
Documents about different biblical subjects

What's Your Dad Like?

February 5th, 2012

What’s Your Dad Like?
Ask the teen to write out their view of God before you get together to study the Bible. When you sit down to study, ask them to give you their essay, and hold on to it until the end

To the leader of the study
A teenager’s view of their dad will effect how they view God. In order to be in a healthy relationship with God, the teen must understand what God is like and begin to love him deeply. Note: Even if the teen’s dad is not with the family, he still has a presence and an impact on his child’s life. Use the Introduction time to draw out how they feel about him, whether present or absent. Open your time together by sharing about your dad.


Think about your own dad. Pretend I’ve never met him or heard about him. Describe him to me.

  • What does your dad love to do? Hate to do?
  • How do you know how he feels about you?
  • When is he most proud of you?
  • What makes him mad?
The Scriptures

Luke 15:11-24
What is the son like before he leaves?
  1. selfish – took his dad’s money before he was even dead
  2. very sinful – reckless, wild, sensual
Even though the son was really mean to his father when he left, how did the father respond when the son returned?
  1. excited
  2. gave him gifts
  3. called people together to celebrate
Bottom line: God is compassionate and loving Father who desperately wants to be with us. He is not a judgmental God, waiting to zap us for every mistake. He is not an uncaring God, laughing at our pain. He wants to welcome each one of us home in our relationship with him.

John 8:1-9
What was Jesus’ reaction to this woman’s embarrassing, humiliating sin? (Keep in mind that Jesus’ character is the exact representation of God’s character.)
  1. sensitive to her embarrassment
  2. treat her sin like any other – not, “Oh, I can’t believe you did that!”
  3. totally forgiving, even though that sin was punishable by death
Bottom line: Forgiveness is part of God’s character. Understanding our need for forgiveness and God’s willingness to totally forgive us helps to draw us closer to him, to love and appreciate him more.

Hebrews 12:5-11
How does this passage say it feels to be disciplined?
  1. like hardship
  2. painful
  3. unpleasant
Why does God discipline?
  1. For our own good (to keep us from walking on evil paths)
  2. So we can learn lessons in order to make better decisions in the future
  3. So we can be secure that he loves and cares for us
What is our Dad in heaven like?
  1. He unconditionally loves.
  2. He forgives all of our sins.
  3. He disciplines us for our good
  4. He believes in us and want us to live happily ever after
Jeremiah 29:11 - This passage sums up how God takes care of us when we seek him.

Personal Heart-Check Questions

  • Do you want to be closer to God?
  • Let’s read your essay now. Is your view of God different now than when you wrote this?
  • Do you see any relationship between how you personally view your earthly father and how you view your heavenly Father?
  • Are you willing to wide your heart to God and let him be the Father to you that he wants and needs to be?

Practical Applications

Write out a one-page essay about what you’ve learned from this study and why you think this is an important study to do in order to become a disciple or grow as a disciple.

Pray everyday to see God as the Bible describes him, not as you feel or think he is.