is lifted; grateful tears flow
  4. Faith, hope, and love seem like the only way to live
  5. The next week, it is though nothing happened
Forgetting is not a small problem
Forgetfulness does not come against us like an enemy in battle formation
It comes unnoticed

We are warned about forgetfulness in the scriptures

The pattern so predictable, we have come to expect it:
  1. God delivers his people from the Egyptians by his display of power - plagues, passover, red sea
  2. Israelites celebrate with singing and dancing
  3. Israelites complain about the water supply
  4. God provides sweet water
  5. They complain about the food
  6. God drops breakfast from the sky
  7. They complain about the water again
  8. God provides water from a rock
And on and on for 40 years

Be careful and watch yourself closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen - Deuteronomy 4:9

2010-08-10 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 1)

Myth - sometimes thought of as not factual true
But a myth is a story which confront us with something transcendent and eternal; a way of seeing and knowing
A kind of story that wakes you up and you suddenly say - this is what my life is really about

Myth tell us three truths, this first one is:

1. Things are not what they seem

Examples of movies that show us this include: Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, the Matrix

Jacob saw earth in a whole new way in his dream - Genesis 28:12
He awakes more awake then ever, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it" - Genesis 28:16

Two followers of Christ did not even recongized Jesus as he talked with him after his resurrection - Luke 24:17-21
They were slow in heart to believe

2010-08-14 - Waking Dead - Heart is Central

The heart is central
The need to even to be remined of this show how far we have fallen from the life we were meant to have

The heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic

Love the Lord your God with all your heart - Deuteronomy 6:5
Man looks at the outward appearance, Lord looks at the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
Where your teasure is, there your heart will be also - Luke 12:34

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart - Proverbs 3:5
These people honor me from their lips but their hearts are far from me - Matthew 15:8
The Lord weighs the heart - Proverbs 21:2

The heart can be:

  • Trouble, wounded, pierced, grieved, even broken
  • Cheerful, glad, merry, joyful, rejoicing
  • Whole or divided
  • Wise or foolish
  • Steadfast, true, upright, stout, valiant
  • Frightened, faint, cowardly
  • Wandering, forgetful, dull, stubborn, proud, hardened

The heart can be unpredictable but it is central to our being

The heart answers a lot of questions:

  • Why did my relationship fail? One or both don't have to heart to make it work
  • Why are some many struggling with depression and discouragement? They have lost heart
  • Why can I not break free from our addiction? We gave our heart away and need to get it back


2010-09-08 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 5)
Our sin give the enemy a certain claim to our lives - Romans 6:16

As we renounce any sin, we also renounce any claim we've given to Satan in our lives
This often comes in the form of  "agreements" - Satan has suggested something to us and we have said yes.
  • "Don't ever trust anyone"
  • "Your heart is bad, never show it to anyone"
  • "You are dirty and will never get free"
We command our enemy to flee - James 4:7

As long as we have unhealed places in our hearts, it is next to impossible to live in freedom and victory
No matter how much discipline we apply to it

Our enemy knows them well and trying undermine us and uses it against us with a disabling effect

2010-10-03 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 3)
4. Spiritual Growth
If holding onto our faith and not advancing it much - it will become a chore  and prayer a dry routine
  • Scripture reading becomes I have to read it to understand the gospel for others
  • Talking to God suddenly takes on a new purpose - passionate pleas for friends
  • Our desire to worship grows as your gratitude grows
  • Helps maintain a high standard of purity

5. Spiritual Confidence
It is ironic that the act of preparing to show others the gospel is often the cause for us to understand it better ourselves
In the face of opposition, we gain heightened sense of spiritual confidence
Imagine what happens when one of these people becomes a Christian

6. Enduring Investments

Jesus warned his followers to not store up treasures on earth - Matthew 6:19-20
Everything will be destroyed eventually - 2 Peter 3:10-11
It is a mistake to invest so much time and energy into things that won't last

7. Honor of Being God's Agent
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit - John 15:8

2010-10-13 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part II)
  1. The Obstacle of Greed - Luke 12:13-21 (Parable of the rich fool); Luke 16:19-31 (Rich man and Lazarus)
    1. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. The value of a person's life has nothing to do with his financial worth.
    2. The rich fool's goal was financial independence and being independent of God. This is the 'American Dream."
    3. The rich man in Luke 16 went to hell because of his greed and unconcern about the needs of others.
  2. The Obstacle of Discontentment - Philippians 4:10-13
    1. Paul rejoiced while he was in prison.
    2. He was grateful and content even in need.
    3. Paul did not focus on what he lacked, but rather on what he had (Christ).
    4. Also note 1 Timothy 6:6-10.


  1. How am I storing up treasures for myself but not being rich toward God?
  2. How am I showing concern for the poor/needy?
  3. Am I grateful and content with what I have right now?
  4. What griefs do I have in my life because of greed and discontentment?
    • Debt
    • High monthly payments
    • Bad credit record

2010-10-27 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part II)
Second major way to sacrifice is money
The person on the receiving end of help always knows better what effect giving on other's lives

Sometimes the lack of things we need shows us the way to Christ
  • Humbles us because we have receive from others
  • Shows us the true disciples of Christ
It is truly more blessed to give then receive
What might happen if you loosened your grip on your material possessions?

  • Whose heart might open?
  • Whose attitude might soften
  • Who might get curious and start asking spiritual questions?
Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth - 1 John 3:18

2010-10-28 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part III)
Third major kind of sacrifice is a sustained, long term godly lifestyle
Spiritual cynicism runs deep in some people - Christians need to watch their life and doctrine closely to win them over

May times these are family member who have seen you go through phases before and think this is just another one

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices by being transformed with the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:1-2
History has seen rush of the Christianity starting blocks only to be on the side lines after a couple of laps
Time shows our faith to be genuine
Like in a marathon, we have to finish the race
We have to outlast other's objections

Are you going to be God's helper that is going to wear down every cynic, scoffer, and doubter in your life?

All three of the major sacrifices must be motivated by love
Love has no one greater than this - that on lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

2010-11-27 - Mission - All Nations
The only event in history where all mankind gathers together is Judgment Day

An expert in the law asked "What I do to inherit eternal life?" and "Who is my neighbor?"
This expert had given his life to study of the scriptures

Jesus illustrates the greatest commandment - one man helping another
Does not talk about:
  • Some daring act of evangelism - although He did this almost daily
  • Being baptized  - although it is commanded and can never be omitted
Who are you helping? Do see those in need?

James 2:14-16 - Do you claim to have faith? It is never alone
Food, clothing, a blanket shows that you have saving faith

Christian who "share their faith" don't always "share their food"

Sometimes we resemble the expert in the law who did not love their neighbor
By focusing on helping the poor, many people seem to become more evangelistic
Physical and spiritual needs are inseparable

Jesus said, I was hungry, of need of clothes, sick. Did you help him? - Matthew 25:35-36

He takes it personally - Jesus grew up poor
Doves were the sacrifice of the poor - Luke 2:24

2010-12-14 - Knowing Jesus (part I)
Who is Jesus?

John 1:1, 14
  • Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the unique Son of God: fully God and fully man!
  • God came to earth as a man in order that we could come to know him.
  • If you were an all powerful and invisible God, how would you have tried to communicate your love to your creation?
  • Illustration: Imagine trying to talk to an ant - How do you communicate with them without terrifying them? Become an ant yourself
Colossians 2:9
  • All the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ.
  • Every aspect of God’s character can be found in Jesus.
  • Reading through any of the Gospels describing Jesus life and words will give you insight into God’s character and will for your life.
Here are several aspects from a day in the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark:

~Mark 1:21-45
  • Mark 1:21-22 - Jesus was an amazing teacher whose words were spoken with authority.
  • Mark 1:23-28 - Jesus cast out demons, showing that the power of God was present in him.
  • Mark 1:29-31 - Jesus met people’s felt needs and healed the sick.
  • Mark 1:32-34 - Jesus focused his attention on others and selflessly gave of himself.
  • Mark 1:35 - Jesus was dependent upon God in prayer for his strength and direction.
  • Mark 1:36-39 - Jesus was consumed with his mission to preach the good news.
  • Mark 1:40-42 - Jesus was filled with compassion for all people.
  • Mark 10:32-34, 45 - Jesus came to serve, and gave his perfect life as a ransom for sinners. As predicted, he was rejected by his people and crucified - but he rose from the dead three days later.

2010-12-21 - Sin (part I)
1 Peter 2:9-10
  • Every person is either in the darkness or the light. This study will show us that outside of Jesus we are all in the darkness.
Isaiah 59:1-2
  • What is the consequence of sin? Sin hurts others, hurts ourselves, but ultimately sin hurts and separates us from God.
  • God is light. As long as the wall of sin remains, we are in the darkness.
  • In order to have a relationship with God, the barrier of sin must come down.
Romans 3:21-24
  • We will come back to other ideas in this text later, but focus on v23. Who has sinned?
  • Use illustrations to show that some are better than others, but all sin and fall short.
  • Examples: Swimming to Hawaii, graph showing piles of sin.
  • Who is more lost? There is no “good person” who is without sin.
Mark 7:14-23
  • Sin is not simply wrong actions, but a problem of the heart.
  • Who is responsible for our sin? Despite genetics, parenting, peer pressure and socio-economic conditions, we are responsible for our own sin, which comes from our own hearts and makes us unclean.
  • What is the consequence of being unclean before God?
  • Discuss the sins Jesus talks about here.

2010-12-26 - Saved by Grace through Faith (part II)
Ephesians 2:1-10
  • What condition are we all in? We are dead in sins and transgressions.
  • How much can a dead man do to improve his own condition? What then is the only way we can be saved?
  • What do you learn about God in his passage? His love? His mercy? His grace?
  • What is the condition of receiving what God has done on our behalf?
  • We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is obedient trust in God (James 2:14-18).
  • Here we trust what God has done in Jesus as the grounds of our salvation and commit our lives fully to him. While we can never do enough good works to save ourselves, what are we saved for?
  • Saving faith is “worked out” in ways that bring glory to God and attest to a Christ-centered life.

Romans 3:21-26
  • Having shown that Gentiles (non-Jews) are sinners in Romans 1 and Jews are no better off Romans 2, Paul summarizes his argument here.
  • Is it possible for anyone to be “good enough” to be saved?
  • Illustration: a plane goes down half way between Hawaii and California. Everyone must swim for the coast. Can some swim much further than others? But what eventually happens to them all? So with us, no one’s own efforts are enough. All fall short. So how are we saved?
  • God justifies those who “have faith in Jesus” (v26).
  • Saving faith is not in ourselves but “in his blood”—that is, in the death of Jesus on our behalf (v25).

Titus 3:3-8
  • When we humbly consider our own sinfulness, it becomes obvious that we are saved because of God’s mercy, not because of righteous things we have done.
  • Those who have trusted God for salvation, however, will devote themselves to doing his will.
  • God’s grace is AMAZING! He generously accepts us as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
  • To enter into this saving relationship with God, we must be washed of our sins and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
  • We will look more at the conditions of accepting God’s grace in the coming studies.

2011-01-25 - Followup - The New Testament Church (part II)
A picture of the New Testament Church (continued)

4. Giving
  • Generously - 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 9:6-11, Luke 16:13-16
  • Weekly - 1 Corinthians 16:1
  • To advance the gospel - Philippians 4:14-16, Titus 3:13-14
  • To meet the saints’ needs - Romans 15:25-27, Acts 2:44-45
5. Preaching - 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 4:2


  1. Evangelism - Philippians 2:14-16, Colossians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:8, 1 Peter 2:9
  2. Serving
    • Serving food - Acts 6:1-4
    • Providing clothes - Acts 9:36-39
    • Looking after its orphans and widows - 1 Timothy 5:16, James 1:27
    • Showing hospitality - 1 Corinthians 16:5-6, 3 John 5-8, Hebrews 13:!2
    • 1 John 3:16-17, James 2:15-16, Matthew 25:34-36

That God may be glorified in His church - Ephesians 3:21

2011-02-04 - Word of God - Kansas City (part III)
1 Timothy 5:24-25
  • God knows what you and I have done but he wants to help us get our lives in order
  • The more we read, the more we understand God is merciful and loving
  • He is serious about us changing our lives to fit His will vs us trying to change the Bible to fit our will
John 12:44-50
  • Jesus is the ultimate reflection of God on earth
  • Just as Jesus didn't come with a critical judgment = God does not either
  • v46 - He shows us the way out of darkness - when we don't have a close relationship with him
  • Question: What does Jesus say will actually judge us? God's words
What to do?
  1. Read the Bible daily so we can know him
  2. We must apply the Bible to our lives, let it change us, and let our lives change others
  3. Let's study the Bible together at least once a week for the next 3 weeks

2011-02-12 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part II)
The Standard of a Disciple
Luke 9:18-26
  • Question: What were Jesus and his disciples doing? How is your prayer life?
  • Question: Why do you think the people thought so many things? Turned to men instead of God's word
  • Question: If someone wants to come after Jesus what does He say they need to do?
    • Deny self - Put God's will above your own
    • Take up his cross and crucify self - no longer live for self but to do God's will
    • Follow Jesus and imitate the life of Jesus - do the things that Jesus would do in situation
  • Question: How can you show Jesus that you want to hold to his standard?
Commitment of Following Jesus
Luke 9:57-62
  • Question: What do you think these men wanted from Jesus?
    • These men wanted the life and blessing of being with Jesus without the commitment
    • Jesus wants full commitment - like in a marriage - not 80% commitment
    • There is no good reason to NOT follow Jesus
  • Question: How can you show 100% commitment? QTs, fellowship, coming to church, BT, etc

2011-02-20 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part IV)
Pain of Bearing our Sin
1 Peter 2:19-25
  • Jesus suffered for you and me because he loves us that much (willing to take our pain)
  • Not only did Jesus bear the physical pain but the emotional and spiritual pain as well.
  • This pain and separation from God was more than he could take (lead to his overwhelming death)
  • Question: How do you feel about the fact that Jesus went through all this for you? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: Did you know that Jesus loved you this much? How does it make you feel toward Jesus?
  • Question: How do you feel about your sin now that you know what Jesus went through?
Our Responsibility Towards the Sin in our Life
2 Corinthians 7:8-13
  • Worldly Sorrow = feel bad because you did wrong and/or got caught doing something
  • Godly Sorrow = repentance, earnestness, eagerness to clear yourself, longing, concern, indignation, alarm, ready to see justice done
  • Share: God wants you to respond by repenting of your sin and showing love to him because he loved you first - 1 John 4:19

2011-02-28 - Servant of God (part II)
The last will be first
Mark 9:33-35
  • The first must be last
  • This is not how it is in the work place
    • Go ahead take my promotion
    • Kiss up to the boss
    • Fighting to be the best
    • Spend long hours at work
If we don't see the needs around -> we should pray for Go to show us
What ways should you be serving?

It will take faith:
  • Who will take care of me?
  • They may not thank you
Matthew 23:11
  • The humble will be exalted
  • Servants can not be prideful; humility is the badge the slave
Luke 17:7-10 - Our attitude at the end of the day should be that we are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty

2011-03-04 - Jesus is God (part I)
Examples showing the deity of Jesus:
  • All Authority - Matthew 28:18; Colossians 2:10
  • Called God by James - James 2:1
  • Called God by John - 1 John 5:20; Revelation 1:18; Revelation 19:16
  • Called God by Jude - Jude 25
  • Called God by Paul - Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:15-17; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13
  • Called God by Peter - 1 Peter 3:22; 2 Peter 1:17
  • Forgives sins - Mark 2:5
  • Judges - John 5:22
  • Knew All things - John 21:17

2011-03-05 - Jesus is God (part II)
Examples showing the deity of Jesus:
  • Knew Hearts of the Pharisees - Matthew 12:25; Luke 5:22; Luke 6:8; Luke 7:39-40
  • Knew Plot of Judas - John 6:70
  • Knew Problems of his disciples - Luke 9:46-47
  • Knew Sincerity of the one scribe - Mark 12:24
  • Knew Thoughts of the Scribes - Matthew 9:3-4
  • Knew Whereabouts of Nathanael - John 1:48
  • Omnipotent - Matthew 18:20; Matthew 28:20; John 3:13; John 14:20
  • Omnipotent over Death - Luke 7:14-15; Luke 8:54-56; John 11:4
  • Omnipotent over Demons - Matthew 8:16-17; Matthew 8:28-32

2011-03-06 - Jesus is God (part III)
Examples showing the deity of Jesus:
  • Omnipotent over Disease - Matthew 8:1-4; Luke 4:39
  • Omnipotent over Men - Matthew 9:9; John 17:2
  • Omnipotent over Nature - Matthew 8:26
  • Omnipotent over Sin - Matthew 9:1-8
  • Omnipotent over Tradition - Matthew 9:10-17
  • Prayed To Him (Stephen) - Acts 7:59
  • Saves - John 10:28
  • Sinless - 1 Peter 2:22; Hebrews 4:15
  • Worshiped as God by Angels - Hebrews 1:6

2011-03-07 - Jesus is God (part IV)
Examples showing the deity of Jesus:
  • Worshiped as God by Apostles - Matthew 14:33; Matthew 28:9; Matthew 15:25; Matthew 8:2
  • Worshiped as God by Man born blind - John 9:38
  • Worshiped as God by Maniac - Mark 5:6
  • Worshiped as God by Mother - Matthew 20:20
  • Worshiped as God by Ruler - Matthew 9:18
  • Worshiped as God by Shepherds - Luke 2:15
  • Worshiped as God by Some Greeks - John 12:20-21
  • Worshiped as God by Thomas - John 20:28
  • Worshiped as God by Wise men - Matthew 2:2,11

2011-06-06 - Fearing God - John feared
Man is never sufficiently affected by the awareness of his lowly state until he has compared himself with God's majesty

When John was in the presence of God, he fell at his feet as though dead - Revelation 1:17
Not the first time this happened to John - Matthew 17:6

We can encounter Him in His Word as the Holy Spirit opens it to our minds and hearts

  1. Do I experience the fear of God as it has been described so far?
  2. Does my fear of God tend to slavish - trying to please a taskmaster that can not be pleased?
  3. Is my fear of God so shallow that I tend to be overly familiar with and fail to show the reverential awe that is due him?

2011-07-02 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part III)
The oneness Jesus had with His Father is revealed to us for two reasons:

1. It shows us the pattern for our relationship with God
  • John 17:20-23 - Jesus' prayer to the Father
  • John 14:15, 20-21, 23 - His obedience to the Father
  • John 6:56 - Remain in Jesus; He remains in the Father.
  • ~John 15:1-16 - Jesus is the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
2. It shows us the pattern for our relationship with each other
  • John 15:17 - This is my command: Love each other.

2011-07-29 - Fearing God - Infinitely Greater Than Nations
Isaiah 40:15

surely same as behold
Isaiah is saying "Think of this!" and stop and consider and ponder
A bucket of water is something a drop is nothing

Imagine going to the grocery store to pick up some fruit
Once you go through the checkout line and saying "Please wipe the dust off, I don't want to pay for the dust"
The concern seems absurd - that is how God sees the nations

This is not to say nations are not imposing on a human level - just shows how infinitely greater God is

Isaiah 40:16 - all the cedars in Lebanon would not enough for burnt offering
Shifts of 10,000 men at a time were involved in cutting trees and floating to Israel's cost
This still was not enough to be worthy of the dignity and greatness of God

Isaiah 40:17 - Nation as seen before God:
  • Nothing means nonexistent
  • Less than nothing intensifies that idea
  • Worthless - concept of being entirely empty of meaning or purpose
Purpose is to communicate how great God is
His greatness no one can fathom - Pslams 145:3
We can never comprehend Him but only bow in awe and adoration before Him

2011-08-05 - Daughter Needs - Father Knows Best
Father Knows Best dad = insists on always being right
Only accepts his daughter when she performs to his standard

Everyone needs to learn how to live and work under authority and need to command a certain level of respect, but sometimes we are wrong
We need to own up to our own shortcomings

If we ignore or deny our mistakes - it will create bitterness
A father who refuses to admit their mistakes has a daughter that does not trust him
How can can she rely on your advice
Your reliability is increased when you admit your mistakes

A strong man admits and corrects his mistakes

If you want your daughter to believe in her father, show her you know best and own your behavior

2011-08-14 - Daughter Needs - Learning
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - Moses told the parents of Israel, "talk about God all the time through their daily lives"

Spiritual teaching/learning is with a doubt the highest priority for all dads
Show your daughter the rules of society or let it come from somewhere else (friends, TV, schools)

Show how to properly respond to authority - they are watching how you respond
Drive with your daughter the way you expect her to drive when she gets her license

Teach her to respect those in leadership
Speaking well of leadership can encourage her to catch a vision for her life's calling

2011-08-15 - Daughter Needs - Listening
Typical men communicate to transmit information
Typical women communicate to further a relationship

A daughter needs to be able to fully express herself before you start dispensing information
Listen fully and be like a good customer service rep, "Is there anything else?"
Or be a good detective or talk show host

Girls from 3-11 will come to you with a series of questions
Patiently answer each one - you are fulfilling her desire to build a relationship
Giving short answers will frustrate her

If you hear your daughter talk about her feeling, do so as well
If you do - what a dividend a father will reap

2011-08-18 - Fearing God - Transcendent Majesty
Isaiah 6 - Repeats Holy 3x - "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty"
Hebrew language uses repetition to show emphasis

From time to time Jesus frequently add emphasis using "truely, truely" - John 3:3

We never read:
  • Wise, wise, wise is the Lord Almighty
  • Powerful, powerful, powerful is the Lord Almighty
Why is God's holiness so exalted?
  • God's perfection separates him from His creation
  • Attributes of mercy, might, power, love, purity are all within the meaning of holiness
  • His holiness is not just one of a number of attributes but the sum of all of them
  • God's name is has adjective 'holy'  next to it more than all other qualifiers combined
  • First and last son in the Both magnify the holiness of God
    • Moses crossing the Red Sea - Exodus 15:11
    • Those victorious over the beast - Revelation 15:4

2011-08-19 - Fearing God - No Darkness at All
Note: The power when out when I was in the middle of this study

God is holy not only from his creation but from sin
Be holy, because I am holy - Leviticus 11:44-45

He is light and in him there is no darkness at all - 1 John 1:5
Not only is he the only one, God is totally pure.

Isaiah 6 set both God's holiness and our show the only appropriate response to it

When God's holiness, his transcendent majesty, and His moral purity....
Our reaction becomes a realization of our own insignificance
Even though Isaiah was considered righteous man, his holiness suddenly became "unclean" - Isaiah 6:5
The word "unclean" is significant because it is what the leper must cry out when they walk around - Leviticus 13:34
Isiah saw his sinfulness as moral leprosy

2011-08-28 - Fearing God - Awe and Gratitude
Awe and Gratitude are two expressions of the proper way of fearing God

With you there is forgiveness, therefore you are feared - Psalms 130:4

Neither awe nor gratitude alone can represent adequately show the meaning of the fear of the Lord
At the same time:
  • Unapproachable light - 1 Timothy 1:17
  • Abba, father - Romans 8:15
Three most profound words in the Bible: God is love - 1 John 4:8
More than God is loving, he is love
This is love: He sent his Son as a atoning sacrifice - 1 John 4:9-10

God showed his love by sending His Son.

2011-09-17 - Proverbs on Purity (part II)
#3. Cling to what is Good

Proverbs 7:1-5
- God's word will lead us to purity of mind

There’s a saying, “Garbage in Garbage out”
  • This is true spiritually also, what we put in our minds will come out in our actions.
  • This is why pornography is damaging (once the images are in our minds they can stay for weeks, months even years).
  • The only way to refocus our minds is to concentrate on pure ideas.
Consistent Bible study and prayer are important if you want your mind and actions to be pure.
  • Begin your day with a positive message from God and that will help you overcome the temptations of the day (world).

#4. Avoid the temptation

Proverbs 4:14-15
- Don't take the path of evil people. Don't live the way sinners do.

Proverbs 4:25-27 - Don't turn to the right or left.

One way to not give in to lust is to avoid it or flee from it.

James 4:7 - Resist the devil, and he will flee from you

Avoid the places that are tempting to you (wild parties, lustful parts of the city, TV shows)
  • Make a conscience effort to not go the direction (path) of the things that tempt you.
  • The inconvenience is well worth it.
The battle is and will not be easy. Lust is one of Satan’s most powerful weapons.
  • But we must stand ready to do battle with him.
  • We can have the victory in this area if we have a fighting spirit (fight for purity).

2011-09-28 - Proverbs on Advice - Without Instruction
4. Without instruction, you hurt others

Proverbs 10:17 - He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entirely to himself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”

When (in our independence) we disregard godly advice, we hurt others as well as ourselves. We set an example which by action and attitude say that we do not need others in our lives

5. Without instruction we are stupid

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid

The Bible uses the word “stupid”. It’s found only four times in the NIV (Job 18:3, Proverbs 12:1, Ecclesiastes 10:3, 2 Timothy 2:23)
  • In proverbs it refers to the person who hates correction (pride makes us stupid)
  • When we are unwilling to receive godly correction we are trusting our own way over that of our advisors (this type of pride makes us stupid)
  • Physically: We have an illness = we go see an expert doctor, to ignore his advice and handle the situation on our own would be stupid
  • Spiritually: We face temptations and challenging situations = we should seek advice from spiritually minded people (they may advice us something simple like, read these scriptures or something radical like change jobs) but to ignore experienced spiritual advice would be stupid. Even if you don’t like it (pray about it, get another “experienced” opinion)
Victory comes from this approach to solving our spiritual problems.

Challenge: How do you respond when someone challenges you?
  • Type A: Listens on the outside (even nod your head “yes”) but on the inside all systems are shut down.
  • Type B: You are calm on the outside but on the inside you’re steaming mad ready to explode and interrupt (who do they think they are)
  • Type C: Listens and really tries to understand (learn) not just say OK but embrace the input to become a better disciple
Proverbs 27:5, Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 29:1

2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-09 - Genesis 9 - The Rainbow & Capital Punishment


God blessed Noah and set the rainbow as a sign that he would never flood the earth again. Noah got drunk and cursed Ham's son Canaan.


Genesis 9:3 - Everything ... will be food for you; I now give you everything
Again God shows his willingness to everything to become eatable but meat that still had lifeblood. Many of our reactions would have given up on mankind. And if we had not given up, we would not have given as much freedom so there would less possibility of disobedience to occur. But God continues to give freedom to his people.

Genesis 9:17 - sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth
Freedom is not free. There was great pain for God  [Genesis 6:6]  to see the state of man's heart and how the only solution was to destroy all living things and start over again. Today, God is still grieving over how our hearts turn from him. This time - He had to pay the ultimate sacrifice of His only Son so that he and us may have a relationship. This is the only way, How have we responded?

Personal Application

I don't grow very well in the good times. It is the times of trials and difficulty when I forced by God's discipline to change. I want to change and grow while not under all circumstances. What does it show God when I move toward him only when pushed?

2011-10-10 - Genesis 10 - Genealogies (part II)


Japheth's line lived in the coastlands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.


Genesis 10:4 - peoples spread out ... each with its own language
These family was not only in not on the same page, in the same state. They each had a completely different language. Their words were likely not written down so changed easily because there was no reference point. Having different languages is not a bad thing but it illustrates when we do not have a reference point in our lives, our standards, direction, and our feelings of the day change we do things. Like God's written word, if we do not keep refering to it, we will live as if we are standing on shifting sand [[Matthew 7:26].

Genesis 10:6 - sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
From Ham's children, came the Jews and others like the Philistines [Genesis 10:14]. I am not sure if this separation came from the times these kids were growing up but does show how much we need unity in our family. Though in verse 6, they had different languages. Unity is very important in a family and godly unity only comes from God. We can be united in mind and heart from our relationship with God. It is never to early introduce God to your family - especially children.

Personal Application

I am convicted on how fast families can be divided by Satan. How things can change and a heart is no longer are responsive in a relationship. I need to start ASAP.  I am going to make sure my children know God, his word and what it means to have an amazing relationship with Him.

2011-10-11 - Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel


They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.


Genesis 11:4 - so that we may make a name for ourselves
We all have a built-in desire to reach God and the heavens. It is all about the manner in which we do it. The people here wanted it for selfish reasons and not as misguided attempt to have a relationship with God. They wanted to make a name for themselves to show other what they could do. Why do we go to church and come to a Bible study group? Is it for show or is it because we want to know God?

Genesis 11:6 - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them
For good purposes or bad, when we come together we can do amazing things. If the united people at time could start to create a large tower to the heavens without God, what can we do as a united people with God?!?

Personal Application

I need to check my motivations on why I do things - especially the "good" things. Is it to further my relationship with God or for selfish gain or to please someone else?

2011-11-25 - Grace (part I)
Sometimes, one of the most difficult truths to understand as a young disciple is grace. So much confusion exist in the religious world on this topic so it is critical that you have a correct, Biblical understanding of the this powerful truth. Obviously, God wants us to thoroughly enjoy the grace He has given us and will continue to give us as disciples. However, we must feel a responsibility to live for Him in response to His grace.

Grace allowed you to be spared when you weren’t pursuing God
  • Romans 5:6-8 - God was patient and loved us while we were enemies of His
  • Ephesians 2:1-5 - We were objects of wrath; deserving to be squished (cockroach example)
  • 1 Timothy 1:12-17 - We were shown unlimited patience, making it possible to have a chance
Grace was given to you at your baptism
  • Titus 3:3-7 - You were justified by grace at your baptism; nothing you did earned it
  • Hebrews 10:19-22 - Your baptism gave you full assurance of God’s grace
  • Acts 2:38-41 - You were forgiven, got the Holy Spirit, added to God’s kingdom – by grace

2011-11-26 - Grace (part II)
Grace continues to be yours after your baptism
  • Romans 5:9-11 - If God showed us patience while enemies, how much more now as friends?
  • 2 Peter 3:17-18 - You are now in a secure position; enjoy it immensely
Grace should inspire you to say no to temptation and sin
  • Romans 6:5-11 - God’s grace gave us a new life – why would we want to return to the old
  • Titus 2:11-14 - God’s grace teaches us t say no to sin (Cruise ship example)
  • Jude 3-5 - God’s grace is not license to sin, rather a license against sin

2011-11-30 - Growing (part I)
As a young disciple, your commitment to God must be solid and steady. However, in no way does this mean you will be perfect or a “super-disciple” in an instant. And thankfully, God doesn’t expect you to be. What He does expect is something you and everybody else can do – GROW!! This study will help you to better understand how important growing as a disciple is, and provide you with some helpful ways to ensure that growth.

Begin with the Bible
  • 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 - Crave the Bible; it will show you what you need in your walk with God
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - The Bible will equip you and give you all you need to grow (Psalms 119)
Get help from your leaders
  • Ephesians 4:11-16 - God has put them in your life to help you grow; church, midweek, etc
  • Hebrews 13:7 - Watch you leaders and follow their example; ask lots of questions
Let your fellow-disciple help you
  • 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10 - All of us lack something in our faith; get together and help each other
  • Romans 15:14 - Other disciples may know the Bible better and can help you through your challenges

2011-12-08 - Day 5 - The Grace of God
Romans 5:6-11
  1. How were you powerless when Christ died for you?
  2. What proves God's incredible love for you?
Titus 3:3-8; Titus 2:11-14
  1. Why do we need to be reminded about our old way of life?
  2. What did you do to earn God's forgiveness?
  3. How should you respond to the grace of God?
  4. Describe how you can be self-controlled and eager to do good works.
1 Corinthians 15:9-10 / 1 Timothy 1:7-12 - How did Paul show his gratitude to God?

Application: Write down (and do) 3 things today that will show God how grateful you are to be saved!

2011-12-21 - Day 18 - Learning from Others
Matthew 18:1-4
  1. What kind of heart does God want us to have?
  2. What qualities of children do we need to imitate?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-14
  1.  Who is "over you" in the Lord?
  2. Does it have anything to do with age or education?
  3. Write the names of some Christians who work hard, set a good example and admonish you.
  4. Are you showing them respect?
  5. What kind of disciples need special help (vs. 14)?
  6. Have you been admonishing for any of these problems?
Psalms 119:99-100
  1. What gives us real maturity and understanding?
  2. How is verse 100 opposite of how our society thinks?
  3. What should your attitude be when you are being taught/corrected by someone younger than yourself?
1 Timothy 4:11-1 - What does the Lord expect from young leaders?

Psalms 32:8-10 - How can you not be like a horse or mule?

Application: If you have resisted learning from younger disciples, repent today and seek them out to ask questions. If you are young yourself, set the believers a great example

2011-12-25 - Day 22 - Giving Living
~John 13:1-17
  1. How did Jesus show the full extent of his love?
  2. What was he trying to teach his disciples?
  3. How can we obey verse 17?
  4. Give specific examples.
Acts 9:36-42
  1. Why was Dorcas so loved by everyone?
  2. Who were her "special friends"?
  3. Why do you think she did so much for them?
  4. If you died today, what would you be remembered for?
  5. What can we learn from Dorcas' life?
Philippians 2:19-24
  1. What made Timothy different from the others?
  2. What shows a genuine interest in the welfare of others?
  3. How can you be more like Timothy?
Application: Think of a practical way to show another disciple that you truly care. Do it today.

2012-01-05 - Day 33 - Shining Like Stars
Philippians 2:14-16
  1. How do we "hold out the word of life" to others?
  2. What kind of example do we need to show those around us?
  3. What have you complained or argued about lately? How can you change?
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
  1. How can you be a slave to everyone? (Give examples)
  2. What are some ways you need to adapt to people in your life to help them be saved?
Psalms 126:6
  1. Why should we be "weeping" as we go out to make disciples?
  2. What is the promise for those who do?
Daniel 12:3 - Are you being wise?

Application: Pray for a heart that truly loves deeply as you share your faith today.

2012-01-12 - Day 40 - Good Heart, Good Deeds, Good Things
Luke 8:15
  1. Do you have a heart like this?
  2. What is your life producing?
Philemon 4-7 - What are 3 things Philemon did that showed a good heart?

2 Peter 1:5-11
  1. What do you need to do to keep growing as a Christian?
  2. Define goodness, perseverance, brotherly kindness.
  3. What happens if you stop growing?
  4. What does verse 10 mean?
3 John 2-6
  1. If a brother or sister came to visit you, what kind of report would they give about your Life?
  2. How do you feel about your life in Christ up until today?
  3. Are you growing?
  4. In what areas do you need help?
Application: Now that you have finished your 40-days study, decide what you are going to study next and have a plan. Share these notes with the people you are leading to the Lord. Keep growing!

2012-01-22 - Ministry - With Jesus, You Will Not Stand Alone
John 8: 1-11

Compromising circumstances were not sufficient evidence, as the Jewish law required witnesses who had seen the act. Imagine what this woman felt in the midst of an angry crowd eager to trap Jesus, she was caught in the act of adultery! She was humiliated and alone. The incident was staged to trap Jesus since the Romans did not allow the Jews to carry out death sentences. So if Jesus had said to stone her, he could have been in conflict with the Romans. If he had said no to stone her, he could have been accused of not being supportive of the law.

So Jesus started to write on the ground, we could only imagine what he wrote, it could have been the list of sins. Then without disagreeing with the law he gave them a qualification to cast the first stone, it was whoever was without sin instead of whoever is without the sin of adultery. As Christians, even though we know that God sees all sins the same, we categorize sin and fall in to Satan's trap of self-righteousness. We forget that deceit, bitterness, envy and anger are just as bad as sexual immorality or murder.

Jesus showed the woman compassion, mercy and also commanded her to leave her life of sin. We can only imagine the woman's sense of relief and gratitude. Her life will never be the same again. At the worst point of your life Jesus stood up for you, instead of letting you be condemned.

  • What are three areas of your life that you need to be shown compassion and mercy in?
  • Do you extend compassion and mercy to others who struggle in the same areas?

2012-01-27 - Ministry - Do You Stand Up For Jesus?
Matthew 14:1-12

These verses show clearly two different convictions. Herod was swayed by his sin to do even greater sin and John the Baptist never gave in to fear about confronting Herod with his sin of adultery. John the Baptist could have been fearful about confronting a king on his sin. Obviously it bothered Herod's conscience enough that he wanted John killed. Herod had a people-pleasing, weak-willed character because in vs. 5 he did not kill John for fear of the people. He also then had John Killed because of Herodias' influence.

What is your character more like-people-pleasing or God pleasing?

Pray to have a conscience today that convicts you to stand up for what is right and not give into pleasing others.

2012-02-06 - Ministry - Compassion: The Heart of Jesus
John 11:33-35
In a world so full of pain, hardship and suffering the compassion of Jesus lights the world. It is a comfort to know that "our God is full of compassion".

Psalms 116:5
Jesus was deeply moved by people's suffering. Jesus sincerely cared and invested his heart in others. Does the hardship of others cause us to invest our hearts or harden them? Do we imitate Jesus' heart? We can learn to be compassionate only when we have allowed Jesus to comfort us.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Compassion causes us to act. Mark 1:40 - 42
  • Compassion compels us to invest emotionally. John 11: 33 - 35
  • Compassion inspires hope. Mark 5:25 - 34
  • Do we have compassion on all people? - Psalms 145:9
  • Do we restore people with compassion? - Zechariah 10:16
  • Do we show compassion to the weak? - Isaiah 42:3 & 4
  • Do we stifle compassion in our ministries? - Amos 1:11
  • Do you see the spiritual suffering of people?
Share with someone today about your faith, the church or the relationships you have that ease your suffering and give you hope

2012-02-08 - Ministry - One Thing
Mark 10:17-22

Can you imagine having a little one on one time with Jesus? What do you think you would ask? What would he say? If Jesus was to challenge you on something in your life, what do you think it would be? He did have a similar conversation with a rich man in Mark 10:17-22 and the rich man asked a pretty important question, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds with emphasizing obedience to the commands, and the rich man insists that he has been obedient to those Jesus spoke of. Then Jesus tells him, "one thing you still lack," he said, "go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." So, what was the rich man missing? What did he still lack? Was it a love for the poor? Was he not sacrificial enough? Was it that he loved money too much? I think he was simply ungrateful.

Study out the following passages and see for yourself if it something that Jesus might have to talk with you about in your one on one time today!
  • Romans 1: 21 - being ungrateful can be at the root to many sins in your life
  • Luke 7: 36-50 - those who are more grateful show a greater capacity to love.
  • Luke 17: 11-19 - the thankful are commended before God.
  • Psalms 50: 5-23 - note that the sacrifice that means the most to God is one of 'Thanks!'
Express gratitude to God and others today. Several times. You will open doors by doing this.

2012-02-13 - Ministry - Are You Willing to Keep Praying?
Luke 18:1-8

Jesus tells this parable to show us something. The scriptures even go so far as to tell us exactly what that something is that we should always pray and not give up. Have you ever decided to pray about a specific situation and not stopped until it has changed? What if it took a year to change? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Jesus says to never give up! Too often we get discouraged and want to quit-even on God-because something doesn't change. Maybe we haven't been fruitful for a while or we don't have a dating relationship yet. Maybe things have not changed in our marriage fast enough or our job situation is still not working out. Maybe we are just not changing our hearts the way we should. The answer is not to give up but to keep on praying. Jesus ends the parable questioning whether there would still be faith on earth when he returns. Our lack of prayer is a sign of a lack of faith! To keep praying and not give up is a sign of great faith.

Write down three things you have quit praying about and recommit yourself to be faithful in prayer. Decide to trust.

God and be in the kingdom for the long haul-no matter how many decades of prayer it takes!!

2012-02-19 - Fear of Failure - God Is Still With Us When We Fail
by Julie Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Samuel 14:14

So many times in my life I feel like I am all alone, facing failure after failure by myself. What has given me hope and shown me that "failure is not fatal" is the fact that God is always working, putting people in my life, devising ways to help me stay strong. We are not alone! God is always working on our behalf.
  • Write a list of all the people that God has put into your life to pick you up when you fall. Thank them for being there for you.
  • Write a list of all the ways that God has moved powerfully in your life to keep you faithful in the hard times.
  • Thank God for those times.
  • Share the things that God has done in your life with a non-Christian today.

2012-02-20 - Fear of Failure - Relying on God Never Fails
by Jeremy Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Hosea 10:12-13

Often the failures in my life have felt devastating. They have made me doubt myself, made me doubt my purpose and made me doubt God. When I began to lead a ministry, I thought I could do it by myself. I was out to prove to myself that I was capable. As I began to lead I ran around all the time, I was exhausted, anxious, and worried about getting in trouble every day. I was miserable. What I didn't realize was that as I was trying to prove that I could do it, God was proving to me that I couldn't without him. My failure made me want to quit. I felt cursed; it seemed all the the work I did meant nothing. God was showing me my pride, but instead of praying more, I worried more and ran around more and was completely ineffective. My failure came because of my pride, my unwillingness to be open, and not getting the help I needed. I was relying on myself, and God was teaching me that he would not bless it. That lesson was hard to learn, but one so valuable to my life once I was willing to learn to rely on God and not my own strength.
  • Pray about everything before you do it: pray about decisions, hopes and plans. God will bless it.
  • Get advice about the plans you are making.
  • Relax and enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy reaching out to people, enjoy your purpose.
  • Don't try to prove anything to anyone, except that you love being a Christian.

2012-02-25 - Fear of Failure - Failure Isn't Fatal, but Faith-Building
by  Ray Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

John 11

So often when something tragic occurs in my life, when circumstances unexpectedly take a turn for the worse, or when I miss a lucrative opportunity, I view these "failures" as being personally fatal. However, God uses "failures" in my life as opportunities for learning, spiritual growth, building faith, strengthening character, and ultimately for the saving of souls. This was the case in John 11 for the disciples, Mary, Martha, Lazarus and others as Jesus turned what appeared to be a fatal situation into a life-changing opportunity to build their faith in God's life-saving power.

Decisions for dealing with failure:
  1. When I feel like I am failing, I have to ask, "What is God trying to teach and show me through this?" and also get input from other disciples.
  2. I need to study out how people in the Bible dealt with challenges and failures that are similar to the ones I'm experiencing.
  3. I need to build the faith of others who are in the midst of challenges by openly sharing about my failures, what I learned from them, and how God helped me overcome.

2012-03-03 - Fear of Failure - Failure to speak the truth
by Adesha Johnson - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 59

Failure to speak the truth does not have to be fatal

A character sin in my life is deceitfulness. I'm insecure and will often turn to something other than God to find security. Ironically, when I'm in this state, I really feel like I'm doing the right thing! Isaiah 59:1-21 opened up my eyes to the inner workings of deceit. Verse 13 shows how deceit begins and ends. First, I rebel against the Lord by having shorter prayer and bible study and not turning to him as soon as I've sinned. Second, I
start lying about how I'm doing and feeling. It's at those times that I find myself easily embittered at people around me. My bitterness is a direct result of the guilt I feel because of my deceit. Here's the bottom line: The Lord loves the truth!

Decision: To be truthful daily in regards to sin, guilt and how I am feeling and to continue studying out Truth in the scriptures.

2012-03-04 - Fear of Failure - God Sticks By Us When We Fail
by Rhys Kiaaina - Region Leader: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 49:15

Whenever I fail, I feel like I am being left behind. That somehow God has left me. But Scripture says God remembers. He will not forget me. If we are separated, the reality is that I have left Him. Whenever I fail, I doubt God's motives. I think He is angry with me and disappointed in me. But God has you and I engraved on the palm of His hand. Isn't that incredible? He's got a tattoo of you and me on the palm of His hand! God made a decision a long time ago that He would stick by us for life! Whenever I experience failure, I get the 3-D's: Depressed, Distracted, and Discouraged. I focus on what I have failed to do, rather than what God is able to accomplish. God's love is deeper than a mother's for a child. There is no reason for me to get discouraged because God has always "got my back".

  1. I will remember that God is with me and do something for someone else to show I believe in them and I am with them.
  2. To trust in the Bible and read it every time I feel 2. like God is disappointed in me.
  3. To show love to a person in action and in truth if I feel like God doesn't love me.

2012-03-16 - Instilling Faith in Children (part II)

They need to see Jesus - Deuteronomy 6:1-9

God did not want his people to forget him

What did he want them to remember?

  • How God helped them
  • Obey all his commands
  • To fear him
  • Love God with everything we have

All these things he still wants us to remember

In what ways can we show our kids, Jesus?

  • Incorporate your children in the things you do
  • Talk about God / ask them thought provoking questions
  • Read the Bible to them /
  • Pray with them

v 20-24 - The questions will come; opportunities to share more

With a Watchful Eye - 1 Timothy 4:15-16

 They will not be a Christian and stay a Christian by chance

2012-08-03 - Genesis 22 - The Offering of Isaac


God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.


Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering
God calls us to sacrifice to a high degree. We need to trust in God when we are called to sacrifice. Abram was called to the give up one of the most important persons in his life. At what point do we stop sacrificing? When we feel we are about to leave our comfort zone? When the price is too high?

Genesis 22:5 - and then we will come back to you
He did not know how or in what way but Abram had faith God would not forget about His promise to Abram. Would his son come back to life? Would God give him a new son? What whatever was to happen, Abram believed he would not be coming back alone when he said "we will come back".

Genesis 22:12 - I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
God present us with tests in our life to see where our heart is at. These test also tell us where our own heart is at if we pay attention. There was no cost Abram was not willing to pay to seek out the Lord which show he had the right perceptive of God's power.  Our sacrifice level shows our love for God.

Personal Application

I know for me I give until it starts to physically hurt, brings up bad memories, or I don't see the need to. It does not depend on me; I need to sacrifice in relation to the need. As I grow close to go God I will see God's heart in this.

2013-06-27 - Why we need men of resolution (part IV)

Our generation desperately needs courageous men to step up.

  • Men who will forgive their dads, break the chains of the past, and set new standards.
  • Stick up for our marriages during difficult times
  • Refuse to let entertainment eat up our time
  • Refuse to sacrifice family for the sake of a promotion

When strong men work together, they can accomplish amazing things.

David armies came together to face enemies amid seemingly impossible odds.
Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people - 2 Samuel 10:11-12

Remember one immovable, unconditional truth: we have a Father in heaven who is for us.

We must lock shields with other men around us and refuse to allow one another to fail
If my battle gets too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if your battle is too strong for you, then I will come to help you!

2013-09-05 - Breaking Chains through Strategic Prayer

Must learn to become an intercessor = a man who shows his true dependence on God by faithfully fighting battles in prayer, both for himself and his family.

Many great men of the Bible did: Ezra 9:5-15; Nehemiah 9; Jeremiah 14:19-22

One praying man can make a major impact

  • King Josiah read God’s Word for the first time, he realized that he and his nation would suffer

Do according to all that is written concerning us - 2 Kings 22:13

  • Jeremiah: “Restore us to You, O LORD, that we may be restored; renew our days” - Lamentations 5:7, 21

2013-09-09 - A Man Accepts His Masculinity

THe key ingredient masculinity is actually strength
Like Jesus, every man also needs to be developing moral, mental, social, and spiritual strength.
If men do not develop a sense of their own fortitude, they will never attempt hard things.
Opposite of masculinity is to be feminine, which means soft, pretty, and delicate.

Culture has spent decades telling women to “Rise up and be strong!” and telling men to “Sit down and be quiet!”

King David charged his son Solomon, “Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man” - 1 Kings 2:2
If you are going to obey Him and be faithful to Him until the end, you must act like a man, embrace your masculinity, and hear His command to “Be strong!” - Joshua 1:9
When the enemy is attacking, you must keep up your resistance — “and having done everything, to stand firm” - Ephesians 6:13
“Act like men, be strong!” - 1 Corinthians 16:13

This is our responsibility as men. This is required of us to be faithful.

2013-10-21 - Resolve to Lead Your Family

The greater responsibility to raise your children is yours.
When you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up - Deuteronomy 6:7
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

When the dad leads, kids are up to twenty times more likely to stay in church long-term than when moms are the spiritual leaders at home
When the father gets immediately involved, leading with purpose, dealing with problems, his own personal walk with God

Trusting Him makes you wise. Relying on Him keeps you strong. Following Him shows you how to lead.

Seeking God in a very deliberate, devoted manner will impact everything else in your world.
Focus on your relationship with God, you will find it more natural to want your wife and children to be enjoying the same thing

Jesus uses the Word of God to wash us and bloom us into a holy Bride - John 15:3
Leading your family with God’s Word is a key to helping them work through issues, love one another, and grow spiritually.

Devotions together

  • Even if it seems awkward or different at first
  • Can be as simple as:
    • Ggetting together in the same room and talking about how everyone is doing
    • Reading a chapter out loud from the Bible
    • Followed by a simple prayer asking God to help you apply what you heard

2014-01-27 - The Heart of a Child

You can be the greatest explainer of truth. But if the very heart of your son or daughter does not believe ‘my daddy loves me,’ they will walk away.
People tend to embrace the teaching and beliefs of those who love them the most.
Whoever has their heart has their ears.

Restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers - Malachi 4:6
When this doesn’t happen, fathers invite the “curse” of broken relationships into their homes

You can tell when a father doesn’t have his kids’ hearts. You sense the disrespect and anger, the bitterness and emotional distance.
The key ingredient in raising good children is to get their hearts early, keep their hearts, and be extremely vigilant not to lose your children’s hearts.

Jesus and His Father hearts were always in sync. When Jesus felt separation from the Father, it was the worst pain he could feel.
“For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing” - John 5:20

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