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Searching for "understood" in the Quiet Time Archive
Displaying results from "50" to "54". (54 found)

2015-11-22 - Eyes of Faith

The Lord opened the young man's eyes - 2 Kings 6:17

The king of Syria had sent his army to the city of Dothan and surrounded it at night

Elisha's servant saw the enemy's chariots, horses, and soliders had surrounded them

Naturally, this fearful young man ran directly to his master who was a man of faith

Elisha knew that prayer was just what was needed - the servant eyes were then opened

Elisha already understood the situation he faced was just a chance for God to demonstrate his glorious power

2015-11-25 - Hospitality

Come and stay with us... I have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels - Genesis 24:31

Hospitality is a lifestyle that God commands his people to adopt

When God's people are in need, be ready to help them - Romans 12:13

Laban, brother-in-law of Isaac, understood the blessing of practicing hositality because he had recieved it himself

Eliezer traveled to find a wife for Abraham's son, Issac, Laban welcomed him into his home and card for his camels

Being hospitable to Abraham's servant held a blessing - Rebekah, Laban's sister, would become Isaac's wife and would be in the lineage of Jesus Christ

2018-01-29 - Reason for His Study (part II)

James lived under the same roof and did not understand him

Paul lived far from him but understood him completely

Understand a character - akin to the deepest tendencies and aspirations

It is impossible to become too familiar with the way

He is the express image of the Father's person

The more we study him, the richer is our knowledge of the heart of God

We fix our minds on him  - how he looked at things, felt toward things, how things affected him

2018-03-30 - The Orginality of Jesus

No one in Jesus' day raise the question of whether he was original or not

No personality like that of Jesus had ever been encased in flesh before

Jesus began by reading a scripture in Isaiah that others had read but they did not understand it meaning
Jesus understood it fully and read it and the scripture became new

Religion is partly ceremony and partly ethics

Jesus emphased mercy instead of sacrifice

Accent in his teaching was full of assurance, certainty and authority

He never hesitated, speculated, or showed any indication of a wavering mind - I tell you the truth

Jesus was the complete man

He was differernt from all other men that had ever been and he said so