
Documents about different biblical subjects

4-3-2 Church

February 25th, 2011

Purpose: To help you understand the role of the church and we (as disciples) have in the church

The Head and Body
Colossians 1:15-20

  • Question: Who has all authority? Jesus is the head (focus) of everything we want to do
  • Question: What is another name for the body of Christ? The head controls the body. Who is the head of the church? Jesus
  • Use illustration to help for understanding
The Family
Ephesians 2:14-21
  • Question: How would you define a foreigner or an alien person? Before becoming a disciple that's is what you
  • Now through Jesus we are able to have peace (relationship) with God. To become family.
  • As a disciple you become part of the family (household) not a part of the organization
  • Question: What is the foundation of God's household? v20 - The Bible
  • Share: Everyone in a household has responsibilities as we have responsibilities to the church family
Cheerful Giver
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
  • Our heart should be to give "cheerfully" out of gratitude for all that God's done for you
  • Weekly contribution is an opportunity to express our gratitude to God weekly.
  • Share: You wouldn't want someone to love you because they "have to" instead because they "want to".
  • God doesn't make you give he wants you to give "cheerfully"
  • Question: How do you feel about giving contribution weekly?
  • Share: Once a year we have a special contribution to help in special areas (explain what special is about)
Role in the Body
1 Corinthians 12:12-20
  • Each disciple is different (racially, socially, economically, culturally, etc) and God wants it that way.
  • Each disciple is different but each person is important. What gift do you see yourself adding to the body?
  • v18 - God arranges the body parts the way he wants them to be (our relationships are orchestrated by God)
  • God has the person that He wants you to (marry, roommate, etc) already in mind for you (trust him)
1 Corinthians 12:21-26
  • Each disciple is different but each disciple is valuable to God and the body
  • Just as your foot can't live without the body neither can a disciple live without the body
  • The relationships in the church are very important. You have an opportunity to be close to a lot of people
  • Question: How do you feel about the opportunity to be close friends with so many different types of people?
Proverbs 12:1 - It is important and smart for us to seek out and accept correction.

Proverbs 15:22
  • God wants us to be successful but it's up to us to seek advice and apply it to our lives
  • Question: What area in your life do you need to seek advice in?
  • Question: Why is it important to seek advice? So we don't give Satan a foothold.
Correction in the Body
Matthew 18:15-18
  • If a person sins against you (go and talk to them one on one), if it does not go well get help.
  • If they refuse to stop sinning it's better that they leave the body than for the whole body to be hurt.
  • Question: How do you feel about what Jesus is telling his disciples to do with someone who refuses to repent?
  • This won't happen to someone if they continue to seek advice and imitate Jesus.
Joy of being in the body
Matthew 13:44-46
  • Question: When these people found the kingdom of God what was their response?
  • They were willing to give up any and everything to possess the kingdom of God
  • God wants you to experience this same joy, are you willing to give up anything for the kingdom?
Do you have any question? I would like to get together for one for study.