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2010-05-30 - Desire's Journey - Assault on Desire

Battle of desire is not something that just takes place with us or even between us - but against us

Advirtisers play on our desire of creating an image that everyone who is anyone has the object for sale

The evil one has two ploys:

  • Kill our hearts and bury our desires
  • Seduce our desire into a trap

Our addictions are our own worst enemies

Like the rich, young ruler - we find we can not give up our treasures even though God has something much better

2010-07-16 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 3)
The first step in the journey of desire is to stop pretending that we would be happy with less
Recovering our heart involves facing our deepest disappointments
We do not need to fear what we find because our heart is our biggest ally

The father of lies takes many people out of the journey for life by keeping them in shallow desire
He threatens us from going to the deep waters of desire by telling us that are core desires are evil
Makes us thing that every thought and desire is our own

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; remove your heart of stone - Ezekiel 36:26
Our core desires are good: I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts - Jeremiah 31:33

We still struggle with sin with our tendency to kill desire or give our hearts over to false desires

2010-07-27 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 4)
If we do not give our ache a voice, it does not go away
It becomes an undercurrent of our addictions

Pleasure becomes necessary in larger and larger doses

The paradox of grief is that it is healing - somehow it restores our souls
Control is the enemy; grief is our friend
When we let go of controlling, something better takes its place - mourning

Comfort is in store for those who mourn and healing for the brokenhearted - Isaiah 61
This idea was the center of Jesus' mission
None of this makes sense until we admit our brokenheartedness and give our sorrow a voice in mourning
Only then will we know His comfort

Solomon said that it is better to go to the house of mourning that it is to a house of feasting
We need to mourn, it is the only way our hearts can remain both free and alive in this world

2010-08-13 - Waking Dead - Heart of All Things

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life - Proverbs 4:23

Tin man had once been a real man

  • Wicked witch cause the man injury
  • One by one the man replaced his limbs with artificial ones
  • Seems like an advantage at first - Witch can not hurt him
  • Lost his heart in the process

After a series of blows, his humanity was reduced to efficiency
He did not even notice

If we can disable or deaden your heart, then we have effectively foiled the plan of God
Plan of creating a world where love reigns
By taking your heart out, the enemy takes you out

2010-08-17 - Waking Dead - Thoughts and Courage of the Heart
Our deepest thoughts are held in our hearts
Our behavior is driven by our heart

Scripture judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart - Hebrews 4:12
Not the feelings of the heart but the thoughts

It is with your heart you believe and are justified - Romans 10:10

They hear with their ears and understand with their hearts - Matthew 13:!5
The heart is the dwelling place of our true beliefs

It takes courage to love and takes courage to follow Jesus
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid - John 14:27

Courage  > Old French cuer > Latin cor = heart
The battle for the heart is going to take all the courage you can muster

2010-09-22 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Small
Jesus did not march around backed by hundreds of followers
He had a band of brothers - the Twelve
Through we are part of a great company, we are meant to live a little platoons
Groups small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies
Who's heart will you fight for? Who will fight for your heart?

He spoke to the masses but lived with his closest twelve

His followers took his example and lived this way too
  • Broke bread in their homes and ate together - Acts 2:46
  • The church meet in houses - 1 Corinthians 16:19
  • House church at Nymph's house - Colossians 4:15
The little fellowships of the heart are outpost of the kingdom
Anytime an army goes to war or expedition, they break down into platoons and squads

You can not be devoted to a mass of people
Devotion takes place in small units like a family

2010-09-23 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Intimate
Most churches offer small group activities but they are usually short lived for two reasons:

1. Can't just throw a random group together and then it instantly become allies
Closeness takes time - playing, working, helping, living together develops relationships
All the believers were one in heart - Acts 4:32
  • They all love the same thing
  • They all wanted the same thing
  • They were bound together to find it come hell or high water
2. Small groups are anything but redemptive powerhouses

You can study til you are blue in the face but it will not heal a broken heart
A small fellowship needs to be a redemptive community and one that protects

Idea: In a group - write down 5 words or phrases that captures your life right now
Then find what stories or scenes or characters help you interpret those words

2010-10-03 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 3)
4. Spiritual Growth
If holding onto our faith and not advancing it much - it will become a chore  and prayer a dry routine
  • Scripture reading becomes I have to read it to understand the gospel for others
  • Talking to God suddenly takes on a new purpose - passionate pleas for friends
  • Our desire to worship grows as your gratitude grows
  • Helps maintain a high standard of purity

5. Spiritual Confidence
It is ironic that the act of preparing to show others the gospel is often the cause for us to understand it better ourselves
In the face of opposition, we gain heightened sense of spiritual confidence
Imagine what happens when one of these people becomes a Christian

6. Enduring Investments

Jesus warned his followers to not store up treasures on earth - Matthew 6:19-20
Everything will be destroyed eventually - 2 Peter 3:10-11
It is a mistake to invest so much time and energy into things that won't last

7. Honor of Being God's Agent
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit - John 15:8

2010-10-07 - Contagious Christian - Attractiveness of Authenticity (part 1)
Jesus knew the importance of perceptions
Are you either drawing people toward a relationship with God or pushing them further away? - Matthew 5:16
How we conduct our daily lives has implications that reach all the way into eternity

As part of the high potency - there are three qualities of being a Christian
Authenticity, compassion, and sacrifice

Authentic Identity

When people are asked what qualities of person brother you the most - dishonesty usually is near the top of the list
People are drawn to sincerity
Avoid acting like more than you are or pretending you're less that what you are

When following Christ - We renounce the sin in our lives but not the authentic identity we have
One of the greatest mistakes a believer can make is to renounce or repress his uniqueness in a vain attempt to appear more spiritual
Years of identity repression - you can totally lose your understanding of who you really are
There are some who will never see Him for who He really is until they watch Him living uniquely in our lives
The family of God is kaleidoscope of people with different gifts and temperaments

We were fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139:14
There is someone out there one step away from faith, they just need someone like you - your passion, personality, and interests

2010-10-16 - Giving (Part II)
  1. It Takes Faith to Give - Malachi 3:8-11
    1. God wants us to test him in our giving (v. 10). All we need is the faith.
    2. God is waiting to pour out blessing when we trust Him. It is easy to say 'I'll give when God blesses me." God says, "Give and I win bless you."
  2. God's Promises - Malachi 3:10-11, Mark 10:29-31, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
    1. We will not have enough room for God's blessings.
    2. We can never outgive God.
    3. God always gives back 100 times as much to us.
    4. God will continue to give to us so we in turn can give to others and meet their needs.
    5. Ultimate blessing: treasure in heaven.
  3. Depend on God - Philippians 4:14-19
    1. Our giving is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
    2. When we give, God will meet all our needs.


  1. Do I hold back on my contribution because I am worried about the future?
  2. Does my giving cause me to rely on God?
  3. What amount of money should I be giving weekly that is both responsible and still requires faith?
  4. When have I relied on the promise of God in my giving? What did God do in response?

2010-10-29 - Contagious Christian - Opportunities in Relationships
Developing friendships takes time and effort
We try to short-circuit the process sometimes by using the reason of there are too many people to reach

We are wise to start relationships on a natural, nonthreatening grounds
Then later, in the context of the relationship open up conversations to spiritual issues

Most of His interactions with the religious establishment involved challenging their attitudes

Jesus spent the majority of His time with those outside the religious establishment
He rubbed shoulders with tax collectors (thieves in that day), prostitutes, those with low spiritual reprobates
Because they mattered to Him and He wanted to lead them to the family of God
We love Him because He loved us first
Paul - "I have become all things to all men so I might same some" - 1 Corinthians 9:22

2010-11-01 - Contagious Christian - A Matthew Party
Like today, many of the religious and non-religious of Matthew's day did not have intersecting social circles

Some he planned a party for the religious and non-religious to come to - Luke 5:29
  • Matthew recently became a Christian
  • In those days, being a tax collector was a license to extort
  • He had not learned yet how to teach the gospel to people
  • Jesus was always moving a round, spontaneous
  • Solution throw a big party and invite Jesus and everyone else
  • Pharisees found out about it and were not happy with it
  • Did Matthew have second thoughts when he saw the interactions between the Pharisees and Jesus?
  • Jesus defended Matthew's party idea with explaining the sick need a doctor
  • Mixed groups are not only acceptable but essentials to God's redemptive plan
Learning from Matthew:
  • Be innovative and creative
  • Come up with a plan to be with more people
  • Pray hard and be willing to go out on a limb
  • Learn from mistakes and adjust accordingly

2010-11-07 - Hunger for Christ
Preached by Mike Gross

Nearly 1 Billion people in the world do not get enough food
25,000 die every day because of starvation

Are you hungry?

John 6:22-28
  • Just witnessed 5,000 people being feed
  • They were looking for free food but in reality they had to work at it find it
  • The bread they needed was to spend time to know about Jesus - the bread of life
  • Are you searching for the right kind of bread?
  • The search and hunger for God does not end when we are baptized, it only begins
Proverbs 2:1-5
  • We need to find God like hidden treasure
  • God does not change but our viewpoint changes
  • Example - Engagement ring to a couple verse the a jewelery store owner
Food Poising

Mark 4:18-19
  • Money, worries, wasted time choke out our hunger for him
  • During the holidays this becomes a bigger issue
Hunger for the bread of life

John 6:28-40
  • They asked for a miracle but they had already forgotten about the miracle they just saw - feeding the 5,000
  • The work is to believe - it takes work to believe
  • NOT working to get salvation but we need to work at our salvation

2010-11-08 - Contagious Christian - Matthew's Interpersonal Approach
After accepting Jesus' call, Matthew did whatever he could to bring along as many of his friends as possible
He put on big banquet for his tax collector buddies in our for them to meet Jesus - Luke 5:29
He did not confront, debate, or tell them what happened to him
He relied on the relationships he'd built with them and he sought to further develop their friendship

He genuinely cared about them and wanted to influence them toward considering Christ

People who specialize in this approach, tend to be warm and people-centered
Some people will never be reached until someone takes the time to build that kind of intimacy with them

Interpersonal evangelist enjoy:
  • Having people in their homes
  • Sharing a meal
  • Spending time in conversation

2010-11-14 - Contagious Christian - Overriding Principles
Pray Hard
  • To give you wisdom and guide your words
  • Help others be open and interested
Talk to people individually
So they will not be embarrassed or concerned about the opinions of others

Pique Curiosity
Drop hints and create curiosity the way Jesus did with the woman at the well

Rely on Reciprocal Reflexes

Want to tell someone about your interests or beliefs, just start asking them about theirs

Seize Split-Second Opportunities

People provide us with the chance to raise topics of faith, but most are not prepared for them
It is one thing to see the opportunity but it is quite another to seize it - takes courage

Don't Underestimate their Degree of Interest
We can assume many are not interested but the truth is people today are getting tired of living without purpose

2010-11-27 - Mission - All Nations
The only event in history where all mankind gathers together is Judgment Day

An expert in the law asked "What I do to inherit eternal life?" and "Who is my neighbor?"
This expert had given his life to study of the scriptures

Jesus illustrates the greatest commandment - one man helping another
Does not talk about:
  • Some daring act of evangelism - although He did this almost daily
  • Being baptized  - although it is commanded and can never be omitted
Who are you helping? Do see those in need?

James 2:14-16 - Do you claim to have faith? It is never alone
Food, clothing, a blanket shows that you have saving faith

Christian who "share their faith" don't always "share their food"

Sometimes we resemble the expert in the law who did not love their neighbor
By focusing on helping the poor, many people seem to become more evangelistic
Physical and spiritual needs are inseparable

Jesus said, I was hungry, of need of clothes, sick. Did you help him? - Matthew 25:35-36

He takes it personally - Jesus grew up poor
Doves were the sacrifice of the poor - Luke 2:24

2010-12-02 - Mission - Taking Up the Cross
Two questions to ask ourselves:
Is the power of the cross producing real changes in my life?
Are lost souls being radically converted as I preach?

The message of the cross will seem foolish to those we are teaching if they do not see the daily demonstration of its power for us who are being saved

Christians described in Romans 6
  • v4 - new life
  • v7 - freed from sin
  • v11 - dead to sin but alive in Christ
Taking up our cross must be each and every day
Our days are composed of countless choices and decisions
Each step that Jesus took towards the cross he took willingly

It takes 1000s of bricks to build a house, it takes 1000s of righteous choices to build a Christ-like character
Our hearts - lost world needs to know how we feel towards our Father
Our conversation - we should never get tired of telling our conversation story
Our example - Our daily temptations and victories should be only shared

2010-12-11 - Seeking God (part I)

What are you looking for in life?

Acts 17:16-28

  • Ever ask yourself: “What on earth am I here for?” You aren’t alone!
  • Why did God create you and bring you to this very point and time in your life? So that you would seek him and
    find him in order to have a personal relationship with him.
  • Who takes the initiative in seeking this relationship? Because God loves us and desires a relationship with us, he has been actively determining times and places long before we ever thought about seeking him (Psalms 14:2-3).
  • Why do so few seem to be seeking today?
    • God is unknown and the image many have of him is distorted v23
    • We have created our own god. We all worship something.
    • To seek God, we must be willing to change our ideas about who God is to match what has been revealed to us in the Bible
  • There is nothing more important or exciting in life than to seek and to find our Creator God.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

  • We will find God if we seek Him with all our heart.
  • Have you ever done something with all your heart? What is it?
  • What will it mean for you to seek God with all your heart?

2010-12-17 - Word of God (part II)
John 8:31-32
  • Jesus teaches these Jews that intellectual belief is not enough.
  • He calls them to believe God enough to trust his will for their lives. This trust is demonstrated by the decision to live according to Jesus’ teaching.
  • True faith is seen in our obedience.
  • Notice when we will know the truth, after we obey.
2 Timothy 4:2-3
  • If the Bible is so powerful and helpful, why aren’t more people truly following what it says?
  • Bottom line, we can not live according to our own feelings and desires.
Matthew 15:1-9
  • What is another hindrance to following God’s word? Tradition
  • Religious tradition which takes precedence over the Word of God can result in worldly solutions to spiritual issues and make our worship of God empty and pointless.

2010-12-29 - Baptism into Christ (part I)

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

  • God’s plan to bring salvation to the world culminated in the death, burial and resurrection of his Son,Jesus Christ.
  • This is the heart of the “gospel” or good news about Jesus.
  • Draw picture - Through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins is now available.
  • In this study we will look at the Bible’s teaching about baptism, a crucial link between Christ’s sacrifice and the forgiveness of our sins.

Acts 2:36-41

  • The first proclamation of the good news of Jesus after his departure.
  • What did Peter instruct those to do who believed the message about Jesus?
  • When do we receive the forgiveness of sins? The Holy Spirit? (More on this later.)
  • Those who accepted this message were baptized, thus they were saved.
  • Let’s look at some passages that describe more fully what takes place in baptism…

Romans 6:1-4

  • In baptism, we are united with Jesus in his death, burial, and resurrection.
  • Through baptism, we die to sin and are raised to a new life.

2011-02-02 - Word of God - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To gain conviction on the Bible being inspired by God, how and why we should apply the Bible to our lives

Question: How do you define a relationship with someone?
Keep that in mind as we have this study about God's Word.

2 Timothy 3:12-4:4
  • v12 - Everyone that want to live a Godly life will have to go through persecution
  • Question: What do you think that means - being persecuted for living a Godly life?
  • v14-15 - Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to continue to believe to believe in the scriptures because it is able to make you wise in the choices of life
  • v4:4 - Bible says that people will start to listen to and follow man (ideas and myths) rather than God
  • If we read the Bible daily then we will know God's will for our lives. If we don't we will start to follow what people say, think, and feel.
  • Question: How can reading the Bible daily change your life? What happens if you don't read daily?
  • Question: Why do you think God wants you to read his word daily? So you can know him!
John 8:31-36
  • Jesus is talking to the Jewish people and tells them that is they don't hold to his teachings, then they are not really his disciples
  • Just because someone acts religious or know a lot about the Bible does not mean they are following Jesus
  • Question: What does Jesus say it takes to be his disciple? Then you'll know what? Then what?
  • When you read someone's journal you get to know that person more and more each day - same goes for reading God's word
  • Question: How often do you read the Bible?
  • Challenge: Read the Bible daily and make one decision each day.

2011-03-27 - Cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
Let each one as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart to give, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for
God loves
God takes pleasure in
God prizes above other things,
and God is unwilling to abandon or to do without
a cheerful, joyous, and prompt giver.

Easy for me to be cheerful giver when spring time comes around
  • Dreaming of all thing we want to do this spring summer with friends and family
  • When i get off of work, taking Juniper to the park, great atmosphere
    • She choose the park by the slide color
    • Change up - chalk
  • When we go shopping, weakness for summer type items
Recap verse
Why God loves a cheerful giver? He is cheerful giver
  • He does not look at the cost
  • He looks at end result and who benefits
The challenge for us to be a cheerful giver
Difficult to do our best when it is not from the heart

The focus for us is be like God, and be a cheerful giver
  • Dream what God will do with the amount I give today
  • Dream God can do with my time

2011-08-04 - Daughter Needs - Mr. Success (part II)
We often set high achievements goals that takes away from our family
Excuses often made:
  • It is just a temporary job that is away from home
  • It does not matter if I spend a lot of time at my job
  • I will make this much, then I will have more time to spend
  • Organizing this church event won't take that much time
We need to think through the implications of our vows - think how it will impact our daughters
You may be sacrificing your daughter by saying yes to too many "good" projects even if they are "spiritual"

Consider your plans' impact to your family before you move forward with them - Luke 14:28-30

2011-08-05 - Daughter Needs - Father Knows Best
Father Knows Best dad = insists on always being right
Only accepts his daughter when she performs to his standard

Everyone needs to learn how to live and work under authority and need to command a certain level of respect, but sometimes we are wrong
We need to own up to our own shortcomings

If we ignore or deny our mistakes - it will create bitterness
A father who refuses to admit their mistakes has a daughter that does not trust him
How can can she rely on your advice
Your reliability is increased when you admit your mistakes

A strong man admits and corrects his mistakes

If you want your daughter to believe in her father, show her you know best and own your behavior

2011-09-02 - Fearing God - Requirements for growth (part II)
Another way we can grow in our fear of God is reading through the Bible

When a new king takes the throne - Deuteronomy 17:18-19
  • He is to make copy of the law
  • Read it all the days of his life
  • Learn to revere the Lord
Regular reading through the OT, we see God's holiness and sovereignty
85,000 men killed without a shot fired - 2 Kings 19:35

And learn of his unfailing love and faithfulness
Psalms alone contains 25 references to the Lord's unfailing love

The NT has the message of mercy from God via Jesus
God made him who had no sin, be sin, so we would become righteous before God - 2 Corinthians 5:21

2011-09-05 - Fearing God - Great Thoughts About God
If you want to fear God - every aspect of your day-to-day must dominated by thoughts of God

Takes work to do this, you won't grow other wise - 1 Timothy 4:7
It is not enough to just stand in awe of God as we read about Him
It should be part of out thinking

The sophisticated discoveries comes from when man thinks using God's thoughts
  • Airplanes designed after birds
  • Lunar lander with ant-like legs
  • Solar panels use the sun's rays like plants
Having the habit of thinking great thoughts - will become aware of His unseen hand in daily events

Great thoughts about God will lead us  to a realistic thoughts about ourselves
  • Realize how little we know
  • Realize how little we are in control
Few things block our growth of fearing God like feeling self-righteous and self-sufficiency

The Lord delights in those who fear Him and does not trust in man - Psalms 147:10-11

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-09-25 - Proverbs on Pride (part V)
#3. Humility heals our view of self (Proverbs 15:33) (Proverbs 22:4)
  • There is a world of difference between Godly confidence and pride.
  • The person who walks with Godly confidence walks tall because he knows he is a child of the king (he doesn’t act like he’s better than anyone else) (he doesn’t have to be in the know).
  • This was the meekness that people noticed in Jesus (controlled strength) confidence
We need to be confident of who we are, the valuable life we have found in Jesus.
  • People will be attracted to this type of confidence (not like the world)
Symptoms of Pride
  1. Unwillingness to admit mistakes: Do you apologize whole heartily? - Nearly all men can stand adversity, to test a man, give him power.
  2. Hating to look bad: Can you laugh at yourself?
  3. Attitude of entitlement: Are you used to privilege (expect because your on staff, you should be treated a certain way, do you serve a certain way because you are on staff)
Pride kills but humility heals: it’s not easy but we all have a great example to follow (Jesus).

2011-09-27 - Proverbs on Advice - Advisors bring victory
2. Advisors bring victory

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure

Proverbs 25:12 - Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man’s rebuke to a listening ear

We all want to succeed; we all want to be winners.
  • The Bible gives us the formula for success - - - “seek advice”
Question: If Jesus didn’t try to do it on his own why do we think we can?
  • Jesus spent time (transfiguration) with Moses & Elijah
  • Jesus spent time with his father daily (early in the morning and late at night)
  • Jesus even had 12 disciples around him for years
Note: The best athletes in the world need coaches and trainers
  1. Baseball = the pitching coach can look at a picture throw and determine mistakes on sight
  2. Football = you have a specialty coach for every position
  3. School = tutors for different subjects
Victory comes from seeking and accepting advice

3. Without instruction, bad things happen

Proverbs 19:27 - Stop listening to instruction my son and you will stray from the words of knowledge

Proverbs 21:16 - A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead

Sometimes were just think-headed (we know what’s best)
  • We have to learn things the hard way.
  • People can warn us that we’re headed down the wrong path but we just have to journey that path for ourselves before we learn

2011-10-02 - Genesis 2 - Creation & Recreation Recap


God formed a man and gave him the garden in Eden, except for the tree of knowledge. Adam was alone so God made a woman as his partner.


Genesis 2:7 - from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
From nothing, God created us. He even takes our language that is a collection of organized means and breathed [2 Timothy 3:16] it into living and active Holy scripture [Hebrews 4:12].

Genesis 2:15 - put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Man's purpose in the garden was to work it and keep it up. God gives us work to do in step with what he desires. Work is good for glorify God, helping others, and helping us in our character. In [Acts 17:26], we learn that God determines the times and places we will live. It wasn't a random chance that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden even with God's fore knowledge of Adam's sin.

Genesis 2:16 - You are free
The first words recorded spoken to man was "You are free". This is important because without freedom, love can not be fully expressed. God created man for Him to love and to be loved by man. What are we doing with the life and freedom God has given us? Does he feel the love?

Genesis 2:17 - you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
The sinful nature within us desires the opposite of what God wants. When it hears about something we can not do, that is the exact thing it desires to do.

Genesis 2:19 - whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name
With our freedom, we are given responsibilities. Instead of just telling us what the names of the animals and plants we, God gave Adam the task and freedom to do so. We need to remember all the things God intrusts us with and give it our all.

Personal Application

Many times I look for ways on how to automate work (it is part of the work I do as part of my career) but sometimes lose sight that work is what I am suppose to be doing. When automating tasks, I need to make sure I am using my additional time to do even more useful things that God has called me to do.

2012-01-15 - Ministry - The Generator of Power
John 15:1-7; Mt 7:7-12; Luke 18:1-8

Prayer generates the power in a disciple's life. Without prayer, there is no power, no relationship with God, and no expectation of miracles. Prayer connects us to God's heart and reveals to us God's will. We can be afraid to pray because we think God will test us by not answering our prayers. James chapter 1 tells us that trials test our faith not unanswered prayer. We begin to pray with unbelief in our hearts and no expectation of answered prayer in our minds. God does not always answer when WE want Him to but He will answer. It is up to us to persevere and mature long enough to receive the answer. God desires to give us whatever we wish as long as we remain in relationship with Him. God is a merciful and loving God. He wants to bless us and encourage us. Generations of powerful men and women have walked before us in real relationship with God. They witnessed incredible answers to prayer. God has not changed since then. He is willing to answer; are you willing to pray?

Pray with Passion
Pray with Expectation
Pray with Specificity
Pray with Boldness
Pray with Perseverance

What three things will you pray about until they are answered, no matter how long it takes?

2012-01-25 - Ministry - Jesus' Rescue Mission
Matthew 18:10-14 (Luke 15:3-10)

It is comforting to know we serve a God who is not only all-powerful and all-knowing, but also all-loving. Sometimes the spiritual battle gets so intense that we wonder if God really cares. This passage proves how deeply God cares about each individual "sheep". How we do spiritually does matter to God. He does not want any of his disciples to wander off and fall away.

Jesus is the perfect shepherd who will do whatever it takes to go after the one lost sheep. Each soul matters to God. Jesus' heart is to keep on searching, keep on hoping, and keep on loving until the sheep is found and returns home. We need to take on Jesus' heart and persevere in rescuing those who have given up on their relationship with God. Satan wants us to get hurt, get bitter and angry instead of being compassionate and determined to help those who have lost faith. Let's be inspired by Jesus' unfailing love and decide to be part of Jesus' rescue team!

  • What is your attitude towards those who have fallen away from God?
  • When was the last time you reached out to someone who has stopped being a part of the fellowship?
Practical: Choose one person who you can rescue and encourage today. Make a card ; call them and invite them over for dinner; give them a gift of their "favorite."

2012-01-29 - Ministry - The Reaper's Heart
John 4:31-38

Jesus gets satisfaction by doing the Father's will and by finishing his work. Wow. Often we can see the work of the ministry as toil and drudgery. Jesus derived joy and fulfillment from changing lives. The disciples saw the harvest of crops four months in to the future. Jesus saw the harvest of souls as always being ripe. We do not have to wait for the harvest of souls. It is always ripe and always ready. Are the reapers ready for it? The reaper is looking for a crop to reap. Sometimes we can fall into the trap of deciding we will be fruitful at a later date. The harvest will not wait.
Someone is going to reap souls.

Write down the names of five people whom you could help become a Christian. Have faith as you write the list.

 It takes work to reap a harvest. Are you prepared to do the work that it will take?

2012-01-31 - Ministry - The Burden of Jesus
Matthew 11:25

Jesus calls the weary and burdened to Himself and promises rest for them. The rest that He refers to is not to stop working and be idle. He is calling us to give Him the burdens of our souls. He calls us to take his yoke upon us. What is this yoke? The yoke of caring about others. The yoke of humility. It takes far less energy to be humble that it does to be prideful. It is much easier to be gentle than it is to be terse or gruff. Jesus beckons us to learn from Him. Really the yoke of Christ would finally lead him to the cross. That does not seem easy or light. In fact, our purpose to evangelize the world in this generation is neither easy nor light. The attitude that we are called to have is one of humility and gentleness.

  • What is truly burdening your life?
  • Is your response to that burden humility or pride? Gentleness or stress?
  • Be open with someone today about your burdens and then pray that you can throw them off and put on the burden of Christ.

2012-02-13 - Ministry - Are You Willing to Keep Praying?
Luke 18:1-8

Jesus tells this parable to show us something. The scriptures even go so far as to tell us exactly what that something is that we should always pray and not give up. Have you ever decided to pray about a specific situation and not stopped until it has changed? What if it took a year to change? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Jesus says to never give up! Too often we get discouraged and want to quit-even on God-because something doesn't change. Maybe we haven't been fruitful for a while or we don't have a dating relationship yet. Maybe things have not changed in our marriage fast enough or our job situation is still not working out. Maybe we are just not changing our hearts the way we should. The answer is not to give up but to keep on praying. Jesus ends the parable questioning whether there would still be faith on earth when he returns. Our lack of prayer is a sign of a lack of faith! To keep praying and not give up is a sign of great faith.

Write down three things you have quit praying about and recommit yourself to be faithful in prayer. Decide to trust.

God and be in the kingdom for the long haul-no matter how many decades of prayer it takes!!

2012-02-21 - Fear of Failure - God is Able, Part 1
by Del & Daurence Johnson - Region Leaders: San Francisco Church of Christ

When I think about how many times that I have blown it or dropped important balls, it can be very depressing. So often I feel inadequate, incapable and fearful. This has made me prideful and unopen. Failure is never fatal when we have our eyes on God and not on our mistakes. God is perfect, I am not. God is pure, I am full of sin. God is righteous, I am jaded. Why not base our level of success on God and who he is rather than ourselves?

1) God is able to keep you from falling. Jude 24
When failure seems inevitable, it's probably because you are not looking to God. God wants us to learn from our experiences, not be perfect.

2) God is able to save completely. Hebrews 7:25
As I look at the sin in my life and how I keep repeating it, it can discourage me from believing I can be pleasing to God. This is why we need forgiveness. He is able to save completely. He can and will get me through. My challenge is to never quit on God or myself.

3) God is able to guard what you have entrusted to him. 2 Timothy 1:12
When we sacrifice day after day and year after year, we are investing ourselves in heavenly treasures. As Special Missions contribution quickly approaches again, we will have to reinvest ourselves into God's dream again. God is protecting and always will protect our lives and our dreams. He is faithful.

  1. Love learning
  2. Never quit (emotionally or spiritually)
  3. Sacrifice of time and resources entrusts my heart to God

2012-02-29 - Fear of Failure - Mistakes Build Character
by Kristi Henry - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Matt. 16:21-23, Matt. 26:31-35

Peter loved Jesus, he received some stinging rebukes from him. Imagine a firend saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." I would probably start crying or get prideful and mad. I don't like to look bad. Peter was always getting exposed! I know I have made many mistakes as a disciple: I have given bad advice, hurt people, lied to look good, not been open about sin, and destroyed relationships. I have had a lot of failures, challenges and struggles. I need to follow Peter. He grew and learned from the sin and mistakes he made. Peter never gave up. Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, not on himself and because of that was able to change and grow by accepting the teaching. When I look at Peter I see a man that Jesus loved, believed in, and knew would be a powerful leader in his church. I can decide to be like Peter and persevere through challenges, discipling, and rebukes. I can decide to fix my eyes on
Jesus and not on myself. I can believe that God has plans for me to do great things for his church and never give up.

Decide today to:
  1. Persevere through challenges, correction, and struggles.
  2. Allow failures to expose your character so that you can become all God wants you to be.
  3. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, not on yourself and how you feel.

2013-03-17 - Prayer of the Righeous - God is Preparing a Place (part I)

Jesus wanted his disciples to remember where they were headed
Heaven thinking changes the way we feel and the way we pray

When Jesus prayed, heaven was in his mind
Even when the disciples recjoiced in the victories God had given them, Jesus reminded them what was most important was their names were written in heaven - Luke 10:17-20
Their final destination was more important than their day to day victories and defeats

We are being transformed into Jesus' likeness - 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
But when he appears and takes us to heaven, "we shall be like him" - 1 John 3:2
When we get to heaven, we will be in fellowship with God forever
On earth, we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror - 1 Corinthians 13:12

Pictures of the fellowship of heaven, not like being there:

  • Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets will be there on Judgement Day - Luke 13:28-29
  • It will be like a feast, people from everywhere in attendance
  • Be surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses - Hebrews 12:1
  • Peter, James and John had a taste with Jesus, Moses, and Elijah - Matthew 17

In this world we get to be with ones we love and respect, in heaven it will be great fellowship and unending

2013-10-22 - Leadership Founded in Love

 Jesus Christ founded his empire on love

God not only wants you to lead your family but deeply love them
The more you walk with God and obey Him each day, the more of His love will be “poured out” in your heart - Romans 5:5

Children feel much more secure if they know their parents love each other.
We must do whatever it takes to put your marriage on a sound footing.

Don’t wait for her. Step up and be the leader God meant you to be. It’s never easy.
Your words in ten seconds can change them forever - either in a positively or negative way
If your kids feel they always get your leftover energy and attention, they will disconnect and struggle with resentment

2014-04-04 - Disciplining Your Children (part I)

A major part of your role as a father is to disciple your kids

Discipling your kids requires discipline on our part

Discipline doesn’t feel good, nor should it - Hebrews 12:11

Discipline should be more on the father’s shoulders than the mother’s because of who we represent.

Loving discipline prepares our kids to respect and obey their heavenly Father

We had earthly fathers to discipline us, for they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good - Hebrews 12:9-10

It is the father’s job is to take the long view, not the short one.

Withheld discipline may seem momentarily pleasant to the child and the parent but it takes no skill or courage to be a passive father

Not disciplining guarantees that uncorrected sin will follow his child into adulthood and follow his family into the coming generations

Its momentary discomfort - knowing that sin will harm a child in far worse ways than even the painful discipline of a loving father.

He who loves him disciplines him promptly - Proverbs 13:24

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it - Proverbs 22:6

IT is a lie from the Enemy to believe that rebelling against and dishonoring authority brings more freedom and peace

Bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4



2015-02-02 - Stability

You were first and rank and power but you are as unruly as a flood - Genesis 49:3-4

Reben did some good things but made some terriable mistakes

GOOD - Spoke up for his brother Joesph which lead to saving his life - Genesis 37:21-22
GOOD - Risked everything to save his family - Genesis 42:37
BAD - He slept with one of Jacob's concubines
BAD - Lived life unruly as a flood

As the first born, Reuben should have received special privileges and promises but Jacob said he was first no longer

Reuben's life serves as both as a encouragement and warning about how importance of consistency for us and our family

Would you call yourself a stable man or unruly like a flood?

2015-02-06 - Racing for the Bottom

What do you think you are doing, building a beautiful tomb for yourself - Isaiah 22:16

Some have a "do what ever it takes" attitude toward raising up the ranks
God takes a dim view of such a strategies

Shebna discovered the quickest way to the bottom by using his high position to promote himself
The Lord stopped his plans, removed him from office, and exciled him far from Judah - Isaiah 22:17-18

God gave him everything he needed to become a great servant but he used it for himself

God wants to be the center of all your plans, God gave us gifts to exalt him not ourselves

2015-03-02 - From the Mountaintop

I am no better than my ancestors who have already died - 1 Kings 19:4

At times, God takes us to a emotional mountaintip and then drops us into a darker time in the valley

Elijah had just successfully

  1. Confronted Baal
  2. Ended the long drought in Israel

Just days after, Jezebel vowed to kill him for killing the prophets of Baal

Elijah could have stayed and trusted God to protect him but instead headed to the woods and poured out his heart to God

He had gone from the mountaintop of faith to the valley of depression

Elijah confessed the he had enough and wanted to die but God wanted to talk it though

God will give you just what you need to continue your life of faith

2015-04-26 - Delegation

Why are you trying to do all this alone? - Exodus 18:14

A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Nobody lives long enough to make them all himself.

Moses filled hs plate to overflowing - working from dawn to dusk

This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself - Exodus 18:17-18

Jethro's advice: Slow down and let someone who feared and loved God do a part of the work

As a priest of Midian and successful businessman, Jethro had a lot of wisdom to share

Your mistakes can be put to good use by encouraging others to not repeat them

2015-05-13 - Wise and Humble Leadership

He had become powerful, he also became proud, which led to his downfall - 2 Chronicles 26:16

It takes a man of true humility to keep his feet on the ground over the long haul when he is given power and authority over others

Uzziah, Judah's tenth king, was not such a man

His long and sometimes distinguished reign came to an unfortunate end because of his arrogant thirst for power

Uzziah expressed his arrogance by entering the sactuary though this job was reserved for his priest

Had Uzziah remained humble, he might have become one of the nation's greatest kings - instead, he spent his later years shut away from people in a leper colony

Do you understand your place in the big picture?

2015-07-13 - God Won't Give You Up

With his love, he will calm all your fears - Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah understood that God never "cuts his losses" with those who belong to him

He approved of reforms but also wanted them to understand they needed changes within themselves 

In the book of Zephaniah, he:

  • Railed against the immoraltuy, idolatry and injustice of his times
  • Decried Judah's sin
  • Proclaimed their need  for repentance
  • Foretold God's wrath against those who refused to stop sinning

God still loved his people and wanted more than anything for them to turn back to him

God takes sin very seriously and will never look the other way when you fail him. He still will not give up on you

2015-09-06 - Place in the Body

Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you - Colossians 4:17

Church on Sunday morning, do you recongnize that God has a specific purpose and ministry for you that day?

Don't miss out on the blessing you can receive when you assume your place of service in the body of Christ

Archippus' ministry was apparently important enough to the apostle Paul that he encouraged the young man to make sure he got the job done:

  1. Paul didn't want him to see his ministry as a burden
  2. Archippus was responsible for continuing to put the gift he was given to good use

God has given you a particular ministry and the gifts it takes to effectively carry it out.

Are you pursuing your role in the church with all of your heart?

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