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Self-Denial / Sacrifice

Anyone who does not deny himself on that day must be cut off from his people - Leviticus 23:29
Anyone who has died has been freed from sin - Romans 6:7
Belonging to Christ means you have a crucified nature - Galatians 5:24
Bodies as living sacrifices - act of worship - Romans 12:1
Deny your self - Luke 9:23, 24, 25
Deny yourself to observe the Sabbath - Leviticus 23:32
Die to self (like seeds) - John 12:24
Find your life, you will lose it - Matthew 10:39
Jesus came to give us life to the full - John 10:10
Must deny yourselves and not do any work - Leviticus 16:29
No greater love than lay down one's life for his friends - John 15:13
Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature - Colossians 3:5
Refuse to offer anything to God that costs nothing - 2 Samuel 24:24
Self-Denial is required to follow Jesus - Luke 9:23, 24, 25, 26
We died and no longer live for ourselves - 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15
We died to sin - Romans 6:2
We have been crucified with Christ and no longer live - Galatians 2:20
We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers - 1 John 3:16

Instances of

Daniel - abstain from food and wine - Daniel 1:8
Daniel - in refusing rewards from Belshazzar - Daniel 5:16, 17
David - insisted on paying full price; would not sacrifice something that cost him nothing - 1 Chronicles 21:24
Esther - risked her life - Esther 4:16
Paul - Consider my life worth nothing - Acts 20:24
Paul - considered everything a loss - Philippians 3:7, 8
Peter - We have left everything to follow you! - Mark 10:28