
Documents about different biblical subjects


December 10th, 2011

To the leader of the study

Honesty is a critical character trait to have as a teenager. One of the tendencies in the sinful nature of a teenager is to lie. Lying manifest itself in half-truths, exaggeration and deceit. The goal of this study is to free teens from the trap of lying and to help them see that honesty is absolutely God's way. The more open you are about your life, the more open the teenager will be.


A. Why do teens lie?

Some answers:

  1. Afraid of getting in trouble
  2. Want to look good in front of others
  3. Ashamed and embarrassed about something (Share lies you have told now/teenage years)
B. Who do teens lie to?
  1. Authority figures (parents, teachers, leaders)
  2. Friends
  3. Siblings
C. What do they lie about?
  • Performance (report cards, chores, Bible reading, sports performance, homework)
  • Treatment of others
The Scriptures

Psalm 139:1-18, 23-24
Name some different things God knows about you
Why does it make sense to be honest all the time?
God knows and sees when we even just think about lying
God knows and sees when we tell half-truths, when we exaggerate, when we're deceitful and when we blatantly lie.

Bottom line: God knows everything about us. Lying to others instantly leads to lying to ourselves and ultimately, lying to God.
John 5:16
What can you learn from this Scripture?
  1. Lying is Satan's language
  2. Satan is the father of lies
Bottom line: Satan is behind every lie.

Revelation 21:8
Does God take lying seriously? Absolutely yes!
Bottom line: Liars go to hell

Personal Heart-Check Questions

When are most tempted to lie?
Are you willing to change your life and be totally honest all the time?

Practical Applications

James 5:16
When you lie:
  • Confess it to the person you lied to.
  • Confess it to your parent(s) and/or teen leader
  • Tell them that you are sorry and you want to change
  • Then, go on your way happily and joyfully because you did what was right before God.
Write out one page about what you've learned from this study, some things you have done or will do differently because of this study, and how all this will help you be a disciple someday or how it will help you be a better disciple if you already are one.