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2010-06-12 - Why Jesus Came (part 1)

Preached 1998-07-05
    Most of us have lost something:
    • Losing wallet - not a good thing
      • Feels good to find it.
    God's desire is to "find" what is lost - YOU!
    • Problem: We are separated from God by sin

    Jesus came to...

    Save the lost

    Luke 19:10

    • Uses people to save others
    • Many people to save some:
      • Do not know they are lost
      • Are confused
      • Misguided
      • Are not interested
      • Are looking
    • Despite the what phase we are in we are still lost.
    • No excuses 
      • Those who have issues are not really searching
        • "What about those hypocrites?"
        • "I am too busy"
        • "I will but...."

    Acknowledge the Father

     John 14:9

    • To relate
    • Some think God doesn't care
      • How can God allow all these shootings?
        • Isrealites were saying the same thing in the dessert
    • Jesus = God with us
    • If Jesus was standing next to you how would you act differently?

2010-06-29 - Our worst, His best

Preached on 2003-03-16

Bad day? Being at your worse, need someone at their best

What is your reaction to these people?

Romans 5:6-8
Ephesians 2:1-5

God was at His best

John 13:1-38- Apostles betraying

Matthew 26:36-46- Apostles sleeping

Luke 22:47-53 - His own turned against him

Mark 14:53-65 - False witnesses, no answer

Luke 22:54-62 - Peter not standing up for Jesus

Luke 23:26-43 - Killing him, our savation

1 Peter 2:18-25 - Are you have been hurt more than Jesus?

2010-07-03 - Desire's Journey - Great Restoration (part 4)

Too many of us have placed eternity somewhere out there
We seem to forget that we will get the earth back as well

I will create new heavens and a new earth - Revelation 21:1
When he says he is making all things new, he includes the earth

Won't the whole earth be destroyed?
That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat - 2 Peter 3:12

Noah's day of the Lord
By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed - 2 Peter 3:6
World was destroyed in the sense that all wickedness and corruption of mankind - Genesis 6-7
Fire is also used for cleansing throughout the Scriptures

2010-07-06 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 3)

On that day, Jesus appears and announces himself as the Bridegroom - Matthew 9:15

Jesus makes his proposal: I will prepare a place for you - John 14:2-3
Culture of the day - these very words would be used by a young man to his fiancee
He would return to his father's house and build the additonal room to be the bride suite

We have become betrothed to the Bidegroom
The bride belongs to the bridegroom - John 3:29
We are in the time of waiting for the Bridegroom to return

The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing - Augustine

2010-07-10 - Desire's Journey - The Adventure Begins (part 2)
The first thing in the Bible is God working
The morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy - Job 38:7

Jesus said his Father is always at work to this very day and he too is working - John 5:17

  • Thunderclouds gather over the prairies
  • Plant grow or start to grow and lift heavenward
  • Maple leaves are woven
  • New stars are born every day
  • There is always a sunset and sunrise somewhere on the Earth

God loves his work
God delights in doing tall these things

2010-07-28 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 5)

Grief is the antidote to the incessant possessive demand within

Sow in tear = song of joy - Psalms 126:5

Two spiritual discipline we need

  1. Worship - must adore God deliberately and regularly
  2. Grief - must allow a time for sorrow to do own personal sowing

Making time to grieve may sound strange
Just because we do not feel it does not mean it is not there
There are thousands of distractions these days
Sometimes it comes out in a song or movie
Sometimes small disappointments can be a door into the room of grief

Beauty and affliction are the only two things that can pierce our hearts
We must have a measure of beauty in our lives proportionate to our afflication


2010-08-02 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 3)
Not all the truths help us descend with the mind into the heart
We have dissected God, man, and gospel thousands of times - all facts
It is not that these insights aren't true, but knowing facts will not help feel closer to God

How do you get to know a person? Through stories
We should stop approaching the Bible looking just for tips and techniques

We are bombarded by thousands of messages each day, every on of them urgent
Must reduce the constant noise - turn off the TV
Even the news is a problem because of its artificial importance
Every night there is an urgent story (to sell more news) but nothing is

2010-08-03 - Desire's Journey - Treasures for the Heart
Mary when Jesus was born: treasured up all these things and ponder them in her heart - Luke 2:19
Mary when Jesus was in the temple: his mother treasured all these things in her heart - Luke 2:51
At her darkest hour, she does not lose heart - this is maybe why

A way of seizing what God is speaking to you = journaling
Journals chronicle journeys

Some examples of these treasures from the author:

  • The story continues - we are headed somewhere; bad times = the story has taken a tragic turn
  • It can't be done - I can not arrange for life I prize - this frees our hearts
  • It is coming - The life I prize is coming, what I am aching for now, but it is coming
  • Battle and journey - We are at war; watch your heart; Don't just let anything in

2010-08-11 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 2)

Myth tell us three truths, the second is:

2. There is a great struggle or quest or battle that is well under way

Christianity isn't about:

  • Going to Sunday school
  • Being nice
  • Holding car washs
  • Sending clothes to Mexico

As good as those things might be, this is a world at war
We live in a far more dangerous and dramatic story than we ever imagine

Reason we love these is because it is telling us that this is our most desperate hour

  • The Chronciles of Narnia
  • Star Wars
  • The Matrix
  • The Lord of the Rings

Without this buring in our hearts, we lose the meaning of our days

Notice that those who have tried to wake up to this reality were ususally killed

  • The phophets
  • Jesus
  • Stephen
  • Paul
  • Most of the disciples in the Bible

Has it occured to you that someone is trying to shut them up?


2010-08-14 - Waking Dead - Heart is Central

The heart is central
The need to even to be remined of this show how far we have fallen from the life we were meant to have

The heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic

Love the Lord your God with all your heart - Deuteronomy 6:5
Man looks at the outward appearance, Lord looks at the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
Where your teasure is, there your heart will be also - Luke 12:34

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart - Proverbs 3:5
These people honor me from their lips but their hearts are far from me - Matthew 15:8
The Lord weighs the heart - Proverbs 21:2

The heart can be:

  • Trouble, wounded, pierced, grieved, even broken
  • Cheerful, glad, merry, joyful, rejoicing
  • Whole or divided
  • Wise or foolish
  • Steadfast, true, upright, stout, valiant
  • Frightened, faint, cowardly
  • Wandering, forgetful, dull, stubborn, proud, hardened

The heart can be unpredictable but it is central to our being

The heart answers a lot of questions:

  • Why did my relationship fail? One or both don't have to heart to make it work
  • Why are some many struggling with depression and discouragement? They have lost heart
  • Why can I not break free from our addiction? We gave our heart away and need to get it back


2010-09-04 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 1)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds - Psalms 147:3

Part of you is pulled one direction, part of you the other
Don't you sometimes feel a house divided?

Take your phobias:
Why are you afraid of heights,  intimacy, or public speaking?
All the discipline in the world will not get you to do these things - Romans 7-8
Part of me knows to pray is essential but other part wants to watch TV

We are not wholehearted
"Well, part of me does and part of me does not"
Anytime we find ourselves doing something we wish we could stop but can not/ "unable" - ought to raise concerns

Hebrew for brokenhearted is "leb shabar"
  • leb = heart
  • shabar = broken
shabar used in parts of Isaiah
  • Describes a bush whose twigs are broken off - Isaiah 27:11
  • Describes idols of Babylon shattered on the ground - Isaiah 21:9
  • Describing a broken bone - Isaiah 38:13
Your heart is now in pieces and I want to heal it - God

2010-09-11 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 3)
Satan is the Father of Lies - John 8:44
His first attack on the human race was to lie to Adam and Eve
He lied about God and where life was found

He hoping we buy into whatever he is saying
The evil one is still lying to us and is seeking our agreement every day

Try to hold on to this and see much accusation you live under
Your heart is good
Your heart matters to God

We must make no agreement with him
Most of the time we don't recognize the attack because we do not live as though we are at war
We assume these impressions are our own

Any movement toward freedom, life, God, or others will be opposed
Marriage, friendship, beauty, rest - the thief wants it all

2010-09-13 - You are what you eat
Preached by Curt Simmons on 2002-08-18

Ephesians 1:11-14

  • We eat to get energy
  • We need to eat to healthy spiritually too
  • What are we feeding the spirit?
    • What is your spiritual diet?
    • Are you eating junk food?
  • Do not forget the Holy Spirit! - get to know him better
  • We will die if we continue to gratify the sinful nature

Ephesians 3:14-19

  • We desire to be filled
  • Fullness = satisfied (not looks for more)

Ephesians 4:11-13

  • Leaders help us
  • Let other into your life

Ephesians 4:17-29

  • All these sins are poisonous to our health
  • Put on new self - start a new diet

General healthy spiritual food items

  1. Obedience
  2. Prayer
  3. Bible Study
  4. Singing
  5. Encouraging Others
  6. Serving
  7. Contribution
  8. Graduated
  9. Fasting
  10. Confessing Sin
  11. Discipling
Where are you at?
  1. Weak - poison = no, good food = no, eats little
  2. Sick - poison = some, worldly, impure
  3. Dying - not eating much, lots of poison
  4. Strong - lots of food, consistent, wide variety
  1. Scheduled meals
  2. Decide what meals should go
  3. Decide what to start eating

2010-10-03 - Contagious Christian - Benefits (part 3)
4. Spiritual Growth
If holding onto our faith and not advancing it much - it will become a chore  and prayer a dry routine
  • Scripture reading becomes I have to read it to understand the gospel for others
  • Talking to God suddenly takes on a new purpose - passionate pleas for friends
  • Our desire to worship grows as your gratitude grows
  • Helps maintain a high standard of purity

5. Spiritual Confidence
It is ironic that the act of preparing to show others the gospel is often the cause for us to understand it better ourselves
In the face of opposition, we gain heightened sense of spiritual confidence
Imagine what happens when one of these people becomes a Christian

6. Enduring Investments

Jesus warned his followers to not store up treasures on earth - Matthew 6:19-20
Everything will be destroyed eventually - 2 Peter 3:10-11
It is a mistake to invest so much time and energy into things that won't last

7. Honor of Being God's Agent
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit - John 15:8

2010-10-10 - Contagious Christian - Pull of Compassion
Caring for the tangible needs of others is at the core of Christianity
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless - look at orphans and widows in their distress - James 1:27

Compassion is echoed throughout the Bible:
  • Be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor - Deuteronomy 15:11
  • Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me - Matthew 25:40
  • All I ask is that you remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do - Galatians 2:10
Uncaring Christianity does not attract inquirers
Clear and consistent demonstration of Christ-like love is a powerful magnet that pulls people toward Him

Not about who you are or what you did
It is about how you care, being a neighbor - Luke 10:36-37
In Luke 10 - when the wounded man awoke, he must have wondered, "Who did this? Why would they do help me in such a great way?"
It is when people start asking, "Why didn't he not turn away like everyone else?"

As I have loved you, so you must love one another - John 13:34-35
All men will know that you are my disciples

2010-10-28 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part III)
Third major kind of sacrifice is a sustained, long term godly lifestyle
Spiritual cynicism runs deep in some people - Christians need to watch their life and doctrine closely to win them over

May times these are family member who have seen you go through phases before and think this is just another one

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices by being transformed with the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:1-2
History has seen rush of the Christianity starting blocks only to be on the side lines after a couple of laps
Time shows our faith to be genuine
Like in a marathon, we have to finish the race
We have to outlast other's objections

Are you going to be God's helper that is going to wear down every cynic, scoffer, and doubter in your life?

All three of the major sacrifices must be motivated by love
Love has no one greater than this - that on lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

2010-11-03 - Contagious Christian - Finding the Approach
Besides talking to people you are ready know try contacting people you used to know
The curiosity factor comes into play
  • Because you contacted them out of blue
  • Both of you want to see all the changes that have happened since you last saw them
Call them out of curiosity and call them into fun
In the process, prayerfully watch for opportunities to share the way God has changed your life

There are also many opportunities where there people you would like to know
We all go to gas stations, stores, restaurants
With a little forethought, these errands can be turned into evangelistic opportunities
Change your thinking about the way you look at the employee who are serving you
These are people who matter to God and put in your path for you to meet
When we approach people with this attitude, with concern and respect - it is easy to get on a first name basis with them

2010-11-09 - Contagious Christian - Samaritan Woman Invitational Approach
Samaritan woman was living an immoral lifestyle
Jesus ignored all conventional wisdom - John 4
It didn't take long to realize she wasn't talking to any ordinary teacher but the Messiah

She immediately went to town and brought people back to hear Jesus
Now we have seen and heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world - John 4:42

Many would make great strides if they just make strategic inviting to a church service or event
Primary question you will need to answer is which event will be appropriate to bring them to

Invitation are great way for all of us but some just have the knack for getting people to go places with them

Many of these Christians tend to stay out of the limelight but they make a big impact to their world

2010-11-22 - Mission - Heart of Christ
Reading Luke 19:1-9
  • Should be titled "Jesus, the seeker of Zacchaeus"
  • Introduction starts with Jesus calling out Zachhaeus
  • How did he know him? Jesus was present when God gave him life - John 1:3
  • The crowd was less than delighted
    • They enjoyed the fruit of Jesus' miracles
    • Failed to grasp his love
His outreach to sinners shocked people while destroying the false security of following laws and regulations
Jesus' love had a clear and defined purpose - to restore a broken relationship between the lost and God

To have the heart of Christ means to seek and to save what is lost

It is beyond:
  • Enjoying the fellowship
  • Benefiting from counseling
  • Learning how to change bad habits
Seeking these blessings first simply puts one at the same level as the Pharisees

2010-12-12 - Seeking God (part II)

Examples of those seeking God:

Ethiopian eunuch - Acts 8:26-40

  • What do we know about this seeker?
    • He is important and therefore certainly busy, but still finds time for God.
    • He reads the Scriptures himself and asks questions about what he is reading.
    • He is humble and sincere enough in his search to ask for help.
    • What he learns he acts on right away, as seen with his baptism.
  • How did he feel after coming to know God better?
  • The burning questions he had about God were answered in an afternoon.

Bereans - Acts 17:10-12

  • What was it about these Berean seekers that made Luke refer to them as having “noble character”?
    • Enthusiastic
    • Great Eagerness - explain
    • Examined the scriptures daily
  • Why was it important for them to “examine the Scriptures every day” for themselves?
  • What was the result of this eager yet diligent attitude?
  • As with prayer, reading the Bible is vitally important to knowing God.

2010-12-17 - Word of God (part II)
John 8:31-32
  • Jesus teaches these Jews that intellectual belief is not enough.
  • He calls them to believe God enough to trust his will for their lives. This trust is demonstrated by the decision to live according to Jesus’ teaching.
  • True faith is seen in our obedience.
  • Notice when we will know the truth, after we obey.
2 Timothy 4:2-3
  • If the Bible is so powerful and helpful, why aren’t more people truly following what it says?
  • Bottom line, we can not live according to our own feelings and desires.
Matthew 15:1-9
  • What is another hindrance to following God’s word? Tradition
  • Religious tradition which takes precedence over the Word of God can result in worldly solutions to spiritual issues and make our worship of God empty and pointless.

2010-12-22 - Sin (part II)
Galatians 5:19-21
  • Sin is the fundamentally “un-God-ward” orientation of our “flesh” or “sinful nature” and finds expression in many different ways. Emphasize “and the like.”
  • What is the common element in all these things? Self-centeredness.
  • Be as specific as necessary to explain and share from your own life about the sins listed. How do you see yourself in these verses? What sins have been characteristic of your own sinful nature? (If needed, look at additional Scriptures which catalog sins.)
James 4:17
  • We are sinful and in need of forgiveness not only as a result of those sins we have committed, but for failing to do the good that we know to do.
Romans 6:15-18
  • How does sin enslave?
  • Note that sin is a power that must be defeated as well as specific acts that must be repented of.
  • Who alone can set us free from sin? (John 8:31-36)
Romans 6:23
  • What are the eternal consequences of sin?
  • Why be urgent to learn about receiving the gift of God that comes through Jesus Christ?
  • Review these verses as honestly as you can to get in touch with the bad news about your own sinfulness. In the next couple of studies, we will look at the good news of God’s solution to our bondage to sin. (Note: In some instances it is important to have the person articulate how he or she was saved or forgiven of sin before examining the Bible’s teaching about salvation.)

2011-02-05 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To understand the Bible's definition of what a Christian is

What is your definition of a Christian?

The Church in Antioch
Acts 11:19-26
  • Question: The disciples that were scattered began teaching the Greeks what? Good news about Jesus
  • Question: What did Barnabas encourage people to do? Know an hold to Jesus' words
  • Barnabas found Saul then brought him to Antioch so they could teach the Word of God (review)
  • Question: In Antioch, the disciples of Jesus were called what for the 1st time? Why?
  • A disciple of Jesus is WHAT they were. Christian is what the world labeled them
  • Christian = Disciple = Saved
The Calling of Discipleship
Mark 1:14-20
  • Question: What did Jesus proclaim in Galilee? What was the good news? Kingdom of God was near; your life can change)
  • Question: What is the first thing Jesus instructed these fishermen to do? Follow him. What does that mean?
  • Question: What will Jesus make us into? What does that mean? Is this something you are willing to do?
  • Share what purpose your purpose was before becoming a disciple
  • Question: What would you say your life has been focused/purpose so far?

2011-02-12 - Discipleship - Kansas City (part II)
The Standard of a Disciple
Luke 9:18-26
  • Question: What were Jesus and his disciples doing? How is your prayer life?
  • Question: Why do you think the people thought so many things? Turned to men instead of God's word
  • Question: If someone wants to come after Jesus what does He say they need to do?
    • Deny self - Put God's will above your own
    • Take up his cross and crucify self - no longer live for self but to do God's will
    • Follow Jesus and imitate the life of Jesus - do the things that Jesus would do in situation
  • Question: How can you show Jesus that you want to hold to his standard?
Commitment of Following Jesus
Luke 9:57-62
  • Question: What do you think these men wanted from Jesus?
    • These men wanted the life and blessing of being with Jesus without the commitment
    • Jesus wants full commitment - like in a marriage - not 80% commitment
    • There is no good reason to NOT follow Jesus
  • Question: How can you show 100% commitment? QTs, fellowship, coming to church, BT, etc

2011-02-16 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part III)

Romans 6:23

  • We deserve death because of our sins but God is willing to forgive us in spite of who we are (God's gift to us)
  • Question: After studying these scriptures, would you say the Bible describes your heart in response to your sin more like the Pharisee or the Sinful woman?

John 3:1-7

  • Question: What did Jesus say MUST happen in order for someone to be born again?
  • Question: We should born of what? Spirtual birth not a physical birth - not being religous but living a righteous life
  • Question: What do we need to have convictions on in order to be born again?

Acts 2:22-24

  • Jesus is God's son (miracles prove it)
  • Jesus died for our (YOUR) sins
  • God raise Jesus on the 3rd day
  • Question: So how should we respond to the fact that our (YOUR) is why Jesus died on the cross?

Acts 2:36-41

  • Repent and be Baptized (wall is removed)
  • Then we can have a relationship with God (what happens at baptism)

Romans 6:1-4

  • Question: What are you baptized into? If you were baptized into Jesus' death, what else does that allow us to have? New Life
  • You can go from the heart of the Pharisee to the heart of the Sinful Woman by understanding the forgiveness through Jesus
  • Encouraged to write a letter to God thanking him for forgiving you of your sins (write the sins out)


2011-02-24 - The Church - Kansas City (part IV)
Correction in the Body
Matthew 18:15-18
  • If a person sins against you (go and talk to them one on one), if it does not go well get help.
  • If they refuse to stop sinning it's better that they leave the body than for the whole body to be hurt.
  • Question: How do you feel about what Jesus is telling his disciples to do with someone who refuses to repent?
  • This won't happen to someone if they continue to seek advice and imitate Jesus.
Joy of being in the body
Matthew 13:44-46
  • Question: When these people found the kingdom of God what was their response?
  • They were willing to give up any and everything to possess the kingdom of God
  • God wants you to experience this same joy, are you willing to give up anything for the kingdom?
Do you have any question? I would like to get together for one for study.

2011-02-25 - Counting the Cost (part I)
Purpose: We want to review things with you to answer any questions or help with situations that could occur.

Luke 14:25-27
  • Question: What do you understand these scriptures as saying to you?
  • Question: Who would be the most challenging relationship for you to keep God above?
  • Question: What if your (spouse, kids, parent) did not want to be a disciple (or left) what would you do?
  • Satan will use relationships closest to you to try to pull you away.
  • Don't think these things will never happen to you - never underestimate the devil
  • v26 - Even his own life
    • What will you need to overcome?
James 4:7 - Temptations will come but you need to resist them - fighting for your life/salvation.

1 John 1:5-10
  • Even when you sin after you are baptized then the blood of Jesus will continue to purify you from all sin if we stay in the light
  • We should confess our sins and having discipling relationship helps us to take care of one another
  • Question: If someone approaches you and talks about how many changes they have seen in you. What should you tell them (role play)

2011-02-26 - Counting the Cost (part II)
Matthew 7:21-23
  • Question: What do you think the heart of what Jesus is saying in these scriptures?
  • Question: Biblically speaking, because someone goes to church  does that make them a Christian? Are they a Christian because they are a good person? What if they know a lot about the Bible, does that make them a Christian?
  • That means you are saying that the majority of people in the world are lost. How does that make you feel?
  • Make God feel said but God has a plan for them - 1 Timothy 2:1-6
Do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, died for your sins and rose on the 3rd day?
Acts 2:22-24
  • v22 - The miracles Jesus did proves he was God's son
  • v23 - He died on the cross for your sin
  • v24 - God raised him from the dead
What is your good confession?
Romans 10:9-10
  • Confess with your mouth (acknowledging God and everyone around you that you nor anything else will be the Lord of your life,expect Jesus)
  • It is not the confession that justifies you, it is your heart that God is looking at.
Who will baptize you?
Who would you like to be there?
Let's meet 30 early so we can pray together

2011-06-29 - Mind of Christ - Helping People (part IV)
Words of Christ that teach us compassion

Example Compassion Lack of Compassion
Goats and  Sheep
Matthew 25:31-46
1. Very conscious of peoples needs; These have people on their minds, very people centered.
2. Very selfless, No ulterior motive
1. Did not regard the people who  were in need of help as important as Jesus, did not value people.
2. Unconscious of people’s needs or unwilling to help them.
Matthew 18:21-35 The King Unmerciful Servant
Luke 12:16-35a The Rich Fool The Rich Young Fool
1. Very self-centered, his thoughts only of his own personal comfort and security.
Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus The Rich Man
Luke 10:30-37 The Good Samaritan The Priest and the Levite

2011-07-04 - Mind of Christ - Relationship with God (part V)
Oneness with the Father means to think the same thoughts, speak the same words, do the same deeds, and be of the same kind of

We must think the same thoughts.
  • John 8:16 - I stand with the Father, who sent me
  • Romans 8:5 - Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires
We must say the same words.
  • John 14:24 - These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me
  • John 12:49 - Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it
We must do the same deeds.
  • John 5:19 - Whatever the Father does the Son also does
  • John 13:15 - I have set you an example that you should do as I have done

2011-07-15 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part I)
The self-centered life:

A. Man is a very self centered creature:
  • Ecclesiastes 6:7 - Appetite is never satisfied
  • Matthew 6:31-32 - Food, drink, clothes: pagans run after all these things
B. His worries are about himself:
  • Luke 12:22 - Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life
  • Worry has been defined as a prayer to the wrong god

2011-07-28 - Fearing God - Infinitely Greater Than Nature
Isaiah 40:12

v40:12a - God measures the water in the hallow of his hand
We can probably hold about a tablespoon and not for very long
2/3 of the earth is covered in water and in places 6 miles deep
Yet God says He holds all that water in his hand

v40:12b - God marked off heaven with his breadth of his hand
Breadth = the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger, spread apart
Ours is somewhere eight inches
We can not even calculate the distance across the universe
Nearest star beside the sun is 26 trillion miles away

v40:12c - Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket? Weighted the mountains and hills?
Baskets measurement is around 1/4 of a gallon
He holds the dust in such a container and weighs the mountains on a set of scales

As we think about these truths we will more and more appreciate God's greatness

2011-08-16 - Daughter Needs - Spiritual Leadership
Dads are told there should be three goals:
  • Take children to church service
  • Pray with them regularly
  • Have family devotionals
Most dads get the "going to service" but often fall on the family devotion because they simply don't know how

It is much more than these three items - spiritual leader leads his wife and children toward maturity in Christ
When we create spiritual goals, create activities and training designed to reach those goals

An army has an organized plan designed to win battles

Author's spiritual goals for his children:

My child will:
  1. Be sure of their salvation
  2. Love and understand God's Word
  3. Know and willingly obey God's rules
  4. Know their spiritual gifts
  5. Be able to teach spiritual truths
  6. Be effective witness
  7. Spend daily time with God
  8. Do acts of service for others
  9. Exercise self-discipline
  10. Fellowship with other believers
  11. Understand the power of prayer
  12. Maturely walk with God

2011-08-21 - In Rememberence of Me
Jesus called the disciples to the Passover fest before would head to the cross to reflect and remember their time together

Luke 22:19-20 - Do this in remembrance of me

Why? because we forget both little things and big things

1. Disciples forgot while they were at the table -

v24 - Conversations they have had at the passover table:
  • Peter: Remember when walking on water
  • Thomas: But you doubted and fell into the water
  • Peter: Like you have any room to talk, doubting Thomas
  • James: Remember the transfiguration? Yeah, I was one of three disciples there. We saw Moses and Elijah.
  • Andrew: Yeah, you seem to miss the whole point when you fixated on getting them shelters
  • Matthew: We can take these guys anywhere
They had this lesson before (how many times?)
2. Peter forgot the very same day  the very same day and denied Jesus
v54 - He forgot that Jesus said and he had the power to raise the dead

I can relate:
  • Forgetting to the trash and why I was in the garage
  • Forgetting Juniper's shoes on the way to church
If  I can not remember the little things within the same few minutes, or hours - we need this time of communion
Our forgetfulness is not a reflection of its importance but a reflection our weakness in remembering

2011-09-11 - Followup: Humility II (part II)
What’s in store for the humble person?
  1. Grace
  2. “Lifted up” – growing and being blessed
  3. Relief because his burdens and anxieties will be carried by God
  4. Better relationships (God opposes the proud, so do other people)
When is it the hardest for you to be humble? Why?
Who is it hardest for you to be humble towards? Why?
Are you willing to change these things so you can please God? How can I help?

Isaiah 66:2 - God is excited about the humble person.

How to be humble when you sin:
  1. Accept full responsibility (don’t blame others for your actions)
  2. Make no excuses (don’t be defensive)
  3. Apologize humbly and go on your way rejoicing.
What to do when others sin against you:
  1. Tell them in a respectful way (don’t give in to faithlessness or fear)
  2. Focus on your love for them and not on what they have done to you.
  3. Forgive them (like Jesus did you) and move on being better friends.
Humility is a characteristic of a true follower of Jesus
To clothe yourself with Christ is to clothe yourself with humility.

2011-09-13 - Followup: Purity (part II)
2 Timothy 2:22
A. What does it mean to “flee” from something?
     To desperately run away from something dangerous (a murderer, predator, etc…)
B. What does it mean to “pursue” something?
     To move toward something with all your strength
Ephesians 5:3-7
  • How much is a hint? Are there any hints in your life?
  •  What does God call us to replace impurity with?
How do you overcome these temptations? Psalms 119:9-16
* We overcome sin by meditating on God’s precepts (word) and following his statues.
James 5:16 (we as a family are here for each other, not to judge but to support)
* God wants you to be pure and holy, he’s given you his word and spiritual brothers and sisters to help you on your spiritual journey.

2011-09-26 - Proverbs on Advice - Seek Help
Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Gettysburg was the turning point of the Civil War.
  • It was the Union’s first decisive victory over the Army of Virginia led by General Robert E. Lee.
  • He had led his forces into the northern states taking an offensive posture in the war.
  • When the Union army followed him into Pennsylvania, he found a spot on the map where several roads joined at an intersection called Gettysburg.
  • General Lee did not know the number of Union soldiers he was facing.
  • These numbers should have been discovered and reported by his cavalry leader Jeb Stuart, but he was nowhere to be found.
  • Stuart, without orders from General Lee, had decided to go on a raiding expedition.
  • The cavalry was the eyes of the army. Without the counsel of his cavalry leader Lee was blind.
  • Unprepared, Lee went on to lose the battle at Gettysburg. It was just the victory Lincoln had been looking for

Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of guidance a nation falls but many advisers make victory sure.

In the life of a disciple we need eyes all around us (we are in a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood but against the dark forces of this world).
  1. We need our cavalry “brothers & sisters” giving us advice and counsel
  2. They tell us where the enemy is and how strong his forces are.
  3. They help equip us to do battle with the enemy.
  4. They fortify us when we’re lacking in zeal
  5. We need these people in our lives.

Five lessons to learn about advice...

1. Seek Advice

Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death

Proverbs 18:15  - The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, the ears of the wise seek it out

If we were going to buy a car for the 1st time, most of us would seek a lot of advice.
  • We would ask others what kind of interest rate we should look for, how many miles per gallon, the resale value, look at consumer reports, etc…
  • We go to counselors for help (family & career), therapist, on and on
Question: Why do we seek out spiritual help in our lives like we do in so many other areas?

If we need help in other areas (that’s good) surely our spiritual life is more important because it has an eternal destination (good or bad)
  • We need to find people who are spiritually mature and gone through such experiences in life
  • These men and women can give us godly advice that will help us mature spiritually
Discipling relationship isn’t just a good idea it’s one key to our spiritual victory

2011-09-28 - Proverbs on Advice - Without Instruction
4. Without instruction, you hurt others

Proverbs 10:17 - He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entirely to himself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”

When (in our independence) we disregard godly advice, we hurt others as well as ourselves. We set an example which by action and attitude say that we do not need others in our lives

5. Without instruction we are stupid

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid

The Bible uses the word “stupid”. It’s found only four times in the NIV (Job 18:3, Proverbs 12:1, Ecclesiastes 10:3, 2 Timothy 2:23)
  • In proverbs it refers to the person who hates correction (pride makes us stupid)
  • When we are unwilling to receive godly correction we are trusting our own way over that of our advisors (this type of pride makes us stupid)
  • Physically: We have an illness = we go see an expert doctor, to ignore his advice and handle the situation on our own would be stupid
  • Spiritually: We face temptations and challenging situations = we should seek advice from spiritually minded people (they may advice us something simple like, read these scriptures or something radical like change jobs) but to ignore experienced spiritual advice would be stupid. Even if you don’t like it (pray about it, get another “experienced” opinion)
Victory comes from this approach to solving our spiritual problems.

Challenge: How do you respond when someone challenges you?
  • Type A: Listens on the outside (even nod your head “yes”) but on the inside all systems are shut down.
  • Type B: You are calm on the outside but on the inside you’re steaming mad ready to explode and interrupt (who do they think they are)
  • Type C: Listens and really tries to understand (learn) not just say OK but embrace the input to become a better disciple
Proverbs 27:5, Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 29:1

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-07 - Genesis 7 - The Flood (part II)


Noah and his family went into the ark with two of each creature. It rained for forty days and forty nights and the earth was covered.


Genesis 7:1 - I have found you righteous in this generation
Of all the people, God considered Noah the most righteous among his generation. God knows our thoughts [1 Chronicles 28:9] , motives, and sees our actions. What has God found us to be?

Genesis 7:16 - Then the LORD shut him in
In the end, it is God's call when things should start and end. It was God who decided what to close the ark's door and He shut the door. Same is true for either our death or judgement day. God will call the shots. Now is the time where we call the shots. To either follow him or not.

Genesis 7:20 - covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet
Assuming mount Everst (29,029 feet) existed back in these time, the flood was quite deep. Nothing could have survived that much water. Even if you limit your focus to just earth - God's power is tough to comprehend.

Genesis 7:23 - Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out
Besides Noah, his family, and the animals on the boat, every living creature was killed. Sometime thoughts enter our minds that there is some kind of gray area between good and evil where we can live our lives. On that day, there were only those inside the boat and those outside of the boat. No one lived in the middle.

Personal Application

I need to look for what I see as gray areas in my life. When I am neither hot nor cold [Revelation 3:16], I am not aware of where I am.

2011-10-10 - Genesis 10 - Genealogies (part II)


Japheth's line lived in the coastlands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.


Genesis 10:4 - peoples spread out ... each with its own language
These family was not only in not on the same page, in the same state. They each had a completely different language. Their words were likely not written down so changed easily because there was no reference point. Having different languages is not a bad thing but it illustrates when we do not have a reference point in our lives, our standards, direction, and our feelings of the day change we do things. Like God's written word, if we do not keep refering to it, we will live as if we are standing on shifting sand [[Matthew 7:26].

Genesis 10:6 - sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
From Ham's children, came the Jews and others like the Philistines [Genesis 10:14]. I am not sure if this separation came from the times these kids were growing up but does show how much we need unity in our family. Though in verse 6, they had different languages. Unity is very important in a family and godly unity only comes from God. We can be united in mind and heart from our relationship with God. It is never to early introduce God to your family - especially children.

Personal Application

I am convicted on how fast families can be divided by Satan. How things can change and a heart is no longer are responsive in a relationship. I need to start ASAP.  I am going to make sure my children know God, his word and what it means to have an amazing relationship with Him.

2011-10-19 - Genesis 19 - Sodom is destroyed


Angels took Lot out of Sodom. The city was destroyed by fire and Lot's wife was turned to salt. His daughters had children for him.


Genesis 19:14 - But his sons-in-law thought he was joking
What fatal mistake?!? When Lot urged his son-in-law to leave the city, they did not take him seriously. Lot was urgent, they were laid back. It cost them their lives. There are times to joke around but not in life and death situations. What are we not taking serious that we should? What are the cost(s) if we don't start taking these things seriously?

Genesis 19:22 - I cannot do anything until you reach it
God is love and love is patiently waiting on us to change. There is a time for judgement but God is holding on us to turn to him. Here God was holding back just long enough for Lot to leave the area before destroying it. One of the many ways God relates this idea to us is in the parable of the weeds. He explains that we grow among weeds and he tolerates the weeds only because of the harvest. Once the harvest comes, the wheat is harvested and the weeds are thrown into a fiery furnace [Matthew 13:42].

Personal Application

By nature, I am a jokester. I have love to laugh - there is a time for everything. I need to learn how to take the important things seriously. When I hear a call from God to repent, not sure my immediate reaction is to change. I make excuses about doing things in the near future or lie to myself that I am doing OK. The costs are too great not to hear and obey the call.

2011-10-24 - Mind Change - Wastes
Wastes: regret, wishing, worry.

Be smart. Don’t use time for any of these:

No regret – accept forgiveness.
No wishing – bloom where you are planted.
No worry – trust God who is not perplexed at all.

Matthew 6:27 - And which of you by worrying can add even one hour to his life?

2011-10-25 - Mind Change - Help
These three help in our walk: faith, thanksgiving, determination

Faith inspires you.

Thanksgiving gives you perspective.

Determination keeps you moving.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 - every act prompted by your faith
Philippians 4:6 - in everything with thanksgiving
Luke 9:51 - Jesus resolutely set out for the cross

2011-11-21 - Getting Advise (part I)
One of the greatest advantages you have as a disciple is the wealth of knowledge, insight and experience available from all the other disciples in the church. These individuals have experienced a lot personally or have helped many people through tough or challenging situations in life and want to be there to offer help (or advise) to you. We came to God by letting Him use others to help us see the truth, and we will grow stronger and closer to God by letting others continue to help us. Getting advise will be of tremendous help to you in your Christian walk. This study will help you see how God uses advise to help you grow and your best for Him.

Our feelings and emotions can often mislead us and hurt us
  • Proverbs 16:25 - What seem or feels right is not always right; others can help you see that
  • Proverbs 19:2 - Be zealous, but make sure you have the correct information
We need to realize our weaknesses and limitations
  • Proverbs 12:15 - Wise people let others in their lives and listen to input
  • Proverbs 12:1 - Getting advise and being corrected in your thinking is very wise

2011-11-24 - God (part II)
God is a powerful God
  • 2 Chronicles 32:6-9 - God is greater than the devil or any other being
  • Psalms 18:29 - God enables us to do what we can’t do on our own by His power
  • Ephesians 3:20-21 God has immeasurable and unimaginable power
God is a loving God
  • Deuteronomy 1:29-31; 3- God is a father who loves to help you and carry you as His child
  • Psalms 68:4-6 - God loves to help and rescue those who need to be loved
  • Matthew 10:29-31 - God knows and cares about everything in our lives
God is serious God
  • Hosea 5:4-6 - God will not tolerate unrepentant behavior
  • Psalms 78:56-59 - God refused to let Israel come to Him because of their sin
  • Romans 11:22 - God will be stern to those who continue to sin
These and many other passages will help you better understand the full and complete nature of God. None of us want other people to make a judgment on us with just a few facts about our lives. God doesn’t either!! Continue to read the Bible and learn more about your great God. What you will discover is that the more you know, the more you see just how magnificent God really is.

2011-12-06 - Day 3 - Growing Roots
Luke 8:13 - What happens to young disciples who don't grow roots?

Acts 2:41-47; Acts 4:32-37
  1. What helped to keep these young disciples faithful?
  2. Are you devoting yourself to the same things they did (2:42)?
1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
  1. What does it mean to have "deep conviction"? How can you develop conviction?
  2. Who should you imitate? In what ways?
  3. Are you becoming a "model" to others? How?

APPLICATION: Spend time this week with Christians you can imitate/encourage/learn from.

2011-12-13 - Day 10 - Praying Like Jesus
Mark 1:32-39
  1. What sacrifices did Jesus make to go and pray? Think of his previous day. What excuses could he have made to not pray?
  2. When do you feel the need to pray? Do you ever make excuses not to pray?
  3. How has your prayer time been the past 10 days?
Hebrews 5:7-10
  1. What kind of prayer life did Jesus have?
  2. What things, besides going to the cross, would have been difficult for Jesus to obey?
  3. What things are difficult for you to do as a disciple?
  4. Have you been praying with loud cries and tears for God to help you be obedient?
  5. What situations in your life do you need to pray more about? Make a list and be specific.
Application: Spend time today praying about the things you wrote about on your list. Be specific in your prayers. Try praying out loud and talking to God as if you could see him. Tell him how you feel about these things and what is difficult and why it is difficult. Being real and open with God will help you change things quicker.

2011-12-18 - Day 15 - The Hope of Heaven
Revelation 20:11-15
  1. Imagine what the day of judgement will be like. Who will be there?
  2. How will everyone be feeling?
Revelation 21:1-8
  1. Who is the bride of Christ?
  2. Describe heaven.
  3. Check yourself against verse 8. Are any of these sins in your life?
Revelation 22:1-6
  1. What other eternal joys will be in heaven?
  2. Why does God want us to know these words are trustworthy and true?
Revelation 22:14-15 - Are any of these sins in your life?

Application: Pray about what God promises in heaven! If there are any sins you need to confess and change, do it TODAY!

2011-12-19 - Day 16 - Saved to Save
1 Peter 2:9-10
  1. What does it mean to be a royal priesthood?
  2. What message should you be sharing?
  3. Are you really declaring God's praises or just giving out an invitation?
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
  1. How can you tell if you're living for yourself or living for Jesus?
  2. What does it mean to be Christ's ambassador?
  3. Would Jesus be pleased with the way you present him?
  4. What does it mean to APPEAL to and IMPLORE people?
  5. What attitude should you have toward the lost?
Acts 17:16-34
  1. Why was Paul distressed?
  2. What are some sights around your city that should distress you?
  3. Where did Paul share his faith?
  4. Why did Paul begin his message by commending the Athenians for being very religious?
  5. What does this teach you about preaching Paul's message?
Application: Write at least 4 things you have learned today about evangelism from this study. Share your faith with these things in mind.

2011-12-21 - Day 18 - Learning from Others
Matthew 18:1-4
  1. What kind of heart does God want us to have?
  2. What qualities of children do we need to imitate?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-14
  1.  Who is "over you" in the Lord?
  2. Does it have anything to do with age or education?
  3. Write the names of some Christians who work hard, set a good example and admonish you.
  4. Are you showing them respect?
  5. What kind of disciples need special help (vs. 14)?
  6. Have you been admonishing for any of these problems?
Psalms 119:99-100
  1. What gives us real maturity and understanding?
  2. How is verse 100 opposite of how our society thinks?
  3. What should your attitude be when you are being taught/corrected by someone younger than yourself?
1 Timothy 4:11-1 - What does the Lord expect from young leaders?

Psalms 32:8-10 - How can you not be like a horse or mule?

Application: If you have resisted learning from younger disciples, repent today and seek them out to ask questions. If you are young yourself, set the believers a great example

2011-12-28 - Day 25 - Being Open
John 15:15
  1. What did Jesus share with his disciples?
  2. Are you this kind of a friend to other Christians?
  3. Do they really know all about your life?
2 Corinthians 6:11-13
  1. What does it mean to speak freely?
  2. Are you opening your heart to others?
  3. What are some feelings you aren't expressing to anyone?
Proverbs 20:5 - Are you helping others to disciple you by being open or does someone have to "draw you out" by asking many questions?

Application: Spend some time today writing down some feelings/plans/secret sins that you haven't been sharing. Discuss these things with another Christian this week. Be open!

2011-12-31 - Day 28 - Disputable Matters
Romans 14:1-8
  1. What are some disputable matters among Christians today? (dress, taste in music, food and drink)
  2. What should your attitude be toward those who see these things differently?
Romans 14:16-23
  1. What does God care about the most?
  2. Are you doing anything that could cause others to stumble?
  3. What does verse 23 mean?
  4. Do you feel good about the way you are living now?
Matthew 11:18-19
  1. Why did the people criticize Jesus and John the Baptist?
  2. Why do you think they were so different yet both were pleasing God?
Application: Do you have questions about what is right and wrong for a Christian? Find out from a mature disciple whether these are disputable matters and come to your decisions.

2012-01-07 - Day 35 - Worthy of the Name
1 Peter 4:12-19
  1. What kinds of insults and sufferings have you endured for Jesus?
  2. What should your attitude be?
  3. What does Satan want you to think and do when you are being persecuted?
Hebrews 10:32-34
  1. Have you gone through suffering like this?
  2. What are you doing to encourage other Christians who are going through insults and persecutions?
Hebrews 11:32-40
  1. Have you faced lions, flames, swords, armies, tortures, flogging, imprisonment, chains - or even banishment for Jesus' sake?
  2. How did God regard these people?
2 Corinthians 11:23-29 & Romans 8:18
  1. What kind of life did Paul live for Christ?
  2. How did he feel about his sufferings?
  3. Have you been rejoicing or complaining as a Christian?
Application: Would Jesus say you are worthy of the name "Christian"?

2012-01-08 - Day 36 - A Hope and a Future
Do you worry about your future?
What are your hopes and what are your fears?

Jeremiah 29:11-13
  1. What does God promise to those who seek him with all their hearts?
  2. Are you seeking him or something else?
Psalms 37:3-4 - What are the desires of your heart? Do you believe God will give them to you?

Psalms 16:5-8 - Do you feel this way about your life? Why?

1 Timothy 6:6-10
  1. What should make you content?
  2. What will a desire for money and things do to your life?
  3. How does someone "wander" from the faith?
  4. What other desires could make us wander?
Romans 8:31-32 - How has God proven his love for you?

Application: If you see anxiety or discontentment in your life, confess it as a lack of faith, and memorize one of these scriptures to remind yourself of God's faithfulness.

2012-01-12 - Day 40 - Good Heart, Good Deeds, Good Things
Luke 8:15
  1. Do you have a heart like this?
  2. What is your life producing?
Philemon 4-7 - What are 3 things Philemon did that showed a good heart?

2 Peter 1:5-11
  1. What do you need to do to keep growing as a Christian?
  2. Define goodness, perseverance, brotherly kindness.
  3. What happens if you stop growing?
  4. What does verse 10 mean?
3 John 2-6
  1. If a brother or sister came to visit you, what kind of report would they give about your Life?
  2. How do you feel about your life in Christ up until today?
  3. Are you growing?
  4. In what areas do you need help?
Application: Now that you have finished your 40-days study, decide what you are going to study next and have a plan. Share these notes with the people you are leading to the Lord. Keep growing!

2012-01-21 - Ministry - Faith in God Moves Mountains
Mark 11:22-24

Jesus makes a very simple short powerful statement; "Have faith in God."

Believe in ME and you will be able to move mountains. Jesus had the faith to move mountains. Jesus calls each of us to have a faith that can move mountains.Each of us has mountains or obstacles in our lives. These obstacles take on many different forms. They may be character sins that never seem to change, family situations that seem to continue month after month, and financial debt that never seems to go away. These obstacles sometimes seem as large and permanent as mountains. But Jesus tells us to "Have faith in God", to believe in our hearts, and the mountains can be thrown into the sea. It is a very simple, but powerful statement, "Have faith in God."

What mountain is secretly holding back your faith? How much have you put it before God?

Decide today to lay it out before God and really believe that He can change it. Fight against cynicism and unbelief.

2012-01-23 - Ministry - Unless You Change
Matthew 18:2-4

Deeply rooted in the mature of adults is a strong sense of resistance to change. Even when we feel deeply discontent with our lives, we are more willing to stay in the familiarity of our misery than to venture into the untested waters of change.

Fortunately, Jesus, in his desire to put us out of our misery, makes it clear that for a Christian to make it to heaven we must keep on changing. We must choose to grow even if it is challenging, difficult, tiring, confusing or scary. Why this strong direction? Because there is just so much about our hearts, character, habits, lives that the Lord wants to change! Too many souls will be lost if we stop growing. Jesus gives us the secret to change in the same verse - humble yourself. Thank God we live in a kingdom where the Lord rushes to help the humble. He will send the word, wise advice from a disciple, a protecting angel, and a physical blessing, all to the humble. It seems that we have two choices: Be
humbled or get humbled.

  • Which will you choose in this year?
  • What are three things that you most feel the need to change in your life?
  • How will you take the first step in each of these three?
Go and ask a child that knows you well to please tell you one thing about you they think God would want you to change.

2012-01-27 - Ministry - Do You Stand Up For Jesus?
Matthew 14:1-12

These verses show clearly two different convictions. Herod was swayed by his sin to do even greater sin and John the Baptist never gave in to fear about confronting Herod with his sin of adultery. John the Baptist could have been fearful about confronting a king on his sin. Obviously it bothered Herod's conscience enough that he wanted John killed. Herod had a people-pleasing, weak-willed character because in vs. 5 he did not kill John for fear of the people. He also then had John Killed because of Herodias' influence.

What is your character more like-people-pleasing or God pleasing?

Pray to have a conscience today that convicts you to stand up for what is right and not give into pleasing others.

2012-02-02 - Ministry - The Wild Man
Mark 5:1-20

So often in our lives as disciples we can unfortunately relate to the wild demon-possessed man we see in the scriptures. In my own life there are times when I long to be able to meet and connect with Jesus and to go deeper in my relationship with God but have it cut short by anger, anxiety and frustration. It's at these times that I must examine the sin and the areas of my life that are out of control.

Areas to examine:
  • Finances, Discipline (Laziness), Purity
  • Eating and drinking habits over the holidays.
  • Relationships
The key to doing well spiritually is to realize that you need the help of Jesus (V6) through prayer and the help of relationships (V19).
V17- The people begged Jesus to leave, even after he performed such an amazing miracle.
Why? Jesus represented the light!
John 3:19-21 teaches us that the light has come into the world to expose darkness.
You will not want Jesus around if you do not welcome exposure.

Questions for thought:
  • Do I welcome spiritual relationships?
  • Do I confess sin and push my life into the light?
  • How do these sins affect my heart for people?
Be the light today for someone who is struggling or discouraged in their faith. Encourage them in some way.
Focus on the relationship, not on the sin. Learn how to love people in spite of the sin in their lives.

2012-02-04 - Ministry - Pick Up Your Sword
Matthew 4:1-11

As Christians we constantly live under spiritual warfare. The battle between Satan and God constantly rages. In this passage we see just a glimpse of one skirmish. Satan attacks with his weapon-temptation, and Jesus responds with his skillfully sharpened sword: the Word of God. In this clash Jesus is able to defeat Satan first because he sees the battle,and second because of his passion to fight it with the scriptures.

Question: Do you see the battle? Do you know when you are being tempted, or do the devil's enticements escape you and you easily fall into sin?

In these scriptures Jesus teaches us how to fight back. (V.4) When daily temptation and sin come we have to have deep convictions that we need the Bible. (Satan's first temptation was doubt. "If you are the Son of God") Are you tempted to ignore your desperation for God? Are you desperate to be right with God? Are you tempted to skip your quiet times?

(V.6-7) Are you tempted to test God? Do you think, "If he doesn't answer this prayer, then I won't pray anymore," or "He didn't do that, so I am leaving." Does bitterness or persecution tempt you? Tempted to doubt the kingdom or the scriptures? Tempted to doubt the only church in the Bible, the salvation of family members, or tempted to ignore certain passages Cling to the truths in the scriptures, they are your most powerful weapons. (V. 8-10) Q: Are you tempted by the world? Tempted by their ease? Their power? Their leisure? Tempted to worship what they do-money, attention, praise, desire? (Ps 73)

Write down the temptations you are most susceptible to.

Find a scripture passage in your QT that will help you fight back.

2012-02-14 - Fear of Failure - If You Love, You Cannot Fail
Nic Thompson, San Francisco Church of Christ

1 Corinthians 13

Love never fails. So if we love, we won't either, no matter what our circumstances may be. Love is the reason Jesus lived and died on earth for you and me. Love is the gift that God gave us through his Son. We know that we are becoming like Jesus when we have love for one another. Love is not just a warm feeling, it is the qualities that Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 13. How does your heart measure up? Do you love the truth, do you put others first? Read through the list and see how you have demonstrated these qualities in the last 48 hours. Ask someone who knows you if they agree with your assessment!

  • Choose one characteristic of love and practice it each day.
  • Ask someone how to become more loving.
  • Demonstrate my love by serving someone today.

2012-02-25 - Fear of Failure - Failure Isn't Fatal, but Faith-Building
by  Ray Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

John 11

So often when something tragic occurs in my life, when circumstances unexpectedly take a turn for the worse, or when I miss a lucrative opportunity, I view these "failures" as being personally fatal. However, God uses "failures" in my life as opportunities for learning, spiritual growth, building faith, strengthening character, and ultimately for the saving of souls. This was the case in John 11 for the disciples, Mary, Martha, Lazarus and others as Jesus turned what appeared to be a fatal situation into a life-changing opportunity to build their faith in God's life-saving power.

Decisions for dealing with failure:
  1. When I feel like I am failing, I have to ask, "What is God trying to teach and show me through this?" and also get input from other disciples.
  2. I need to study out how people in the Bible dealt with challenges and failures that are similar to the ones I'm experiencing.
  3. I need to build the faith of others who are in the midst of challenges by openly sharing about my failures, what I learned from them, and how God helped me overcome.

2012-03-16 - Instilling Faith in Children (part II)

They need to see Jesus - Deuteronomy 6:1-9

God did not want his people to forget him

What did he want them to remember?

  • How God helped them
  • Obey all his commands
  • To fear him
  • Love God with everything we have

All these things he still wants us to remember

In what ways can we show our kids, Jesus?

  • Incorporate your children in the things you do
  • Talk about God / ask them thought provoking questions
  • Read the Bible to them /
  • Pray with them

v 20-24 - The questions will come; opportunities to share more

With a Watchful Eye - 1 Timothy 4:15-16

 They will not be a Christian and stay a Christian by chance

2012-08-03 - Genesis 22 - The Offering of Isaac


God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.


Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering
God calls us to sacrifice to a high degree. We need to trust in God when we are called to sacrifice. Abram was called to the give up one of the most important persons in his life. At what point do we stop sacrificing? When we feel we are about to leave our comfort zone? When the price is too high?

Genesis 22:5 - and then we will come back to you
He did not know how or in what way but Abram had faith God would not forget about His promise to Abram. Would his son come back to life? Would God give him a new son? What whatever was to happen, Abram believed he would not be coming back alone when he said "we will come back".

Genesis 22:12 - I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
God present us with tests in our life to see where our heart is at. These test also tell us where our own heart is at if we pay attention. There was no cost Abram was not willing to pay to seek out the Lord which show he had the right perceptive of God's power.  Our sacrifice level shows our love for God.

Personal Application

I know for me I give until it starts to physically hurt, brings up bad memories, or I don't see the need to. It does not depend on me; I need to sacrifice in relation to the need. As I grow close to go God I will see God's heart in this.

2012-11-05 - Unknown Romance
Other than the official channels, he also speak to us through what happens to us
Our inner story is audible early in the morning and the middle of the night - when the inner editor is off duty

Our heart is captured by mystery - it was one of the great things about being a child
As adults, we have learned to tell ourselves that it is naive, we need to move to more reasonable things
He think we have outgrown it and it was just foolishness of a child
Contemporary Christianity teaches us to mistrust this New Age heresy

In all of our hearts there lies a longing for a Sacred Romance
It will not away in spite of our years of ignoring it
Romance couched in mystery is set deep within us
We desire to be part of something larger than ourselves

We have two deep desires:
  1. The longing for adventure that requires something of us
  2. Desire for intimacy - to have someone truly know us for ourselves

It is the core of our spiritual journey

Any religion that ignores it survives only as guilt-induced legalism, a set of propositions to be memorized and rules to be obeyed

What does these desires have to do with God?

Hasn't God left us with them to draw us closer to him?

2013-06-26 - Why we need men of resolution (part III)

Fathers are to reveal and represent God

All fatherhood comes from Him (Ephesians 3:14–15).

Should be able to see these qualities of God:

  • a loving Provider
  • a strong Protector
  • a truthful Leader
  • a respectable Authority
  • an intimate Friend

The word father means “founder, source, chief, or leader.”

Godhead described, it is always God the Father first, then the Son, then the Holy Spirit.

Want to know what God is like? then just look at Jesus.

Are representing your heavenly Father? Thist is your priceless purpose.

  1. They learn their identity from you - go to their dads for answers to their biggest questions: Who is God? Who am I? Am I loved?
  2. They learn their values from you - Kids watch their dads to find what’s important. Constantly reinforce the higher priorities and deeper truths of life.
  3. They learn their worth from you - girls with strong dads are much more likely to feel secure

Great homes don’t just happen, need to be intentionally cultivated and guarded.

Let truth, love, and wise discipline become constant ingredients of fathering.

2015-02-10 - The To Do List

Jeshua and Zerubbabel joined his fellow priests in rebuilding the alter of the God of Israel - Ezra 3:2-3

Ask yourself what tops your list of things to do, if spending time with God is not, then it is time to make an adjustment

Their actions created a buzz - they insisted on rebuilding the alter before rebuilding the city wall

"Can't that wait?" "Don't these guys understand the danger we face?"

Jeshua and Zerubbabel understood without God's protection, their enemies would destroy them, wall or no wall

They remembered what happened to the previous wall builder - they forgot to include God and their wall came tumbling down

Does anything on your to do list come before spending time with God?

When you make time with GOd your top priority, you invite blessings on all the other items on the list.

2015-03-09 - Courage

Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people - Joshua 1

God called Joshua to lead the people

He struggled through fears but he became a great example of hom to make fear a nonissue

Joshua did not start this way.

How did Joshua get courage?

  1. He had a strong sense of purpose - Joshua 1:6
  2. He completely obeyed God's instruction - Joshua 1:7

Recipe for courage: Joshua was determined to go where God called him to go and do what God called him to do

When you combine God-given sense of purpose and a commitment to obedience, God willenale to defeat your enmied and give all he promised

2015-03-12 - When to Retreat

Run from all these evil things - 1 Timothy 6:11

Every competent military strategist needs to understand when to retreat

Retreat does not mean defeat but simply makes room for a later victory

Pau's battle plan called for Timothy to handle certain types of temptations with a retreat

It wasn't just a retreat but a counter attack with something good - fath, love, perseverance, and gentleness

This pursuit would shelter Timothy from temptations of the world

God instruct you to retreat from certain kinds of tempatation and pursue things that hold out the promise of a spiritual productive future

2015-05-24 - Defend Whats Right

Listen carefully to these decrees and regulations, obey them so that you may live - Deuteronomy 4:1

Each of us naturally tends to think we have the right to adopt our our set of morals, standards, and spirituality

Beleivers in Christ must reject such a belief

Moses delivered an uncompromising message of strict obedience of God with no tolerance for sin

He understood the importance of setting righteous standards for the people

Moses faithfully walked this (not sinless) despite being labeled as:

  • Inflexable
  • Intolerant
  • Judgemental

Do you have the courage to risk anger, resentment, oppositon, or insults to follow God?

God does not ask for perfection but a spirit-empowered obedience

2015-06-24 - God's Presence

Don't make us leave this place - Exodus 33:15

He who has God and many other things has no more than he who has God alone - C S Lewis

Moses had an acute sense of his need for God's presence;

Expereince brought him to this conculsion:

  • 40 years living in Midian
  • Faced down a stubborn Pharaoh
  • Saw God's power in freeing his people from salvary

None of these things could have taken palce if God had not been with him

As Moses was considering the trip to the Promised land, he did not want to take another step  further without the assurance of God's presence

The Promised Land without the Promise Giver didn't hold much promise

How much does the presence of God mean to you?

2015-07-02 - Get Up and Go!

The time has come for you to lead these people - Joshua 1:2

Throughout the Scripture, God attaches promises to His commands - If you do this, I will do that

Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you - Joshua 1:3

Joshua is one of the greatest examples in the Bible of how "showing up" at God's command leads to victory

His promises are often contingent upon our taking steps of obedience

2015-07-25 - Forgive and Forget

Now it is time to forgive and comfort him - 2 Corinthians 2:7

Paul told the Corinthian Christians to forgive a man who had caused him and the church a lot of trouble

God's purpose for discipline is to forgive and restore, not to condemn and reject

Paul apparently shared these believers' sense of injury but he eagerly extended forgiveness and restoration to give the man some hope and encouragement

Who in your life needs that kind of forgiveness and encouragement?

2015-08-09 - Just Like You

Whay are you doing this? We are merely human beings - just like you! - Acts 14:15

Paul and his missionary companion Barnabas demonstrated an attitude of humility and tolerance as they faced sin in the city of Lystra

When they healed a cripped man, Paul and Barnabas watched in horror as the people began to worship them

They did respond to the people in anger or disgust - rather they continued to love these sinners them even though they hated the sin

Paul and Barnabas sent a message that they were no better than anyone else - all of them together were sinners saved by God's grace

What kind of message are you sending to those around you?

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