
Documents about different biblical subjects

2-3-1 Sin Definitions

September 11th, 2014

Sexual immorality: fornication: unlawful sexual acts and relationships; prostitution, rape, homosexuality, petting, child abuse, sex with animals, any sexual union or act outside of marriage.

Impurity: anything vulgar, wrong thoughts, lust, masturbation, wrong motives, whatever causes disgust and loathing.

Debauchery: the idea of coming to a stage of sinning that shame is no longer felt, a person no longer wants to hide his sin, he does not care what God or man thinks of his actions. It usually refers to sexual excesses, but in general refers to a readiness to indulge in any pleasure. There is no respect for anyone else, sympathy, etc. At the mercy of his passions, impulses, emotions; one is completely undisciplined; gluttony, laziness, controlled by tobacco, unlimited pleasure.

Idolatry: anything that is put before God. It is to what one gives time, substance, talents, in essence to self! It is whatever keeps one from obeying and following God in every way status symbols, safe investment, big bank balance, engrossing sport, hobby, selfish ambition, a person, property, possessions, own pleasure and wants, family, job, boyfriend/girlfriend, school work, myself, pride, worshiping statues, praying to anyone other than God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

Witchcraft: this includes astrology, horoscopes, Satan worship, the occult, magic spells, good luck charms or pictures, praying to "saints".

Hatred: looking down on anyone, bitter frrlings, resentment, wanting revenge, being prejudice.

Discord: stirring up trouble, inability to get along with people, arguing, whatever breaks up a relationship, slander, gossip.

Jealousy: not being glad when some else does well.

Fits of rage: losing temper, temper tantrums, quick temper, angry shouting.

Selfish ambition: wanting own way, wanting something at all costs, wanting to be first, competive spirit, never willing to follow or do menial of demanding tasks, refusing to admit to be wrong, arrogance, doing something only for honor, wanting to look good before others, refusing to compromise.

Dissensions: habitually disagreeing, arguing, causing division, starting arguments, stirring up trouble.

Factions: cliques, refusing to associate with anyone because they are different or for any other reason, wanting to be with "my own kind."

Envy: wanting what another has: wealth, status, ability, physical features, spirituality, relationships.

Drunkenness: alcohol, drug abuse, anything which causes one to be out of control.

Orgies: includes "partying", sexual parties.