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2008-12-22 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 4)

Be consistent - put up a fence and leave it there

Parents must always be unified - never argue in fron of the kids - otherwise they will play you against each other

Make a definite plan - have a family meeting and talk about your expectations

Walk on the narrow/middle road of parenting - not child abuse; not a lack of discipline either

2008-12-27 - Raising Awesome Kids - Work Ethic and responsibility
Hard work and a sense of responsibility can be trained into a child
Laziness is a flaw

Sluggard finds nothing at harvest time - Proverbs 20:4
Sluggard says there is a lion road - Proverbs 26:13
Sluggard is a door on hinges - Proverbs 26:14

Stress loving hard work

School work is character issue
  • Are they giving their all?
  • Are they working hard?
Grade only is the wrong focus
Instead, make diligence and excellence the issue

It helps immensely if the oldest child is well trained

Give appropriate jobs and responsibilities around the house
  • Don't let your kids do all the work for other
  • Don't do all the work for them
  • Give allowances apportioned to age, responsibilities, and faithfulness in carrying them out

2008-12-28 - Raising Awesome Kids - Nurturing Confidence (part 1)
Early life is a long struggle for self-esteem
Kids can be viciously cruel to one another

If not watchful, we will be completely oblivious to difficulties our children are facing

Wrong Foundations of Confidence

Physical Appearance

If we make it a big deal, we are setting u our children for problems
They will gauge their self-worth on appearance and judge others that same way
  • What happens when there is someone else better lookig?
  • What if their suffer a disfiguring injury?
  • What happens when they get older?
To build confidence on a solid foundation:
  • Give God credit for every gift God has given your child including appearance
  • Teach them continually about this - gives them a humble appreciation
  • Teach them the value of what is inside
Lord does not look at the things that man looks at - 1 Samuel 16:7

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-05 - Raising Awesome Kids - Discipling Times
These are times set to spend alone time with your child to talk with them, teach them the Bible, and pray with them
Can begin as soon as your child can communicate fairly well

Never let discipling times become boring and burdensome duty
Try to go somewhere out of the house if possible
Try to have set hours

Select a topic and verse to share
Realize that there may be a different topic that need to be discuss depending on the situation
Compare notes with your spouse

Read verses together > Talk about them > Take action > Share with the rest of the family

These are incredible times to draw your children closer to God and you

2009-01-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Family Devotionals

Family worship is an abolute must if we are to build a spiritual household
It is a time for the entire family gathers to sing, pray, study the Bible, draw near to one another and worship God

Two or three come together in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:19-20

Shouldn't be anything but a boring or irrelevant hour
Should be dynamic, fun, down-to-earth, and creative

Plan devotionals with your spouse - select relevant to the current needs
Time to confront sometimes but mainly to teach, train, and inspire

Last about 45 mins
10-20 of singing - various selections
The lesson with plenty of discussion
Acting out the Bible and role-playing
Close out with prayer

2009-01-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Evangelistic Lifestyle
Something the whole family should think about constantly
Each child has a role in reaching another family

Too many of us separate our families from our outreach to others
Our families are the brightest light that God can use to illuminate a dark world

  • Have people into your home
  • Draw people into your family life
  • When they see what there is - teach them where it comes from

2009-01-10 - Raising Awesome Kids - Close Family
Is there any place where our weaknesses are exposed more than in our own homes?

Most families are not that close
Many families merely exist together without any deep love or enjoyment of one another

  • Cain and Abel - murder by his own brother
  • Jacob and his twin brother Esau - folly from their parents' favoritism
  • Jacob's sons turning against their younger brother Joseph
  • Family of David - torn apart by lust, rape, incest, murder
God is showing us what will happen if we are disunited

Four keys to having a close family:
  1. Respect
  2. Openness
  3. Fabric
  4. Atmosphere

2009-01-14 - Raising Awesome Kids - Fabric

Refers to the building a structure and rhythm into our famiy schedule
Times when the whole group gets together

Everyone is there for dinner - someone is missing, there is a very good reason
Talk about significant things that happened during the day
It is the simple things that build fabric

Stop letting people read the paper, watch TV or do homework during dinner
Disallow running off to different rooms
Stop making appointment that take you away
Allow no phone calls
Make dinnertime an event - work hard to keep it special

Create family traditions - do things that uniquel to our family
Make birthdays a big deal - does not have to be expensive

2009-01-20 - Jesus with People - Harassed and Helpless

Jesus was always able to look beyond people's outward behavior to the need within

How does a person who is harassed and helpless behave?

  • Some irritation
  • Little mistrusting

He saw beyond the paralytic's phyiscal condition to his need for forgiveness - Mark 2:5
He saw the invaild's need for hope at the poolside - John 5:6

When we see a crowd who is harassed and helpless we see - problems, problems, problems
When Jesus sees a crowd who is harassed and helpless he sees - harvest, harvest, harvest

Wiser to evangelize the "suburbs" because there are less "problem" people - NNNNOOOO!!!!
Jesus was not swayed by this thinking

Jesus saw the potential in people, not the problems - why see inspired such change

People need a shephard and Jesus responded and raised up other shephards - Matthew 9:38-10:4
Compassion is passion that leads to action

Are you meeting needs or do you alwaysfind yourself reacting to the way people treat you?
Make a list of needs you see where you are - make a plan to meet those needs

2009-01-21 - Jesus with People - Going Deeper

We want to be know but we keep a safe distance
Jesus has X-ray vision to our hear and see right our heart

John 4:39 - Samaritan women:

  • She was minding her own business
  • Ran into Jesus and was never the same
  • Will you give me a drink he asked - the fact that he (a Jew) spoke to her told her (a Samaritan) that there was some very different about Jesus
  • Whoever drinks from living water will never thirst again - John 4:13-14
  • He confronted her sin and help her see the emptiness of her life
  • He wanteed her to see who she was without God
  • Due to her discomfort, the woman tried to change to subject
  • Jesus skillfully drove out her fears with his love -  brought her back to the conversation of life
  • She shared with others

We too can be afraid of seeing who we really are
When we opened up and were forgiven,  we couldn't wait to tell other either

To set people free, we must be like Jesus:

  • Relate to them in deep ways
  • Not studying the Bible superficially - not helping them see who they are without God
  • Ask the difficult questions
  • Expose sin so they will see their deepest need for Jesus

Jesus' love and acceptance allowed the woman/us to be real and to change

2009-01-26 - Jesus with People - Nic at Night

Some people's needs could be quickly dealt with: "Heal my blindness" or "Let me just touch your garment"

But not Nicodemus, Jesus knew it would be a long night - John 3:1-3

Nicodemus, was a man looking for something:

  • Groun up learning about God
  • Surrounded by a system caught up in traditions
  • Knew the Bible stories
  • Very active in the Jewish faith
  • Jesus capured his attention by his teachings and his works
  • Felt that there was something missing

Could this be right? Could Jesus be the Messiah?

Jesus was straight to the point: I tell you the truth, you must be born again - John 3:3
He needed a wake up call - Same lesson we need today - we need a new birth
He was part a system of legalism  (following rules with seeking the heart of God)
People trying to earn what God desired to just give them

Nicodemus knew he could get time with Jesus and he did
He receieved the answer and Jesus taught him the depth of God's love

Who was intrumental in answering your questions and healping you see the truth?
What sacrifices do you see that they made for you?
Are you doing the same for others?

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-03-08 - Promises of God - Lord of Physical Challenges
Psalms 91:9-11 - God will protect us and guard you in all your ways

We do not see the refuge that God is or the trouble from which he has saved us - we can become bitter

He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us

In what areas of your life are you most thankful for this promise?

2009-03-10 - Promises of God - God is Merciful
God is merciful - Deuteronomy 4:29-31

Even when you have sinned greatly and even when you think - This time I have really blown it
God promises if from there you seek him, even from a deep dark hole of shame, disappointment and failure - you will find him
Must be with all of your heart

We are not the best judge for our own repentance
Our loved should know and should be asked

It is from the deepest darkest hole that that God promises are the most truest

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you - Deuteronomy 4:31

2009-03-11 - Promises of God - I Will Sustain You
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he who will sustain you - Isaiah 46:3-4

God has promised that whatever life brings, he will be faithful with us to the very end

He was telling the Jewish nation that he was there at the beginning and he will be with them all the way through

He remains faithful to them whatever the circumstances

2009-03-14 - Promises of God - Not tempted Beyond What You Can Bear
He will not let be tempted beyond what yo can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13

God has not promised that we will not be tempted - James 1:13-15

No situation will ever be too difficult. God simply will not allow it.
There is never an excuse for sin.

Jesus is our ultimate example
He himself suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted - Hebrews 2:18

2009-03-17 - Promises of God - Encouragement From Disciples

Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture, prayer, and he called others for encouragement from others

He deliberately sought out support and encouragement from his 3 closest friends
He also expressed his disappointment at their failure to help

We desperately need relationships for encouragement EVERY day - Hebrews 3:12-13
Tempatation comes every day

There is no excuse in an age of modern technology for getting in touch

2009-03-21 - Promises of God - Formidable Foe
We have a common enemy that must be overcome

Described as:
  • the accuser
  • the adversary
  • the enemy
  • an evil spirit
  • the father of lies
  • a murderer
  • the power of darkness
  • the prince of this world
  • the ruler of darkness
  • the spirit that in the children of disobedience
  • the temper
  • the god of this work
  • the wicked one
He snatches away the planted Word from people's hearts - Matthew 13:19
He blinds the minds of individuals - 2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan takes people captive - 2 Timothy 2:26

But there is one greater...

2009-03-23 - Promises of God - Run to God's Word
Like sin, the very nature of weariness is hostile to radical change

Running is the last thing I feel like doing with I lethargic and tired - but it is exactly what I need to do

Our spirits often resist the Word when we need it the most.

There is power in the Word and it can revive us over and over again
I lie prone in the dust; revive me according to your - Psalms 119:25

2009-03-24 - Promises of God - Remember Gods Heros
Scriptures have many examples of those who were tested, humbled, exiled or disciplined by God:
  • Abraham's desert wanderings
  • Moses' shameful flight to Midian
  • Jacob's marital woes
  • Hannah's years of barrenness
  • Ruth's widowness and loneliness
  • David's years as a fugitive
May have felt that life pasted them by and God's blessing were seemingly withheld

There was far greater blessing in store for them in God's own time

2009-04-10 - Promises of God - How We Are to Give?
Do not give as the world gives - John 14:27

Give to :
  • Whomever asks
  • Whenever we are asked
  • Freely and from the heart
  • Expect nothing in return
  • Anonymously
How does one give graciously? Death to world passions and desires; Cannot freely give that you are convinced is essential for your personal goals and ambitions

Fear may cause questions:
  • What if someone takes advantage of me?
  • Will there be anything left for me?
  • What if I do not get anything in return?
  • What possible difference can I make?
Comes back to our faith in the providence of God

2009-04-25 - Why We Need Jesus - He Reconciles Us to God
  1. There is but one mediator between God and man - 1 Timothy 2:5
  2. God sent Christ to reconcile sinful man back to Him - 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
  3. This God did this by offering Christ as the sacrifice  for our sins - 1 John 4:9-10
  4. We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins - Ephesians 1:7
  5. Jesus is the only way to God - John 14:6

2009-04-29 - No one like him - Who did he think he was?
Christianity built on the identification of Jesus
Not like any other prophet, priest, or preacher
Adolf Hitler – consider one of the worst tyrant in history
There were others that were close to him (Stalin…)
Jesus – there are no one comes close
Most scholars can not deny that Jesus lived
First Century movement that was started by those who saw him first hand

How Jesus viewed himself:
  • Not only one to be called to preach - ...“so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” - Mark 1:38
  • “Only in his hometown…is a prophet without honor” - Mark 6:1-5

2009-06-02 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 1)
Disciples were confused with ups and downs of the week (Joyous entrance into Jerusalem then the cross)

Without the resurrection there would be no church or New Testament; disciples would have disbanded and movement would have ended

The resurrection gave them courage to preach the resurrection: Acts 1:22; 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:2,10, 33; 5:30

Must be together – cross and resurrection

Cross only – a tragedy; Resurrection only – just another miracle

Changed the disciples lives forever

2009-06-11 - One Another - Correction Needed

There were a lot of relationship issues that needed to be corrected in first book of Corinthians:

  1. They were divided into cliquish groups - Chapter 1-3
  2. Became arrogant in their relationship with Paul - 1 Corinthians 4:18-19
  3. Lawsuits with each other - Chapter 6
  4. Left their spouses just because they were not Christians - Chapter 7
  5. Offending other's conscience - Chapter 8
  6. Acted insensitively toward the poorer members - Chapter 11
  7. Who had the greatest gift (selfish competition) - Chapter 12-14


2009-06-13 - A Life of Impact - Preparation


Mark 1:12-13

  • Jesus overcame himself first so that he could then overcome the world
  • Considered it a joy when you face many trials
  • The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare

The Message

Mark 1:14-15

  • His message was attractive – proclaimed that an intimate involvement with God
  • 'Seize the day' attitude – it was an urgent message and he called for an immediate response
  • We must be urgent with people if we want them to act urgently
  • This may be there only opportunity to respond.

2009-06-18 - A Life of Impact - Compassion


Mark 1:40-45

  • He did not minister from a safe distance.
  • We can have a powerful and lasting impact on someone else if we willing to go deep.
  • There was no room left in Jesus for fear, disgust, or apprehension.
  • His emotional state was righteous because he did not hesitate to reachout and touch the diseased man.
  • How many of us reach out and pull back abruptly because of fear of personal rejection?


  • Jesus foresaw His popular curtailing His ability to spread His word.
  • People interested in personal glory don’t usually get very far in enlisting others in their cause.

2009-06-27 - A Life of Impact - Storyteller and Chastening


Mark 4:1-12

  • We can teach and communicate our ideas more effectively by using illustration
  • Trinity – like water (solid, liquid, gas)
  • Hidden meaning is intended to pique the attention of the curiosity of the listener


Mark 4:13

  • Sometimes there are stupid questions
  • Some are too hard of people but most are too soft and unwilling to hurt people’s feelings

2009-07-14 - A Life of Impact - Caterer and Delegator


Mark 8:1-10

  • He had no warm-up band, laser light show, not even a sound system
  • He was dynamic and charismatic.
  • The crowd was not there for his benefit; he was there for the benefit of the crowd.
  • He wasn’t performing but serving.


  • The art of delegation is essential in order to free a leader’s time to do more important tasks.
  • Do not mean dumping unwanted chores.
  • Effective delegation: communication of expectations, thoughtful assessment, performance, and constructive criticism.

2009-07-19 - A Life of Impact - Timing


Mark 8:31-33

  • He did not reveal things prematurely.
  • There is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man’s misery weighs heavily upon him. – Ecc 8:6


  • Peter and the other disciples knew that they could say anything to Jesus and he would continue to accept them.
  • A leader must be approachable.
  • Approachability is not the product of timidity.
  • People won’t open up to someone they perceive as being weak and unable to help them.
  • Approachability is the fruit of those who have the ability to listen completely before responding.
  • Confidentiality: Public offenses demand public discipline. (What goes around comes around)

2009-07-29 - A Life of Impact - Leading the way
Leading the way

Mark 10:32-34
  • Known as the Jesus cult.
  • They spent night and day with His disciple and they were always astonished.
  • Some people astonish us when we first meet them but after getting to know them we grow accustomed to their usual actions. 
Attitude of a Servant

Mark 10:35-40
  • James and John expected to pull this one over on Jesus
  • He didn’t correct them for being manipulative or disrespectful
Servant Leadership

Mark 10:41-45
  • There is a great difference between lording leadership and servant leadership.
  • It is hard to see politicians as servant leaders.

2009-08-01 - A Life of Impact - Anger

Mark 11:11-19
  • He was furious about the fruitfulness of another “tree” that he had planted, watered, weeded, fertilized.
  • Jesus cleared the temple at the beginning of His ministry and also here at the end of His of His ministry
  • There was no fear of God.
  • Jesus knew the right place and the right time the do the things needed.
  • He was disciplined and self-controlled for just the right time.
  • What made Jesus angry was the stubborn refusal of most to change.
  • A willingness to change is a precious and seemingly rare behavioral characteristic.
  • Become exceedingly insecure and defensive when we are awakened to the existence of personal deficiencies.
  • We must also get angry about obstinacy in our own lives and other people’s lives.
  • Why didn’t anyone try to stop Jesus as he was taking over the temple? (Only one person and many of them)
  • They knew that they were in the wrong.
  • Teachers of the law and chief priests feared Jesus
  • If people consider you a “nice guy” and are not in awe of you, you probably won’t have much impact.

2009-08-20 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 2)
Deep within man there are some fundamental questions
    Who am I?
    What am I made of?
    What am I destined for?

Today’s man
    Endless hours at the computer
    Requires man to be efficient and punctual
    Is this what boys dream of?
    Where are the real men?
    Did you ever dream of being a nice guy?

We are told we don’t know how to:
    Keep our promises
    Talk to our wives
    Raise our children

Some women want passive men
    Wonder why they have no access to their heart

God made the masculine heart – Come live out what I meant you to be
    He does not make generic people – man/women

2009-08-24 - Wild at Heart - A battle to fight
Christ draws the enemy out, exposes him for what he is, shames him in front of everyone
Nice guy? Egyptians – plagues … Samson – killed a lion with bear hands, stripped thirty
Philistines, killed 1,000 men
Every man is from a victorious stock
He is an original

Who are you?
Are you bored by him?
What impact does he have on others?

Are you too nice?
Jesus was one with out fear – Did not shrink back but faced things head on - John 18:4-8
Jesus was no paled faced alter boy
He commanded the loyalty of dockworkers
Will return on a white horse
There is something fierce in the heart of God

2009-08-26 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 2)
God’s relationship with us is risky
We are unpredictable; there is the likelihood to get hurt (ultimate risk anyone ever takes is to love)
God give love all the time (and gets hurt all the time)

Music, wine, poetry, sunset – all his inventions
God is romantic at heart
Heart of man is drawn from God – strong and courageous love
Have you noticed the most often word used with boys is 'don’t' –God’s design 'Yes'
Sexes show different sides of God’s heart
Heart of a woman – deep hearted, seductive more than fierce
Wants to be loved
Why don’t you choose Me?
'Seek and you will find me…with all of your heart' – Jeremiah 29:13
God wants to be wanted
Why does God does not answer prayer right away? – he wants us to talk to him
God has beauty to be unveiled
Each stage of creation is better than before
All Adam can say is “WOW”

Women wants he beauty unveiled
Do you delight in me?
God wants to be worshiped

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-08-29 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 3)
What is a man for?

Why does God create Adam?
Desire reveals design – our design reveal
God command to Adam – rule, subdue, be fruitful and multiply
Explore, build, and conquer – take risk and danger (the catch)
Something hinders us from living to the level of risk God invites us to
God has a enemy and so do we
There are many, many battles to fight on many different battlefields

Before Eve is drawn from Adam’s side and leaved that ache that never goes away until he is with her.
God does not tell Adam what he has done.
No warning or instructions – temptation of eve

God believes in Adam – he does not need a play-by-play book – this is what Adam is for

Hebrew word “with her” – means elbow to elbow
Adam was watching the whole thing unravel
What does he do? Nothing
He won’t risk, he won’t fight, he won’t rescue Eve

2009-09-01 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 1)
There comes a time when we simply have to face the challenges in our lives and stop backing down Men rarely praise each other directly - by way of accomplishments (“you are a wild man”, “what is up stud”

The question – Do I have what it takes? Am I powerful? Until a man knows he’s a man he will forever be trying to prove he is one, while at the same time shrink from anything that might reveal he is not

Boy learns who is he and what he’s got from a man
  • can not learn it from any other place
  • can not learn it from other boys
  • can not learn it from women

2009-09-02 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 2)
Adam receives his name from God
Abraham names Issac
Jesus needed to hear those words

God renames Jacob and Paul

Racheal names son “son of my sorrow”. Jacob renames him “son of my right hand”
It took intervention by the man, it always does

A boy is brought into the world by his mother
There comes a time for the shift when he begins to seek out his father’s affection – Hard for a mother

Dad coming home is biggest event in a boy’s day
Women try to fill void that an absent father has left
Father calls his son “tiger”

Turns to mom for comfort and dad for adventure
If a mother will not allow her son to become dangerous, if she does not let the father take him away, she will emasculate him.

2009-09-06 - Wild at Heart - Battle for a mans heart (part 2)
Boys are in plentiful supply, but it seems fewer and fewer men

Two reasons
  • We do not know how to initiate boys into men
  • We are not sure we really want to
  • slavery stopped
  • Nazis were stopped
  • Who gave up their seats on the Titanic?
Men are being taken out left and right
They have lost heart
Becoming a Christian is like being called to the front lines

Wounds are far too consistent to be accidental
Do you know why there’s been such an assault?

2009-09-08 - Wild at Heart - The fathers voice (part 1)
A man needs to know his name - He needs to know he has got what It takes
Can not know who we are until we know God
Adam knew Eve intimately - this how we need to know God.

Deep knowledge comes from a process of initiation. You have to know where you come from.
Some try to get their identity from others – girlfriend/wife, friends, job, and hobbies
Who can we turn to for this need?

God could take him on that journey, provide what is missing

Who will give your name and mean something? God!
There is a terrible assault

Adam was created for adventure and battles; he created us for a unique place in his history
Abram becomes Abraham, Jacob becomes Israel, and Saul becomes Paul

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-09-16 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 2)
David, THE WARRIOR, writes
  • My strength – Psalms 18:1
  • Come quickly to help me – Psalms 22:19
  • I watch you, my loving God – Psalms 59:9
Like there is a boy inside
The father treats like his son
  • There is not shame that you need healing
  • No shame to another for strength
  • No shame to feel young and afraid inside
  • It’s not your fault
We bury our wounds deep within our hearts
False self is an elaborate defense against entering our wounded heart – chosen blindness

2009-09-17 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 3)
Wound unfelt is wound unhealed
Door may be your anger – perhaps from a girl, failure
The way to God is stopping the false self
It may a simple prayer – Jesus, take me into my wound

Jesus never seems to heal the same way twice
There are no formulas with God
Insists on working personally
Masculinity is bestowed by masculinity
Healing never happens outside of intimacy with Christ

It begins with surrender; until you have given yourself to him you will not have a real self
…to set you free – What? Your heart
So take him at his word – ask him in to heal all the broken places within you
But you can’t do this at a distance

I simply allow myself to say that the loss of my father mattered
Important for us to grieve our wound
Grieving we admit the truth, we hurt by someone we loved
Few men are ever so vulnerable as to simply let themselves be loved by God
Why don’t you just let God love you?
The imitate union with Jesus and with his Father is the source of all healing and all our strength
Unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others – Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15
Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you.

2009-09-20 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 1)
Any castles? Any great battles? Are there any great dragons? A man needs a battle to fight
Early death of a man’s warriors keeps the boy in him from growing up
If we can reawaken that fierce quality in a man – higher purpose, release the warrior within, then the boy can grow up
and become truly masculine
Every man is a warrior inside but the choice to fight is his own
A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family.
He must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death – in the fabric of our being
That is why God created you.
Your whole life is in preparation for
The lie from the enemy is that your role is insignificant
No other man can replace you
You are the hero in your own story - the main man

A warrior has a vision
Root of all our woes and false self was this: We are seeking to save our life and we lost it
“Who ever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it” – Mark 8:35
For years all my daily energy was spent trying to beat the trails in my life and arrange for a little pleasure.
Mercenary fights for pay, for his own benefit, his life is devoted to himself

2009-09-21 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 2)
A warrior is cunning.
When to fight and when to run
Three enemies:
  1. world
  2. flesh
  3. devil
We don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success
We want the easy way out
Your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you.

Paul knew the struggle within – my sin is not me – this not my true heart - Romans 7
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you - Ezekiel 36:26
There is a war within us, but it is a civil war. There is a traitor within who wars against our true heart fighting alongside the Spirit of God
The real you is on the side of God against the false self.
The man who wants to live valiantly will lose heart quickly if he believes that his heart is nothing but sin
We are never told to crucify our heart
We are never told to kill the true man with in us
Never told to get rid of those deep desires for battle and adventure and beauty

2009-09-24 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 5)
Not every thought that crosses your mind comes from you
  • Where are those ideas coming from?
  • Where are those feelings coming from?
  • We are unaware of his schemes – 2 Corinthians 2:11
  • We look for a psychological or a physical explanation for every trouble we meet

Who caused the Chaldeans to steal Job’s herds – Satan Job 12,17
Anaias and Sapphira – Satan
Heartache keeps us from praying
Satan is behind that brutal assault on your on strength
There is a whole lot more going on behind the scenes of our lives than most of us have been led to believe

Behind the world and the flesh is an event more deadly enemy, one we rarely speak of and are even less ready to resist

2009-09-29 - One Another - Differences (part 2)

Conviction and Acceptance

How we blend conviction with an equally deep level of acceptance?

We need to understand that some convictions can be disputable matters
Paul does not get into a discussion what is right and wrong

Accept those whose faith is weak - Romans 14:1

Accept one another in order to bring praise to God - Romans 15:7

Example: It is OK to treat one day more special to worship God than another day - Romans 14:5-6

Even if the conviction is misguided - we sin if go against it

Great questions in these verses:

  • Who are you to judge some else's servant? - Romans 14:4
  • Why do you judge your brother? - Romans 14:10
  • Why do you look down on your brother? - Romans 14:10
On the day of judgment:
  • No "I'm right" or "Your wrong" on that day
  • Rightness will be perfectly obvious to all
Therefore lut us stop passing judgment on one another - Romans 14:13

2009-10-09 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 2)
Satan uses propaganda

He is the “accuser” - Revelation 12:10
Christ was attacked - “If you are the son of God” - prove it - Luke 4:1-13

So long as a man remains no real treat to the Enemy – You are fine
After you take sides - Your heart is bad and you know it

He looks for weaknesses
Throws a thought or temptation that he hopes we will swallow
If I thought this was just me, my heart, I’d be very discouraged.
Knowing that my heart is good allowed me to block it, right then and there
Think of how lust starts .. “I am not here it is all you.”

Any hand to hand combat, there are blows, dodges, blocks, and counterattacks
How did Christ handle Satan? - he did not get into an argument with him
He simply stood on the truth
Satan doesn’t just throw a thought but feelings as well
Guard your heart

2009-10-20 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 3)
We pay attention to our desire. Often the clues are in our past, in the moments when we found ourselves loving what we were doing

To recover his heart’s desire a man needs to get away
When a man thinks that what will really make him come alive is something unholy – ask what is the desire beneath this desire?

The greatest obstacle to realizing our dreams is the false self’s hatred of mystery

Most important aspects of any man’s world – his relationship with his God and with the people in his life, his calling, the spiritual battles he’ll face
To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways

There are no formulas with God
God is a person and not a doctrine

Joshua blowing trumpets for a week – only did it once
Gideon’s plan of attack 32000 to 300 and torches and water pots
Jesus healing not the same way twice

2009-10-24 - Repentance - What It Is (part 1)
What is repentance?

Repentance is the first word of the gospel

Na,,ham = most often used of God’s repentance
Shu, b = a physical turning or returning of an object
epostrepho = a Greek work similar to Shu, b

metanoia = used as the first word in the gospel (change in mind and attitude)
  • meta = after, change, implies there was a before
  • noia = denotes the faculty of physical and intellectual perception, then also the power to arrive at moral judgments

“he came to his senses” – Luke 15:17
“he opened their minds” – Luke 24:45
“open their eyes” – Acts 26:18
“set their minds on things above” – Romans 8:5

2009-11-04 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 2)
The Red Pill and the Blue Pill
  • Matrix – do you know what this is, Neo?
  • Feeling we have all had – there is something wrong with the world
  • Blue Pill – You wake up and you believe what you wan to the believe (Jewish leaders chose this one)
  • Red Pill – you are only offered truth
  • Without repentance, we will remain blinded
    • How could a kingdom transcend geographic boundaries?
    • How could a kingdom be within us?
    • What sort of kingdom has no capital, no government, no army, and no temple?
  • Longed for a tangible kingdom rather than a spiritual kingdom
The Kingdom of God is Here
  • Many Christians the kingdom of God as something the future holds
  • Some wish to avoid the kingdom commitment here on earth
  • Kingdom expect allegiance ahead of all others
  • Any real government expects this type of loyalty
The North Pole Kingdom Paradigm
  • King exerted seasonal influence
  • Three levels of subjects:
    • Disciples – treated him a Lord
    • Christians – little bit naughty, gave mainly to friends and family, on rear occasions to the poor
    • Unbelievers – little bit naughty, did not believe, not Hitler or other really bad people
  • Most indirectly believe in this theory of the world
  • If I abandon this paradigm, I would have to admit I am wrong.

2009-11-11 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 1)
Sorrow does not equal repentance
Nothing is more tragic than losing your eternal reward through popular yet readily avoidable errors
Two great misconceptions

Confusion that sorrow is repentance
Humble prayers and our sorrow pleases God – still not repentance

World Sorrow is neither Godly Sorrow Nor repentance
Worldly sorrow brings death

Five signs of world sorrow (pride)

1. Damage Control
  • Many call press conferences to get there side of the story our first
  • Once guilt is found, party than give a “heart-felt” apology – sorrow for getting caught
  • Sin is destructive. It ruins relationships, reputation, peace of mind and personal integrity
2. Self-Pity
  • Some believe the abundance of tears is repentance
    • Forgiven women (forgiven)
    • Peter, Paul vs Cain (became angry)
    • Esau (wailed loudly)
    • Judas (deeply regretted)
  • All three shed tear but not one repented
  • Claiming to be a victim doesn’t make one a victim
  • Tears can be self-affirming to one with self-pity (can become more sinful)
  • Ones mostly likely to enable and least likely to help you

2009-11-12 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 2)
3. Excuses
  • Comes up with creative targets – upbringing, genetic makeup, society
  • Excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow
  • Excuses come right after the apology – I am sorry for forgetting our anniversary, it has been crazy at work
  • Where there is an excuse, there is persistent sin
  • Excuses rob us of the indignation that energizes our turn from self to Jesus
4. Selectivity
A repentant Christian embraces absolutions, even moral absolutes
5. Repetition
Repentance is no fragile state of mind that we barely notice entering and exiting
  1. What is wrong with defining repentance as “being sorry for your sins, so sorry that you stop them”?
  2. What is the root cause of worldly sorrow?
  3. In what ways have you exercised “damage control” rather than true repentance?
  4. What damage has your sin caused?
  5. Have you ever confused the tears of self pity for true repentance? What is the danger of this confusion?
  6. Why does the author assert that “excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow?” Would you rather have your excuses accepted or your sins forgiven?
  7. What’s the difference between cognitive dissonance and repentance? Why doesn’t cognitive dissonance prompt us to preach the good news to others?
  8. Have you been selective in your repentance? What does that indicate about your repentance?
  9. Why doesn’t metanoia accommodate the repetition of sin?

2009-11-14 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 2)
Aganaktesis – Indignation
Conducts a search-and-destroy mission for every potential excuse for sin
Jesus drove out those who were selling and buying in the temple courts
Much easier to express indignation at some else’s sin or some points out our sin versus our own
Phobos – Alarming Fear
Although God hates sin and not the sinner – still it is the sinner that goes to hell
Nothing focuses the mind like real fear
Epipothesis – Longing
Through fear, we recognize that sin alienates us from God
We long to restore our fellowship with God
Without the acknowledgement of separation, there is no cause for longing
Fear sounds the alarm, but longing sets the course
No sin can stand against a soul who longs to return to God

2009-11-17 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 1)
There is no church without repentance
There is no repentance without the church.

How did the early church help seeker to repent?
Aligning themselves to the new community
The church, by definition, is counter-culture
World says, “Conform, get back in line”
Church says, “Repent, come out be different”

What do we think of when we think of counter-culture? Skinheads, etc
Not rebellion for the sake of rebellion but for selfless-love, sexual purity, generosity, purposeful living, revolutionary zeal,
humility, joy beyond understanding

The world hate holiness – hates holy saints

Practice largely disappeared during the second half of the century
We live in the customer’s always right culture
Not expelling members but the church meets my needs, what feels right, sin/repentance not your business

2009-11-21 - Repentance - Its Time To Go Home (part 3)
There is no perfect repentance, but wholehearted repentance
David – search me (Psalms 139)

Spirit’s conviction
Good – overcome blinding pride
Bad – Satan will try to stop you

Sometimes easier to see our sin than think about loved ones salvation (passed away)
What would they want you to do?

  1. How can you make the same journey as David – from repulsive to repentant?
  2. How does repentance differ between the lost turning to God and the saved re-turning to Him? How is it the same?
  3. How do qualify for God’s love and grace (see page 201)?
  4. If you have not yet repented, why are you without excuse before God?
  5. What will specifically change in your life when you proclaim, “Jesus is Lord!”?
  6. If you have repented, have you also been forgiven of your sins – if not, what are you waiting for (see Acts 22:16)?
  7. What can make post-baptismal repentance more difficult than your initial repentance?
  8. What role does shame play in obstructing your repentance?
  9. What is fellowship in the light vs. fellowship in the darkness? Which have you most often experienced in your church?
  10. Finally, to the “confused”: take time to consider and answer the questions on pages 207 and 208. How can you thwart Satan’s attempts to undermine your path to true repentance?
  11. Who can you encourage today with the good news of your repentance?
  12. Who can you reach for Jesus by “telling how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5: 19)?

2009-11-29 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 2)
  • Consequences for not following up
    • The other choice is for the convert to find solutions to innumerable problems in on their own
    • Haphazard follow-up could mean disaster for their faith
    • Fall ways - come about more often be not getting with them enough
    • There is not substitute for getting with people
  • No such thing as assembly line discipleship
  • You must be a personal guardian to those you lead.
  • It is your job to:
    • Stay with them as much as possible
    • Study the Bible and pray together
    • Answer their questions
    • Clarify the truth
    • Seeking together to help others
  • If it took three years to develop His disciples by getting with them, how much more should we get together with those that have not physically have seen Jesus? How much longer will it take (not seeing them all the time)?

2009-12-08 - Master Plan - Demonstration (part 2)
  • There were many situations and many types of people
    • Rich and poor
    • Healthy and sick
    • Friend and Foe
  • No chalk board outline or “Do It Yourself” Manual
  • Jesus made sure they didn’t miss in understanding
    • Ask what the parables meant – Luke 8:9
    • Seem to spend more time explaining than the initial interaction lesson
    • Applied lesson to their lives – Mark 10:24-31
  • Jesus did not ask anything that He was not doing Himself
  • Class was always in session – every waking moment of everyday
    • People are looking for demonstration not explanation
    • Only way to train men is to live by example
    • Not shrinking back or evading our personal responsibility
    • Mere knowledge is not enough
    • Knowledge unapplied to living can become a stumbling stone for further truth
    • Jesus saw to it that they applied the truth in their life

2009-12-12 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 1)
He kept check on them
  • His teaching rotated between instruction and assignment
  • Questions, illustrations, warnings, and admonitions were calculated to fill His work to evangelize the world.
  • When the disciples were sent out they gathered themselves to see what things had been done
    • They were expected to share their experiences
    • Previous mission there was no mention of any spectacular success
    • They gain additional experience
    • Jesus cautioned the disciples against pride in their accomplishments
  • Demon-possessed boy – lesson on how they needed more prayer and fasting
  • Loaves and fish – lesson on faith they God will provide
  • Lessons of patience
    • Danger of discouraging any sincere work - “Those who are not against you are for you” - Mark 9:50
    • Do little the little one stumble - Mark 9:42
    • Encounter resistance - Call down fire from heaven - Luke 9:51-54
    • Jesus came to save not destroy - Luke 9:55

2009-12-13 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 2)
  • On the job training – let followers have experience or make some observations of their own
  • Gave them greater awareness of their deficiencies
  • Kept disciples going toward the goal He had set before them.
  • He did not expect more from His disciples than they could do
  • He did expect their best
  • We never assume the work is done. Ask lots of question / probe.
  • There are many things that can happen to frustrate, discouraged or defeated.
  • The goal is world conquest.
    • Never dare to let a lesser concern capture us.
    • No further training or inspiration needed.
    • Focus can easily be on us.
  • The ability of a worker is not developed if there is no supervision
  • Our little efforts can be a excuse for not doing more.
  • We can lose the advantage years of hard work and sacrifice.
  • Disciples must be brought to maturity
  • We have not been called to hold the fort but storm the heights.

2009-12-14 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 1)
He expected them to reproduce

  • Jesus built into the disciples the structure of the church; Mustard seed - Matthew 13:32
  • Jesus’ vision was for the church to be world-wide
  • The church would have many trials and battles but would never be overcome - Matthew 16:18
  • Peter finally realized what was going on - Matthew 16:18
  • Must see the direct relation:
    • Bearing witness to Christ
    • Ultimate Victory over the world
  • If the disciples did not evangelize, there would not be any Christians today.
  • “Through the Word” – Others would believe in Him too. - John 17:20
  • We must do what Jesus – He made disciples, we should walk as Jesus walked
  • He taught His disciples to reproduce
  • He had no other plan

2009-12-29 - First the Kingdom - Growing Meekness
Cultivating meekness is not some thing you do but a character change

Gentleness is a quality of meekness - Galatians 5:22

Meekness follows poverty of spirit and godly sorrow - there are no shortcuts

To stay meek you must confront sin and work through it

  1. Study the nature of God to develop more reverence before him'
  2. Study biblical passages on meekness
  3. Ask your closest relationships to help evaluate your humility
  4. Pray about what you see in the Bible about meekness
Do you want to be known as the meekest man?

Jesus was convicted about meekness

2009-12-30 - First the Kingdom - Starving without Him
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6

Jesus himself was the bread of Life - John 6:35
Gave Living water - John 4:10

He describes a relationship with him to be all-consuming
Just like going without food or water fir a prolonged period - there is little else we think about

As deer pants for water, my soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
How excited are you about getting time to be with God every day?

For deep conviction about loving the Word - Psalms 119
Without the sense of duty, he was overjoyed at the privilege of being able to commune with heart of the Creator

Hunger for the Word develops obedience which helps with understanding of God heart to help and server others

2010-01-08 - Kingdom First - Light Gives Direction
You are the light of the world - Matthew 5:14-16

Without light we do not know where to walk
Don't know when to turn or how to reach our destination

God provided the direction for the Israelites when the left Egypt
Wise men were guided by light to find the Savior of the world

Your willingness to give help provides direction and light most do not have

Purity and integrity can shake the business world
Faith and joy in the face of trials can show others with God there is a way out of anything

2010-01-09 - Kingdom First - Light Drives Satan Away
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all - 1 John 1:5

Satan can not be where there is light
When the light comes, sin is exposed

The light will bring a reaction:
  • Some will run from it
  • Other will try to put it out
  • Still others will be drawn to it
Everyone does evil hates the light; whoever lives by the truth comes into the light - John 3:19-21

The light takes away Satan's power
The more we open ourselves to God's light, the more his light shines through us

2010-01-28 - Kingdom First - Personal Responsibility (part 2)
When talking about removing the plank from our eye so we can remove the speck from someone else, there are two extremes:
  1. Becoming inwardly focused, see only our problems
  2. Trying to help other straighten out their lives without being open to the same help ourselves
How do I get a sober estimate of myself?

A. Look daily into the mirror of God's word
Foolish to just look at the word of God and not let it transform you - James 1:22-25

B. Pray fervently for God to open your eyes and give you insight into your heart and life
An incredible prayer about searching our heart - Psalms 139:23-24

C. Be open with those in your life
Be quick to confess sin - James 5:16

D. Have a humble attitude toward challenge in your life
Let this be our goal - Psalms 141:5

2010-02-03 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 4)
How do we grow in our confession?

a. Be open even at the temptation level
We will get used to talking what we are thinking and going through
We will nip many things in the bud before they progress to sin

b. Start over-correcting
Start confessing everything
You can always tone it down so it does not become annoying :)

c. Ask some else what they think of your confession:

Do you find me to be a confessing person?
What is my confession level?
  • Seldom confess
  • Confess only when there is a "big" sin
  • Consistently confess sin
  • Am open even about temptations

2010-02-10 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 3)

No fruit means a bad tree too

A fruitless tree in a useless tree - Matthew 3:10, Matthew 13:22, Luke 13:6-9, Luke 19:11-27, John 15:2, 6, Hebrews 6:8

Jesus warned the Pharisees the kingdom of God would be taken away from people who will not produce - Matthew 21:43

In the Christian life there is no neutrality of example
Either we bear good fruit OR not bearing fruit which shows the condition of our heart - sterile and barren
Bearing no fruit = faithless Christianity

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire - Matthew 7:19


2010-02-11 - First the Kingdom - Trees (part 4)
All disciples should produce fruit of all kinds of fruit

There are some who debate over and over again what fruit (harpos in Greek) is:
  • Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23
  • Fruit of making other disciples - John 15:16
Does not matter - fruit of disciples are to God's glory

A good heart refuses to get entangled in a semantic debate and simply produce for God

What kind of fruit does God see in your life?

2010-02-13 - First the Kingdom - Deceision Time
There are fundamentally three responses one can have to Jesus' message:

1. No way! Tho could possibly do this?
Too hard, No one can do it  Just trying to make me feel guilty

2. It's wonderful. We should think more about it.
Many want to hear it - but few live it
Same problem in Ezekiel's day - Ezekiel 33:31-32

3. It's a great challenge, but it's God's will and I want it
No one can live it without error, but all those who put their hearts into it and go for it will start changing their part of the world

2010-02-17 - One Another - Encouraging One Another (part 2)
Therefore encourage one another with these words. - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

  • There should be content to our encouragement - should not be empty talk
  • Paul used words about the Second Coming of Jesus - words to help them live with Jesus' return in mind
  • Our words need an emotional appeal based on specific biblical content

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing. - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

  • Encouragement should move us to maturity
  • Often combined with strengthening, building up or edification
  • Growth in:
    • Our relationship with God
    • Interactions in the body
    • Our purity
    • Our discipline
    • Our prayer life
    • Our knowledge of the Word
    • Our Outreach
    • Our character

2010-02-18 - One Another - Encouraging One Another (part 3)
Encourage one another - Hebrews 3:12-13
  • There must a real involvement in each other's lives - we need each other
  • We fail to realize the strength of discouragement and its ability to gradually eat away at our conviction and faith
  • There is a strong sense of spiritual obligation
  • See to it - not hope it happens
  • Make sure it happens - Who? you
Let us not give up meeting together but let us encourage one another - Hebrews 10:25
  • Meeting together is not only benefiting us but it is also helping others
  • Does not exclusively refer to services of the church

2010-02-20 - One Another - Spurring One Another (part 2)
Because of our great blessings with Christ, we can not take this fellowship lightly

Must pursue it with greater vigor - Hebrews 10:24-31
There is great seriousness in this matter

paroxusmos - Greek word, translates word:
  • NIV = spur on
  • KJV = provoke
  • CSB - promote
  • NASB - stimulate
Greek lexicon:
  1. Stirring up, provoking - only used here in the NT
  2. irritation, sharp disagreement - only Acts 15:39
  3. Attack of high fever - not in NT
Not a "nice" word but aggressive word in Webster's transliteration:
  1. Sudden violent outburst
  2. Fit of violent action or emotion
  3. A severe medically attack
How do we accomplish the "spurring on"?
Must be done with thought and with their needs in mind - not one size fits all
Must be done with end result to result being love and good deeds

  • Pray for their needs and let them know that you are
  • Share scripture that you believe will be relevant
  • When they share struggles - ask them about it consistently
  • Do not be afraid to give someone a bold challenge

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