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2011-03-15 - One Another (part I)

Started reading the one another scriptures in the Bible:

  • Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you - Romans 15:7
  • Admonish one another - Colossians 3:16
  • Be at peace with each other - Mark 9:50
  • Be devoted to one another in brotherly love - Romans 12:10
  • Be kind and compassionate to one another - Ephesians 4:32
  • Be patient, bearing with one another in love - Ephesians 4:2
  • Bear with each other - Colossians 3:13
  • Build each other up - 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  • Carry each other’s burdens - Galatians 6:2
  • Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5

2011-03-19 - One Another (part V)
Reading through the one another scriptures this week:
  • Make your love increase and overflow for each other - 1 Thessalonians 3:12
  • Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling - 1 Peter 4:9
  • Pray for each other - James 5:16
  • Serve one another in love - Galatians 5:13
  • Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs - Ephesians 5:19
  • Spur one another on toward love and good deeds - Hebrews 10:24
  • Stop passing judgment on one another - Romans 14:13
  • Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ - Ephesians 5:21
  • Teach[one another] - Colossians 3:16
  • Wash one another’s feet - John 13:14; John 13:34-35; John 15:12; John 15:17
  • When you come together to eat, wait for each other - 1 Corinthians 11:33

2011-05-26 - Fearing God - Slave or Son
Two types of fear:
  • Servile fear - latin meaning slave
  • Filial fear - meaning son
Servile fear is illustrated by the third servant in Christ's parable of the talents
He went out and hid his talent in the ground - Matthew 25:24-25
The devil is the author of servile fear - he uses it to haunt and disturb Christians to make our lives uncomfortable

Filial fear is loving fear of a child toward his father
A mixture of reference, pleasure, joy, and awe which fills our hearts when we realize who God is and what He has done for us

There are 150 references to the fear of God, most in the Old Testament
Ones in the New Testament convince us that fearing God is an attitude of the heart

2011-07-16 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part II)
The self-centered life (continued):

3. His worship is direct toward himself
  • Luke 18:11 - Prayer: I thank you that I am not like other men
  • Philippians 3:19 - Their god is their stomach
  • 2 Timothy 3:2 - People will be lovers of themselves
4. His pleasure is to fulfill himself
  • 2 Timothy 3:4 - Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
  • Proverbs 21:17 - He who loves pleasure will become poor
  • 1 Timothy 5:6 - But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead
5. His sinful nature is expressed through the gratification of self
  • Galatians 5:16 - Live by the Spirit and not our sinful desires
  • Ephesians 4:19 - Lost all sensitivity

2011-07-26 - Mind of Christ - Servant (part II)
The nature of a servant

A. He is emptied of self interest

  • Philippians 2:6-7, 19-22, 24-30
  • A servant does not consider his work of serving as a humiliation. Not ashamed of being thought as inferior. It is his place and work to serve others.
B. He voluntarily humbles himself before others.
  • Philippians 2:6-8 - Humbled himself and became obedient to death
  • Reason we often do not bless others by serving them is that we wish to address them as their superiors in grace or gifts or at least their equals.
  • Matthew 3:14 - John tried to deter his humility
  • Micah 6:8 - LORD require us to walk humbly with our God
  • 1 Peter 5:5 - Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

2011-08-08 - Daughter Needs - All-Male Dad (part I)
The All-Male Dad believes he raises only boy and the girls are raised by the mother
Perhaps he wanted her to be a boy and never got over the disappointment
He prefers to go to his son's baseball game rather than his daughter's ballet

There is no male vs female in Christ - Galatians 3:28
God created man and woman differently but there is not any difference in his love or attention toward them

Lot (Genesis 19) was the worst All-Male dad
In Sodom, when homosexuals mob appeared at Lot's door, he offered his tow daughters
Priority should have been on his daughters
If he had sons, there is a lot of doubt he would have made such an offer

2011-08-11 - Daughter Needs - Loving Kindness
A daughter needs a father's gentleness, protective favor to intercede for her against those who would do her wrong

Two tendencies to limit their kindness:
  • Being macho, to prove we are unfailingly strong
    • They think strong is the opposite of gentleness and kindness instead of being the opposite of weak
    • Daughters needs to see your strength and kindness
  • The belief that men/boys needs are the same as woman/girls needs
    • Both need gentleness but woman generally place a higher priority on it
    • If you gentle to your wife and you would want someone to be gentle toward you, it is too little
    • Your daughter is a woman in the making - he needs are going to much closer to your wife than your own
It is important what you say and much as how you say it

Do you give your daughter far more positive comments then negative?
Say something positive, then say "do better" next time?

2011-08-16 - Daughter Needs - Spiritual Leadership
Dads are told there should be three goals:
  • Take children to church service
  • Pray with them regularly
  • Have family devotionals
Most dads get the "going to service" but often fall on the family devotion because they simply don't know how

It is much more than these three items - spiritual leader leads his wife and children toward maturity in Christ
When we create spiritual goals, create activities and training designed to reach those goals

An army has an organized plan designed to win battles

Author's spiritual goals for his children:

My child will:
  1. Be sure of their salvation
  2. Love and understand God's Word
  3. Know and willingly obey God's rules
  4. Know their spiritual gifts
  5. Be able to teach spiritual truths
  6. Be effective witness
  7. Spend daily time with God
  8. Do acts of service for others
  9. Exercise self-discipline
  10. Fellowship with other believers
  11. Understand the power of prayer
  12. Maturely walk with God

2011-08-24 - Fearing God - His rule
Job's attitude toward God in the beginning: It profits a man nothing when tries to please the God - Job 34:9
The Lord confronted him, "I will question you and you shall answer me - Job 38:2-3

Job 38-41 is a gallery of God's creative wisdom and power

What was Job's response?
I am unworthy - Job 40:4

God cares for His creation

He gives all men life and breath - Acts 17:25
He endows the heart with wisdom and gives understanding to the mind - Job 38:36

God governs His universe
He is the ruler of all things - 1 Chronicles 29:12
He does as he pleases - Daniel 4:35
Our plans depend entirely on him - Lamentations 3:37

God's rule is universal and absolute
A sparrow can not fall to the ground without His will - Matthew 10:29
Not one drop of rain falls without His command - Amos 4:7

2011-08-27 - Fearing God - Healthy Tension
In the physical world, there are two opposing forces:
  • Centrifugal - force tends to pull away from a center
  • Centripetal - force pulls toward the center
Take away one and the other immediately disappears

Centrifugal force helps us understand those attributes of God
We are to hold our reverent distance because of his holiness and sovereignty

Centripetal force represents the love of God
His grace and mercy draws us to Him

To exercise a proper fear of God we must understand the opposing forces of His holiness and His love

Both the recognition of our weakness/sinfulness and the love and humble gratitude are displayed in our fear of God

2011-09-03 - Fearing God - Going Deep (part I)
It is more than just reading the Bible, we need to study it

We can learn how to dig into the scriptures from the benefit of the insight of others
Bible study groups help also in our accountability toward reading, understanding, and living the Word

Avoid study groups where just have subjective impressions
Example: "What the passage says to me"
Look for groups that teaches objective study skill without promoting a particular doctrine

More than study skills, we must have the right mental attitude:
  1. Teachable spirit
  2. Spirit of dependance
  3. Diligence

2011-09-08 - Followup: Humility I (part I)
Humility is essential in beginning and maintaining a relationship with God. Pride, the opposite of humility, is often difficult to see in yourself and difficult to define in one’s character. It can be described as stubbornness toward God and his Word as well as others, or as independence from God and/or others.

Let’s look at a few examples of what humility is NOT.
  1. Stubborn: Pharaoh was stubborn towards the Lord’s will - Exodus 13:15
  2. Pride: It’s hard to see your own pride but others can easily - Psalms 73:6
  3. Arrogance: God hates arrogance - Proverbs 8:13
Let’s look at what examples of humility truly looks like.
  1. Proverbs 15:33 - fear of God brings about wisdom and humility
  2. Proverbs 16:3 - put God first and you will be successful
  3. Philippians 2:3 - putting others before yourself
  4. Colossians 3:12 - we are to put on humility daily
  5. 1 Peter 5:5 - respect others and clothe yourself with humility

2011-09-09 - Followup: Humility I (part II)
What humility is not:
  • Being wimpy and letting people walk over you: Jesus was no wimp - John 2:15
  • Have no opinions, become a spiritual robot: Paul pleased God not man - Galatians 1:10
What humility is:
  • Getting and applying input - Proverbs 19:20
  • Taking correction - Proverbs 12:1
Philippians 2:5-8
How was Jesus humble?
  • He was God but left heaven to become man (like you becoming an ant)
  • He gave up being a king to serve those who didn’t love or respect him.
  • He died for you and me.
Question: Is there anyone in your life difficult for you to be humble towards?
Question: What would Jesus advise you to do with that situation?

To be like Jesus is to be humble

2011-09-10 - Followup: Humility II (part I)
Ephesians 4:1-6 - How does God want us to get along and be unified with others?
  1. Be humble towards each other
  2. Be patient with each other
  3. Focus on our love for others so that we can bear with their faults
What are 2 things would you like to change in your character?
  • Jesus still died on the cross for you in spite of your character flaws.
  • To get along with others we must put ourselves aside, just as Jesus did for us.
  • John 13:34 - love one another
1 Peter 5:5-7 - How can humility be like clothing?
  1. You put it on everyday
  2. Not a natural part of us-has to be put on (thought about)
  3. Should be the first thing people see

2011-09-11 - Followup: Humility II (part II)
What’s in store for the humble person?
  1. Grace
  2. “Lifted up” – growing and being blessed
  3. Relief because his burdens and anxieties will be carried by God
  4. Better relationships (God opposes the proud, so do other people)
When is it the hardest for you to be humble? Why?
Who is it hardest for you to be humble towards? Why?
Are you willing to change these things so you can please God? How can I help?

Isaiah 66:2 - God is excited about the humble person.

How to be humble when you sin:
  1. Accept full responsibility (don’t blame others for your actions)
  2. Make no excuses (don’t be defensive)
  3. Apologize humbly and go on your way rejoicing.
What to do when others sin against you:
  1. Tell them in a respectful way (don’t give in to faithlessness or fear)
  2. Focus on your love for them and not on what they have done to you.
  3. Forgive them (like Jesus did you) and move on being better friends.
Humility is a characteristic of a true follower of Jesus
To clothe yourself with Christ is to clothe yourself with humility.

2011-09-13 - Followup: Purity (part II)
2 Timothy 2:22
A. What does it mean to “flee” from something?
     To desperately run away from something dangerous (a murderer, predator, etc…)
B. What does it mean to “pursue” something?
     To move toward something with all your strength
Ephesians 5:3-7
  • How much is a hint? Are there any hints in your life?
  •  What does God call us to replace impurity with?
How do you overcome these temptations? Psalms 119:9-16
* We overcome sin by meditating on God’s precepts (word) and following his statues.
James 5:16 (we as a family are here for each other, not to judge but to support)
* God wants you to be pure and holy, he’s given you his word and spiritual brothers and sisters to help you on your spiritual journey.

2011-10-05 - Genesis 5 - Genealogies (part I)


Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


Genesis 5:2 - He created them male and female and blessed them
It has always been God's intention to bless each and every one of us. And we do have many blessings!! But do we see them? We can not be grateful toward God unless we step back and look at all the great things he has done for us.

Genesis 5:22 - Enoch walked with God 300 years
Through the family line which is described here, God stops the pattern of listing the names of children and ages of important events to mention   Enoch's walk with God. Because of the obvious age limitations we have today, It was a walk longer than we will ever see with God on this earth - probably greater than 4 times. Can you imagine the faith and persistence he must have had?

Genesis 5:24 - then he was no more, because God took him away
Enoch did not see death but rather he was taken up to heaven. Along with Elijah [2 Kings 2:11], they were are the only two mentioned in the Bible to have gone directly to see him. How and why this happened, I am not sure but it does show God felt these relationship were very special to Him.

Personal Application

The challenge for me is simple: To finish the race [Acts 20:24] with great faith and perseverance. But not just to get by but to have a relationship with God that shines before others. When people talk about me, do they stop and mention my relationship with God like the Bible does with Enoch? What does God say about my faith?

2011-10-09 - Genesis 9 - The Rainbow & Capital Punishment


God blessed Noah and set the rainbow as a sign that he would never flood the earth again. Noah got drunk and cursed Ham's son Canaan.


Genesis 9:3 - Everything ... will be food for you; I now give you everything
Again God shows his willingness to everything to become eatable but meat that still had lifeblood. Many of our reactions would have given up on mankind. And if we had not given up, we would not have given as much freedom so there would less possibility of disobedience to occur. But God continues to give freedom to his people.

Genesis 9:17 - sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth
Freedom is not free. There was great pain for God  [Genesis 6:6]  to see the state of man's heart and how the only solution was to destroy all living things and start over again. Today, God is still grieving over how our hearts turn from him. This time - He had to pay the ultimate sacrifice of His only Son so that he and us may have a relationship. This is the only way, How have we responded?

Personal Application

I don't grow very well in the good times. It is the times of trials and difficulty when I forced by God's discipline to change. I want to change and grow while not under all circumstances. What does it show God when I move toward him only when pushed?

2011-10-13 - Genesis 13 - The Cowboy Conflict


Abram journeyed with his nephew Lot. Their servants argued, so Lot went to Sodom, Abram to Canaan. The LORD promised Abram the land.


Genesis 13:7 - So there were quarrels
When there are many things involved, sometimes because there are quarrels. Quarrels come from our evil desires within us [James 4:1]. It is not the amount of items but our heart toward them. In this day in age, there are many quarrel and we have many things. Right now Congress can not agree on much of anything. Are we fighting the good fight or just fighting each other?

Genesis 13:11 - Lot chose for himself the whole region of the Jordan
Lot had a choice, the better Lot wanted the "well-watered" land for himself but in the ended up with the land full of sin. When chose what is better for ourselves rather than others, we many times not get what we think we are getting. If Lot had the choice over again, he would have likely would chose to give the land to Abram but it instead cost him his life.

Personal Application

I have been very quarrelsome at work recently - there is a lot that frustrates me right now. I need to relax and count my blessings. It is not worth broken relationships or loss of life.

2011-10-30 - Mind Change - Humility
Humility is the most powerful force in the world.

God loves it.

God honors it.

God blesses it.

With it, you cannot lose. You can have it in all circumstances.

Luke 14:11 - Who humbles himself will be exalted
James 4:6 - He gives grace to the humble
1 Peter 5:5 - Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

2011-11-18 - Thankfulness

Colossians 1:3,10-12, 2:6-7, 3:15, 17, 4:2
 - In one letter we are instructed SEVEN times to be thankful people. Pretty important


Philippians 4:10-13 ~ Paul did not start out this way
  • Paul learned thankfulness no matter what your circumstances
  • Without doubt the most valuable secret in life.
  • How can we learn to be thankful?
3 Keys:

1. Remember the past.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 ~ Remember how you used to live. 
  • Remember that you were an object of wrath and on the path to hell.
  • Think how fortunate you are to be in God's grace and on the road to heaven.
  • Were would you be today without God's grace?
2. New thinking in the present

    Serve with a grateful heart
    Matthew 6:1-4 ~ Remember it is more blessed to give than receive.
  • Learn to enjoy serving God and His people.
  • Don't look for recognition.
  • Old life hide sin, new life hide good
    Trust God in everything
    Romans 8:28  ~ God works out EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him.
    Do you believe this ?

3. Think toward the future.

    Philippians 4:2-8 ~ You name is written in the book of life.
  • What do you see?
    • Do not be anxious about anything - the Lord is near.
    • Constantly think about GOOD, NOBLE, HONOURABLE and PURE things. (Don't allow the devil to pollute your mind).
    • Rejoice in the Lord always.

2011-12-14 - Day 11 - Holding to the Truth
2 Timothy 2:14-19
  1. Why do some people like to quarrel about words and spread their own ideas around? Do you ever quarrel about words? Have you talked about it with another disciple?
  2. How can you train yourself to be an approved workman?
  3. Have you been involved in any discussions lately about God's word or the church that were pointless or even harmful?
How can you avoid godless chatter?

1 Timothy 1:18-20
  1. How can you fight the good fight?
  2. How can a disciple "shipwreck" their faith?
  3. Remember Hymenaeus (2 Timothy 2:17-18) and Alexander (2 Timothy 4:14-15).
What is the outcome of people who turn away from the faith? How do they try to harm others?

1 Timothy 4:15-16
  1. Are you watching daily your life (as a disciple) and your doctrine (understanding the Bible)?
  2. Has anyone noticed changes in you?
2 Timothy 2:22-26 - What should your attitude be toward those who oppose you?

Application: Discuss with your partner any questions about doctrine or the church that you do not understand.

2011-12-19 - Day 16 - Saved to Save
1 Peter 2:9-10
  1. What does it mean to be a royal priesthood?
  2. What message should you be sharing?
  3. Are you really declaring God's praises or just giving out an invitation?
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
  1. How can you tell if you're living for yourself or living for Jesus?
  2. What does it mean to be Christ's ambassador?
  3. Would Jesus be pleased with the way you present him?
  4. What does it mean to APPEAL to and IMPLORE people?
  5. What attitude should you have toward the lost?
Acts 17:16-34
  1. Why was Paul distressed?
  2. What are some sights around your city that should distress you?
  3. Where did Paul share his faith?
  4. Why did Paul begin his message by commending the Athenians for being very religious?
  5. What does this teach you about preaching Paul's message?
Application: Write at least 4 things you have learned today about evangelism from this study. Share your faith with these things in mind.

2011-12-22 - Day 19 - Powerful Prayers
1 Chronicles 17:15-22
  1. What was David feeling as he prayed to God? Why?
  2. How has the Lord treated you with undeserved honor and blessings?
  3. How did God bless Israel?
  4. How has he done even greater things for his people today?
  5. What attitude toward God does this prayer express?
Genesis 24:10-27
  1. Why do you think the Lord answers this prayer so quickly?
  2. The servant's prayer was simple, but he had great faith. How can you tell?
  3. What was the servant's first response to the answered prayer?
  4. Are you remembering to thank God for every answered prayer?
James 5:15-18
  1. What makes prayer powerful and effective?
  2. Do you pray eagerly and earnestly?
  3. Do you pray with great faith? Have you been righteous this week?
Application: Make your prayer very special today. Pray with faith and gratitude!

2011-12-30 - Day 27 - Learning to be Loyal
What does loyalty mean to you?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  1. Write out this passage substituting your name in place of the word love. Now read through it again, thinking about some specific relationships you have.
  2. What do you see about yourself that needs to change?
Ephesians 4:29
  1. What kind of talk is harmful to others?
  2. Have you been involved in talk that is unkind, slanderous or mocking?
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
  1. Who is "over you in the Lord"?
  2. Is this based on how they live?
  3. Write some names of Christians who work hard among you. Do you respect them from your heart?
  4. What is your attitude toward Christians who are weak or slow to learn?
Application: Write a note of appreciation to someone you respect, who is over you in the Lord and also to someone who needs patient encouragement.

2011-12-31 - Day 28 - Disputable Matters
Romans 14:1-8
  1. What are some disputable matters among Christians today? (dress, taste in music, food and drink)
  2. What should your attitude be toward those who see these things differently?
Romans 14:16-23
  1. What does God care about the most?
  2. Are you doing anything that could cause others to stumble?
  3. What does verse 23 mean?
  4. Do you feel good about the way you are living now?
Matthew 11:18-19
  1. Why did the people criticize Jesus and John the Baptist?
  2. Why do you think they were so different yet both were pleasing God?
Application: Do you have questions about what is right and wrong for a Christian? Find out from a mature disciple whether these are disputable matters and come to your decisions.

2012-01-25 - Ministry - Jesus' Rescue Mission
Matthew 18:10-14 (Luke 15:3-10)

It is comforting to know we serve a God who is not only all-powerful and all-knowing, but also all-loving. Sometimes the spiritual battle gets so intense that we wonder if God really cares. This passage proves how deeply God cares about each individual "sheep". How we do spiritually does matter to God. He does not want any of his disciples to wander off and fall away.

Jesus is the perfect shepherd who will do whatever it takes to go after the one lost sheep. Each soul matters to God. Jesus' heart is to keep on searching, keep on hoping, and keep on loving until the sheep is found and returns home. We need to take on Jesus' heart and persevere in rescuing those who have given up on their relationship with God. Satan wants us to get hurt, get bitter and angry instead of being compassionate and determined to help those who have lost faith. Let's be inspired by Jesus' unfailing love and decide to be part of Jesus' rescue team!

  • What is your attitude towards those who have fallen away from God?
  • When was the last time you reached out to someone who has stopped being a part of the fellowship?
Practical: Choose one person who you can rescue and encourage today. Make a card ; call them and invite them over for dinner; give them a gift of their "favorite."

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

2012-10-09 - Prayer of the Righeous - Arms Wide Open (part I)
Wild Living of the Prodical Son

Son became incredibly ungrateful toward his father - Luke 15:12-13
The sad situation became worse when be became greedy too - Wanted "his" part of the estate
Consuming his thoughts and with no regard to what his father felt, he asked
Amazingly, his father said yes

From there the son wasted this money
His life was full of sin - Luke 15:13,30
Then the economy collapsed and there was a severe famine - Luke 15:14
Life was so bad and he was so hungry, he became jealous of the pigs - Luke 15:15-16
The son was incredibly ashamed and reluctant to go home

When he came to his senses, he remember his father and his generosity and kindness
He thought as least as a servant, I would be better off than this - Luke 15:18-19

2012-10-14 - Prayer of the Righeous - Carrying Me
Parable of the Lost Sheep illustrates Jesus comfort he want to provide
He carries his lamb close to his heart - Isaiah 40:11

God's journey toward us:
  • He runs through the fields
  • He crawls on his knees to pick us up
  • He throws open his arms to forgive
  • He carries us home in his arms

Arms of comfort

At Lazarus' death, the angels tenderly bring him to God - Luke 16:19-22

A child who is not regularly cuddled is deeply damaged

As a mother conforms her child, so I will comfort you - Isaiah 66:13

Sometimes we doubt and ours lives are frantic and full of activities and without the peace of God
God promises to take hold of the hands of kings - Isaiah 45:1
...and his people - Isaiah 42:6

Mary and Martha - Martha was too busy with the details of life to spend time with Jesus - Luke 10
She missed the peace that passes understanding
Time in prayer is time when we can quiet our anxious soul

Be still my soul and know that I am God - Psalms 46:10
God will give us rest - Matthew 11:28

2012-10-15 - Prayer of the Righeous - Wiping Away Tears
When suffering hits us we can either drop to our knees in prayer or run from God
Paul chose to run toward God and saw suffering as an opportunity to rely on God - 1 Corinthians 1:8-9

Suffering is a language God understands
Jesus was a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering - Isaiah 53:3
Because of this, he is able to help those who are being tempted - Hebrews 2:18

The gospel is the story of God's suffering
He made the world, the world reject him

Parable of the Talents tells the story of God's rejection - Matthew 21
When God was only left with the option of sending his Son, he did - Matthew 21:35-37
We murdered him and understood what it meant to not be whole

Because God has given men freedom to choose, there is suffering on earth
When we suffer, we have a chance to draw closer to God
There is unique bond between those who are suffering and comforter - Matthew 5:4

2013-10-10 - Resolve to Lead Your Marriage

Do you realize that as the leader of your home?
You are driving, the husband is more responsible.
Very, very rarely will a wife want out of a marriage if her husband is leading
Men simply give up when a marriage turns south or they disengage and sit around waiting for their wives

We must take courage and always be willing to make the first move, God has put something into men that longs to be courageous.
When a man uses that courage to lead his wife well, she tends to bloom.
When a wife lives with a leadership void, both of them will feel resentment toward each other and less secure together.

The idea of 50/50 leadership is a farce that creates two heads and two directions.
Our wives should have the freedom to influence without having to bear the weight of responsibility and accountability

History is littered with self-centered men who have dominated, belittled, ignored, and abused their wives in the name of male leadership.
God’s biblical design of leadership, the strong die for the weak.
The more powerful or influential you are, the more humble, servant-hearted, and sacrificial you are to become

Jesus, God’s Son was the most powerful leader of all time
He served and shepherded them instead of throwing His weight around
Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant - Mark 10:42-45
For there is no “greater love”  - John 15:13
Free her up from carrying the marriage and family. Rescue her.
She is called your helper, just as God is a “helper” to us - Psalms 54:4
Women are perfectly designed to partner with us so that our strengths complement one another’s weaknesses

Lead your wife by serving her well.

2015-01-08 - Genesis 25 - Death of Abraham (part I)


Abraham died and was buried with Sarah


Genesis 25:7 - lived a long and satisfying life
Don't we all want a long and satistying life? We all seek it but do not always find it. Because we are not searching for it correct place. We need seek God with all of our heart and we will find everything we need and some of what we want. In the end and after it is all finished, we want to hear great jobmy faithful servant [Matthew 25:23]

Genesis 25:18 - There they lived in open hostility toward all their relatives
Mentioned only for brief time, but the scripture says so much. Just because we are family, does not mean we just get along. Relationships - no matter who they are require work, patience, and understanding. There could be open hostility in our family but more likely hidden anger, hate, or bitterness toward one another. Just because others are family, it does not mean we should be an less kind

2015-02-06 - Racing for the Bottom

What do you think you are doing, building a beautiful tomb for yourself - Isaiah 22:16

Some have a "do what ever it takes" attitude toward raising up the ranks
God takes a dim view of such a strategies

Shebna discovered the quickest way to the bottom by using his high position to promote himself
The Lord stopped his plans, removed him from office, and exciled him far from Judah - Isaiah 22:17-18

God gave him everything he needed to become a great servant but he used it for himself

God wants to be the center of all your plans, God gave us gifts to exalt him not ourselves

2015-04-18 - What Pleases God

Moses: Lord, please! Send anyone else - Exodus 4:13

What you succeed in doing often depends on your attitude

When God first appeared to Moses, his attitude was negative and self-defeating

Instead of focusing on the awesome task before him, he focused on his human frality

i "can't" attitude can keep you from enjoying the good things God has for you

God loves it when you turn your focus toward him and away from your own fears and doubt

Is there anything too hard for you to accomplish today?

2015-06-07 - Learn to Listen

Fools think their own way is right - Proverbs 12:15

David advised Solomon to observe the requirements of the Lord and follow all his ways - 1 Kings 2:3-4

Solomon may have spoken words of wisdom but his life ended in foolishness:

  • Took 700 wives
  • 300 mistresses
  • Some of the woman were from outside his nationality and religon

Solomon's failure to practice what he preached led to his downfall

His wives turned his heart away from God and toward idol worship

You will save yourself a lot of trouble by knowing the Word of God and doing what is says


2015-06-12 - It's about love

Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath or is it a day for doing evil? - Mark 3:4

Nothing gets the attention of a religous old guard faster than trying something new and different

Example: Jesus on earth with the Jewish leaders with so many rules and regulations

No one could keep all the rules and certainly not while joyfully serving God

Jesus' wisdom steered people back toward the spirit of the law - root in the love for God and neighbor

He healed a man in need and the leaders called it working therefore wrong

Are you legalist or do you enjoy the freedom Jesus came to give you?

2015-06-23 - Procrastination

Go away for now; When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again - Acts 24:25

Procrastination is a great enemy of accomplishment

It prevents you from being all that God wants you to be

Felix had an opportunity to repsond to the message of salvation but he allowed his fears to drive him away from Christ instead of toward him

Tragically, the "more convenient" time never came

2015-07-06 - Effects of Jealous

Saul had a spear in his hand and suddenly hurled it at David intending to pin him to the wall - 1 Samuel 18:11

Jealousy is the emotion we feel toward someone who has something we believe we should have

KIng Saul jealous toward David, who did nothing but serve the king faithfully

Saul grow angry with him because of his growing popularity

Saul promoted David to army commander where he excelled, defeating the Philistines

Jealousy took over and and Saul went insane and it his life's goal to kill David

Being jealous steals the joy and contentment the Lord wants us to experience

Who is most likely to make you feel jealous?

Rest content in the knowledge of God - He has mapped out a life of blessing specifically for you

2015-09-10 - Take the Lead

When King David heard what had happened, he was very angry - 2 Samuel 13:21

David was often a brilliant leader on the battlefield but he defaulted on his leadership at home

His family became dysfunctional:

  • Amnon raped his sister
  • David did not repond
  • Absalom, David's oldest son, killed Amnon and fled Jerusalem
  • Amnon's murder and Absalom's absense broke David's heart
  • David restored Absalom but later became embitteed against his father
  • Absaloom led a rebellion against David

Don't default on your responsibility  - as a father, you have the privilege of leading others toward godliness

2015-10-03 - When a Brother Sins

I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you - 1 Samuel 12:23

Sometimes we feel thempted to write off a brother in Christ who made a mess of their faith

Bible teach us to pray for such a man and do everthing we can to restore him

Israel made a foolish and ungodly choice - insisted on an earthly king

Samuel felt disappointed but he did not write off the people

Instead Samuel took these steps:

  1. He spoke the truth about their sins
  2. Encourged them to continue growing spiritually
  3. Warned them to not sink further into sin
  4. Reaffirmed God's love and commitment toward them
  5. Pledged to continue to pray for them and encourage them 


2015-10-08 - Brag on God

I will tell everyone about the wonderful thing you do - Pslams 73:28

It is never a good idea to establish a ruputation as a bragger

It is always good to count your blessings and boast of God's goodness

Asaph expressed frustration and anger toward God about the injustice, oppresion, godlenssness he saw

Although he was displeased, he still rememberd to thank God for his blessings

How often do you brag on God and his goodness?

2015-10-18 - Consequenes of Greed

Joel and Abijah were not like their father, for they were greedy for money - 1 Samuel 8:1-3

Samuel's sons showed the far reaching consequences of loving money more than God

They were appointed judges but were corupt and greedy men who "accepted bribes and perverted justice"

Their evil behavior hastened the end of era of judges and Israel's step toward nation rebellion 

The Hebrew people demanded a earthly king rule over them instead of relying on their heavenly king

When Joel and Abijah chose greed over contentment, they failed God and his people

Does contentemnt or greed dominate in your life?

2015-12-13 - Steps of Faith

Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus - Matthew 14:29

Learning to walk for a toddler is similar taking steps of faith - we dare to take steps, meet by success then failure

Peter was easily the most impulsive of Jesus' disciples - said and did things that others thought about but did not dare to say or do

Peter was a baby in faith who tried new things to discover what he is able to do

His impulsive move to get out of the boat was greeted with success then panic and failure

Peter clearly couldn't keep his eyes on Jesus but they were baby steps toward maturing his faith 

2015-12-29 - Strong Finish

He turned his heart to worship other gos instead of being completely faithful to the Lord - 1 KIngs 11:4

Solomon was the proverbial riddle wrapped in an enigma

He was the wisest man who ever lived but he turned away from God and toward pagan idols

This turn led to the loss of everything he have accomplished - 1 KIngs 11:11-13

Despite God appearing to him twice and blessing him in every way, Solomon still turned to idols

Solomon's poor choices tained his service and led to big problems for the kingdom of Israel

It is far more important to perserve focus on the eternal prize God has for those who finish strong - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 

2016-10-04 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part I)


In Gerar, Isaac lied about Rebekah being his wife. 


Genesis 26:5 - Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions

  • Abraham had not received the law yet
  • He was described as one who kept the law by living by faith and obedience
  • A man who lived by faith could be described as one who kept the law

Genesis 26:9 - I was afraid someone would kill me to get her from me

  • The son repeated his father's lie's [Genesis 20:2]
  • Faith in God's promises causes fearless work with Him
  • This time it was not God but Abimekech who protected and commad that the woman not to be touched
  • The Philistine king emerged as the righteous one
  • God continued to be faithful with Issac for the sake of future generations
  • If Isaac's marriage had ended here, there would have been no Israelites


The first step toward helping children live righteously is for the parent to live rightly. What kind of example I am setting for my children?


Please help me to see what I am projecting onto my children by the life I am living

2017-10-10 - Reason for His Study (part I)

Mission is to help men fall in love with the character of Jesus

Some spend much time with:

  • His chronology
  • The geopgraphy
  • His clothes
  • Take photos of the lands he walked
  • Customs during that time

We can become so interested in the outer life of Jesus and miss the secret his heart has to tell

Things Jesus experienced may be of some interest but not important

It is the character of Jesus which has unique and endless significance

New Testament writers were not interested in the outer Jesus but wanted us to have his character

  • Friends were all obscure
  • No office
  • No wealth
  • Born in a stable
  • Taught for three years and died

They tried to describe how things affected him, how he looked at things,and how he felt toward things

2018-01-29 - Reason for His Study (part II)

James lived under the same roof and did not understand him

Paul lived far from him but understood him completely

Understand a character - akin to the deepest tendencies and aspirations

It is impossible to become too familiar with the way

He is the express image of the Father's person

The more we study him, the richer is our knowledge of the heart of God

We fix our minds on him  - how he looked at things, felt toward things, how things affected him

2020-03-06 - Friendliness

Common taunt of Scribes and Pharises that Jesus was a friend of sinners

He was friendly to the lowest and the best of society, a trait which created great scandal

These three statements about Jesus spoke a lot about how Jesus' heart toward others:

  • He saved himself; he cannot save himself - Mark 15:13
  • He went about doing good
  • Friend of sinners

They tried to use his friendiness against him

Example: Tax collectors - ones who gathered taxes by any means nessary including by extortion or other dishonest measures

  • Considered traitors to their country
  • Objects of hatred and scron
  • Their money was considered tained and not accepted in the synagogue
  • Their oath was worthless
  • Could not be a witness in a court of law
  • Pelted with sneers by passers by
  • Looked as wild beasts

Jesus made friends with them despite these truths

It was one thing to talk down to a bad man and give good advise, it is another to eat with them

Jesus cross the chasm over which no man was willing to do in that day and lost his reputation for the sake of being brotherly/friendly

Made himself nothing because he was determined on being firendly to all - Philippians 2:17

Everyone is part of the human race, children of God, despite what they have done


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