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2009-03-11 - Promises of God - I Will Sustain You
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he who will sustain you - Isaiah 46:3-4

God has promised that whatever life brings, he will be faithful with us to the very end

He was telling the Jewish nation that he was there at the beginning and he will be with them all the way through

He remains faithful to them whatever the circumstances

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-03-18 - Promises of God - Produces a Harvest
Hebrews 12:11 - Discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it

Key ways to respond to God's discipline:

Get Grateful
Probably the most difficult thing to do during hardships
It is the very thing that will help us to learn the important lessons God is trying to teach us

Hunger for Holiness
Media bombards us with devices, books, etc to make our lives easier
God disciplines us for our good, we may share in his holiness - Hebrews 12:10
He is willing to watch his precious children to go through temporary pain for them have eternal peace

Trust the Trainer
We must trust him as the perfect trainer
Training = something rigorous that stretches the trainee emotionally or physically
God's discipline is exact what we need and he promises it is always for our own good

2009-04-06 - Promises of God - Abrahams Faith
By faith Abraham, called to place even through he did not know where is was going - Hebrews 11:8

Obedience to God is the only thing that makes sense

Ludicrous to think that our limited and mortal minds can out smart an omnipotent and omnipresent God

We will never find the blessing of God if we constantly question the wisdom of God

How do you feel about the word of obey?

2009-04-25 - Why We Need Jesus - He Reconciles Us to God
  1. There is but one mediator between God and man - 1 Timothy 2:5
  2. God sent Christ to reconcile sinful man back to Him - 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
  3. This God did this by offering Christ as the sacrifice  for our sins - 1 John 4:9-10
  4. We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins - Ephesians 1:7
  5. Jesus is the only way to God - John 14:6

2009-04-28 - Why We Need Jesus - He Guides Us By His Words and Actions

His words provide a solid foundation upon which to build our lives
  • Such as those spoken in His sermon on the mount - Matthew 7:24-27
  • Such as those later revealed through His apostles - John 16:12-13; 2 Peter 1:1-11
His example provides both direction and inspiration
  • His humility and service - Philiippians 2:3-8
  • His perseverance - Hebrews 12:1-3
  • His suffering - 1 Peter 2:21-25

2009-05-14 - No one like him - Jesus believed God was the source of scripture
Jesus was quoting God through Moses
Matthew 19:4-5 – Haven’t you read? (quoting Genesis 2:24)

Jesus quoting Psalms
Matthew 22:31-32 – Have you not read?

John 10:34-36 – Law, scripture, word of God were all one in the same

2009-05-19 - No one like him - Church the Kingdom?
Luke 17:20-21 - Kingdom does not come through carefully observation

Kingdom is a state of mind/heart

Kingdom forcefully advancing from John the Baptist until now (Matthew 11:11-12)

Preaching the good news of the kingdom (Matthew 4:23)

Mark 9:1 - will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God

Matthew 16:15-20 - only scripture with both kingdom and church

How does this all fit?
Kingdom can not be put in a box, mentioned:
  • Matthew - 50x
  • Mark - 15x
  • Luke - 38x
All the church the kingdom? NO
All in the church PART of the kingdom? YES

2009-06-03 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 2)
What it means for us:

1. Jesus can be trusted
a. Jesus taught with truth and compassion
b. Backup his teachings with his life
i. No man can come to except through me
ii. Do good to those who hate you
iii. Find your life by loosing it
c. Gives us a place to stand – embolden the disciples
2. Shows the kingdom has come

3. God fully intended to continue Jesus mission
a. Jesus was the foundation
b. Story did not end in Palestine
4. Those who follow him also share in the resurrection
a. Died with Christ, now we can live a new life with him – Romans 6:4,5,8

2009-07-01 - A Life of Impact - Power


Mark 5:1-17

  • What expectations do you have of your prayer life
  • Do we believe the power that can be unleashed through your prayer life?
  • We need to pray for God’s power to be clearly demonstrated – we desperately need the fear of the Lord.


  • Making the decision not give into fear is essential ingredient for the man or woman impact
  • Two fears: fear of public speaking and the fear of failure

Spectacular Deeds

  • Made front-page news.
  • Jesus responded by valuing freeing a man over another property
  • Jesus was willing to do something outrageous and controversial for the sake of a needy person

2009-07-22 - A Life of Impact - Retreats


Mark 9:30-32

  • Sometimes the only way we can truly give ourselves to the few is by making ourselves unavailable to the many.
  • Retreats are a change in routine to ponder perspective to help in our personal growth.


  • Jesus was very open with his disciples about difficult challenges and troubles that lay ahead for him.
  • Through his openness, Jesus led the way for his disciples to be open with each other.
  • Hiding produces shallow relationships and weak bonding – leads to dissolution of the group
  • Few are open with troubles to someone who has never been open to them.

2009-08-14 - A Life of Impact - Emotional Transformation (part 1)

Emotional Transformation

Mark 14:32-42

  • Jesus’ friends provided him with absolutely no support at all during this spiritual struggle.
  • All are overwhelmed with losses, failure, challenges, frustrations, by life
  • If you are a leader, you cannot afford to be “down” for any significant length of time.
  • The ability to make a quick and complete emotional turn-around is invaluable for the man or woman who wants to have an impact.

In touch with His feelings

  • A person unfamiliar to their own emotional nature is a slave to it, while the person who is familiar with their weaknesses is in a position to master them.
  • A spiritual man, through humility, has become acquainted with his own emotional self, and armed with that knowledge, has learned to turn his negative emotions around quickly.

2009-08-15 - A Life of Impact - Emotional Transformation (part 2)


  • Most are either:
    • Stoics – feelings and burdens are locked away deep inside of them.
    • Cathartics – those who dump their feelings on anybody who will listen
  • Jesus practiced complete openness without making others responsible for his feelings.
  • Jesus leaned on his friends, but he did not dump on them.
  • Premeditated openness is a key to fostering deep, meaningful relationships


  • Too many of us would be unwilling to persevere through a long and difficult decision-making process.
  • We must be willing to put in whatever effort is required to reach the best decision.

2009-08-25 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 1)
Most of the earth is not safe, but it is good.
God called it good in the beginning
He prefers adventure, danger, risk, and the element of surprise
Most of us try to reduce the element of surprise
God took a risk with Adam and Eve – they had the chance to disobey him

Example of no-perfect situations:
  • Shadach, Meshach, and Abednego
  • Pharaoh and his army
  • David and Goliath Gideon’s army 
God loves to come through
He loves to show that he has what it takes
It is not God’s nature to limit risks or cover all the bases
Let the odds stack up against him!

He starts with most unlikely:
  • Prostitutes
  • Fisherman
  • Tax collector

2009-09-09 - Wild at Heart - The fathers voice (part 2)
When we see Jesus, Joseph is out of the picture – true father God – he had to learn who he really was and made of.
Initiation involves a journey and a series of tests.
We try to make our lives easier.

What are you trying to teach me here?
What issues in my heart are you trying to rise through this?
What is it you want me to see?
What are you asking me to let go of?

Men are taught that a wound that stops you from playing is a girlish wound.
No wonder we walk with our guts hanging out
Most men minimize their wound
David did not act like this at all - openly - “my heart is wounded within me” - Psalms 109:22
Suck it up, as the saying goes

God is fiercely committed to you
Wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal
You’ve embraced and deserve is a would that cannot heal
Whatever is denied cannot heal
Certainly denial that it’s shaping the way they live today.

2009-10-18 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 1)
A man just won’t be happy until he’s got adventure in his work, in love and in his spiritual life
God is intimately personal with us and he speaks in ways that are peculiar to our own quirky hearts – not just through
the Bible, but through the whole creation

Don’t ask yourself what does the world need. Ask yourself what make you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive
I realized I was living a script written for me by someone else
To go where the world takes us, to drift with whatever current happens to be running the strongest

What would have happened if Moses had listed to his mother’s advice, “never play with matches”?
Paul didn’t leave his familiar group of Pharisees?
God took a big risk in making the world

2009-10-28 - Repentance - Illustrations (part 2)
Paradigm Shift
  • Paradigm - describes the way that scientists work within a model for making sense of the world through observed data
  • Shift/meta – changing one’s thoughts of the world
  • Since paradigm shifts represents drastic changes to the rules of game – it is rarely done by scientists

Solar system

  • Man/earth was the center of the universe.
  • As we found for planets, it was more complex to think the earth was the center
  • Copernicus (1530) put the sun in the center – leading astronomers rejected the new paradigm

2009-10-30 - Repentance - The Prophets (part 1)
Scriptures had become mere words to be studied and debated, rather than the practice of life

Prophets are positive and negative reinforcement
One needs not predict future events in order to serve as a prophet

Don’t evade the prophet that God, in his grace, sends you – seek their counsel
If God cannot help you repent through His word, then you will never repent – Luke 16:27-31

  • Return to God – Deuteronomy 30:2
  • Worship other Gods and you will perish - Deuteronomy 30:17-18

2009-11-03 - Repentance - Jesus Opens Our Eyes (part 1)
No one comes to Jesus without a preconceived paradigm about God
Our only hope for overcoming our blindness is repentance – only way to see the kingdom

Cursed Be The Pride that Blinds
  • We can not change what we can not see
  • When was the last time you said the words, “I am wrong”?
  • Ask someone close, “Am I blinded in any way by pride?”
  • It was through pride, that the devil became the devil
  • It is the complete anti-God state of mind.
  • Why is Jesus so tough on Spiritual Blindness? It prevents us from seeing the good news.
The Kingdom of God is Real
  • Survey of modern sermons would be salvation
  • Jesus’ preaching was about the kingdom of God

2009-11-10 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 3)
Issue with Lust
  • Old Way: “Treat … younger women as sister, with absolute purity”
  • New Way: “…strength to comprehend with all the saint what is the breadth and length and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”
Difference: metanoia!
  • Understands that he a citizen of the kingdom of heaven
  • Jesus is Lord of the kingdom
  • Jesus delivered him into the kingdom through his blood
  • His sins placed him in Satan’s domain
  • Live gratefully for Jesus rather than self
  • Should anticipates the King’s glorious return
  • Want no one to perish
  • Should no fear man
  • Only agenda is God’s agenda

Apply spiritual disciplines with dramatically different results

How would Jesus think?
Once you see the world through God’s eyes your mind and heart become so transformed that you “automatically” respond to every situation differently

  1. What influences have shaped your worldview?
  2. How has the world tried to squeeze your mind into its mold?
  3. How can you resist – even reverse – this persistent pressure from the world?
  4. Why should you “gird the loins of your mind”?
  5. When and how did Saul/Paul repent?
  6. What is the difference between a fleshly mind and a spiritual mind?
  7. At a popular level, what is the difference between WWJD and WWJT?
  8. Why are spiritual disciplines more effective after one has experienced the paradigm shift of metanoia?

2009-11-11 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 1)
Sorrow does not equal repentance
Nothing is more tragic than losing your eternal reward through popular yet readily avoidable errors
Two great misconceptions

Confusion that sorrow is repentance
Humble prayers and our sorrow pleases God – still not repentance

World Sorrow is neither Godly Sorrow Nor repentance
Worldly sorrow brings death

Five signs of world sorrow (pride)

1. Damage Control
  • Many call press conferences to get there side of the story our first
  • Once guilt is found, party than give a “heart-felt” apology – sorrow for getting caught
  • Sin is destructive. It ruins relationships, reputation, peace of mind and personal integrity
2. Self-Pity
  • Some believe the abundance of tears is repentance
    • Forgiven women (forgiven)
    • Peter, Paul vs Cain (became angry)
    • Esau (wailed loudly)
    • Judas (deeply regretted)
  • All three shed tear but not one repented
  • Claiming to be a victim doesn’t make one a victim
  • Tears can be self-affirming to one with self-pity (can become more sinful)
  • Ones mostly likely to enable and least likely to help you

2009-11-14 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 2)
Aganaktesis – Indignation
Conducts a search-and-destroy mission for every potential excuse for sin
Jesus drove out those who were selling and buying in the temple courts
Much easier to express indignation at some else’s sin or some points out our sin versus our own
Phobos – Alarming Fear
Although God hates sin and not the sinner – still it is the sinner that goes to hell
Nothing focuses the mind like real fear
Epipothesis – Longing
Through fear, we recognize that sin alienates us from God
We long to restore our fellowship with God
Without the acknowledgement of separation, there is no cause for longing
Fear sounds the alarm, but longing sets the course
No sin can stand against a soul who longs to return to God

2009-12-06 - Master Plan - Jesus gave himself away (part 2)
  • Love is the only way to win the free response of men
  • Work of the Holy Spirit
    • Must be born again
    • Christ began His ministry by being baptized - John 3:3-9
    • Made clean through the Word and set apart to God for Holy Service - John 15:3
    • Only the Spirit can carry on the redemptive mission of evangelism
    • Jesus was God in revelation but the Spirit was God in operation
    • Evangelism was not a human undertaking but a divine project.
  • With Him they felt that everything was possible
  • The superhuman work to which they were called demanded superhuman help.
  • Through confession of their deep-seated pride and enmity in utterly surrender of themselves to Christ
  • It is not who we are but Who He us that makes the difference
  • Only those who followed Jesus all the way came to know the glory of this experience
  • Jesus was deliberately investing all He had in these few men so that they could be properly prepared to do His work.
  • We cannot give something away which we do not possess ourselves.
  • The very ability to give to give away our life in Christ is proof of its possession.

2009-12-09 - Master Plan - Delegation (part 1)
He assigned them work
  • Jesus considered their ability and taught them with patience
  • At first, Jesus did not say anything about evangelizing the world
    • Showed them how to have a relationship with God
    • Showed them how He worked
    • Their need to follow
  • He did not discourage spontaneous acts of faith
  • Duties performed by His disciples
    • Baptized some - John 4:2
    • Food arrangements
  • Jesus kept the vision in front of them
  • Little evangelism was done on their own at the beginning
    • We should be patient with new disciples
  • First evangelist mission with the 12
    • Began with Jesus’ third tour through Galilee
    • Sent them forth - Mark 6:7

2009-12-14 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 1)
He expected them to reproduce

  • Jesus built into the disciples the structure of the church; Mustard seed - Matthew 13:32
  • Jesus’ vision was for the church to be world-wide
  • The church would have many trials and battles but would never be overcome - Matthew 16:18
  • Peter finally realized what was going on - Matthew 16:18
  • Must see the direct relation:
    • Bearing witness to Christ
    • Ultimate Victory over the world
  • If the disciples did not evangelize, there would not be any Christians today.
  • “Through the Word” – Others would believe in Him too. - John 17:20
  • We must do what Jesus – He made disciples, we should walk as Jesus walked
  • He taught His disciples to reproduce
  • He had no other plan

2009-12-15 - Master Plan - Reproduction (part 2)
  • The Test
    •  Could His disciples do a good job without His bodily supervision as they could with it?
    •  Human point of view: Never could be sure that His investment in their lives.
  •  Life-sustaining power of the vine was not to be given to endlessly upon lifeless branches
    •  A barren Christian is a contradiction.
    • A tree is known by its fruit
  • Principle throughout His ministry
    • Reward of His own sacrifice for the world - John 12:24
    • Distinguishing work of those who did the will of His Father - Matthew 7:16-23
    • Wages given to His disciples for their work in the harvest - John 4:36
    • What was lacking in the Sadducees and Pharisees - Matthew 3:7-8

2009-12-21 - First the Kingdom - Spiritual Beggars
Two words for "poor" in Greek:
  1. Not owning any property
  2. So poor that you had to beg
Those who will be blessed need to realize they are spiritually bankrupt and understand we are spiritual beggars before God - Matthew 5:3

We are in Sin God is Not
We are in need God has plenty
We are stuck God has the ability to free us

Only through confession and humility - only by owning up to our sin

Spiritual Beggars can have everything in the Kingdom of God

2009-12-29 - First the Kingdom - Growing Meekness
Cultivating meekness is not some thing you do but a character change

Gentleness is a quality of meekness - Galatians 5:22

Meekness follows poverty of spirit and godly sorrow - there are no shortcuts

To stay meek you must confront sin and work through it

  1. Study the nature of God to develop more reverence before him'
  2. Study biblical passages on meekness
  3. Ask your closest relationships to help evaluate your humility
  4. Pray about what you see in the Bible about meekness
Do you want to be known as the meekest man?

Jesus was convicted about meekness

2010-01-09 - Kingdom First - Light Drives Satan Away
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all - 1 John 1:5

Satan can not be where there is light
When the light comes, sin is exposed

The light will bring a reaction:
  • Some will run from it
  • Other will try to put it out
  • Still others will be drawn to it
Everyone does evil hates the light; whoever lives by the truth comes into the light - John 3:19-21

The light takes away Satan's power
The more we open ourselves to God's light, the more his light shines through us

2010-01-13 - Kingdom First - True Companions
Scriptures repeatedly draw a parallel between marriage and our relationship with God - Matthew 5:31-32

Jesus recalled God plan for marriage from the beginning and used word 'united' - Matthew 19:5

Romans 6:5 - we are united with Christ through his death and resurrection

We are all one in Christ - Galatians 3:28

Unfaithfulness in marriage is also unfaithfulness to God
Anyone who does not love his brother, cannot love God - 1 John 4:20
Our faithfulness to him is mirrored in our faithfulness to our husband or wife

2010-01-19 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 1)
Jesus was a man of prayer - he knew how to do it and he did it all the time
  • Prayed for the power to heal and to change others - Mark 9:29
  • In prayer in order to be at peace with God's will - Matthew 26:36-46
  • Struggled in prayer to be wholehearted submissive to his Father - Hebrews 5:7-8
  • Prayed by himself - Matthew 14:23
  • Prayed before others - John 11:41-43
  • Prayed with his face to the ground - Matthew 26:39
  • Prayed looking up to heaven - John 17:1
  • Prayed standing up - Mark 11:25
  • Prayed kneeling down - Luke 22:41
  • Prayed in early in the morning - Mark 1:35
  • Prayed throughout the night - Luke 6:12
He did NOT say:
  • If you pray
  • Please, I beg you to pray
  • I command you to pray
But "When you pray..."

2010-01-21 - Kingdom First - Handle Prayerfully (part 3)
Lord's Prayer: A brief overview:
  1. Our Father in heaven - Set our minds on personal and intimate relationship we have with our God
  2. Hallowed be your name  - Praise and honor him
  3. Your Kingdom come  - Pray for his church, disciples, leaders, people whom the gospel has not reached
  4. Your will be done - Pray for a submissive heart toward will of God in our lives
  5. Give us this day our daily bread - Pray through today's schedule, needs, relying on God
  6. Forgive us our debts - Confess specific sin
  7. As we also have forgiven our debtors - Commit before God to resolve conflict, hurts, concerns in all relationships
  8. Lead us not into temptation - Wrestle with God to be submissive and repentant in areas of weakness
  9. Deliver us from the evil one - Pray that God to stop Satan and than God for victories in him

2010-01-22 - Kingdom First - Hungry and Humility (part 1)
Not "If you fast" but "When you fast" - Matthew 6:16-18

Quickest way to a man's heart is  through his stomach

Greek word for fasting is nesteno
ne = a negative prefix
esthio = to eat

When was the last time you fasted?

Why don't we fast more?

1. Fasting humbles us because it reminds us how frail we are

I have humbled myself with fasting - Psalms 35:15
It is associated with confession and repentance of sin

2. Fasting tests our earnestness to move God to action
Forcing us to admit that sometimes prayer alone may not suffice - Mark 9:29

Jesus talks about motivation for fasting
We must surpass the righteous of the Pharisees and fast for God and not men - Matthew 5:20
God asks the people "was it really for me that you fasted?" - Zechariah 7:5

2010-01-25 - Kingdom First - Only One Master

What occupies my mind?
What concerns me?
When I think of security, is my focus on God or money?

If we are eager and driven to gain more we will stray from the faith and be pierced with many griefs - 1 Timothy 6:10

Secret to being content, I can do everything through him that gives me strength - Philippians 4:12-13

Judas: example of someone trying to live with 2 masters:

  • Expressed concern for a waste of money that could have gone to the poor - John 12:4-6
  • The hold money had on Judas' heart eventually led to his betrayal of Jesus
Guards responsible for securing Jesus' tomb
Elders gave large sums of money to have them lie about the disciples stealing the body of Jesus - Matthew 28:12

What is our selling point?
Do not put our hope in wealth, which is so uncertain - 1 Timothy 6:17
Keep your lives free from the love of money - Hebrews 13:5

2010-01-27 - Kingdom First - Personal Responsibility (part 1)
Things have not changed much since the begging of time
The woman you put here gave me some fruit - Genesis 3:12

We crave a scape goat:
  • Children blame parents
  • Spouses blame each other
  • Employees blame employers
  • Society blame political administration
  • Present political administration blame previous one
Jesus calls us to personal responsibility - Matthew 7:1-5
Must confront the planks in our own lives

Instead should admonish one another - Colossians 1:28-29
Build each other up through contructive challenges - Ephesians 4:29

2010-02-03 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 4)
How do we grow in our confession?

a. Be open even at the temptation level
We will get used to talking what we are thinking and going through
We will nip many things in the bud before they progress to sin

b. Start over-correcting
Start confessing everything
You can always tone it down so it does not become annoying :)

c. Ask some else what they think of your confession:

Do you find me to be a confessing person?
What is my confession level?
  • Seldom confess
  • Confess only when there is a "big" sin
  • Consistently confess sin
  • Am open even about temptations

2010-02-07 - First the Kingdom - One-Lane Road (part 2)
When have been given a second chance to walk the narrow road

Finding the narrow does not guarantee we will go through the final gate

Must make daily decisions:
  • Decision to stay humble - Luke 18:17
  • Decision against materialism - Luke 18:24-25
  • Decision to persevere through hardships - Acts 14:22
  • Decision to stand firm in our convictions - Luke 21:12-19
  • Decision to believe and obey God whatever the circumstances - Hebrews 3:5-19

2010-02-21 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 1)
Bible is clear - Jesus came to break down divisions - Ephesians 2:14

Worldly divisions
  • Race
  • Money
  • Gender
  • Culture
  • Distance
  • Too busy
Common barriers in the church:
  • Past hurts
  • Bitterness
  • Sin - yours, mine or others
Jesus broke down walls through the cross - Ephesians 2:16
Can ONLY be done at the foot of the cross

Only way a holy and righteous God can be reunited with his unrighteous enemy (us) - Romans 5:6-11

Reconcile = to become friends again
Not to politely tolerate one another or a ceasefire

The goal of Jesus is to be one - John 17:20-21
Only way Jews and non-Jews could form the church of God

What Paul had is mind when writing - Ephesians 3:20
"...him who by the power that is working within us is able to do far beyond all that we ask or think"

2010-02-28 - One Another - One Another In Groups (part 2)
Look for the Spirit's work in all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:6-19

The Spirit is always at work - John 5:17
Guard against the tendency to look at your group through unspiritual eyes
God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Don't just hang those you click with, God wants to teach us through people who are different from us

Support spiritual leadership - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Ask your leader(s) if he/she feels your support and encouragement - how you can more fully show it

2010-03-02 - To Live is Christ - Partners in the Gospel
Philippians 1:16

Philippi was named for Philip of Macedon
It was a roman colony - not actually a place one would expect the message of Jesus to take hold
A roman jail is where you would expect Paul and Silas to be

Paul made a career of being with other and influencing their lives - reduced to visits from the guards
Through many hard times he had learned to overcome the most challenging of circumstances

Five lines into the letter, Paul remembers his relationship with God and other disciples:
  • First converts - Lydia and her household
  • The jailer and his house hold
  • God using an earthquake to bring unlikely people into the kingdom of God - Acts 16:22
Christianity is a personal experience but not a private one

Only when we have been in the trenches with others will we have relationships that are full of life

2010-03-08 - To Live is Christ - Progress and Joy
Paul was torn - Philippians 1:22-26
He rejoiced to be able to encourage the Philippian disciples
Death brought him face to face he loved

He realized that he had more laps to run and did not want to coast - but to run with all his might

Paul has no desire simply to remain with the disciples - want to continue with them
Greek for "Continue" = to wait beside a person to be ready to help and help all the time

For Paul to live was Christ and to give himself to others for their spiritual progress and deep joy

Whatever the cost, he would be there for them:
  • Their growth - he would pay the cost
  • Patient with someone who was weak - he would pay the cost
  • Someone taking advantage of his humility - he would pay the cost
  • Was through sticky, uncomfortable issues - he would pay the cost

2010-03-12 - To Live is Christ - Every Tongue Confess

Jesus Christ is Lord
Everyone who lived will say these four words - Philippians 2:9-11

Whoever disowns Jesus before men, he will disown him - Matthew 10:32-33

No one comes to the Father except through Jesus - John 14:6

Give up for God = Gain
Lose for God = FInd
Bow before God now = stand

Bow when:

  • You naturally want to be selfish
  • You want your needs meet
  • You doubt his love

Each disciple must decide that he or she lives among other "for their sake" - 1 Thessalonians 1:5


2010-03-19 - To Live is Christ - Pressing On

Although is righteousness that is not our own becomes laziness, we show we have the grace of God - Philippians 3:12-16

Despite all that Paul went through and has done - he pressed on
Greek word, dicoko = used in both hunting and foot racing

There is certainly a time to remember what we have done - 2 Thessalonians 2:5
But there is also a time to forget

Paul did not cling to the fact that he planted a lot of churches
He purposely "forgot", so he would not see himself as arriving

Paul was looking forward to the next thing God had in store for him
All who are mature, should think this way

The way to take it higher is to hold on to what you have already grasped and then reach for more

2010-03-25 - To Live is Christ - Learned to be Content
The secret of being content in any situations is to remember - I can do everything through him who gives me strength - Philippians 4:10-13

Content = Greek word autarkeia = self-sufficiency or not needing a thing

Secret he learned was not because he choose not to care

He learned it by:
  • Listening to Christ everyday
  • Holding on to his faith in the fiery trails
  • Slowly and painfully
Paul did not raise from baptism knowing this, he came out of the waters ready to learn it
At one point - bad circumstances led him to despair of life itself - 2 Corinthians 1:8

What circumstances are in your life right now that could lead to a lack of contentment?

2010-04-26 - Heart of Friendship (part 2)

Friendship in Christ

Galatians 3:26-29

  • We are all in Christ
  • There is no different: race, martial status, money you make, area you live in

Friendship like Christ

John 13:34-35 - You must love one another like Christ (even when you do not want to)

Matthew 26:50 - First word Jesus said to Judas as he was betraying him was "Friend, ..."

Revelation 3:19 - Jesus corrected those he loved (We must correct those we love)

Friendship for Christ

Ephesians 5:21

  • Our motivation for submitting to each other - reverence for Christ
  • How can we tolerate others? our reverence for Christ

Friendship through Christ

Philippians 4:13 - We can do anything with our friend, Jesus Christ

2010-05-01 - I am Innocent of the Blood of all Men (part 2)
Acts 22:6-21
  • Paul had an encounter with Jesus
    • Encounters with Jesus are significant
    • Paul understood he was living in opposition to Jesus - killing Christians (people following Christ)
    • Don't want to be on the opposite side of the battle from God
    • Where are you at today? Do you know?
    • Share
      • Grow up religious - Every Sunday - through High School
      • Ask to come to church, study the Bible
      • Saw life and heart wasn't matching; my sin was in opposition to God
      • Tried to make it personal - mean and angry (Hoping the standard would changed)
      • They were there to help
  • Paul had the humility to ask "What shall I do?" - v10
    • Paul had a heart of humility to be taught - Bible
    • Could have brought up his religiousness or accomplishments
    • Opened himself up to anything, Not "I'm sorry, won't do that again"
  • Paul was religious all this life and had the heart to immediately obey and be baptized - v16
    • Perhaps, God uses the life of Paul to prepare our hearts for surrender
    • What have you been holding on to instead of Jesus? What is stopping you?
We/your friend would like to share "the whole will of God".

2010-05-03 - Renewing Your Spiritual Passion for God (part 2)

1 Kings 19:1

  • Travels 150 miles to get way from Jezebel
    • It is amazing how far we get away
  • Lost gratitude
  • God doesn't give up
    • He sends angels
  • How to get back our spiritual compassion?
    • Go back!
    • Don't run from your fear
    • Don't just go through the motions
    • We are to face ourselves
Renewing your spiritual passion for each other

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

2 Corinthians 7:2-13

  • Challenges are need
  • They produce more reliance and faith in God

Renew Your Spiritual Passion for the Lost

Mark 5:6-11

  • Jesus saw their pain and their lostness
    • Broken marriages
    • Cannot control their children
  • We need to get into their lives
  • The will open up with your help

2010-05-12 - Desire's Journey - Our Heart's Deepest Secret
But I still haven't found what I am looking for - U2

We have a secret desire for life as it was meant to be
Again and again the yearning of our heart cries for this life

Life  comes to all of us as a mystery
We long to live a life we are not sure where to find

The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search for life.
Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart
To lose heart is to lose everything - Proverbs 4:23

Who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart's desire

Our heart yearns for things to be right is so strong that it overrides the logic and hopes against hope every time
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Proverbs 20:5

There are two things that pierce the human heart:
  • Beauty
  • Affliction

2010-05-29 - Desire's Journey - Mocking Desire
We want the adventure without the risk - ex. Only 5% of SUV ever go off-road

Idols usually come in pairs:
Nearby idol - gives a since of control
Faraway idols - provides the taste of transcendence
But the idols are impostors - we are taken by the array of choices we have but never have to stop and look at what we are doing

Is your desire truly and deeply satisfied with these idols?
Does the relief come more through the temporary absence of desire?
We have found a powerful drug - distraction

Sometimes we don't want to take a good, hard look at what we are really doing
Used wood to make fire and cook with - then made an idol??? - Isaiah 44:16-17, 19-20

2010-06-10 - Jesus - the Zealot (part 1)

By Richard Dixon in 1999-09-26
    Zealot = a man who aims at overthrows
    Jesus mission was to overthrow Satan's ruling government over the earth
    1 John 3:7-8
    • Jesus came to destroy Satan
    • A zealot has a cause
    • What was Jesus' cause?
      • Save man from hell
      • Save man from himself
      • Save man from Satan
    Matthew 26:50-55
    • They saw Jesus as a renigade

    Cause worth living for

    Luke 9:25
    • What good is it?
    • What would you write down as things that you are trying to gain?
    • Living for Jesus is living life to the full
    Luke 10:10
    • Sometimes life is not fair
      • Through salvation (Judgement) comes fairness
    • We hurt ourselves with the question "WHY?"
      • Like we can demand an answer from God
    2 Corinthians 5:14
    • Love compels us not out of duty

2010-06-11 - Jesus - the Zealot (part 2)

Cause with fighting for

Are you fighting for what is right?

John 18:36

  • Who have you been fighting?
    • The battle isn't the person in front of you
  • If we are not fighting for our faith then something is wrong.

2 Timothy 4:7

  • Fight for your faith:
    • Fight for Quiet Times
    • Fight for Reaching Out
    • Fight for Purity
    • Fight for Self Discipline

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

  • Not with machine guns or cannons
  • Fighting through prayer and studying the Word
    • Destroys arguments

To overthrow Satan in your life...You must first be a Zealot of God.

2010-06-26 - Life of Jesus (part 2)
John 6:60-69
  • Jesus spoke the truth without concern for opposition
  •  What do you need to say to who?
John 8:1-11
  • Jesus stood up for people
  • Who do you need to stand up for?
John 11:1-37
  • Jesus felt other's pain
  •  People have more pain their lives than you think
  •  Who needs your help?
John 13:18
  • Throughout all our trials, Jesus kept going
  • What could stop you?

John 21:25 - Could go on and on about what Jesus did

Acts 1:6-9 - Jesus went to heaven

2010-07-03 - Desire's Journey - Great Restoration (part 4)

Too many of us have placed eternity somewhere out there
We seem to forget that we will get the earth back as well

I will create new heavens and a new earth - Revelation 21:1
When he says he is making all things new, he includes the earth

Won't the whole earth be destroyed?
That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat - 2 Peter 3:12

Noah's day of the Lord
By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed - 2 Peter 3:6
World was destroyed in the sense that all wickedness and corruption of mankind - Genesis 6-7
Fire is also used for cleansing throughout the Scriptures

2010-07-05 - Desire's Journey - The Grand Affair (part 2)

As a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert - Jeremiah 2:2-3

If you're writing a romanc, love is the goal - you must allow for the possiblity of betrayal
This is what God call us our turning away from him

Hebrews thought God would be satisfied with some religious rituals and rule keeping

You said, "I will not serve you!" - Jeremiah 2:20
You have forgotten me and trusted in false gods - Jeremiah 13:25-27

True love never fails
God will fight for his beloved

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her - Hosea 2:14


2010-08-01 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 2)
The NT scriptures do not differ from the old testament about forgetfulness
Bread and the cup was give to us in rememberence of him

Paul was shock that the Galatians were turning away so soon from God - Galatians 1:6
He sent Timothy to the Corinthians to remind them to share the eternal life he gives through Christ - 1 Corinthians 4:17
Peter, who knew firsthand the grief that comes with forgetting writes to keep firm the grip on faith - 1 Peter 5:10

Life is a journey of the heart that requires the mind
The heart is the center of life
Desire is always where the action is
We must bring the truth into our hearts to guard and to guide our desires - this is the other half of the mission

Popular phrases that do not work: Follow your heart, Trust your soul

We must cling to the truth for dear life - both heart and mind together

2010-08-02 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 3)
Not all the truths help us descend with the mind into the heart
We have dissected God, man, and gospel thousands of times - all facts
It is not that these insights aren't true, but knowing facts will not help feel closer to God

How do you get to know a person? Through stories
We should stop approaching the Bible looking just for tips and techniques

We are bombarded by thousands of messages each day, every on of them urgent
Must reduce the constant noise - turn off the TV
Even the news is a problem because of its artificial importance
Every night there is an urgent story (to sell more news) but nothing is

2010-08-06 - Waking Dead - At War (part 1)
The thief comes to only steal, kill, and destroy our life - John 10:10

God intends for you to have life but right now that life is opposed
The offer from God is life, but you are going to have to fight for it
The enemy in your life has a different agenda

We are a war
The sooner we come to terms with it, the better hope we have of making it through
We live in a combat zone - a violent clash between kingdoms
Where did you think all this opposition was coming from?

We are in the image of God - Genesis 1:27
God crowd us with glory and honor - Psalms 8:3-5

We were once more than we are now
Glory has been the object of a long and brutal was

Lurking in the Garden is the enemy
Unable to overthrow the Mighty One, he turned his sights on those who bore his image
David: You turn my glory into shame - Psalms 4:2

War is a central theme in the Old Testament
The Lord is a warrior - Exodus 15:2

OT Battle examples:
  • God goes to war to set his people free in Exodus
  • War to get to the promise land - Exodus 17:16
  • War to get into the promise land - battle of Jericho
  • Wars to keep the promise land - battles with Canannites, Philistines, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Midianites
  • Deborah, Gideon, David, Elijah goes to war

2010-08-21 - Waking Dead - Last Adam
Paul refers to Jesus as the Last Adam and the Second Man - 1 Corinthians 15:45-47

Adam and Eve were rulers over all creation and glorious image bearers of God
Their choices would forever shape our lives - chose to disobey the one command they were given
Fruit does not fall far from the tree
Parents often wonder where their toddler learn how to be disobedient
It was taught to them - it is inherent to human nature
Through one man disobedience - many were made sinners - Romans 5:12

A man comes down from heaven, slips into the world unnoticed as:
  • Neo does in Matrix
  • Maximus does in Gladiator
  • Wallance does in Braveheart
Just as Adams' trespass had far reaching effects, Jesus, the Last Adam,  effects were much greater - Romans 5:17

2010-08-26 - Waking Dead - Glory (part 3)
You are going to the need your whole heart - so you will need every ounce of courage and faith as well

James and John, sons of Zebedee did hide what they thought
  • Wanted choice seat to the right and left of Jesus
  • Wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy a village
Their buddies called the idiots, but Jesus called them Sons of Thunder - Mark 3:17
He can see clearly who they really are

We many times spend our time hiding through false selfs
Like Adam and Eve did with fig leaves
We make up a glory because we are convinced we have none of our own

Must ask: God, who am I? What do you think of me? What is my real name?

The deeper reason we fear our own glory is that once we let others see the truest us - aka nakedness
It is awkward when everyone else is veiled

Living from your glory is the only way to live
You cannot love another person from a false self
You can not help others if you are in captivity yourself

Our deepest fear of all - we will have to live from our hearts
Means we do not know the next thing God will ask of us

2010-08-28 - Waking Dead - Wisdom and Heart
Our heart has been made good by work of Christ but we haven't learned how to live from it
Launching out with an untrained heart can bring disaster
We can easily be shamed into sin management and think our heart is bad

The church choose those who had both wisdom and the Spirit - Acts 6:3
We need both

Wisdom is crying out
  • Do not rush the field - Luke 14:31
  • Train yourself to discern good from evil - Hebrews 5:14
  • Live as through your life is at stake - Matthew 10:16
Wisdom is not cramming our heads with principles but developing a discerning heart
Solomon was so sharp because he had a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

But wisdom is not enough
  • Against "wisdom", the disciples were asked to go Saul, the one who used to murder Christians, and lay his hands on him - Acts 9:13-14
  • Would you counsel a father to sacrifice his only child?
  • Take on a fortified city by slashing your ranks from 32,000 to 300?
  • Jesus to give himself up to the authorities and let himself get killed
Wisdom is not enough, it may even hold us back
The common sense life can be the enemy of the supernatural life

2010-09-09 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 1)

The heart of our enemy: determined to hinder and harm and ruin God's image bearers

God is serious about life - Isaiah 45:2-3

  • He will level the mountains
  • Break down the gates of bronze
  • Cut through the bars of darkness
  • Give us hidden treasures
May seem overblown or metaphoric
What if we looked at the passage through the eyes of the heart?
We are in an epic battle - things are not what they seem

This is God personal mission - Isaiah 61:1
  • Bind up the brokenhearted
  • Proclaim freedom for the captives
  • Release from darkness for the prisoners

What is the hidden treasure? Our hearts
Our hearts are not darkness but hidden by darkness

2010-09-10 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 2)
The question is not are we oppressed but where and how we are

Why does every story have an enemy?
  • Little Red Riding Hood - wolf
  • Dorthy - Wicked Witch of the West
  • Neo - powerful agents
Every story has a villain because yours does

Satan lost the battle against Michael and his angels - was hurled to earth - Revelation 12:9
Satan's mood? He is filled with fury because he knows his time is short - Revelation 12:12

He is trying to steal your freedom, kill your heart, destroy your life
We can go throughout our day and not even once wonder how the enemy might be attacking us
All we know is that we aren't enjoying that abundant life Christ talked about

Ignorance of spiritual warfare is the most native and dangerous thing a person can do
You don't escape spiritual warfare by choosing not to believe it exists or refuse to fight

The thief is trying to steal the life God wants to give - John 10:10

2010-09-12 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 4)
Heads up. Satan can give us actions and words to say:
  • Satan incited David to take a census of Israel - 1 Chronicles 21:1
  • To Peter: "Get behind me Satan" - Matthew 16:21-23

Some trying to "work through" things are simply have agreements with the Enemy
Do you really think the source of that is just you? or God?

Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry - Ephesians 4:26-27
Not just anger  - it happens through all sorts of issues

Satan uses your wounds and unresolved emotional issues to pin your heart down under a spiritual stronghold
Wounds we take are not accidential

We must be careful not to make agreements with Satan to increase his dominion

2010-09-22 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Small
Jesus did not march around backed by hundreds of followers
He had a band of brothers - the Twelve
Through we are part of a great company, we are meant to live a little platoons
Groups small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies
Who's heart will you fight for? Who will fight for your heart?

He spoke to the masses but lived with his closest twelve

His followers took his example and lived this way too
  • Broke bread in their homes and ate together - Acts 2:46
  • The church meet in houses - 1 Corinthians 16:19
  • House church at Nymph's house - Colossians 4:15
The little fellowships of the heart are outpost of the kingdom
Anytime an army goes to war or expedition, they break down into platoons and squads

You can not be devoted to a mass of people
Devotion takes place in small units like a family

2010-10-05 - Contagious Christian - Impacting Your World (part 1)

There are expectations everywhere, to have:

  • Strong marriages
  • Obedient children
  • Balanced budgets
  • Ethical business
  • Effective prayer lives
  • Meaningful relationships

Many times the "ought to" comes through louder than the "how to"
Especially true in the challenge of having an evangelist impact
God did not leave us in a state of confusion - What God expects, He enables

We need to focus on the important steps to have maximum impact
HP (High Potency) + CP (Close Proximity) + CC (Clear Communication)  = Maximum Impact (MI)

We are the salt of the world - Matthew 5:13

  • Salt makes us thristy
  • It spices things us
  • It preserves - holds back decay

Which did Jesus have in mind? We don't know
HP (High Potency) = means we need to have a strong concentration of Christ's influnce in our lives
CP (Close Proximity) = means we need to get close to people we're hoping to reach in order to allow His power to have its intended effect

2010-10-10 - Contagious Christian - Pull of Compassion
Caring for the tangible needs of others is at the core of Christianity
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless - look at orphans and widows in their distress - James 1:27

Compassion is echoed throughout the Bible:
  • Be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor - Deuteronomy 15:11
  • Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me - Matthew 25:40
  • All I ask is that you remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do - Galatians 2:10
Uncaring Christianity does not attract inquirers
Clear and consistent demonstration of Christ-like love is a powerful magnet that pulls people toward Him

Not about who you are or what you did
It is about how you care, being a neighbor - Luke 10:36-37
In Luke 10 - when the wounded man awoke, he must have wondered, "Who did this? Why would they do help me in such a great way?"
It is when people start asking, "Why didn't he not turn away like everyone else?"

As I have loved you, so you must love one another - John 13:34-35
All men will know that you are my disciples

2010-10-24 - Christian Responsibilities
  1. Yourself - 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
    1. We need to be financially independent in the sense that we take care of our own. As adults we should not be dependent on parents, family, friends, or the church except in rare instances.
    2. Non-Christians do not respect people who do not carry their weight financially. We hinder the spread of the Gospel if we are irresponsible with our finances.
  2. Family - 1 Timothy 5:4-8
    1. Taking care of our family is one of the most basic responsibilities we have. If we fail, we deny the faith.
    2. Responsibility includes at least parents, grandparents, spouse, children, 7 brothers and sisters.
    3. It is right for us to repay our parents and grandparents.
  3. Government - Romans 13:1-7
    1. We need to support the government through the payment of taxes.
    2. We pay not according to what we can get away with but what is right to pay.
  4. The Church - 1 Cor 16:1-2
    1. Each one has the responsibility to take care of the church financially.
    2. Set aside on the first day of every week.
    3. Plan and save for special contributions.
  5. The Poor - Luke 12:33; James 1:27


  1. In which of the above areas am I not fulfilling my responsibilities?

2010-10-28 - Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part III)
Third major kind of sacrifice is a sustained, long term godly lifestyle
Spiritual cynicism runs deep in some people - Christians need to watch their life and doctrine closely to win them over

May times these are family member who have seen you go through phases before and think this is just another one

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices by being transformed with the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:1-2
History has seen rush of the Christianity starting blocks only to be on the side lines after a couple of laps
Time shows our faith to be genuine
Like in a marathon, we have to finish the race
We have to outlast other's objections

Are you going to be God's helper that is going to wear down every cynic, scoffer, and doubter in your life?

All three of the major sacrifices must be motivated by love
Love has no one greater than this - that on lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

2010-11-10 - Contagious Christian - Dorcas' Service Approach
Dorcas was "always doing good and helping the poor" - Acts 9:36
She well-known for her loving acts of service
She made robes and articles of clothing for widows and other needy people in her town

It was very difficult to see her activity without seeing the love of Christ that inspired
Her work was so important that when she died a premature death, God sent Peter to raise her from the dead

People who take on this approach find it relatively easy to servers others
Often those who are quite and enjoy expressing compassion through action

No one fits perfectly into just one approach and you probably use all of them one way or another
God has designed diversity on His team and each member is stronger in some styles than others

A team of Christians who are made up of different styles will strong because they can reach virtually every type of seeker

2010-11-12 - Contagious Christian - Direct Method
The method does not wait for opportunities to come about but creates them
Basic it is you raising a spiritual topic and then see if the person is interested in talking about it
Not forcing a person but opening wide a door for a person to walk through

Example - If you would ever like to know the difference believe religion and Christianity and religion. Just let me know. I would be happy to talk about it with you
It is a modern day way Jesus approached a woman in John 4.
Not pressuring or forcing it on them but merely checking to see if they are interested

Other way to approach people using the direct method of creating spiritual conversations:
  • "How is it going?" then ask how is it going
  • "I'm curious, do you ever think about spiritual matters?"
  • "Who, in your opinion, is Jesus Christ?"
  • "What is your spiritual background?"
  • "Do you ever wonder what happens to us when we die?"
  • "What do you think a real Christian is?"
  • "Where are you heading in your spiritual journey?"

2010-11-15 - Power of the Cross
Preached by Maurice Hooks

Answers to life's question is @ the cross
Power struggles happen everyday
  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Control over resources
Jesus should be our true power source
We are at level ground at the foot of the cross

1 Corinthians 1:18-31
  • God is love but he also just and holy
  • There is no sin that can go unpunished
  • This the parents dilemma - should I punish or let it go?
  • God can not let anything go because of his nature
  • We do not have to have all the answers - not our "wisdom" but God's wisdom
When we take it to the cross, we are all equal
Are you impowered by the cross?

Colossians 1:15-20
  • In him all things hold together
  • How God can be just and for us to have salvation because of the blood of Jesus
  • It all comes through Jesus Christ
Power struggles in our lives:
  1. Age 4 - Going potty
  2. Age 12 - Having friends
  3. Age 17 - Having a car
  4. Age 35, 45, 55, 65 - Having Money
  5. Age 75 - Having a car
  6. Age 80 - Having friends
  7. Age 85 - Go potty
How the power of the cross needs to be seen in our lives

In our relationships
  • Deversity in the church
  • Strong Marriage
  • Unity
Overcoming our fears(1 John 4:7-21)
  • Acceptance
  • Future
  • What others think

2010-11-18 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part III)
The Bridge Illustration

  • He made us
  • We matter to God
  • He wants to have a relationship with us
  • We rebelled against God
  • Our sins separate us from Him
  • Attempts to reach Him fall short - Romans 3:23
  • Our sins desire death - Romans 6:23
  • There is much trouble apart from God - people need to understand their lostness
  • Christ died so we have relationship restored - 1 Peter 3:18
A common response is to go back and think about it for a while
Other times God has prepared their hearts through someone else
We need to give them this freedom

2010-11-23 - Mission - Expectation of Christ
Reading Luke 19:11-27

Parable of the 10 minas
God has given us a lifetime of opportunities and blessing with the expectation that they would be utilized to the fullest
Consider the most important goal of life according to Jesus - salvation for all
It is the motivating force behind everything Christ did
Even to the point of dying for it - Matthew 20:28

The gospel must first save me, but then through me, save others

Capitalism and Communism does not give us the answers
No philosophy or religion can meet the needs

God wants to the world more than you do
When God wants something accomplished, he can move mountains to do it
He sacrificed his own Son for saving man

Our God is wildly happy when someone is saved - Luke 15
If we claim to know God, then we most certainly will share with in his attitude

2010-12-04 - Mission - Peter, From a Reed
Peter was a reed blowing in the wind who became a rock whom God could build great things
Jesus looked at Peter and saw what he could become
Perhaps for the first time in Peter's life someone believed in him and had a vision that he could be someone great

When we feel believed in, we feel loved
The only thing that counts if faith expressing itself through love - Galatians 5:6
God looks at us for what we will become - Jeremiah 29:11
Viewing our day to day struggles and failures as their growth process on the way to becoming what God wants
Peter was convinced of this It kept Peter coming back after his failures

When Peter was asked if he wanted to leave, he said 'Lord, to whom shall we go?" - John 6:68-69

Think of all of Peter's heartbreaking failures....
  • Stepped of the boat, only to sink - Matthew 14:31
  • Rebuked for his dullness - Matthew 15:15-16
  • Rebuked Jesus and got the rebuke of a lifetime - Matthew 16:22-23
  • Fell asleep when Jesus needed him most - Matthew 26:40
  • Denied knowing Jesus three times and wept bitterly - Matthew 26:75

2010-12-13 - Seeking God (part III)

John 1:18

  • Jesus has made God known.
  • Where do we begin our search for God? We begin by getting to know Jesus.
  • To the degree that we know Jesus, we will know God.

John 20:30-31

  • The Word of God produces faith in Jesus.
  • What will we find if we seek God by coming to know Jesus through God’s Word? Finding God begins with coming to faith in Jesus
    which promises true life now and eternal life later!
  • As we take a closer look at Jesus, are you willing to make a heartfelt effort to draw closer to God by praying and reading the Bible?

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