
Documents about different biblical subjects

Making Decisions

December 18th, 2006

Brainstorming Questions 
  1. What is the one word, one sentence, one paragraph essence of my idea?
  2. Why am I doing what I’m doing?
  3. What are my five most fundamental assumptions (in sequence)?
  4. What changes would I make if I had unlimited time to accomplish the task? What if I had three years? Three days? Three hours? Three minutes?
  5. Where will this idea be 10 years from now? 25 years? 100 years? 500 years? 
Idea sorter 
  1.  Which idea best meets my needs?
  2. Which has the highest future potential?
  3. Which would be most cost effective in the long run?
  4. Which best fits my overall master plan?
  5. Which could help us win rather than just get by?
  6. Which would work best day by day?
  7. Which facts are still missing before I can properly decide?
  8. What are the predictable roadblocks?
  9. Why have those who tried similar ideas in the past failed?
  10. What are the side effects (good and bad) of the idea that I am considering?
  11. Is the timing right? 
Decision making questions 
  1.  At its essence, in one sentence, what decision am I really facing?
  2. Have I given myself 24 hours to let this decision settle in my mind?
  3. Am I thinking about this decision with a clear mind? Emotions, fatigue, the moment in the way?
  4. What would happen if didn’t do what I planning to do?
  5. Is this the best timing? If not now, when?
  6. What difference will this decision make years from now?
  7. Am I dealing with a cause or a symptom? A means or an end?
  8. What would ideal solution be in this situation?
  9. Who, what, when, where, why, how, how much?
  10. What are the key assumptions I’m making? Costs? Benefits?
  11. How will this decision affect my overall plan? Will it get me off track?
  12. Is this different direction consistent with my historic values?
  13. Is this decision helping to maximize my key strengths?
  14. Have I been seeking advise about this?
  15. How do I feel about this decision?
  16. What are one to three alternatives options?
  17. What questions are lingering in my mind that are unresolved?
  18. Have I been praying about this decision?
  19. Can this decision be broken down any further?
  20. What facts should I have before I can make this decision with total confidence?
  21. What do my three top advisors say about this decision?
  22. How does my family and friends feel about this decision?
  23. What does the Bible say about this decision?
  24. If I had to decide in the next two minutes, what would I decide? Why?
  25. Is there other’s “hidden agendas” in pushing for change for their own reasons?