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2015-07-06 - Effects of Jealous

Saul had a spear in his hand and suddenly hurled it at David intending to pin him to the wall - 1 Samuel 18:11

Jealousy is the emotion we feel toward someone who has something we believe we should have

KIng Saul jealous toward David, who did nothing but serve the king faithfully

Saul grow angry with him because of his growing popularity

Saul promoted David to army commander where he excelled, defeating the Philistines

Jealousy took over and and Saul went insane and it his life's goal to kill David

Being jealous steals the joy and contentment the Lord wants us to experience

Who is most likely to make you feel jealous?

Rest content in the knowledge of God - He has mapped out a life of blessing specifically for you

2015-07-30 - Assurance

Are you the Messiah we've been expecting? - Matthew 11:3

John the Baptist was courageous man of faith who saw Jesus up close

  • He preclaimed him as the Lamb of God - John 1:29
  • He baptized him and heard God's voice - Matthew 3:17

John sat in a prison cell and began to doubt Jesus' identity

Jesus sent back a message of reassurance

John did not wallow in doubt, he went to the source to find assurance

Where do you turn when you suffer moments of doubt?

2015-08-27 - What Goes Around

God had paid me back for what I did to them - Judge 1:7

We always reap what we sow or what goes around, comes around

Adoni-bezek enjoyed some success as a king and military leader - he took captive of 70 nearby kings

Then he went overboard by mistreating his captives:

  • Cut off their thumbs
  • Cut off their big toes
  • Forced them to beg for scraps from his table

When the armies of the tribes of Judah and Simeon, attacked and took Adoni-bezek into custody

They cut off Adoni-bezek's thumbs and big toes and died

If you want to reap kindness and love, then sow them in your every word and action

2015-09-17 - What Say You?

The Lord has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master for he has led me straight to my master's relatives - Genesis 24:27

Gratitude should flow naturally from the Creator-creature relationship

He wants you to bring your needs and desires to him in prayer so he might meet them and then thank him for answering

Eliezer went to God and asked very specifiically and directly a sign for show him the woman for Issac

When God gave Eliezer exactly what he asked for and remembered to turn to him immediately to praise and thank him

2015-09-25 - Encouragement

Judas and Silas spoke at length to the believers, encouraging and strengthing their faith  - Acts 15:32

They were choosen to travel with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch

Judas and Silas were chosen to deliver a letter that communicated what the apostles had decided about what Jewish laws the Gentile Christians needed to observe

They did not just read the letter and head home - they took the time and went out of their way to speak words of encouragement and strength to the believers

You can bless others as you go out of your way to encourage them

2015-10-01 - You'll See

Leave your native country and go to the land I will show you - Genesis 12:1

God didn't give Abram a lot of details - Leave your lifelong home for the land I will show you

He promised Abram to be a father of a great nation and the entire earth would be blessed through him - Genesis 12:2-3

There had to have been questions:

  • Where exactly is this place?
  • What will we do once we get there?
  • Where would this nation come from with a baren wife?

Abram went without questioning God or asking for signs

He believed God enough to step out in obedience and helped bring the salvation we enjoy into the world


2015-10-23 - Eager and Ready

They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind - Matthew 4:22

James and John didn't waste so much as a minute when Jesus called them to his side

They didn't even ask about their destination or agenda, they simply dropped their nets and followed

Suppose Jesus came by your place of business today and said "Follow me"

Could you immediately follow and serve him, whenever he went and whatever he asked you to do?

2015-10-24 - Sure Way Down

Jonah went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord - Jonah 1:3

God gave specific instructiions to go to Nineveh and warn them about god's judgement

Jonah simply did not like the assignment and wanted them dead

Jonah wondered why he should warn them, go ahead and judge them

When Jonah ran, his life went nowehere but down:

  • Down to the seaport
  • Down to the hold of the ship
  • Down to the depths of the sea
  • Down to the belly of the fish

When Jonah came to his senses, he obeyed God's instructions

What marching orders had God given you that seem to make little sense?

2015-11-03 - Couldn't Help It

Then he went with Elijah as his assistant - 1 Kings 19:21

Elisha couldn't help becoming a prophet of the Lord

Elijah approached him and silently threw his cloak over his shoulder, Elisha knew what he meant

The Holy Spirit had touched his heart and he felt ready to leave everything to follow Elijah

First let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye - 1 Kings 1:19

Elisha had no choice in the matter, for it was God who had called him to leave everything and follow hi,

When the Holy Spirit is allowed to have free reign in your life, you can do nothing but say yes when God calls you to serve Him

2015-11-06 - Thriving Through Adversity

Crowds listened intently to Philip because they were eager to hear his message and see tje miraculous signs he did - Acts 8:5-8

Philip was among the first generation believers who fled the city to the other area because of persecution

He didn't hide out but preached the gospel wherever he went

Philip create a stir in Samaria when people eagerly listened to his message and watched in amazement as people were healed

He did not focus on his own preservation but the needs of other people

No one enjoys hardship and persecution but we can not let them quash our spirits

We serve a God who enables us to thrive even in adversity

2015-11-11 - Visionary Prayer

His mother named him Jabez because his birth had been so painful - 1 Chronicles 4:9

When we receive a vision for something specific, we are to pray equally specifically

Jabez was an honorable man whose name meant "pain"

Only recorded words was a well-known prayer - "Please be with me in all I do and keep me from all trouble and pain" - 1 Chronicles 4:10

God said yes to everything Jebez asked:

  1. God would bless him - went to the source of all good things
  2. God would expand his territory - wasn't afraid to ask things specifically
  3. God would be with him inall that he did - he knew was heading nowhere without God
  4. God would keep him from all trouble and pain - aka asked for a humble heart and for ability to do right


2015-11-14 - No Middle Man

I have always been faithful, single-minded, always doing what pleases you - 2 Kings 20:2-3

Hezehiah had been deathly ill for some time and was setting all his affairs in order because his illness was terminal - 2 Kings 2:1

Isaiah had a special connection to God and it would be tempting to plead his case directly with Isaiah

When Isaiah told Hezehiah he was about to die, he went to his private place of prayer and talked directly to the Lord

Hezehiah didn't ask to extend his life but reminded God he had been a good and faithful servant

God decided to extend Hezehiah's life

Hezehiah's willingness to straingth to God saved his his life

2015-11-15 - Seek Jesus

Where is the newborn king of the Jews? - Matthew 21:2

Wise men watched for signs that the ancient prophets of God had spoken about centuries before

They travel serveral hundred miles by camel to see the newborn King Jesus

Some just struggle to make it to church at 10:30AM

These wise men went to incredible lengths to find Jesus, bowed down and presented gifts

Make it a prioity to worship him passionately and give him you best each day

2015-11-18 - Rise to the Occasion

He went to Pilate and asked for Jesus's body - Luke 23:52

Joseph rose to the occasion as a member of the Jewish council

He was a "good and rigteous man" who kept his discipleship a secret our of fear of his fellow council members

Somehow he had the courage to approach Pilate and get permission to remove Jesus' body from the cross so that he could be buried

Joseph rolled a large stone against the tomb to protect Jesus' body from vandals and grave robbers

The newly emboldened Joseph extended to Christ the honor due to him in death

2015-11-23 - Forgiveness

Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing - Luke 23:34

Jesus always did something first before before commanding his disciples to do something

This included loving those who hated and persecuted him - Luke 6

Jesus went to the cross willingly and obediently without calling thousands of angels to destory the earth

He even did the more unthinkable - he asked the Father to forgive his excutioners

Who in your life seems eager to do you harm? Are you willing to forgive them as Jesus did?


2015-11-26 - Ends Jusify Means?

It's Esau, your firstborn son - Genesis 27:19

Jacob tried to accomplish something that God already said was his will

It went terribly wrong when he schemed and lied to make that goal a reality

He received his father's blessing but only after lying to him at least 4 times

Jacob and Rebekah decieved his father through sinful means what God had wanted to do through righteous means

They would face many consequences for his sin including Laban's deception before giving him Rachel as Jacob's wife - Genesis 29

2015-12-06 - Impossible

He went in alone and shut the door behind him and prayed to the Lord - 2 Kings 4:33

Elisha had sent his assistant Gehazi ahead to try to raise the boy from the dead, but he had failed

Asfter Elisha took over, the boy's mother was carrying her living son out of the bedroom

What made the difference? Not:

  • Elisha was a prophet
  • Gehazi was Elisha servant

The difference was Elisha turned to God through prayer and consistently communicated with God before he acted

2015-12-09 - Don't Miss Your Chance

You missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram - 2 Chronicles 16:7

Like so many kings of Judah, Asa started out doing good things for his kingdom

Prophet Azariah: The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! - 2 Chronicles 15:2

Asa trusted and obey God at first but later he failed by relying on humans instead of God

He showed his true colors when he entered into an agreement with Syria to stand against Israel

Asa refusal to rely solely on God contributed to his death

He developed a foot disease - he went to his doctors rather than first seeking God's help - 2 Chronicles 16:12

Where do you turn in yout times of need?

2015-12-13 - Steps of Faith

Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus - Matthew 14:29

Learning to walk for a toddler is similar taking steps of faith - we dare to take steps, meet by success then failure

Peter was easily the most impulsive of Jesus' disciples - said and did things that others thought about but did not dare to say or do

Peter was a baby in faith who tried new things to discover what he is able to do

His impulsive move to get out of the boat was greeted with success then panic and failure

Peter clearly couldn't keep his eyes on Jesus but they were baby steps toward maturing his faith 

2015-12-19 - Enemy of Self

Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan - Judges 13:24-25

The man who learns to put himself aside is the one who makes a difference for God's kingdom

From the time Samson was a boy, the Spirit began to stir within him

That is when self got in the way

Something went wrong between God's Spirit and Samson

Samson didn't use the gifts of God had given him as a leader and deliever God called him to be

He used his gifts for his own agenda:

  • Consistantly proud
  • Often immoral
  • Arrogantly disregarded the counsel of others
  • Used strength for revenge and settle scores

God gave Samson all the strength he needed to succeed

Samson squandered an opportunity for greatness and left a legacy of pride

Will you use your gifts for his benefit or just for yourself?

2015-12-20 - Speak Up

Absalom never spoke to Amnon about this - 2 Samuel 13:22

Absalom showed what happens when the lines of communication between two people break down

He had every right to feel angry  about Amnon rapping his sister

What went wrong is his refusing to talk about it and making no effort to try to resolve the situation - Amnon felt sorry for what he had done

Absalom's anger grew deep inside until it became implacable hatred

He waited for the right opportunity to order his servants to kill Amnon - 2 Samuel 13:28

Absalom paid a heavy price for his failure to resolve his conflict openly and peacefully


2015-12-21 - Show Repect

They looked the other way so they would not see him naked - Genesis 9:23

Certain offices command respect:

  • Government
  • Police
  • Parents
  • Spouce
  • Boss
  • Church Leaders

Noah's two eldest sons respected their father positon even when he drank too much wine and passed out

Their brother, Ham, on the other hand sinned aginst Noah and God by staring at his father - Genesis 9:22

Shem and Japheth went out of their way to cover their father - walking backward into the tent and covering him

They did everything to protect their father's honor and enjoyed a blessing which their brother was excluded from

2018-02-12 - Men's Reaction

Different classes of people were attracted to Jesus

Not only did Jesus draw people to him, but he stirred them to the core

  • They were astonishd
  • They were amazed
  • Filled with amazement

Jesus asked "Who do men say that I am?"

They went to the grave in order to find a man to whom they could compare

Pilate was afraid of a poor unarmed peasant

Many hate him, you can't hate a weakling

He was so mighty that when thought of him, they thought of God

2020-03-06 - Friendliness

Common taunt of Scribes and Pharises that Jesus was a friend of sinners

He was friendly to the lowest and the best of society, a trait which created great scandal

These three statements about Jesus spoke a lot about how Jesus' heart toward others:

  • He saved himself; he cannot save himself - Mark 15:13
  • He went about doing good
  • Friend of sinners

They tried to use his friendiness against him

Example: Tax collectors - ones who gathered taxes by any means nessary including by extortion or other dishonest measures

  • Considered traitors to their country
  • Objects of hatred and scron
  • Their money was considered tained and not accepted in the synagogue
  • Their oath was worthless
  • Could not be a witness in a court of law
  • Pelted with sneers by passers by
  • Looked as wild beasts

Jesus made friends with them despite these truths

It was one thing to talk down to a bad man and give good advise, it is another to eat with them

Jesus cross the chasm over which no man was willing to do in that day and lost his reputation for the sake of being brotherly/friendly

Made himself nothing because he was determined on being firendly to all - Philippians 2:17

Everyone is part of the human race, children of God, despite what they have done


2020-03-21 - Friendly with the Rich and Powerful too

Jesus was best know being friendly to the poor, bad and sick but he was also was a brother to the rich and powerful too - He was a brother to every man

There was more said about the Bible about the poor than they rich because Jesus was able to nearer to the poor than the rich:

  • Rich men are always inaccessible
  • Rich men always surround themselves with barriers

Jesus was as friendly to Nicodemus as he was to the poor woman at the well

He was as brotherly to  Zaccheus as he was to the poor beggar in Jerusalem

When Jesus went to be baptized, John would not do it because it was for the sinner but the good. Jesus wanted to participate because he wanted to be counted amoung men.

Jesus knowing the other side and he could help but tell them something about the great God in world they were living

The rich man in the parable of Dives and Lazarus: the rich man did not go to hell because of his fine clothes or riches - it because of his heart- not tender; sympathy did not go out to a brother's need

Abraham was rich and went to heaven because he had a brotherly heart

Jesus was too brotherly for people to understand

Jesus - If I can not help them with my life, I will help them with my death