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2008-08-23 - 30 Days at the Cross - Consumed with Reconciliation
Bible makes it clear: God is consumed with reconciliation
At the cross: it reconciles us to God, then reconciles us to each other

There must be humility on both sides:

God humility (did not need to go the human level but he did for our sake) - Philippians 2:5-8
  • Made himself nothing
  • Took the very nature of a servant
  • Was made in human likeness
  • In the appearance of a man
  • Obedient to death
Man problems with humility
  • Consumed with finiding fault with God
  • Reject God rather than questioning ourselves
  • Thinks he could do a better ob
Only with humility from both God (yes) and man (sometimes) can reconciliation occur.

Do you want to resolve a conflict in a relationship?
Do it Gods way:
  1. Start with a fresh look at the cross
  2. Remind yourself of the humility shown by Christ
  3. Want reconciliation more than anything
  4. Confess your sin first

2008-08-24 - 30 Days at the Cross - United Hearts

Unity has an immense impact on our lives

Tower of Babel - God said nothing they planned would be impossible for them - Genesis 11:6
House divided against impossible for them - Mark 3:25
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit - Ephesians 4:3

What are the obstacles to unity?

  • Misunderstanding and wrong assumptions (Israelite tribes) - Joshua 22
  • Selfish ambition (James and John) - Matthew 20:20-28
  • Inferiority and insecurity
  • Jealousy and selfishness (brothers of Joesph) - Genesis 37
  • Ingratitude and unforgiveness (older brother of the prodical son) - Luke 15

Sin is the ultimate cause of all disunity. Forgiveness is the ultimate cure.

It defies our nature
Reflects a surrender that trusts God's justice
Demonstrates a humility that cares less for one's own rights than for the good of others

Who do you need to totally forgive?
Forgiveness is the key to bing reunited
We need a daily "state of our unions"

2008-08-30 - Teach Us To Pray - God Enjoys Talking to Us

To truely know him, we must absorb his Word
We must enjoy his talking to us

God's Word was written with one purpose in mind - to communicate God's love:

  • He promised to carry our burdens - Matthew 11:28
  • We will have all we need - 2 Corinthians 9:8
  • He will give us more than we can ask or imagine - Ephesians 3:20
  • He will meet all our our needs - Philippians 4:19
  • All disciples have angels to server them - Hebrews 1:14

2008-09-06 - Teach Us To Pray - Praise and Thanksgiving
God's plan is a blessing and not a burden - 1 John 5:3
Once we lose our gratitude, we have lost everything

Growing in Gratitude
  1. Realize God has chosen you - Choose you for the purpose of telling the world about him - 1 Peter 2:9
  2. See God in everything - Train your mind to look at God and not self - Colossians 1:11-12
  3. Express and verbalize your gratitude - Psalms 39:4-5
Challenge: Pray for 30 minutes just thanking God for specific details in our your life

2008-09-27 - Man of Prayer - Introduction
10% of those who don't believe in God still pray - just in case
55% of those who do pray, pray less than 5 minutes

That is not much time for fellowship and communion

We end up doing the thing that we are highly motivated to do
Quality of prayer is low when the only motivation is obedience

Matthew 26:36-46 - Jesus asked them to keep watch while he prayed
Could we keep for even one hour?

How is your prayer life
Is it satisfying, effective, fulfilling, productive?

2008-09-30 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 1)

Dads should constantly aware of how how their character impacts their child
But no matter how good we do, we can not fully meet their needs; only the Father can

God is the perfect Father
He is always present and available
He is commited to meeting our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
No time in our day is more important than the time we spend with Him

2008-10-06 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-tsidkenu

YHWH-tsidkenu means "the Lord our righteousness"

Remembering Jesus' name in Hebrew Ya'shua which means  "God is salvation"
He was the fulfillment of the name YHWH-tsidkenu - 1 Corinthians 1:30

Thank God that I had no righteous of my own, Jesus died for me - source of my righteousness

Pause to think about what Christ has done for me
His atoning death and resurrection gives life meaning and significance

2008-10-09 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-rohi
YHWH-rohi is translated as "The Lord is my Shepherd" - Psalms 23:1

A shepherd:
  • guides his flock
  • provides for his flock
  • protects his flock
Jesus is the Good Shepherd - John 10:10

Pause and give thanks for each of these characteristics of a shepherd

2008-10-14 - Man of Prayer - Into His Court

Focusing on God - source of incredible joy in our lives
This is worship - fundational to the prayer experience

Psalms 100:4 - his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise
Presence is fullness of joy - Psalms 16:11

Focus is a vital part of an effective prayer life
Having moved into His presence - sharpens your spiritual focus - His Kingdom


2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-10-21 - Man of Prayer - Praying for the church body

Should pray for:

  • maturity
  • commitment
  • spiritual health
  • impact on our city

Pray for dreams for the church that will stretch our vision for the church and city
God can do more than we can imagine - Ephesians 3:20

How are you praying for your church? - Its your church
What do you want see God do? Where do you want to see His kingdom advance?


2008-10-22 - Man of Prayer - Praying for your nation
US is facing a moral and ethical decline
It is a result of the influence of a small minority who work harder to promote their value system than we do

Our land desperately needs mercy, forgiveness, and healing - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Pray for these three areas:
  1. Pray for God's influence and intervention in the leadership of our country
  2. Pray about the moral condition of our country and ask God to be merciful and forgiving
  3. Pray about specific issues our nation is facing

2008-10-25 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 2)

God provided manha day after day for 40 years to the Israelites
They could not take more than a day's portion - otherwise it would rot
Manha means "it is what it is"

It was to teach them that man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord - Deuteronomy 8:2-3

It is NOT inapproprate to ask God to provide for our needs
He is YHWH - jireh - the Lord will provide

God delights in our dependence on Him as the source of our provision
We often do not have because we have not asked - James 4:2


2008-10-28 - Man of Prayer - Experiencing Forgiveness
Being a Christian is a no-lose proposition

Athlete - performance dictated opportunity to participate
Student - achievement is based off of grades and advanced degrees
Every area in which we perform we are eventually bound to fail

We become a Christian on the basis of my failure and Jesus' performance
By grace we have been saved - Ephesians 2:8

Much more than just an initial experience of grace but a transformation of justification - we need daily bread (grace)
Jesus taught his disciples to confess their sins - Luke 11:4

2008-11-05 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 2)

Sinning is easy; it comes naturally
When we turn our lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit creates a new nature - the two battle within us

Fruits of that new nature - Galatians 5:22-23

Jesus fought the battle with scripture - He said "It is written" many times while responding to others
David hid the God's word in his heart so he would not sin - Psalms 119:11

God promises that we will not be tempted more than we can bear - 1 Corinthains 10:13


2008-11-11 - Man of Prayer - Perfect Pattern (part 1)

People don't get into shape because they don't know what to do or how to get going

Learning how to start slow and build gradully plays a critical role in getting into shape

The practice if prayer has the same dynamics
Many men respond to emotional appeals to pray more but do not know how to start

1. Am I properly positioned to pray?

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help us to pray (true intimacy)
  • Thank God for what he has given us
2. Where is my focus? - Focus on Him and his names

2008-11-12 - Man of Prayer - Perfect Pattern (part 2)
Continued for yesterday's review of the book

3. Where Do I need divine intervention?

Ask Him to bring the power of His kingdom to:
  • Our lives
  • Our family
  • Our churches
  • Our cities
  • Our nation
  • Our world
4. What are my needs today?
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
Pray about the issues and events of the day
Many of our anxieties in life are related to wants rather than needs
Learn to live in God's kingdom provision with contentment

5. Where have i failed/sinned? - confusion

6. Have I developed spiritual protection?
  • Protection from the flesh
  • Protection from Satan

7. What do I need to remember today?

2008-11-15 - Man of Prayer - Miracle List

It is helpful to keep a separate list of needs for times of pure intercession:

  • Ministry
  • Neighbors
  • Family
  • Special Needs

Also good to have a "miracle list"

God can do anything - nothing is impossible - Luke 1:37

During difficult times, God extended a seeming impossible invitation:
Jerusalem was under attack from the Babylonians and the city was destroyed

Call to me and I will answer with great and unsearchable things  - Jeremiah 33:3
God promised healing,  forgiveness, and cleansing to Israel - Jeremiah 33:6-9

He can do immeasurably more than what we can ask - Ephesians 3:20

We know God can do anything; we just don't know if he will do them


2008-11-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Provision and Protection
If anyone does not provide for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever - 1 Timothy 5:8

Our families should never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from
Our Heavenly Father provides for all our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-34
We should not imitate him in caring for my children?

He works his land , will have abundant food - Proverbs 28:19
Get adequate medical insurance - so you do not burden your family will major costs

Takes care of things around the house
Do the repair jobs and maintenance work
Husbands who are lazy - kids will see this and either disrespect us or gladly imitate us in it

Fathers are protectors
If any family member is in a situation where they are being beaten down, overwhelmed - this is the time to act
Should not shield them from the realities of life, but from the forces from which they become helpless

2008-12-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach them to love others

Kids who are showered with love must be taught to give it away
Otherwise they will become selfish, aloof, and arrogant
God commands us to love hime in return

Love and concern for others should be talked about often
Children learn to love by helping - capable of so much more than we think

We can do far too much for them - creates self-centeredness
They way we treat others is the way we treat Jesus - Matthew 25:34-40

The whole family is an instrument of God - God will use in us is a dark and lost world

2008-12-09 - Raising Awesome Kids - Obedience

Must be taught and expected earily
Lays the foundation for obedience to all other authorities in life and ultimately to God

Children who are rebellious, defiant, and disobedient to parent later will demonstrate those same attitudes towards all authorities

It is easiler to teach children to obey while they are yound than to begin later when the habit of disobedience is deeply established

2008-12-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 1)

Training is different than discipline
Training proactive; Discipline reactive

Discipline without training = negativity and frustration

Training without discipline = weak and underestimates the rebellious nature

2008-12-31 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 1)
Only proper foundation is their relationship with God
Develops confidence without cockiness

Stress a relationship with God
Focus on character - Tell your children over and over again that heart and attitude matter to God

Applaud effort than ability
Two of three men were successful because of their efforts not their ability - Matthew 25

Enough openness
  • Because of failure, they can hide things from you or even themselves
  • Ask them if they anything on their mind
  • Work through things until they are confident
  • Share some of our worse blunders - draws them closer and assures them that they are not alone
Encourage achievement
Search out your kids strengths - everyone has at least some
It is your job to help children discover and succeed in those things

2009-01-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 3)
Teach them to appreciate and applaud the efforts and achievements of others

  • Children who learn to admire and encourage other will be confident
  • They will be strong enough to give credit where credit is due
  • Teach your kids to give their best and never blame anyone when they lose
  • Teach them to be like Jonathan - could have been jealous of David but became his best friend - 1 Samuel 18
  • John the Baptist became lesser so Jesus could become greater - John 3:30

Be basically encouraging
Be your children's biggest fan
If you are fundamentally positive - when you give correction it will be received with thankfulness rather than discouragement
Some say - 5 compliments to overcome one criticism
Human nature flourishes on a diet of praise

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-04 - Raising Awesome Kids - Prayer
We should pray for our children continually
To protect them, guide them, save them, and one day take them to heaven

Paul - Prayed day and night to Timothy - 2 Timothy 1:3
Most powerful weapon available in their spiritual defense and offense

We must pray with our children as well
Regular times such as bedtime and mealtime to start
Praying while going to place like church are also helpful
In times of difficulty and great challenge - we can do nothing without his blessing

What if they do not want to pray?
Talk about how God wants to be close to them
Do not do other activities are bedtime either, too tired for prayer than to tired for _______

2009-01-10 - Raising Awesome Kids - Close Family
Is there any place where our weaknesses are exposed more than in our own homes?

Most families are not that close
Many families merely exist together without any deep love or enjoyment of one another

  • Cain and Abel - murder by his own brother
  • Jacob and his twin brother Esau - folly from their parents' favoritism
  • Jacob's sons turning against their younger brother Joseph
  • Family of David - torn apart by lust, rape, incest, murder
God is showing us what will happen if we are disunited

Four keys to having a close family:
  1. Respect
  2. Openness
  3. Fabric
  4. Atmosphere

2009-01-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Genuine Appreciation

Appreciation for one another does not come about by accident

Must teach it, talk about it, show it and confront the ways the kids are not expressing it - only way

Cultivate appreciation by creating as many situations as possible where it expressed in words
Build up one another sessions - each person encouragees every other person specifically
Thank you nights - give thanks for different things other family members have said and done

Encourage your family to begin expressing respect, appreciation, and encouragement - whole atmosphere will change

Pleasant words are sweet to the soul - Proverbs 16:24

Teach your older children how to lead and teach your younger ones how to follow
Children's weaknesses tend to come out more with each other than with us


2009-01-18 - Jesus with People - Grateful Son
Mary and Jesus - no greater pain than for parent to bury a child and live with that memory

Jesus stops the process of redeeming humanity to focus on one final moment with him mom
All excuses for neglecting our families die with Jesus - spends final moment and thinking how to provide for her

Jesus submitted himself to being human - learned the lesson to honor your mother - Exodus 20:12

4x in  the gospels - Jesus relates to Mary:
  1. He obeyed her - Luke 2:51
  2. He allowed her to influence him when he performed his first miracle - John 2:1-11
  3. He did not allow his devotion to Mary make him sentimental - Mark 3:20-35
  4. Protected and provided for her needs as he died on the cross
He was not too "spiritual" that he neglected the needs of others

Busy disciples - often neglect the needs our immediate family?
Husbands - too busy to listen to our wives?
Parents - too busy to invest in our relationship with our children?

When we neglect to provide for our relative - we deny the faith - 1 Timothy 5:7-8
Jesus won Mary's soul with a relationship

2009-01-22 - Jesus with People - Finding Faith

Jesus was in ahuge crowd and suddenly a Roman centurion walks up to Jesus - Matthew 8:5-10

NT centurions are often mentioned with honor:

  • Cornelius was the first Gentile to become a Christian - Acts 10:22
  • A centurion rescued Paul from the Mob - Acts 23:27
  • A centurion saved Paul's life in the shipwreck - Acts 27:43

Lord, my servant lays paralyzed and in terrible suffering - Matthew 8:5-6
To many Romans, a slave was defined as nothing more than a tool

Jesus was moved by the man's heart - I will go and heal him
When Jesus saw a need, he met it
He lived to serve and meet needs directly and continuously
He loved a man many hated

Lord, I don't deserve to have you under my roof - Matthew 8:8
He was a Gentile, Jewish law - a Jew could not enter the house of a Gentile - Acts 10:28
In spite of his desperate need, he respected Jewish law

Say the word and he will be healed - Matthew 8:8
His authority produced results, how much more would the authority of Jesus do?

Jesus did not find anyone in Israel with such faith

2009-01-28 - Jesus with People - Full of Grace and Truth

John 8:10-11 - When they were going to throw stones - Jesus just didn't say no
He said - one who is deserving of the same fate, go ahead

Jesus called what it is was - sin:

  1. Not a fault
  2. Not a cultural problem
  3. Not a weakness

Was she being used by the Pharisees? Yes
Was she the product of a culture that oppressed women? Yes
Was she probably from a "bad" home? Yes

Sin enslaved us - John 8:31-34
Respect and love were the last things she expected
Jesus gave her freedom to change and was willing to forgive

 Sometimes we think repentance is more difficult than it is - Jesus called for immediately
We like to stall - think about it a while, talk about it

Is it hard for me to confront others in their sin?
Do I accept or resist others when they confront me with your sin?
What sin do I find difficult to leave behind me?

2009-01-29 - Jesus with People - God Come Looking
John 9:25 - One thing I do know, I was blind and now I see
  • Many people would have not stopped to chat
  • Most would have averted eye contact
  • Jews saw blindness as punishment for some sin - John 9:2
  • Jesus saw an opportunity to heal and teach - so God might be displayed in his life - John 9:3
  • Jesus acted but not predictably - felt something moist and hear go wash
  • Blind man simply went - true blind obedience
Man's responses:
  • Simple honest - I was blind but now I see - John 9:25
  • Childlike innocence - Do you want to become his disciples too? - John 9:27
  • Boldness - John 9:27
Jesus did more than just open the blind man's eyes that day; he open his heart as well

2009-01-30 - Jesus with People - Greatest in th Kingdom
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom  of heaven - Matthew 18:1-4

Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost - Matthew 18:12-14

We need to become like children in a very specific way
Our human nature wants to be first and to have control
Matthew 18 were driven by the same desire - they asked Jesus "Who is the greatest?"
When become like little children, we become like Jesus

Paraphrase - Because of your power-hungry pride you guys are not even in the kingdom of God, and nothing will change this fact unless you start imitating this child

After Jesus' sacrifice, all his teachings made sense
Having a child's humility is impossible until we understand the cross
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

Must see other brothers and sisters in Christ as God's little spiritual children who must be cared for
God's heart is that not a single person be lost
Do we feel the personal responsibility for others?

Who do you know who is struggling spiritually? What can you do to help them?

2009-01-31 - Jesus with People - No Dogs in Heaven
Matthew 15 - The Canaanite Women
Jesus was silent and by his silent he tested and revealed both the hearts of his disciples and the heart of this woman

Perhaps the instructions given earlier by Jesus send then to find the lost sheep of Israel was still in their mind
Maybe thought: "he sent us to find the lost Israelite. too bad, she is a Gentile. Send her away."

Jesus did not send her away but said - I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel - Matthew 15:24
Jesus - it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their gods - Matthew 15:26
Savior was willing to be misunderstood in order to flush out faith or faithlessness in the heart of this woman

In the end, Jesus affirmed her faith and admired her grit
He did not see the woman as unsubmissive or rebellious or undeserving; he saw her as full of faith

Jesus was more concerned about helping someone grow in their faith than he was keep up the nice-guy image

2009-02-01 - Jesus with People - The Bleeding Woman
The crowds followed him to point of his exhaustion
Why did Jesus' life draw a crowd?

Jesus was willing
Jesus was not just a servant but was a selfless servant

We get caught up with the duties of Christianity - serving the weak and the lost
With more responsibility we have, the easier it is to administer rather than minister.
Consistent delegation cause our hearts to harden - just organizing and managing

If you are not seeing the crowds, develop the heart of selflessness

After she touched his cloak, he could have let the woman leave anonymously, but her called attention to her so he could lift he up
He was concerned not only for her sickness, but her emotions as well

Jesus had forceful faith and expected it of others

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-04 - Jesus with People - Perceiving Potential

John 1:42

Usually when you meet someone, you introduce yourself - Jesus knew Peter and changed his name!

Peter saw himself Jesus saw Peter
As a fisheran As a fisher of men
Ordinary Life Life of preaching the life-changing gospel
Holding a smelly fish net Holding the keys of the kingdom
No impact beyond the Sea of Galilee Turning the world upside down

Jesus looked at people differently than they look at themself

Others saw Peter Jesus saw Peter
Volatility Passion
Subbornness Determination
Simon Peter

Jesus knew he would fail but he never gave up on Peter.

What name might Jesus give you?

2009-03-08 - Promises of God - Lord of Physical Challenges
Psalms 91:9-11 - God will protect us and guard you in all your ways

We do not see the refuge that God is or the trouble from which he has saved us - we can become bitter

He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us

In what areas of your life are you most thankful for this promise?

2009-03-13 - Promises of God - Faith vs Doubt
Doubt: God has forgotten about you and does not care

Faith: He knows the way you have served - Hebrews 6:10. He knows notices and cares when a sparrow falls - Matthew 10:29

Doubt: He remembers but he remembers others more than you; Doubt fills in the blanks and customizes to your hopes and desires.

Faith: God shows no favoritism; He moves at different time for different people; He has given everything we need for life and godliness

Doubt calls into question the faithfulness of God
Faith tells us it is impossible for God to lie

When Doubt comes calling, we must turn away

Faith says yes to God's promises

2009-03-22 - Promises of God - One Greater
The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world - 1 John 4:4

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness - 1 Peter 5:8

Satan is seen leading "the whole world astray" - Revelation 12:9

He is the Ling of Kings and the Lord of Lords - Revelation 12:9-11

The devil will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire - Revelation 20:1-10

2009-03-25 - Promises of God - Rest in Gods Comfort
Elijah's collapse and recovery - 1 Kings 19

After great victory with God, he fell into physical, emotional, and spiritual burn-out

God used a powerful three step plan:
  1. Some good old-fashion rest
  2. A timely reminder of God's true nature and heart
  3. Gave him an exciting plan of action
It gave Elijah a boost and go him back on the edge and stronger than ever in no time

2009-04-11 - Promises of God - Satan Tries to Create Doubt
Satan uses his energy and his demons to break down our trust in God:

Eve in the garden - Genesis 3:1-7
Moses at the burning bush - Exodus 3:1-4:17
Tried it will Jesus in the desert - Luke 4:1-13

Do you really think his strategy with us will be any different?

Satan will attempt to get us to doubt God so much that we will trust a stranger more than him

Problem is not that we do not know how to trust

  • Asked about your doctor's educational background?
  • Arrived at the airport early to check the aircraft mechanic's work?
The problem is know who to trust

2009-04-18 - Why We Need God - He is Our Creator
  1. Knows us better than we ourselves
  2. Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else
  3. Knows our weaknesses and our strengths
  4. Is the best source to find the answers to such questions as:
a.  Where did I come from?
b.  Why am I here?
c.  Where am I going?
d.  How should I live?

2009-04-19 - Why We Need God - He is The Redeemer
  1. All have made a mess of their lives - Romans 3:23
  2. Some more than others, but all are in need the same major correction - Romans 3:9
  3. God offers Himself as our Redeemer - Psalms 34:22

2009-05-05 - No one like him - Dependence In Prayer
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16)

Gave up a night - All night praying (Luke 6:12-13)

Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11) – some disciples were taught to pray from infancy

Prayer was more important than eating or sleeping – Jesus could no go without it

Jesus called God, Father, what perceptions of a father-son relationship are correct and incorrect?

We have a perception that Jesus had a great advantage over of us but Jesus needed the Father like we do.

2009-05-20 - No one like him - Extravagant Generosity
Jesus about the insanely generous love of God

God wants to do more than we can ask or imagine

God's radical giving - Luke 15
Parable of lost coin, lost sheep, lost son

Our radical response - Matthew 13:44-46
We must the same as God has for us
We must give up all we have for the kingdom

2009-06-09 - One Another - Fellowship and Carrying Burdens
Fellowship - bring to mind casual conversation or other lightweight associations

Greek word for fellowship is koinonia = to partnership and deep involvement
Word also defined as "sharing together in the common life"

Word used outside of NT to describe marriage

The root word - Koinon = "common" or "in common"

Galatians 6:1-2
  • NT letter deal with relationships more than any other subject
  • Carry each other's burden - burdens produced by sin
  • Christians are to be involved to know what sin's others are struggling to overcome
  • Helping your brother to overcome a sin is a fulfillment of the principle of Christ
  • Jesus carried our burden - Isaiah 53:4-6; 1 Peter 2:24

2009-06-20 - A Life of Impact - Selfless Authority


Mark 2:6-12

  • Jesus didn’t walk on eggshells when he was around those who opposed him.
  • We are often so careful not to offend anyone that no frankness and no power is left our speech.
  • We need to be constantly ready to withstand opposition

Selfless Authority

  • People who seem apologetic about authority they have or hesitate to exercise it are not very impressive
  • Reason: they see it as a means of gaining something for themselves for themselves rather than a means of achieving a goal
  • People that abuse power act the same way as those who do not use
  • Pilate failed because he did not understand why he was in power
  • We should not hesitate to make use of this authority and we should be unashamed
  • How can disciples of Jesus not be bold and assertive? We must be forceful people!

2009-06-26 - A Life of Impact - Discipliner


Mark 3:31-35

  • Jesus cared about their souls more than their feelings
  • God is willing that people suffer in order to learn something for their own greater good.
  • Do you allow sentimentality to rule in our relationships?


  • Jesus saw people either for him or against him.
  • They were either movers for God or still needed to be moved by God.

2009-06-30 - A Life of Impact - Dream Shared

Dream Shared

Mark 4:26-32

  • He did not hesitate to express his vision to those around him.
  • Jesus confidence that the Father would keep his promises fostered faith in his followers

Choice words

Mark 4:33-34

  • Did not teach over the listeners’ heads nor did he overwhelm them with information
  • Those that were already committed to follow him – he explained everything
  • The way we speak has almost as much impact as what we say.

Actions speak louder

  • They assumed that he could not help and they wondered if he even cared
  • Natural reaction would to rebuke the disciples than help – not Jesus

2009-07-06 - A Life of Impact - Forcefulness

The Sending

Mark 6:7-13

  • He gave them very specific instructions
  • He taught them how much they needed encouragement, accountability, and support.
  • It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that those sent on a mission be adequately prepared for it.
  • An unprepared person who is sent can gather discouragement more than victories.


  • Forceful leader gives specific direction and then fully expects his followers to carry them out.
  • Jesus did not apologize for strong leadership; he promoted it
  • Strong leadership is offensive to many these days
  • People resist because of pride or because they simply do not want other to tell them what to do.

2009-07-09 - A Life of Impact - Toughness and Excellence


Mark 6:45-46

  • Worked harder and longer than anyone else
  • Expected more from himself than from his disciples
  • The one leading the way must pay the greatest price

Unwavering Excellence

Mark 6:47-56

  • Fruit was only harvested what another had sown - what Jesus had sown
  • He directed the efforts of many followers but did not become an administrator behind a desk.
  • He had an unbelievable schedule with
    • frequent interruptions
    • time conflicts
    • people clamoring for his attention

2009-07-26 - A Life of Impact - Taking the Offensive

Taking the Offensive

Mark 10:2-12

  • Jesus was tested the hostile audience.
  • Instead of backing down or becoming apologetic, he answered questions with questions.
  • Jesus told them that their hearts were hard. He always backed his answers with scripture (clear and definitive).
  • He didn’t care if his answer offended some people.


  • God is more concerned with the spirit of the law than the letter of the law.
  • God searches the heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts.
  • What people say and do is secondary importance to the condition of their hearts.

2009-08-03 - A Life of Impact - Subtlety


Mark 12:1-12

  • Many reject the very idea that we owe (God) anything.
  • People will be more effectively convinced of their own wrongdoing by seeing themselves rather than by direct confrontation.

2009-08-12 - A Life of Impact - Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Mark 14:17-26

  • Jesus knew yet did not treat Judas any different than he treated the other eleven.
  • Conditional love puts an unbearable strain on relationships
  • Unconditional gives security, wipes away fear, builds confidence, adds hope, teaches perseverance, and erases discouragement and doubt.
  • The key is not to love if or because of, but to love in spite of. In-spite-of love cannot fail to make a lasting impact.

The Memorial

  • Jesus died for us as individuals
  • It is the forgiveness of sins, my sins.
  • People need frequent reminders
  • We soon forget what is important.
  • The activities of life so easily distract us and we so quickly lose our convictions.

2009-08-22 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 4)
Women want to be fought for
She wants to be wanted
She wants to be pursued
Knight n shinning armor – core of the feminine heart and the life she knows she was made for
She wants an adventure to share – part of the adventure
She wants to be caught up into something greater than herself
Every woman wants to have her beauty revealed
“Do you see me?” “And are you captivated by what you see?”
World kills woman’s heart – be tough, efficient, and independent
No one is fighting for her (no adventure to swept up in) – doubts very much that she any beauty to unveil.

Man must know he is powerful and know what it takes
Woman must know she is beautiful and she is worth fighting for

2009-08-26 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 2)
God’s relationship with us is risky
We are unpredictable; there is the likelihood to get hurt (ultimate risk anyone ever takes is to love)
God give love all the time (and gets hurt all the time)

Music, wine, poetry, sunset – all his inventions
God is romantic at heart
Heart of man is drawn from God – strong and courageous love
Have you noticed the most often word used with boys is 'don’t' –God’s design 'Yes'
Sexes show different sides of God’s heart
Heart of a woman – deep hearted, seductive more than fierce
Wants to be loved
Why don’t you choose Me?
'Seek and you will find me…with all of your heart' – Jeremiah 29:13
God wants to be wanted
Why does God does not answer prayer right away? – he wants us to talk to him
God has beauty to be unveiled
Each stage of creation is better than before
All Adam can say is “WOW”

Women wants he beauty unveiled
Do you delight in me?
God wants to be worshiped

2009-09-04 - Wild at Heart - Fathers wound
Divorce and abandonment - believes if they would have done better than daddy would have stayed
Father’s silence - men become passive, doubt they are a man

Most men who are living in falsehood have this kind of wound - arrows are deep and produces:
  • Perfectionism
  • Nice guys - pushovers
  • Violent
  • Passive

Can not marry because they are uncertain of themselves
Drifting, deeply insecure, and loaded with-hatred

2009-09-12 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 3)
Waling away from the false, we will feel vulnerable and exposed
Tempted to turn to our comforters for relief
Stop looking for women to validate you

Passive men tiptoe around their wife for years, never wanting to rock the boat
Violent men release anger on her

Some dating men make her the sun of their universe but man needs a bigger obit than that
He needs something to invite her into
Many men do not offer her strength, but do drink from her beauty and are unable to commit

2009-09-22 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 3)
Walk right into those situations you normally run from
Speak right to the issues normally remain silent over
If you want to grow in masculine strength, then stop sabotaging yours.

Being wronged and saying that is OK, but furious inside
This will push your strength down and eventually you will believe you do not have any.
When you deny your anger, it turns to fear
Sabotage also happens when we give our strength away
Taking a bribe, refusing to confront an issue, sexual sin
Sexual struggle is sin and a battle for his strength

Start choosing to live out your strength and you’ll discover that it grows each time
Stand your ground and begin to taste your true strength and you’ll want more
Our strength is will and fierce and we are more than unsettled by what may happen if we let it arrive
“I’m afraid I will do something bad if I let all this show up” – You will do something bad if you don’t
Man’s addictions are a result of his refusing his strength
Let people feel the weight of who you are and let them deal with it

2009-09-24 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 5)
Not every thought that crosses your mind comes from you
  • Where are those ideas coming from?
  • Where are those feelings coming from?
  • We are unaware of his schemes – 2 Corinthians 2:11
  • We look for a psychological or a physical explanation for every trouble we meet

Who caused the Chaldeans to steal Job’s herds – Satan Job 12,17
Anaias and Sapphira – Satan
Heartache keeps us from praying
Satan is behind that brutal assault on your on strength
There is a whole lot more going on behind the scenes of our lives than most of us have been led to believe

Behind the world and the flesh is an event more deadly enemy, one we rarely speak of and are even less ready to resist

2009-09-29 - One Another - Differences (part 2)

Conviction and Acceptance

How we blend conviction with an equally deep level of acceptance?

We need to understand that some convictions can be disputable matters
Paul does not get into a discussion what is right and wrong

Accept those whose faith is weak - Romans 14:1

Accept one another in order to bring praise to God - Romans 15:7

Example: It is OK to treat one day more special to worship God than another day - Romans 14:5-6

Even if the conviction is misguided - we sin if go against it

Great questions in these verses:

  • Who are you to judge some else's servant? - Romans 14:4
  • Why do you judge your brother? - Romans 14:10
  • Why do you look down on your brother? - Romans 14:10
On the day of judgment:
  • No "I'm right" or "Your wrong" on that day
  • Rightness will be perfectly obvious to all
Therefore lut us stop passing judgment on one another - Romans 14:13

2009-10-02 - One Another - Gifts
Nowhere in the NT does it tell us to "search" or "discover" what our gift is

Paul's teachings were directed toward how to use the gifts, not how to figure out what they are
To be focused on being part of the body

Romans 15:1-2 - bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves
  • We have an obligation to bear with others
  • We should seek to please our neighbor rather than ourselves - Romans 15:2-3
  • Pleasing = not satisfying a whim but helping other do well spiritually

2009-10-06 - One Another - Speaking the Truth in Love
Speaking the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

Really what admonishing and good couching is
Not speaking harshly or with anything other than their good in mind

Example of any area of life to talk about:
  • Brother not engaging in fellowship
  • Someone being insensitive or self-focused
  • Sister seem dominated by negative and critical attitudes
  • Someone overindulges in food or drink or something else
  • Someone too serious and unrelatable
You may or may not be the best person to help them

Input not to stand in judgment but help one another to be transformed

2009-10-12 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 5)
We don’t need accountability groups we need fellow warriors, someone to fight alone side, someone to watch our back

We don’t need a meeting of the Really Nice Guys

Never a more devoted group of men than those who have fought alongside one another

You will be wounded
To lose a leg is nothing compared to losing heart
Enemy knows the wounds of your past and he will try to wound you again in the same place
It is an honor to be wounded in the service of the Lord
Boys are proud of their scars, they are badges of honor
Kingdom forcefully advances and forceful men take hold of it - Matthew 11:12

Jesus says it is going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got

2009-10-15 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 1)
Man come to offer his strength, woman invites the man into herself
Requires courage and vulnerability and selflessness for both of them
Man must rise to the occasion, must move, women opens herself in stunning vulnerability
Man spills himself - sweet is the death
Life is created
When a man withholds himself from his woman, he leaves her without the life only he can bring
She is made for and craves words from him - Proverbs 18:21

If a man refuses to offer himself, then his wife will remain empty and barren
Silent man starves his wife
A man who leaves - he sacrifices them (wife and children) rather than for them
  • Maximus
  • William Wallace
  • Life of Joseph, husband of Mary – was heroism
Cost him his reputation

2009-10-16 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 2)
Cycle of a man is that he goes away from a woman to yet return to her after finding strength

Most men want the maiden without any sort of cost to themselves
Nature of pornography - Uses her to get a feeling that he a man (false)
Strength then came from an outside source rather than deep within

Self-center man angers the Lord - Genesis 38:7-10
What happens when we refuse to spend their strength on a women - Genesis 38:25-26

Pretty women endure abuse this abuse all the time
They learn to offer their bodies but never their souls
Many men marry for safety

Why don’t men offer what they have to their women?
  • We know in our guts that it won’t be good enough
  • No matter how much you pour into her she will never be filled
What happens?
  • Refuse to give what they have
  • Keep pouring and pouring until we feel like a failure

2009-10-17 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 3)
She needs God more than she needs you
You need him more than you need her

You do not love her to get a good grade, you love her because that is what you are made to do

Ruth: How does a good woman help her man to play the man? Arouse him to be a man
Boaz offers her some protection and some food, but what Ruth really want was a ring

Four options:
  1. Badger him - Why don’t you stand up and be a man?
  2. Whine about it - Hurry up and marry me!!
  3. Emasculate him - I thought you were a real man
  4. Inspire and energize him
Ask men what they would prefer

Will you fight for her?

Stop being a nice guy and act like a warrior
Pray for her like you never prayer for her before, OUT LOUD
Step between her and the forces of darkness

Not just once (some will do it 1,2, or 3 times)
Man can only be justified by the measure of his sacrifice

2009-10-19 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 2)
Most spend the energy of their lives trying to eliminate risk
Their children hear “no” far more than they hear “yes”
If a man succeeds in securing his life against all risk, he will wind up in a cocoon of self-protection and wonder why he is suffocating
Seizing upon some sort of competence and rejecting anything that cannot be controlled

This a refusal to trust God and reach out for control – runs deep in every man
False self’s desire is to have power over experience – to control events and consequences - Mark 8:36

Too may men forsake their dreams because they aren’t willing to risk or fear they aren’t up to the challenge or are never told that those desire of the heart are good

Soul of a man isn’t made for controlling things
His job is charter to explore, build, conquer, and care for all creation
If you had permission to do what you really wanted to do, what would you do?

"How" is a faithless question – How is God’s department… Ask "what"
What is written on your heart?
What make you come alive?
Don’t ask yourself what does the world need. Ask yourself what make you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive

I’ve met men who’ve used advice like it was permission
They are deceived about what they really want
Goal of Christian discipleship is the transformed heart
We move from boy who needs the Law to the man who is able to live by the Spirit of the Law
Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit then you won’t feed on compulsion or selfishness

2009-10-27 - Repentance - Illustrations (part 1)
  • Should we expect a man so deep in repentance to spend a better part of the morning grieving for his transgressions?
  • Scrooge facing in the right direction, forward

Gestalts Switch
  • German word for “the big picture”, seeing something differently even though all it parts remain the same
  • Like repentance – don’t repent of a list of sins, we repent of the whole rather than the parts
  • Tends to happen all at once, not in a series of small steps

2009-10-30 - Repentance - The Prophets (part 1)
Scriptures had become mere words to be studied and debated, rather than the practice of life

Prophets are positive and negative reinforcement
One needs not predict future events in order to serve as a prophet

Don’t evade the prophet that God, in his grace, sends you – seek their counsel
If God cannot help you repent through His word, then you will never repent – Luke 16:27-31

  • Return to God – Deuteronomy 30:2
  • Worship other Gods and you will perish - Deuteronomy 30:17-18

2009-11-02 - Repentance - The Prophets (part 4)
Prophets Transcend Public Opinion
  • The great love for surveys and polls
  • We can not repent if we do not know that we have drifted – It takes a prophet of God
  • See how different the prophets in your life live.
Prophets Target Leaders

Prophets Get to the Root to Produce Real Fruit
  • Metanoia happens internally, fruit happens externally
  • Sometimes we say, “You need to repent” – which may have meant “get it together” (a heart bypass)
  • Becomes “need to” instead of “want to”
  • It is easier to disciple the behavior than it is to address the mind and heart
  • Consider things above – instead of considering behavior, consider the kingdom of God
  • Metanoia is no technique; it’s an inside-out transformation
  1. How have you broken your covenant with God?
  2. Are scriptures sufficient for your repentance?
  3. Do you agree with the author’s assertions that repentance isn’t something we do in order to return to God, it is our return to Him? Why or Why not?
  4. How does fear play a positive role in our repentance?
  5. Do your standards for morality reflect a biblical standard or simply a modern one?
  6. Why do prophets go after the leaders of a society?
  7. How does metanoia differ from the fruit of metanoia? How does this distinction help you repent?

2009-11-04 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 2)
The Red Pill and the Blue Pill
  • Matrix – do you know what this is, Neo?
  • Feeling we have all had – there is something wrong with the world
  • Blue Pill – You wake up and you believe what you wan to the believe (Jewish leaders chose this one)
  • Red Pill – you are only offered truth
  • Without repentance, we will remain blinded
    • How could a kingdom transcend geographic boundaries?
    • How could a kingdom be within us?
    • What sort of kingdom has no capital, no government, no army, and no temple?
  • Longed for a tangible kingdom rather than a spiritual kingdom
The Kingdom of God is Here
  • Many Christians the kingdom of God as something the future holds
  • Some wish to avoid the kingdom commitment here on earth
  • Kingdom expect allegiance ahead of all others
  • Any real government expects this type of loyalty
The North Pole Kingdom Paradigm
  • King exerted seasonal influence
  • Three levels of subjects:
    • Disciples – treated him a Lord
    • Christians – little bit naughty, gave mainly to friends and family, on rear occasions to the poor
    • Unbelievers – little bit naughty, did not believe, not Hitler or other really bad people
  • Most indirectly believe in this theory of the world
  • If I abandon this paradigm, I would have to admit I am wrong.

2009-11-08 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 1)
We each have a worldview or mindset that functions as a life lens
World has been squeezing us into its mold – more than we realize

Peter’s mind
  • Thought of Jesus as a Messianic Champion
  • Thought Jesus would reveal himself in a fierce battle
  • “You are the Christ!”
  • All the right data
    • Witness the transfiguration – built shelters for Moses, Jesus, and Elijah – Jesus said Peter didn’t know what he was saying
    • Night of the betrayal – Peter said bring it on, he held on hope that 12 leagues of angels would come; drawn his sword to the guard
    • Peter joined the other disciples in Jerusalem – with “one mind” in prayer and purpose
The World around us persists in its big squeeze on us
Prepare your minds for action – 1 Peter 1:13-14
Space shuttle takes 2,250,000 pounds of fuel to escape the earth’s gravity
Only few pounds to remain in orbit – Christians are called more than just to orbit
Most trials produce greater faith – hospitalized child, illness, death, ministry turmoil, financial pressures
Ways to fight – devote time to prayer, read scripture, explore ways to encourage wife, get advice from elders, spend special time with the kids
Ways to not to – laziness, frustrate wife, neglect kids, feeling overwhelmed and under underappreciated, escape to the TV

2009-11-10 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 3)
Issue with Lust
  • Old Way: “Treat … younger women as sister, with absolute purity”
  • New Way: “…strength to comprehend with all the saint what is the breadth and length and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”
Difference: metanoia!
  • Understands that he a citizen of the kingdom of heaven
  • Jesus is Lord of the kingdom
  • Jesus delivered him into the kingdom through his blood
  • His sins placed him in Satan’s domain
  • Live gratefully for Jesus rather than self
  • Should anticipates the King’s glorious return
  • Want no one to perish
  • Should no fear man
  • Only agenda is God’s agenda

Apply spiritual disciplines with dramatically different results

How would Jesus think?
Once you see the world through God’s eyes your mind and heart become so transformed that you “automatically” respond to every situation differently

  1. What influences have shaped your worldview?
  2. How has the world tried to squeeze your mind into its mold?
  3. How can you resist – even reverse – this persistent pressure from the world?
  4. Why should you “gird the loins of your mind”?
  5. When and how did Saul/Paul repent?
  6. What is the difference between a fleshly mind and a spiritual mind?
  7. At a popular level, what is the difference between WWJD and WWJT?
  8. Why are spiritual disciplines more effective after one has experienced the paradigm shift of metanoia?

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