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2008-09-14 - Teach Us To Pray - Our Daily Bread
Many of us have little concern about having food
Other things can distract us like: finding a job, paying off debt, development of our children
Satan schemes to blind us God

Worry definition:
  1. to torment oneself
  2. to fret
  3. uneasiness or anxiety
What daily worries plague me?
If the enemy can get us to be preoccupied, it destroys our effectiveness as disciples

He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom - Isaiah 40:28-31
Our Father is the God of the universe; nothing is too great for him

2008-09-16 - Teach Us To Pray - The Church of Jesus
Disciples must have a deep commitment to pray for the needs of the church:
  • Church "universal" - all congregations
  • Church "militant" - war against evil
  • Church "triumphant" - the mission God has given us
Praying is hard work. Let's get practical:
  1. Pray with variety, creativity, and perseverance - Ephesians 6
  2. Pray for all the saints - Philippians 1:4
  3. Pray for upcoming meetings
  4. Intercede for world leaders - 1 Timothy 2:1-2
  5. Tour your city - Get a map; drive around pray for the different parts
  6. Incorporate biblical themes
  7. Tour the world
  8. Pray for your elders
  9. Pray for the church's work among the needy of your city
  10. Pray for the special ministries within your church
  11. Pray for new church plantings

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-18 - Teach Us To Pray - Courage and Boldness
Prayer reminds us God is in control
It is his battle, I belong to God, and God will make me successful
God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13

To pray for boldness and courage:
  1. Trust - We are exactly the way God wants us to be; he will make up what we are not - 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. Righteousness - Righteous are as bold as a lion; god can not hear us if we cherish sin - Psalms 66:18
  3. Action - do what the word says; Keep praying until you act
Does our faith come from our results or our results come from our faith

God's work cannot be done in this world without courage

2008-09-27 - Man of Prayer - Introduction
10% of those who don't believe in God still pray - just in case
55% of those who do pray, pray less than 5 minutes

That is not much time for fellowship and communion

We end up doing the thing that we are highly motivated to do
Quality of prayer is low when the only motivation is obedience

Matthew 26:36-46 - Jesus asked them to keep watch while he prayed
Could we keep for even one hour?

How is your prayer life
Is it satisfying, effective, fulfilling, productive?

2008-10-10 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-jireh
YHWH-jireh means "the Lord will provide"

Our God is a provider
God saw Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram

"My God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19

He is a good provider
Every good and perfect gift comes from His hand - James 1:17
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly - Psalms 84:11

2008-10-16 - Man of Prayer - Then and Now
People of the OT knew there was going to be a incredible upheaval - know as the Day of the Lord

Jesus changed our understanding of the Kingdom of God

Some religious leader rejected Jesus and his message
They said Jesus was from Satan when he was casting out demons - Matthew 12:26-28
  • Satan would be destroying himself
  • Or He was telling the truth
OT understanding

 Day of the Lord
 This Age
 The Age to Come
 Kingdoms of Man
 Kingdom of God

NT understanding

 Kingdom of God
 After the Resurrection
Jesus returns

2008-10-24 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 1)

By nature, fathers are designed to be providers

Jesus instructed the disciples to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"

Father knows our needs already - Matthew 6:32
Preoccupation with our needs reveas a lack of trust in God as provider - Matthew 6:25-32
Our priority is God's kingdom - Matthew 6:33

First phrases of the prayer all point to God:

  • Hallowed be your name
  • Your kingdom come
  • Your will be done

Then topics having to do with us:

  • Give us this day
  • Forgive us
  • Lead us


2008-10-30 - Man of Prayer - Futile Solutions
God has the solution to sin, but man tries to come up with other ones

Eastern philosophy - experiencing the oneness of god by escaping the world of material illusion
Modern pharisee - do more good
Every system has a solution

But guilt will ultimately destroy you
Some seek to atone by becoming religous or working at humanitarian causes
Other punish themselves through drugs to self-hatred, depression, or low-self-esteem

These don't work...

2008-10-31 - Man of Prayer - Forgiveness
Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors - Matthew 6:12
Debt = opheilema = owning money to another

Colossians 2:13-14 - written charge was canceled
charge or code = cheirographon = charges drawn up against a convicted criminal

Roman business world - debt had been paid - "tetelsthai" was written across the note - meaning "paid in full"
Some word was used to when the punishment was executed on a list of chrages

Every failure on our part to do God's will is a charge against us - a long document for most

Jesus cried - it is finished (John 19:30) was actually the word "tetelsthai" = PAID IN FULL

2008-11-03 - Man of Prayer - Developing Spiritual Protection
World is filled with unknown and dangerous supernatural enemies - the battlefield is out there

Not against flesh and blood - but the spiritual forces of evil - Ephesians 6:12
We are part of a war of epic and eternal proportions that effect every area of our lives

Many men are casualties of a war they don't know is being waged
We are to prepared and equipped  to wage this spiritual war

One of the seven major components of prayer is developing spiritual protection
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one - Matthew 6:13

2008-11-18 - Raising Awesome Kids - Second Thing Second
Assuming God is first, who is next on our list? Our spouse

Devotion to our lifetime companion must be the greatest earthly love of all

Kids are our flesh and blood, but we are one flesh with our spouse

Some make up for the affection by pouring all their love into their children
Makes them arrogant and/or insecure
Bag the excuses, example: too busy, take an honest look at your marriage

Little eyes and ears are fine-tuned to our frequency and they know

They love it when we love each other - it gives them a sense of peace, happiness, and security

Much of the anger and rebellion issues in kids can be traced back to marriage problem

2008-11-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Husband and Father
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her - Ephesians 5:25-6:4

Our relationship with our father is, in many ways, the defining relationship in all of our lives
Our response to authority and our self-confidence comes from our father

Responsibility of training children squarely upon the father
Fathers...bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4

2008-11-24 - Raising Awesome Kids - Training and Teaching
Fathers, bring up your children up in the training and instruction of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4
We, as fathers, teach and train non-stop

Do not underestimate the importance of teaching
The worst mistake you can make is to do nothing

Children love to learn
Why else would God let us keep them for almost 20 years, but to train them

2008-11-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Model of Masculinity
In the image of God he created male and female - Genesis 1:27
Kids are extremely aware of the difference

World is so mixed up - men want to be women; women wanting to be men
Unnatural relations - Romans 1:24-27

The answer - the real thing will outshine the twisted

Homosexuality is not natural
No young boy was made that way by God

A great relationship with a strong, affectionate father reduces to virtually zero
Mama's boy or sissy:
  • Don't reject him
  • Don't ridicule him
  • Teach him to relate confidently to other boys
  • Teach him sports and manly skills
Daughters need a strong, affectionate father - gives her security
Needs sense of approval

If you are kind, strong and have a close relationship with your daughter, she will want to marry someone like you

2008-11-27 - Raising Awesome Kids - Compassion and Caring
God cares! Nothing too great or too small can escape his notice
We also some be available to meet the needs of our family

Otherwise, because they have given up trying to reach us, they will have no desire to talk to us anymore
"Why can't I reach my kids?" - we weren't there when they reached for us

God hurts for us and with us
He looks for and has compassion for us - Luke 15:20

We need forgiveness and we need to grant it

Our children are.... children
Expect a lot, let them be kids - God is patient with us

2008-11-28 - Raising Awesome Kids - Encouragement and Inspiration
Fathers deals with his children with encouragement, comforting, and urgency of lives worthy of God - 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Life is hard, especially for kids - easy to lose heart
There is a immense power in a father's encouragement

Young Timothy -
  • Lacked confidence - 2 Timothy 1:8
  • Could lose motivation - 2 Timothy 1:6-7
  • Got ill frequently - 1 Timothy 5:23
  • Tended to be lazy - 1 Timothy 4:13-15
  • Need someone to believe in him
Paul became his "father in the faith" - 1 Corinthians 4:17
By his encouragement, Timothy became the dynamic leader of the huge and powerful Ephesus church

It is our jobs as fathers to assess our children's talents and gift and help them to excel in them
Be a great inspirer and encourager of your children
Let it be you who thinks they are great and who picks them up when they fall

2008-12-01 - Raising Awesome Kids - Love
Love is of first importance. All else is secondary.
Above all we should have love - 1 Peter 4:8

Lack of love, we are nothing - 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
We may lavish upon our children the finest things but if we do not make them feel loved, it is all to no avail

If there is closeness and love between us and our kids, we have a place to stand and start for the battle of their hearts
Build our families on love and our kids will be strong

Kids are born with the capacity to love, but not all learn how

2008-12-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Winning Obedience from Children (part 1)

Discipline your son and he will give you give - Proverbs 29:17

From the very beginning children should learn to obey
Should be a habit and a pattern = happy family

Our will and word will be supreme
We should not expect to have to tell them again

Repeating ourselves and louder each time is not true obedience - find ourselves frustrated, weary, and resentful


2008-12-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Winning Obedience from Children (part 2)

First principle = first time obedience

Second principle = Parents never lose
They want to see their limits
Apologize when warrented but never give up in the battle of wills

Sometimes the whole issues comes down to the "mother of all battles"
Compromise is one the most devastating mistakes parent can make
When we do this, we sow the seeds of rebellion - Ephesians 6:4

If you have failed in this area:

  1. Read about passages about obeying
  2. Talk to them about obeying the first time
  3. Explain this has not been the way but will be now
  4. Pray together
  5. From that time on be different


2008-12-15 - Raising Awesome Kids - Disarming Disobedience

They crack you up laughing while he or she is disobeying you
If we let a child control us by smiling and laughing, we will cry and mourn later
We are creating a monster - who will manipulating others for personal gain

Never let them do whatever just because they are cute or charming

2008-12-20 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 2)
  1. Temporary loss of possions or privileges

Talk about it with your spouse and come up with a deprivation of activity or possession plan
Most important aspect of this is thinking clearly through it and talking to your spouse before opening your mouth
Don't take away item on every offense - this diminishes the impact

  1. Extra work or jobs to do

Clean up their mess, doing extra work to pay off something - creates a deeper sense of responsibility
Punishment is actually a form of restitution

2008-12-22 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 4)

Be consistent - put up a fence and leave it there

Parents must always be unified - never argue in fron of the kids - otherwise they will play you against each other

Make a definite plan - have a family meeting and talk about your expectations

Walk on the narrow/middle road of parenting - not child abuse; not a lack of discipline either

2008-12-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 3)

These commandments... are to be upon your hearts (v. 6)

Should train from the heart level
in their minds and on their minds - Hebrews 10:16

Impress them on your children (v. 7)

Training with the Scriptures must be done with great conviction, sincerity and earnestness
If you want it to stick, you will need to give all you have

Talk about them always (v. 7)

Train consistantly - everywhere, anytime, anyplace

About teaching our children how to live life - not nagging about their misdeeds

Make it fun, doable, effective

Most training should be spontaneous

Never underestimate how many times we will have to say the same things over and over again

2008-12-30 - Raising Awesome Kids - Mistakes Parents Make
1. Being basically critical
If you mostly see the negative things about your kids - what they will see about themselves

2. Failing to teach
Teach the basics - throw a ball

3. Failing to express praise and admiration
Say what we love, like, respect, and appreciation

4. Spending little or no exclusive time
Always too busy - then you are too busy
They will conclude that they are unimportant and worthless

5. Showing favoritism
Comparing to each other - will breed frustration, jealousy, and bitterness

6. Pushing too hard, too soon
Let them be kids

7. Parental self-degradation
Downgrade yourself in front of your children
Will hurt their view of life and of themselves

8. Living our lives through our children
End up pushing your kids into things they don't really care about

2009-01-01 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 2)
Help them improve in areas of weakness
Encourage your children to be well-rounded
Academics are too important to neglect just because it does not come easy

  • Women of Proverbs 31 - skills ranged from homemaking to business and management
  • David - shepherd, soldier, political leader, songwriter, and musician

Help them form upbuilding friendships
All young people need to belong to a group
If they are generally outsiders:
  • Teach your children to act differently - to not turn people off
  • Or steer them to toward another group
Don't be afraid to monitor your children's friendships
If you can't help someone be better or if either one of you makes the other a worse person, then you can not be friends

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-09 - Raising Awesome Kids - Childrens Quiet Times
Having their own quiet times is the best way for them to know God and enjoy him personally - develops their own faith

Younger years (preschool and early elementary) - sit down with them a couple of mornings a week

Later elementary - they can begin to have them on their own - 10 minutes a session
Create a structure for them
Write down what they learn
ACTS like prayers
Older - direct them toward Proverbs, Psalms, and the Gospels - always keep up with how it is going

Pushing them too quickly = overwhelmed kids
Not challenging them enough = leave a vacuum for them to be filled by the world

Pray for wisdom, get wise counsel, and trust God will guide you

2009-01-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Genuine Appreciation

Appreciation for one another does not come about by accident

Must teach it, talk about it, show it and confront the ways the kids are not expressing it - only way

Cultivate appreciation by creating as many situations as possible where it expressed in words
Build up one another sessions - each person encouragees every other person specifically
Thank you nights - give thanks for different things other family members have said and done

Encourage your family to begin expressing respect, appreciation, and encouragement - whole atmosphere will change

Pleasant words are sweet to the soul - Proverbs 16:24

Teach your older children how to lead and teach your younger ones how to follow
Children's weaknesses tend to come out more with each other than with us


2009-01-14 - Raising Awesome Kids - Fabric

Refers to the building a structure and rhythm into our famiy schedule
Times when the whole group gets together

Everyone is there for dinner - someone is missing, there is a very good reason
Talk about significant things that happened during the day
It is the simple things that build fabric

Stop letting people read the paper, watch TV or do homework during dinner
Disallow running off to different rooms
Stop making appointment that take you away
Allow no phone calls
Make dinnertime an event - work hard to keep it special

Create family traditions - do things that uniquel to our family
Make birthdays a big deal - does not have to be expensive

2009-01-16 - Raising Awesome Kids - Atmosphere (part 2)

If we can laugh together, then we like being together, which adds up to unity

Idea: have a "joke night" - everyone tell jokes

Happy heart makes the face cheerful - Proverbs 15:13

Cheerful heart has a continual feast - Proverbs 15:15

Cheerful look brings joy to the heart - Proverbs 15:30

Cheerful heart is good medicine - Proverbs 17:22

The phyical environment need to be pleasant
Dirt, filth, and clutter do not create an atmosphere of closeness

The environment says, "we don't care", then people stop caring about each other

2009-01-19 - Jesus with People - Through the Roof

When the paralyzed man came down through the roof - damaged the house of Peter and Andrew - how would you respond?

Jesus demonstrated his love for people in the way he deals with the crowds

Everywhere he went, Jesus drew a crowd
He spoke with authority, conviction because he deeply cared about people

We need to care enough to gather a crowd - People need to be our focus
They need to be in our homes, in our Saturday plans, and focus of our lunch hour

Jesus with the Religious
Their slavery to legalistic minutiae angered him - Matthew 23:23-24
Their stubborn hearts distressed him - Mark 3:1-5
Jesus desire was for them to be saved

Jesus with the Faithful
Jesus gets the greatest joy from interacting with people who believe
Centurion - the faith he was looking for - Luke 18:8
What fires Jesus up? Faith

If we follow Jesus, the smallest seed of faith that we see in others should encourage and excite us.

Who big is your crowd?
Do you see the faith of others?
Is Jesus amazed by your faith or your lack of it?

2009-01-20 - Jesus with People - Harassed and Helpless

Jesus was always able to look beyond people's outward behavior to the need within

How does a person who is harassed and helpless behave?

  • Some irritation
  • Little mistrusting

He saw beyond the paralytic's phyiscal condition to his need for forgiveness - Mark 2:5
He saw the invaild's need for hope at the poolside - John 5:6

When we see a crowd who is harassed and helpless we see - problems, problems, problems
When Jesus sees a crowd who is harassed and helpless he sees - harvest, harvest, harvest

Wiser to evangelize the "suburbs" because there are less "problem" people - NNNNOOOO!!!!
Jesus was not swayed by this thinking

Jesus saw the potential in people, not the problems - why see inspired such change

People need a shephard and Jesus responded and raised up other shephards - Matthew 9:38-10:4
Compassion is passion that leads to action

Are you meeting needs or do you alwaysfind yourself reacting to the way people treat you?
Make a list of needs you see where you are - make a plan to meet those needs

2009-01-21 - Jesus with People - Going Deeper

We want to be know but we keep a safe distance
Jesus has X-ray vision to our hear and see right our heart

John 4:39 - Samaritan women:

  • She was minding her own business
  • Ran into Jesus and was never the same
  • Will you give me a drink he asked - the fact that he (a Jew) spoke to her told her (a Samaritan) that there was some very different about Jesus
  • Whoever drinks from living water will never thirst again - John 4:13-14
  • He confronted her sin and help her see the emptiness of her life
  • He wanteed her to see who she was without God
  • Due to her discomfort, the woman tried to change to subject
  • Jesus skillfully drove out her fears with his love -  brought her back to the conversation of life
  • She shared with others

We too can be afraid of seeing who we really are
When we opened up and were forgiven,  we couldn't wait to tell other either

To set people free, we must be like Jesus:

  • Relate to them in deep ways
  • Not studying the Bible superficially - not helping them see who they are without God
  • Ask the difficult questions
  • Expose sin so they will see their deepest need for Jesus

Jesus' love and acceptance allowed the woman/us to be real and to change

2009-01-22 - Jesus with People - Finding Faith

Jesus was in ahuge crowd and suddenly a Roman centurion walks up to Jesus - Matthew 8:5-10

NT centurions are often mentioned with honor:

  • Cornelius was the first Gentile to become a Christian - Acts 10:22
  • A centurion rescued Paul from the Mob - Acts 23:27
  • A centurion saved Paul's life in the shipwreck - Acts 27:43

Lord, my servant lays paralyzed and in terrible suffering - Matthew 8:5-6
To many Romans, a slave was defined as nothing more than a tool

Jesus was moved by the man's heart - I will go and heal him
When Jesus saw a need, he met it
He lived to serve and meet needs directly and continuously
He loved a man many hated

Lord, I don't deserve to have you under my roof - Matthew 8:8
He was a Gentile, Jewish law - a Jew could not enter the house of a Gentile - Acts 10:28
In spite of his desperate need, he respected Jewish law

Say the word and he will be healed - Matthew 8:8
His authority produced results, how much more would the authority of Jesus do?

Jesus did not find anyone in Israel with such faith

2009-01-25 - Jesus with People - Call of the Wild

Read Mark 4:35 - 5:43 - No one and nothing is beyond the reach of God
No problem is beyond Jesus - can meet any need natural, physical, spiritual, life or death

  • It was not just a sick woman - an incurable woman
  • It was not just a dying girl - she was stone-cold dead
  • It was not just a deamon possessed man - was a leagon of demons

Nothing and no one intimidates Jesus

How often have we given up on or stopped praying for others too soo?

Have you ever wondered if someone or something was beyond God's reach?

2009-01-26 - Jesus with People - Nic at Night

Some people's needs could be quickly dealt with: "Heal my blindness" or "Let me just touch your garment"

But not Nicodemus, Jesus knew it would be a long night - John 3:1-3

Nicodemus, was a man looking for something:

  • Groun up learning about God
  • Surrounded by a system caught up in traditions
  • Knew the Bible stories
  • Very active in the Jewish faith
  • Jesus capured his attention by his teachings and his works
  • Felt that there was something missing

Could this be right? Could Jesus be the Messiah?

Jesus was straight to the point: I tell you the truth, you must be born again - John 3:3
He needed a wake up call - Same lesson we need today - we need a new birth
He was part a system of legalism  (following rules with seeking the heart of God)
People trying to earn what God desired to just give them

Nicodemus knew he could get time with Jesus and he did
He receieved the answer and Jesus taught him the depth of God's love

Who was intrumental in answering your questions and healping you see the truth?
What sacrifices do you see that they made for you?
Are you doing the same for others?

2009-01-27 - Jesus with People - Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:22-24
Wouldn't all Christians love to meet someone who comes across as this man does initially?

Most of us would say, "can we study the Bible?"
Jesus had a very different responce because he knew his heart

Sell everything and follow him = It's not what you do but who you are
For him to have a heart set fully on following Jesus - it meant a willingness to seel all
Following the exchange, it became clear - the man was out of touch with himself and God

Jesus did challenge him but he also loved him
He pointed the man to the narrow way
At the same time he drew him close want to give him strength, faith, and hope

Jesus does not get into a lengthy theological debate
He saw weaknesses the man had to deal with if he was going to enter the kingdom of God

Each of us lacks that "one thing" deep down that we must give up and following Jesus
Something we don't know what it is but God will reveal it - Hebrews 4:12-13

2009-01-31 - Jesus with People - No Dogs in Heaven
Matthew 15 - The Canaanite Women
Jesus was silent and by his silent he tested and revealed both the hearts of his disciples and the heart of this woman

Perhaps the instructions given earlier by Jesus send then to find the lost sheep of Israel was still in their mind
Maybe thought: "he sent us to find the lost Israelite. too bad, she is a Gentile. Send her away."

Jesus did not send her away but said - I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel - Matthew 15:24
Jesus - it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their gods - Matthew 15:26
Savior was willing to be misunderstood in order to flush out faith or faithlessness in the heart of this woman

In the end, Jesus affirmed her faith and admired her grit
He did not see the woman as unsubmissive or rebellious or undeserving; he saw her as full of faith

Jesus was more concerned about helping someone grow in their faith than he was keep up the nice-guy image

2009-02-01 - Jesus with People - The Bleeding Woman
The crowds followed him to point of his exhaustion
Why did Jesus' life draw a crowd?

Jesus was willing
Jesus was not just a servant but was a selfless servant

We get caught up with the duties of Christianity - serving the weak and the lost
With more responsibility we have, the easier it is to administer rather than minister.
Consistent delegation cause our hearts to harden - just organizing and managing

If you are not seeing the crowds, develop the heart of selflessness

After she touched his cloak, he could have let the woman leave anonymously, but her called attention to her so he could lift he up
He was concerned not only for her sickness, but her emotions as well

Jesus had forceful faith and expected it of others

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-04 - Jesus with People - Perceiving Potential

John 1:42

Usually when you meet someone, you introduce yourself - Jesus knew Peter and changed his name!

Peter saw himself Jesus saw Peter
As a fisheran As a fisher of men
Ordinary Life Life of preaching the life-changing gospel
Holding a smelly fish net Holding the keys of the kingdom
No impact beyond the Sea of Galilee Turning the world upside down

Jesus looked at people differently than they look at themself

Others saw Peter Jesus saw Peter
Volatility Passion
Subbornness Determination
Simon Peter

Jesus knew he would fail but he never gave up on Peter.

What name might Jesus give you?

2009-02-06 - Jesus with People - Closeness

Jesus, knowing he would have to face the cross alone - would be have been easay to maintain his distace
He didn't; he threw himself into life completely

Closeness reuires spending time together
Jesus was the initiator and he wanted to be with John and John want to be with him

At the last supper, John was seated to Jesus' left - John 13:23-26
Jesus confides who the betrayer without the others noticing

2009-02-11 - Jesus with People - Heart Determined to Love
Jesus' strongest and clearest denunciation of the Pharisees came in Matthew 23
  • Was it because his frustration level reached his limit?
  • Was it because he finally had enough?
  • Was it because he was going to have the last word before they killed him?
  • Was it because he had justification for all things them did to him?
No, he was not trying to win an argument or put them in their place
His last and strongest words were spoken to wake them up
He was trying to open their hearts and win them over to God

2009-02-12 - Jesus with People - The Better Choice
Martha and Mary - Luke 18:29-30

Jesus and his disciples were passing through the village when Martha opened her home to them - Luke 10:38

Jesus didn't  stop to correct Martha in her preparation
Martha - Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself?

With compassion - Martha, Martha
Explained that Mary's choice was right and a lasting one
What Jesus wanted most was to see her have a single-minded desire to know him and his teachings

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in preparing to server others that we are either too distracted or too exhausted to server them when they arrive

2009-02-13 - Jesus with People - Jesus Wept

Upon hearing about the death of his close friend Lazarus, Jesus wept...

Jesus really felt the emotions that we feel
He fully divine and fully human at the same time
He knows what it is like to experience loss, pain, hurt, and fatigue

Why did he cry? Scripture does not say. Could be because:

  • He felt the hurt of Mary and Martha
  • He was expressing the hurt of the loss of his friend
  • He was antipating his own death

Who are your deepest relationships in the church?

2009-02-18 - Jesus with People - Doing What We Ought
1 Timothy 6:13-14

Compared to previous struggles, the "Jesus dilemma" made the governor's worries look minuscule

Jesus was accused of
  • stirring up the people - Luke 23:5
  • being an insurrectionist -Luke 23:13-14
  • being a blasphemer - Matthew 26:65
  • being a criminal - John 18:30
Jesus' friends had deserted him
Masses that had given homage were the same crowds asking for his death

Jesus always did what was right
Pontius Pilate knew what he ought to do and what he wanted to do but did not do it

2009-02-19 - Jesus with People - What is Truth?
Upon hearing the charges made by his fellow Jews, Jesus did not even rely to a single charge - Matthew 27:14

Governor was amazed; Jesus' self-control stumped Pilate

Ill-fated Jews were forcing Pilate to face "truth" head on
All he wanted to do was avoid another political blunder; he responded - What is truth?

Jesus stood before him as the truth

For this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth - John 18:37

Everyone on the side of truth listen to me - John 18:37

2009-02-22 - Jesus with People - Daily Unconditional Love

Jesus was tempted in every way we are but was without sin - Hebrews 4:15

How could he put up with this day after day?

Jesus was in complete submission of God's will:

  1. Jesus God no matter what the cost
  2. He chose Judas so the scriptures would be fulfilled - John 13:18
  3. Suffered emotionally each time he looked at Judas

How Jesus' heart must have ached when teaching:

  1. Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over - Judas. - Matthew 10:17
  2. Brother will betry brother to death - Judas. - Matthew 10:21
  3. Love your enemies - Judas. - Matthew 5:44


2009-02-23 - Jesus with People - Will He Find Faith?

Luke 18:1-8 - Jesus tells of a parable about praying not giving up; concluding, 'will he find faith on the earth?'

After Jesus was crucified and resurrected he could have gone home to the Father but chose to remain with his friends again
Enter the scene on the road to Emmaus

He wanted to know their hearts. Where was their faith? - They still did not get it

He did not walk away in disgust and give up on them
He waited to see if their faith would revive

2009-03-01 - Promises of God - Practical and Powerful Promises

Since the promises of God can relied on, it can have powerful affect on how we view life and how we live it

Psalms 119 - Shows us the relationship of God to spiritual life

Psalms 119:50 - God's promises enable him to press on and not give into dispair
Pain may be great - but the promise of God looms larger.

Psalms 119:140 - Again and again he has relied on God's promises and has come to value them

Psalms 119:148 - Deep conviction about focusing on the promises, keep him up
Will do whatever it takes to fill his mind with the promises

Psalms 119:154 - When he is threatened and in danger, remind the Lord of his promises

Psalms 119:162 - Promises of God is a treasure to him

2009-03-02 - Promises of God - Give and it will be given to you

God is faithful. He will meet all our needs
Based on the extent to which we focus on the Father and his will - extent to which God moves in our lives

He desires to meet our every need - to the point of sacrificing his own son - Romans 8:32
Does our knowledge of him transform us?
Does it propel us forward in capturing God's heart of sacrificing for the needs of other?

In Philippi, church sacrificed financially to support Paul (only church to do so) - Philippians 4:14-18
God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19
Those who are giving to others and giving to God can be assured that God will give to what they need - Luke 6:38

The more we are focused on his will, the more our needs will be richly met

What must be true in our lives in order for us to claim the promise that God will meet all our needs?

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-03-17 - Promises of God - Encouragement From Disciples

Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture, prayer, and he called others for encouragement from others

He deliberately sought out support and encouragement from his 3 closest friends
He also expressed his disappointment at their failure to help

We desperately need relationships for encouragement EVERY day - Hebrews 3:12-13
Tempatation comes every day

There is no excuse in an age of modern technology for getting in touch

2009-03-27 - Promises of God - Living By Faith
Habakkuk complained to God about what he saw happening

God basically said, "You are right, life is hard"

The idea that life is not fair robs us of our peace

Solution? God assurance to Habakkuk, "the righteous will live by faith" - Habakkuk 2:4

Then came incredible faith and peace - Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even if upheaval and uncertainty exist in every area of our lives, we can have peace

Why do our circumstances sometimes have such an impact on our peace?

2009-04-08 - Promises of God - Tireless Labor
Satan works quickly to wear us down

Fatigue and discouragement are his greatest tools

Do you realize God can give you energy?

Luke 17:7-10 and Galatians 6:9 -> gives energy to never quit

Focusing on how hard something is will never product the desired fruit
Focusing on God and letting others help us product tireless labor

Moses needed Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands
Ester needed Mordecai to carry out the plan to save the Israelities
Jesus needed Simon to carry his cross

God provides helps when we labor tirelessly for him

2009-04-16 - Promises of God - Never Give Up
Never give up - Hebrews 10:35-39


  • God has pledged to save us for all eternity - Revelation 21:1-7
  • Forgive our sins - 1 John 1:5-2:2
  • Provide us with all we need for life and godliness - 2 Peter 1:3-4
  • Give us great friends and huge spiritual family - Mark 10:29-31
  • Show us a way out when tempted - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • Comfort us in our troubles - 1 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Equip us for any challenge, any work, any time - 2 Timothy 2:20-21

2009-04-28 - Why We Need Jesus - He Guides Us By His Words and Actions

His words provide a solid foundation upon which to build our lives
  • Such as those spoken in His sermon on the mount - Matthew 7:24-27
  • Such as those later revealed through His apostles - John 16:12-13; 2 Peter 1:1-11
His example provides both direction and inspiration
  • His humility and service - Philiippians 2:3-8
  • His perseverance - Hebrews 12:1-3
  • His suffering - 1 Peter 2:21-25

2009-05-05 - No one like him - Dependence In Prayer
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16)

Gave up a night - All night praying (Luke 6:12-13)

Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11) – some disciples were taught to pray from infancy

Prayer was more important than eating or sleeping – Jesus could no go without it

Jesus called God, Father, what perceptions of a father-son relationship are correct and incorrect?

We have a perception that Jesus had a great advantage over of us but Jesus needed the Father like we do.

2009-05-10 - No one like him - His Courage
Submissive yes, Timid and fearful, no.
Submissiveness, not cowardly or silence – gave up self for others

Wanted loyalty over their families and friends (Luke 14:25-27)
They must give up everything for salvation (Luke 14:28-33)

Who can accept it? (John 6:60)
Many no longer followed him (John 6:66)

1. Rich young ruler found that Jesus’ message would not change for anyone (Luke 18:18-30)

2. Jesus never held back – Jesus and turning over tables of thieves
  • Came from the wrong town
  • No educational credentials
  • Follower were common people
3. Courage to go to the cross

2009-05-11 - No one like him - His Compassion and Love
Jesus shifted focus from forceful advancement to giving to the poor

Kept him up late – Mark 1:29-34
Willing to touch the untouchable – Mark 1:40-41
No time for the “healthy” – Luke 5:31
Parents trusted Jesus with their children – Matthew 19:13-15

2009-05-12 - No one like him - Joy
Most of the first 1,000 years’ pictures were of Jesus not smiling – common view

Jesus never felt bitterness, negative thinking, or despair

[Cheer-up] I have overcome the world – John 16:33

We can have complete joy – implementing the teaching of Jesus drew near to God (Joy) – John 16:21-24

Joy in enduring the cross – Hebrews 12:2

2009-05-18 - No one like him - The Kingdom of God
First time God said the time has come

Something had come upon us
Something within us

Kingdom is like:
  • king who prepared a feast
  • yeast
  • mustard seed
  • a net
  • treasure
  • man searching for fine pearls
  • man who sows seed
  • king who wanted to settle accounts
  • landowner who hired workers
Kingdom is good news

Kingdom is so different that it requires us to change

What does new kingdom person look like?
  • Humble (heart like a child) - Matthew 18:2-4
  • Surrender (your will be done) - Matthew 6:10

2009-05-20 - No one like him - Extravagant Generosity
Jesus about the insanely generous love of God

God wants to do more than we can ask or imagine

God's radical giving - Luke 15
Parable of lost coin, lost sheep, lost son

Our radical response - Matthew 13:44-46
We must the same as God has for us
We must give up all we have for the kingdom

2009-06-02 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 1)
Disciples were confused with ups and downs of the week (Joyous entrance into Jerusalem then the cross)

Without the resurrection there would be no church or New Testament; disciples would have disbanded and movement would have ended

The resurrection gave them courage to preach the resurrection: Acts 1:22; 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:2,10, 33; 5:30

Must be together – cross and resurrection

Cross only – a tragedy; Resurrection only – just another miracle

Changed the disciples lives forever

2009-06-03 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 2)
What it means for us:

1. Jesus can be trusted
a. Jesus taught with truth and compassion
b. Backup his teachings with his life
i. No man can come to except through me
ii. Do good to those who hate you
iii. Find your life by loosing it
c. Gives us a place to stand – embolden the disciples
2. Shows the kingdom has come

3. God fully intended to continue Jesus mission
a. Jesus was the foundation
b. Story did not end in Palestine
4. Those who follow him also share in the resurrection
a. Died with Christ, now we can live a new life with him – Romans 6:4,5,8

2009-06-04 - No one like him - Count Cost (part 1)
Not a question of how hard or difficult but if it is true
Not all struggling is bad
Jesus calls us to:
  1. Be ready to be uncomfortable
  2. Be ready for big changes
  3. Be ready to follow the narrow road
  4. Be ready to give up anything
Does it work?

Jesus was not out of touch – Matthew 9:36
Jesus had a clear view of love and generosity – John 10:33
Kingdom now in the present age

Fix our eyes on Jesus
We need to deal with OUR heart

Jesus did not just come to amaze
He came to call people to change their lives

He was upfront with commitment level
Must deny self
Kingdom is the greatest thing to possess
It will cost you all you have
Must carry his cross
Commitment must surpass relationship with family (Jesus: you must love me more)

2009-06-05 - No one like him - Count Cost (part 2)
Every effort

Must give up everything
God not as concerned about material as your heart
Everything must be under the Lordship of Christ

For all people

Message for all people – young and old
Spoke to the large crowds – Luke 14:25-33

Supreme Concern

Jesus was concerned about the people becoming disciples

Common belief is to believe - Christians vs Disciples

Just because you think are a disciple does not mean you are – Luke 6:46; 7:22-23

2009-06-10 - One Another - Walking in the Light
What does it mean to walk in the light?

1 John 1:7-9
Living our lives with openness and transparency in response to the blood of Christ
Fellowship is both the practice and product of walking in the light

How central are our relationships to following Jesus?
  1. Coupled with loving God
  2. How we show we are disciples
  3. Something to devoted to as we come into Christ
  4. How we fulfill the principle of Christ
  5. How we live a life worthy of the gospel and the Lord
  6. Where walking in the light leads

"I need to get serious about my relationship with God" = Need to get serious with my relationship with other believers

2009-06-11 - One Another - Correction Needed

There were a lot of relationship issues that needed to be corrected in first book of Corinthians:

  1. They were divided into cliquish groups - Chapter 1-3
  2. Became arrogant in their relationship with Paul - 1 Corinthians 4:18-19
  3. Lawsuits with each other - Chapter 6
  4. Left their spouses just because they were not Christians - Chapter 7
  5. Offending other's conscience - Chapter 8
  6. Acted insensitively toward the poorer members - Chapter 11
  7. Who had the greatest gift (selfish competition) - Chapter 12-14


2009-06-12 - A Life of Impact - Expectation and Encouragement


Mark 1:1

  • He expected a lot out of Himself
  • He knew he was born to save the world
  • Wallow in self-pity, to cower in fear, or simply giving up is inappropriate behavior

Mark 1:2-8 - People consistently live up to the perceptions others have of them


Mark 1:9-11

  • He told him that he was special
  • God is a god who initiates love
  • How would we change if we realized the amount of love God has for us

2009-06-18 - A Life of Impact - Compassion


Mark 1:40-45

  • He did not minister from a safe distance.
  • We can have a powerful and lasting impact on someone else if we willing to go deep.
  • There was no room left in Jesus for fear, disgust, or apprehension.
  • His emotional state was righteous because he did not hesitate to reachout and touch the diseased man.
  • How many of us reach out and pull back abruptly because of fear of personal rejection?


  • Jesus foresaw His popular curtailing His ability to spread His word.
  • People interested in personal glory don’t usually get very far in enlisting others in their cause.

2009-06-22 - A Life of Impact - Nonconformist

Mark 2:15-17


  • He challenged popular thinking to inspire them to think again about how they were living.
  • Are you willing to rock the boat?
  • People of impact won’t accept because we have always have do it this way.
  • Every great historic change has been bought by blood or the reputation of non-conformists.
  • People who are unwilling to venture out into unfamiliar territory will never men of impact
  • More difficult for people who feel they have achieved a great deal


  • Legalism occurs when one values an easy decision over true justice.
  • When Jesus gave direction, he assumed responsibility for their actions
  • Jesus stood up for his disciples.
  • They probably felt very safe around Him (love always protects)
  • Without protection, insecurity can be seen more and in the “Me” generation.


  • To say that Jesus quietly and humbly pointed out their wrongs would be inaccurate
  • He didn’t go after their ego, he went straight to the heart.

2009-06-25 - A Life of Impact - Radical and Reasonability


Mark 3:20-22

  • Own family thought he went off the deep end
  • Family wanted to forcibly take him home.
  • They near followed Jesus or listen to the teachings themselves
  • Jesus didn’t conform to socially acceptable levels of zeal, enthusiasm, and single-mindedness
  • Maybe called obsessed or frantic about something
  • Only politically correct when involving athletics, the military or making money


Mark 3:23-30

  • When faced with accusations, Jesus calmly reasoned with his accusers.
  • Leave it up to the listener to consider the evidence and arrive at a logical conclusion

2009-06-27 - A Life of Impact - Storyteller and Chastening


Mark 4:1-12

  • We can teach and communicate our ideas more effectively by using illustration
  • Trinity – like water (solid, liquid, gas)
  • Hidden meaning is intended to pique the attention of the curiosity of the listener


Mark 4:13

  • Sometimes there are stupid questions
  • Some are too hard of people but most are too soft and unwilling to hurt people’s feelings

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