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Anger / Fits of Rage / Bitterness

A fool gives full vent to his anger - Proverbs 29:11
A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension - Proverbs 15:18
An angry man stirs up dissension - Proverbs 29:22
Be slow to become angry - James 1:19, 20
Better a patient man than a warrior - Proverbs 16:32
Calling one a fool in danger - Matthew 5:22
Do not associate with an easily angered man - Proverbs 22:24, 25
Do not give with a grudging heart - Deuteronomy 15:10
Do not let the sun go down while you are angry - Ephesians 4:26
Do not rebuke an older man harshly - 1 Timothy 5:1
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult - 1 Peter 3:9
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge - Leviticus 19:18
Do not sin in anger - Ephesians 4:26
Don't grumble against each other - James 5:9
Fits of rage - An act of the sinful nature - Galatians 5:20
Fool is annoyed at once - Proverbs 12:16
Get both sides of any story before jumping to any conclusions - Proverbs 18:17
God is angered by worthless idols - Deuteronomy 32:21
Harsh word stirs up anger - Proverbs 15:1
Hate your brother? How can he love God? - 1 John 4:20
He who loves fighting loves sin - Proverbs 17:19
Hot-tempered commits many sins - Proverbs 29:22
In your anger do not sin - Psalms 4:4
Lord's servant must not quarrel - 2 Timothy 2:24
Love is not easily angered - 1 Corinthians 13:5
Not value in rescuing a hot-tempered man - Proverbs 19:19
Quick to anger - does foolish things - Proverbs 14:17, 29
Settle matters quickly with your adversary - Matthew 5:25
Stirring up anger produces strife - Proverbs 30:33
Why this fierce, burning anger? It is because this people abandoned the covenant of God - Deuteronomy 29:25
Wise men turn away anger - Proverbs 29:8
Words can be like deadly arrows - Psalms 64:3


Allow no bitter root to grow up - Hebrews 12:15
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge - Leviticus 19:16
Get rid of all bitterness - Ephesians 4:31
We are aware of our bitterness - Proverbs 14:10

God's Anger

God can have fierce anger - Deuteronomy 13:17
Lord's anger burned against Israel - for worshiping the Baal of Peor - Numbers 25:3

Instances of

Balaam - angry with the donkey - Numbers 22:29
Cain - slaying Abel - Genesis 4:5, 6, 7, 8
God - Forbid Aaron to after his sons were killed - Leviticus 10:6
Herod - Orders to kill all boys 2 and younger - Matthew 2:16
Jews against Stephen - Acts 7:54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Jonah - because of God's grace on the people of Nineveh - Jonah 4:1, 2, 4, 9
King of Judah - was hear because his heart was responsive and humbled himself before the LORD - 2 Kings 22:19
Moses - hot with anger with Pharaoh - Exodus 11:8
Nazareth - toward Jesus - Luke 4:24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Nebuchadnezzar - 3 Hebrews who refused to worship his idol - Daniel 3:13, 19
Paul - toward Ananias - Acts 23:3
Pharaoh - to Moses, "Get out of my sight!" - Exodus 10:28
Simeon and Levi - because of Dinah - Genesis 49:5, 6, 7

Instances of Righteous Anger

Jesus - clearing the temple - Mark 11:15, 16, 17, 18
Moses - at Israelites' sin, breaks tablets and smashes their idol - Exodus 32:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Nehemiah - over the men who had married foreign women - Nehemiah 13:23, 24, 25, 26, 27