
Documents about different biblical subjects

Deep Convictions Quiet Time Series

March 12th, 2011

Day 1
Take a moment and write down what your baptism into Jesus Christ meant to you.  Why did you do it?  What has changed because of your decision? 
As you have continued your journey in Christ, how has your study of God’s word been? 
Turn and read 2 Timothy 2:15.  How can you be obedient to this scripture?
Read Matthew 28:18.  Write down what the authority of Christ means in your life at this point and time.
Turn to John 12:47-50.  What happens to the one who does not accept the words of Jesus?  What does God want from us?  How do we find that?
It is important to remember that God’s word is our authority.  His word is our standard for living.  It doesn’t matter what people have taught you before or what “you” think; but rather, what is final is what God says.  Write down a specific example if how this needs to work in your life. 

Day 2
Begin today by reading 2 Timothy 3:1-5
What is the problem with the kind of religion or “ungodliness” described here?
Come down to 2 Timothy 4:1-4 and read another description of powerless religion.
Why would people ever substitute men’s teachings for God’s teachings?  How have you seen this in your life?
Why would carefully following God’s message lead to powerful religion as opposed to powerless religion?

Day 3
Begin today by reading 2 Timothy 2:15.  Take a few minutes and memorize this scripture.
What do you believe God is communicating here? 
Write a brief explanation of each of these statements;
a.     To handle God’s word correctly we must have great respect for it.
b.    To handle God’s word correctly we must spend time studying it.
c.    To handle God’s word correctly we must share it with a godly attitude.  (See 2 Timothy 2:24-26)  List both godly and ungodly ways in which we can share our faith. 
It is important that we understand the difference between the Old and New Testaments.  What is the difference?

Day 4
Read Romans 1:16- 17
Consider for yourself, “Is there anything hindering me from sharing the word of God with my friends?”
If there is, then it needs to be put to death!  Remember that it is God’s word that has the power to save.  Please turn and read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 for reinforcement.
Read 1 Timothy 4:16 and write down what two things are necessary to save yourself and your hearers.
There is no power in the things we tell people if we are not living the life we proclaim.  Let God’s word convict people and let your life convince them that His word is truth. 
Read Titus 2:1.  What is sound doctrine and how might you learn it?  What is the attitude of so many “religious” people toward sound doctrine?  Why is it important to learn exactly what God has commanded?
Read Titus 1:9.  What will we be able to do by holding to sound doctrine?
Turn to 1 Timothy 6:3-5 and write down what this verse means to you.  What is the connection between false teaching and a bad heart or a bad attitude?  Why is keeping a pure heart so important in understanding God’s word?

Day 5
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Hebrews  4:12-13.  Make a list of all the things that God’s word can do for you. 
Not only is it important to know what God’s word is, but it is equally important to do what it says.  Turn to James 1:22-25.
What happens to the man that does what he has learned?  God cannot use us if we do not do what He tells us. 
The person who does not put God’s word into practice will forget what he/she looks like.  Write down some things that you know are right and that you intend to put into practice today.
Read Ezekiel 33:30-33.  You will not be able to understand the true meaning of God’s word until you do what it says.

Day 6
Very often in the practice of religion people make decisions to do something because what they “think” seems more right to them than what God's word actually says.  What warning do you hear for your life in Proverbs 14:12?
For an excellent example of this problem, turn to read 1 Samuel 15:1-23.
Why were Saul's actions judged to be wrong?  What was his justification for what he had done?    Why was God not “won over” by his argument?
Write down some examples of how someone can today relate to Saul's problem?
In view of Saul's problem. What attitude do you want to have towards God's word?

Day 7
You have probably been a Christian for awhile now, write down some ways that you would like  to grow more as a Christian and some ideas of how you can accomplish this!
Read Matthew 7:21-27 several times and then write down what it means to you.  Who are the people that will be turned away.
Now read Luke 6:46-49.  What does Luke say about the one who builds his house on the rock?
The right attitude toward God's Word is a crucial foundation for future growth.  Read and memorize Psalm 1:1-3.  It is so important to stay planted by the stream.  Carry this Psalm in your heart, meditate on it often, respond to its challenge, and you will grow!

Day 8
The grace of God makes our salvation possible.  The grace of God also makes our growth and development possible.  The grace of God also makes our growth development possible.  His grace is the source of everything that is good in us.  Read Ephesians 1:1-10.  Mark each reference to the word “grace”.
Grace is “giving to someone who deserves nothing as though he or she deserves everything,” and that's what happens to us in Jesus Christ.  We deserve nothing, but in him we are given everything.  In spite of our sin, we are treated as if we were like Christ himself.  This means we are judged not on the basis of our performance, but on the basis of grace.  Incredible!

Day 9
Turn to Romans 5:1-11.  Why is it so amazing that God has shown his grace to us?
In view of the teaching of this passage, why is it so foolish for us to ever be proud, arrogant or boastful in any situation or relationship?
In v.2 he says it is in “this grace which we now stand.”  Grace is a state in which you now stand and in which you will continue to stand as you continue in your faith.  How does it give you security to know that you are living in a state of grace?
Suppose you fail in some way tomorrow and feel defeated.  What difference will it make that in Christ you “stand in grace”?

Day 10
Read Acts 2:36-38 and then Romans 5:20-6:7.
Does baptism look like something that merits your salvation or is it the way God tells us to say “yes” to his grace which we could never merit? 
Write down what Romans 6 is saying happened to you in your baptism by the grace of God?
How does what happened (what God did) need to affect your attitude toward sin?
What is wrong with saying “let's continue in sin so grace can abound?”

Day 11
Read Ephesians 2:1-10
Write a short explanation of each verse in this text.
Look carefully at v. 10.  What is the whole purpose of grace?  If a person does little or nothing as a disciple because “I am saved by grace anyway,” what are they missing?
What good works do you see that God's grace has equipped you to do?  What specifically are you wanting to do today out of appreciation for being saved?
If God has treated you with grace, how are you going to treat other people who sin and make mistakes?  Read Ephesians 4:21.

Day 12
Read Titus 2:11-14.
What is the whole purpose of God giving us his grace?
List some things that the grace of God educates you to do.
Why must a “yes” to God's grace be followed by “no” to worldly passions and ungodliness?
Is there anything still in your life that God's grace is teaching you to say “no” to?
Using your answer in question 5, now write out the following: “God's grace is sufficient to enable me to say “no” to_____________________________________.

Day 13
By now you have probably realized that you are not doing all for Jesus that you once thought that you would.  You desire to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, but you have failed in some specific areas.  What you will study today will be very important in dealing with this for the rest of your life. 
Read carefully 1 John 1:5-10.
Think of the difference in light and darkness.  Think of the difference between a bright open room with lots of windows and a totally dark basement area.  In one, things are out in the open.  You can see them as they really are.  In the other, things are hidden and covered by the darkness.  With this in mind, what does he mean when he calls us to “walk in the light”?  Do you see how this fits with v. 9 and the call to confess our sins?
We all – from the oldest to the youngest in Christ --sin.  If we claim that we don't, we lie (v.10).  How, then, are we to handle all of this?  Do we cover and hide our sins?  Or do we bring them out into the open through confession?
Write down the two results of walking out in the light as described in v.7.  Why is this passage comforting? What does it teach you about relationships in Christ?
Remember this: Satan's only ground is darkness.  When we confess our sins and bring them out into the light, we take away from him his only base of operation, and we enjoy the power of God's grace and the blood of Christ continually cleanses us from all sin.
Have you been open about your sin?  Has God forgiven you?

Day 14
Read 1Cornithians 15:9-11
In what sense can you say something similar to what Paul says in v. 9?
What do you think he means when he says “and his grace to me was not without effect”?
How can you respond so that God's grace will not be without effect?
Why do you think Paul adds that last comment in v.10 “Yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me”?
End this week of study with time to thank God and praise him for his marvelous grace.  Look at how lost you are without him and appreciate his great mercy that you in no way deserved.  Make sure that there is no self-righteousness or arrogance in your heart, but that you truly believe “by the grace of God I am what I am.”  Think back and write down where you were headed and what would have happened had you not become a disciple.  Share this with someone that you are reaching out to.  Be a grateful Christian.

Day 15
Read Luke 9:18-26 at least twice, underlining or making notes on what you believe are the key words and phrases.  Write an explanation for verses 23, 24 and 25.
Now turn to and read Luke 18:28-30 and look at the promise that is given to those who accept  discipleship.  How do you expect this to work out in your life? 
These two passages are very important as you continue to share your life in Christ with others. Why is this true?  Remember where they are and think about how you should share them with someone else. 
Be sure that you are spending time in prayer each day.  You are God's child and he wants you to speak with him!

Day 16
Begin today by reading Galatians 2:20.  Take a few minutes to memorize this verse. 
The word in Greek in this verse actually means “I have been co-crucified with Christ.”  How do we use the prefix “co”?  What is a “co-leader” or “co-worker”?  And so what is the message for Christians? 
Among other things, the crucifixion of Jesus meant he voluntarily gave up his rights for the good of others.  What “rights” do you think you might have a tendency to hold on to?  How do you need to give them up for others?

The crucifixion of Jesus meant he put others' welfare above his comfort.  How can you share in his crucifixion?  What was the result of his crucifixion?  What will be the result of yours?
Why is Matthew 7:12 a description of the “crucified life”?  How are you making this a part of your character?

Day 17
Read again Romans 6:1-4 and study it carefully.  Each time you come to the word “we” or “us” substitute your own name. 
Write down some things about your old self that caused you to deserve death.
God has made you into a “new self.”  How have you been expressing your new self to others?  How do others know that you are new?
How do you specifically plan today to put v. 13 into practice?
Study Romans 6:15-23.

Day 18
Today, ask yourself a very important question: “Am I making every effort to be in close contact with other Christians?”  Most of us have some tendency from time to time for various reasons to pull back from others.  Spiritually, this can be fatal.  Even when you don't “feel like it,” stay in touch. 
Turn to Romans 7:14-24 and read how powerless you are to live this new life without God's help.  It is clear why we must “disown” the sinful nature.  Especially note v. 24.
But now go on to Romans 8 where we see how we can do through Christ what is not possible alone.  You were assured at your baptism into Christ that you would receive the Holy Spirit upon your obedience to the Gospel.  Now study some of what that Spirit means in our lives.  Read v. 1-7, making notes on the things that impress you the most.  Remember to keep substituting your own name for the pronouns.  

Day 19
When are children, we need to be taught things we don't know, and we need to be corrected when we are wrong.  Whether you are a baby Christian or a more mature one, there is much you don't know and there are some areas where you need correction.  How you take correction is going to make all the difference in your growth in Christ.
Turn to and read Proverbs 2:1-8.  Next look at Proverbs 12:15.  Go back to 10:17.  What is the message?  How does this relate to the idea that we have died to the old self?
Write down your own attitude toward being corrected.  Distinguish between those things that are left over from your earthly nature and those things that Jesus Christ is putting in your heart.  Read Proverbs 15:9-10 and 12:1.
Now read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and answer this question:  Why are other brothers or sisters to bring the word of God to you?  What is going to be your attitude when they do?

Day 20
As you read the following scriptures write down what you think the passage has to do with putting off your old self and putting on the new.
a. Philippians 2:14-15
b. Philippians 3:7-11
c. Philippians 4:4
d. Philippians 4:11-13
Write a response to the following statement:  “In Jesus Christ we have all we need ti maintain a great attitude.”  True or false?  Why or why not?
What do these passages have to do with having a great attitude?
a. John 16:33
b. Romans 8:28
c. James 1:2-4
What will be the effect on others when you allow God to produce in you a great attitude in all circumstances?

Day 21
Read John 12:20-26
Notice in v. 23 that Jesus says the time has come for him to be “glorified.”  What do you think of when you hear that someone is about to receive “glory”?
In v. 24 Jesus most likely surprises his disciples.  He indicates that the way he will find his glory is by becoming that seed that falls to the ground and dies. What does he say will be the impact of the seed that dies?
How do we know that this principle of being the seed that falls to the ground and dies applies to us who are disciples of Jesus?  Particularly notice v. 26.  Why is this an exciting principle? 
In your life right now, who do you need to “die” for so they can become a disciple?

Day 22
Jesus Christ, who has all authority, taught us that the church is crucial in his plan.  In Matthew 16:16-18.  Jesus heard Peter confess to him to be the Christ, the Son of God; and immediately Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”  Jesus saw the church as the center of his plan.  He wanted ti build it and he intended to make it so strong that the forces of Satan could not stand against it.  What Jesus counted as important, we too must count as important.  What statements have you made or heard religious people make that discount (lessen) the importance of the church?  What would Jesus say?       
For a true picture of what the church would be striving to become every day, look at Acts 2:40-47.  What impresses you the most?
What can you do today and the rest of this week to contribute to this kind of life among God's people (the church)?

Day 23
AS you read the following passages, write down something the passage teaches that must be in our relationships in the Body of Christ.
a.  John 13:34-35
b.  Ephesians 5:1-2
c.  1 Corinthians 13:1-3
d. Colossians 3:14
e.  Galatians 5:6, 13, 14
f.  1 Peter 4:8,9
What does it mean to love another person?
What does 1 John 3:16 say it means to love another person?
How does this apply to our relationships?
What is good and so right about loving like this?  What are the results?
Surprise someone today with a special act of love. 

Day 24
Paul describes the church as the “Body of Christ.”  Read Romans 12:1-8.  How does giving yourself first to God need to lead to giving yourself to other people in the Body of Christ?
Notice particularly v. 5 which says, “each member belongs to all the others,” or “we are all members of one another.”  How does this fit with or conflict with the often popular idea of individualism? 
List three things that you already know you can do for other members of the Body of Christ.  Share these with someone who is close to you and ask them for their thoughts.
List at least three things that you know you need from the Body of Christ in order to grow in Christ.   

Day 25
Read Ephesians 4:1-5.  Why does it seem to you that God is so concerned about the Body of Christ having unity and peace?
Read Romans 14:13- 15:3.  Can you think of a practical application of this passage?
Is there anything in your life that is so important to you that you would not give it up even if
it was keeping people from coming to Jesus Christ or growing in him?  If there is, look back to v. 21 and get help in dealing with this area of your life.  What most competes against Christ in your life and why?

Day 26
God is great concerned about the unity of the church.  He is also greatly concerned about the purity of the Body of Christ.  We are called to a holy life and pure life, and sin in the Body that is being hidden or ignored will destroy the power of the church. 
Read Ephesians 4:17- 5:14.  List those things which are described here as improper for God's holy people. 
How would living as “children of light” be totally different from those things you have just listed?  What is the basic difference?
What should you do if you see brothers and sisters in sin?  Read Galatians 6:1-2 and write out the principles you learned about who should help others with their sin and how it should be done.

Day 27
One of our greatest responsibility is to encourage each other in the Body of Christ.  Read an important scripture about this in Hebrews 3:12-14.
According to this scripture why is encouragement so needed?  Judging from this passage, what kind of encouragement do you think would prove most helpful?
Read Hebrews 10:24- 25.  What do we need to do to make our times together even more encouraging?  Why is it discouraging for someone to miss meetings without communicating why they are not there or without getting advice? 
Write down the names of three people you want to encourage and how you plan to do this.
Explain why different people are encouraged by different means.

Day 28
The Body of Christ will not be a “perfect place”immune from relationships problems.  Why will problems arise even in relationships in the church?
Read these two passages telling us how to resolve problems that arise in the church:
a.  Matthew 5:23-24.  What is the principle learned here for us?
b.  Matthew 18:15-20.  How is this different from how people often handle a problem of sin?  Why will step one work most of the time?
Why is step two sometimes gonna be needed?
Why would the church have to sever fellowship with the person who will not repent of his or her sin?
How would you evaluate the way that you have handled your relationships in the Body?
Read 2 Corinthians 1:12.  What are you appreciating about relationships that are based on God's grace and not worldly wisdom?
Ask someone close to you for some feedback on your relationships.
Praise God for relationships based on Jesus and the grace of God.

Day 29
Read Proverbs 4:23.  What would it mean to guard your heart?
Read Jeremiah 17:9-10.  Why does God say this about our hearts?
Read 1 Samuel 16:1-7.  How might our “outward appearance” be different from what is really going on in the “heart”?  But what is it that God is concerned about?
How have you been tempted in your life to put on the outward appearance without having the heart?
Read Psalm 139.  Spend some special time praying about your own heart.

Day 30
Read Psalms 32 and 51.  From these Psalms we can learn valuable lessons about how to come to purity of heart and how to keep the heart pure. 
a.  We must be willing to face our sin honestly and admit to ourselves what it is. (51:3)
b.  We must be broken over that sin (51:17)
c.  We must be willing to confess that sin (32:3-5)
d.  we must be willing to accept forgiveness, once broken (32:11, 51:12-16)
No one can have and keep a pure heart without dealing with sin in a biblical way.