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2009-06-03 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 2)
What it means for us:

1. Jesus can be trusted
a. Jesus taught with truth and compassion
b. Backup his teachings with his life
i. No man can come to except through me
ii. Do good to those who hate you
iii. Find your life by loosing it
c. Gives us a place to stand – embolden the disciples
2. Shows the kingdom has come

3. God fully intended to continue Jesus mission
a. Jesus was the foundation
b. Story did not end in Palestine
4. Those who follow him also share in the resurrection
a. Died with Christ, now we can live a new life with him – Romans 6:4,5,8

2009-06-07 - One Another - Centrality of Relationships
Relationships are the center of God's will
Relationship with him and with those in the body

Matthew 22:37-40
  • Relationship with is at the center of the target
  • The second is like it - not far behind
  • Jesus connected relationship with God to relationship with each other
  • All the law and prophets hang on these two commands
  • For the Jews, Law and Prophets encompassed all of God's will

2009-06-20 - A Life of Impact - Selfless Authority


Mark 2:6-12

  • Jesus didn’t walk on eggshells when he was around those who opposed him.
  • We are often so careful not to offend anyone that no frankness and no power is left our speech.
  • We need to be constantly ready to withstand opposition

Selfless Authority

  • People who seem apologetic about authority they have or hesitate to exercise it are not very impressive
  • Reason: they see it as a means of gaining something for themselves for themselves rather than a means of achieving a goal
  • People that abuse power act the same way as those who do not use
  • Pilate failed because he did not understand why he was in power
  • We should not hesitate to make use of this authority and we should be unashamed
  • How can disciples of Jesus not be bold and assertive? We must be forceful people!

2009-06-28 - A Life of Impact - Discernment and Productivity


Mark 4:14-20

  • We are not to pronounce judgment but announce His judgment.
  • Types of people at work:
    • Non-ambitious - Putting in their time, staying out of trouble, receiving a paycheck
    • Overly ambitious – position only a stepping stone, self and not the organization
    • Employees that just want to an excellent job – may turn bitter after a while because of others around them.
    • Those who hold to their ideas and maintain an “all for one and one for all” attitude – will produce beyond own expectations


  • Jesus was concerned with people’s spiritual productivity
  • Apple seed – would you expect one apple from an apple tree? No hundreds each year

2009-06-30 - A Life of Impact - Dream Shared

Dream Shared

Mark 4:26-32

  • He did not hesitate to express his vision to those around him.
  • Jesus confidence that the Father would keep his promises fostered faith in his followers

Choice words

Mark 4:33-34

  • Did not teach over the listeners’ heads nor did he overwhelm them with information
  • Those that were already committed to follow him – he explained everything
  • The way we speak has almost as much impact as what we say.

Actions speak louder

  • They assumed that he could not help and they wondered if he even cared
  • Natural reaction would to rebuke the disciples than help – not Jesus

2009-07-03 - A Life of Impact - Assertiveness


Mark 5:35-43

  • He took charge of the situation and his surrounds
  • Why have we not acted as Jesus did?

Fear Sensitivity

  • Jesus didn’t say a word to those who doubted
  • Assertiveness without sensitivity can be offensive and counterproductive

A Simple charge

  • “Don’t be afraid, just believe”
  • He didn’t burden him with lots of words
  • Excessive amount of teaching may cloud the main issue


  • Peter, James, and John were closest to Jesus
  • Jesus narrowed his focus to help the build leaders to their full potential.


  • A little consideration can go a long ways
  • Ideas: buy someone lunch, remember people’s birthdays
  • Be alert to meeting other people’s needs

2009-07-06 - A Life of Impact - Forcefulness

The Sending

Mark 6:7-13

  • He gave them very specific instructions
  • He taught them how much they needed encouragement, accountability, and support.
  • It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that those sent on a mission be adequately prepared for it.
  • An unprepared person who is sent can gather discouragement more than victories.


  • Forceful leader gives specific direction and then fully expects his followers to carry them out.
  • Jesus did not apologize for strong leadership; he promoted it
  • Strong leadership is offensive to many these days
  • People resist because of pride or because they simply do not want other to tell them what to do.

2009-07-07 - A Life of Impact - Fame and Reputation


Mark 6:14-29

  • Fame facilities influences.
  • Those who are eager to impact others but not interested in being in the spotlight have a small problem = cost.
  • Fame brings both criticism and applause.


  • Reputations do not define who we are but they do reveal how we are perceived by others
  • Evaluating yourself on the basis of others is like looking into a carnival mirror, shows your reflection but a bit distorted

2009-07-19 - A Life of Impact - Timing


Mark 8:31-33

  • He did not reveal things prematurely.
  • There is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man’s misery weighs heavily upon him. – Ecc 8:6


  • Peter and the other disciples knew that they could say anything to Jesus and he would continue to accept them.
  • A leader must be approachable.
  • Approachability is not the product of timidity.
  • People won’t open up to someone they perceive as being weak and unable to help them.
  • Approachability is the fruit of those who have the ability to listen completely before responding.
  • Confidentiality: Public offenses demand public discipline. (What goes around comes around)

2009-08-02 - A Life of Impact - An Emphasis of Fundamentals
An Emphasis of Fundamentals

Mark 11:20-25
  • Explained very practically how they could pray.
  • A person can be effective at almost anything by simply mastering the basics.
  • Answered prayer will only amaze those who are not themselves faithful in prayer.
  • He taught them whatever they lacked; his teachings were very flexible.
Never intimidated
  • Forced them to choose between exposing their heart toward John or their unresponsive hearts toward the Word of God.
  • How do you handle confident and aggressive people?
  • How would you react to a public put down in front of friends and co-workers?
  • Make a decision not to buckle when things get hot.
  • Remember those over us (bosses, leaders) are only mere men and women.

2009-08-08 - A Life of Impact - Discernment


Mark 12:41-44

  • We must be able to discern the relative merits of people’s deeds.
  • We often fail to notice the hidden glory of those who deny themselves


  • It is a mistake to think that we can effectively help people when we don’t know the details of what is going on in their lives
  • “Mind your own business” – society is not favor of this idea
  • We must demonstrate a genuine concern for the welfare of others. – not gossip

2009-08-15 - A Life of Impact - Emotional Transformation (part 2)


  • Most are either:
    • Stoics – feelings and burdens are locked away deep inside of them.
    • Cathartics – those who dump their feelings on anybody who will listen
  • Jesus practiced complete openness without making others responsible for his feelings.
  • Jesus leaned on his friends, but he did not dump on them.
  • Premeditated openness is a key to fostering deep, meaningful relationships


  • Too many of us would be unwilling to persevere through a long and difficult decision-making process.
  • We must be willing to put in whatever effort is required to reach the best decision.

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-09-02 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 2)
Adam receives his name from God
Abraham names Issac
Jesus needed to hear those words

God renames Jacob and Paul

Racheal names son “son of my sorrow”. Jacob renames him “son of my right hand”
It took intervention by the man, it always does

A boy is brought into the world by his mother
There comes a time for the shift when he begins to seek out his father’s affection – Hard for a mother

Dad coming home is biggest event in a boy’s day
Women try to fill void that an absent father has left
Father calls his son “tiger”

Turns to mom for comfort and dad for adventure
If a mother will not allow her son to become dangerous, if she does not let the father take him away, she will emasculate him.

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-09-11 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 2)
Enemy always tempts us to take back control and to recover and rebuild false self
We must remember that it is out of love God stops our imposter
God disciplines those he loves, do not lose heart - Hebrews 12:5-6
We must walk away from the false self
Simply accept the invitation to leave all that we’ve relied on and venture out with God

No clue to what your false self may be?
  • What is my effect on you?
  • What am I like to with?
  • What don’t you feel free to bring up with me?
If you never ever say a word in a meeting because you fear you might say something stupid, well then it’s time to speak up
If you dominate meetings - sense of worth
Do you face fears head on?

Losing false self is painful
Like losing a close friend
Journey has pain but is toward freedom, healing, and authenticity

2009-09-21 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 2)
A warrior is cunning.
When to fight and when to run
Three enemies:
  1. world
  2. flesh
  3. devil
We don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success
We want the easy way out
Your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you.

Paul knew the struggle within – my sin is not me – this not my true heart - Romans 7
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you - Ezekiel 36:26
There is a war within us, but it is a civil war. There is a traitor within who wars against our true heart fighting alongside the Spirit of God
The real you is on the side of God against the false self.
The man who wants to live valiantly will lose heart quickly if he believes that his heart is nothing but sin
We are never told to crucify our heart
We are never told to kill the true man with in us
Never told to get rid of those deep desires for battle and adventure and beauty

2009-09-22 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 3)
Walk right into those situations you normally run from
Speak right to the issues normally remain silent over
If you want to grow in masculine strength, then stop sabotaging yours.

Being wronged and saying that is OK, but furious inside
This will push your strength down and eventually you will believe you do not have any.
When you deny your anger, it turns to fear
Sabotage also happens when we give our strength away
Taking a bribe, refusing to confront an issue, sexual sin
Sexual struggle is sin and a battle for his strength

Start choosing to live out your strength and you’ll discover that it grows each time
Stand your ground and begin to taste your true strength and you’ll want more
Our strength is will and fierce and we are more than unsettled by what may happen if we let it arrive
“I’m afraid I will do something bad if I let all this show up” – You will do something bad if you don’t
Man’s addictions are a result of his refusing his strength
Let people feel the weight of who you are and let them deal with it

2009-09-24 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 5)
Not every thought that crosses your mind comes from you
  • Where are those ideas coming from?
  • Where are those feelings coming from?
  • We are unaware of his schemes – 2 Corinthians 2:11
  • We look for a psychological or a physical explanation for every trouble we meet

Who caused the Chaldeans to steal Job’s herds – Satan Job 12,17
Anaias and Sapphira – Satan
Heartache keeps us from praying
Satan is behind that brutal assault on your on strength
There is a whole lot more going on behind the scenes of our lives than most of us have been led to believe

Behind the world and the flesh is an event more deadly enemy, one we rarely speak of and are even less ready to resist

2009-09-29 - One Another - Differences (part 2)

Conviction and Acceptance

How we blend conviction with an equally deep level of acceptance?

We need to understand that some convictions can be disputable matters
Paul does not get into a discussion what is right and wrong

Accept those whose faith is weak - Romans 14:1

Accept one another in order to bring praise to God - Romans 15:7

Example: It is OK to treat one day more special to worship God than another day - Romans 14:5-6

Even if the conviction is misguided - we sin if go against it

Great questions in these verses:

  • Who are you to judge some else's servant? - Romans 14:4
  • Why do you judge your brother? - Romans 14:10
  • Why do you look down on your brother? - Romans 14:10
On the day of judgment:
  • No "I'm right" or "Your wrong" on that day
  • Rightness will be perfectly obvious to all
Therefore lut us stop passing judgment on one another - Romans 14:13

2009-10-03 - One Another - Responsibility for one another
Two extremes:
  1. Mind your own business - can gravitate to this view because of our own conform
  • Can become busybodies instead - 2 Thessalonians 3:11
  • Can become lazy - 1 Timothy 5:13
  • Offering guidance, instructions, cautions, warnings, or sometimes stronger - all part of being faithful in our relationships
  1. Judge not and you will not be judged
  • Jesus is condemning self-righteous judging
  • For those unwilling to examine the issue in their own lives
  • Must care enough about each other to help each other to grow

2009-10-10 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 3)
2. Intimidation

Our condition may become normal to use after a while - depression
If you pray and fight against – It will get worse.
Once the Enemy is discovered, he usually does not just roll over and die.
Jesus says get tough and resist the onslaught

Next level Satan tries intimidation and fear
He wants you to agree with intimidation because he fears you
Fighting back, he will lose – Resist the devil and he will flee – James 4:7

Why do so many pastor’s kids go off the deep end?
Evil One is trying to an old tactic – strike first and maybe the opposition will run
He can’t win, you know

God is with us
“As I was with Moses, so I will be with you” – Joshua 1:5
The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is his name – Exodus 15:3

How did Jesus win the battle against Satan? God was with him
Doesn’t simply mean that he’ll be around - he will fight for us
Satan is trying to appeal to the traitor’s commitment to self-preservation when he uses fear and intimidation.
So as long as we are back in the old story of saving our skin, looking out for Number One, those tactics will work.

Become a warrior
The most dangerous man on earth is the man who has reckoned with his own death.
All men die, few men ever really live.

2009-10-12 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 5)
We don’t need accountability groups we need fellow warriors, someone to fight alone side, someone to watch our back

We don’t need a meeting of the Really Nice Guys

Never a more devoted group of men than those who have fought alongside one another

You will be wounded
To lose a leg is nothing compared to losing heart
Enemy knows the wounds of your past and he will try to wound you again in the same place
It is an honor to be wounded in the service of the Lord
Boys are proud of their scars, they are badges of honor
Kingdom forcefully advances and forceful men take hold of it - Matthew 11:12

Jesus says it is going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got

2009-10-19 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 2)
Most spend the energy of their lives trying to eliminate risk
Their children hear “no” far more than they hear “yes”
If a man succeeds in securing his life against all risk, he will wind up in a cocoon of self-protection and wonder why he is suffocating
Seizing upon some sort of competence and rejecting anything that cannot be controlled

This a refusal to trust God and reach out for control – runs deep in every man
False self’s desire is to have power over experience – to control events and consequences - Mark 8:36

Too may men forsake their dreams because they aren’t willing to risk or fear they aren’t up to the challenge or are never told that those desire of the heart are good

Soul of a man isn’t made for controlling things
His job is charter to explore, build, conquer, and care for all creation
If you had permission to do what you really wanted to do, what would you do?

"How" is a faithless question – How is God’s department… Ask "what"
What is written on your heart?
What make you come alive?
Don’t ask yourself what does the world need. Ask yourself what make you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive

I’ve met men who’ve used advice like it was permission
They are deceived about what they really want
Goal of Christian discipleship is the transformed heart
We move from boy who needs the Law to the man who is able to live by the Spirit of the Law
Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit then you won’t feed on compulsion or selfishness

2009-11-14 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 2)
Aganaktesis – Indignation
Conducts a search-and-destroy mission for every potential excuse for sin
Jesus drove out those who were selling and buying in the temple courts
Much easier to express indignation at some else’s sin or some points out our sin versus our own
Phobos – Alarming Fear
Although God hates sin and not the sinner – still it is the sinner that goes to hell
Nothing focuses the mind like real fear
Epipothesis – Longing
Through fear, we recognize that sin alienates us from God
We long to restore our fellowship with God
Without the acknowledgement of separation, there is no cause for longing
Fear sounds the alarm, but longing sets the course
No sin can stand against a soul who longs to return to God

2009-11-23 - Master Plan - Selection (part 2)
  • Not the kind of group you would expect to win the world for the Christ.
  • Represented an average cross section of the society of their day
  • Some already had joined the revival movement of John the Baptist
  • Jesus can use anyone who wants to be used.
  • Kept the group small enough to be able to work effectively with them.
    • More special than the twelve was the three – Peter, James, John
      • Jairus’ daughter (mark 5:37, Luke 8:51)
      • Mount of Transfiguration (Mark 9:2, Matthew 17:1)
      • Waited Near the Lord when He prayed. (Mark 14:33, Matthew 26:37)
    • Choose twelve – Luke 6:13-17, Mark 3:13-19
    • Others – the 70 (Luke 10:1), Mark and Luke (gospel writers), James, His own brother (1 Cor 15:7)
  • Rapidly diminishing priority given to those outside the twelve.
  • Staked His whole ministry on them. Everything depended upon their faithfulness.
  • Some believe that focusing on a few is favoritism
  • Jesus however did not neglect the crowds.
    • Taught them
    • Healed the sick
    • Blessed the children
    • Wept for them
    • He died for them.
  • Crowd aroused
    • Wanted to make him King by force - John 6:15
    • All men were clamoring for His attention - John 3:26
    • Pharisees admitted that the world has gone after Him - John 12:19
    • Frequently asked those that recipients of His healing to say nothing to prevent mass demonstrations
    • Own brothers and sisters did not understand him - John 7:2-9

2009-11-29 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 2)
  • Consequences for not following up
    • The other choice is for the convert to find solutions to innumerable problems in on their own
    • Haphazard follow-up could mean disaster for their faith
    • Fall ways - come about more often be not getting with them enough
    • There is not substitute for getting with people
  • No such thing as assembly line discipleship
  • You must be a personal guardian to those you lead.
  • It is your job to:
    • Stay with them as much as possible
    • Study the Bible and pray together
    • Answer their questions
    • Clarify the truth
    • Seeking together to help others
  • If it took three years to develop His disciples by getting with them, how much more should we get together with those that have not physically have seen Jesus? How much longer will it take (not seeing them all the time)?

2009-12-01 - Master Plan - Count the Costs
  • Those who did not go all the way fell by the wayside
    • Can not make excuses - Matthew 8:21-22
    • Greed will try to take us away (Judas) - Mark 14:10
    • Turn loose of the world - Matthew 27:3-10
    • Leave comforts of this world - Matthew 8:19
    • Those who want to turn are not fit to serve - Luke 9:62
    • Must love God above all else - Luke 14
  • Few want to pay the price
    • Jesus had only a few followers = Are you going to leave too? …Where shall we go? - John 6:68

2009-12-02 - Master Plan - Learning to Obey
  • Disciples were slow to learn the deeper truths of Jesus’ life.
    • What the kingdom of God was all about
    • The fact that Jesus was going to die on the cross
    • Serving others above their own needs
    • Who was greatest in the kingdom of God
    • Harsh judgment on those how disagreed with them
  • Jesus was patient with their failings
    • Disciples went back to their old fishing business – did not seem to be an act of disobedience
    • Jesus come follow him but they did not realize what that meant until later
    • Their capacity to receive truth would if they continued to practice with what truth they did understand
    • They were not asked to commit to doctrine but to the Person who was the doctrine.

2009-12-06 - Master Plan - Jesus gave himself away (part 2)
  • Love is the only way to win the free response of men
  • Work of the Holy Spirit
    • Must be born again
    • Christ began His ministry by being baptized - John 3:3-9
    • Made clean through the Word and set apart to God for Holy Service - John 15:3
    • Only the Spirit can carry on the redemptive mission of evangelism
    • Jesus was God in revelation but the Spirit was God in operation
    • Evangelism was not a human undertaking but a divine project.
  • With Him they felt that everything was possible
  • The superhuman work to which they were called demanded superhuman help.
  • Through confession of their deep-seated pride and enmity in utterly surrender of themselves to Christ
  • It is not who we are but Who He us that makes the difference
  • Only those who followed Jesus all the way came to know the glory of this experience
  • Jesus was deliberately investing all He had in these few men so that they could be properly prepared to do His work.
  • We cannot give something away which we do not possess ourselves.
  • The very ability to give to give away our life in Christ is proof of its possession.

2009-12-11 - Master Plan - Delegation (part 3)
  • Sending of the Seventy - Luke 10:1
    • Almost the same instructions - Luke 10:2-16
    • They would be forerunners (Luke 10:1)
  • Post Resurrection
    • Peter: Feed my sheep - John 21:15-17
    • I send you - John 20:21
    • Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20
    • Repent and remission of sins - Luke 24:47-49
  • Evangelism is not an option (Jesus was all about – heartbeat of why he lived)
  • Tangible expression by those who are following the Savior
  • He gave work assignments (made sure they carried them out)
  • At first assignments started small, but grew gradually until the graduation (started the church that turned the world upside down)

2009-12-12 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 1)
He kept check on them
  • His teaching rotated between instruction and assignment
  • Questions, illustrations, warnings, and admonitions were calculated to fill His work to evangelize the world.
  • When the disciples were sent out they gathered themselves to see what things had been done
    • They were expected to share their experiences
    • Previous mission there was no mention of any spectacular success
    • They gain additional experience
    • Jesus cautioned the disciples against pride in their accomplishments
  • Demon-possessed boy – lesson on how they needed more prayer and fasting
  • Loaves and fish – lesson on faith they God will provide
  • Lessons of patience
    • Danger of discouraging any sincere work - “Those who are not against you are for you” - Mark 9:50
    • Do little the little one stumble - Mark 9:42
    • Encounter resistance - Call down fire from heaven - Luke 9:51-54
    • Jesus came to save not destroy - Luke 9:55

2009-12-15 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 2)
  • The Test
    •  Could His disciples do a good job without His bodily supervision as they could with it?
    •  Human point of view: Never could be sure that His investment in their lives.
  •  Life-sustaining power of the vine was not to be given to endlessly upon lifeless branches
    •  A barren Christian is a contradiction.
    • A tree is known by its fruit
  • Principle throughout His ministry
    • Reward of His own sacrifice for the world - John 12:24
    • Distinguishing work of those who did the will of His Father - Matthew 7:16-23
    • Wages given to His disciples for their work in the harvest - John 4:36
    • What was lacking in the Sadducees and Pharisees - Matthew 3:7-8

2009-12-17 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 4)
  • Are those who have followed us to Christ now leading others to Him?
  • Not enough to rescue the perishing but to build them in the faith of Christ.
  • Converts go out and make leaders out of the converts not just simply more followers.
  • Church should be measured on how many Christians are actively winning souls.
  • Lord added to the Church, those who were being saved
  • Within a few centuries, the world would have known the hand of the Master
  • Shortcuts have failed
    • Adaptations of the principle are always necessary in the light of changing circumstances.
    • Costly principles of leadership development can not undercut
    • We try ceremonies, programs, organizations, and crusades of human ingenuity.
    • We must understand that evangelism is not done by something but by someone
    • God's nature is to get personal. Men reaching other men for Christ.
  • Need men who:
    • See His vision
    • Feel His passion
    • Willing to be nothing so that He may be everything

2009-12-21 - First the Kingdom - Spiritual Beggars
Two words for "poor" in Greek:
  1. Not owning any property
  2. So poor that you had to beg
Those who will be blessed need to realize they are spiritually bankrupt and understand we are spiritual beggars before God - Matthew 5:3

We are in Sin God is Not
We are in need God has plenty
We are stuck God has the ability to free us

Only through confession and humility - only by owning up to our sin

Spiritual Beggars can have everything in the Kingdom of God

2009-12-25 - First the Kingdom - A Choice
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted - Matthew 5:4

Jesus speaks primarily of a spiritual morning by choice

Other options, could choose to:
  • ignore it
  • postpone it
Why would we choose mourning?
  • Choose God over self
  • Realize we have broken his heart
  • Our response is to be broken, vulnerable, contrite, and humble
  • No other response makes sense or brings healing
Spiritual mourning is an element of true repentance

Godly sorrow brings repentance, leading to salvation - 2 Corinthians 7:10

2009-12-30 - First the Kingdom - Starving without Him
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6

Jesus himself was the bread of Life - John 6:35
Gave Living water - John 4:10

He describes a relationship with him to be all-consuming
Just like going without food or water fir a prolonged period - there is little else we think about

As deer pants for water, my soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
How excited are you about getting time to be with God every day?

For deep conviction about loving the Word - Psalms 119
Without the sense of duty, he was overjoyed at the privilege of being able to commune with heart of the Creator

Hunger for the Word develops obedience which helps with understanding of God heart to help and server others

2010-01-03 - Kingdom First - Making Peace with God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will called sons of God - Matthew 5:9

World knows little peace - God wages peace
The heart of God is to be at peace with man

In order to have peace with God, we must resolve war(s) in our heart
Peace is not conflict avoidance, it is resolution after a spiritual war

Only those who know God can make peace that endures
Once alienated from God and enemies - Colossians 1:21
After humbling our hearts and mourning over our sin - we become his children, part of the family

Keep peace is an on-going process
Our lives must be continually cleansed from sin

What is your level of peace?
Have worries rob you of your trust in God?

2010-01-06 - Kingdom First - At War
Blessed are those who are persecuted - Matthew 5:10-12

Persecution must come and will come to every person who want to live a godly life - 2 Timothy 3:12

Persecution must come because we are war Satan

Jesus: I did not come to bring peace but a sword - Matthew 10:34
He knew that life mean war

Knowing that life means war will not make us glad but it will make us ready

2010-01-28 - Kingdom First - Personal Responsibility (part 2)
When talking about removing the plank from our eye so we can remove the speck from someone else, there are two extremes:
  1. Becoming inwardly focused, see only our problems
  2. Trying to help other straighten out their lives without being open to the same help ourselves
How do I get a sober estimate of myself?

A. Look daily into the mirror of God's word
Foolish to just look at the word of God and not let it transform you - James 1:22-25

B. Pray fervently for God to open your eyes and give you insight into your heart and life
An incredible prayer about searching our heart - Psalms 139:23-24

C. Be open with those in your life
Be quick to confess sin - James 5:16

D. Have a humble attitude toward challenge in your life
Let this be our goal - Psalms 141:5

2010-02-06 - First the Kingdom - One-Lane Road (part 1)
Seemingly contradictory statements:
God wants all men be saved - 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Road to God  is narrow and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:13-14

Both are true

God shows he wants all me to be saved
He sent his son who spoke clearly and plainly about what it takes
The broad road says - I know better than God what life and eternity are all about
On the broad road - so many people and so many standards
Bible warns those on the broad road will face terrors and traps of many kinds - Proverbs 4:10-19

Many agree that the narrow road teaching Jesus describes is one of the most difficult
Can not be faithful to Jesus' message and teach anything but the narrow road
Only a few find = fact is that only a few search
Everyone who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8

2010-02-13 - First the Kingdom - Deceision Time
There are fundamentally three responses one can have to Jesus' message:

1. No way! Tho could possibly do this?
Too hard, No one can do it  Just trying to make me feel guilty

2. It's wonderful. We should think more about it.
Many want to hear it - but few live it
Same problem in Ezekiel's day - Ezekiel 33:31-32

3. It's a great challenge, but it's God's will and I want it
No one can live it without error, but all those who put their hearts into it and go for it will start changing their part of the world

2010-02-27 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 1)
Small groups were in the center of Jesus' ministry - spent much of his time with the 12

Principles of small groups

Focus on belonging and being devoted - Romans 12:5

All belong to one another - members of one another
These who have been united with Christ - this is your spiritual family

Be a giver, not just a taker
Always need great listeners (not just being quite) - ask questions, draw people out
Do your part to make the group warm, loving, supportive, open, etc
"I'm not getting much out from this group" - check your heart and actions

Appreciate, affirm, and encourage the different gifts - 1 Corinthians 12

God has given our brothers and sisters for our enjoyment
Give special focus to those who may feel marginalized by illness/disability

2010-02-28 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 2)
Look for the Spirit's work in all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:6-19

The Spirit is always at work - John 5:17
Guard against the tendency to look at your group through unspiritual eyes
God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Don't just hang those you click with, God wants to teach us through people who are different from us

Support spiritual leadership - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Ask your leader(s) if he/she feels your support and encouragement - how you can more fully show it

2010-03-04 - To Live is Christ - To Love is to Live

There is nothing greater than love - 1 Corinthians 13:13

If we don't know how to love, we don't know how to live
To live as Christ is to learn how to love
If love isn't growing will soon die

Those who are satisfied with the love they attained have really ceased to love
Paul prayed for the Philippians' love to abound more and more

God is love - 1 John 4:8
Learning to love is learning to be like God - who among us can say we have arrived?


2010-03-07 - To Live is Christ - Self Titled
What is missing in so many lives is a clear sense of identity and purpose

Paul knew who he was and his his purpose of living/dying for Christ

In fact he had a relationship, example and a security destiny with Christ

If they spared his life, his purpose was to:
  • Show the life of Christ in his life
  • Tell others the good news
  • Mature those who were disciples
If death, then a life in heaven with Christ
Either way, it was a "win-win"

Paul was going to be delivered, one way or another - 2 Corinthians 1:10
  • Delivered from prison
  • Delivered from his life and struggles
  • Delivered from his loneliness and anxiety
What could be better than an unswerving commitment to someone greater than yourself?

2010-03-13 - To Live is Christ - No One Else Like Him
Those with with the greatest impact are not the ones you expect
Romans centurion - Matthew 8:5-10
Canaanite woman - Matthew 15:21-28

Timothy struggled with illness and fear made quite an impression on Paul
  • He looked out for the interest of others
  • He lived out the message
  • He knew what it meant to go to the cross
  • He was convinced that he was more alive when he was dead
  • He discipleship was a matter of practice
  • He had no trouble seeing the mission of Jesus
  • He did not run aimlessly but purposeful, selfless, and dedicated servant of Jesus
How do Timothys come about?
  • They study to become like this
  • They are discipled to become like this
  • They do whatever it takes
God uses them to bless the world

2010-03-17 - To Live is Christ - Considered Rubbish
Not only did Paul give up his religious past and performance, he gladly counted everything else a loss too
He would give up any claim of such things so he could gain justification by grace

He considered them rubbish  - Philippians 3:8-9
skubala = human waste or dung (KJV)
He was saying the same thing as Isaiah - all righteousness acts are like filthy rags - Isaiah 64:6

The good we do is not rubbish but it is if those works are seen as the source and trusted in
Our obedience, which is imperfect, does not make us right with God
Christ's righteousness saves by faith

The message of the cross calls us to sacrifice everything to Christ, who sacrificed everything for us

Without his sacrifice, our sacrifice would be worthless to God and to man

2010-04-05 - Life to the Full - Dead or Alive? (part 5)
Christians who have no interest in helping the disadvantaged are not Christians at all - James 2:14-17

Jesus himself saw the crowds and healed them - Matthew 14:14
He taught that only those who reached out to the imprisoned, poor, hungry, and sick would be welcomed into heaven - Matthew 25:31

Mere belief is not enough; it is acting on the faith you have - James 2:18

Ask yourself, do these people believe? - Titus 1:15
Anyone who isn't a true disciple is an unbeliever - Titus 1:16

2010-04-08 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 2)
Teaching is one of the few gifts mentioned in both in the lists of Ephesian 4 and 1 Corinthians 12

What exactly is a teacher?
  • Primary job is to teach the scriptures
  • They need to teach the truth
  • False teachers are always out there
    • OT = Jeremiah 8:7-8
    • NT = 2 Peter 2:1
  • Are need to arrange biblical themes - Ecclesiastes 12:9-10
  • Teacher are primary instructional while preachers are more inspirational
  • Teachers must have deep convictions - allow those without is dangerous
  • Teachers must be on the cutting edge - teacher not at their best -> teaching becomes effected

2010-04-13 - Life to the Full - Got to Pray (part 1)
James addressed the rich who exploited the poor and those who failed to stand up to the sin - James 5:1-6

Withholding wages, even overnight - was considered cheating a labor by underpaying him - Deuteronomy 24:14-15

v5 - the "day of slaughter" was the day an animal was slaughtered and mostly all eaten since there was no refrigeration

v6 - they were "condemning and murdering" innocent men
Actively - cast their vote against the lower castes
Passively - failed to defend them

Am I passionate about advocating for the poor?

2010-04-26 - Heart of Friendship (part 2)

Friendship in Christ

Galatians 3:26-29

  • We are all in Christ
  • There is no different: race, martial status, money you make, area you live in

Friendship like Christ

John 13:34-35 - You must love one another like Christ (even when you do not want to)

Matthew 26:50 - First word Jesus said to Judas as he was betraying him was "Friend, ..."

Revelation 3:19 - Jesus corrected those he loved (We must correct those we love)

Friendship for Christ

Ephesians 5:21

  • Our motivation for submitting to each other - reverence for Christ
  • How can we tolerate others? our reverence for Christ

Friendship through Christ

Philippians 4:13 - We can do anything with our friend, Jesus Christ

2010-05-11 - World Hates Jesus (part 3)

The answer is out there

John 5:16-23

  • If this is true then there is nothing else
  • Religious are looking for answers. Why?
    • Easier
    • More followers
    • Do not want to look bad

You are in the right place

John 6:68-69

  • No where else to go
  • What are you looking for?
Jesus says those who obey are his disciples - John 8:31-32

What are you going to do?

2010-05-22 - Desire's Journey - Goodness

Does Christianity condemn desire? Like the Puritans

It is not a matter of desire is good or not - it is what we do with it
Christianity recognizes that desire has gone mad within us but not seeking to fix the problem by killing our desire

Something has gone wrong
God gives us commands for our own good
The point is not the law but joy

Faith on its way to maturity moves from duty to delight
If the goal is to move from delight to duty, we are going backwards and regressing

Prodigal son
Younger son desire get him into trouble
Father's desire for the lost boy is deep
He is grateful just to have his son home again
Older brother lived his entire life under duty and obligation - dealt with his sinful nature by killing desire
THose who kill desire are not the ones who experience God's embrace

2010-05-23 - Desire's Journey - Disowned Desire

Examples of desires used for bad then good

King David - passions got him in trouble, then gave us our book of worship

Peter - was hotheaded disciple always quick with a reply
First to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah and became a key apostle

Paul - extremely zealous for the traditions of his fathers, killed Christians
Jesus captured his zeal for good - he worked harder than all the other apostles - 1 Corinthians 15:10

Those who killed their passion altogether would murder the very essence that makes heros of the faith
Killing our desire is like the thinking of curing our sickness by bleeding out the bad

2010-05-25 - Desire's Journey - Man who Wanted Nothing

A faithful church attender, never missing a Sunday, serving on a committee and offered help to those in need - but why is there something missing?

Why are we a Christian? What is that we want?
You can not help someone who does not want anything
Geldings are nicer and much more well behaved than stallion but they do not bring live (sterile)

To abandon desire is to say, "I don't really need you or want you. I will live with you because I am suppose to"

Your heart desires, duty reduces the dance to a drill
God wants to be desired

The real dilemma of desire is that it humbles us
It takes us wat beyond our own resources where we need to ask for help

2010-06-05 - Desire's Journey - Ultimate Blow

How are we to bet our arranging a good life in the face of death?

Even after the fall, the wickedness of the human heart seems out of control
People lived 700, 800, 900 year - can you imagine the arranging of lives that could be done during that time?

So God set our years shorter - Genesis 6:3
Death is never natural - it wasn't meant to be

Those left behind experience such pain
Each death can begin to understood only within the larger story God is telling


2010-06-07 - Take the Test (part 2)

Learn from the results

1 Peter 2:13-18

  • How do you handle with those who are leading you?
  • God sets those in your life

1 Peter 3:1-9

  • Win without words
  • What do you do when you disagree with others?
1 Peter 4:1-4
  • Others will test you
  • ALL will be tested

2010-06-09 - Take the test (part 4)

Take the test

50% is better than 0%

Luke 8:11

  • Time for testing
  • We need to have grit and determination
  • You are stronger than you think
  • You can get answers (open book test)


Learn from the results


1 Peter 5:5-7

  • Older people have taken those same tests
  • Deepens our love and faith
  • Help you get closer to people
  • Helps with compassion toward others


Do better than on your next test


Each test is administored by God

1 Peter 5:8-9

  • God wants us to improve
  • Do not quit
  • Admit where you are weak

Who is winning in you life? God or Satan?

2010-06-12 - Why Jesus Came (part 1)

Preached 1998-07-05
    Most of us have lost something:
    • Losing wallet - not a good thing
      • Feels good to find it.
    God's desire is to "find" what is lost - YOU!
    • Problem: We are separated from God by sin

    Jesus came to...

    Save the lost

    Luke 19:10

    • Uses people to save others
    • Many people to save some:
      • Do not know they are lost
      • Are confused
      • Misguided
      • Are not interested
      • Are looking
    • Despite the what phase we are in we are still lost.
    • No excuses 
      • Those who have issues are not really searching
        • "What about those hypocrites?"
        • "I am too busy"
        • "I will but...."

    Acknowledge the Father

     John 14:9

    • To relate
    • Some think God doesn't care
      • How can God allow all these shootings?
        • Isrealites were saying the same thing in the dessert
    • Jesus = God with us
    • If Jesus was standing next to you how would you act differently?

2010-06-19 - All or Nothing (part 2)

New Testament

Romans 11:17-21 - You can get arrogant

1 Corinthians 10:1-10 - Do repeat the same misakes of those in the OT

Galatians 6:7-10 - We reap what we sow, do not become weary of doing good

Jude 3-4 - Grace of God is not a license to sin

1 John 4 - Can not love God without loving your brother

2 Timothy 4 - We need to check to see if we have sound doctrine

Hebrew 5 - Teachers can become arrogance

Revelation 2-3 = Churches can loose focus

  1. Read and Pray Daily to God
  2. We need others in our lives
  3. We need meetings of the body
  4. Giving to God
  5. Complete Openness
  6. People are going to heaven or hell
  7. Reaching out to others

2010-07-01 - Desire's Journey - Great Restoration (part 2)

Restoration of the world is play out each spring and summer
Jesus preached more than sin management and forgiveness

He annouced the coming of the kingdom of God

  • Preaching the good news of the kingdom - Matthew 4:23
  • Repent and believe the good news - Mark 1:15
  • Proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God - Luke 8:1
  • He appeared to them for 40 days and spokr about the kingdom of God - Acts 1:3

God's kingdom - his will is done "on earth as it is in heaven"
In heaven, everything is as it was meant to be
Isn't every one of our sorrows on earth the result of things not being as they were meant to be?

Jesus healed every disease and sickness among the people - Matthew 4:23
He spoke and the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing - Luke 9:11 

2010-07-14 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 1)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

The dilemma of desire is the deepest dilemma we will ever face
The dangers are deep and potentially fatal

How do we not lose heart?

No one wants to:
  • Fill up on snack on Thanksgiving
  • Buy gifts for one's self for Christmas
  • Look for a date at his own wedding rehearsal
There is something about waiting in expectation for something really special

Three things we must come to terms with in our heart:
  1. We must have life
  2. We cannot arrange for it
  3. It is coming

2010-07-17 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 4)
What is it that we truly desire? The problems is we do not know
Our unexamined desire rules you
Most of our live far from from our hearts

Those living in duty and obligation may need to give all that a rest - so their hearts can come to the surface
Pharisees - their religious activities deadened them to the point that they could not recognize God when he stood before them

Our deepest treasure becomes our most dutiful burden, it really kills our hearts

Those living in indulging desire will need to give it a rest too

Going cold turkey - just stay in your desire 15 minutes longer than you usually do
When you feel the desire - let the desire just be; let your heart put some honest words to what you are feeling
We must learn what is actually being roused
The attuned we are to our desire, the less prone we'll be to imposters

2010-07-27 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 4)
If we do not give our ache a voice, it does not go away
It becomes an undercurrent of our addictions

Pleasure becomes necessary in larger and larger doses

The paradox of grief is that it is healing - somehow it restores our souls
Control is the enemy; grief is our friend
When we let go of controlling, something better takes its place - mourning

Comfort is in store for those who mourn and healing for the brokenhearted - Isaiah 61
This idea was the center of Jesus' mission
None of this makes sense until we admit our brokenheartedness and give our sorrow a voice in mourning
Only then will we know His comfort

Solomon said that it is better to go to the house of mourning that it is to a house of feasting
We need to mourn, it is the only way our hearts can remain both free and alive in this world

2010-07-31 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 1)
We have similar path we follow
  1. God shows up
  2. The lights turn on for those who respond
  3. Their heart is lifted; grateful tears flow
  4. Faith, hope, and love seem like the only way to live
  5. The next week, it is though nothing happened
Forgetting is not a small problem
Forgetfulness does not come against us like an enemy in battle formation
It comes unnoticed

We are warned about forgetfulness in the scriptures

The pattern so predictable, we have come to expect it:
  1. God delivers his people from the Egyptians by his display of power - plagues, passover, red sea
  2. Israelites celebrate with singing and dancing
  3. Israelites complain about the water supply
  4. God provides sweet water
  5. They complain about the food
  6. God drops breakfast from the sky
  7. They complain about the water again
  8. God provides water from a rock
And on and on for 40 years

Be careful and watch yourself closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen - Deuteronomy 4:9

2010-08-06 - Waking Dead - At War (part 1)
The thief comes to only steal, kill, and destroy our life - John 10:10

God intends for you to have life but right now that life is opposed
The offer from God is life, but you are going to have to fight for it
The enemy in your life has a different agenda

We are a war
The sooner we come to terms with it, the better hope we have of making it through
We live in a combat zone - a violent clash between kingdoms
Where did you think all this opposition was coming from?

We are in the image of God - Genesis 1:27
God crowd us with glory and honor - Psalms 8:3-5

We were once more than we are now
Glory has been the object of a long and brutal was

Lurking in the Garden is the enemy
Unable to overthrow the Mighty One, he turned his sights on those who bore his image
David: You turn my glory into shame - Psalms 4:2

War is a central theme in the Old Testament
The Lord is a warrior - Exodus 15:2

OT Battle examples:
  • God goes to war to set his people free in Exodus
  • War to get to the promise land - Exodus 17:16
  • War to get into the promise land - battle of Jericho
  • Wars to keep the promise land - battles with Canannites, Philistines, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Midianites
  • Deborah, Gideon, David, Elijah goes to war

2010-08-11 - Waking Dead - Myths (part 2)

Myth tell us three truths, the second is:

2. There is a great struggle or quest or battle that is well under way

Christianity isn't about:

  • Going to Sunday school
  • Being nice
  • Holding car washs
  • Sending clothes to Mexico

As good as those things might be, this is a world at war
We live in a far more dangerous and dramatic story than we ever imagine

Reason we love these is because it is telling us that this is our most desperate hour

  • The Chronciles of Narnia
  • Star Wars
  • The Matrix
  • The Lord of the Rings

Without this buring in our hearts, we lose the meaning of our days

Notice that those who have tried to wake up to this reality were ususally killed

  • The phophets
  • Jesus
  • Stephen
  • Paul
  • Most of the disciples in the Bible

Has it occured to you that someone is trying to shut them up?


2010-08-15 - Waking Dead - Reason and Emotion

Those who live only from the minds are detacted from life
They conclude others are emotional and unstable

Those who live from the heart find those who live from the mind, unavailable.

The heart is the source of emotion but we have equated heart with emotion - like saying love is a feeling

If Christ had followed his emotions, we would nave not gone to the cross for us - Mark 14:32-35

Emotion are the voice of the heart
The mind stands detacted, it is with the heart we experience and respond to life's fullness

2010-08-16 - Waking Dead - Motives
Those who live from the mind shed few tears
There are the stated reasons for what we do and then there is the real reasons = motives

On the day of judgment, the Lord will expose the motive of men's hearts - 1 Corinthians 4:5
The Pharisees prayed to impress men with their spirituality and gave to impress with their generosity
God looks at the heart

The law is written on our hearts and consciences - Romans 2:15
It is why it is so important to not to harden our hearts

The heart is where we do our deepest thinking
Jesus knows what the we are thinking in our hearts
Solomon asked for a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

The modern mistake is to think that the mind equals reason and the heart equals emotion

2010-08-25 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 2)
Your story does not begin with sin but with glory
Bible does not start in Genesis 3 but Genesis 1

God is glorious
You are his offspring, his child
You bear his image

When he made all His creation before man he said "it was good"
Only after did he make humans did he say "it is very good" - Genesis 1:31
Your glory is greater than everything else made - oceans, mountains, stars, the universe

Saints in the land are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight - Psalms 16:3
Those he justified, he also glorified - Romans 8:30

The fact that you don't see your good heart and glory is proof has effective the assault has been

Lion King example
It is time for the true king to come back and take over
But Simba does not believe who he is
His father was murdered and the enemy blamed it on him
After years of loosing heart, Simba's father appears to him in a vision: you are more than what you have become

The one who is in you is greater than the one in the world - 1 John 4:4

2010-08-27 - Waking Dead - Guided
Narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:14

Each day: do you wake to tackle a to do list or wake in the midst of a dangerous story?
If you are not pursuing a dangerous quest, then you do not need a guide
If you want the life Jesus offers, then you are going to need more than a handful of principles
Can not possibly prepare yourself for ever situation
We need God intimately and we need him desperately

You have made know the path of life - Psalms 16:11
There is a narrow path to life and we need help finding it

Example path from a church:
  • Become a member
  • Take a course on doctrine
  • Faithfully attend the Sunday morning service and small group fellowship
  • Complete a course on Christian growth
  • Live a life of Christian growth
  • Complete a course on evangelism
  • Consistently look for opportunities to evangelize
  • Complete a course on finances, marriage, and parenting
  • Complete a course on leadership
  • Complete a course on hermeneutics
  • Complete a course on spiritual gifts
  • Complete a course on missions
  • Complete a course on biblical counseling
  • Carry a significant local church ministry load
Program teaches you principles and how to apply them but not how to walk with God

All religions has principles to follow but only Christianity can teach you to walk with God
The most important thing of all is intimacy with God

Those who only do good things - Jesus will say I never knew you - Matthew 7:23

Teach a man to fish?
Teach a man to walk with God and you help him solve the rest of his life

2010-08-28 - Waking Dead - Wisdom and Heart
Our heart has been made good by work of Christ but we haven't learned how to live from it
Launching out with an untrained heart can bring disaster
We can easily be shamed into sin management and think our heart is bad

The church choose those who had both wisdom and the Spirit - Acts 6:3
We need both

Wisdom is crying out
  • Do not rush the field - Luke 14:31
  • Train yourself to discern good from evil - Hebrews 5:14
  • Live as through your life is at stake - Matthew 10:16
Wisdom is not cramming our heads with principles but developing a discerning heart
Solomon was so sharp because he had a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

But wisdom is not enough
  • Against "wisdom", the disciples were asked to go Saul, the one who used to murder Christians, and lay his hands on him - Acts 9:13-14
  • Would you counsel a father to sacrifice his only child?
  • Take on a fortified city by slashing your ranks from 32,000 to 300?
  • Jesus to give himself up to the authorities and let himself get killed
Wisdom is not enough, it may even hold us back
The common sense life can be the enemy of the supernatural life

2010-09-01 - Waking Dead - Our Story (part 2)
The enemy is after us from the beginning

Joseph stands out from his brothers
Instead of celebrating his glory, his brothers want to destroy it
The worst blows typically come from family

David full of faith and courage when he sees that on one will take on Goliath
His older cowardly brother is exposed by David's bravery
Older brother - "I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is" - 1 Samuel 17:28
The worst blows come from those who know us well

Even Jesus' brothers did not believe in him - John 7:5
His family came to bring him home because they think he has lost it - Luke 8:20

Sometimes the very thing that someone loves to do is the thing God has given them as a source of celebration
We should check to see this is true before we turn it into shame
How long will you turn my glory into shame - Psalms 4:2

What have you believed about your heart over the years?

2010-09-05 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 2)
Everything Jesus did was to illustrate what he was trying to say

He offered healing for the body but more importantly for the soul

The Lord is my shepherd, he restores my soul - Psalms 23:1-3

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds - Psalms 147:3

Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed - Jeremiah 17:14

Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings - Malachi 4:2

He welcomes them and healed those who needed healing - Luke 9:11

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